02x11 - A Trip Upstate

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x11 - A Trip Upstate

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Ooh

Bubba: now, honey,
catching fish just
ain't about fish.

If fish is all
you want,

You can buy it
at the store.


Just the same,
I got to catch
three of four more.

You been two hours
catching this
little fella.

Before you're finished,
he'll be smelling.

First rule
of fishing--




Morning, boys.

Well, sheriff monroe.

I told the chief
you were coming in here

But he said he wouldn't
believe you till
you waked in the door.

When was the last time
you were here?
Oh, that's right.

Was when we
arrested your cousin

For tearing down
those "mondale
for president" signs.


How you doing,
virgil tibbs?

How are you doing?

I do recall you,

But I wondered
whether I would.

Don't blame me.
You know the way
out route 25.

I've taken it.
I never find you in.

[All laugh]

It's delightful
we all talk

At least
once a week.yeah.

Come on over. Sit down.

Well, ketch, time flies,

And it's terrible
when I don't see you.


'Cause you look
so damn old
when I do.


Come on, sit down.

All right.

Well... So tell me,

What brings
the mountain
to mohammed?

It must be something
awful powerful.

It's peculiar.

It's real peculiar.

It's a message
they asked me
to deliver.

O.k. Let's have it.

The superintendent
at the state pen

Says that a condemned prisoner
wants to see you
before he goes.

He refused
to say why,

So the warden couldn't
make a formal request.

He just told me to tell you
to come on up
if you wanna.

Who is this
condemned prisoner?

George brownlow.


Hey, virgil,
this george brownlow--

That's the guy I caught
robbing that bank

The time I shot
those two guys.

Why in the name
of revelations
does he want to see me?

He wouldn't
tell anybody.

He just said
he wanted to see

Chief bill gillespie,
in sparta.

I knew
you wouldn't want to.

I'll just tell the warden
you couldn't get away.

Are you going there?

I got to.
I'm sheriff of the county

Where george brownlow
was convicted.


I got to witness
his execution.

They only want you
to talk to him.

I'm going tonight,
if you want my company.

I don't want to go.
I can't get away.

It's your choice, bill.

Well, I got to go.

Let's get together
sometime soon.

Yeah, yeah, soon.

Nice to see you,
virgil tibbs.

Sheriff, you take care.

Bubba: well, I wonder
who we got here.

Here. Hold this
for a second.

Honey, reel that on in.

I do believe
we hooked
the last one

In the state
of mississippi
this season.

Don't they
make you nervous?

Somebody fishing?
Why should it?

Why is he looking
at us like that?

He's nosy.

People around here
are just plain nosy.

Virgil: now, that's
an invitation
I'd find very interesting.

It doesn't
interest me.

It doesn't
even make sense.

I don't know the man.

He was in our jail
three days

Before they took him
to kennard.

I never spoke
three words to him.

But now he wants
to talk to you.

Just before he gets
the big needle.

And you don't find
that interesting?

Why should i?

You're the one
who caught him.

I know it--
and testified against him

And sent him
to hellfire.

I suppose he wants
to give me the evil eye

Before he goes
to the devil.

Nobody knows
how many banks
he robbed,

that last one.

Two innocent
people were k*lled.
I saw that one.

I'd see the man

Because he might
have something
to tell me,

Get something
off his mind.

Maybe something
I could use as a cop,

Maybe something
about one of
those old robberies.

Isn't this
your day off?

I thought
I saw melvin nally
less than an hour ago.

Now I'm sure.

Where do you think
you saw him?

By earl's lake,
in a car and trailer.

There's another
guy with him.

He's wanted
for two murders
in '86

At the cross county

The fbi wants him, too.

What's going on?

I don't know.

Sparta police!
I want to talk to you!

Talk about what?

Got a complaint
that you're using

Arsenic or some
chloride spray out here.

How do we know
you're police?

I just introduced myself.
Get out here!

Let's go, man!
Let's go!

Hold it right there!

