03x14 - December Days

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x14 - December Days

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Can I help you?

Where do you
wanna go?

I can take you.

Where do you live?

Munson manor,
but you can't take me there.

Sure, I can.
It's not that far.

You mustn't.

I'll be m*rder*d
if you take me there.

Uh-huh. Yes, ma'am.
Thank you.

Can I help you,
mrs. Tibbs?

This is lydia crane
from the munson manor
nursing home.

But she doesn't want to be
taken back there.

She thinks she'll
be m*rder*d there.i'm sure of it.

She was on the railroad
tracks on ruby street.

See if she needs
some coffee,

use of the ladies' room.

I sure will, mrs. Tibbs.

I don't need any
of those things.

I just need to see
the chief of police.

Yeah. Well, there's
no trouble at all.

We can keep her here
as long as is necessary.

We've got a call in
to doc robb right now,
in fact.


Fine, fine.



Well, they say
they missed you
about dawn,

So, uh,
you must have done

Quite a bit
of wandering around

Before mrs. Tibbs
found you at 7:30.

Well, it was dark,

And I didn't know
where I was going.

But when I saw
the railroad tracks,

I was fine.

Now, mrs. Crane,
I can't imagine

Why anybody would want
to m*rder a lady
like yourself.

Now, can you
explain to me

What you meant by that?

They m*rder*d
estelle pooley last night.

She was the best friend
I ever had.

And I am afraid

That they are going
to m*rder me next.

Well, now,
why would they m*rder
estelle pooley?

To keep her from
changing her will.

Oh, was she going
to do that?

That's what I heard.

Mmm. And from whom
did you hear that?

From estelle.
Who else?

I think you're telling me
that somebody

Would have been awful mad
if that will was changed.
Who would that person be?

Oh, I can't tell you
that, chief.

Why not?

Because I would be

Uh, chief?
Doc robb's office said

He's on his way
to munson manor
nursing home.

There was a death
out there last night.

The death was
estelle pooley's.

Estelle pooley
was the woman's name,
mrs. Crane's right.

Listen, I'm going
to take a run out
to munson manor.

Whenever you can,
why don't you
meet me out there?

Yes, sir. Want me
to take her with me?

No, they're sending
their own car for her
in about 20 minutes.


In the meantime,
mrs. Crane, uh...

I wish you'd
stop worrying.

I got my wish.

Well, that's it.
That's all I can...

May I help you? Oh, yes.

Would you
tell the boss

Chief bill gillespie
is here to see her?

Excuse me.

Remember me?

Oh, yeah.

Who are you?

I'm richard pooley.

My auntie estelle
died in here last night.

Oh, estelle pooley.

first of all, sir,

May I offer
my condolences,

And tell you that
that's why I'm here
this morning--

To inquire about
your aunt's death.

She died
because of negligence.

Is that a fact?

They let her
choke to death

On her own
little handkerchief.

I'm gonna sue
this place
for criminal negligence.

Some insurance firm's
going to have a big
headache over this one.

Is that what
you're fixing
to tell them now?

No, no, no,
I already told them plenty.

I'm just waiting
to find out

When I can take
my auntie estelle
for burial.

Well, we may want
to do an autopsy.

You must.

And conduct
a full investigation,

Which will become
the basis of my
legal action

Against these people.


You may come in
now, chief.

Thank you,
thank you.

Well, excuse me,
won't you?


I'm katherine tyler,
the administrator.

I'm bill gillespie.

dr. Robb.

If you're here
about estelle pooley,

The cause of death
was suffocation--

Yeah, I heard about
that little hanky.

Kind of unlikely,
though, isn't it?

Very unlikely,

But if she
didn't inhale it,

Then someone shoved it
down her throat.

no evidence of that.

Is this really
a police matter?

I hope not, uh...

I can't say,

we investigate.

We? Are you going
to have police

All over the place?

No more
than we need,

But the law says
we must.

Well, I can appreciate
that, darling...

Well, I don't know.
Maybe by tomorrow afternoon--


Bubba skinner!
I wondered
if you'd be here.

