03x22 - Citizen Trundel: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x22 - Citizen Trundel: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Both whispering]

Talk at the station.

Do not whisper
in my dining room.

I'm sorry.
I hadn't realized--

Not that we're
trying to hide

No, you don't
want to hide anything.

You just don't want
me to hear anything.

Tell me about
v.j. Trundel.

That's who you're
talking about.

He's an american
success story, the epitome.

I know.
I watch television.
I read magazines.

I want to know
what you know.


Of course.

He's the father
of natalie delong's child.

Did he k*ll
natalie delong?

Well, uh...

Um, he may have
had her k*lled.

But it can't be proved.

It's beyond proof.


Uh, ms. Tibbs,
if the man himself

Came forward
and confessed the crime,

Nobody would believe him.

"Poor man,"
they'd all say,

And kindly hands
would lead him
to a quiet place.

To go after v.j. Trundel

Would be personal
and professional su1c1de,

Besides being useless.

How can you
talk like this

And live
with yourselves?

You know...
That woman asks

The most
painful questions,
always has.

She wouldn't give me
a cup of coffee either.




It's mr. Luft.

I was going
to drive over there.

Don't ever do that
unless we say so.

Then don't keep me waiting!

Take it easy, turkus.

We expect you
to handle this
like a professional.

Well, speaking
as a professional,

I need
some help fast.

You've got
a fine attorney.

But we got
to get rid of that
black mechanic.

Calm down.

I took care
of v.j.'S whore,
now take care of me.

V.j. Would be upset
if he heard such language.

He'd be more upset
if we don't get
that guy.

How was the little boy?

He didn't even wake up.

The picture?

I got the picture!

Now let's talk
about the witness.

We'll handle it.

If you don't,
I'll handle it myself.

We'll take care
of you.

Remember, they're
watching you.

Don't be stupid.
I've got to go.
We'll call you later.

He's going to be trouble.

We won't let him be,

But we can't
do everything at once.

Step by step.
Let's be very careful.

Harriet delong
to see the assistant
attorney general.

He'll be a moment.

I was told I could
see him immediately.

I've been
to three offices.

I'm sorry, but
it shouldn't be long.

Ms. Delong, I'm sorry
to keep you waiting.

Won't you come in?

I came to see
the governor.

I didn't know
I'd be passed

To the assistant
attorney general.

Maybe I can help you.
Have a seat.

No, thank you.

My sister was m*rder*d
last week in sparta.

I'm sorry to hear that.

She was involved
with a married man,

A very important man.

That man had her k*lled.

Had her k*lled?

By somebody
that works for him.

The police
arrested him.

Then it's being handled.

No, it isn't.

You see,
judge colter, that
judicial travesty,

Released him
on bail.

I want
the state police

To take over
this investigation.

The man my sister
was involved with

Is v.j. Trundel.

Now, I can't take
this seriously.

Who told you this story?

Nobody has to tell me
my sister's life story!

V.j. Trundel's one of
the greatest men in america,

And no doubt,
the greatest
in mississippi.

Just the wealthiest.

Why should trundel be
interested in your sister?

He wasn't
just interested,

He was crazy
about her,

Because she was
a beautiful girl!

Then why would he k*ll her?

She was putting
pressure on him.

I don't know
what kind.

She had his baby.

What did
the sparta police say?

Chief gillespie says
he has his man.

He won't
go after trundel.

You've given me
no reason

To intervene
in this situation.

I'm sure chief gillespie
knows what he's doing.

Ask yourself if this story
your sister told you

Wasn't a desperate attempt
to make herself
seem more important.

She was important!
She was important to me!

She was important enough

For v.j. Trundel
to get rid of her!

This is getting old.

Whenever y'all come up
short, you look for burt.

We need help,
mr. Willins.

Oh. Mr. Willins,
is it?

V.j. Trundel is the father
of eric delong, isn't he?

How would I know?

Same way we know.
It's what we heard.

We can't figure
why he waited nine years

To k*ll the mother
of that little boy.

What do you want
me to say?

What you know.

Come on, burt,
how much money
he give natalie?

Not enough,
though I never
saw any checks.