Don't start the car.
You're surrounded.

He's bluffing me.

Do not start the car!
You are surrounded!

I ain't
waiting on him.

Bubba: discard them g*ns,

I mean now!

Ease on out
of there

With your hands up
and empty.

Or some people
in white suits
will pull you out.

I didn't use
no spray.

Is that what
this is about?don't you wish it was?

About k*lling
two people

At the cross county

I didn't k*ll nobody
at no roadhouse.

Just shut up.

Neither one of us
k*lled nobody.

Now, that's all
we got to say.

We ain't got to
say nothing else.


Virgil: hey, chief.

Bubba was right.
It is melvin nally.

Well, well.
Melvin nally.

Let's renew
an old acquaintance.

The man with him
is a leonard cowes.

He's got
a georgia license.

Stolen car?

[Door closes]

Bill: sweet.yes, sir.

Virgil: sweet.

Well, melvin, you're
looking kind of pale.

I do believe
you've lost some weight.

You're going
to need a lawyer.

Do you know one?

O.k., We'll get you one.

That's the same story
with that gentleman there.

No phone number
at the address
on his driver's license.

Sweet: he doesn't want
to call anyone anyway
unless he changed his mind.

Virgil: you change your mind,
mr. Cowes?

You got time.

What I want to do
tomorrow morning is...

Oh, lord,
your friend
and mine--the d.a.

Well, mr. Dutton.

Surprised seeing
you there.

Generally, there's
a prisoner in that chair.

I just got
mr. Tibbs' message.

About melvin nally.

Oh. The boys
brought off

A pretty nice operation
out there today.

They captured those two,
and nobody got hurt.

Too bad you didn't
snuff them.

Excuse me?

We want to snuff
them one day.

Might as well
have been today.

That's not what
the police...

I don't know what kind
of case you'll give me.

What witnesses
will I have?

We lost that
supermarket robbery

Because of
shaky witnesses.

Is that going
to happen again?

The men who k*lled
those people at the bar

Were wearing
stocking masks,

But we have
recognition anyway.

Somebody saw
nally outside
with the mask off.

It was at night--listen to me.
I'm a lawyer.

I can make mush
out of witnesses
like that...

Unless they
was real firm.

Find those witnesses
and firm them up.

You know what I mean?

Firm them up so
they'll impress the jury.

Our best hope is
in the b*ll*ts
we have on file.

Matching those
with the weapons--

Facts don't
weigh as heavy
as impressions, mr. Tibbs,

Not with the people
on juries down here.

Remember that.

I'm from down here,
mr. Dutton.
Remember that?

Well, then.

You know exactly
what I'm talking about--

The higher importance
of impressions.

I know you know exactly
what I'm talking about.

So... Enough said?

Good night, gentlemen.

Good night, sir.good night.

Mr. Dutton.


Parker, I can't swear
that phone's going to ring,

But if it does,
who's over there?

I'm right
on it, chief.

Well, we'll see what
tomorrow morning brings.

In the meantime,

You did very well
out there.

I knew you would.
That's why you
were in charge.

And at the same time
I wanted them to know
that when I'm away,

You're in charge.

I thought
I'd set that up.

Yeah, I got that.

Thank you.

Uh, also
I've thought over
your recommendation

About going up there
to the state pen.

I've decided to go.

Yeah, I'm
driving up there

First thing
in the morning.

I'm staying here tonight
to get an early start.

Well, they've
got bowling alleys
in the prisons now?

Just a change
of shirt, socks, drawers

In case I need them,
which I probably won't.

I'll be turning around
so fast.

Now, listen, um...

Young mr. Dutton,
the d.a.,

Is going to have
a tough case here.

If he fails, he'll
blame it on us.

Just be prepared.

Oh, I will.

Well, I'll say
good night, then.

O.k., Chief.

I'll be in early
to set the drill.

I'll be gone
before you get here.

[Knock on door]

Well!good morning.

Is 6 a.m.
A respectable hour

For you to be
coming to my door?

