03x99101 - Usagi in Tears: A Glass Slipper for My Birthday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99101 - Usagi in Tears: A Glass Slipper for My Birthday

Post by bunniefuu »

It's almost my birthday!

I wonder what Mamo-chan will
get me as a birthday gift!

I want wonderful
glass slippers...

But, but you over there!

The Daimohn that completely
ruins such an important day!

I, Sailor Moon, will punish
you in the name of the moon!


Have you found
our new target?

Yes... I'm sure
of it this time.

Oh, is that really so?

This time we have someone with
a heart of unbelievable purity.

I declare it to be a
talisman without mistake.

I see... Then I will hand
you the best Daimohn I have.

You're the only one I
can count on, Kaorinite.

Thank you very much.

Today, June ,


That's great...

Oh, you had a
birthday too, Usagi?

Let's try to act
our age from now on.

W-What coldhearted
people they are!

W-W-W-Wait a minute!

Is that all you
have to say?

That's it!

Even if it's your
birthday today...

...don't be late for
our study group at : PM!

See ya!

T-T-This can't be happening...

You guys are all so cruel!

Wow, they're beautiful!

They're so nice...

I wish someone would give me such
beautiful shoes as a birthday gift...

I know!

It's the prince who naturally brings
Cinderella her glass slipper!

I'll have my prince
buy it for me!



Hey! What are you
doing all of a sudden?

Mamo-chan, I've been looking
around for you for a long time!

Oh... Why is that?

"Why?" he asks.

Mamo-chan is pretending
he's clueless...

I guess what people
really need after all...

...are lovers and
not close friends.

Mamo-chan, I want
something as my gift.

If I'm getting something from
a prince, I want glass slippers.

They're at the glass sculpture shop
on the corner of the third block.

Please, buy them,
buy them, buy them for me!

We can go
together right now!

I see... It must be those
glass slippers after all.

Come on, Christmas is
still a while off.

Of course it is!

Mamo-chan, don't you know
what day it is today?!

Today? What's today?

You're kidding!

I'm kidding... I'm just joking.

I wouldn't forget an
important day like this.

Of course you
wouldn't, Mamo-chan!

Right... I know! It's the
day we first met, right, Usako?

It isn't, you blockhead!

W-What's up with that?

What's wrong, buns?

Tears don't look
good on you. Here...

Thank you.

I see, so that's
what happened.

Mamoru forgot
his girlfriend's birthday...

He has some nerve.

He's not my boyfriend
or anything anymore!

Oh, then does that mean
I have a chance now?

There you go again, Haruka.

I'm not kidding...

I am rather fond
of you, buns-head.

Well, um, er...

Oh, that's right!

I have to go
to Rei's place!


She really is cute.

But a girl like that might
be the owner of a talisman.


Yes, Hino residence.

Oh, Mamoru?

Usagi isn't here yet.

I see... I don't
really know why...

...but I seem to
have upset Usako.

I see.
That's what's going on...

Sheesh. You were
always like this, Mamoru!

You don't understand
how a woman feels!

W-What do you mean by that?

Today is Usagi's
birthday, you know.

I see now. So that's
why Usako was so upset.

Maybe I did do something
bad to Mamo-chan...

Sorry. Did I keep you all waiting?

Happy Birthday!

Now, now, the main guest
should sit down. Sit.

Eat up! I made these
the best I could!

Here you go, Usagi.
A gift from us.

A set of problems
often seen on exams.


What's this? We held a
surprise party for you...

...so can't you be at least
a little bit livelier?

Y-Yeah, you're right.

Today we can forget about
studying and really party!

Yeah, yeah! Let's go
all-out and party!

It's just for today, guys.

Ami, you're so...!

Now, now...
Let's have a drink first.

I really did want a
gift from Mamo-chan, too...

Let's see,
the third block...

This should do it...


Excuse me. Can I have
these glass slippers?

Sure, right away...


I'm sure that was Kaorinite.

Yeah... The target this
time might be that guy.

Congrats, Usagi!

What's wrong?
You don't look very cheerful...

