02x05 - Prisoners

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x05 - Prisoners

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Honest, parker,
I wouldn't lie.

The doughnut shop
sold their last fritter

Two minutes
before I arrived.

Sweet, I've
been dreaming about
a fritter all night.

Forget it.
I'd sooner eat sawdust.

Oh, my god.

Help! Help!
I'm being robbed!

Police! Help!

This is sparta 3
in pursuit.

I got a 311
in progress.

I need backup--
i-23 and county road.

Stop or I'll sh**t!


You're a cop?

Yes. What does
it look like?

I needed money bad,

I'm in big trouble.

I busted out of
butler county jail.


Willson, I had to.

I was getting
beat on.

That damn sheriff's

For the love of god,
man, let me go.

I can't.

What are you
talking about, man?
We're friends.

We played ball

Think about my sister.
You almost married her.


Come on, man.
Come on.

It's no use.
It's too late.

Then go ahead
and sh**t me.

Nice work, sweet.

Yeah, sweet.
I wish to hell
you shot me.



on your first
felony bust.

Next time, try
calling for your backup
while you're driving.

I'd like
to keep you around.

Must be kind of
funny busting
an old buddy.

let's let the man

Get to
his paperwork here.

Parker, you
forgot something.


Your badge.

Uh, chief?

Chief, let me tell
you what happened.

You're feeling
kind of bad, huh?

What do you know
about the sheriff
at butler county?


You should have
asked the chief.

They're real close.


I heard he abuses
his prisoners,

Especially the ones
that look like
you and me.

Your friend said that?

Said the sheriff's
crazy. Said he
beat on him.

Sweet, it's
a hard lesson to learn,

But every cop
has got to learn it.

Cons lie.

They lie as naturally
as they breathe.

I've known eric
since kindergarten.

That's the hell of it

Because that ought
to make a difference.

Can I help you?

Excuse me...

Is that his sister?


Want me to talk
to her?

I busted eric.
I'll do my own talking.

What's going
to happen to him?

He'll be returned
to butler county.

They'll give him
more time.

I didn't realize he'd been
in this much trouble.

After you went
to college,

He started
hanging out with
the wrong guys,

Doing things that
kept getting worse.

Every time
he got arrested,

He'd swear
that was it,
but it never was.

Willson, what am I
going to tell mama?

Just tell her
the truth--
I arrested eric.

I didn't want to,
but I had to.

While he's here,
I'll keep an eye
on him.

I want you to know
I don't blame you.

You didn't do wrong.

Willson, call me
sometime, o.k.?

I'm student teaching
right here.

Hey, bubba.

Getting a little
soft there.

Like hell.

Hey, parker.

The old man's

To keep you
out of jail.

Just barely,

Why, you old sinner.

How you doing?

Well, I repent
now and then.

Sit down.
Sit down, ed.

It's been
a long time.

So, what about

How you
been going on?

Oh, fine, fine.

I--i can't lie
to you, bill.

How long's
it been now, a year?

No, more than that.

It still hurts, bill.

Still hurts.

Yeah, I know.

Well, look at
all the years

My anna's been gone.

And still,
there are times

I'm sitting there--

I might just be
looking at the lake

Or listening
to some music,

And there she is.
She's back.

Well, the thing is,

Jolene never left.

She's still here.

I've seen the grave,

But every time
I go home,

I expect to see her
standing there,

Her head over
on the side,
a little smile.

"Hello, darling.
Here I am.

"Did you like
my little joke?"

Well, anyway,

I was thinking,

I thought it would
be a great idea

For you and me
to go out

And do some hunting,

Get away like
we used to, cut loose.

I don't know why.
I don't do that

What's wrong?
Can't the old bones
take it?

Joints stiffening up
on you?

Come on, bill.

It'd be fun.

For two old stallions
raised in the same barn,

We hardly talk anymore.

we should do that.

Yeah. Fine.

Let's do it.

How does saturday
seem to you?

Couldn't be better.

Please! Help me!

Well, I believe
that's your prisoner
out there, ed.

Doesn't seem like
he's too anxious

To go back.

Well, it don't
surprise me.

Troublemakers don't like
our kind of hospitality,

Especially since
I stopped issuing

Silk sheets
and lace pajamas.


They'll k*ll me!
Help me!

No! No!
They'll k*ll me!

listen to me!

Well, thank you,

See you saturday,

Bubba, you're getting
softer by the minute.


Did anything about
that bother you?

No more than
any other time

A prisoner's raising
hell in here. Why?

