04x12 - The Heroine" / "The Warrior

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x12 - The Heroine" / "The Warrior

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- TATTOO: Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


TATTOO: Boss, who
is the schoolteacher?

Schooltea... [CHUCKLES]

Close, Tattoo, close.

She is Miss Florence Richmond,
a very successful writer.

Her novels are described
by the critics as sensual,

lusty stories of hot-blooded
men and demure women.

Best-sellers with
such titles as,

Heart of Fire, Flaming Desire,
and Past the Edge of Innocence.

Boss, she sounds
like a wild lady.

Quite the opposite
is true, Tattoo.

She has led a sheltered life

and has never experienced
the things she writes about.

Her fantasy is to become
the heroine of a novel

she's just begun to write.

Her wildest and most
sensual story to date,

an exotic tale of
international intrigue

and romance.

Mr. And Mrs. Robert Graham
of Amsterdam, New York.

The lady seems worried
about something, boss.

What's the scoop on them?

-Scoop, Tattoo? -The scam.


- The inside dope.
- [STUTTERS] Oh, the inside dope.

Mr. Graham's only claim to fame

is as an exponent
of the martial arts.

-Judo, karate... -And jujitsu?

Exactly. He is only
reasonably proficient,

but his fantasy is,
for this one weekend,

to be good enough to compete

against the very
best in that field.

Boss, he could get
hurt playing that game.

Now you have it.

Precisely the reason for
Mrs. Graham's concern.

And I fear she will
be even more alarmed

when she hears
about the opponent

I have selected for her husband,

the all-time grand
master of the martial arts...

a warrior never defeated.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

ROARKE: Even though your novel

is far from complete,
Miss Richmond,

uh, the first chapter, and
especially your description

of the characters
was most helpful,

- in preparing your fantasy.
- Oh, I'm glad.

I was hoping that you
wouldn't find them, well...

you know, too romantic.

Why, it is your
fantasy, Miss Richmond.

I do find your
description of the heroine

to be most interesting.

"A free spirit, uninhibited, a
wild and beautiful hedonist."


I know how it sounds.

Oh, but Mr. Roarke...

just this once...

I want to be swept up by
a tall, strong, dashing man

and carried away.

And just this once...

I want to be the
heroine of my book.

This Brent Hampton
is quite some guy,

if you know what I mean.

Yes, isn't he wonderful?

Yes, a colorful man, indeed.

"Powerful, frequently ruthless,

but always irresistibly handsome

and charming to the ladies."

And, it also seems his
sexual appetite is rather...



Well, actually, I've...

I've never really
met a man like that.


But, to tell the
truth, Mr. Roarke...

I can't wait to meet him.

Boss, don't forget Peter Styles.

-Huh? -Peter Styles.

Ah, yes, yes.

I took the liberty of adding
another character to your book,

a Mr. Peter Styles.

Thank you for
reminding me, Tattoo.

Uh, quite similar to
the character um...

Joe Herrick, in your
book Flaming Desire.

Oh, yes, yes.

The clean-cut,
boy-next-door type.

- But why?
- Well, he could be your friend,

a necessary element to
render your fantasy complete,

Miss Richmond.

Well, if you say so.

You realize, don't you, the
great difference between...


and reality?

I am a professional
writer, Mr. Roarke.

Of course, Miss Richmond.

But you are about to actually
become your own heroine.

To feel her joy...

her passion...

perhaps her fear.


You can't frighten
me, Mr. Roarke.

I know what I'm getting into.

I mean, after all,

I create my own characters
and write my own books.

Yes, you write your own
books, Miss Richmond...

but did you ever
truly read them?



ready, Mr. Roarke.

How do I begin?


Where your book begins.

-[PAGES RUSTLE] -Page one.

"The drumming of the
great stallion's hooves

seemed to echo the
pounding in her heart...

as Florence rode swiftly
along the golden beach.

The thunder of the surf
was a portentous omen

of strange and wonderful
things about to happen."

[LAUGHS] Oh, Mr. Roarke did it!

He did it!

[GASPS] Brent!



Are you hurt?


I, uh... I don't think so.

That makes me very happy.


Because the moment
I saw you riding...

like an elemental
part of nature itself...

free, wild, beautiful,

I knew at long last I had
found the one woman for me.

No, I don't want
you to vanish now.

What is your name?


I should have known.

It means flower, doesn't it?

Beautiful flower.

My car is close by.

I'll have you
driven to my villa.


ROARKE: The special conditions
necessary to begin your fantasy

are now at their strongest.
Are you ready to proceed?