The chief's car
has patients

Darlene, uh,
excuse me, but...

Ok, now. Bye-bye. Gotta go.

Darlene, one of
the nurses told me

You were on duty
this morning.

When I came on,
the ambulance
was already here.

A patient had found
miss pooley dead

And she told
the nurse who
was on before me.

It's sad, but we see
a lot of death here.

Yeah. Got to be
the toughest part
of your job, huh?

You just hope
that people have
had a full life.

That's how
I handle it.

I tell myself,
"the estelle pooleys
have had a full life."

There's lydia crane now,
coming back.

What do you think?

Of what?

Of what I
just told you

About her
running away.

of course.

Why couldn't it be true?

You show me someone
who had a reason

To k*ll miss pooley.

Then show me when and how.

Three nurses
monitored her corridor

From 10:00 last night
till 7:00 this morning.

Nobody else
went into that room.

Why didn't anybody
hear the noise

Of that woman choking?

The woman didn't
make any noise
choking, I suppose.

O medicine,
thy name is vague.

How did lydia crane
behave on the way
back here?

Oh, fine. She didn't
give us any trouble.

But she was
awful scared, chief.

Still thinks someone's
trying to k*ll her.

I sure hated
to leave her.

I think it's
a real shame

When old people
have to be scared

Of where they're
living, but...

It happens, I guess.

Now if I can--


Yeah, chief?

I want you to do
a background

On a guy named
richard pooley.

He was born and raised
here in sparta.

He went to law school
at tulane,

And then stayed
in new orleans.

Are we looking
for anything in particular?

Well, I feel uncomfortable
disliking anybody

Without a good reason,

So find me
a good reason.

Yes, sir. All right.


This had to be
an accident.

I mean,
everybody says so,

And we can't find nothing
to suggest otherwise.

There goes the poor soul
right there with...

Doc robb
behind her.

Let's see what
doc robb says

After he does
a full post-mortem.

You know,
while I'm here,

I'm gonna check
what kind of security
they got here.

Call me. Yes, sir.

So, you think it
was an accident, do you?

You talking
to me, sir?

Did estelle have
her rings on?

Excuse me, what?

When the doctor came
to examine estelle pooley,

Was she wearing a big
diamond engagement ring,

A gold wedding band,

And an emerald
on her right ring finger?

I don't know.

But it is an interesting
question, isn't it?

Do you know the answer?

No, but I don't
need to know.

I'm not a cop anymore.

I retired years ago.

But you need to know...

Don't you?

Yes, sir.

I suppose I do.

How come dr. Robb
believed that
hanky story?

It's all he had.

The boys are here. Which ones?

Jamison, parker--
we're going to the home.

What did you find out
about that security?

One black doorman.

I'm still worrying
about those missing jewels.

We got the report on pooley
from ace gresham,

New orleans p.d.

Boil it down
for me.

Richard pooley has
no bank accounts.

He has no money,
unless it's buried

What's in the bag?

The pillow poor old
miss pooley slept on.

We didn't find
no blood, no saliva,
no nothing--

Nothing that makes it
look like a smothering.

Let's go find out
how somebody could've
gotten in there.

You're going to go messing
around in the dark?

You know how that
lady boss is, chief.

What about her?

She don't like the patients
to see us out there.

I have heard no complaint
from any patient

About the presence
of the police out there.

She doesn't
wanna see us out there.

Don't take any impertinence
from that woman!

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

No way this lock
was opened from outside.

Maybe somebody
from the inside
left it open.

It was locked
last night at 10:00

When I put
miss pooley to bed.

How often do you
check these rooms?

Well, at 12:00,
2:00, 4:00, and 6:00.

You found her
at 6:00?

Oh, no, bubba,
I told you before

I wasn't yet
on shift at 6:00.

It was
miss lydia crane

Who came in between 6:00
and 6:30 and found her dead.

Can I help
with something, darlene?

Tell us how a man
got into this room

And k*lled
miss estelle pooley.

