02x12 - The Body

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Matlock". Aired: March 3, 1986 – May 7, 1995.*
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Ben Matlock is a widow and a very expensive criminal defense attorney, identifying the perpetrators and then confronting them in dramatic courtroom scenes.
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02x12 - The Body

Post by bunniefuu »

( upbeat jazz theme playing)

( mellow jazz theme playing)

Keep breathing.

Be sure not to hold your breath.

That's it.

And exhale, into stretch.

(easy listening music
playing on stereo)

Now, slowly drop your left arm,

and bring your right
arm over your head.

Feel the stretch in your waist.

That's it.

Other side.


And the hips.

And pulse, pulse.

Just relax.

Let the tension go.

And four, release.

And tighten.



Keep those hips facing forward.

I don't want you to
hurt that back of yours.

And reach. Reach.


Good. Don't arch
your back. And...

Good. Few more days, and
you'll be rid of this tummy.

You're gonna feel like a
whole new woman. Now...

Damn you!

( tense theme playing)

(instructor screaming)


Hey, girls, girls.

Whoa, whoa. (screaming)

What the hell's
your problem, lady?

What did she say
to you, Mrs. Casey?

It's not what she said.

Mrs. Casey,

what's this about you
smacking one of my instructors?

My last name is not Casey.

You registered in that name.

I remember because I was
the one that checked you in.

My name is Donna Stewart.

I'm Fred Stewart's wife.

Uh, why is that name familiar?

He's one of our major investors.

Mrs. Stewart, what did Christie
Huntley do to provoke you?

She didn't have to do anything.

I only came up here to
see what she looked like.

When my husband was here,

Christie Huntley
had an affair with him.

Is that how you
attract investors,

Mr. Berlin?

Mrs. Stewart, I assure you,

if what you're saying
is true, I will take steps

to do something about
Miss Huntley immediately.

Oh, not on my account.

I'm going to have what passes
for dinner here at this place,

go to bed.

First thing in the
morning, I'm gone.

( mysterious theme playing)

(woman speaking
indistinctly on TV)


Oh, my God.

(gasping, panting)

What are you doing?

Charlie, have you seen Ben?

No, no, not since yesterday.

Boy, it's not like
him to be late.

(chuckles): Yeah,
especially for lunch.


Oh, speak of the devil.

Oh. Are you all right? (panting)

The elevator's not working.

We're only two flights up.

You know, you shouldn't
be this out of breath

after climbing only
two flights of stairs.


I think you should
change your eating habits.

You know, maybe start
an exercise program.

I just did, walked up
two flights of stairs.

Worked up a hell of an appetite
too. Want lunch? I'm buying.

No, thanks. Heh-heh.

I got a call this morning from a
woman who wants to retain us.

She's accused of
k*lling a fitness instructor.

Probably self-defense.



My husband was one
of the original investors

in the Pinewood Spa.

He met Christie Huntley
the day he went out there

to check it out as a
possible investment.

When did you find out
he was involved with her?


A friend of mine was
staying there at the time.

She saw them together.

What did you do
when you found out?

I told him to pack up and leave.

I didn't want to give
him the satisfaction

of seeing how much he'd hurt me.

You want him back?


Pinewood's about three
hours from here, isn't it?


If we leave by 4,

Ben and I could
be there for supper.

Does this mean
you'll take the case?

Mrs. Stewart, we've
handled a lot of m*rder cases,

and it's been our experience
that wronged wives

k*ll their husbands
first and foremost.


They have a very
strong case against me.

( tender theme playing)

I know.

Ah. Hi, Ben. You...

Want a doughnut? No, thanks.

You know... Listen to this.

"Made with sugar, water,

"corn syrup,
enriched flour, iron,

"ferrous sulfate,
thiamine monotrate,


"partially hydrogenated animal
and/or vegetable shortening.

"Contains one or
more of the following:

"soybean oil, cottonseed oil,

"palm oil, beef fat, lard,
coconut, sulfite... treated,

"milk, cocoa,
gelatin, leavening."

So, what do you think?

I think I'm taking
you somewhere.

Where? A health spa.

( upbeat theme playing)

Hi. Welcome to Pinewood.

Thank you. I'm Ben Matlock.

This is Michelle Thomas.

I called earlier and
spoke with Jack Berlin.

Oh, you're the attorneys
for Donna Stewart.

