02x08 - Country Mouse, City Mouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x08 - Country Mouse, City Mouse

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ You know parents
are the same ♪

♪ No matter
time or place ♪

♪ They don't understand
that us kids ♪

♪ Are gonna make
some mistakes ♪

♪ So to you, all the kids
all across the land... ♪



What is that I hear?

That's the sounds
of the '80s, chief.

Good morning, chief.

Is it?

♪ One year my mom
took me school shoppin' ♪

♪ It was me, my brother,
my ma, oh, my pop ♪

♪ And my little sister
all hopped in the car ♪

♪ We headed downtown
to the gallery mall ♪

♪ My mom started buggin'

♪ With the clothes
she chose ♪

♪ I didn't say nothin'
at first ♪

♪ I just turned up
my nose ♪

♪ She said what's wrong?
This shirt cost $20 ♪

♪ I said mom,
the shirt is plaid ♪

♪ With a butterfly
collar... ♪

Hey, hi.

First of all,
who are you

And then,
who do you
think you are?

And then whoever
you are, get out from
behind my desk.

My uncle virgil
let me to
wait here for him.

He had a lotta work
on his desk.
You had nothin' on yours.

Just let me get
behind it, will you?

Oh, you're mr. Gillespie.

You're the man
that works for
my uncle.

Did he tell you that?


Oh, no.


♪ But if you don't want
to walk ♪

♪ And live with that,
you gotta put back-- ♪♪


Chief, this is
my niece, nicole.

She's visiting
from philadelphia.

I didn't figure
she's from around here.

Well, you see althea had
a conference to go to,

And I thought
nicole might enjoy
seeing what goes on

In the sparta
police station.

Well, there's nothing
going on in here,

Except I'm about
to change my clothes.


Uh, yes, I'm taking nicole
over to the cafe
for breakfast.

But, I need 20 minutes
for my nails to dry.

Blow on them, nicole.
Blow on them. Go ahead.

Chief, her parents
are going through
a divorce,

And nicole is
taking it pretty rough.

I sympathize
with the child,

But at the same
time this isn't
a beauty parlor.



All right. Fine,
fine, fine.

Well, I'll
see you later.

A phone message
from marie folger,

Parole officer
down in jackson.

It's regarding
willie baylor.

Oh, willie baylor.

Willie baylor, huh?

Didn't you once
arrest willie baylor
for as*ault?

Yes, sir.

Didn't he break
one of your teeth?

No, sir. I broke
one of his tooth.
He broke one of my ribs.



Oh, good morning.

Have I got
ms. Marie folger?

This is chief bill gillespie
in sparta.

Uh, yeah.

Am I to assume that
I've got willie baylor

Back in my lap again?

You do make a
hot cakes, jo.

Well, thank you, sir.

It's nice to know
I'm appreciated.

Eating here is the best
thing about staying
with uncle bubba.

I haven't looked at
oatmeal or green
vegetables in three days.

You don't tell
your mama that
when she's back.


Good morning.


Hi, joann.

You must be
althea's niece
from philadelphia.

I'm joann.
Your aunt's told me
all about you.

Hi. I'm nicole.

And, nicole,
this is bubba skinner.

Hello, nicole.
Welcome to sparta.

This is bubba's nephew,

One of our local boys,
bobby skinner.


Here you go, nicole.
Sit right here.



Hmm. What do you
have with tofu?

With what?


Oh, sure.
That stuff.

Coffee first?

Steak and eggs.

Don't you ever
do that to me.

Look, maybe you ought
to eat someplace else.

Maybe you better
back off.

Hello there,

Hello, cop.

I was hoping
you was dead by now.

Well, I was hoping
you'd do your whole 10.

You got some relative
on the parole board?

Take a good look at me.

I was a model prisoner.

I was what you call

A real inspiration
to my fellow inmates.

The lady's not
serving you.

You're out of here.


I'm particular
about the company
I keep anyway.

Thanks, fellas.

Who is he?

Willie baylor.
Been serving time

At tupelo
for manslaughter.

