02x04 - The Hammer and the Glove

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x04 - The Hammer and the Glove

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night, yeah ♪

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh, ooh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long,
just you be strong ♪

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

[Brakes screech][horn honks]

[Honk honk honk]

Glove man!

Glove man!

[Honk honk honk]

Glove man!

Hey! Whoo!
Hey, you!

Hammer head!

You, you, you, you!


What are you
yelling at?

Baby, you'll never guess
who's downstairs.

Come on
out of there, man!

[Honk honk]

Oh, no.

You worthless
piece of pork lard!

[Honk honk]

Shut up, shut up.


Hey, glove man.

What are you
doing down here?

Let's go for a ride.

All right.

Where'd you get this?
You rob a bank?

You think
I'd tell you?

Hey, slow down!

What are you doing
down here in sparta?

Taking you
back to philly.

Man, we ain't going--

Wait, wait,
wait, wait.

Look at the timepiece.


You can't afford all this
on a cop's salary.

You got that right,
glove man.

I'm no longer a cop.

You're not?


Oh, matthew.

You were the best cop
I ever knew.

Now I'm the best
private investigator
you ever knew.


Ooh, "matthew pogue.

This is nice.

I started doing
off-duty work
for the d.a.

You hear
my brother died?yeah, I heard.

I'm sorry about that.

Paulie took
too many chances.

A cop does that,
he gets blown away.

A drug bust
went sour.

I heard you took it
pretty hard.

You heard that?


You spend
nine years

Busting your butt
for the department,

And you'd think
you could count
on people.

I'd like to think
you can count on me.

I know, buddy.
I know.

Well, now, anyway--anyway.

I was so good
working for the d.a.,

I set myself up
in business,

And that is how
I got this car,

The watch,
new wardrobe,

And a vacation

To the land of palm trees
and teeny-weeny bikinis!


Oh, no.
Slow down, slow down.

Well, you boys
are in a hurry
this morning, huh?


I can explain.

Virgil, that ain't you.

This is matthew pogue.

He was my partner
in philadelphia
for six years.

He's a respected
law enforcement officer.

Yeah, well...

You fellas
watch the speeding, huh?

We heard there was
a couple of teenagers

Hot-rodding around.




You should have
seen bubba's face
when he recognized me.

He goes, "virgil,
that ain't you."

He thought
we were teenagers.

He wasn't too far
off the mark.

Oh, althea.

I know beneath
that exterior

There's this wanton,
crazy woman

Who lusts after me.

Stop it.

I can't figure it out.

I'm the better man,

But you have won yourself
the grand prize
with this woman.

Oh, I know.

Excuse me.

This is
matthew pogue.

We worked together
for six years.

Matthew pogue,
chief gillespie.

How you doing?

And this is jamison,
parker, sweet.

You remember bubba.

Yeah. Bubba.

Y'all were on
the force together?

Yeah. I saved his ass
a few times.

Saved me for you.

That crossed my mind,

He only saved me
because he got me
into the mess.

I was the hammer,
he was the glove man,

Smooth as a baby's bottom.

I was more
like diaper rash.

Good morning.

Looking for
chief jillespie.

Well, you found him.
How are you?

You must be mcgraw.that's right.

By the way,
it's gillespie,

Like in gimme or give.

Yeah, well,
it's good to know you.

You got someplace
we can talk a while?

Yeah. In my office.

Virgil, you might
like to join us.

I'll catch you later.

Take your time.

Who are
those guys?


How can you tell?

You kidding? They might
as well be wearing signs.

We got the witness
sequestered for now,

in a farmhouse

On the road
to marshall city.

I know the place.

It's that fbi thing.

They want us to help
secure a witness.

We're asking that your boys
watch the perimeter.

We'll be inside

How long
do you want us

To give you
this cooperation
and support?

Trial's in two weeks.

We'd like to keep him alive
till then.

He's like the encyclopedia
of organized crime.

What in the world
is he doing
in sparta?

Staying alive, I guess.

His cover in new orleans
got blown.

There's been a couple
hits on him already.