That's right. You're
Linda Michaels.

Yes. I'm the assistant manager.

Where might I find Jack Berlin?

Well, I believe
he's at the pool,

which is straight down
the hall. Thank you.

Is one of these computers
for your phone system?

Yes. How did you know that?

I hear you got the latest
high-tech equipment.

It's state-of-the-art.

How does it work?

Well, it's very simple. Um,
you know how phone messages

are normally delivered
in most hotels?

Sure. You see the red
light flashing on your phone,

you call the front desk,
they give you your messages.

Right. Only here, we
type it into the computer,

and then you can read it on your
own TV screen on Channel 58.

And it also tells
you the precise time

in which it was left.

And do you know when
someone picks up a message?

As soon as they
turn on Channel 58.

It logs it right here.

Mrs. Stewart said that
on the night of the m*rder,

she received a message
from Christie Huntley on her TV.

Yeah, I-I know.

Um, after she told the police,

one of the officers had me
print out all her messages.

Do you have a copy of that?

Yeah. I sure do.

Let's have a look.

Yeah, right here.

Thanks. I'm afraid, though,

that message is not on there.

Isn't it possible that the
computer made a mistake

and logged that
particular message

under someone else's
room here at Pinewood?

Well, actually, the police
had the same question.

And that's why they had
me print out all the messages

sent to everyone here for the
24 hours preceding the m*rder.

But I'm sorry, Miss Thomas.
That message was never left.

Unless it was left
and then erased.

What are you suggesting?

Oh, I'm not suggesting anything.

Just another possibility.

(classical music playing on PA)

Uh, Mr...? Mr. Berlin?

Yes. Yeah, Ben Matlock.

I called. I'm sorry.

I was going to meet
you at the front desk.

I must've lost track of time.

Oh, that's okay. We
were late, anyway.

Construction down
around Hastings.

Please, sit down. Thank you.

What can I do for you?

My associate and I would
like to talk to you and, uh,

your staff members who were
here that night of the m*rder.

Uh-huh. Of course. But
can I just ask you a favor?

If you could do your
best to keep a low profile,

I'd appreciate it.

This sort of publicity doesn't
do wonders for business.

Oh. Well, we'll only be
here a couple of hours.

You're not planning on
talking to people tonight?


No. All our guests are
in bed, or should be.

Lights out at 8:30.

Oh, 8:30.

There you are. Oh, Michelle.

Uh, this is Michelle Thomas,

my associate. Jack Berlin.

Hello. Um,

we can't talk to
anybody tonight,

so I guess we'll
have to go to a motel

and come over
after breakfast. Oh.

Well, isn't there a place
about three miles away?

Shady Acres? They
went out of business.


I think we have a
couple of vacancies.

You'll be our guests.

Oh, no.

T-that'll be lovely. Thank you.

No problem. It'll
be our pleasure.

It's right through here.

T... Thanks.

We won't have to
sleep on the floor?

No, Ben, this place
charges $2500 a week.

You'll have a bed.


But he did say
we'd be their guests.


( mellow theme playing)


What are you doing?

I'm taking your clothes
for the cleaners, sir.

What are you talking about?

All guests are
supposed to wear those.

Good night, sir. I'm
sorry if I disturbed you.

Wait a minute!

Hey! Hey, wait a minute!

(door closes)

Well, good morning.
Don't you look cute.

Some jerk took my suit
to the cleaners last night.

I won't get it back until 5:00.

They take everybody's clothes.

Actually, it's better.
This way, we blend in.

I'm not sure I want to blend in.

I just want my suit, get the
information and go home.

How do we get service?

It's self-service.

Where's the buffet?

Right here.

This is the buffet?

These are herbs.

They're very good for you.

Go ahead, try it.

Go on.

Keep chewing.

Very flavorful, huh?

You're not gonna die from it.

Good morning, everyone.

The sunrise hike will
start in five minutes.

(crowd murmuring)

Well, you'd better
finish up, Ben.

I'm finished.

This hike will be great. We
can find out which guests

were here the
night of the m*rder.

You do that. I'll stay
here and talk to the staff.


( suspenseful theme playing)

Excuse me, sir. This
wing is under construction.

It's off-limits to our guests.

There's a sign right down there.

Oh. I guess I
must've missed that.

Are you new here?

Just got in last
night. Ben Matlock.