Folks say he's
one of the guys
who got away

Who robbed
that armored car
in richland

They say that
he's buried his
share somewhere.

They say, but
I never heard of
anybody digging for it.

Maybe somebody did,
you know, in secret,
and got it.

I agree with joann.

A parole board would
be pretty lenient

To release a prisoner

They thought still
possessed stolen money.

Any way you slice it,
that man's trouble.

There gonna be
lots of people in sparta
will be sorry he's back.

[Tires screech][horn honks]

Willie baylor?

Willie baylor?

Who wants to know?

Remember ken dunleavy?

Can't say as I do.

He's my brother.

Well, congratulations.

He drove
an armored car.

Five years ago,
you shot him
in the back.

He's in
a wheelchair now.

So what am I supposed
to do, send flowers?

He can't work.

He's barely
making it.

It seems to me
you owe him.

Seems to me
you can go to hell.

Come on!

Up against
the tree!

No problem. I'm just
defending myself, o.k.?
That's all.

I'll k*ll him!

With my bare hands,
I'll k*ll him!

You know better, jake.

You couldn't
hurt that gorilla
with a sledgehammer.

Don't say we don't
give you any excitement

Here in sparta.

Come back in
for breakfast.

We'll be in
in two minutes, o.k.?


So, what do you do
for action around here?


Hunt, fish,

Go swimming
at the lake.


Got a car?


Car. Have
you got a car?

No, I don't.

You've never
driven a car?

I've driven,
but I don't have a car.

[Sighs] man.

Do you know someone
with wheels?

How come you're
so hot for a car?

Are you kidding?

I've been cooped up
three days with my
aunt and uncle.

I want to cut loose.
See what's up.

I might know somebody
who could lend me one.

Great. Then let's go.

Then he jumped me.
It was self-defense.
I swear to god.

And I will do it again.

Next time
you won't get up!

Keep that creep
away from me.

I'll make you pay
for what you did.

Next time I bring this down,
it'll be over your heads!

He jumped me.

Shut up!

When I get outta here
I'll k*ll you!

You thr*aten to k*ll,

I can put you
back in that jug
for considerable time.

What these fools
been up to?

by the cafe.

Bring willie baylor
back here, please.

Jake dunleavy,

You're a lucky man.
I'm turning you loose.

Now get out of here!

You're letting
him go?

You heard him
thr*aten me.

You sit down
in that chair.

Those parole notes
on willie baylor--

May I have them, please?

Well, willie,
I didn't think

You'd be soiling
these premises
so soon again.

I got a right to be here
and be protected.

What you scared of,
besides jake dunleavy?

Half the people here
think I got money
buried somewhere,

And they're
after it.

I've had threats.

Why would anybody
thr*aten you?

I should think people
would want to make friends.

Where's his
parole contact?

Jackson, where he's
supposed to be living.

Here you go, chief.

According to
ms. Liz folger,

You got special permission
to come to sparta
for four days

To contact an attorney
about disposing
of property

Your daddy left you
out by piers farm.

Done that yet?

Got an appointment

See you keep it.

I'm going to be watching
every move you make.

If you're here
day after tomorrow,

I'll assume you're
breaking parole
and arrest you.

Where you sleeping?

Out at the place.
I got a tent.

Officer sweet.

Yes, sir?

Make out
a regular form on him.

Take all the particulars,

Names and addresses
of relatives.

Fingerprint him
like an arrest,

Which it isn't...yet.

Then let him go on
about his business.

Well, willie...

Enough said.


And so I said come on
back and finish
your breakfast.

They said
they'd be right in.

It's not like bobby.

He wouldn't do this
unless he was pushed.

What's that
supposed to mean, bubba?

It's obvious.

Your niece talked him
into going somewhere,
that's all.

No, I don't see how
it's all that obvious.

Well, I do know bobby.

He wouldn't just run off
without telling me.

Unless it was somebody
else's idea.

Bobby lives here, bubba.

It seems to me

He probably came up
with the suggestion.

