03x92 - A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh's Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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03x92 - A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh's Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

Suddenly a beautiful boy named Haruka
Tenoh appears before our eyes!

He brings a beautiful girl with him. Is
this what you call a picturesque couple?

And the mysterious soldiers
finally show themselves!

If you are bad girls, I, Sailor Moon,
will punish you in the name of the moon!

Oh, man... We're studying for entrance
exams again at Rei's place today...

I can't, I can't!

I have to bear it until the
entrance exams are over!

Everyone else is doing their best, too!


That's right!

And Artemis didn't get the hint,
and ate another caramel!

And of course, the caramel
got stuck onto his tooth...

And because he's a cat, he couldn't pry
off the caramel stuck onto his tooth...

...and he was squirming
around so much...

Oh? Usagi...

I was thinking everyone else was doing
their best, so I was keeping myself away...

And yet you're here...

No, I lured Minako in here.

I asked her if she wanted to
come in every once in a while...

...because she can get tired
from studying too much.

Motoki! Don't you think you're
being a little easy on her?

Uh, er, no...


We're only young once!

What happens if we
fail our entrance exams?

Won't you think, "Oh, I wish I had been
playing and having fun back then"?

And they do say, "haste makes dancing."

I think you should
be studying after all.

If that's the case... Over here!

I think you should
be studying after all...


I'm a lap behind!


Stay! Stay!

I'm getting carsick...

Come on now! Try again, Usagi!

I think we should be going to
Rei's place soon, or otherwise...

There's no time for that!

If we stop now, who is going to conquer
the Formula world in the future?

I don't really want to conquer...

Then, miss.

Can I drive along side of you...?

- You're...
- ...kidding.

Oh, go right ahead!

Can you hold my bag?

Please, let her hold
as many as you want!

I'm so lucky!

It's not every day that such a hot
guy comes up and talks to you!

So, how do ya like
my wonder fulsteering?

Um... the race began already...

I know...

You see... I have to
give her a handicap...

A handicap!?

How dare he say that tome, Minako Aino,
who will conquer the Formula world?!

I think it's about time now...

Exactly how fast is he going!?

I see... amazing.

Not even close...

I'm a lap back?!

Complete defeat.

That's not true. You did pretty well.

I guess cute girls have
good gaming sense as well...


Well... a lot of people say that to me...

Sorry to keep you waiting, Haruka.

You're kidding...

Well, see you later.


You with the buns...

We should race together next time.


You sure got to know them well...

What... are you jealous?


They still seem so childish,
they're really cute...

They're both so beautiful...

So that man's name is Haruka...

Come to think, I've been seeing
the two of them around here a lot...

Oh, were you here, Motoki?

Well, I DO work here...

I feel it...

The sea is about to be stormy again...

We really have to be
careful in this town.

Seems so...

Minako, I think those two are lovers...

I've made up my mind.

He's the one! He's the ideal
man I've been looking for!

W-Wait a minute, Minako!

He already has a girlfriend, see!?

But you didn't ask
those two that, did you!?

I, Minako, will have my
heart burn with this romance!

Miss, please return to your seat...

They really are lovers after all...

Usagi, you don't have to come with me
anymore. I'll do the rest myself.

No way! I'm curious about
that handsome guy, too!

But you have Mamoru, Usagi!

See! They separated already!

They weren't lovers at all!

Mr. Kameda.


Hey. You're here again?

I'm sorry.

Can you wait a while?
I'm almost done with this...



Yes, I am here.

Did you find it?

A human with the chosen pure heart.

Yes... I have a good idea already.

I see...

Good, good...

Good girl.

Go, egg of Daimohn...

Take a pure heart, and bring it to me!

Now, you go ahead, and
hurry over to Rei's place!

No! I don't want to!

I'm curious about that
handsome guy as well!

Little kittens...

How long are you going to hide there?

So you knew about us?

Haruka Tenoh.

Tenth grade.

You wanted to know, right?

About me...


That's right!


The other things that you
have been wanting to know...


The person who you were with until a few
minutes ago... how is she related to you?

...to you?

What kind of relationship do you have?


She's not your lover... right?


Lovers? Michiru and me?

Michiru... so you guys are close
enough to not use honorifics?

...not use them?

Let's see... You could say
we're closer than that...

But... don't give up.

You two still have a chance...


Don't be fooled...


This person always says things like
that when cute girls are spotted.

Isn't that a little much to say?

Oh, is it all right to say that to me?

I'll just take what I
brought for you and go home.

Come on...


Are you Haruka's lover?

Please answer yes or no!


All right!

This romance is mine!

It's mine!

You have Mamoru, Usagi!

Today's Minako is
snappier than usual...

She's acting just like Rei.

Oh, no.. I wonder if it's pollen...

You have to be careful
during this season.

In any case, Usagi and
Minako sure are late...

What are both of them doing?

I'm worried that it's BOTH of them...

I wonder if something happened...

In any case, knowing the two of them...

Don't you think they probably
found a cute boy, and followed him?

Impossible... even they...

Mr. Kameda over there is
trying to become a mechanic...

...who can tune up cars to
international racing standards...

That's why I like coming here...

I think I can see a racing circuit beyond
here, swaying in the haze from a mirage.

The wind that blows across
a circuit carries a wonderful scent...

Um... Haruka, you're...

Haruka's dream is to become
the top race car driver...

No... That's not true.

It's not a dream...

It WAS a dream...

It WAS a dream?

Then what is your dream now?

To do something that only I can do.

And to do that,
I will make any sacrifice...

No matter what I lose...

I won't regret it...

He really is awesome...

Yeah... He loses to
Mamo-chan, but still...

All right!

I think that about does it.

What is it?

Mr. Kameda!


I know...


W-What is this?

I'll take that pure heart
which rides on your dreams!



Stop that!

Stop it!

I'll now have this crystal checked by
lady Kaorinite to see if it's a talisman.

Oh, no!!

We have to hurry and get
his heart's crystal back...


He's gone...

Minako... it's not the time
to be saying such things...

I know...





Let's go, Michiru!


They're flying!?

Look out!



This is too dangerous...

I'm glad I was wearing a helmet...

We finally caught up to you!

The pure heart of a man
chasing his dream!

We won't let villains take it away!

For love and justice...

...the pretty soldier in a sailor suit!
Sailor Moon!

In the name of the moon,
I'll punish you!

Wait a minute!
You made me pedal the bike!

Don't look so cool all by yourself!.

Today's Venus is snappier than usual...

I will not allow any more traffic
obstructions to block my driving!

Hold it!

Who is it?

Guided by a new era, Sailor Uranus...

...acts with elegance!

Also guided by a new era,
Sailor Neptune...

...acts with grace!

We have a reason to seek the talismans.

We won't let you
have the heart's crystal!

The mysterious soldiers...

...were sailor soldiers?

Are you trying to obstruct
my course as well!?





Now's your chance, Sailor Moon!

I got it!





No... this isn't a talisman either.

Looks that way...

Sailor Moon.

Return that to its rightful owner.

And so, that was the
last we saw of Haruka...

So in other words both
of you really were...

...ditching the study group
to chase a cute guy!?

Everyone, we have to research the new
sailor soldiers before all of this.

That's fine, Luna and Artemis
are doing the research right now.

I see...

That's why I didn't
see either of them...



Aren't you with Haruka today?

I am.

Where? Where is this cute guy? Where?

Where? Where is the guy that looks
like the upperclassman we know?

Where is he?

A girl...


I don't recall ever
saying that I was a guy...

That can't be...

We don't have time for all of this...

I thought Mamo-chan was better
from the beginning! Yeah, I did!
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