02x53 - Mamoru and Usagi's Babysitting Mayhem

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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02x53 - Mamoru and Usagi's Babysitting Mayhem

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Hey! Look! Look!

Whose baby could this be? Usagi's?

Trying to steal energy from
these adorable babies,

they went too far this time!
It's unforgivable!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Mamoru and Usagi's
Babysitting Mayhem

Mamoru and Usagi's
Babysitting Mayhem
Mamoru and Usagi's
Babysitting Mayhem

Mamoru and Usagi's
Babysitting Mayhem

Babies are full of strong, fresh energy.

Babies will be our next target.


please choose the Cardian
best suited for this operation.


Juban Municipal Nursery School

Come forth, Cardian Amaderasu!

Juban Municipal Nursery School

Manami, were you good today?

Of course, you were.

Okay, time to say, "Bye-bye,"
to your teacher.

It's still too soon for you
to say greetings, right?


Wow! So adorable!

What's the baby's name?
Wow! So adorable!

What's the baby's name?

It's Manami.

What's this?!

A Cardian?!
What's this?!

A Cardian?!


That's terrible!

Oh, what should we do?!

Call an ambulance! Hurry!

Oh, yes!

Please hold on!

It seems our strategy was a success.

Let's steal more fresh life energy
from these newborns.

Yes. But we don't know when the
sailor warriors might show up again.

We will need to be very careful
in our operations.

Azabu General Hospital

What did the doctor say?

He said the babies can leave
the hospital within a week.

What about Manami?

The doctor said she is fine.

Because her mother protected her.

According to the doctor, the mother
can leave the hospital in three days.

However there is a problem.


Manami's father is on a business trip
in another country right now.

They don't have any relatives,
so there is no one who can
take care of the baby.

I see.

While her mother is in the hospital,

there's no one who can
take care of Manami, so...

I will take care of the baby.


I said, I will take care of the baby.

Are you sure? Taking care of
a baby isn't easy.

You should consider carefully
before volunteering.

Look, here's your pacifier!

A baby can't speak, but she has
all kinds of emotions.

When she cries, it's not easy
to figure out why.

Here, here.

She's right. I don't like it when
my mom's not with me.

Oh, this is going to be a lot of work.

Okay, I'm going to help Mamoru.

Ami, can you help him, too?

I think I will pass.

I don't want to get in your way.

Look, look!

Look, Manami!

This guy is pretty funny.

Oh, she stopped crying!

This girl is even more funny!

Dumpling head, you can go home now.

I'm the one who volunteered for this.

I don't want to make trouble for you.

Here, up we go!

What's with him?! I was thinking of
bringing the baby home!

Up we go! Up we go!
What's with him?! I was thinking of
bringing the baby home!

Up we go! Up we go!

But I knew it; Mamoru
is such a nice guy!

Does she like him or something?

Mamoru, you keep your
room pretty clean.

Oh! What's wrong?

Maybe she's hungry.

Oh, let me do it.

I did it!



Why don't you want to drink?

Maybe the milk is too hot.

No, no. I'm not hungry;

my diaper is wet!

This milk tastes good.

I thought so!

Huh? What's wrong? Is she sick?

I hope she didn't get the measles?!
Chicken pox?!

Or is it whooping cough?!

No, her diaper is wet!

Oh, my...

If I remember correctly, there are some
disposable diapers in a bag.

You can't do that; this isn't
a job for a guy!

What's the matter, dumpling head?

This baby is supposed to be a girl,
but she has a wee-wee!

Let me see.

I'm not a girl.

You dummy. The baby's name is
Manami, but it's a boy.

Right, Manami?

Of course! Oh, that scared me.

All right, if you keep showing your
butt, you will catch a cold.

What's wrong now?
We just changed his diaper.

Is it wet again?

You just changed my diaper; there's
no way I'd pee again so soon!

I'm just hungry!

Oh? It's not wet. What's wrong now?

I bet he's hungry this time.

Thank you, mister!

It's amazing how you can
read a baby's mind.

Have you ever had a
baby of your own?

Are you kidding me?!

Of course, you haven't.

Why am I always asking
stupid questions?

Hey, you're downing it pretty quick.

Drink lots of milk and grow
into a big boy, now.

Here, this is milk. M-i-l-k!
Okay, you try saying it.

I can't believe you! He's still a baby.

It won't do you any good to
try and teach him.


Manami, try walking a little.

Oh, my. One more time. Walk...

He still only knows how to crawl.
Standing up is hard enough.

There's no way he's going to walk.

Well, sorry! Sorry I don't
know these things!

What's wrong with him?!

Why does he always have to
comment on everything I do?!

I never imagined he was such
an arrogant person!

I wonder if Mamoru and I are
fundamentally incompatible?

I don't want that.

Oh? Is Usagi awake already?