Wait a minute.
What difference
does it make?

That's not unusual
for kids that age.

Who wants to stay
with an uncle

When you can go
hang out?

Detective, sergeant,
the chief says get moving.

We're rolling.

All right.
Joann, later.


[Rock music plays]


My friend
needs his car.

He has to make
this afternoon.

Do you know anybody
else with wheels?

Just my uncle,
and I'm not asking him.

I can't believe this.

You are such a wimp.

At least I'm not
some weird bimbo
with dark glasses.

I don't have to have
noise to let people
know I'm important.

Nicole, wait.

Come on.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean
those things.

[Turns off music]

I guess I deserved it.

I called you a wimp.

How about this?
I can't get a car,

But maybe I can
get this old jeep.


It's my grandpa's.

I don't know
if it runs.


Yo, wilson! Sweet!

What's up?

Willie baylor's dead.
Burned himself up
in a fire.

Willie baylor.

That's that creep
in the diner.

That's the one,
and good riddance.

Well, guess what?

They'll be gone
investigating willie.

No one's going to
wonder where we went.

Let's go.

You know from
the burn pattern

It looks like
the fire started here

Near this lantern.

This looks like
a can of white gas,

A powerful accelerant.

Yeah, it sure is.

See how the darkest
embers make a path

From here right to
the sleeping bag
where the body was,

Like a wick?

You know...

What I think happened

Is that the gas can
tipped over

And saturated
the sleeping bag,

Which would
make it burn more.

That's why the body
was so badly damaged.

I'll bet willie
had an elevated
blood alcohol level.

Well, it all sounds
very scientific, virgil.

You know--

Your accelerant,
your wicks,

Your elevated alcohol,
and all that.

You're really saying
willie was drunk
and smoking

And set himself
on fire.


I know that tone of voice.


I know that tone.

The one
that says, um...

"You think
you know so much,

"But I'm always
one step ahead."

No, no,
I'm not discounting
anything you say.

I just can't get
out of my head

That there's
a few people

That could have
k*lled willie.

So you're saying
this was set on purpose?

It all seems
kind of convenient.

That accelerant
of yours

Just accidentally
tips over...

And then runs along
the ground there,
like that wick...

And sets
everything on fire.
One thing leads to another.

But I'll tell you,

I just can't believe
this is an accident.

[Rock music playing]


Now, that was wild.


Where are we going?

Not too far.
An abandoned still.

A still?
You mean moonshine?

You got it.

They raided it,
but there are
jars all over.

You going
to drink it?

Sure. You think
I'm a wimp or something?

Come on.

any messages
from nicole?

Well, sort of.

Bobby called bubba
and said to tell you both

He and nicole were
looking at old houses.

Old houses?

He said nicole was real
interested in architecture,

And he was going
to show her

Some fine old homes.

If you believe
that, I've got
swamp land to sell.

where do you suppose
he's taken her?

Well, I don't suppose
he's taken her anywhere.

In fact, she's probably
talked him into something.

Bubba, he's the one
that left the message.

That don't prove
whose idea it was.

Bubba, let's have
an end to this,
can we?

Bubba, sometimes
I get so tired.

Will you
get the evidence
from the campsite?

Put it in the
evidence room

Virgil, I'll see you
in the office.

So when my folks
found out

Instead of going
to the church picnic

We went to the woods
and drank beer,

My daddy
tanned my hide.

I was grounded
for a month.

Oh, now, that's cold.

So, um, like,
have you done it since?

Not till now.

Hey, well, look.

Your folks are gone.

Nobody's going to know.

Yeah, well, I know
we have to wait
for the autopsy reports.

But in the meantime,
I want to talk
to some people

Who had it in
for him.

Yeah, like jake dunleavy.

Yeah, jake
dunleavy, and...

A man named
gene warren.

Who's that?

He's the daddy
of a girl who was r*ped.

By willie baylor?

The jury couldn't
convict willie.

They didn't know
who to believe,

Whether he forced
her or she let him.

she got pregnant.
It was a mess.