I'm Vince Campbell.
I'm the fitness instructor.

Oh. Uh, Mr. Matlock,

I don't remember weighing
and measuring you.

Well, I'm not actually a guest.

I'm here on business. I
represent Donna Stewart.

Oh. Well, I should still
weigh and measure you.

You, uh, look like

you might be carrying a
couple of extra pounds.

I do?

Have you had this
thing checked lately?

Yes. We have it calibrated
every couple of weeks.

Seems like it's
weighing a little heavy.

It's not weighing heavy.

(mutters indistinctly)

Okay, let's get
you measured now.

No, that's okay. That's okay.

That's okay. Mr. Mat...

Aren't you just a
little bit curious?


(clears throat)


it's a shame about
Christie Huntley, isn't it?


She sure was some looker.

She was very pretty.

Were you close with her?

Yes, we were close.

Were you lovers?

We were very close, Mr. Matlock,

but Christie Huntley
was the type of girl

who preferred men with money.

And I don't exactly
fit that category.

A lot of men might resent
that, uh, type of woman.

What's your point?

Oh, I don't know. It just
looks like I guess that...

she meant more to you

than you meant to her, yeah?

Why are you asking
all these questions?

Oh, I don't know.

I guess overweight people
have a lot of curiosity.

Okay, we're done here.


the police say that
Christie was drowned

between 9 and 9:30 at night.

That's what they said.

And... And that you discovered
Donna Stewart in the pool area

that same night.

That's right.

Well, if the spa closes at 8:30,

what were you
doing in there at 9:30?

Mr. Matlock, I work here.

It's part of my responsibility
to check on the facility

after everyone's gone to sleep.

Oh, by the way,
what I saw that night

was your client with her hands
wrapped around Christie's neck.

( tense theme playing)

Come on, everybody.
Try and keep up, okay?


You all right?


Are you tired?

Nauseous. Oh.

Well, that's easy to fix.



Eat these.

Heh. What are they?

It's an old backpacker"
remedy. Mustard flowers.

They'll cure your nausea.

(chuckles): I'm Michelle Thomas.

Robert Bell.

What brings you to
Pinewood, Robert Bell?

Well, believe it or not,
I'm thinking of buying

a, uh, 25 percent
interest in this place.

You're kidding.

Uh, no.

I figured the best
way of assessing

whether this place was
everything I heard that it was

would be to put myself
through the program.

(chuckles) (sighs)

What are you doing here?

You don't exactly look
like you're out of shape.

Well, actually, I'm
here on business.

I'm an attorney.

I'm representing a
woman who's accused

of murdering Christie Huntley.

A couple of our fellow
hikers said they saw you

spend some time with Christie

a few days before
she was k*lled.

She was quite a young woman.

I get the impression you
were more than just friends.

Michelle, I'm married.

I understand...

and I don't want to
complicate your life,

but I've got a client
who's gonna spend

the rest of her life in prison
for a m*rder she didn't commit,

unless I can figure
out who framed her.

So if there's anything
you can tell me.

Well, there was one thing,

but I'm afraid it
may be something

you don't want to hear.

What's that?

On the night that
Christie was k*lled,

I went to her room
to surprise her.

And... it was about 9:00.

And when I got to her room,
I heard a very loud argument.

I recognized Christie's voice,

but I couldn't make
out the other one.

Was it a male or a female voice?



When did you get the news?

I was in the dining room
with Jack Berlin in a meeting...

and Linda ran in and told us.

I almost passed out.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Mr. Matlock. That food is
only for people who work here.

Now, how do you expect to
drop some of that unwanted weight

if you're sneaking
in the fridge?

I was more concerned
with malnutrition.

Where's your self-discipline?

Now, come on.

Let's go.

( jazzy theme playing)

(easy listening music
playing on stereo

Well, Vince Campbell was right.

Christie Huntley sure did
set her cap for wealthy men:

Robert Bell, Fred Stewart.

That's two. There
could've been more.


I wonder if one of
them got jealous?

Could be.

Uh, pass me some
thyme, will you?


There you go.

Thank you.

You know, the only one
who could've left that message

for Donna was Robert Bell.

And he was with
Jack Berlin at the time.

Mm. Doesn't explain the
argument Mr. Bell overheard.

No. What's that?

Reindeer milk.

I'll try a little bit of that.



