01x41 - I Won't Run Away from Love Anymore: Ami vs. Mamoru

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x41 - I Won't Run Away from Love Anymore: Ami vs. Mamoru

Post by bunniefuu »

After all the trouble we went through

to restore the Seven Monsters
back into humans,

you want to revive them?!
You've gotta be kidding!

It's not like recycling cans!

You are not getting away with this!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

Who are you?!

I've been looking for you,
Reika Nishimura.

Or, should I call you Rikokayder,

one of the great Seven Monsters?

What are you talking about?!

Now, come back to us once again!

That leaves three more.

I Won't Run From Love Anymore!
Ami and Mamoru's Showdown

Hello, this is Mizuno.

Oh, is this Miss Ami? It's me, Urawa.

Oh, Ryo. It's been so long.

Ami, do you have a TV nearby?

Yes, I do, but...

Please turn it on immediately!

Popular Illustrator

With Miss Yumeno,

five out of the former Seven
Monsters are missing!

Wait, Ryo...

And the next target is...

Please believe me.

This is something I found out

thanks to a residual ability
to foresee the future.

Ryo, where are you now?
I'll be there right away!

No, you can't.

If you meet me, you'll be involved
in this trouble, too.

More importantly, please protect
Miss Rei's grandfather.

If you don't, something
terrible will happen.

Please, stop the Dark Kingdom from
achieving their ambitions!


Ryo?! Ryo!

Ryo?! Ryo!

This is how it should be.

To be honest, I was going
to ask for her help,

but I can't trouble Miss Ami
and her friends

any more than I already have.

Oh? Wasn't that...

Yes, this is Makoto.

Mako, there's been an incident!
Come to Hikawa Shrine, quick!

Oh, okay.

Queen Beryl, please tell me,

why are we gathering the former
Seven Monsters now?

It is true, they were purified by
the Crescent Moon Wand

and turned back into their
human forms.

However, by using the power

of our dark energy and
the Black Crystal,

we can turn them back
into monsters again.

But they were already defeated
by the sailor warriors once.

Are they not useless to us?

You know nothing.

Once the Seven Monsters
are united together,

they will merge into one being

and the biggest, most powerful
monster will be born!

And when that happens,

we will be able to put an end
to the sailor warriors!

Then, all the more reason!

Why did you assign this task,
not to me, but to Endymion?

Do you have a problem with
my decision, Kunzite?

No, that is not what I meant.

Then, let us sit back and watch
Endymion's handiwork.

Yes, my lady.

Hikawa Shrine

I see.

I don't really know,

but are Urawa's predictions
that accurate?

Yes, with a very high probability.

The Dark Kingdom must be gathering
the Seven Monsters

and plotting to do something terrible.

All right! Ami, let's go!

What? Go where?

Where else?! We have to
protect Urawa, right?

But we don't even know where he is.

We know he's somewhere in town.

If we look around, we'll run into him.

We'll leave guarding Grandpa
up to you guys.

What's wrong, Usagi?

I feel so sorry for the heroine
in this comic book!

Hey, don't read my comics
without my permission!

Oh, come on, just a little bit!

No, you can't! You'll make them dirty
with your tears!

These girls...
No, you can't! You'll make them dirty
with your tears!

These girls...
I can see you slobbered on my book!

The future of the sailor warriors...
I can see you slobbered on my book!

He should be around here.

Ryo Urawa?

You're Endymion of the Dark Kingdom.

That's right. Since you can
see the future,

I see making such a guess
is a piece of cake.

So, have you seen what is
in store for you as well?

Yes. You're going to trap me inside
the Black Crystal, right?

Very good. Now, why don't you
quietly come with me?

I'm sorry, but someone told me
something once

and ever since then, I've decided
to make my own destiny.

What do you mean?

In other words, I'm not going
to just give up!

m*rder*r! HELP ME!

No, I'm not!


Mako, let's go back.

I feel bad for Ryo,

but there's nothing we can do
in this situation.

What are you saying?! He's your
boyfriend, isn't he?!

Oh, no, not a boyfriend.
He's just a friend.

Ami, are you saying that seriously?

What? Yes...

Urawa loves you, you know!

I know. But we have an
important mission,

so I can't return his feelings.

If you keep telling yourself that,
you'll regret your youth!

Even champions of justice
should be allowed to love!

What's wrong with dating
a boy that you like?!


Ami, you're just running away from it!

You're scared of being in love.

That's why you come up with
all kinds of excuses

so you don't have to deal with Urawa!

Why can't you be more honest
with your feelings?!

That's not...

Lost Cat

Lost Cat
Oh! There he is!

Oh! There he is!

Sure, I can understand why
you might hesitate, but...

Oh, wait, Ami! I'm not finished talking!

I saw him!

What?! You mean, Urawa?
I saw him!

What?! You mean, Urawa?


Let's go!

Miss Ami! No, Sailor Mercury...

Long time no see, Urawa.

You're safe, now that we're here.

What reassuring bodyguards.



Mamoru? Someone else also
called me that before.

But you have the wrong person!
My name is Endymion!

Sailor Mercury, let me handle this.
You take Urawa.

No, I'll fight with you!