If willie
hadn't been sent
to the pen,

Gene was
going to k*ll him.

[Knock knock]

Hope I'm not

No. Always happy
to see you.

Hi, baby.

How was your conference?

Oh, well,
it was exciting,

Stimulating, exhausting.

"The psychology
of teen peer groups."

I hope
you took notes.

Well, I see nicole
has made herself at home.

Sweet child.

How's she doing?

Out. She's walking.

Nicole walking?

Yeah. She's out
with bobby skinner,

Bubba skinner's

Aha. So that explains it.

So, where have
they walked to?


She's looking
at houses.

You know, nicole
is very interested
in architecture.

What's going on
around here?

I don't think there's
anything to worry about.

The kids just took
a walk around town.

And bound to turn up
any minute.

You've lost nicole.

[Rap music plays]

I don't know
how you can stand

That music
all the time.

Are you kidding?
It's d.j. Jazzy jeff
and the fresh prince.

They're def.

I know prince.

That doesn't sound
anything like him.

Man, you're buggin'.


Hey, hey!

Hold on.

You o.k.?


[Turns off music]

I think
I've had too much.

If uncle bubba
finds out,

He'll whip me around
the city square.

Man, that's deep--

Having an uncle
that's a cop.

Your uncle's a cop.

But I don't live
in the same town.

That would be tough.

Yeah, especially
when your folks think

He's the greatest thing
that ever walked
the face of the earth.

Oh, yeah?


It's all I ever heard.
Bubba this, bubba that.

"Why can't you be more
like your uncle bubba?"

They think he's god's
gift to mississippi.

You don't like him?

Sure, I do.
He's terrific.

It's just
I can't be him.

He was
a football star.

He went to alabama
under bear bryant.

And now
he's a sergeant
on the police force.

I'd love to get out
of this town,

Go someplace
like philadelphia,

Make it on my own,

Not have people
comparing me

To my uncle
all the time.

You don't want
to go to philly.

How come?

You don't know
how good you've got it.

In south philly,

You'd have to fight
just to stay alive.

Here it's...

I don't know.
It's--it's clean,

It's peaceful.

I'm not looking
over my shoulder
every second

To see who's coming.

Maybe you and I
should trade places

So's we could
appreciate what we got.


You know, this has been
the greatest day.

I thought you were
a hick at first.

But you're cool.

I mean it.

Well, I thought
you were from
another planet.

But you're terrific.




Run, run,
bobby, run, run!

Run, bobby!
It's him! Run!

You all just
abandoned them?

We didn't
abandon them.

We had to break up
a fight.

Bobby's a big boy.

It's his hometown.

It's not like
he needs a baby-sitter.

If he's so irresponsible

He'd take nicole
without telling anybody,

Maybe he does.

Now just hold on
one little minute here.

How come
everybody's so sure
this is bobby's doing?

this is his turf.

She wouldn't
know where to go.

A girl like that
would figure it out fast.

A girl like that?

What do you mean,
a girl like that?

Nicole, where
have you been?

This better
be good.

I saw him
with a g*n.

Calm down. What are
you talking about?

The one
at the diner.

Willie baylor.

She said she saw him
in the woods.

I don't know who
you think you saw,

But you didn't
see willie baylor.

Willie got burned up.

I know that,
but I saw him.

What do I smell?

You been drinking.

So have you.
What have you
gotten her into?

Not again.

She's right.

I took nicole
to sutter's hill,

To that still
you busted.

You were drinking?
Yes, sir.

Big deal, so what?
We were drinking.

The important thing
is that creep

Is up there
with a g*n.

It's a big deal if
you're seeing things.

Bobby, what is wrong
with you, boy?

I was the one who
wanted some booze.


The chief
said to tell you

He could hear you

And he don't want to.

Boy... Follow.

I'm driving you home.

Uncle virgil,

I'm not drunk,
I'm not crazy,

I saw that man,
and I'm reporting it.

Nicole, go.

