02x79 - Artemis' Adventure: The Monster Animal Kingdom

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x79 - Artemis' Adventure: The Monster Animal Kingdom

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Honestly! I can't forgive people who
just abandon dogs and cats!

But as they say, "One mars trash
is another mars treasure."

What?! All of these cats and dogs are
being controlled by the Black Moon?

What's going on?!

Fine, then!

In the name of the humane society,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

You thieving cat!

You thieving cat!

Hey, damn you!

Stop! Damn!


Chateau La Tour
Top Picks
Curry and Rice
Shrimp Doria
Pizza Toast

Chateau La Tour
Top Picks
Curry and Rice
Shrimp Doria
Pizza Toast
Where did he go?!

Where did he go?!


Chateau La Tour

Chateau La Tour
Where did he go, damn it?!

Chateau La Tour

I thought I was going to die!

Oh, Artemis, you're so stupid!

That was uncalled for! I'm trying to
find our enemy's hideout!

And yet, you only go to restaurants.

Somewhere in your heart, werert you
tempted to steal some food?

Get your act together, or pretty soon

you'll get "Stupid Cat"
as your nickname.

That's enough!

Oh, Usagi! She doesn't even
put away her own laundry!

Open the door!

Artemis' Adventure!
The Evil Animal Kingdom

Artemis' Adventure!
The Evil Animal Kingdom
Artemis' Adventure!
The Evil Animal Kingdom

Artemis' Adventure!
The Evil Animal Kingdom

Sorry, Artemis.

Does this bump hurt?

It looks like the moon!

Artemis, you're so dumb!

Sorry about that. Don't get so mad.

Don't worry about him.

He's just irritated because he hasn't
played a very active role lately.

Luna, I'm not talking to you anymore!

Don't you think you were a little
too harsh on him?

You think so?

Anyway, I will take on the
role of mediator,

so relax and let me take care of it!

That's what worries me.

What's wrong, Artemis?

I've got pride as a man, too!

Oh, I get it. You had a fight with
Luna, didn't you?

Well, as they've always said "Nothing
ventured, nothing chained".

It's not "nothing chained",
it's "nothing gained".

Well, I suppose you could
say that, too.

Anyway, unless you have the resolve
to sacrifice yourself sometimes,

you won't accomplish anything.


Okay! I'll go do something great!

Then, even Luna will...


What's wrong, Artemis?

I wonder if Artemis will be
at Minako's place?

You're so dumb!

You said I was dumb again!

Calm down, calm down.

As your mediator, let me
handle this situation!

Can you take your foot off of me?

Oh, excuse me.


He's gone.

Luna, it's your fault!

What are you saying?!
It's your fault, Usagi!
Luna, it's your fault!

What are you saying?!
It's your fault, Usagi!

I wonder where he's taking them?

This is my chance to do
something great!

Come on, come over here.

Okay, good dog, good dog.

He's going to kidnap that dog, too.

Okay, get right in.

Great Animal Kingdom

It seems the next Negative Point
is over there.

Being beautiful is also a sin.

I am not a utility pole!

Hey, stop!


Ami, wasrt that Artemis?

English Vocabulary
Ami, wasrt that Artemis?

English Vocabulary
I don't know.

English Vocabulary
I was just trying to memorize my
hundredth English vocabulary word.

English Vocabulary
Do you think a hundred words
a day is too few?

English Vocabulary
I think that's probably
just about right...

What is this place?

Well, please take care of their
medical examinations.

All right.

You guys, you're lucky to be picked up
by such a nice man.

So, this is the Negative Point.

Dark Henge!

Come forth, Droid Dogba!


Oh my.


Lady Esmeraude, your voice is
a little too loud, dogba.

What?! Artemis went to the
Great Animal Kingdom?

I wonder why he went there?

What kind of place is the
Great Animal Kingdom?

I hear it's a place that takes in
unfortunate animals

and looks after them.

People who want pets can also
adopt those animals.

This is clearly a case of running
away from home!

Run away?!

That's right!