Well, to tell you
the truth, I think,

You're in
the wrong town.

Well, how's that?

Sparta's so small,
you should go
to bradleyville.

It's a county seat.

Now, I know that,

But this town's
near the interstate,

It's got a small airstrip,

And it's never
been used before.
It's perfect.

But I don't see
how we can help you.


Excuse me.

I'm just reminding you

That leroy and marshall
got back from vacation
this week,

And no one's
scheduled out.

I think
we can handle it.

You do?i think we should.

An experience like this.

A joint operation
with a federal agency.

It'll be good
for the men.

You think so, huh?


And a chance like this

Might not come along


Well, now, mr. Mcgraw,

My chief
of detectives here,

He's of the opinion

That all my officers
are simple country boys--

I didn't say that.

And he thinks
they'd benefit
from city experience,

So I'll put a car
on the road

And another one behind.

We'll try
to keep it up.

Thank you,
chief jillespie.

I'm proud to be
doing business with you.

I'll leave walt and henry
to liase with your boys.

Come on.

They step out of line,
let me know, hear?

He's going to leave them
here for what?

Liaisons. Fbi.


I was going to give you
the rest of the day off

To visit
with your friend,

But you better
hang around,

Figure out the lineup

For getting
into this g-man game.

Yeah, me too.

I can see
matthew tonight.

In fact,

You know that
dinner bet on the
ol' miss-lsu game?

I won it,
but I haven't
tasted it.

How about tonight?



Why don't you find somebody
you can liase with?

Yes, sir.

Come on.
Give me the score.

Mm! Mmm!

That's incredible.

Triple chocolate cake
with chocolate icing

by chocolate chips.

my baby's specialty.

I call it
chocolate death.

What a way to go.

You like it,
chief gillespie?

No, but I read somewhere
that chocolate's
good for cholesterol,

So I better
have another piece.

Which reminds me

Of when we staked out
this candy store.

Remember that,
glove man?

Have mercy, matthew,

According to virgil,

It was supposed
to be a drug drop

In this big
candy store.

He'd been working on it
for three months.

We'd been hunkering
six hours

When this truck
pulls into the alley.

Out comes the crooks.

Seven of us
hit them and the rig,

And what do we capture?

500 Pounds
of cocoa powder.

Oh, thanks, joanne.

Hey, it's the least
I can do.

That was
a fabulous dinner.

You feeling o.k.?


You seemed a little...

You upset
about something?

No, I just...

Guess it's having matthew
around the house.

They get to telling
those old w*r stories.

You know how many times
I've heard those?

I bet.

Then I start
to feel guilty

Because he's
virgil's friend.

Virgil thinks
he's so wonderful.

Then another incident
from the past comes up.

Something that they
shared together.

God, I just want
to scream.

You don't like matthew?

a wonderful guy.

He's very smart,
very funny.

Why wouldn't
I like matthew?

[Dish clatters]

I don't know.

I just know you don't.

He's in love with me.

I dated him
a long time ago.

Then I met virgil,
and that was that.

Matthew was terrific
about it,

But I don't think
he's ever gotten over it.

Well, honey,
that was
a long time ago,

You know?

Maybe you're making
too much of it.

That's what
I used to think.

But there was
this one night...

New year's eve party.

We had all gone.

Matthew had a little bit
too much to drink.

He cornered me
in a room.

I had to hit him
with a paperweight
to get him off me.

Oh, wow.

Did you tell virgil?


That's the awful part.

It was one incident.

He and virgil
are close friends.

Yeah, well,
hey, honey,

I think you did
the right thing.

I wouldn't have
mentioned it either.

Then it was a secret.

Then it turned
into a lie.

And now here he is,
and I just want him
out of here.

Matthew o.k.?

He shouldn't have any
trouble getting to sleep.

It's been a long day.

Yeah, too long.


Is it always going
to be this way with matt?

Baby, I've accepted the fact

That you and he
were once lovers.

That's all right with me,

You have got
to accept the fact

That we
are now friends.

We were once partners.

I wasn't there for him

When his brother
got k*lled.