You know, there's a new
wing here under construction.

I went over there, and Vince
Campbell ushered me right out.


Yeah, like he was
hiding something.

Well, maybe he just
didn't want you getting hurt.

Well, there was no
construction work going on.

No workmen at all?

No. No. And Vince
Campbell's a fitness instructor.

What was he doing
in a construction area?


May I cut you some more thyme?

No. No.

I'm stuffed.



Nobody's been
here since yesterday.

How do you know?

Well, nothing's been touched.

No? No.



Have you been upstairs?


Wanna take a peek?


(loud creak)

( dramatic theme playing)

(easy listening music
playing over speakers)

Good morning. Oh.
You're just in time.

We're almost out of parsley.

Oh, I see you've made
quite an adjustment.

Well, a person has to live.

(both laugh)

What's our agenda today?

Well, now, Vince Campbell
was wandering around

in that new wing yesterday,

and I'd sure like to find
out if he had anything to do

with what happened
to us last night.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh. What did you think
you were doing last night?

Hi, Mr. Berlin.

There are clearly posted signs

warning guests to
stay out of that wing.

Now, you could've
been seriously hurt.

Well, that seemed
to be the idea.

What do you mean?

Well, how about...

maybe it wasn't an accident?

Well, I find that
hard to believe.

I guess you had to be there.

Uh, excuse me.

I've gotta call the office.

Well, anyway, I'm
just glad you're all right.

If there's anything more
you need, just let me know.

Okay. Mr. Berlin,
um, I've been...

I've been meaning to...
To ask you something.

Uh... where were you

between 9 and 10 the night
Christie Huntley was m*rder*d?

I was in a business meeting.

Oh, that's right. That's right.

With, uh, Robert
Bell, wasn't it?


Ahem. Did you know he
was sleeping with Christie?

No. (scoffs)

Well, I'm not surprised.

Christie liked wealthy men.

Especially if, uh, they
were investing with you.

And what are you suggesting?

That I told her to seduce
perspective investors?

Well, it would make
an investment attractive.

Mr. Matlock, my investors are
more sophisticated than that.

Oh, well... (chuckles)

Um, what kind of returns

are they getting on
their investments?

Well, nothing yet.

We're still in the red.

In the red?

Well, this place
is booked solid.

How can you be losing money?

Well, we've only been
in business about a year.

We had expensive start-up costs.

And that wing under
construction is soaking up money

faster than anyone imagined.

Uh, in time, we'll be fine.

I hope so. I hope so.

It's a nice place.

It's comfortable...

and it's... It's pleasant,

and... there's good food.

And... all the
services... It's nice.

Speaking of services,
I just left Olga.

She's got an hour free.


Our masseuse.

Have you ever had
a facial massage?


Oh, you really ought to try one.

Very relaxing.


(soft jazz music playing)

Now, then... (clears throat)

This will open your pores.

Not bad.

It'll do wonders for your skin.



Not to mention your disposition.

(both chuckle)


Nice hair.


You have nice hair.

You have lots of
nice qualities yourself.

Relax. (sighs)

Just relax. (moaning)




What are you doing?

I'm not doing anything.

Olga's opening my pores.

All right, here's the deal.


Speak softly.


What's the deal?

All right, I checked on Donna
Stewart's husband, Fred,

like you asked.

He was on an airplane
from Los Angeles to Atlanta

at the time of the m*rder.

He was also shocked and dismayed

to find out that his
little friend Christie

was playing the field.

Get me a list of the
rest of the investors...

and see which ones
were involved with Christie.

Well, go on.


Go on.


(door opens)

(door closes)

Do that part again.


May I come in?

Of course.

Whoa. (both laugh)

Yeah, well, this is a lot
easier than the paperwork.

Oh. Is Pinewood always so busy?


Booked solid weeks in advance.

But I don't think you came
here to talk about business.

Actually, I did have something
more specific in mind.


Your relationship
to Christie Huntley.

Were you friends?

(clears throat)

Not really.

We worked together.

I got the feeling Christie liked
men a lot more than women.


Did she ever move in on
anybody you were interested in?



Were you jealous of her?

(scoffs) Absolutely not.

What exactly are you suggesting?

Linda, on the night
Christie was m*rder*d,

she was overheard having a fight
in her room with another woman.

Was it you?


Miss Thomas, I did
not k*ll Christie Huntley.