If miss pooley was
k*lled by anybody at all.

I thought
we had determined

That she died
an accidental death--

By swallowing
her little hanky.

That was
the determination made,

If I'm not mistaken,
by dr. Robb.

Did the post-mortem
change that?

Uh, no, ma'am,
it did not.

Well, then, who is
prolonging this inquiry?

Chief gillespie.

Did estelle pooley
wear her jewelry around?

Yes, she did,
all the time.

I can tell you
what she wore--

Sh-she wore
a diamond ring,

An emerald ring,
and a gold wedding band.

But the medical
examiner said

Those rings were
not on her fingers

When she arrived
for autopsy.

Are you saying somebody
from this institution...?

Why, any number
of people

Could have taken
that jewelry.

Why don't you just ask
mr. Richard pooley?

He was in here visiting

The day before she died.

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am.

Well, thank you
for your time.

Good night.

Good night, ma'am.

Miss tyler, is there
anything I can...?

Good night, edward.

Good night, ma'am.

Well, well.
Chief gillespie.

Can I help you?

Good morning.

Well, I'm on a hunt
for jewelry.

Last time you saw
your auntie estelle
at the home,

Was she wearing
her emerald,
her diamond,

And her gold
wedding band?

Yes, sir,
she certainly was.

You're sure now?

You wouldn't miss
those items on my
aunt estelle's fingers.

You could hardly
look at her face

For looking
at those rings.

Why do you ask?

I'm surprised
you haven't
asked yourself.

What are you
talking about?

From the moment
your auntie died

Until just now,

Those items
of jewelry
are missing.

Well, chief, i--i
want to thank you

For bringing this
to my attention.

You know,
I would say

That jewelry's worth
$60,000 if it's
worth a penny.

You know, you've
given me another
cause of action

Against munson manor
nursing home--

Grand theft,
as well as criminal

Uh, m*rder's what
we're leaning to
more than negligence.

Now we've got a motive
for m*rder--

The theft of the jewelry.

But I can see
why you'd prefer
the negligence.

Oh, you can?

It gives you a civil suit
against the nursing home.

We'll find out
which it is--
we're getting closer.

Could you tell me

Who your aunt
was planning to leave
that jewelry to in her will?

Not that it's any
of your business,

But I think she was planning
to leave it all to me--

Except maybe
the nursing home.

Are you the lawyer
handling your
auntie's will?

Certainly not.

Her lawyer is
mr. George fawlings
of sparta.

I would not
impose myself
on my own family.

Very delicate.

That's appropriate.

George fawlings--
quite appropriate.

Why are you
bothering me, gillespie?

You know very well
I have to preserve

An attorney-client

Only the attorney
is living, george--
the client's dead.

Well, ethics--
they never die.

I wasn't asking
a legal question,

Just a social

How is it that
estelle pooley,

Worth millions
of dollars,

Didn't live
in her mansion,

But in a nursing
home in sparta?

You don't know
the answer to that?

If I did, george,
I wouldn't ask you now,
would i?

Because she
owns the place.

I own a duck blind,

But I don't
live in it.

Maybe she liked
the company at the home.

There's another reason
for not living
in that mansion.

Tell me.

It's occupied
by 50 generations
of termites

That go back
to the w*r
between the states.

Richard pooley
lives in that house.

He'll find himself sleeping
under 20 tons of rubble

Coming right down
on him.

Estelle pooley knew
what she was doing

Every single minute,
so don't fool yourself.

Uh, one more question,
george, please.

Was estelle pooley
going to change her will?

I want your cooperation,

We got a m*rder
going on here.

That she was about
to make a change

Is none of your
damn business.

And was that change
going to affect...

You said
one question, chief.

This is question one,
part two.

Then continue.

Was that change going to
adversely affect
anybody in particular?

I can only
properly say

It was going to dash
the expectations

Of a certain lady--

Y-you didn't
hear that from me.

That certain lady
was hoping

She wouldn't
have to see me again.

Now I'm going to
have to disappoint her.