The sooner, the
better, Mr. Roarke.

Now, I must warn you both that
once the fantasy commences,

it must be played out to
its end, you understand.

As long as I have
the martial skills

you promised me,
I wouldn't want it

- any other way.
- Oh, I assure you, Mr. Graham,

you will possess such skills
when you have the need.

Uh, do you know how all this
is going to end, Mr. Roarke?


No, that will be decided
entirely by your husband

and his opponent...

the legendary master
of the martial arts...

Kwong Soo Luke.

The great Kwong himself?

Yes, Sir.

But he's just a
legend in the dim past.

Nobody knows if
he really existed.

I assure you, for this
weekend, Master Kwong...

will be very real, indeed.

Of course, if you'd rather
compete against a contemporary...

Uh, no, no, Kwong was
the greatest of all time.

If I can match his
physical skills...

the best he could
do would be a draw.

Don't you see?
That's what I want.

To equal the best.

It was extremely difficult
to arrange this match.

What do you mean
by extremely difficult?

Well, you see, Master
Kwong was known as...

an executioner.

He didn't regard martial
arts as mere sport.

Bob, please, let's give
this up and go home!

It's okay, it's okay.

Mr. Roarke, look...

I sell insurance
in a nice little town

that I'll go back to
for the rest of my life.

But just this once...

I'd like to have the
thrill, the experience...

of facing someone
like Kwong Soo Luke.

Very well.

If you'll come this way,
Mr. Graham, Mrs. Graham.

These steps will lead
you to your destination.

And your fantasy.

[CHUCKLES] Here we go, honey.

Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

Yes, Mr. Graham.

Bob, what is this place?

It looks like some
kind of old temple.

Mm, let's go back.

Just relax, honey. The
adventure's just starting.


I come seeking the Master Kwong.


Come, this way.

You see? All very
civilized, darling.

Our host is welcoming us.

Look, he even knows
how to treat a lady.

I'm sure this wasn't
meant for me.


Here. It's beautiful.

Master Kwong bids
you to refresh yourself.

He will welcome you soon.

Well, let's drink to our host.


your husband...


who is about to battle
the world's greatest warrior

to a draw.

And, most of all, to you.

The most beautiful
wife in the world.

Never before has a mirror
reflected so desirable a woman.

[SIGHS] Brent.

Hello, Florence,
my little flower.

Your lips...

are like soft rose
petals hiding their honey.


Do you always
take what you want?


Excuse me.

What do you want, Peter?

Mr. Brockhill has
arrived, Mr. Hampton.

I showed him to his suite.

I told you I wanted
to talk to him

before he settled
into his vices.

I'm sorry. I didn't
know where you were.

FLORENCE: Peter Styles!

Tell him I'll be waiting
for him by the pool...

in minutes.

Yes, Sir.

Uh, this Mr. Brockhill must
be very important to you.

A hundred million oil dollars
worth of importance, my dear.

You'll find...

something beautiful
in there to fit you.

When you are ready,
I'll see you at the pool.

Bye, my darling.

Kwong bids you welcome, warrior.

I recognize the honor
of your challenge...

and the high value of the prize.

Now, for the first of our
three time-honored contests.

Bob, what did he mean by
prize? He was looking right at me.

Honey, it's just a ritual.
All of it's just a ritual.

These boards, bricks...

and our fellow warrior
will be the enemy,

which we will fight
to reach the prize.

It will demand all our skills of
speed, accuracy and strength.

The first one to
finish will be the victor.

I understand.

And now...

if your beautiful lady
will stand at the far end

for encouragement.


Bob, I really don't want
to be part of all of this.

Honey, I can't lose.

Remember, Mr. Roarke
took care of everything.

Now, don't worry.
It's gonna be all right.








You're a worthy opponent,
fellow warrior. Well done.

You honor me too
much, Master Kwong.

Please rest now,

and avail yourselves
of my humble hospitality.

In due time, we will meet
for the second contest.


Senator, so glad
you could make it.

I bet his Washington
mistress is thrilled

to have the weekend off.

Aren't you afraid
he'll hear you.

Who cares?

Ten years ago, I was
his Washington mistress.

We change with their
campaign promises.

I'm Nina, Brent's hostess.

Till now, I guess.

I'll say this for him,
he's still got taste.

I think I'll take that
as a compliment.


Oh, he has improved.

I do believe we have
an innocent among us

looking for her one big love.

And what could
be wrong with that?

Nothing, baby doll...

except that Brent Hampton
isn't capable of love.

What he's looking for
is million dollars.

Take care.