He took it really hard.

The department put him
on a stress-related leave.

So I just want
this visit to be...

Comfortable for him.

[Telephone rings]


What do you mean
your boys were there?
Who are they?

Why aren't they here?

Well, mr. Mcgraw,

I sent them back
to the station

To file a report.

There's time
to file reports.

I want
to ask them
some questions.

You'll get
your chance to
ask him questions.

I can't believe this.

Meantime, I'd like
to know where you were

While all this
was going down.

I went out
for sandwiches.

The boys were hungry,
so i...

I'll tell you something.

I don't want
these yokels

Climbing all over
this crime scene.

I'm bringing my men.

I'll tell you

This is our

You need somebody
to help you

Because there are
three men dead.

I wonder
what they were doing

When that sh**t got in.

They didn't seem
to do much
to discourage him.

They didn't even
fire their weapons.

They made their mistake
thinking they had
professional support

Out on the rim.

I'm filing reports
on you with every
department I can find,

Including the sanitation

I'm going to make sure
that everybody
in mississippi

Knows what turkeys
you guys really are.

Ooh, man.

[Kettle whistles]


Virgil, I didn't know
you were home already--

No, but I'm here.

Want some tea?

No, thanks.

I thought virgil
had come home.

Where'd he go, anyway?

I woke up when
he tore out of here.

I don't know.
Some sh**ting.

How can you wake up
so early in the morning

And still
be so beautiful?

I think I'll be going.

Althea, please.

Don't keep running
away from me.

Matthew--please talk.

I won't touch you
or hurt you.

Please talk to me.

We never talked
after that party.

I wanted to,

But you wouldn't
return my calls.

There's nothing more
to say.


Between two people
that have been
as close as we were?

Lemon tea.

Do you know I still
can't smell lemon tea
without thinking of you.

Oh, althea, I'm so sorry
about that night.

I'd been drinking.
I lost control.

When I woke up
the next morning,
I wanted to cut my hands off.

Save it matthew.

I know all your
routines, remember?

This is number 7a--

with a touch of pathos.

Why hold on
to this grudge?

I was drunk that night,

I'm apologizing.
What more can I do?

Just forget it,

I did.

I don't get it!

You hold on to this
one night, as if it's
all that mattered.

What about everything
that went before?

Didn't we mean anything
to each other?

Althea, I loved you.

Didn't you love me?

Or were you
just faking it?

I loved you
like a crazy woman,

Like driving too fast.
I was addicted.

You were danger,
and that was exciting.

I couldn't get enough
of you.

What happened?

I grew up.

I met virgil.

I don't know
what happened exactly.

All I know is I didn't need
your kind of danger anymore.

Are you sure?

I think you
protest too much.

I think the reason
you don't want me around

Is because you're afraid
of the feelings you get.

It scares you, because
they're still there.


Thank you, dr. Pogue.

I'm sure your insights are
very interesting to some,
but not to me.

Gee, it's been nice
having you here.

It's too bad you'll have
to move on this morning.


You bring my lunch back,
you hear?

I'll tell my daddy!

Chocolate chip.

Wow, a g*n.

Don't touch it.

My daddy told me
never to touch a g*n.

You pick up my lunch
and go get my books.

Althea! Hey, babe.

In here!

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!

Hi. Just in time
for some oatmeal.

Can you lace it
with caffeine?

I'll get you some.
Take a seat, man.

All right.

What went down
last night?

A sh**ting.

Bad one.

Two federal agents
and a witness
they were protecting.

Any leads?

No leads,
but the man was a pro.

Execution style killings
with a .22.

He got past everybody.

He knew what he was doing.

Health in a bowl.

Who's handling
the investigation?

Some feds,
but so are we.

We'll stay on it.

How's your forensic

You're looking at it.

You're kidding.

I wish I were.

There's work to be done
at the crime scene.

We got some
good officers,

But they're not
that experienced.



I just
had a great idea.

Instead of going
to los angeles,

I'll help with
the investigation.


If you
don't want me to...

That's not
what I'm saying.

You're supposed
to be on vacation.

