03x12 - Triangle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x12 - Triangle

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

Bye, daddy.

Bye, honey.

Got your lunch ticket?


Hurry up.
Hurry, hurry.

I'm not coming
right home
after school.

Karen, be home by 6:00.
I mean it.

Gimme a kiss.

Do good on your test.
I love you.

Be careful.



[Door closes]

Don't forget
your briefcase.

Thanks, honey.

I hope
all goes well.

I'll call you.

Don't drive fast.
There's cops around.

[Door closes]


Come on.
That's it.

All right,
come on there.

Bring it on back.

Easy, easy.


Hold it.

Where are you going?

I'm late for work.

So is everybody else.

Best be
a little patient.

You're going to make
a bad mistake.

Come on.
Get out of here.

Thank you, officer.

Come on, let's go.
Come on.

[Dog barks]

[Knock on door]

[Doorbell chimes]

Hurry up.
Come on in.

Look, I'm scared.
He left
something behind.

Will he come back?


Let's not.
Not today.

Yes, today. Now.
Call the plant.

He's not there yet.

Leave word.

If he wants
whatever he left,
you'll bring it.




Morning, roy.

Morning, roy.


John, where you been?

Traffic tie-up.

We got an hour.

It'll take every minute
to go over
your material.

Look, we wrap
this thing up,

We'll take some time off
and drown some worms.

Are we ready?

A takeover could
cost us all our jobs.

Not if they accept.

We could
double production
in six months,

Raising our bonuses.

Let me read it.

I got it
boiled down
to 10 pages.



I left it
on the hallway table.

John, you nut!

No more of this.

[Door opens]

[Both moaning]




John sevrance,
what did you do?


This is it, huh?

Yeah, I guess.

You going to
join us?


Thank you.


Sparta police,
good morning.

Wait a second.
Talk slowly.

Yes. Bubba.


Man with a g*n
on belvista.

sh**ting in his house.

Ok. Family name is...

Spell it.

Got it. Yes.

Your name, please?

And address?

And phone.

Dee. Yes, sir?

Send a couple of cars
to 74 belvista.

The man is armed.

You tell them boys
to use their heads.

Yes, sir.

Any cars in vicinity
of 74 belvista...



Yeah, what?

Morning, chief.

a john sevrance?

Uh, the name, yeah.

What line of work
is he in?

I forget.

Well, wait.

Isn't that the man
who used to run
the concerts in the park?

I think he did.

But there's been
some sh*ts
at his house.

That's on your way.

You might want
to drop by.

Yeah, I'll drop by.

See you.

Mr. Sevrance.

Yes, ma'am,
still here.

Sorry you had to wait.

Karen's not at school.

She went on a trip
to the college.

Oh, ok.

I thought that
was an evening thing.

Anything urgent?

No. Not at all.

I got a price on
an electronic keyboard.

It will keep
till I see her.

Thank you
for all your trouble.

Bye-bye, now.

Good morning.
What's doing?

Double homicide.

k*lled his wife
and her boyfriend.

Mrs. Kosh
lives next door.

She heard the sh*ts

And saw mr. Sevrance
running out
holding a g*n.

John sevrance's wife
is marge.

Poor marge.

The man
is cullon wecker.

You know that man?

I know him to see
coming and going,

If you know what I mean.

She's right.

Cullon wecker's
his name.

I checked his wallet.
He manages a restaurant.

They were married
17 years.

Two children--

10-Year-old tad,

Daughter karen
at sparta high.

Here's a picture
of the family.

It's funny.
I stopped him
this morning.

Said he was
going to work.

Where's that?

Thail river mill.

He went,
but came back.

I wish he hadn't
come back.

I already sent
out a description
of him.

Find him before
he does anymore harm.

You think he might?

Well, when a man
gets crazy like that...

He hit them close
with a large w*apon,
like a .45.

I thought I'd go by
the boy's school

If you
think I should.