More respectable
than leaving it
at 6 a.m.

We haven't even
made the coffee.

Don't worry about it.

I won't be
in for lunch.

I'm going upstate
to see somebody.


Yeah, police business.


Not that I'm curious
or anything.

No. You ought
to see your eyes--

Like a cat
looking up a tree.

You look tired.
Did you sleep
last night?

Yeah, beautifully...
For one hour.

Oh, great.

Something tells me
that you don't want to go

Wherever it is
you're going.

Yes, ma'am,
you're right,

I hate it.
I'll tell you
right now.

I'm going
to the state pen,

And I hate prisons,
even at a distance.

I'd prefer seeing
a cyclone.

You drive carefully,
you hear?

I mean,
the speed limit
on state highways

Is still 55.

In that pickup,
it was always 55.



[Madame butterfly
a aria plays]

Chief bill gillespie
here to see you.

Good. Bring him on in.

Come right on in.thank you.

Good morning.

Good to see you, chief.
Have a seat.

Yeah. Thank you, sir.

I'm glad you could
come up.

Brownlow particularly
wants to see you.

Yeah, well,
I've no idea why.

I think that
is easiest explained...

By showing you
this right here.

It was typed up
for george this morning.

And I didn't know
about it myself
until then.

He wants me to be
the executor of his will?

All you have to do
is sign,

If you're willing.

It goes into probate
back in sparta.

The judge
orders the bank

To make payment
to the beneficiary.

The bank informs you
it's been done,

They send you a little fee
and that's it.

Why me?

Well, george
wouldn't tell me.

He said
he'd tell you.


Less deductions.

All he has
to the marcy home
for the infirm blind

In jackson, mississippi.

He didn't have
anyone else
to leave the money to.

He remembers his mama
sent $5.00 there

Every year
at christmastime.

He never did know why.

I don't believe, uh,

I've ever seen
a more simple
little document.


Why not?

You care to go
see him now, chief?

Yeah, might as well.

Get it over with
and get on home.

Well, right this way.

Thank you.


Chief gillespie
from sparta's here
to see you.

Go on in, chief.bill: thank you.

Have a good visit,

Well, george,

I signed the will
as executor.


Thanks, chief.

Why did you want me?

Trust you, chief.

You'll see things
done right.

I know.

I can't remember
exactly what happened
between you and me

When you were
back there in sparta.

What happened was
you didn't k*ll me.

I mean when I had you
in the jail.

I could see you wanted
to sh**t me dead

Right there in the car.

Many of times
I wish you had,

But it wasn't right
once you had me,

So you didn't do it.

You wants to do nothing
but right,

Like back in sparta
when them cops
wanted to beat me.

You wouldn't have it

'Cause that
wasn't right.

You wants everything
to be right.

Well, now,
anyway, george,

I'll see that this will
is done right.

I know it.

I know it.

I couldn't think
of nobody else living

Who would do right
like you would.

Aunt lorraine gone now.

Mama long gone.

George, uh,
did you and i...

Did we--
did we say anything
to each other

When you were
in the jail?

I didn't
say nothing.
You did, though.

I can't recall.

You say me
and my friends,

When we k*lled
them people,

We was the three
meanest n*gg*r*s
you ever seen,

And you seen some.


I said that, did i?


And now all the meanness
going to get
what's coming,

And it's coming...

For things
you know...

And things
you don't know.

Well, if it would
make you, uh,

Feel any better
to tell me

About something,

Wish I had time
to do some good,

Make up for the bad,

But there ain't no time.
That's the worst of it.

All the years
I've been here
in this jail,

There was never no time
to do no good.

And now...

No time at all.

Well, george,

Unless there's
something else
that you want to...

Uh, tell me
about the will

Or anything
like that--

You got to go?

Yeah, it's a long haul
back to sparta.


Thought maybe
you could stay.

Be with me
when they send me off.

No, george, no.
I--i couldn't.

I've got to be back there
by this evening.


