01x13 - Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Sailor Moon". Aired: December 28, 1991 – February 3, 1997.*
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Usagi leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers, as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
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01x13 - Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite

Post by bunniefuu »

Jadeite, don't underestimate
the power of girls!

We're not just crybabies, you know!

Your countless evil deeds
need to be stopped!

In the name of the moon,
Sailor Moon will punish you!

I'm sorry I'm not straightforward,
I can say it in my dreams

My thoughts are about to short circuit,
I want to see you right now

Moonlight that makes me want to cry,
midnight that keeps me from calling

Because I'm so innocent, what should
I do? The heart is a kaleidoscope

Guided by the light of the moon

We will meet again and again

I count the sparkle of constellations
to foretell the future of my love

We were born in the same land,
miracle romance

I believe in it, miracle romance

I'm Usagi Tsukino, years old.
I'm in the th grade.

I'm clumsier than others

and a bit of a crybaby.
That's about it.

One day, a strange black cat,
Luna, appeared

and gave me a peculiar
transforming brooch

and made me a sailor warrior.

But, she wants me to fight
against bad guys.

That makes me really nervous.

Oh well, I guess everything
will be okay.

Girl Power! The End of Jadeite

Jadeite, you collected a great
amount of energy on Earth.

However, you also had
a great many failures.

Furthermore, Sailor Moon,
Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars
have appeared.

But in spite of the appearance
of this opposition,

you have yet to destroy them.

But Queen Beryl...

I do not want to hear your excuses!

You will defeat the three sailor
warriors standing in our way.

If you cannot destroy them, you will
be sentenced to "Eternal Sleep."

Did she say "Eternal Sleep?"

Oh, how terrifying!

Jadeite, I hope you already know

that once you are sentenced
to "Eternal Sleep,"

you will fall to the bottom of
darkness, never to return!

The Swan.

The Archer.

The Balance.

The arcade guy constellation.

The Tuxedo Mask constellation.

Wow! I'm so unfaithful!

I'm in love with both of them.

I'm so bad.

It's one-sided anyway.

Usagi's love is the same as
the foam in the sea.

It'll be short-lived.

It's tough being a maiden in love.
But what if

Tuxedo Mask was actually Motoki?

I love you, Usagi.

Oh, I'm so happy!

What's that?!

I am Jadeite!

Listen closely, Sailor Moon,
Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars!

Haneda Airport at a.m. Tomorrow.

Come to runway F.
But if you do not...

How dare he?!

That was just an illusion!

But if you do not show up,
I will burn Tokyo to the ground!

I know Jadeite will burn Tokyo
just like he warned us!

What shall we do now?

We should go! When evil challenges
us, we have to accept!

But we would just be
walking into a trap.

Even if that's true,
we should still go!

What do you think, Usagi?

We should fight against evil, right?

We should think about it
carefully, right, Usagi?

I don't want to go,
because it's too scary!

As for the mysterious image
that suddenly appeared in
the sky last night,

the Metropolitan Police believe it
to be a vicious prank

intended to scare the public by
displaying strange images in the sky.

However, the threat to burn Tokyo
to the ground cannot be ignored,

and plans are being made to
assign police officers

to the vicinity of Haneda Airport
tomorrow night.

Come on, let's go together.

Yeah, let's go!
Come on, let's go together.

Yeah, let's go!

This is a problem.

If everyone goes there, they'll
get caught in the crossfire.

That's true.

Maybe we shouldn't go after all!


I'm just kidding.

I'm just kidding.
Hey, Usagi, what do you think?

Hey, Usagi, what do you think?

It's got to be a practical joke.

It is not!

That was an alien!

It was an alien warning us corrupt
humans on this Earth!

Oh, Umino! You've been reading too
many third-rate science fiction comics!

Either way, it sounds fun!

Let's all get together tonight
and go to Haneda!

Wait, everyone...

No, you will not!

Junior high school students are not
allowed to go out so late at night!

That's right! Ms. Haruna's exactly right!
You shouldn't go!

Why not?

Because it's dangerous.

Why is it dangerous?
Because it's dangerous.

Why is it dangerous?


Miss Usagi, you know
something, don't you?

Miss Usagi, you know
something, don't you?

I don't know anything!

Anyway, if you have time to go
out at night for fun,

I think you should be
at home studying!

Miss Tsukino!

You're suddenly sounding so serious...

Well, you don't have a fever.

Do you have any problems
you want to talk about?

If you want, I'm here to listen.

Oh, you think it's weird for me to
say something serious?!

That's mean. That's mean!


See? Isn't it horrible?

But I completely agree
with your teacher.

Part of your charm is how you don't
say normal, serious things.

If anything, I like girls with
unique personalities.


He paid me a compliment!


Oh, I'm sorry.


You hit me with your shoe again!
Did you aim for me on purpose?

It's your fault for not paying attention
to where you're walking.

Oh, yeah? You are so not cute.

Can't you talk more properly
like a normal girl?

No, I can't!

Because someone told me that

he likes me better because
I don't act normal!

That's stupid! Guys like that
are just losers!

He's much more charming
than you are!

Birds of a feather flock together.
Every Jack has his Jill.

Dust goes in a dust bin!

A loser for dumpling head?

You're so mean. I can't do anything
about you calling me names,

but how could you say bad things
about Motoki?!

Hey, don't...

How dare he can make a girl cry?
Hey, don't...

How dare he can make a girl cry?