Thank you, george.

Mac, how are you?

When are you
getting paroled
out of here?


Too many good-looking
old women around here.


But you lost one
of them, didn't you?


One of the prettiest
of the whole lot.

And she was
mighty sweet, too.

It's a shame.

I want to thank you

For mentioning
estelle pooley's

To lieutenant skinner.

Did you find it yet? Oh, no.

Half a dozen
different people
could have taken it.

The m*rder*r
took the jewelry, bill,

But the jewelry
wasn't the motive
for the m*rder.

What was?

You've got to
look into that will--

The beneficiaries.


I was just on my way
to do that now.

I'll see you later.

Oh, bill.

Glad to have you
on the case with me.

Keep me informed.

I sure will, mac.

I sure will.

Dr. Tyler,
I wish you wouldn't take
that tone with me.

But you seem
to be implying

That, in some way,

I am responsible for
miss pooley's death.

You're the head
of this institution,

You have access
to every part of it.

You're still a beneficiary
of estelle pooley's will--

Because she didn't have
a chance to change it.

I'm not saying
that these things prove

That you caused
this lady's death,

But I've known
district attorneys

Who would make a m*rder case
with less than that.

Well, you have been
asking people questions,
haven't you, chief?


Now I have a question
for you.

Did you have a fight
with estelle pooley?

A difference
of opinion...

About how this place
should be run.

We both said...

Things to each other

That neither one
of us could forgive.

And then she said

She was gonna call in
mr. Fawlings to cut you out.

Yes, she said that.

But then she was m*rder*d.

But dr. Robb said
she was not m*rder*d.

If you think that her will
is a motive for m*rder,

Why don't you
find out who else
is in that will?

Well, the only other person
in it is her nephew.

He didn't have anything
to gain by k*lling her.

He needed money.

He was going to
get plenty, right?

But not for years,

Miss pooley
was very healthy.

needed money now.

Now, chief, if you'll
let me do my work...

Oh, of course.


Darlene: bubba, you're not
investigating richard pooley?

I'm afraid
we got reason to.

Oh, bubba.
In the first place,

He has no need of money.

Where did you get
that idea?

New orleans police.

New orleans?

What did they tell you?

Let's put it this way--

If they still had
old-time debtor prisons,

Richard pooley would
sure be in one.

His expensive
been repossessed,

He's cashed checks
without money
to back them.

And the louisiana bar
association is wondering

Whether to let him
keep on practicing law.

Well, I guess you know
I've been seeing richard.

We know whenever he's
been to see his aunt,

At least 12 times
the past year,

You've seen him
every time.

We know
you've been seeing him

While he's been staying
at his aunt's house.

You can imagine
what kind of feelings
I have for him.

When I asked you
to meet me here,

I was hoping
you could tell me
things about him.

But it seems like
I know more than you.

Darlene, we've known
each other a long time,

And you've gotta believe

How hard
it is for me
to tell you this.

You're a dear friend,

Thank you.

That's what
I'd expect from you.

I don't like doughnuts.

I--i like fritters.

I go to a doughnut shop,
they say, "what's your usual?"

And I say,
"what do you think it is?"

And then they bring me out
this big box of doughnuts.

And I'm about
to lose my mind.

And I say,
"I hate doughnuts..."

Officer sweet?

What are you
doing here?

Lieutenant skinner
put me on guard duty, sir.

Uh, over here, huh?

Well, keep up
the good work.

The boss, huh?


Uh, doughnuts. Were we
talking about doughnuts?

No, fritters, fritters,
'cause I hate doughnuts.

That's it.

Nurse: oh, my god.
What was that?

What are you doing
in here?

Never mind that,
where's gillespie?

He just left.


Wait a minute.

Where are you going?

Mr. Mccauley!

I've got to tell him.

What is it, sir?


Talk to the chief.

Bill gillespie,
you just hold on
a minute there.

I don't want to get
a restraining order
against you.

But I will if I have to.

Why, george?

For harassing
the management
of this institution,

Which I represent.