Artemis is always getting
picked on by Luna;

so he got sick and tired of it

and ran away to the
Great Animal Kingdom!

That's ridiculous.

The only one who can get
Artemis to come back...

Frankly, it's you, Luna!

No way, I don't want to do that!

Besides, you're blowing this
way out of proportion!

I wonder if you can afford to say
something like that?

If you regret it later, it'll be too late.

Luna, the things you say
can be pretty harsh,

so Artemis' feelings are likely
to be hurt considerably.

Great Animal Kingdom

Great Animal Kingdom
At the Great Animal Kingdom,
there are alligators,

At the Great Animal Kingdom,
there are alligators,

big snakes

and even tigers.

By now, Artemis just might be...

"I'll haunt you forever".

Okay, I'll go. I'll go. Happy now?

Oh, you guys are going to
the zoo, aren't you?

I wanna go, too!

Look, Chibi-Usa, we're not going
there to have fun.

No fair! No fair! I'll tell Mamo that
you've been mean to me!

Chibi-Usa, let's go together!

I think we should let Luna handle this.

Good idea.

Luna, bring Artemis back before
he becomes like this, okay?

I'm glad. They're safe.

I guess I'll go home now.



That's impossible!


Dad, aren't they great?

Dad, aren't they great?

Now, I will show you a performance
put on by these animals, dogba!

I want that kitten on the top!

I knew it, they're not normal!

Over here!

Why are you here?

What are you doing? Hurry up!

You saved me...
Why did you come here?

I came here to take you...

Take me?

It's nothing. I just happened
to be here.

What are you doing here, Artemis?

Oh, nothing.

Did you do something stupid again?

Anyway, you should hurry up
and go home.

It's possible that the enemy
is involved in this.

I'll take this chance to do
something great and...

Don't follow me!

Why are you talking to me like that?!

I came here because I was
worried about you.


I'm going home.

So, Luna came here for me.

sh**t! What am I doing?

Luna, I'll see you again
if I'm still alive!




Call the police! Hurry!

Call the police! Hurry!


Please do something!

Please do something!


What the?!


The Dark Henge is
growing magnificently.

Great Animal Kingdom

I'm a little worried leaving it
all up to Luna.

I know, she can be so troublesome.

What's going on?!

Something must have happened inside!

Minako, let's transform.


Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

Venus Star Power Makeup!

Damn it!

I won't let her get away with this
right before my eyes!

But I sure am lucky to run into
the enemy by chance.

I'll beat her, no matter what it takes!

No! You guys, snap out of it...





Please stop this!

You can't win against this kind of
enemy all by yourself!

No! I'm going to do something great
to show you that I'm not stupid!

Please stop it already!




Don't, Artemis!


Venus Love-Me Chain!

How dare you turn the innocent
hearts of animals to evil?!

Even if God and Buddha
may forgive you...

We will not!

I'm a sailor warrior of love and justice,

Sailor Moon!

Likewise, Sailor Venus!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!



What should we do?!

Okay, then I will...


But at this rate...

Sparkling Wide Pressure!

Burning Mandala!

Shine Aqua Illusion!

Please stay quiet for a while.

You did it! You did it! You did it!

You did it! You did it!
You did it! Yeah!

You're the best, Sailor Mercury!
You saved us!

Hey, Sailor Moon! You still have
something left to do!

Don't worry. It'll be a piece of cake!


What's this?!


We let our guard down.

Unless we do something,
she'll get all five of us.



Meow! Meow!


Hang in there, everyone!

Moon Princess Elimination!



If you think you've won,
you're so wrong!

Not again! No more! I hate this!

They're adorable!

I can't believe these kittens
att*cked us just a while ago.

You look like a teacher at
my cram school.

He also looks like my grandpa.

He's also like the grandpa of my
senior at school who broke my heart.

Oh, Artemis, you're so dumb.

But this time, you did pretty well.

Once I catch them in my dragnet,

the enemy's tactics are
like child's play.

I get the feeling you might have
caught her by accident.

Why did you leave me behind?!


You're so dumb!

No fair...

I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart,
with a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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