Then I could have
mrs. Tibbs talk
to the daughter.

you pick up the boy,

Take him
to his sister's school,

Then maybe mrs. Tibbs

Can help you
tell both of them,
you know.

I can alert her.

Looks like a simple
crime of passion.

Yeah, simple.

It's a terrible mess
all the same.

There may be worse to come.

Please tell me.

I haven't done
anything wrong.

Is it my sister?

It's a family matter,

They'll tell you
in there.

I think maybe--

I'll get back
to you, ok?


Hi, tad.
I'm mrs. Tibbs.

Would you sit over here
for a second?

I'd like to talk
to officer sweet, ok?

Have you told him

Nope. No guts.

The chief called
his aunt.

She's on her way.

Where's tad's sister?

She's not here
right now.

her father called.

From where?

I don't know.

Where's karen?

On a field trip.

We must find her.

Wait. Why?

We're worried
about her father.

You think
he'd hurt his kids?

He k*lled his wife.

We don't know
what's going on.

Very informative.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

[Organ plays]

You are
hearing what?

Bach toccata
and fugue.

Right. And it's not
a recording.

Someone's playing it
in the auditorium.

Piano and organ students
will note

It is one of wurlitzer's
first great organs,

Donated by
the chalmiss family,

Who originally
founded sparta.

And I have $20
from my daddy

To contribute
to that organ's

Your daddy
is most kind.

Chief, an old dirt road
leads out to that lake.

No word
on john sevrance.

Karen isn't in school.
She's on a field trip.

Who's on the phone?


Let me talk to him.

What kind of field trip?

To the college.

You wait
where you are

For the kid's
relatives to turn up.

Make sure he goes
with them.

Yes, sir.

[Bell rings]

Want me to come?

No, no. Just me,
I think.

I don't know.

always told me
to keep it simple.

I'll try.


Honey, I want you
to get ready

For some very sad news.


There was some trouble
at your house

Between your mother
and your father.

You mean a fight?


Your dad came home,

And there was another man
at your house,

A friend of your mother's,

Someone your dad
didn't like.

Was the man
cullon wecker?

I don't know his name.

Were they in bed

Yes, tad, they were.

And my dad...

What did he do?

He shot them.

That's what he said
he'd do...

If they ever
did that again.

Here's the two I found.

They're .45s,
all right.

They look just like
the ones we found
on the floor by the bed,

Fired at 4 or 5

You'll need
to sign for those.

You know,
I delivered this woman
of her second child.

John sevrance
never believed
that child was his.

Whose did he think?

This unfortunate
fella here.


Why are you here?

I'm sorry.
Something's come up.


You got to
come away with me.

It's very private,

We have to hurry.
The car's over here.

Mr. Sevrance!

Mr. Sevrance,
is there a problem?

I have
to take karen.

Kind of
a family emergency.

I'm sorry.

Is it something
about tad?

No, honey.


I'll explain
on the way
to the cabin.

Why there?

I'll explain.

Well, I hope everything
will be all right.

Them pictures
was taken
up by purvis lake.


he might go there?

Maybe, but why?

Can I come in?

Sure, sit down.

I like your old mug.

Anything more delicate
than that

Gets busted around here.

I was marge
sevrance's doctor

When she was
in high school.

Do you think john
knew about his wife

Before today?

I have to
think he did.

It's been going on
for years.


Marge and cullon
were high school

Why did she marry john?

Well, according
to my wife,

It was spite.

Cullon was
fooling around with
some other girl.

So all these years,

John sevrance knew
his wife was having a thing

With this fella
cullon wecker?

Why didn't john
leave his wife?

Who can say
why any man

Does or doesn't
leave his wife?

I suppose
he was devoted
to his children,

Even if, uh...

Even if, uh, what?

Marge told me
john never believed

Tad was really his.

Thought maybe he was
cullon wecker's.

Didn't you say he was
devoted to the boy?

I think so.

Though it was
marge's idea
that he wasn't.

Maybe he
never believed

The girl was his,

This man could be dangerous
to both the children.

Where's the girl?