And I don't think
you should be doing
police work.

It's a chance
to work together again.

Who needs palm trees?
We'll have a ball.

You really mean it?

Yes! We'll show the feds
how it's done.

The hammer
and the glove man
strike again!

All right!

it's just like old times.

Isn't that great?

Me and matt!

Jillespie, I'm telling you...

Just a minute,
mr. Mcgraw.

Let me talk
to my own men.

If you please.

Leroy, where exactly
were you patrolling?

Like I said, chief,

We were all
about a mile
from the house.

Right where we were
supposed to be.

Which one was eating,
sleeping, or drinking?

We were
doing our job.

You didn't hear nothing
or see nothing peculiar?

Nothing except
what we're
hearing right now.

Marshall, that'll be
enough of that.

We were wide awake,
and that's the truth.

We both know that,

But spell it out
for mr. Mcgraw.

Explain about
bradford woods.

Well, yes sir,

Bradford woods
runs behind the farm.

From all the way
out to county road jail,

Me and marshall
crisscrossed it
on our rounds,

But it's possible somebody
could have gotten through.

Why didn't you tell somebody
before you went
on patrol?

We did.

We told the agents
in the house.

They didn't seem
too worried.

They were kind
of busy reading.

All right, men,
thank you.

Go off duty
and get some rest.

Yes, sir.

I want those
forensic people

To go over every inch
of that site,

And I don't want nobody
getting in their way!

You understand that?

Damn kids.

Their parents don't
teach them right from wrong.

That car disappeared
between midnight and 5 a.m.?

It didn't disappear.

It just took
a little joy ride.

It's right back
at my house

With the ignition
popped out.

Who'll pay for that?

My insurance
is $250 deductible.

I'll get stuck
with the whole
damn thing!

A popped ignition
don't sound like kids.

I don't care
who it is,

I want
them caught!

Chief, I just
saw mcgraw.

He was looking
pretty steamed up.

Oh, yeah, well,

You got to make
allowances for him.

He not only
lost his witness,

But he lost two
of his own men,

Two very nice
young fellas.

He's hurting inside.
He just doesn't
want to show it.

So instead,
he gets mad.

Snaps and growls.

That's mcgraw.

You know him?by his reputation--

He works
new york, boston.

What is
his reputation?

He's a good agent.

Tough, shrewd,
nobody to mess with.

Angry man.
Carries grudges.

Matthew's willing
to postpone his vacation

And help us out
with this investigation.

Well, more
big-city help, huh?

We want to visit
the crime scene.

Well, now, wait a minute.

Mr. Mcgraw, he's
a big-city man, too.

He won't want
any help from y'all.

The farmhouse
is our jurisdiction.

By about
a bullfrog's leap.

It's as much your
crime scene as his.

It's more
your crime scene.

Than it is mine.

You got us
into this.

Now that
we're in it,

Wouldn't you
like to come out
looking good?

The hammer and glove man
can put the sparta p.d.

Into a full-court


It's kind of unusual,

But then you're willing
to give up your vacation,

And it pleases you,
virgil, why sure.

Sure enough.
Come on, let's go.


Sweet! Jamison!

We're going out
to the country.

I got to go, honey.

Hey, chief,

What about me?

You're our duty
officer today.

Yes, sir, but--

Isn't here
where you belong?

Excuse me.

My daughter found this
on her way to school.


You guys, come here.

There's a whole bunch of
footprints around
that side of the house.

Parker, over there, there's
beer cans, cigarette butts.

They look pretty new, like
they was flung out yesterday.

We gotta match all that
evidence that we can find.

Personal stuff, hair fibers
from the people that
we knew were here.

You got your camera?yes, sir.

Take pictures
of those footprints.

You want me to go right ahead
and make some plaster casts?

Ask virgil about that first.

Sweet, you see that little
old road coming through
bradford forest?

Check that. Because
if the sh**t didn't
get in that way,

I don't know how he got in.you got it, chief, sir.

Looks like he
wore hiking boots.

See that rigged sole?

Must be a thousand pairs
like that in sparta alone.