I want to
enjoy lunch,

So I'm working off
some bad feelings

They must be bad,

'Cause you've
chopped enough wood

For yourself
and the neighbors
on both sides.

Willie baylor's out.

I know.
I've talked to him.

You proud
of the law, bill?

I'm proud
of the way we make it.

You proud
of the way it works?

Yeah, I'm proud
when we work at it.

When we fail,

I'm about as disgusted
as any other guy.

You failed
with willie baylor.

He ruined
two people's lives.

Gene, now--

A young man
in his chair

Like a potted plant.

A girl with a nice
husband and baby

Can't make
the marriage work.

Bad dreams.

Half the time
she's sleeping
on the couch

'Cause she's afraid
of her husband.

And he loves her,
and he just wants...

Willie baylor's dead.

Say what?

I say,
willie baylor's dead.

It happened yesterday.

He went to hell
in a gasoline fire,

Though I think somebody
bought him a ticket.

You want to know
what I did yesterday.

Yes, sir.

I drove
into richland
'cause I wanted to.

All by myself.

Nobody saw me.

If you want
to arrest me,
bill, go ahead.

Well, gene, i...

I really don't think
you're my man.

I wish I was.

May god forgive me,
I wish I was.

Body largely
consumed by fire.

charred condition.

Sex, age, race

Cannot be determined
by visual examination.

This was
a gasoline fire.

That's right.
White gas.

Probably fuel
for a portable
stove or lantern.

Worst burning
I've ever seen.

Well, we figure
the gas leaked into
the sleeping bag,

Kept the fire
burning longer.

Body face up
or face down?

Uh, face up.

You know...

I'm wondering
why the hands

Are more
severely charred

Than the forearms.
I mean...

The fingers
are almost burned off,

And the face...

What face?

Extremities are
often more burned
than the trunk.

Have you gotten
dental records
on willie baylor?

Well, we've sent
to the prison.

They should be in...

This afternoon.

Not much left
of these teeth.

There's enough for
a comparison maybe.

Dr. Robb...

Just from
what you see,

Was this an accident?

If baylor
was in the habit

Of washing his hands
and face in gas,

Maybe so.

Otherwise, I'd say
this body was doused
with gasoline

And set on fire.

Sure you won't
come along, nicole?

I don't think so.

I'm not feeling
too terrific.

I think
that's a hangover.

Yeah. My first and
my last, I swear.

I was so sure
I saw that guy.

I must have
been hallucinating.

I'm so embarrassed.

Oh, now, honey,

Just think of it
as a good lesson.

Alcohol doesn't
do anybody favors.

Tell me about it.

I'm going
to lots of stores.

You don't
need anything?

No. Thanks.

I'll keep it
under two hours.

I'll come home and
make an early supper.

Maybe we'll
see a movie.


[Doorbell rings]

Ah. That's marge.

I'll see you
later, o.k.?




Bobby, it's nicole.
You alone?


How are you, anyway?

I'm fine.

Can you come
pick me up?

If I want to get
grounded for 10 years.

We've got to go
back to that still.

Are you kidding?
What for?

I saw willie baylor.

I want to get
a picture.

Nicole, are you crazy?

No, I'm mad.

No one's taking
me seriously.

Of course they're not.

Willie baylor
got k*lled yesterday.

We got
pretty well stewed.

Why would anyone believe
you saw a dead man?

I know what I saw,
and if you don't
believe me, fine.

I'll take care of it.




Some tracker!
I heard you for 2 miles.

What a dumb thing
to do!

You really
scared me!

Just showing you
how easy it would be

To sneak up on you.

I thought you said
you weren't coming.

Didn't have
much else to do.

Well, thanks.

Let's go take a picture.

Now why would I walk
in here, on my own,
I didn't wanna tell the truth?

Your wife told you

My men were looking
around the place.

So you came
to tell me a tale.

What were you doing
with these dynamite
caps and gas?

Nothing! They're not mine!

Who put them
in your tool shed?

Your wife says
she saw you
carrying the cans.

What would you do?

You find stuff
outside your shed.