Time runs us all,
don't it?

I'm afraid
it does, george.

Time ain't got no mercy.
Drives us on,

Whipping us all the way.

Won't let us wait
to do no good.

Maybe jesus
will give me some time
when I see him,

If I believe in him,
and I believe.

I've been studying
for the words he say,

And I can't find them.

Words the preacher say
when he buried my mama,

What he say
jesus say.

"I am the resurrection
and the life."


That's what he said.

Chief, you know it.
Tha-that's what he said.

Say it again.

Say it again for me.

"I am the resurrection
and the life,

"And whosoever
believeth in me...

Shall never die."

"I am...

"The resurrection
and the life

"And whosoever--"whosoever...

Both: "believeth in me

Shall never die."


Well, there you are.

This is your copy.

O.k. He goes at 8:00
in the morning, huh?

Yes, sir.
8:00 Sharp.

I'm going to grab
a motel room

And stay over
and be with him,
if that's o.k.

Oh, yeah.
That's fine.

I'm glad.
They seem
to take it better

If there's somebody
they can look out at

I suppose.

Other than the guards
and the press

And the relatives of
the people they k*lled.

Some of them going
to be there, too?

Oh, yeah.
There's two of them.

They got a right,

Got a right
to see justice done.

Well, sir,
see you
in the morning.

See you then, chief.

Yes, sir,
what can I do for you?

Well, nothing
in a tux or tails
or anything like that.

Would you have
a plain dark suit,

A shirt, and tie?
I'll return it
tomorrow morning.

We can satisfy you.


May I make
a credit card call
to sparta?

Go ahead.
Help yourself.thank you very much.

Let's see, now.

Like something
for a formal party,

But not quite
a fancy party.

No, no.
Nothing fancy, no.

It isn't going
to be fancy.

[Knock on door]

That you, ketch?yeah, bill.

It's open.
Come on in.


It looks good, bill.

Uh, I think a little
formality's in order.


I rented about twice
as much formality
as I needed.

Oh, here's, uh...

Here's your razor.
Thank you very much.


we still got time.

I'm going
on up early.

I got some papers
to sign.

I got to take
my own rig anyhow

So's I can turn around
and start back.

What you got there?

Bill, um,

This here card
I've had a long time.

I always
bring it with me
to these things.

It's just
a pretty scene

Of the mississippi
with kids fishing
on it.

I just look at it,

And I keep on
looking at it and...


Until they do
what they have to do.

I saw one
at the desk like it.

I picked it up
for you,

That's if you want it.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, it's, uh...

Yeah, i--
I'll just keep this.

Thanks very much.


You hate this thing,
don't you?

Oh, yeah,
I hate it.

After w*r,
it's probably
the worst thing people do,

And it's useless,

But people want it.
We got it.

I go along with it.

See you up there,

Good morning, george.
It's time.
Reverend, it's time to go.

George, we need you
to stand up, please, sir.

Stand up
for us, george.


Now, george,
this paraphernalia
that leon has here

Is strictly routine.

I know we're
not going to have

Any trouble with you.
No, sir.

george brownlow has been
a model prisoner

During his entire stay
with us.

God bless you,

Meet you on
the other side, man.

Hey, you're
not alone.

[Pulsing beep]


[Continues praying]

[Steady beep]

"I am
the resurrection..."

Hi, chief.
How was your trip?

Like any trip
at my age, son--

You just as soon
not have made it.

Check on
those prisoners?

Just checked them.
My second time.

Aside from telling me
to leave them alone,

They haven't even
asked for a phone call.

Well, good night, sweet.

See you later, chief.

Lonnie: oh, chief.

Are you not
off duty yet?

In a minute.
How's your trip?

Just saw
another piece
of mississippi.

There are two
of those witnesses
still here in sparta.

The information's
on your desk.

Good. Good.

What are
bubba and virgil
still doing here?

Ballistics stuff.

Good night, chief.good night.

Hey, chief.