Y-Yeah... I slapped
Mamo-chan across the cheek.

It was sorta spontaneous, but
I just couldn't forgive him...

You're saying Mamoru forgot that
today was your birthday, right?

But, Usagi, Mamoru didn't
forget. He never knew.

Usagi, did you ever tell
Mamoru when your birthday was?

Come to think of it,
I never told him!

B-But, but, if you
really love each other...

...you'd realize
things like that!

Then, do you know
Mamoru's birthday, Usagi?

Of course I do!
Let's see...

October is Sports Day
and December is Christmas...

I don't know! Sorry!

I'm going to go
apologize to Mamo-chan.



I'm sorry, Mamo-chan!

I have been looking
for you, Princess...

Now, let's check to see
if it's the correct size...


Thank you.

What is it?!


I will take your pure heart
that cares about that guy-SHENTA!

W-What does this all mean?!


Get out of the way-SHENTA!



No, no, no, no, no, NO!

Come on, behave-SHENTA...

In this case...


You tried to punch
me with THAT?!

You are a tremendously
dangerous person-SHENTA!

My transformation brooch...!

What is this...?!

Now you can't
fight back-SHENTA!


...was the target this time?

Don't worry-SHENTA!

All I'll do is take out
your pure heart-SHENTA!


Uranus, shouldn't we help her?

Well... She might be the
owner of the talisman.


It's written all
over your face.

What should you do if
that really is the case?

Don't be ridiculous!


Oh, this must be the light
of a talisman-SHENTA!

You're kidding...

It is different from all
the previous glimmers.

What are you
going to do?

If it is a talisman,
we'll take it, of course!


That's not what I mean!

If that really is a talisman...

...then you won't
return it to her, right?


Then that also means
that girl's death.


Who is it-SHENTA?!

A pure heart
is a ray of light...

...that brightens the
darkness of the night.

I will make sure to protect
the glimmer of the pure heart!!

Take this!

Speak to me!

Let's go!

Dammit, where are
you going-SHENTA?

Usako... You should transform
into Sailor Moon as well.

Uh, about that...

What happened to that girl?

Actually, we've had
an unexpected disturbance.

You idiot!
Look for her immediately!

Yes, I will look for
her immediately-SHENTA!

This is...

Can that girl be...?!

Uh-oh, this is bad...

We can't do anything about it.
We should retreat for now.

But, my transformation brooch...!

Now isn't the time to
be saying such things.

The person that
they're after is YOU.


I'm sorry, Usako...

It's all my fault that you're
in this dangerous situation.

T-That's not true...

Come on, Tuxedo Mask, let's hurry!


There they are-SHENTA!

You found them?!


Follow them!


Looks like
they've found us...

Tuxedo Mask, please
leave me here and run!

I'm sure that
I got in your way...

...and let them find us!

- That's not true!
- B-But...

You should give up.

I won't let you
run away anywhere.

I know! Luna!
Help me, Luna!

It's no use trying to call
your friends here, Sailor Moon.

Are you sure about this, Uranus?

Yeah. It's okay...

Our mission is to collect
the three talismans...

...and get a hold
of the Holy Grail.

For that purpose, a little
sacrifice is unavoidable.


Should we really have
eaten all of Usagi's cake?

It's all right! It is!

I'm sure she made up
with Mamoru by now.

I'm jealous.

Me, too.

I can't quite solve
this equation...

Everyone, we have a problem!

What's the trouble, Luna?

Something must have
happened to Usagi!

Everyone, it's time to act!

- All right! Let's go, everyone!
- Right!

Stand back, Usako.

Tuxedo Mask...

When they drop their guard,
run away. Got that?

Now, I challenge you!

How stupid...

Senishenta, take care of him.

You're pretty tough-SHENTA...

Usako, now!

I couldn't do such a thing...

- Hurry up!
- R-Right...

I said you won't
be able to escape.


Where are you looking-SHENTA?!

Your opponent is ME-SHENTA!

Don't you want
to get this back?


You don't need it?

If you don't need it,
I guess I'll destroy it.

Now be obedient and let
your pure heart be taken!


Stop it!





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