03x05 - Crackdown

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x05 - Crackdown

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Alarm bell rings]

Let's get going.


Come on, come on.
Let's go.

Don't move.

Come on
out of there, boy.

Come on.

Come on out here, boy.

What happened?

This kid robbed
your store.

You can turn
your alarm off.

You one of
martin boller's kids?

Is he? Yeah.


He's stealing
to smoke.

We found this
on him.

It's processed
smokeable cocaine.

This is crack.

That's crack.

You know,
I'm beginning to hear

A lot more
about this stuff
than I want to.

Huh? This is
a jackson problem.

It's a new orleans problem.

Eight arrests makes it
a sparta problem.

You're talking
about arresting people
for other things,

Where the arrestees
happen to be carrying
some kind of junk.

Carrying crack.

Eight arrests.

We have all those
juvenile burglaries.

We think there's
a connection.

I think that's very vague.

I think
there's a connection.

You might as well say

Childhood and chicken pox
are connected.

What can I do?

Aah! Aah!

Sounds like
that boller kid's
done flipped out.

Take care of him.

I recommend
hospital care.

He's coming off
that crack.

Then let's transfer him
to kennard juvenile pen.

What is this, sweet?

You the departmental
expert in this insanity?

[Rock music plays]

Stop staring.

I'm not staring.

They're staring.

Kenny is.
At you.

Is he? Yeah.

Hey, dude.

What's darrell
doing here?

Your mom
will k*ll you.

I didn't ask him,
but isn't he cute?

Does he want me
or you?

Who do you think?

Hey, wait.

Wait, man.

Only cash makes me wait.

Did you bring it
or not?

I've always
got it, man.

Give your little
girlfriend some.

Works wonders, man.

So you want to go
for a walk or something?


Hey, timer.
You got the stuff?

Just give me
the money, son.

Come on.

Come on.

Hold this.


You're not scared,
are you?

No, of course not.



It's o.k.

You kids start
getting grownups
toting this stuff in,

Or I won't buy
nothing more.

O.k. How much
for that?

I said no. Now git.


Hold it, sport.

Calm down.

Calm down.

Oh, jim.

Jim got me this
for christmas.

We only reported them
stolen yesterday.

We've been bird-dogging
the pawnshops recently.

There's been a rash
of burglaries.

Then you have
the thief.

Yeah. There she is.


What's going on? I'm sorry, daddy.

Your daughter
stole this stuff
from your house.

I needed money
for school.

I didn't want
to ask you.

You know I don't
do bad stuff.

Laura told me
to do it.

I know I done bad stuff.

It's o.k., Baby.

Thanks for getting us
down here right away.

We'd rather
settle this at home.

Well, I don't know if it
can be settled at home,

From my point of view,

But I guess
it'll be o.k.
If she goes for now.

She's just not
that kind of girl.

Thank you.

Let's go.

You did notice all that
scratching, didn't you?

On the kid?


She got chiggers?

It's not funny, chief. I'm not trying
to be.

If you've
got something
to tell me,

Why don't
you say it?

She's been robbing
from her home

To pay for dope.

The worst kind.
She's on crack.

You can tell all this
from that itching?

It's not just itching!

That is
the crack crawlies.

And the lying
and the stealing...

Now, I've seen this.
I've been through it.

You wha...

You've been through this?

Sweet, why don't you
sit down

And tell me
what you mean?

Well, come on, son.

What is it about?


My aunt violet's little boy,
uh, my cousin, james edward...

He was a...
Tough little guy.

He wore glasses.

He wore them...
At baseball practice.

You know, but...
At game time, no way.

He couldn't even
see the ball coming,

But he swung at it.

Sometimes he hit it.

I was at the academy.

I was busy...

Learning to be a great
protector of society.

So I only saw him
about four times
that last fall.

Coached his little
league team in august.

By halloween,
he was hooked on crack.

Started lying
and stealing.

By thanksgiving,
he was in his second
treatment hospital.

he was a runaway.

Buried him january 3rd.

I want you off
this kroller case.

I refuse to get off
the case...sir.

Well, now, sweet, uh...

I told you something
I want you to do,

And you're
going to do it.

You are just
not cool enough

To stay on this case,

So I'm telling you
stay off it.

And you stay off it.

You hear me?

Sweet, we should do
what the boss says.

We're all cops here.

We're not social workers.

Detective tibbs,
some computer stuff
coming in for you.


Sweet, you're
being silly.

I don't care what I am
as long as I'm right.

What do you mean?