You developing
a soft spot maybe,

Like our young
friend mr. Sweet?

I just got the strangest
feeling, that's all.

You know,
I just wish

There weren't
any poor people,
any sick people,

Or any children
who'll grow up
to be criminals.

I wish I could
see that day.

There's something about
sheriff thompson that--

I've known the man
only 50 years.

He reminds me
of when I grew up.

He struts
like a rooster,

Looking for somebody
to antagonize.

I've seen the man
give people
a rough time.

I've also seen him
give people

Chance after chance
to straighten out
their lives.

Black people
or white people?

I'm not going to
dignify that question
with an answer.

Why not?
When I was a kid,

I had my head beaten

Because I walked
a straight line
down the sidewalk,

Right here
by chief hatcher

Who also kissed old ladies
at the retirement home.

When that happens
even once,

You learn about power,

Who has it, who hasn't.
You never forget it.

I'll give you that.

Ed thompson's
a lot like
chief hatcher was,

But I've never known
him to be unfair.

Who do you want

Running a jail
full of 80
public menaces,

Some watery-eyed


You traipse
through the woods

In those awful clothes,

And you think you're
something special

'Cause you can k*ll
a defenseless deer
with b*ll*ts.

Come on.

Now, if you guys
want some real sport,

Catch the deer
with a net.

What are
you getting
so mad about?

I don't like
sh**ting deer.

Well, neither do i.

I don't think
I've shot one

In over five years.

Bubba, you got
that look.

Yes, ma'am.

Police business,
very serious,

So I'll go start
tomorrow's jambalaya.

the matter?

I just talked to
a dispatcher from butler.

You know that boy
we sent back there?

Well, he's dead.

How did that happen?

I didn't ask him,

I figured
I'd see you today.

You had breakfast yet?

No. I can't eat.

Ah, well...

I understand.

Oh, you do?
When was the last time

A friend of yours
got m*rder*d in jail?

Sweet, what do you
want me to do?

I want
an investigation.

There'll be
an investigation.

By who,
his murderers?

We're really going
to believe them,

Especially after
eric said he was
going to die.

I give you my word.
I'll look into it,

But in the meantime,
you've got
to chill out.

Even if it hurts,

You have got to act

I tried that.
I tried that yesterday.

I was real professional.

It got my friend k*lled.

just forget it.

Oh, hello.

Good morning.

It didn't take very long
to find the paper.

Sure didn't, and I
feel bad about it.

Why don't you read
it in the cafe?

I'll even
buy you coffee.

I'll come in later.

I just wish I
hadn't let this happen.

Don't go
blaming yourself.

It didn't happen
in your jail.

But I had the guy
in my jail.

If I'd kept him
another day,

This might not
have happened.

why not call ed?

you'd feel better

Getting the story
from him.

No. What's in here's
what ed thompson said.

If I called him,

Be like I didn't
believe him. Well.

That's not a nice
way to say goodbye.





Call thompson!

Ed, have I got you?

How you doing, buddy?

Fine, fine.

I just called up

To ask
about something.

You still on
for saturday, right?

Sure, I am.

Are you all right?

You sound
a little funny.

Nothing wrong,
is there?

No, no. I'm fine.

The question is this--
one of my officers

Is an old, close friend
of that black prisoner

Who died over there
last night.

I told him
I'd call you

And get
the straight facts.

All right.


we got back here,

I sent him
to my office

To reason with him.

Damn fool tried
to make a break
for it.

Back in jail
two minutes,

And he's running
like a rabbit
in a briar patch.

When i...
Tried to grab him,

He hit his head

Right smack against
the corner
of my desk.

That did it
to him, huh?

I'm afraid so.

I tell you, bill,

That boy
was incorrigible.

Always fighting,

Carrying on about
some racial thing.

The person I feel
most sorry for
is the mama.

It's always
the family

That gets hurt
the most.

Yeah, don't it?

Well, uh,
thank you, ed.

I'll just, uh,
pass that along.

I'll see you saturday.


You look
as if you had
two flat tires

On the way here.


I just told sweet

That somehow
eric gray's death
could be explained.

I hate saying things
I'm not sure of.

If it makes
you feel better,

I just phoned
sheriff ed thompson.

He said
the prisoner
tried to escape.

They struggled,
he hit his head
on a desk.

I've seen
that happen.

So have i,

But gray told us
he was going to die,

And he did.

Doesn't that seem
like a coincidence?

Sure, it is.

That doesn't mean
it isn't true.


Now, where you
off to now?

Well, I promised sweet
that I'd look into it.

I think we owe him
that much.

