02x03 - The Family Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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02x03 - The Family Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh-ohh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

That really
looks great, huh?

I ask you, friends,

Is this not real
reconstruction of the south?

Who says we're dying?

I think you all know

Who we owe for this
wonderful gift, right?

No surprises
to anybody.

Stuart merrill.

My lord, I haven't seen
that little girl in ages.

She's really grown up.

Doesn't take after
her grandmother much.

As long as she doesn't
take after her mama,

I'll be satisfied.

Thank you,
stuart merrill.

Excuse me.mm-hmm.

You haven't seen claudia
hanging around,
have you?

Chief, she wouldn't
dare even be
sober enough

To show up here.

There's coffee and cookies
and other refreshments,

So stick around a while

And enjoy each other
and visit.

Hello. How are you?
How are you?

It's a fine occasion,

Thanks, bill.

What do you think
of our old hero?

He looks good enough
to be a policeman.

Mary lynn,
does it feel good

Having a granddaddy
like that?

Yeah, I guess so.

She's my little

But we sure wish
claudia could
have been here.

Bill, thank you
for coming.

Don't mention it,

Nice to see you,
bernice, mary lynn.

Don't call me crazy,

I said your behavior
was bizarre, not crazy.

Please, claudia,

Just one evening
without this.

It was wonderful
honoring your father.

Couldn't you make
an appearance
for the family?

From where I sit,

The family's
appearance is crap.

That'll do.

I'm going
to my room.

This is a rerun.

Sorry, baby.
I'll be up soon.

Do you realize
the awful effect

You're having
on her?

No, but you'll tell me.

You're an expert
on awful effects.

Now, that's unfair.

I didn't mean
to overlook you.

You're awful, too.

You won't ruin my night.

don't you go!

I'm going to my studio.

Of course. When things get
too difficult for you...

Handling stained
glass is safer
than being here.

You two have
a pleasant evening.

I'm warning you!

God, the flag, apple pie,

And the sanctity
of the family dinner.

Ahh, that's america to me.

Why do we
have to do this?

It's tearing me apart.

I have feelings, too.


Well, your secret's
safe with me, mama.


Hey, sugar,
what you working on?

Algebra again.

Still, always algebra,
algebra, algebra.

Algebra sucks.

Always did,
always will.

Tell me.

I'm just no good
with numbers.

isn't about numbers.

O.k., I'll bite.

If algebra
isn't about numbers,
then what's it about?


Sure. Teacher power.

When teachers
get their licenses,

They perform
this secret ritual

Swearing never
to reveal the answer

To the riddle
of algebra.

Any teacher
caught explaining
algebra clearly

Is banished
from the profession

And forced to become
an accountant.


Who would want that

When she could
stay an overworked,
underpaid teacher,

Who for
one hour a day

Holds absolute power
over some beautiful kid

Who otherwise thinks
she's so smart?

You're weird.

Thank you.
I do my best.

So, can I shine it on
with a "d"?

Absolutely not.
Go for an "a."

Force that wretch
into a career
in accounting.

Mama, I wish
you wouldn't do that.

Lights out by 10:00.

I'll settle
for a "b."


Adding eavesdropping
to your list
of maternal skills?

You hurt us
very deeply tonight.

I've been practicing.

You're going to
destroy your father,

chasing around
like a common--

Don't push me.

Lying, cheating,
shaming him.


Me lying?

Shaming him?

I drink. You take
sleeping pills.

I sleep with anybody.

You sleep with nobody...

Behind a dead-bolted door.

I won't take this.

The only difference
between your hate and mine

Is that
you're more subtle.

That's all, mama.

Get out.

I want you
out of this house.

Leave now?

Just when I've found
your soft spot?

Not on your life,
old woman.

Coroner on the way?

Yeah. Yeah.

Careful where you step.

m*rder-robbery, huh?

took great care

Getting this wallet
out of his pocket.

no blood on it.

Is there any
money in it?


Can you tell anything?

A lot of s*ab wounds.

This one went
between the ribs,

Hit him in the heart.

That shard look
wiped to you?

He could have pulled
the wallet out

he got robbed.

I--i was
just thinking.

That's my job, sweet.


Yes, sir.

Bubba, look.

Now, this blood
over here

Seems to run
a little uphill
over here,

Doesn't it?

Well, it sure does.

The lab's going
to need every bit
of this mess

For blood typing.

We better use
some heavy gloves.

Hey, virgil.

Chief o.k.?

I doubt it.

I didn't notice
anything else.

All I can see
is him there.

Bernice, I don't like
to pound on you
with questions,

But I sure would
like to know what
was happening here

Just before
you phoned me.