What are you saying?! Our priority
is to protect Urawa, right?!


Come on, hurry!

Okay! Urawa, this way!

Mamoru... No, Endymion!

I don't really want to fight against you,

but considering the situation,
I'm not going easy on you!

Just what I would have wanted.

But will you be able to handle me
all by yourself, I wonder?

I'll just have to give it my best shot!



Is that it?

This is Sailor Mercury! I have Urawa
under my protection!

That's my girl, Sailor Mercury!

Let me read it!
That's my girl, Sailor Mercury!

Let me read it!

Just give it to me, Usagi!

But Mamoru showed up,
Just give it to me, Usagi!

But Mamoru showed up,

and Sailor Jupiter is fighting him
right now!

Mamoru showed up?!

Will Sailor Jupiter be
all right by herself?

Like Good Friends

Like Good Friends
Sailor Moon, please help us!

Sailor Moon, please help us!

The Crescent Moon Wand
is the only way

we can restore Mamoru!


Okay... Let's go, Luna...

Hurry up...

What's wrong? Are you done
attacking already?

I'm just getting started!

You have quite an admirable
fighting spirit.

But, I cannot just keep
playing this game.

So, I will go on the offensive now.

Here, here, here, here!

As I thought, you are no match
for me alone.

Polish your skills more
and fight me again.

Damn it!

Sailor Mercury, I have a request.

Look. If we're going to run,
we should go this way.

It's so cold! It'll ruin my skin!

Come on, run faster!
It'll warm you up!

Easy for you to say!

Ouch! It hurts!


Sailor Jupiter!

I'm glad. We made it in time!

No, you didn't!

Say, Luna, Endymion didn't
come this way, did he?


sh**t! Where did he go?!

We're Closed Today

Urawa, why do you want
to come here?

It was my dream to go to an
amusement park with you.


Now, I have nothing to regret.

Let us go in separate
directions from here.

We can't do that.

We don't know when the Dark Kingdom
might come back for you.

I've found the resolve to take them
down with me.

Please, I want you to fulfill
your own mission.

After all, I was never human
to begin with.

If the sacrifice of my unworthy life
could save the world...

You and I really are the same.

We're always trying
to avoid something.


My friend told me that I need to be
more honest with myself.

Miss Ami...

Sacrificing yourself is certainly
very admirable,

but if you're honest with
what's in your heart,

don't you feel that you want
to make it through alive?

Aren't you forgetting

that there are people who will
grieve over your death?

Let's both stop running away.

Let's take on any obstacle head on,
no matter what it is!

That sounds wonderful, Sailor Mercury.

You're here!


Let's go and see!


Mamoru, I won't hesitate
to beat you anymore!

Prepare yourself!

How promising.

I was planning to wait until
the Ferris wheel's lights

brought the other sailor warriors here,

but you are saying that
is not necessary then.



Before I fight you, I am going to
take care of my business first.

Oh, no! Urawa!

Miss Ami!

Thank you for waiting.

You're terrible!

Mamoru! No, Endymion
of the Dark Kingdom!

I won't forgive you!

It's time for you to take a cold shower
and reflect on what you've done!

If you want to get your boyfriend back,

just destroy this Black Crystal.

But, of course, that is only
if you can defeat me.

Come, let us fight!

Out of my respect for you,
I will fight you in earnest!

There is no way I can beat him
at this rate,

but I have no choice, I have to try.

Bubble Spray!

Is that all you can do?

Impertinent little...

I'm just returning the favor!

I will also fulfill my mission
before I fight you!

Take that!


Sailor Mercury, you look
much better now!

Yes, and it's all thanks to you,
Sailor Jupiter!

Oh, so you already shattered the
ambition of the Dark Kingdom.

Sailor Moon, you have to
restore Tuxedo Mask!

I will take care of all three
of you together!

If you're interested in recycling,
why don't you just stick to cans?!

Urawa and the others were
leading peaceful lives.

I can't forgive you for trying
to use them once again!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!





Hurry, Sailor Moon!

I know!

Moon Healing Escalation!


Just a little more, Sailor Moon!

Increase the energy even more!


We did it! We got Mamoru back!

Thank goodness!

Good job, Sailor Moon!


It's probably...

The Dark Kingdom's handiwork.


So, as I feared, Endymion's
memories of his past

were still not completely erased.

In that case, once more,

I will transfer our great ruler's
energy into his body,

and make sure he becomes

a loyal servant of the Dark
Kingdom this time.

Let's come here again sometime.


We can't let this keep going on!

If even Ami forgets about
our precious mission,

who's going to be our leader?!

That's technically supposed
to be your job, Usagi.

You're jealous of those two.
Right, Usagi?

So are you!

Now, now, there's nothing
wrong with this.

Let's watch over them for
a little while longer.

During the day, the
fragrance of flowers

During the night, the
twinkle of the stars

It's a world no one knows about

With white shoes clicking

Cross the white moon bridge

And there lives a princess,
dreaming of a sweet kiss

Offer a prayer to the moon

It will surely bring you happiness

Go round and round, the
moon's merry-go-round

Make that serene dress made
of glass flutter in the wind

She's always watching over us

Moon, moon princess
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