[Door bell buzzing]

Oh. Willson.

I came by to offer
you and jenny
my condolences.

Oh, thank you, willson.

I know jenny will be
happy you dropped by.

Mrs. Gray,

I don't know
if jenny--

If she told you
about what

About me
arresting eric?

Yes. Mm-hmm.

Yes. She told me.

I can't help
but think

It was
my fault somehow.

What does
jenny think?

Jenny's not herself,

But I think
she'll be glad you came.

Please, come on in.

Honey, willson sweet
stopped by.

I just
wanted to say--

Can we talk,

Stay here, now.

I'll speak to her.

That was taken
the year you boys

in the regionals.

We lost.

Maybe so...

But it was still
a beautiful day.

Whole team
came back here.

Remember that?

All those
long faces.

I can still
see them now.

Nobody talked...

Nobody smiled
until you made
that joke

About blowing
your contract

With the dallas

Then it was o.k.

Everybody let go.

Yeah. That's
the way it happened.

Might have
lost the game...

But on that day...

No people
on this earth...

Were ever closer.

I should've
let him go.

I should've
let him go.


You did something

You had
no choice about.

Eric is...

With the lord now.

He can't
get touched

By no more pain.

So it's you
I'm talking to.

Hear me.

I'm saying
eric changed.

He went bad,

But it didn't
have nothing
to do with you.


I don't remember
taking a day off

Well, I can't
remember when.

Well, that's the price
of command responsibility.

Yeah, but I like it--

Command responsibility.

You better
go easy on that stuff.

I don't want my tail
on your trophy wall.

Your tail wouldn't fit
on my trophy wall.

Since when are you
the high priest
of temperance?

Oh, I never was,
and you know it.

I know that
after anna died,

I did some
pretty heavy boozing.

Did some pretty
foolish things.

Well, I'm off duty.

What the hell's
the difference?

You weren't off duty

When you picked up
that prisoner
at my station.

The fumes
coming out of you

Could have run the
butler county steam plant.

Bill, what the hell
is this inquisition
all about?

I got black officers.

They're asking questions,
and they want answers.

They want
more than answers.

They want the world
handed to them
on a silver platter

For doing
absolutely nothing.

I'll tell you

People like you
make it easy
for them.

People like me?

That's right.

You've changed,

Damn, I resent
you lecturing me
on my drinking.

You and your daddy
spent more time
in the gutter

Than I ever will!

Well, uh...

I think maybe it's time

We were heading
back to town.


You can go on
if you want to,

But I'm looking

At what I come
out here for.

Ed. Ed,
wait a minute.

Don't fire!


What the hell's
the matter with you,

You shot a doe.

What the hell's
the difference, billy?

We're the law, ain't we?

Tibbs: what do you think?

Chief: when did you
get this stuff?

Butler county coroner.

Straight from
the hall of records,

And it's very revealing.

About all it reveals

Is that another guy
died in that jail
besides eric gray.

Also black, under 30,
and outspoken.

That could be
a polite way

Of saying a violent
couldn't it?


the autopsy reports

On gray
and this other guy?

There's none.

Why not?

Butler county
death certificates

Are signed
by the coroner,
who's a mortician.

In most cases,
there's nothing more

Than an external
a few photographs.

They've got budget problems
just like everybody else.

Well, uh, now...

These three pictures

Who do
they belong to?

Eric gray.

It looks
like more happened

Than just his
falling against a desk.

His jaw is broken.



There's no way
to sustain that damage
in a fall.

So you're saying what?

Blunt force trauma

To several
distinct locations.

Unless I'm mistaken,
that young man
was beaten to death.

I guess what
we've got to do

Is sit down and...
Figure out some way

We can...get away
with doing something
about it.

"Yea, though I walk

"Through the valley
of the shadow of death,

"I shall fear no evil,

"For thou art with me.

"Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.

"Thou preparest
a table before me

"In the presence
of mine enemies.

"Thou anointest my head
with oil,

"My cup runneth over.

goodness and mercy

"Shall follow me
all the days of my life,

"And I shall dwell
in the house of the lord



Now, we all know
the lord has eric with him

In heaven today.

Oh, lord.

Jesus said,

"Suffer the little children
to come unto me.

"Forbid them not,

For such
is the kingdom of heaven."

I won't have you here,
willson sweet.

Don't you dare
come here today.

I didn't--

That's the man

That delivered eric
to his K*llers.

He might as well
have broken eric's neck

With his own hands.

You have his blood
on your hands, willson.

You'll carry that with you

For the rest of your life.