I'm told you got a room
shut off in there,

And no one can
even clean it.

But that's a crime scene.

I've got it taped off
and a guard there.

You and your men are
continually bothering

The patients
and employees here.

a m*rder investigation
is painful work, george.

The only one talking
about m*rder is you.

Now doesn't that
make you pause

And wonder
about yourself?


Something happened
to your friend.
You better come quick.

Man: okay, clear
the hallway!

Clear, clear!
Come on, clear!

Come on, people.
Make way.
Make way.

call the doctor.

Excuse me, sir, please.

What happened?

Uh, found him in
miss pooley's old room.

He said he had
something to say to you.

When I told him you left,
he chased after you.

His strength just seemed
to drain out of him.

He fell down
flat on the floor.

Mac, can you
talk to me?

Mac, can you hear me?



It happened...



See it

From the...


What is he saying?

He says he knows
how it happened.

Make her go away.

Go away!

Would you step
back away, please?

This man is
a patient of mine.

Evidently, he wants to tell
me something privately.

He would like you
to step back a little ways.

Would you do that please?

Go ahead, mac.
Tell me what you
want to tell me.



Go ahead, mac,
I'm listening.


I'm afraid
he can't go on, sir.

What happened?

It's a little stroke.

It's happened before.

He was going to tell me
how estelle pooley died.

I'm sure he will, sir,

This won't
last too long.

Well, how long
do you think?

Well, tomorrow,
maybe the next day,

But he will
come around.

Bill: well, here's the bed,

He said you could
see it from the bed.

All I see from the bed
is four walls.

There's furniture here,
we went through all this.

Nothing in it.


Nothing in that.


What can you see
from the bed?


What was that?

Oh, that's probably
the motor of the fan

That sends the heat
through that grating
over there.

That grating over there--

That's what you can
see from the bed.


Well, go see where it goes.


Skinner here.

Bill: bubba, I just found
something interesting.

Chief, where you at?

Estelle pooley's old room
here at the home.

With a little help
from poor old mac,

I may have just
figured out part
of this thing.

Uh, where's jamison?

Uh, he's over at
cookie's clam house,

richard pooley...

And a friend.


[Telephone rings]

Man: good evening, cookie's.

Mm-hmm. Yeah,
just a minute.


It's for you.

Thank you.

Yeah, chief.

They've been here
about 20 minutes.

Yes, sir.
I understand.


You can't just sit
here doing nothing.

The police have just
turned your life
upside down.

Do I look worried?

I think you should
leave sparta.


Don't be ridiculous.

Why don't you
just ask me

To sign a confession
that I m*rder*d my auntie,

And turn it over
to chief gillespie?

I mean, my leaving sparta
would accomplish
the same thing.

Well, here's your
m*rder w*apon, chief.
Found it in the shaft.

Where does
this shaft come out?

Came out in
the supply closet,

Which led to
the hallway outside.

Whoever m*rder*d
miss pooley

Must have come in
through that outside door,

Or an employee
could have let him in.

Reason nobody saw him was
he went in the supply closet,

Went through the grate,

Crawled along the shaft,
pushing that pillow
ahead of him,

Came out here,
smothered miss pooley,
and escaped the same way.

And the pillow was
hospital property,

So he left it
in the shaft.

Put it back
in that shaft
where you found it.



Well, no, no, you see,
it's the little stuff
that's driving me crazy.

Excuse me.

I'm sergeant jamison,
sparta police department.

Mr. Pooley?

Yes, what do you want?

Chief gillespie says

We'll have this case
closed by the morning.

We had this mr. Mccauley--

Had a stroke--but he's
regaining his speech.

What do you expect
this gentleman to tell you?

About some stolen jewelry
and m*rder.

Well, I'm not aware
of any stolen jewelry...

Or m*rder.

Then I shouldn't have
interrupted your dinner.

Good night.

Good night, ma'am.

Good night, sergeant.

[Machine whirring]

[Whirring stops]

He's fine.

You were right, chief.


Yes, so it seems.

Hard to believe.