Well, I got up
this morning about 8:30.

Stuart usually leaves
his breakfast dishes

On the table,

But they weren't there.

So after a while,
I went up to his room,

But he wasn't there.

His bed was still made.

Bill, how am I going to
get along without him?

36 Years.

I know.

I think we ought
to find claudia

And fetch her home.

Where is she?

Some bar
or a man somewhere.

God only knows
where she goes

After she takes
mary lynn to school.

Oh, my sweet
mary lynn.

Oh, bill, how am I
going to tell her?

Well, I might be able
to help you with that.

I mean, I know somebody

Who might help us
with it.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

You wanted to see me,
ms. Tibbs?

Yes. Why don't you
take a seat, please?

Mary lynn,

I have something
to tell you--

Something sad--

And I just
don't know how.

Well, what's wrong?

Tell me.

Uh...sweetie, it's about
your grandfather.

Something awful
has happened, and--

And what?
Say it, ms. Tibbs!

Mary lynn...

Your grandfather
is dead.

It's o.k.

It's o.k.

It's o.k.

Why didn't
the k*ller use
his own w*apon,

Presuming he
brought a w*apon?

Why did he rely
on that stuff
that was there?

it wasn't planned.

It was spontaneous.

Second, the body was moved
after the m*rder.

The body was
right where it fell!

I don't mean from
one place to another.

The blood-flow pattern

Shows that he'd been
lying on his back.

When we found him,

He'd been rolled over
onto his left side.

Then what?

He probably
laid there and bled.

Then someone rolled him
over and took his wallet.

There's no blood
on the wallet

Because he just
wanted it to look
like a robbery.

That's what I think.

Somebody who knew him.
Somebody who hated him.

Stuart didn't have
an enemy in the world.

That you know of.

I know my town.

So do i, chief.
Forget that.

You saw the room.

That was rage.

And 15 s*ab wounds?

Meaning what?

You won't like it.

That never
stopped you before.



Someone who knew
the victim's routine.

Chief, who stood to gain?


Tomorrow morning
we ought to go back,

Have another talk
with his widow.

Someone will be out
to take a blood sample,

Unless you object.

I suppose not.
But why?

Because some of
the blood we found
wasn't stuart's.

Mrs. Merrill,
you stand to inherit
a substantial estate,

Plus the insurance policy.

Stuart was
always generous.

Also, you didn't
share a bedroom
with him, did you?

Sir! I do not see how
our sleeping arrangements

the police department.

Just what
is your point?!

I'm asking you questions
about your marriage.

How was it?

My marriage
was 36 years long,

And I'm not
in the habit

Of discussing it
with strangers.

Well, now, bernice,
we have reason to believe

That robbery isn't
what this is all about.

What else
could it be?

Just plain m*rder.

m*rder? For what
possible reason?

I'm going to ask you.

Is there anybody
who might have been
looking for vengeance,

Anybody who hated
stuart that much?

Maybe some crime
of passion or--

A crime of passion?


15 s*ab wounds
is a bit too much anger

For a stranger.

Chief gillespie,

I resent
this young man's

I'm sorry,

But there really isn't
anything missing,
is there?

And you waited hours
after he was dead

Before you called.

Bernice, did you
move the body?

Did you have
an argument with him?


It was claudia.

I saw her
that night...

Very late.

She'd been dreadful
at dinner.

I was upset
and couldn't sleep,

So I got up,

And I saw her...

Coming out
of the studio.

I didn't think
anything of it then...

Until I found him.

I was so afraid.

Bill, you know
how she can get.

Mrs. Merrill,


Did not
move that body?


I swear
I did not touch him.

Parker, I want you
to find bubba.

When you find him,

Have him bring
claudia merrill in

As soon as possible.

What do I say
it's about?

Police business.

Is that a good enough
answer for you?

Put down that jug
of diet cola

And get on it.

Bubba, you out there?

Your mom have
any special friends?

Nobody I know.

Someplace she might go
after dropping you
off at school?

Sure you don't
want to go home?

I'm o.k.

Chief gillespie and I

Just want to
ask your mom
a few questions.

Why can't you wait

Till she picks me up
after school?

I guess we'll have to.

Can I go now?
It's algebra.

I have your pass.

Virgil, I don't think

That child can take
losing her grandfather

And her mother.

she may have to.

I can't understand

Why claudia hates
her father so much.

He loved her,
supported her.

When she got pregnant,
he took her daughter in.

It just doesn't
make sense.

As far as I gather,

Claudia's never
made sense.

Mrs. Spencer
was a teacher here

When claudia
was in school.

She said she was
always trouble.