And I was not in her room.

Where were you the
night of the m*rder?

I was out.

With whom?


Now, if you don't mind, I... I
would like to finish my work.

( dramatic theme playing)


(soft music playing on speakers)

Mrs. Mitchell.

Excuse me.

Well, Vince...

(sighs) working overtime?


You know, I don't have
to explain anything to you.

Mrs. Mitchell's
a friend of mine.

Or would've become
one if I hadn't interrupted.

Get out.

Better here than
in court, Vince.


Look, women come to this spa
and stay sometimes for weeks.

They get lonely.

So you set up a little business.

Nobody gets hurt.

Okay, how about
your business partner?

I saw Linda bring Mrs.
Mitchell up here tonight.

Who else knew what
Linda and you were up to?


Did Linda have a fight
with her in her room

the night she was m*rder*d?


Christie threatened to tell
Berlin what we were up to

unless we cut her in.

That's a pretty good motive
for m*rder, as motives go.

Look, Linda had a
fight with Christie,

but she didn't k*ll her.

And neither did I.

Oh, hi.


Did you invite anyone else?

This is it.

Uh, hey... Hey, Vince.

Let me ask you a question.

Are all the rooms in this
wing finished like this?


Well, why?

What do you mean, "why"?

Well, I just wondered

why anybody would close
off a... A whole wing like this,

when it can bring in
thousands of dollars a day.

( dramatic theme playing)

MATLOCK: You sure I
can't cut you something?

ROBERT (laughing):
No, thank you.

Mm. Mm.

Well... anyway...

when you were in
here with Jack Berlin...

did he get out of
your sight at any time?

Uh... yes, he did.

He went into the kitchen
to, uh, fix himself a snack.

Probably roast beef on rye.


Was he gone long?

Oh, I don't know.

Um... couple of minutes.

Um, I really don't remember.

But you were sitting here.

Right here.

Well, when he came back...

Pretend I'm Jack Berlin.

When he came back
from the kitchen...

Now, think back.

Did you notice anything
different about him?

Uh, no. I don't think so.

Did he... seem nervous?

N... Not noticeably, no.

Did he have on
anything different?


Clothes wet?

No. I think I'd,
uh, remember that.

(chuckles): Yeah.

Well... I'm interested
in anything...

that was different
about Jack Berlin.

Anything at all.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

There was something.


He was wearing glasses.

I think I even said
something to him about it.


( majestic theme playing)

I do.

Mr. Berlin...

that's a very fine
spa you run out there.

Why, thank you.

I lost a little weight myself.

(laughing): Well,

A little bit. Little bit.

I imagine there
are a lot of people

who would love to spend
a week or two at your spa.

Well, we're working very
hard to build up a clientele.

And... And I bet when you...
When you finish construction

and open that new wing, you'll
just make money hand over fist.

That would be the idea.

Yeah. I've, um...

I've got a little
confession to make.

While I was at Pinewood,

curiosity got the
upper hand with me,

and I sneaked into that
wing and looked around.

Now, what I don't understand

is that room after room

after room after room...

were all finished
and ready to go.

Carpet, drapes.

Each one of 'em could've
passed the white glove test.

Why aren't you using them?

Well, the heating and the air
conditioning isn't hooked up.

Uh, neither is the plumbing.

Now, I can subpoena
the construction workers

who have finished
their jobs if I have to.

It wasn't my intention
to misstate the facts.

It's just that the truth
is a little embarrassing.

Now, if you will recall, uh,

we had a conversation
in which I did tell you

that, uh...

Pinewood has a substantial
cash-flow problem.

Fact of the matter is...

we just can't afford
to open those rooms.

Can't afford it.

'Cause of cash flow.

Do you know the names
of all your investors?

Of course.

Would you tell the court...

how much of Pinewood
each of your investors owns?

Well, that would
be difficult for me

without consulting my files.

Maybe I can help.

All nine of your investors
are in the courtroom.

Maybe you didn't see them
behind the other people.


as I read your
names, please stand.

Dennis Carter, 25 percent.

Norman Maxwell, 15 percent.

Fred Stewart, 25 percent.

Alan Lane, 20 percent.

Kevin Bryant, 25 percent.

William Westerfield, 15 percent.

Michael Saunders, 25 percent.

Donald Gilbert, 25 percent.

Jeffrey Michaelson, 20 percent.