How was
it delivered?

Money was sent to an account
in tri-city trust.

It wasn't enough
to live on?

Not enough to keep
protecting trundel.

Hold it.
That's your opinion.

Hell, burt,
she was satisfied
for nine years.

What happened
to change all that?

I told her
she was stupid.

So what did she do,
thr*aten to reveal

That trundel had a black kid
running around sparta?

She asked for a $5 million
one-time payoff...

Or forget about
seeing the boy anymore.

She asked?
Maybe you asked.

Now, who did you ask?
Not trundel.

No, somebody
next to trundel.

We talked to a man
and a woman.

You going to get somebody?

whoever the evidence
lands on, burt.

Yeah, because
if you don't, I will.

Chill out, burt.

You better crawl out

And act like you're
afraid of getting k*lled.

Good morning. Would you pour
a cup of that for me?

Thank you very much.

Yes, sir.

Chief! Parker.

Good morning.

Good morning.
Where's virgil?

In the back room
with that sn*per
from the funeral home.

His name's steven m. Romero.

It's just rattled in.

Did you make this?

This morning, I did.

Once, in italy,
I got so desperate
for coffee,

I made some
in my helmet,

Using a sock
as a filter.

You didn't. I did.

It was better
than this.



Well, you look as nervous
as a mare in a stud farm.

I've had it.

You've had it.
What exactly is it?


You better go home
and rest.

Home is where
the heart is,

Not where
the rest is.


Certain things
with althea...

This case--

Oh, she's blaming me
and herself

For us not having
a baby.


Well, who is
your doctor?

Maggie perry.

Well, put the blame
on maggie.

Then you both
will feel better.

What did you get
out of romero?

Nothing. He didn't
even want to make
a phone call.

Uh-huh. Well, this
just came through

From the houston police.

They arrested him
about a year ago

In a sh**ting accident

They don't believe
was an accident,

And he got bail
through mr. Norman luft

Of the trundel organization.


"Steve romero...
Special forces...

"Questionable discharge.

"Shot down and arrested
in nicaragua in 1987.

"He was exchanged
for native prisoners
held by united states."

He'll talk to you

Questionable discharge.

He's a paid hero.

Paid heroes
always come apart.

Trundel must be
very worried.

No, trundel doesn't worry.

He hires people to do
the worrying for him.

He loves all living things--
I think plants, especially.

He's sure plants
know everything.

I don't think
we should stay
too long this trip.

Y'all are worried about
this sparta m*rder case.

You don't say,
but I can tell.

Good morning, emily.
You're looking
especially lovely today.

Thank you, dear.
So are you.

It's this clean air
and sunshine.

Every place we go
is poisoned,

Except my darling

Phone. Aykens.
He's got a new client.

Excuse me, emily.

Go ahead, aykens.

He was caught.

Before or after?

What can I say?

What do we know
about anybody?

Harriet delong?
Don't worry about her.

Yeah, just hang in there.


Something wrong?

Nothing for you
to worry about.

It's turkus. That's the man
you said works for vidge.

Or is it you
he works for?

Used to work for us,
for all of us.

He k*lled that woman?

The police have
other suspects,

And who's harriet delong?

Emily, please don't
waste your time
worrying about this.

Everything is
taken care of.

V.j. Wouldn't like
us bothering you
with this.


I have calls to make.

Doesn't this look
bad for us,

Aykens handling
romero's arrest?

Sure, lousy.
Got any other ideas?

This is
becoming a mess.

That is not an idea.

That is telling me
what I know.

is our problem.

Do something
about it.

[Classical music playing]

Excuse me.

I hope I'm not
disturbing you.


Judge colter send you
over here to arrest me?

No, he's not going to
do anything about that.

You're not
the first person

To call him a damn fool
in court.

So what's on your mind?

I want to speak
to the boy.


I'm going
to need to, harriet.

Well, I'm going
to make you get
a court order.


Uh, how did everything
go in jackson?

The assistant
attorney general
thought I was crazy.


We caught a trained
assassin here.

He was trying to k*ll
our star witness,

That mechanic
that saw everything,

So we're going
after trundel's people,

Uh, if not the--
the man.