She always sleeps in on Sundays.

I wonder where she went?

Do you think we got enough
milk and diapers?

It's only two more days, right?
You bought too much.

What's this?

Mamoru and Usagi with a baby?

Could they have gotten married?!

I can't believe it! Usagi!

When did you have Mamoru's baby?

No, no, no, no, no! There's no way
I would do something like that!

Usagi, what did you do with Mamoru?

No, no! Ami, you're crazy!

Why are you blushing so much?

There's no way Minako
would really think

something happened between
you and Mamoru.

I was just joking!

Usagi, we're going to Rei's place.

We are trying to find out what
the new Cardian is.

So, please come.

Of course!

Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai,
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!

That's her!

That's the Cardian who att*cked
those babies!

I see a card just like the
tarot card, "Sun".

The tarot card, "Sun", is associated
with happiness and love in marriages.

That sounds nice.

But when turned upside down,
it means trouble in marriages

or the ending of an engagement
if you're engaged to someone.

How terrible!

I wonder which one applies
to Mamoru and you?

Oh, come on! Our relationship
hasn't gone that far yet!

So, you guys will be
just friends forever?

No way! I don't want to stay
being just friends!

I'm going back to see the baby.

Everyone, I've recognized
the Cardiars evil aura!

When I feel it again, we'll locate
and destroy it!



Who is it?

Mamoru? I heard everything
from the hospital.

They told me you volunteered to
take care of a baby.

It must be a handful for you.

I came here to help you.

There, there.
You're making such a mess.

You mustrt be so naughty.

Don't cry. Mamoru is making
milk for you.

Be a good boy and wait.

No! I don't like this girl!

Stop crying.

His diaper might be wet.

That's right, I'll change his diaper then!

Oh? It's not wet...

No! No! She's creepy!

I can't believe this! How disgusting!


Mamoru, if you have anything you
want me to do, please let me know!

I can be here for as long as needed
to help you to take care of the baby.

No! I don't like her!

That's it! I'm leaving!

Manami, are you in a
good mood today?

Miss Natsumi?

Miss Natsumi?


So, it doesn't matter who
takes care of the baby.

Wait, dumpling head!

Let me go!

She just came here by herself!

It's okay. I'm leaving!

Why are you in such a bad mood?!

I don't like a guy who doesn't
understand a girl's feelings!




All right! He did it!

He did it! It's great that he did it!

He did it!
He did it! It's great that he did it!

What's going on?

Did I catch you at a bad time?

Oh, it's not what you think!
Manami... Manami...

He walked for the first time!

Wow! Really?!

Here, be a good boy and
walk one more time.

You can do it!

Usagi, we're in trouble. The Cardian...

Rei recognized the Cardiars evil aura.

Sorry, Mamoru!

I have to go now! I'll be back later.

Oh, see you later.

Good Friends Nursery School


Hold it right there!

Ama, ama?
Hold it right there!

Ama, ama?

Stealing life energy from darling
little babies is unforgivable!

You don't belong in this world!

Crescent Beam!


We can't attack her like this!

We can't attack her like this!

We can't attack her like this!


Moon Crystal Power Makeup!

Mercury Power Makeup!


What is this?!

I'm losing my strength.

Ama, ama!

Sundays are supposed to be
quiet days for us

to spend quality time with our families.

I shall not allow a monster
to run amok!

Sir Moonlight Knight!

Babies are adorable.

Nothing is better than babies smiles
when we kiss their tender cheeks.

That's right! Trying to use babies
as a shield is unforgivable!

I'm mad now!

Bubble Spray Freezing!

Wow! When did you get that
new power, Sailor Mercury?

It's because she stole energy
from the precious babies.

It must have increased my anger!

Sailor Moon, if you don't hurry,
it will melt in the surs heat!

Oh, then here I go!

I'm really, really mad!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Moon Princess Elimination!


When you take care of a baby
for the first time,

you learn to appreciate
a mother's love.


Sir Moonlight Knight!

What?! Manami's mom is
leaving the hospital?


Fortunately, I'm able to leave
the hospital a day early.

Thank you for everything.

No, not at all.

I wish we could have done more.
No, not at all.

I wish we could have done more.

Hey, Manami, it's sad, but it's
time to say good-bye.

But it's still best for him to be
raised by his real mother.

Right, Manami?

Yeah, I know.






He did it! He did it! All right!


I'll never give up, no matter
how tight a spot I'm in

That's right, that's the
sweet maiders policy

For the person I'll really meet
and cherish someday

I'll raise my chin and leap into the fray

Deep in my heart, with
a poignant ache

Love will awaken

There's nothing I'm afraid of

It's better to be passionate

I have big dreams

That's why I'll try to be brave

I'll become what I want to become

It's better to be someone
who does her best

Every so often, there are tears, too

But even so, I'll try to be brave
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