Like how?

Oh, crazy,
mean, sullen.

Bad grades.

Records show
one angry kid.

Can you
get the records?

Sure, I think so.

And where is
this mrs. Spencer?

Right down the hall.

O.k. By the way,

Have I said today
how beautiful
you look?

No, you have not.

Yes, I did.
Before the alarm
rang, when we--


Ha ha ha ha!

Ray becker.

Come on, becker,
open up. Police.


Nice seeing
you again, becker.

I'm looking for
your girlfriend
claudia merrill.

Never heard of her.

Don't you start
with me.

Can't help it if
I can't keep track
of my girlfriends.

Maybe I'll
take you in.

What the hell for?

Oh, for being
drunk and dumb.

Go to hell.

I hate coming here

Every time there's
trouble around town.

What do you want
claudia for?

Chief wants
to ask some questions

About her
daddy's k*lling.

Way I hear it,
he needed k*lling.

Tell that slut
to get out here!

The slut
doesn't wish to.

Come on. Let's not
make this hard.

No way. Can't you see
I'm in mourning? Ha ha!

I can see it's
getting tiresome.
Come on.


Come on, now.

Let go of me,
you son of a bitch!

Come on!

Settle down.

Get your hands
off me.

Come on,
get in there now.

These pictures
don't do a thing to you.

You just sit there,
hung over, half drunk,
and insolent.

The sight of your daddy
chopped to death

Doesn't raise
a hair on your head.

Your mama saw you
leaving that studio.


I want to know what
you were doing there.

Fighting with him
about how you
conduct your life?

What set you off
to do a thing
like this?

I want to hear
about him and you,

And I want to
hear it all.

I doubt that.


Hold it a minute.


Do you know
what these are?


They're records.

Yes, your records.

From grade school
and high school.

I spoke to
an old teacher
of yours today,

A mrs. Spencer.


I also spoke
to a dr. Tully.
Remember him?

I have his statements
here, too.

Don't. Please, don't.

Your father had been
abusing you for years,

Hadn't he?

Sexually abusing you.

You have been
telling people

That your daddy did
things like that
to you?

It's all there, chief.

You told your
fourth grade teacher.

Then your
high school teacher.

And finally a doctor,
dr. Tully,

Who treated you
for unexplained
childhood hemorrhaging,

And nobody did
anything about it.

Did they?

Isn't that all true?

You had good reason
to hate your father,

Maybe even
to k*ll him,
didn't you?

Didn't you?!yes

That bastard
was all over me

From the time
I was 9 years old,

And I k*lled him for it.

Come on, virgil,

Can't you tell
that woman's lying?

She's a textbook
case for incest.
Good lord!

Good lord? I wish I knew
what you were doing!

You got a case
for m*rder there,

Next thing I know
you jump up

And give the k*ller
a defense for her trial!

Incest happens.

Not in that house.

No. Only in ghettos.

In poverty,

With drunken uncles
and ignorant people.

Don't hand me
that stuff,

And don't
patronize me.

I know what goes on
in this world. But--

But incest never
happens next door.

Now, listen--

I begged to get off
juvenile detail

In philadelphia

Because I couldn't
take the stories

I heard from
those children--

Young girls
who were brutalized

Not by a stranger,
but at home

By people who were
supposed to love
and protect them.

But we're not
talking about some
deranged personality

Up there
in philadelphia.

We're talking about
stuart merrill.

A former member
of the school board.

of the church,

And a man
who gave this town
its first library.

Read the statements.

I don't have to.
I knew the man.

The man?
The woman is destroyed!

The woman is crazy!

She was in
mental institutions
before she was 15!

Why was that? I don't know.
Who knows?

Mental illness--

Haven't y'all
got that up north?


I know how you felt
about merrill,

But you're a fair man.

Read the statements,

Paul hackett
came by today.

Stuart's lawyer.

He told me that
claudia had...

She had acknowledged
her guilt.

Claudia said
some other things

That we have to
talk about, bernice.

Evening, mary lynn.


Mary lynn, time for you
to try to get some sleep,

Go on. What else
did she say?

Some very
disturbing things.

She said that, uh,
her daddy used
to bother her.

I mean, touch her
physically in ways
that were wrong.


She said he molested her
when she was a child.

Oh, dear lord, no.

I don't believe
what I'm hearing.

That's what she said.

Well, she is lying.

How can you even
ask such a thing?

Because I have to.

I didn't say
I believed it.

Bill, you knew stuart,
for heaven's sake.

I admired him.

That's why
I want to know

Why claudia would
say such things.

Because she hated him.

She hates me.

She's never cared
about anybody else's
feelings but her own.