Don't pat yourself
on the back.

You wouldn't touch
this case

If I hadn't made
you feel guilty.

That's true, harriet.

It's true.


That was mean.

I feel so angry
and frustrated,

I had to hurt somebody.

At least when I was married,

I had somebody to talk to,
get mad at.


I'm sorry.
I was just being silly.

Oh, no, you--
anything but silly.

Anyway, I understand
all that, and--

I'm alone myself.

That's right.
I forgot.

Now, you and i,
we, uh...

I mean...

What do you mean?

I mean...

I'm the one that's
getting silly.

I'll call you.

All right.

It's a mess in there.

Were you in there?

Door was open,
but I didn't go in.

Ok, that's cool.

[Shower running]

He was shot
in the back.

b*llet went in
under his left
shoulder blade.

I'll call the crime van.

You know,
our star witness
won't be much good

we have somebody
to testify against.

I know that faraway look
in the eye over there.

What's on your mind?

I say that the b*llet
that k*lled jay turkus

Will belong to a g*n
registered to burt willins.

I don't believe
burt done it.

Me, neither, but he swore
to get even.

Bubba, I think
we better pick up
burt willins.


It isn't as though

He has a lot
of interesting
things to do.

What you want me
to tell him this time?

Well, tell him something

Like, "you're under arrest
for m*rder."

Come on, man,
you say you're
getting somebody.

Turkus is shot
with a b*llet

From this g*n,
found in your room.

Ballistics says
this is your g*n.

But I told you,

I was with harriet.

Someone took that
g*n, k*lled him,

And put it back.

Who? You know who!

If you mean v.j. Trundel,

He hasn't left his
home since he arrived.

Trundel don't have
to do nothing.

He's got people.
Don't you get it, man?

He's cleaning up
his mess.

He k*lled his own
hired k*ller.

Go after his man luft.

Well, harriet, thank you.

You know, for your
confidence in me.

I never intended
grilling that boy.

I just wanted
to get his reactions
to certain things.

Well, shall we say,

In the next
half-hour or so?

Thank you.


Yeah. What?

Well, sir, I've been
doing some thinking,

And that g*n we found

At the willins place
is a red snapper.

A red snapper?

To throw us
off the track.


Why would a guy
sh**t somebody

Then put the g*n back in
his own chest of drawers?

Well, parker--

I'm wrong again,
right, chief?

No. Just the opposite.

I think you're
right this time.

I think we
have a red snapper.

we have to check out

Willins' alibi
with harriet.

We can do that
right now.

We're going over there.

I just had
a phone call from her,

Telling me I can
come question the boy.


I think
she'll back willins.

I think
he was framed.

Just a strong
feeling, detective.

I don't like willins,

But I don't
believe he's a k*ller.

You don't like him,
and you harass him.

There's nothing
personal in this,

But he owns the g*n
that k*lled turkus.

Burt willins says
he was with you. True?

It is.

I gave him dinner.

He stayed a while,
talking about my sister.

They let
turkus out of jail
to protect his rights,

It cost him his life.

Whoever k*lled the man
tore his place apart.

Why? Looking for what?

stole the picture.

Who was it of?

Trundel and my sister.

Wouldn't he
give it to trundel?

If he didn't,
that explains why
his place was searched.

I don't get it,
but it looks fun.

Uncle vidge gave
it to me.

He's not
really my uncle.

Oh, I know.

Your aunt harriet tells me
you flew in his plane.

Yeah. We flew to
the super bowl once.


Did your mama go along?

No. She never went.

We went
to buffalo, too.

Vidge says
he's going to steal
their football team

And bring it
to mississippi.

Where's he going
to put it? Sparta?

He's buying a stadium,
on the river by natchez.

I wonder if he, uh...

Knows about your mama.

I guess so.
I'll ask him.

Ever heard
about princeton?

Oh, yeah. That's
a college in new jersey.

Vidge is going
to send me there.

Is he?

It's a small comfort,

But a man like
citizen trundel
will get his.

He may be smiling
at us from xanadu,

But somebody
will bring him down.

Sure like to see
him brought down.