I mean...
Nobody's going to
take me off this case.

[Jim] she said
she was sorry.

But she stole.
That's the point.

I'm sorry.

What do you want?

For you to take
this seriously.

Stop fighting.

I didn't mean
to do anything
wrong, please.

Zan, clear
the table, honey.

But it's
corey's turn.

I always have
to do everything
when she messes--

Shut up!corey!

Corey, I need
to know something.

I mean, the papers
are full of it every day.

Full of what?

About...about dr*gs.

Mom, please.
I'm not using.

Honey, I know
it's going on with
the kids these days.

Come on.

I tried pot once,

But it only
made me sick.

Mom, you just
got to trust me.

[Bell rings]

Corey, don't
go up there.

What's your

Why do you always
talk to me like that?

I said I'm
going up there
if I want to.

Wait. Don't go.


What are you--i saw you take

What are you
talking about?
I don't have any--

It's not my bag.

Hold it! Police!

Stop, or I'll sh**t!



You fired a g*n
without sufficient reason

At an unarmed person!

I thought
he was dealing.

Did you have
any evidence?

Sorry. I blew that.

I should have
stayed on him.

Stayed on him
for what?

This girl is in
way over her head.

You're in over your head
for disobeying orders.

For goodness sake, chief!

Sweet observed
a connection!

I observe
a connection

Between disobedience
and chaos in this
damn department.

I expect
my second in command

To agree in spite
of personal feelings.

Hold it!

I know my

But we can't
forget this girl.

This little girl's
personal life

Is none
of your business!

It's up to her daddy
to bring her up!

You want to talk,
talk to her daddy.

Do it on your own time.

In the meantime,
you obey orders

That are given
to you,

Or you face suspension
or worse!

Out in the open that way.

I said I was sorry.

[Engine starts]

I'll be more careful
next time, o.k.?

There better not be
a next time.

I understand
this black officer

Was on some kind
of surveillance.

You know,
he was some kid

Who doesn't even
go to the school.

But your daughter
was trying to buy
crack from him.

I don't believe that.

I've seen it happen.

The kid makes a mistake.

Corey's was taking
things from home.

No, stealing
from her parents.

Well, now, that's
a police judgment.

After that,
anything the child
does, is suspect.

Mr. Kroller,
we're not interested
in hounding kids.

We'd like to save them.

Have you ever
seen a kid on crack?

The streets aren't
crowded with them.

We don't know that.

It's a national epidemic.

It may be k*lling
as many kids as cancer.

You're talking
about urban ghettos--

New york, chicago, l.a.

My daughter
is not a ghetto child.

She is not
a drug addict.

You got it?

Why's tibbs telling me
my little girl's
doing dr*gs?

He's wrong.
Ask laura.

Your teacher says
there is something wrong.

Why are you
being mean?

Mean? Loving you
like we are?

You don't trust me.

I like feel
I'm falling apart.

I kept my report card

Because you're always
mad at me.

Sweetie, we're
not mad at you.

Jim, don't back off!

We have to have
some answers.

She needs understanding.
Some support.

Look at her.

She's not eating.

Her eyes--
they're all bloodshot.

She's hyper,
mood swings--severe.

Stop it!

I can't eat because
you're on my back.

I stay up
half the night

Trying to pull up
my grades.

That's what
you wanted.

Leave me alone,
leave me alone!


I think you
ought to get out.

Go to jackson

We don't need you
to set this up.

Perle can.

[Darrell] I've got to wait
on my bike, man.

Till when? Till tomorrow.

And I got to get
that jewelry, man.

Unless, uh, you can
advance me $1,000
or $1,200.

[Timer] $1,200?

Y'all got
followed here.

He's a sparta cop.

So what?

We're looking
at an empty store.

That a crime?


Won't be empty
for long, eh, timer?

Nope. We'll make
a three or four
crackhouse town

Out of sparta
'fore we're done.

I guess we can do
what we want.

We sure can.

We'll rule the world
before you know it.

[Woman] I know the law.

I don't do business
with no minors.

[Virgil] give me a break!

We busted
a 13-year-old here.

I didn't
buy from her.

I'll close you up! What?

I'm going
to close you up

Because you're a fence
and a disgraceful
little malefactor.

So prove
that in court.

We don't have to.

That's right.
You ever hear
of abatement laws?

I'm going to
padlock your door.

I'll have the court
turn the whole place
over to a receiver.

They'll do
an inventory here--

Take a year.

What do you want?

Where's the crackhouse
in town?

[Scoffs] I see what you want.
You want me k*lled.