Her father got her.

When? About 20 minutes ago.

He said,
"we're going to the cabin"?

I think so.
I heard "cabin."

Thank you.

Did something bad happen
to karen's mother?

I'm afraid so, sir.

Karen seemed so scared.

I'm worried about her.

We're worried
about her, too.

Real worried.

Here, daddy.

Put mine on the seat.


Yes, hon?

I get the feeling
something's changed with you.

Yes, it has.
You're right.

Can I guess?

I wanted to wait
and tell you
at the cabin.

You've stayed
as long as you can,

And you're going
to leave us now.

Yes, darling.
That's right.
I'm leaving.

But you're just
leaving mama, not us.

I want to talk
about all that--

What I want you to do
when I'm gone.

Let's get
to the cabin first, ok?


Jamison, are you on?

The father beat us
to the college.

He already
got the girl.

A witness
overheard something
about a cabin.

Go to purvis lake.

That's where the cabin is.
Where's sweet?

He's right behind me.

I'm on.

You take
old county road 211
to purvis lake.

That's the way
out of there,
you understand?

Now, if you
don't meet sevrance
coming out,

Just keep on going

Till you run into jamison
at the cabin.

We'll also be there.
Ok, chief.

Do not approach
or try to enter that cabin

Till I've talked
to the man.

We haven't talked yet.
The phone isn't working.

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

Tad and I
always knew
about cullon wecker.

I think you
knew we knew.

I did.

I don't know if
you fought about it much.

I only remember
one fight.

There were only
a couple of fights.

Missy moreland's daddy
left her mama over
a thing like this.

I have another friend--
her daddy's the one
who fools around.

Her mama's
kind of like you--

I mean, she doesn't
say much about it.

Well, when you've said "stop,"
there's not much else to say.

They stop
or they don't.

You stay or
you leave.

If you got kids
you love a whole lot...

I wish you hadn't
gone through all that
suffering just for us.

Honey, it wasn't
all suffering.

You kids are the reason
why it wasn't.

Someday, when you're a mama,

You'll realize
how much joy

Darling kids
can add to your life,

And how much you and tad
added to mine.

Tad, honey, they told us
what happened,

And we're here for you.

We're the loomises.

I'm dan,
and that's my wife marta.

I'm althea tibbs.

I know karen well.

Tad and I just met.

Did they tell you
what daddy did?

Yes. They told us.

I knew he was going
to do it.

I heard him say so.

A couple of times.

Did you ever
hear him say so?

Did you?

We may have, son.

Well, yeah.

But you always hear
about people getting mad,

Talking about
the awful things
they're going to do.

And nothing
you can do about it,
is there?

We just didn't think
he meant it, son.

I did.

I got sevrance's wagon.

He's got the girl
beside him.

He's heading
for the purvis lake exit.

Don't push him.
Just keep him
in sight.

He doesn't seem
to be running.

Is that
good or bad?

Depends what he means
to do with that girl.

Depends on
what he means to do
with that girl.

This is a bib problem.

How you going
to handle this?

The boy can't go
to pascagoula.

His mawmaw is just
too delicate.
She's getting on--

62 Isn't
getting on.

And my mother
has money

domestic help.

Tad likes her.
So does karen.

What I didn't
want to tell you is

When I told your mama
what happened,

She went into shock,
couldn't talk.

She always does that.

She dropped the phone.

One of the maids
helped her to the sofa.

Then she talked with me.

Mrs. Tibbs, folks,
excuse me.

The chief wants me
to bring you-all
out to purvis lake.

Why? Who's there?

Mr. Sevrance
and karen.

We don't want
to bust in,

And he's not
coming out.

Maybe you could
help us solve
this situation.

What's he going to do
to that child?

Nothing, ma'am.
We hope.

Let's get out
to the lake.

God, god, god.

The man is a good manager.

He's a deacon
of his church.

He designed
the youth center.

He started the sparta
citizens' orchestra.

What happened?

What happened?