Gillepsie says
he can't be caught.

No, I said
he can't be tried.

He can be caught...

And being
caught brings
its own punishment.

The boy
seems to think

He's going
to see his daddy--
or uncle vidge--

he calls him.

Are you going
to let him?

Are you out
of your mind?

It might help us.


Will you think about it?



I'll be right down.

You look happy.

I am.

I'm very happy.

You look tired.

I am.




Is it time?

Have you been
taking your
temperature again?

Look who's jumping
to conclusions again.

Well, no...

I mean,
it's just
that we've been

Following your
fertility chart,

And, uh...

Temperature schedule
for months now.

Nothing seems
to be happening.

Well, I mean...

Things are
happening, but...

I just haven't
gotten pregnant yet.

I don't mean it
the way it sounded,

It's just
this trundel case
is driving me crazy,

and I'm exhausted.

Having a baby

Is completely off
your mind right now.

Oh, no, no, no.

I mean...

It'll happen...

When it happens.

People have been
having babies
a long time

fertility charts
and, uh...

I mean,
when two people
want to have a baby

As much as we do--


I didn't bother
taking my temperature today

Because I don't think

We have to worry
about that anymore.

You don't mean--

I'm not sure,

But I think so.

Oh, thea!

Ohhh, thea!

Wait a minute! Wait.

Wait. Are you sure?
I mean, how
can you even tell?

Wait, virgil. Now...

I'm not sure,
but I'm seeing
the doctor tomorrow.


We have to wait
until tomorrow?

Virgil, remember?

It'll happen
when it happens.

Oh, you...

got here first

Didn't leave much
for us to do.

I think the thing
to do is look

Where the ordinary
person would never
hide anything.

That's what I thought
we were doing.

You find anything?

Just some check stubs,
deposit slips,
and old tax forms.


Now, I'm thinking,

About where
my cousin james
would hide his dr*gs.

We're looking
for a picture, sweet.

Yeah. I know.

The crazier james
got about dr*gs,

The smarter he got
about hiding places.

You looking for
pictures in the toilet?


Weird, huh?

Losing his reputation,

Ruining his
great american image,

His spotless
southern image,

That's what scares trundel.

The law doesn't worry him.

Was turkus going
to blackmail him?

No. This picture
was just his ace
in the hole.

Hey, chief,
you listening?

Yeah. Go ahead.

It's happening.
The boy just got here.

It looks like
they're taking

A long walk
through the park.

Who else is there?

Good-looking woman.
Average-looking guy.

I expect that's jessica franks
and norman luft.

What'd the computer
say about them?

This should do it.

Well, to start with,
ms. Jessica franks is
the former managing editor

Of that bold
magazine you got,

Owned by
mr. V.j. Trundel.

Uh-huh. Go ahead.

Also, mr. V.j. Trundel

Just acquired
in the past week

The tabloid informabout,

Tres-rios airlines
in south america,

And infant-fix
disposable diapers.

Norman luft

Is a reserve
brigadier general

And also the ceo
of the airlines.

What did we do
before virgil got
that computer for us?


I'll call you later.

Ms. Trundel?

That's right.

I'm chief gillespie.

This is my
chief investigator,
detective virgil tibbs.

How do you do?

Well, I declare.

What can I do for you?

Have you heard
of a woman named
natalie delong?


She used to sing

At a nightclub
your husband owned.

Mr. Luft and other
people owned nightclubs,

But not vidge.

This is natalie delong,

10 Years ago
in new orleans.

Forgive me,
but you'll have
to hear this.

Your husband
and that young woman

Together produced a son.

He's now 9 years old.

And you've been able
to determine that

From one
little photograph?

I have absolutely
no doubt of it.

A dna test
would prove it

We'll probably
have to proceed
in that direction.

Why would my
husband's relationship
with this girl,

Even if he had
a relationship,

Excite your attention
this way?

the girl was m*rder*d.

You think
my husband did it?

A man who worked
for your husband did it.

Others in your
husband's employ
may have been involved.

I want to talk
to you about them.

Her name was what?

Natalie delong.

Looks like
he loves him.

Never said a bad guy
can't love somebody.