These nine men...
own 195 percent

of Pinewood.

And that doesn't
include your share.

Thank you, gentlemen.

That's a...

A pretty bizarre scheme.

Selling off 195 percent.

Surely you had to
know that sooner or later,

at least one of these men

would figure out
what you were doing.

Excuse me for saying,
but that was pretty dumb.

Objection. Mr. Matlock seems
to be making his summation.


You never intended to, uh...

open that wing, did you?

Of course I did.

You intended to use
construction delays

to drive Pinewood
to financial ruin.

And you intended
to conceal the fact

that you oversold the spa,

and divert that cash
flow to your own pocket.

That's ridiculous.

I think you did that.

And I think Christie
Huntley was, let's say...

part of your scheme.

She was a natural girl.

She liked fellas.

She especially liked
fellas with money.

She had intimate relations...

with five of your investors.

And let's put it this
way: with your blessings.

Those five own 120
percent of Pinewood,

and she wanted her
share of your cash flow.

She was blackmailing
you, wasn't she?


Your Honor, is Mr. Matlock
just telling a story

or can he prove some relevance?

Mr. Matlock?

Well... let's try
this for relevance:

Between... 9 and 10
the night of the m*rder,

you were in the dining room
at a meeting with Robert Bell.

Is that your story?

That's the truth.

But at a certain point, you
left that meeting, didn't you?

Yes, uh, for a
couple of minutes.


Well, I went into the
kitchen to fix a salad.

But I went right
back to the meeting.

You know, those
are nice glasses.

Uh, ahem, how long
have you had 'em?

A couple of years, I guess.

A couple of years.

I know you were wearing glasses

the whole time I
was at Pinewood.

How about... before then?

I don't know.


Sometimes I wore contact lenses.

We've interviewed...

every employee at
Pinewood we could find,

and none of them ever
saw you wearing glasses

before the night of the m*rder.

Well, that's entirely
possible. Uh...

I lost a contact lens.

Oh, you lost one.

Yes, but, uh...

I can't remember exactly when.

I think I know when.

Sometime before
9... that night...

you arranged for
Christie Huntley...

to be in the area by the pool.

And when you left your
meeting with Robert Bell,

you didn't just
go to the kitchen.

I gotta hand it to you,
you made some time.

You went to the pool,
found Christie Huntley,

k*lled her.

But in the struggle, you
lost your contact lens.

Then you had to go to your
room, take out the other lens,

put on your glasses before
you returned to Mr. Bell.

This is nonsense.

Linda Michaels...
has testified...

that this computer printout

shows every phone
message sent or received

in every room at Pinewood
the night of the m*rder.

The message my client claims

she received is not here.

I think it was erased.

Here's your room.

There was a message
sent from your room at 8:46.

That could be a message
that went to my client.

Here's a message picked up

in your room at 9:29.

Isn't that supposed to be

when you had your
meeting in the dining room

with Mr. Bell?

I was.

I was in the dining room.

Tell me, how did it feel
when you saw that...

message light
flashing on your phone?

Was it nerves or habit...

that made you turn
on the television,

pick up that message?

See, that was the mistake.

That proves you were
in your room at 9:29.

You had to go to your room...

get your glasses.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

Your meeting with Robert
Bell involved paperwork.

You couldn't read
with just one lens.

Mr. Bell would've noticed that.

I'm holding in my hand...

a contact lens.

What if I told you...

this contact lens was found

by the side of the
pool at Pinewood?

What if I told you...

this contact lens
is for a person

with a 20/200 vision?

What's the vision
in your right eye?

Isn't it true your
vision is 20/200?

Isn't it true...

that you lost this
contact lens...

by the pool at Pinewood...

when you k*lled
Christie Huntley?

Mr. Berlin...

isn't it true that
this lens is yours?

Nothing further, Your Honor.

(crowd murmuring)

JUDGE: What is the verdict?

We find the
defendant not guilty.

Thank you.

Court is adjourned.

(gavel bangs) Thank you.

Oh, thank you.

(laughing): We did it.

Congratulations. We did it. Oh.


Well, congratulations.
Oh, thank you.

Talk about the proverbial
needle in the haystack.

How you found a contact
lens boggles the mind.

Well, just lucky.

Hm-hm. (chuckles)

( upbeat theme playing)

( upbeat jazz theme playing)
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