Right this way,

[Car doors open]



What are you doing?
Who you sh**ting at?

Did he hit anything?

Uh-uh. I didn't even
hear no ricochets.

Did he hit anything?

Nothing over here.

I don't even think
he aimed at anything.

Daddy, this is crazy.

Daddy, what are you doing?

Daddy, talk to me, please!

Why did the police
follow us here?

Daddy, why are we here?

Daddy, if you don't tell me,
I'm leaving.

You mustn't
do that, karen.

Why? You going
to sh**t me?

What? Come here.

No, my darling.
I would never,
never, never,

Never harm you
for anything.

I love you so much.

You can go
if you want to.

I'll tell
those cops.

Then I'll
just open the door
and let you go.

I just wish
you'd stay,

So I can tell you
all the things
I want to tell you.

Make me feel
a whole lot better

But to where?

the police are here.
They want you.


Daddy, what do they
want you for?

They want to keep me
from leaving, I guess...

The way I must leave.

Oh, daddy. You're not going
to k*ll yourself, are you?

Please say
you're not, daddy.

Honey, now, please.

I can't
take that, karen.

I can't deal
with a baby.

What I must see
before me now,

Before I go,

A young woman...

With intelligence
and maturity
and strength.

Make that your last
gift to me--

To let me see
that young woman.

And then
I can end my life.


I will.

No, daddy.


Here's parker.

Chief, I'm dan loomis.

This is my wife marta,

And that's tad sevrance
back there in the car.

What's john doing
in there?

I suppose
he's in there

to his daughter,

Explaining to her
his side of things.

John sevrance has always
been calm about everything.

But we all know
about still waters,
don't we?

How's the young
fella there?

Is he holding up
all right?

Well, he's holding up,

But I don't know
about underneath.

The reason I'm worried
about the girl is...

Did her daddy
ever express any doubts
about her origins?

No. Tad only.

I know. I know

Maybe you can tell us

What that man's
fixing to do in there.

I'm going
to try the phone
one more time.

You ever known him

To go a little
off the tracks?

Well, off the tracks? Yeah.

Everybody seems to be,
from time to time.

Did you ever
see the man go nuts?

No. He never,
that I witnessed,

Lost his temper.

I can see him
moving around.

With a r*fle,
I could take him
out easy.

It would be over.

Wait. Wait.

I feel like charging
the federal government

For virgil's salary
this month.

Bad timing
for a joke.

It's just I wish
virgil wasn't
down in new orleans

Working for the fbi.

I wish he was
here working on
this hostage case.

Is this really
a hostage case?

If that girl
knows what happened

To her mama
and cullon wecker,

She doesn't want to be
in that cabin.

Megaphone, chief,
in case you need it.

Thank you.

What kind of w*apon
you got in the car?

My shotgun,
loaded with slugs.

Take it around
the west side of the house.
Look for possible exits.

Right on it.


Yeah, chief?

You got a r*fle here?


Take it around
the east side.

some windows.

See if you
can look in,
just in case.

Yes, sir.

I hate this.

Oh, mrs. Tibbs,
I hate it, too.

I hate it.

Is nothing
going to happen?

I sure don't
want anything
to happen.

Unless he
makes it happen.

Honey, I want you
to know where
all this stuff is.

I don't want
to talk about it.

This jewelry
was my mama's.

I was supposed to give it
to your mama,

But I never could.

Now it's yours.

You know mama
won't let me
keep that stuff.

She's got nothing
to say about it now.

You take this now.

You take this, honey.

John sevrance.

John sevrance,
are you listening to me?

Chief, you listen
to me, ok?

Give me
a little more time.

Just a few minutes,

And you'll get
what you want.

I've got young tad
out here with me.

I sure wish I had karen
with me, too.

Karen's fine.

You don't
have to worry
about anything

If you don't
do anything dumb

Like blazing
your way
in here.

John, all I want to do

Is have a conversation
with you,

But I'm in
a bad position here.

I can't officially
believe that child
is safe

Until she's
out here with me.