So, chief, how--

The trip was
the trip.
Let it go at that.

I'm going to check
with the lab myself,

But nally's g*n
was the m*rder g*n--
smith & wesson .38.

Cowes has a ruger.
No match.

And what about nally?

Is he still
clammed up in there?

Except for calling
mr. Sweet a nosy black.

I put parker on to prove
noses also come in white.

Well, I want to take
a look at him.


[Door closes]

Chief, how
was your trip?

It was fine, parker.
Fine. Fine.

What about our friend
nally over there?

Has he said
anything yet?just a little bit.

After we fed him,
he asked about
some folks

We both knew
in newton and kennard.
That's about it.



Parker: detective,
you didn't know

Nally and I
went to school
together, did you?

Yeah. He was
always tough,

Tough as an old chaw
even at 10 or 11.

Scared of nothing.

Virgil: that may
change for him.parker: nah.

I'll bet when they come
to give melvin
the juice,

He'll just laugh
and give it
to himself,

Just to steal
their thunder.

Virgil: did you find out
anything there?

No. Nothing that would
make much difference
to you or me...

Or the world,

The world being
what it is.

Well, mr. Dutton.

Appears you've been
at a party.

I've been to a hell
of a party.

I've been up
to oxford--

Little alumni do
at ole miss.


The governor
was there.

Bill: oh.

You know...

He didn't
remember me.

Yeah, now, mr. Dutton,

I think I'm going
to get somebody
to drive you home.

I mean,
no offense intended.

Oh, no. No offense.
That's a damn good idea

'Cause I'm too tired
to drive another yard.

Besides, that's what
the police are for--

To keep people
from looking foolish.

Bubba, tell waldron
to get ready

To drive mr. Dutton home,
will you?

Yes, sir.

Bill: now.

I cannot
keep batting
4 for 7 around here.

I mean,
that's phenomenal
for a baseball team.

All right,
that's great,

But for prosecuting
criminal cases,

It is ridicu--

I'm in big trouble.

in big trouble, too,

'Cause you
and tibbs here

Have not given me
a good m*rder case!

These bums could
get 12 or 20 years

of getting snuffed,
the way I want them to be.

The way
we all want--


The evidence
is weak. It's--

Look at this.
There's holes in it.

Nally's g*n
k*lled those people,
mr. Dutton.

That's wonderful.

Now all I
got to prove

Is he used his g*n
on the scene,

Or that
he even owned
it at the time,

And then
some wise guy,

big-mouthed lawyer

Is going
to come down here

separate trials

And cutting loose
with low-down
legal tricks!

Well, well, sir,
we can win

Against low-down
legal tricks,

Or we can be sure
the men we convict

Got a fair trial,
more than fair.

Then we can feel
a lot better
about snuffing them.

I don't know
what the hell
you're talking about...

But you're
in big trouble.

I'm in big trouble.

Would somebody
take me to the toilet?

I have to throw up.hey, hey, hey...

Get out of here.

Well, well.

We'll get them snuffed
for him all right.

Detective tibbs,

What do you think
the wise men who wrote
our first laws meant

When they wrote
no cruel or unusual

You suppose
they were thinking
about no snuffing?

I doubt it.

I think they were
talking about no t*rture.


I don't
fancy driving
anymore myself,

So I just think
I'll go in there
and get some sleep

And hope
the criminal element
does the same thing.

So, then you think our
wise founding fathers

Thought there was
a big difference

Between execution
and t*rture?

They must have.
They kept one
and threw out the other.

What do you think,


Oh, between execution
and t*rture?

Yeah. I think there's
a hell of a difference.

Well, I better
check on dutton there.

Now, well,
it came to me,

You know, when I
was driving back
from up there.

I just thought
to myself,

The only way
you can execute a man
without torturing him

Is to tell him
you forgive him.

That's right.

Tell him
you forgive him,

And you're going
to turn him loose.

As soon as you see
a happy smile come
over his face,

sh**t him
in the back
of the head.

Well, good night.
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