Chief, you read me?

Yeah. What?

What a minute...

Yeah. What?

Franks is taking
the boy home.

Soon as
she drops him off,

You pick her up, hear?

Yes, sir.

The sparta police
were here.

They showed me this photo

They found
in a toilet somewhere.

They told me
the story of the photo.

So I need not
explain my leaving.

I knew you when
I married you, vidge,

But I was so...

So fond of you.

My daddy warned me.

He said,

"V.j.'S money will
not enhance his quality

"Anymore than sunlight
will sweeten trash."

He was right.

Trash is what you were,

And trash is what you are.

I talked frankly
to the police.

And I intend
to talk frankly again.

And again.

What a coward you are.

To keep that girl
and the child she bore you

Buried here
all these years.

The worst thing
that can possibly
happen to you

Will happen.

The world will know you.

I will make sure of that.

And you, norman...

The authorities
will know you.

Excuse me.


This lawyer
of trundel,

He says it
would be inappropriate

Of him
to represent you

Since he's a trundel
corporation lawyer.

That tells you
what you can expect
from these people.

I'll call new orleans.

I'm not answering
any questions.

I don't intend
to ask you any.

Ms. Trundel told me
all I need about you.

She's repeating it
to the fbi in atlanta.

We're holding you
because a hit man

Says he
was paid by you.


Yeah. Here's
a check we found.

My, my, my.

For $5,000.

Made out
to a steven romero,

by jessica franks,

Treasurer of trund-oil
petroleum corporation
of houston.

We also have
duplicate deposit slips

For checks made out
to a jay turkus,

Same company,
same treasurer.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Neither do you.

All right. Get this.

Trund-oil, through you,

Paid for dirty work
ordered by norman luft.

Now, when we
arrest mr. Luft,

He'll probably
say the dirty work
was all your idea,

And if m*rder
was paid for,

You were the buyer.

Your name is the only one
written down anywhere.

Now, I know you can't
give us trundel,

But, uh...
You better give us luft...

Because if you don't,

You're going
to be all alone here.

Put this on.

Vidge, we're
at the airport.

We shouldn't wait
for jessica.

Come on.
We've got to leave.

You're under arrest.

On what charge?


You have the right
to remain silent.

V.j., Get aykens.

Don't leave. Stay here.
Help me handle this.


You can't
let this happen!


V.j., Don't leave me
like this!

He ain't
going to help you.

Mr. Trundel.

Don't worry.
I'm not going
to arrest you.

We've already
caught the man

Who's taking the fall
if we can convict him.

You're free to go.

You'll have
to take yourself

On that plane with you.

And who is that self?

It's the man
that k*lled the mother
of his child.

Of course,
the little fella
doesn't know that yet,

But as the years pass,

The world will
keep saying it.

And finally, he'll
come to you and say,
"uncle vidge"--

he's calling you daddy--

"Is it true?
Did you do that?

"Did you k*ll my mama?

"Is it true?"

Have a good flight.

Mr. Trundel!
What are you doing?

He can't fly
that plane alone.

It's against

You're telling me.

V.j. Just took off
in trundel-bird 3.


When trundel shows up
in new orleans,

They'll ask why
I'm not on that plane.

Tell the f.a.a.
I had nothing
to do with it.

Chief, he ran that nose
right into the ground.

Seems as though.

Honey, you're
absolutely right.

It does make sense. I agree.

What are you
all talking about?

I was saying I agree
with a point you made,

That being caught can
be its own punishment.

So trundel was caught?

Well, maybe not caught
as we see it,

But I think
as he saw it, yeah,

Caught beyond redemption.

I am so glad
you're here.

This is for you.

Well, thank you.
Thank you very much.

Is this an occasion?

In honor of you
being a prospective godfather

To virgil junior,

And I do feel
it'll be virgil junior,

Who'll be making
his debut on this planet

In about 8 1/2 months.

Well, isn't
that wonderful news?

And now virgil can get
some rest at home once again.

For a while, anyway.


Yeah. I accept the honor
with great pleasure.

I'm going
to be the godmother.

I got these.

Something else
we can share.

Sure enough.

Sure enough.
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