Look there.

There's a nick
in the cleat.

That might
make a match.


Get me
the casting powder.



Ah, yeah.
Good, thanks.

Uh, glove man,

Go inside
and make sure

Those feds
aren't screwing
things up.


Oh, good.

Yeah, there we go.


Oh. Hi, marge.

You're here awfully
late, aren't you?

The girls' jv basketball
team worked out today.

That finished
an hour ago.

I'm putting off going home.


I hear tell you
have a house guest.


I know just
how you feel.

When john gets visits
from his korean w*r cronies,

I usually develop
an emergency

At my sister's house
in biloxi.

have you ever noticed

They tell
the same stories

Over and over
and over again.

I can repeat them

They never tire
of telling them.

Grown men.

Anyway, I had some
paperwork to do.

I don't want
to have to go home

And have to entertain him,

Without virgil being there.

Oh, I know.

I'm sure virgil's
friends wouldn't
be like this,

But once,
one of john's pals

Snuck outside
my bedroom window

So he could
watch me undressing.

Of course,

That was
a long time ago.

No, virgil's friend
wouldn't do that.

Don't work too hard.thanks, marge.

There's not much doubt
what we have here.

He's a pro.
No prints.

No usable footcasts.

The g*n
the children found

Matches b*ll*ts
on the scene.

An untraceable .22.

No way to link it
to anybody.

He's slicker than
deer guts on a doorknob.

Probably a thousand
miles from here by now.

I've done all I can.

Chief, I've enjoyed it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Matthew, I'm going
to hang around here
for a while.

Go home.

Tell althea
to take some steaks
out of the freezer.


You still eating
that dead red meat?

See you later.

Chief, look
at these pictures?yeah.

Well, jillespie,
I got to hand it to you.

Them boys of yours
wasn't half bad.

Not at all.

Well, thank you, mcgraw.

I want to say
I'm sorry about everything,

Especially about
you losing those two men.

I know that's rough.

Yeah. Some's
rougher than others.

Me and him worked
about five years together.

He was a good one.

I guess I need
a good night's sleep.

You get that
evidence tagged,

We'll get it to the
washington crime lab.

Ought to be ready

Good night.good night.

Well, virgil...

How does it feel
to be nowhere?


This is for
my brother paulie.


It's been a long day.
I'm getting some sleep.

I suggest you
do the same.

I will.

I'm just trying
to figure out

What went wrong
with these casts.

What do you mean?

One of
the footprints we saw

Had a definite wear mark
on one of the cleats.

Doesn't show up on
the photograph or the cast.

Maybe it was
too faint to come out.

No, I wouldn't think so.

Chief, there's been
another sh**ting.

Over at
the riverview motel.

federal agent mcgraw.



[Three times a lady plays]

Hello, althea.

Do you remember this?

It's your favorite.

Used to be.

You have
a good memory.

May I pour you
a glass?

No, thank you.

Where's virgil?

Still working.
He'll be home soon.

Said to take
some steaks out.

Is this some kind
of celebration
or something?

Yes, my darling althea,
it is.

It's a celebration
of your returning
to philadelphia

And virgil becoming
my new partner.

What are you
talking about?

Virgil would
never leave sparta.

But he is.

He'll tell you
about it later.

You're lying.

I thought
you'd be ecstatic.

Don't you miss
the city?

I think I'll take
those steaks out.

All done.

All done.


Would you
grant me one wish

Before I leave
tomorrow morning?

What's that?

One last dance.

For old time's sakes.

I don't think so.you know you want to.

Matthew, don't.

You are going
to dance...

With me.



♪ To touch you

♪ To hold you

♪ To feel you

♪ To miss you

♪ There's nothing
to keep us apart ♪

the same footprint
at the farm.

Whoever shot those men,
shot mcgraw.
Look at the nick.

Our k*ller's
still in town.

Yeah, but why mcgraw?

The k*ller got
what he wanted

When he shot
the witness.

It wasn't like
mcgraw was closing in.

Far from it.

We were at
a dead end.

That makes me think

The k*ller wasn't
after the witness.