She's made my life
a living hell for years.

I don't mind
telling you that now.

Do you remember
a teacher of claudia's

By the name
of mrs. Spencer?

I don't think so,
no. Why?

What about doc tully?
You know him?

Just to see him.

He and stuart had
a falling out
years ago.


I'm not sure.

I don't want this
to get out.
You hear me?

Claudia's going
to be on trial.

Her lawyer will
bring this out
to defend her.

She is determined
to ruin everything

Stuart ever stood for.

You have no idea

What she has
done to this...
This family

And that poor
little girl upstairs.

How are you feeling
this morning, claudia?

Is there anything
I can get for you?

I could use
a cigarette,
if you got one.

Sorry, i--

Smoking's no good
for you, anyway.

Smoking isn't
good for me?

This may be the most
difficult question
I've ever asked, but...

And I can get
authorization if...

Do you want to go
to your father's

Years ago.

Something bothers me.

I don't understand
why you chose
that night,

That particular night.

You said that the incest
had stopped long ago.

I can understand
the anger,

But something
must have happened.
Why now?

Why not now?

I guess that's all.

I'll...just have
sweet take you back.


I had on a little
brown and pink
plaid dress

The first time.

It didn't
even get torn.

But I burned it.

Later I started
sleeping with
all my clothes on.

I still do sometimes.

Mama said he didn't
mean anything by it.

Said he just
loved me too much.

The doctor told me

To stop wearing pretty
clothes around daddy,

So i...

I knew it was my fault

And I'd better not
tell anybody else

Or they would know
how bad I was.

I skipped school

Because it hurt
too much to sit down.

And here I am.

You o.k.?

Oh, fine,
fine, yeah.

You'll make
yourself sick
over this thing.

I shouldn't
have told you.

Thanks for the trust.

You know what I mean.
It's police business.

Even a police chief
gets to have a friend.

You know, I talked
to claudia about it,

And i--i still
cannot take it in.

Well, if it's true,

It would explain
how that woman

Got to be
who she is.

Yeah, but bernice
would have known
about it.

That's why I just
can't believe it,

Because the mother
would have had to know.

What makes you think
she didn't know?

perhaps it was
some divine irony

We do not yet

Which gave us
that occasion

Just four days ago
in our own town square

To express together
our appreciation

For stuart's
many kindnesses.

And that night,

He was brutally
taken from us.

"Yea, mine own
familiar beloved,

"In whom I trusted,

"Which did eat
of my bread,

"Hath lifted up a hand
against me, oh, lord,

"And raised me up,

"By this I know
thou favoreth me,

"Uphold me
in mine integrity,

"And setteth me
before thy face forever.

"Blessed be
the lord god of israel

From everlasting
to everlasting." Amen.

Let us each pray silently
his own prayer

For the soul
of our friend.

Good morning.

I buried stuart
merrill yesterday.

I took one look
at bernice,

I could tell by her face
that she knew.

She knew. [Intercom buzzes]

Chief, everybody's
been calling

Wanting to know about
claudia merrill.

What do we tell them?

Tell them nothing.

How do I do that?

You're the only man
I can count on
to talk to people

And tell them

Yes, sir.

Are you ready
for this one?what?

That was the crime lab.

The absorption-elution
on the blood traces--

The blood
on the floor?

No. That shard of glass.

The traces they found
weren't from the victim.

They were from
a different source.

The assailant
was a.b.o. Type "b."

And what type
is claudia's blood?

Claudia is type "o."

There's no way on this earth
that she could have done it.

She's innocent.

I did k*ll him.

You couldn't have.

I did!

Why are you lying,

I'm not lying.
I k*lled him.

What more do you
want from me?

Claudia, the k*ller
left traces of blood
on that glass.

Type "b" blood
from the cuts he got

When he stabbed
your father.

First of all,
you're type "o."

No way.

Virgil, uh...

I'd like
to talk to her,

If you don't mind.

No, I don't mind.

Thank you.

Too much lying
in that family of yours
for too long,

And now we got
a m*rder case.
It's gotta end.

I want to say something,

And the only way
is just to say it.

I'm sorry.


I am sorry
I misjudged you.

And I guess what
I'm sorriest about

Is that 18 years ago

I wasn't the kind
of police chief

That a child could
come tell things to.

You really think
you would have
believed me?

I'd like to think so,
but maybe I wouldn't.

What do you
want from me--

What I want
is to know why...

After all
your daddy did,

You continued to
live in that house

And even brought
your little girl
to live with y'all.

I can't
see any reason.


Maybe a prison psychologist
can explain it to me.

But him...
I j-just can't...