I'm taking pressure
from my men out here.

They're thinking
about what happened
this morning

At your house.

happened there

Was the k*lling

Of a couple
of cheating,
sinning devils

With no
more conscience
or decency

Than a pair
of stinking
horny bobcats!

I should've
k*lled them
long ago!

Long ago!

When karen
was a baby--

My karen--

The only child
I can call
my own, was 2!

Why, daddy?

Why now?

Why today,
after all this time?
Why now?

When I saw his car

And thought
about all the times

His car must have
come and gone,

I couldn't handle it.

After all the years
of stepping with care
and patience,

I stumbled
on a moment

That wouldn't let me
get my balance,

That wouldn't
let me once again
get my mind straight.

Now, listen, honey,

I almost got
no more time left.

Look at here...

This is here--
this is the deed

To the house in natchez
by the river.

And the rest of these

mortgage certificates.

in other properties nearby.

And, uh, oh,
this here is a key

To the safe deposit box
in natchez.

It's got $11,000
cash money in it

And some stock
you can sell,

'Cause it
never goes nowhere.

There's some
municipal bonds

Wrapped up
in this package.

Now, wait a minute.

Well, let's see.

Oh, yeah.

Here's the deed
to our house on belvista.

My insurance will pay off
what's left owing on it.

Now, let's see.
What else?

The pink slips
on the two cars

Are in the desk
at home.

And... Here's the keys
to the wagon outside.

I love you, daddy.

This envelope's
got some more
cash in it--


Tad loves you, too.

No matter
what happened
long ago,

You're the one
he loves.

You're his daddy.

Put this
in your pocket.

Put this
in your pocket now.

There's an extra set
at home in my desk

Where I keep papa's
pocket watch.

When this is all over--

You listen, honey--

Come back here
by yourself
and get this box--

It'll be up there
in the storage space--

And you go back
to town yourself.

you understand that?

Come on.
You got to go.

No, daddy.
No, daddy. Please.

No, daddy!

Come on. No, daddy.

Karen's coming out, chief!

I'm not going,

Not if you're
going to do
what you said.

You want me to suffer
more than ever before

Through courts,
trials and jails,

Pictures of everybody--
you-all and me and them--

And finally die anyhow?

Bill gillespie!

Come get my child.

But don't bring a g*n,
or I'll fight

And make you do something
I best do myself.

Come on now!

What am I
supposed to do,
look friendly?

If you can.

No g*n, chief?

Why? You have one.

Ok, now,
here he comes. Go on.

Please, daddy.

Karen. No, karen.

Karen, listen, listen.

Go on over there
with your aunt and uncle.

They feel terrible.

Go be with them.
Go ahead.

Go ahead. Go on.

I haven't
got a g*n
in my hand,

And you
haven't, either.

Why don't we
sit together
on the porch?

I'd rather be here

Where I can
get back in quick.

That's where I got to be
to do what I have to do.

Now, john sevrance,
let me tell you,

You can go back
as far as leviticus

To find justification
for what you did.

We say it's wrong today,
and wrong it is.

But not even
a non religious man

Would accuse you
of first-degree m*rder.

What I'm trying to say
is you've got time,

You've got a family,

And there's years
you can spend

With that family.

Speaking of which,
there's a young fella

Who wants to be
by your side.

What you heard
me say before
meant nothing.

You think about it
no more, never again.

You're my boy.

You're daddy's real boy,
his one and only boy,

The boy of my heart
since you were born...

And I held your little self
in my arms,

In my two hands.

I hope you and your sister
will forgive me

And love each other

As I have loved you
more than all the world.

Take care
of each other always.

I love you.

Go on now,
and be a good boy.

Just cool down now.
I got you.

You played it false,

You played it false!

Don't say anymore, sir.
We can use it
against you.

Those kids
are the real victims.

You know, chief,
mrs. Tibbs is right.


Well, old crimes
never die,

They just move
to sparta, mississippi.



Thank you, bubba.
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