He was always
after mcgraw?

Mcgraw wasn't there.

He went out
for sandwiches for the men.

When the k*ller came in,
he missed mcgraw.

Once inside,
he was committed.

He had to k*ll them
to cover himself.

where's your friend?

From philadelphia.

Why do you ask?

This may not
mean nothing,

But those fingerprint
photos from the farmhouse...


Smudges were made
by rubber gloves.

The prints
from mr. Bailey's
stolen car...same smudges.

What are you saying?

Somebody knew how
to pop that ignition.

And virgil, bailey's house
is about a block from yours.

You suppose matthew
rubbed out that cleat mark,

The one that
didn't show in the cast,

Or is my imagination
running away from me?


Where is he?

♪ Three times a lady

♪ I love--

[Telephone rings]

I'm going
to answer the phone.


Thea, it's me.

I want you to act
very natural.

Do you understand?

Hi, virgil.

What time
you coming home?

If matthew is there,
don't say his name.

Just tell me
what we're having
for dinner.

The steaks are
thawing now, honey.

I thought you said
you wanted steaks.

When we hang up,

Tell matthew that
you have to go
to the store

For a special
bottle of wine
for dinner.

Be very casual.

I want you to get
out of that house

Go directly
to the station.

Oh! You want
that french wine?

Virgil, haven't I convinced
you that california wines
are better?

Good, babe.

Get out
of the house.

Go to the station.
Is that clear?

O.k., Virgil.
I'll see you later.



There's only
one place in sparta

Where you can get
french wine, but--

He knows,
doesn't he?

Knows what?

That I've k*lled
four men
since I've been here.

Oh, god.

All but one
were innocent.

I feel bad
about that, but...

There was no way
I could've
fought it, baby.

what are you saying?

Thank you.

I'll keep
that memory.

Get out of here,
althea, quickly.

I don't want
you hurt.

I love you.

Don't ever forget that.

Oh, matthew.

For god's sake, get out
before I can't stand it

And keep you here
with me.

Understand? Go, go.

[Door opening
and closing]

Watch it, man.
Watch it!

I got him!


Look out!

Glove man!
I got him!

Son of a bitch!

I got him!
I got him!

Get him!



[Voices hollering]




Glove man!

Hammer head!


Hey, man.

Althea here?

I sent her out.

It's all over,
isn't it?

"For god's sake,
let us sit upon the ground

"And tell sad stories

Of the deaths of kings."

Why did you
do it, matt?

Mcgraw k*lled paulie.

He was dirty, virgil.

He set paulie up
and blew him away

Because paulie was about
to blow the whistle
on his whole operation.

What was he into?dope money.

Ripping off dealers.

Nice work,
if you can get it, huh?

You followed mcgraw
way down here?

Oh, man. I followed him
for six months
to hell and back.

He never even knew it.

I just sat back
and watched him operate,

But this time,
the whole deal
set up right.

I figured that
everyone would think

It was a hit
on the witness.

I got that part right.

Now what?

I guess that
depends on you, man.

There's nothing I can
do for you now, matt.

I saved your life,

I can't save yours.
It's gone too far.

So now you're going
to spit on me again.

I never understood us.
Still don't.

I'm smarter than you,
I'm better, faster,

And you still
got everything.

You got the promotions.
You got the commendations.
You got the press.

And I got althea.

I'm going to k*ll you.

I got nothing
to lose now.
I got mcgraw.

That's what I wanted.
No reason why I shouldn't
take you out, too.

Do you really
hate me that much?yes.

I'd like to see you
roast in hell.

She was the only thing
in my life, man.

That really mattered to me,
and you took her away.

You got it
backwards, man.

Yes, you do.

If you wanted
to hurt me,

You should've
k*lled althea.

Because every day
of my life

Would be sheer hell.

I loved you, man.

Who's out there?

Oh, an army.



Don't do it.


So long, glove man.

I loved you, too.

Matthew, man...

Matthew, don't do it.


Stop right there!

Throw down that g*n!

Put your hands
in the air!

Put that g*n down!




Hammer head.

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