But you can be sure
she was put up to this

By mr. Richard pooley,

Who had his own reasons

For wanting to get rid
of his aunt fast.

Darlene had her reasons
for wanting to help him.

You must have loved
richard very much

To do a thing
like this for him.

I'll always love richard.

Better put some
handcuffs on her, sweet.

We're probably going
to use everything
you said against you,

So you don't want
to say anything else.


Sparta police department.

Yes, sir.


Line one.


It's the chief, bubba.

Are the boys
there with you?

They're here, chief.

Well, turn them loose.

You're on your way.

I hate to
tell you this,

But I'm obliged
to hold a friend
of yours for m*rder.

It wouldn't be darlene,
would it?

You don't seem
too surprised.

Well, I figured she knew
something about it.

Are you telling me
she did it?

With her own two small,
efficient little hands,

She did do it.

[Door bangs open]

I suppose you think
I'm burying precious jewels.

Well, whatever
you are doing,

It's really just
a waste of time.

I'm digging out termites.

They won't be
bothering you

Where you're going,
mr. Pooley.

The walls are all
made of stone there.

good evening.

Well, I expected
a different look
on your face.

What do you mean?

Well, different
from yesterday's look

When you thought
I was a m*rder*r.

Oh, well,
I'm sorry about that.

My face tends to
stay the same these
days, anyhow.


Well, it just
isn't as active
as it used to be,

Uh, like some
other things,
but, uh...

I just thought
maybe I could
make amends

By asking you to
come have dinner
with me some night.



Do I know you?

I'm althea tibbs.

I found you on
the railroad tracks.

I remember you.

You're the one
that had them
bring me back here.

This is your home.

This is
where you live.

No, it isn't.

We had a magnolia tree
in our garden,

And a swinging tire.

Well, maybe we'll get them
to plant a new magnolia tree

In the garden here.

Not another penny
can be spent
on this place

Until it goes
through probate.

After that, you can
talk to miss tyler
about, uh...


I heard they were
gonna tear it down.

And they're gonna
throw all of us
into the street.

Oh, no, ma'am!

Miss tyler
and mr. Pooley
are the new owners.

They intend to
keep things going.

Mr. Pooley is gonna
help run things,

As, uh, soon as
he's bailed out.

Mr. Fawlings
is confident

That our m*rder*r
is gonna remain at large.

You're kidding.

Oh, not at all,

Given the law
enforcement setup
in this town,

I could keep
muammar qaddafi
out of jail.

Doesn't that man
bother you?

Oh, no, not a bit.

You need an old
pharisee like that
thundering around town.

He's right just enough
so that you pay attention,

And wrong just enough

So that you don't
let him worry you.

Well, well,
look who's here.

You feel
like talking now?

I do, and I will,

If the left side of
my brain's working, or...

Is it supposed to be
the right side?

One side makes you savage,
the other social.

Well, I'll take
my chances, go ahead.

Bill, will you try
to keep my name

Out of the papers
on this?

Uh, certainly.

Certainly, mac.

Uh, what did you do?

Well, I thought
I solved this whole
thing for you.

Oh, oh. Well,
you did tell me
that you could see

The whole thing
from the bed.

But before I figured out
that peculiar message,

You went to sleep on me.

Well, what about
the jewels?

We found the jewels
in darlene's little

No, I mean me mentioning
the jewels to bubba skinner.

That's what started
your whole investigation.

If I hadn't done that,

You and that croaker,
doc robb

Would have walked
right out of here

Believing that that
intelligent, healthy,
little old lady

Poked a hanky
down her throat.

I never
believed it.

I'm told
that your husband

Works for this
ungrateful person.

When he's in town.

Virgil's been
in new orleans
the past 10 days

with the fbi.

Well, if you're, uh...

Short on staff,

I'm at liberty--
at the moment.

Oh, no, mac.

No, not a chance.

The city council
has decreed
proportional hiring.

What does he
mean by that?

You're not black,
and you're not
a woman.

No, and he's not
young, either.
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