Not before you've
had a chance

To redeem your soul.

I think we should
have her checked--
complete physical--

Heart, blood,

She needs a counselor.

Babe, there's
nothing wrong

That just a little love,
discipline, and patience
can't cure.

Jim, she's been
so mean to zan.

They used to be
so close.

Will you
make corey turn
the music down?

I can't read my book.

Come on, sweetheart.

Come on.
You come with me.

You worry too much.
It's a phase.

[Loud music plays]

Corey. She won't
let you in.

It always
stinks in there.

Corey, open the door.

Uh, sorry.

[Mrs. Kroller]
oh, my god.

Um, I'm studying.

Why are you looking at me
like that?


What's wrong?
Talk to me, please.

What? I said
I'd turn down
the music!

This kid can't sleep?

It's all happened

We don't know
how to deal with it.

Here's a report
some kids did for althea.

It looks
kind of lengthy.

Could you
boil it down for me?

Althea asked
five kids

How many of their classmates
were on crack.

The average number
was four.

Times 5,
that's 20.

Start estimating

How many 20s
there are in that school,

And you get sick.

Listen to this--
"my kid brother's
on the stuff, and he's 12."

Well, what is it?

I mean,
what is the hook?

It's a one-hit hook,

Well, miss tibbs,
could you tell
virgil and me

What we could be
doing more than we are?

I don't know.

I mean,
what do you do
about plagues...


Well, the good lord
once helped people
with locusts

By sending in seagulls
from miles away
to eat them up.


Chief, seriously,

The government
at the top

Has got to fight
this thing.

I've always
had more attention
from the lord

Than I've got
from the government.

I suppose
we can wait on
washington, d.c.

To send us
some help.

In the meantime,

We better start
skimming around
like seagulls.

Hi, corey.

You still
waiting on the guy
with the bike?


I just hope
I can stay away.

Corey, you need help.

I--i--i can
tough it out.

Corey, crack's
not something
you can tough out.

We're talking
brain chemicals.

You're addicted
to the stuff.

Corey, that is a fact.

Look at you.

That's a fact.

Corey, you can't
do it alone.

You have to lean
on your parents,

On friends
who are straight.

You cannot
tough this out alone.


I need your help.

What do you mean?

You're not
the only one

Being used
by this pusher.

Others are suffering,
you know?

Yes, I know that.


Tell me who you cop from.

I can't tell you anything.

I--i could get k*lled.

Who told you that?

I-i've got to go.

I got to go to school.
I got to...

Corey, wait a minute.

Corey, wait.


[Breathing heavily]


Jamison, come in.

Go ahead, virgil.

Nobody came
to meet her,

But she left
to meet somebody,

So pick me up
on davidson.

You got it.

[Jamison] police!
You're under arrest.

I'm sorry we had
to detain corey.

I wish you could
keep her longer.

I wish somebody
could keep her...

Do something.

It's just going to
go on and on, isn't it?

Well, uh...

She needs
professional help,
mrs. Kroller,

That's for sure.

She was high
when we picked her up.

So was that young guy.

So I just
take her home, then?

Corey, honey?

Oh, corey.

Come on, baby.

How many kids
do you poison?

With what,
rides on my

Who's your supplier?

What do you
want me to say?

Where the crackhouse is.

I'm not going to
incriminate myself.

I don't have
to say nothing
to nobody.

I want to call
my lawyer.

Listen, pop.

I'm not some
ignorant local, o.k.?

I know my rights.

[Chuckles] besides...

This ain't
no big deal.

You guys are just
holding me here
for nothing.

I'm glad you're
so well-versed
in the law.

But from now on,

We're going to pay
particular attention
to you.

We're going to pick you up
for something.

Then we'll pick you up
for something again.

Then we'll pick you up
for something again.

I don't have to tell you
what a couple years

In a juvenile
detention facility
in this state means.

You won't see many
ignorant locals like us.

You'll be bedding down
with a rare kind
of gorilla in there.

Yeah. Have fun playing
with something new...

Like you.


Put him out
on the street,
will you?

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

[Glass breaking]


[Zan] mom! Dad!

[Mrs. Kroller]
corey, corey.

You stay away
from me!

Now, corey...

No, no!


Stop it!
Stop it!

Daddy! Daddy,
no, no, no!


Stop it!
Stop it!


Baby, no...

Stop, please!





Daddy, get off!

A piece of rock.
A quarter of
a gram of it.

And look so innocent.

Just like those kids
before they get hooked.

Why can't kids
say no to this stuff?