You got to figure
somebody you know left it

And you'll find out
why later.

I brought it
in the shed.


However it looks,
I didn't k*ll baylor.

I think
the other guy did

After digging up
the money.
Now, he is long gone.

What other guy?

Jake took off work
to come tell us

He saw somebody else
up at baylor's camp.

Wednesday evening--
the day before
baylor was k*lled.

What were you
doing there?

I went looking to
k*ll him with my .45.

Oh, no.

I saw this guy
making a camp.

Well, baylor
came along, but...

I decided to come back
and get him alone.

I didn't have to.

This other guy--

I'll bet the farm
on this--

Did it for me.

I need
to talk to you.


I'm holding you.

Can I call home?

Let him make a call.

Get him
a sandwich and coffee
if he wants any.

I got dental reports

On the corpse
and on baylor.

They don't match,

Not even closely.

Baylor had
a distinctive
bite formation.

The corpse
is not willie.

Can we rely on that?


Kind of turns
jake's story around.

If you believe jake

And there was
somebody else there,

Why, that somebody
might be the corpse.

Willie could be alive.

It's possible nicole
really did see him.

Foxy old willie.

Just like him to line up
some poor dumbbell ex-con,

Promise him money,
send him to set up camp,

And then burn him up
for his trouble.

Now he's digging up
the money,

Getting ready
to disappear

And never
be looked for again.

He's given us
a suspect.

He could've
planted this stuff
at dunleavy's place.

I'm going
to call nicole.

O.k. Now, you were
sitting here...

And I was kneeling here.

Then we started talking
about trading places,

And then I kissed you.

And then
right over there--

You saw me.

And that was your mistake.


Nicole is supposed
to be home, and
she's not answering.


Yeah, chief.

Call that nephew
of yours.

I want to
talk to him.

I told him
to stay home today

Or I'd whip him.

Now, I just called.
He ain't there.


going on here?

Normal police
activity, bubba.

police activity.

O.k. Now you.

My uncle's chief detective
of the police department.

My uncle's
sergeant skinner!

And my uncle's
the shah of iran.

You get over here
and lay down!

Oh, please.

They'll be
looking for us.

They're probably
right behind us!

Oh, I'm real scared.

Let us go.
We won't tell.

That's right,
you won't.


What's your name?

It's nicole.


It's been
five years.

A long time.

Let her alone!


Get up.

We're taking a walk.

Nicole! Nicole,
it's o.k.

He's after me.

Turn around.
Turn around.

Bobby's hurt real bad.

Where is he?

He's at the still.

Jamison, let's go.

He's got his motorcycle.

Get on the radio.

I'll try to figure out
which way he went.

Get down behind
something, parker.

You better quit, willie!

You o.k.?

My underwear's going
to hurt me for a while.

Oh, boy howdy! Ow!

Willie baylor moving there?

Not a twitch.
He's had it.

What happened,
you get hit?

No, I'm fine.

I just can't
find my glasses.


Do you think
you'll find

The money
willie baylor

The insurance companies
and the fbi eagles

Are coming
to look for it.

I'm glad it's their job
and not mine.

Remember, whenever
you feel like talking,

Just call me,
all right?

I'll probably
take you up on that.

If he said
he'd be here,

He will be here.

It's no
big deal.


Looks like
this is it.

When you get home,

Tell your mother
to call me.

Bye, sweetie.

You be good.


Nicole, wait!

I didn't think
you'd come.

I had to
get this wrapped.


I think
they want privacy.

Oh. Sure.

It's to remind you
of your visit
to mississippi.

Oh, thank you.

That's perfect.

I--i thought
maybe it would...

Well, you know,

Help you remember me.

I don't need a charm
to remember you by,

Are you still worried...

About philadelphia--
gangs and everything?

You know,
it's funny,

But ever since i...

You know, took care
of willie baylor...

Guess I figured

If I could
get through that,

I can get through

You're going
to be all right.

You are
one terrific person.

all aboard!

Well, I guess
it's so long.

So long.
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