Oh. Oh, he said
he was sorry.

After every time.

He even cried.

Can you cry?

Oh, yeah.

Jamison, would you get
claudia merrill's
personal effects together

And get her ready
for release?

Thank you.

He wasn't sure
he could make it in,

So I offered him
a ride.

You're a real
humanitarian, bubba.

We'll need statements,
ask you some questions.

What about?

Mr. Merrill's k*lling.
Also, we need a blood sample.


No way, man.
No damn way.

We'll get a court order. Good. Do that.

If you can find me.
Get back here.

Man, I'm real
tired of you.


Uh, let me, uh...

Cancel that
court order.

See you, becker.

It is too mine.
You accusing me
of stealing it?

Just tell me
where you got it.

Why? Please just
answer the question.

Somebody gave it
to me.

I know whose it is.
Don't give me attitude.

We'll continue
in my office.

Mary lynn gave it
to her. I was there.

Mary lynn's mother
gave it to her.

She would have
never parted with it.

Well, she did.
She gave me this, too.


This morning.
She gave away
all her stuff.

Tapes, posters,
everything she had.

How was she? Upset? What?
Where'd you last see her?!

Third period,
in the gym.

What's the matter?

Mary lynn?

Mary lynn!


Suzanne, go call
for an ambulance.

Bonnie, call
for the nurse.

Run, girls, run!

Oh, mary.

Oh, mary lynn.

You're all right,
mary lynn.

It's going
to be all right.

It's gonna be...

I couldn't
take it anymore.

Take what?

Everything, I guess.

I just don't want
to feel bad anymore.

And that's why
you hurt yourself?

How old
are you now?
About 16?


And you don't want
to get your mom
into trouble, right?

She didn't
do anything.

we know that.

It's all my fault.
I've ruined

Oh, no, honey.

You are the bravest
person I know.

And I won't let anything
ever happen to you again.

You want me
to tell them?

No, mama.

Mary lynn, we have
to hear about this,

And one of y'all
has got to tell me.

Now, I'd sooner
it be you.

Everything is going
to be all right.

I want you to
trust me on that.

I think he means it.

I k*lled him,
but I didn't mean to.

I just went out there
to talk to him.

Mary lynn...

Would you tell us
what happened?

I'm right here, baby.


Well, after
it happened...

Mama came home,
and I told her.

She went out there
and busted everything up

To look like somebody
broke in or something.

Then she said
I go to school
the next day

And we'd act
surprised, and...

it's o.k.
Tell all of it.

He was touching me...

And forcing me
to do things.

And he wouldn't quit.

And grandma
didn't believe me.

I was afraid
to tell mama.

I was afraid
she wouldn't love me.

I knew she hated
staying there.
I could tell.

And I didn't want
to leave mama.

I didn't know
what to do.

He would wait
till mama was out,

And he'd come
to my room...

I even started sleeping
with all my clothes on, mama.

And it didn't matter.

He took the lock
off the door.


So I went to
the glass house
that night

And I said
if he didn't stop,
I'd run away.

He started crying

And saying how
sorry he was.

And then he
tried to hug me.


He wouldn't let go.

He started pushing me
down on to the bed

And doing stuff...


Touching me...

Pulling my clothes

I couldn't stand it, mama.
I couldn't stand it!

Ohh...i got hold of
a piece of glass, I guess,

And I cut him...

And I cut him,

And I cut him...

Until he just
fell away.

I'm sorry, mama.


It's o.k.

It's all right.
You did good, honey.

It's o.k., Baby.

I'm so sorry.

Do you have any idea
how remarkable you are?


Shh. Shh.

No more talking now.

You rest, you hear?


I heard chief gillespie
and grandma talking
the other night.

And he asked her if
grandpa had touched you.

Like me, I mean.



I know it was my fault.
I should've been there.

I'm so sorry.

I just didn't
have the strength.

I know, mama.

It's like he took
all the good stuff
away from us.

You rest. I'll be
right outside.

I love you.

She'll be
all right.

So you all
can go on.

Thank you.

We'll be fine.

Go home, mama.

nobody left to
keep your secrets.

Nobody left
to make a mess.

Go home.

Just leave us alone.


Leave us alone.

You ought to
go in there

And sit with
your daughter.

I'll hang
around here a while

In case you
need something.

We had a deal, see.

Daddy and me.

I promised to
never tell anyone

What he did to me.

And he promised
to provide for mary lynn

And to never...
Never touch her.

Now, listen, uh...

You ought to try
and put all that
in the past.

God, why did I
believe him?

Oh, claudia.

Why did I believe him?


He was your daddy.
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