It's something
that makes them
forget their problems,

Makes them
feel better

Than they've felt
in their whole life.

It seems as if they're
willing to die for it.

[Phone ringing]

You can't
just ask kids
to say no.

They need reasons
to say yes--

Education, options,
hope for a better future.

Chief, mr. Kroller's
on the phone.

Corey's gone again.

Yes, sir.
Chief here.

Yeah, uh...

Listen, did she get
a phone call from anybody
before leaving?

All right.

Hold on the phone.

I'll turn you over to
an officer for the details.

Hold on.

Jamison, give
this to luann.

[Luann] what was
she wearing?

You didn't
see her leaving?

What was she wearing
when you last saw her?

Uh-huh, got that.

Sweet. Sweet!

Let him go.

Let him go.

He knows
his orders.

[Luann] attention, all units.

white female.

Name's corey jean kroller.

Her father said
she may be wearing jeans,

A sweatshirt,
and sneakers.

She's got brown hair,
brown eyes.

Known addict.

Repeat. Name's
corey jean kroller...

I'm scared.

Scared to death.

I can't tell you...

The things...

I see in front of me.


You know him?

Sorry. I thought
you were somebody else.

[Virgil] this list of recent
water-and-power hook-ups

Will help detect
any suspicious movement

In sparta. Thanks.

on the line, chief.



Uh, virgil, get on this
with me, will you?


Is that you, maudie?

Yeah. Well,
go ahead, tell us.

We're getting it
all down now.



Good. You've done well.

Now listen,
in the future,

You're going to tell me
what I want to know,

When I want to
know it,

And whom I want to know it
about, you understand?

Oh, yes, you are.


You belong to us, maudie,

You bad girl, you.

The leaser
of that address

Is the same one
who leases
the vacant store

That parker reported.

Named delbert johnson.

Called "timer."

What's the address
on that place?

Cedarwood drive.


I'd like to raid it.

Oh, I want to
raid it badly.

I mean, badly.

Let's do it.

Hold--hold it!

You take me
to corey,

Or I swear to god,

I'll do to you
what I did
to your bike.

That's one
of our cars.

That's the car
sweet took.

Could he be in there?

It's not changing our plans
one way or the other.

Are you ready? Yeah.

[Virgil] go, parker!

We have
a search warrant!

Get down! Get down!

Get down!

Who's in the back?
Who's in the back? [Baby crying]

Stay down!

Stay down!

Man with a g*n!


Put down the piece.


Chief, don't
come in here!


Just stay smart.

I want a car.


You get the girl,
I get the cop.


Get rid of the girl.
Go! Move it!

Now...you get all
the other cops
out of here,

Off the street.
Tell 'em!

Chief, move
everybody away!

All the cars away!

Bring my car
around back.

Good boy.


Come on.
Let's move.



[Panting] take it easy, darlin'.

Where are we going?

Just to a doctor.

No! I'll be--


It's o.k.
Just a couple

It's going
to be all right. Let me get out!

I got you.
I got you.

Corey, come on.

It's all right.
I got you.

Luann, get the krollers
on the line.

Have them to meet us
at the hospital.

Just take it easy. Let me--

Take it easy. Let me--

It's o.k.
It's all right.

Sweet, hold her.

Calm down. [Screaming]

Hold it
together, girl.

You can do it.
Come on, please.



Where are the parents?

They went inside
to say good-bye.

It's over.

The stroke
was massive.

A stroke
at the age of 13?


Well, son,
I don't know

What you
could have done
to save her.

But i--i was wrong
to get in your way,

Lord forgive me.

You go on home now.

They going to
save my sister?

They couldn't save her.

Did she die?

Yes, child.

She died.


My baby.

Ohh, my baby.

Oh, I can't
let you go.

I can't.

We had so much
to do yet.

Oh, baby.
I love you, corey.

I didn't know
what to do.

They ought to make
every dope pusher

Come and look
at things like this.


Profit kills conscience.
They don't have any.

You know
what I could k*ll?

I could k*ll
a dope pusher.

And don't tell me
any sad stories

About poor,
unemployed people

With deep needs
and deplorable lives.

Sure, they're

But any unfortunate person
that turns to drug selling

In order to get by,

He's ruining hundreds
of people's lives--

Maybe ending the lives
of hundreds more.

I know how you feel.

I am not inclined...

To sympathize
with such a person.

I'd sh**t him
as easy as I'd sh**t
a tin can off a post.

Legally, I hope
I'd be there to stop you.


Well, you better be.
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