How dare he can make a girl cry?
Meanie! Meanie!

Meanie! Meanie!

I'm sorry. I have some urgent
business to take care of.

Here, you can have your shoe back.
Well, bye!

I have no business with you people,
so you can sleep for a while!

Come on, sailor warriors!

Monorail Haneda Line

Monorail Haneda Line
Usagi, you're a rabbit,
why are you so slow?!

Monorail Haneda Line
You're acting all bossy again!

Monorail Haneda Line
Now is not the time to be fighting
amongst ourselves!
You're acting all bossy again!

Monorail Haneda Line
Now is not the time to be fighting
amongst ourselves!

Now is not the time to be fighting
amongst ourselves!

Oh, no. Looks like it's not running
anymore after all.

I guess we have to take a taxi.


What's going on?

What's going on?

Looks like the enemy is inviting us in.

Just what I like to see!

Oh, wait!
Just what I like to see!

Oh, wait!

The door!

I feel like we're walking further and
further into the enemy's trap.

Wow, there are so many
police officers.

It seems like nothing's happened yet.

We should stay alert.

The will to k*ll!

This can't be real!

Why are the police officers after us?!

This way! Hurry!

I hate this! I can't believe these
Japanese police officers!

Wait for me!

It's strange! Something's wrong!


Mercury Power Makeup!

Okay, me too then!

Mars Power Makeup!

What?! I'm the last one?!

Moon Prism Power Makeup!

This means...

They aren't real police officers!
They're made of clay!

Now that I know that, I won't
show them any mercy!



I did it!

They're clay figures, just like you said.

Sailor Mars, you're great!

You could say that.

Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury
and Sailor Mars!

I saw who you are!

Oh, no! He found out!

The life of a flower is short
and full of suffering.

Today will be the end of
your lives as well!

They say beauty and good fortune
seldom go hand in hand.

But I guess, I'm going to die young
because I'm beautiful, too!

Just which part of you
makes you beautiful?

Well, I think I'm at least prettier
than you are!

Really?! Which parts? Which parts?

Of course, around here!

You're so funny! I think a monkey at
Ueno Zoo is prettier than you are!

I can't believe you said that!

I told you already, this is not the time
to be fighting amongst ourselves!
I can't believe you said that!

I told you already, this is not the time
to be fighting amongst ourselves!


We have a mission!

We can't die now!

Poor little lambs, you are
all going to Hell.

No way!

We're going to get run over!

We're going to get run over!


Oh! There's another one over here!

I can't believe this!
Someone, help!

I need to use my Fire Soul!

You can't! Do you know how much
a jet airplane costs?!

All your allowances put together

for the rest of your lives
couldn't pay for one jet!


It costs that much?!

Then we have only one solution!





No way! Getting run over
by a car is one thing,

but I'd be too embarrassed to say
I was run over by an airplane!

There is no more runway!

Oh, no!

This is it!

The jet stopped.

Are you having fun bullying
these helpless girls?

You appear again, Tuxedo Mask.

I'll send you to Hell along
with those three!

A villain who toys with innocent
people. You will not get away with it.

Tuxedo Mask!


Tuxedo Mask!

Where's Tuxedo Mask?

Oh, no! What happened to him?!

Your trusty Tuxedo Mask is dead!

Cry and wail!

Can you do nothing without
the help of a man?!

Women are such foolish
creatures in the end!

Only old men think men are better
than women these days!

That's right! Scorning women is
positively feudalistic!

Down with sexual discrimination!

We must fight against Jadeite,
the arrogant man!

Foolish girls! Behold my powers!

Oh, not again!

This way!

Don't let the jet distract you!

Our opponent is not the jet,

but the guy manipulating
the jet, Jadeite!

Luna is right!

We have to work together!

And defeat Jadeite!

Since you understand that, you can
keep running as the decoy!

What?! Why me?!



Oh, no! This isn't fair, you two!

Where are the other two?

I'm here!

I'll take care of you in the same way!

Begone, evil spirit

Begone, evil spirit
Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai,
Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!

Begone, evil spirit

It's useless to run!


What is this?!

Why are they coming towards me?!

Don't underestimate girls!

We're not just crybabies, you know!

Why?! Why are my thoughts in chaos?!

Because you have evil thoughts.

You fell into your own trap!
You're the fool!

Your countless evil deeds
need to be stopped!

In the name of the moon,
I will punish you!

Moon Tiara Action!

Queen Beryl...

Fool! So, you have the shame
to come crawling back!

Queen Beryl, I have discovered the
identity of the sailor warriors.

Excuses are unbecoming!

Sleep for eternity!

Queen Beryl!

Ah! How frightening...

Useless minions can only
be tossed aside.

You will be the next
strategic commander!

Jadeite was a fool.
Leave matters to me.

Tuxedo Mask...

It's no use just staring out there.

It's sad, but we should get going.

No way, I can't do that!

Thank you for worrying about me!

Tuxedo Mask! You are alive!

I do not die so easily.

Tuxedo Mask, why do you always
come to our rescue?

I know! It must be because
he loves me!

Who in the world are you?

I cannot reveal my identity yet.

Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury
and Sailor Mars,

continue to value your friendship!


In my dream, you and I were together

Protected by the stars

When we were friends,
it didn't bother us

And we casually talked to each other

But there was a moment when
I noticed only you

I want to become prettier
right here and now

Something changes when
you fall in love

I close my eyes and check
to make sure

I want to convey the thrill I felt
when we held each other
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