I didn't mean anything.

I'm paying my respects.

I hope you suffer
for all your years,
willson sweet.

I hope you go
to your grave

Knowing that
you k*lled my brother.

I never meant
this to happen.

Of course not.

What now?

Go on living your life
like everybody else.


Something's got to
be done about this.

Chief: we've got about
three precedents
in here.

The carterville
city council vs.--

Chief, we have
to do something now.

Lower your voice
and say what's
on your mind.

We have to find out
how eric got k*lled.

That's what we're doing.

Now we can start
an investigation.


That's right.

I've told the
attorney general's

Sure, and in five years,
maybe they'll do something.

Let's do something now.

They'll do something
when they can.

How many more will die?

They just buried
one of my oldest friends.

You can sit and wait
for the attorney general.

That's not
good enough for me.

Oh, hi, guys.

Son, looks like you
had one too many.

Nah, nah. Ain't
had near enough.

Give us the bottle.

The hell I will.

You ain't safe
out here.

You'll get run over.

Give me the bottle, o.k.?

Here's your damn bottle.

You crazy--

We're trying
to help.

Screw off!

Boy, you just bought
yourself some time

In the butler
county jail.

Spread 'em!

Turn him around.

I don't want to go in!

Come on.

O.k., O.k.

What do we got?

Drunk and disorderly,
resisting arrest,

a county vehicle,

Simple as*ault.




Bruce springsteen.

He got any i.d.?


John doe number two.

Take him into 37.

Come back.

No. No.

What the hell's
going on here?


Another troublemaker, huh?

Everything's under control--
taking him into a cell.

Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Bring him in here.

This boy needs
to learn some manners.

Yes, sir.

Guess you got it
coming now, boy.


Chief bill gillespie
from sparta

Here to see the sheriff.

Morning, chief.
I think he's in the yard.

Want to wait
in his office?

I'll have him paged.

Yeah. Thank you.

Henry, want to page
the sheriff for me?

He's got a visitor.

Man: open up 3.

All right.
Lock her down.

Oh, ed.

Well, you got enough
pictures on this wall
for insulation.

That's my wall
of memories, bill.

My whole life's
laid out there

Ever since I was
in high school.

Well, I got
a lot of pictures, too,

But I'm getting
tired of mine.

Well, maybe I ought
to take them down.

Lately, every time
I look at that wall,

Somebody or another
on it has died.

You hear about
monsignor o'leary?

He died a month ago
somewhere in florida.

I heard about that.


Death and funerals.

Seems like that's
all there is anymore.

Pour you one, bill?

Oh, no.
Never before 7:00, ed.

Thank you.


Little shot sort of
sets up the day for you.

Here's to you.


By the way, bill,

Was I the one
that told you
about the monsignor?

No, I got a card
from his secretary,
I believe.


I told somebody.

I swear, bill,

I can't
remember things

That happened
three weeks ago.

What happened
40 years ago seems
like yesterday.

Yeah, I know it.

I remember my daddy
saying the same thing

And me swearing,

"Oh, I'd never
be like that."

I'd never go around

Saying, "the world was
better 40 years ago."

But it was, bill.

It was.

I think that depends

On what you look for
when you're looking back.

A man knew
where he stood then.

Everybody had his place,

And they kept it, too.

There was
a sense of order.

It made things
more comfortable.

If you was born

But if you wasn't...

Oh, come on, bill.

Stop talking like some
pumpkinhead left-winger.

was better off.

I bet them
old-time fellas

Would agree to that.

Agitating, agitating.

What did it get them?


And what did it get us?

It got us
a whole new set of laws

That you and I
are sworn to uphold.

Come on, bill.
Cut the crap.

You don't
have to put on

That politician act
for me.

I know you.

Time was we wouldn't
even be thinking
about this,

Never mind wasting
conversation on it.

The time is now.

I'm living in the now.

I'm doing my job
the way it's done now.

Now, it's hard.

I'll give you that.
It's hard.

And particularly hard
at this minute.

Well, do tell.

What's the problem, bill?

This morning I filed
charges against you

With the state
attorney general.


About what,

Sipping a little bourbon
before 7:00?

For the wrongful deaths

Of two prisoners
in your jail
over the past year,

Both of them
young black men.

You can't be serious.

I am serious,

Because the evidence
is serious.

I've seen the x-rays
on that guy
eric gray.


What x-rays?

How would you get
ahold of any x-rays?

We got them from
the coroner's office

Here in butler county.

I can't believe this.

Why, this is ridiculous!

It'll never hold up.

