03x99100 - I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian: Minako's Dilemma

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x99100 - I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian: Minako's Dilemma

Post by bunniefuu »

Minako was on
the volleyball team.

And she had a
wonderful boyfriend!

You can't! The Daimohn is
after the pure heart...

...of an athlete who
sweats so healthily!

I, Sailor Moon...

...will punish you in
the name of the moon!

Matching clothing?!

There was a good outfit
at that store in Shibuya.

But isn't matching
clothing unfashionable?

It's REALLY unfashionable.

Oh, come on,
one outfit won't hurt.

Well, I guess it'll be a memory
of our days in junior high...

Once you start
looking for memorabilia...

...you won't
last much longer!

- What should we do today?
- Head straight to the library.

If we don't hurry,
the movie will start!

Don't tug me so much!

Go ahead,
show yourselves off!


I input all the data we've
gotten so far into our computer...

...but, unfortunately, we can't
figure out who the enemy is.

What in the world are
those unknown life-forms...

...that fuse with a
material from this world...

...to become those monsters
known as Daimohn...?

Minako Aino. Ninth grade.

I feel doubts towards my
own life in this twilight...

What we lack the most
right now is information.

I lack something
completely different.

"One who looks at love
is looked at by love."

Which philosopher said that?

Nobody has ever
said such a thing.

Won't a handsome man
carrying a bouquet of roses...

...suddenly approach me and say...

"Young lady, will you
spend an evening with me?"

Or something like that?

Nope... That won't happen.

When will I meet the
one destined for me...?


Oh. Asai...


Thank you.

Asai, you still
play volleyball?

I want to do my best
until the summer tournament.

I want to win
at least once.

That'll also help me focus
on my entrance exams, too.

I see...

Yeah, you should
do your best!


You know...

Well, why'd you quit volleyball
after you came back from England?

Your flying, spinning
dig was pretty amazing.

And yet, you quit
so suddenly...


Actually, I wanted to
continue playing volleyball...

Hey, Asai!
Don't be ditching practice!


Isn't our manager
a pesky one?

See ya!

Yeah, bye...

Mina-- No, nothing...

Professor, the tea is ready.

I tried baking
cookies today.

The tea is fine, Kaorinite...

...but haven't you located
the talismans we seek yet?

Not yet.

I don't want to say this,
but with these continual failures...

Perhaps your
approach is mistaken?

I apologize.

No good.
No good at all.

Because I've been
researching so much...

...I'm getting out of shape...
That's it, Kaorinite!

They say that a healthy spirit
resides in a healthy body.

That's it! An athlete!

How about a plan that
goes after a pure young heart...

...which has a passion for sports?

A wonderful idea.

I shall send a new
Daimohn now, then.

It's been a while. I should
go play some sports as well.

By the way, what is your
favorite sport, Professor?


- Hey.
- 'Morning.

You're unusually early for
someone who's always tardy.

I haven't been lately.

So, Aino, do you have a
boyfriend or something?


Well, I was just
wondering if you did.

What kind of girls
do you like, Asai?

Me? I'm pretty
clear about that.

If I'm going to go out with a girl,
it'd be best if we could do...

...the same extracurricular
activities together.

You know, I...


Well, I looked up to you a
lot when we were in th grade...

...because I was
always second-string...

...and you were already
the team's ace striker.

I was planning
to ask you out...

...when I made it to
the starting lineup.

Oh, that was a good one!

I see... Oh, I get it!

You're not going to
play volleyball anymore?

Well, we're in
th grade now.

It doesn't matter that
we're in th grade.

Yeah... But I'm
pretty busy as is.


Well, there's
a lot going on.

I see... That's a shame.

Well, I have morning
practice now.

Hey, Usagi.
Take a look at this!


Right here! Where they talk
about the identity of Sailor V!

Oh, my...


Isn't this beautiful face
under the mask amazing?!

But then, that's expected,
since this character...

...was based on ME!

What's wrong, guys?

You all look so
depressed today.

Come on, I bought these
Sailor V diet chocolates...

...and Sailor V vitamin
drinks for you guys!

Go on, eat up!


It says I won.


You can get a special Sailor V
badge with three winning tickets!

Oh, I see...
I'm pretty lucky.


It looks like your studies
aren't going along well...

There it is, our teacher
Ami's best line!

Sorry, ma'am, but Minako,
the girl of love and justice...

...is actually a bad girl
who hates to study.

She cheats on tests
once in a while.

But she's totally all right!

Should I stop being a Sailor
Soldier for a while...?

Just kidding... A joke, a joke.

Sorry, I'm not feeling up to this
today, so I'll go home now.


Artemis, take a look at this!

What is it?




You really are as
stupid as a guppy!

Everyone has a time when
they want to be alone.

Take that, and that,
and that, and that!




What's wrong? Your rhythm
was off in your race today.

Do you have a boyfriend?

I don't.
I said that before.

But you do have someone
you like, right?

What kind of person does...

...a genius female racer
like you like, Haruka?

Would it really be a man
who has special talents?

What kind of an answer
are you looking for?

Don't you ever wish...

...you were a more...

Do you ever get lonely...

...because ordinary happiness
is so far away?

Are you sacrificing some
ordinary happiness right now?


Let's see...

I'm not exactly sure what
"ordinary" happiness would be...

...but I don't think my
current self is "abnormal."

What I am now is what is
closest to my true self.

That's what I think.

Haruka Tenoh, who fell in
love with motor sports...

...can only live in this manner,
no matter what she does.

I have something more valuable
than "ordinary" happiness.

I guess.

Something more valuable...

I'm sorry.
I have to go now.

No, I'm sorry I asked
a strange question.

No... Minako, was it?

We should race together
at the Crown again.

See ya!

Something more valuable...

The sea is getting
stormy again...

You're so cold!
You're going home by yourself?

I'm going ahead now!

You have to go out
with me on Sunday.

I know... See ya!


W-What is this?!


the enemy has appeared!

Venus Star Power, MAKE UP!

Look out!

Hold it right there!

For love and beauty, the
pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Venus!

In the name of Venus...

...I will have you through
divine intervention of love!

Don't get in my way!


Such a thing won't
work on Sailor Venus!

Oh, drat!

You touched the net!


If you weren't a sailor soldier,
you could have lived a long life.

I will take
that pure heart...

...which resides inside
your healthy body!


This isn't a talisman.

This was a wasted trip.

Hikyun, k*ll Sailor
Venus and that boy.



This is...

"Attack No. " for giving
villains what they deserve!

You only have one life, so you
should go as far as you can!

For love and justice, the
pretty soldier in a sailor suit!

Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Hikyun, get rid of her.

Sailor Moon, can you
crush this ball?

Sailor Moon, be careful!
Don't break that ball!

Then... What should I do?


- And that's about it!


So cunning...


- No good...
- It's hard enough just dodging!

I can't possibly catch
something like that.

I'll take you on!
Daimohn, I challenge you!




I am a Sailor Soldier...

There's something
that only I can protect!

Let's do it!


That flying,
spinning receive...

I get it... Sailor Venus is...

Sailor Moon!




We did it!

That was amazing, Venus!

Nice receive!

We didn't have
much to do today.



No... We should go to
a concert on Sunday.

But we can't
change plans now!



You know...

If... If you were able to
meet Sailor Venus somewhere...

...could you tell her
thanks for saving me?

What's that?

Well, if I see her,
I'll make sure to tell her.

Let's go.

Yeah... See ya.

Young lady!

Will you spend an evening
together with me?

Well, I'll consider that offer.

Oh, man...
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