The attorney general,
he'll throw this out
in five minutes.

I don't think so.

Not from what they
said on the phone.

How could you
do this, bill?

You're my friend.

We was like family--

You and anna
and jolene and me.

I know that, ed.
I know that,

And when I look back
at that time,

I do see
something better.

All the rest of it...

Most of it
doesn't look so good.

Chief, did you send sweet
on a special assignment?

No, I did not. Why?

He didn't show up
this morning.

He's probably off
playing hangdog

Because we won't do things
the way he wants.

That stuff gets old.

Mr. Tibbs.

Could you give willson
a message for me?

When I see him.

He called
last night.

He sounded
a little weird.

He said something
about making it up
to eric,

Make sure
justice was done.


I really
didn't understand
what he was saying,

But I want him
to know one thing.

What's that?

I'm sorry
I blamed him.

In my heart, I know
he didn't do wrong.

I'll be sure
to give him your message.

Thank you.


Yeah, what?

I think sweet is going to do
something really stupid.

I'm not surprised.
Where is he?

Jenny says
he's out getting evidence
against sheriff thompson.

That boy better not
step across the line

With ed thompson.

He'll stay
within the law,

But I think
he'll try to get proof

That thompson's
beating his prisoners.

How's he going
to do that?

He's going to talk
to the prisoners,

To the sheriff's

That's ridiculous.

Those deputies
in butler county

Won't let that boy
past the front door.

I think he'll try
to get the evidence

Yeah? How?

By getting himself

Hi, chief.
Forgot something?

Go get your boss.

He said
not to disturb him.

I didn't say
disturb him.

I said go get him.

He gave an order.

[Door opens]

Back again, huh?

What the hell
do you want?

Y'all got one
of my officers
in your jail.

I want to take charge.

What's he talking about?

Three men were
booked last night.

What's his name?

His name
is willson sweet.

Nope. No one here
by that name.

We had newton county's
sheriff's office

Check your booking reports.

You have a john doe--
black, early 20s, 6'1".

Well? Anyone here
by that description?

Yes, sir.

Turn him loose, ed.

Who in the hell
do you think
you are?

You think
you can pull out
a county prisoner?

Well, we booked him,

And we charged him,

And he's ours.

He's going
to stay right here.

Ed, we went
and got a court order.

It's going to be
delivered here
in an hour.

Why don't you save us
time waiting around

And give me my man,
will you?

Open up the cellblock

And take these men
to the prisoner.

Yes, sir.

Something wrong?

No, sir.


Help me
turn him over, virgil.

Easy, will ya?

Oh, my god.

Willson, can you
hear me, son?

Come here.

Yes, sir.

I want you
to help sergeant skinner

Carry him to my car.

Yes, sir.

Bubba, drive him
to county hospital

As fast as you can.

Yes, sir.

Hold his legs.

Come on. It's all right.

Take it easy, now.


Where's the key
to this door?

I'm not sure
I should--

Give me the key.

I can't go against--

Now, listen!

There's been crimes
committed in this jail.

Want to be a part of them?
I'll tell you, boy,

I'll put you up on charges
of obstructing justice

And criminal conspiracy
and felonious as*ault!

To begin!

Now give me the key!

What are you
going to do,
k*ll yourself?

You just get
out of my office.

You keep
away from me, bill.

Sheriff, please,
don't do it.

What are you doing?

You like this world?

Well, you live in it.

I don't like it
no more,

And I want out,

So you leave me alone!

Alone, huh?

You want to be alone

So you can do this
in helpful privacy?

I won't let you do that.

You think you're right,
the world is wrong?

I'm wrong,
then show me something.

You do that with me
standing here watching.

Go ahead.

You turned me in!

You judas!


Oh, no judas, ed.

Judas, as I
remember scriptures,

Sold out a good man
for money.

That's not me.

I'm trying
to keep a man
from doing harm.

You know
that's the truth.

You know it.


I don't believe
you want to use that.

Why don't you just...

Let me have it, huh?

You're my only friend,

My only friend...

My last one,

And now...
Now you're gone, too.

All my friends are gone.

They're all gone!

Everybody's gone away!

Nothing but pictures!

get ahold of him

So he doesn't
do himself harm.

All gone.
Nothing left but--

See he doesn't
get near weapons.

Tell your senior
duty officer

To come take charge
of this station, hear?

Oh, don't hate me,

God help me,
I feel like hell.

You come back here,

Please, billy.
Come on, now.

Don't be like that.


Billy, you come
back here, please!

I don't want
to be here no more,
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