Enjoying yourself,
Miss Richmond?

Mr. Roarke.

Well, with the exception
of a certain minor character,

this fantasy is
surpassing any book

I could have ever written.

Splendid, but a word of warning.

As you know, even
minor characters

sometimes speak the truth.

Mr. Brent Hampton...

is indeed in grave
financial difficulty.

Mr. Roarke, this...

This certainly isn't
a bankruptcy party.

Well, he overextended
his investments

in gold and silver

and presently
finds himself short.

One hundred million
dollars short, to be precise.

Oh, but, Mr. Roarke, you forget.

I created Brent's character.

He's a brilliant businessman.

I'm sure if he's in
some little trouble that...

he'll find a way
to get out of it.

Yes, he will, yes.

Everyone, please.

May I present my dear friend,

guest of honor,
Mr. Porter C. Brockhill.

-[ALL APPLAUD] -Indeed, he will.

Well, now.

If you aren't the prettiest
thing I've ever seen.

Thank you.

You know something?

When Brent first
described you to me...

I thought it was
his usual oversell.

But I'm happy to report...

that for once I was wrong.


That man gives me the shudders.

Me, too, darling.

But what's a shudder or two

if it's followed by
a shower of gold?

I'll see you later.


To absorb the serenity
of the sand patterns...

one must first push
all troubled thoughts

from the mind.

To some...

the swirls signify the
curving lines of infinity.

To others,

the sensuous bend of a
beautiful woman's body...

the curve of her throat...

the flower of her lips.

Does Master Kwong
seek prizes so desperately

that he tries to steal them
from his fellow warriors?

Kwong does not
steal. He wins his prize.

I'm not a prize.

How wrong you are.

Surely your husband has told you

that every warrior's
woman is a prize

to be won or lost,
along with his servants

and all his earthly possessions.

Such is the prize
of every contest.

Contest or childish games?


Did the first contest bore you?

So you may sharpen your
anticipation, listen well.

The first two contests
are merely exercises

to heat the blood
for what is to come.

The third contest,
you will enjoy that.

For it is the only
one that counts.

The emperor's army
ranged far to the east.

One of his
generals, my father...

brought back a fair-skinned
woman such as you.

In time, she became
a highly placed person

in the royal court,
and my mother.

Like her, you will be
a prize beyond price.

I will be thinking about
you, lovely pale flower...

with my own anticipation.

Thirty percent interest...

plus ten points for the loan.

That's ridiculous.

You've exhausted all your credit

in the legitimate markets, or
you wouldn't have come to me.

Actually, I had a
higher rate in mind.


But what?

That little girl.


BRENT: You're crazy! Not her.

You may not
believe it, but I think...

I'm really falling
in love with her.


Love doesn't die easily.

And after a while,
I'll return her to you...

almost as good as new.

Look here, Brockhill,
even I've got a bottom line.

Brent, I can see
right through you.

When you first told
me about this little girl,

you had a bargain in your eyes.

If I did, I've changed my mind.

Well, I haven't.

If you want to dig
yourself out of this hole,

you pay what I want.
And that is your...

innocent flower,


You bring her to my room

as soon as this
banquet has ended.

You hear?

- I'll have to think about it.
- All right, you think about it.

Think about being ruined.

And you match that against
my spending one night

with this little lady.

LINDA: Bob, that
man is going to k*ll you.

Linda, he can't.

My skills are equal to his.
Just as Mr. Roarke promised.

All right, all right,
I will give you that.

But is your desire equal to his?

Bob, that man is not
trying to impress anybody.

It's just like Mr. Roarke
said, he's an executioner.

He is either going to k*ll
you or force you to k*ll him.

Linda, I'm sorry, I
just can't buy that.

This whole thing's a fantasy
created for my entertainment.

Kwong and I and you
are just playing a game.


Bob, are you trying
to prove something?

To yourself? To
me? I don't need it.

Don't you understand?
This is not a game.

It's real.

Mr. Roarke also said
that the ending was going

to be decided by you and Kwong.

Linda, in the
end, it'll be a draw.

There'll be no
winner and no loser,

I promise you that.

Something else happened
in the garden, Bob.

Master Kwong kissed me.

And it was dangerous,
and it was fascinating.

- Did you let him kiss you?
- What? No!

He took the kiss, but...

Bob, he also said that a
warrior's woman is a prize

to be won or lost along
with everything else

that he possesses.

He asked me if
you had told me that.


Florence, little flower,
want some of my dessert?

Oh no, thank you.

But I can see you're
enjoying it, Mr. Brockhill.

This is only the appetizer.

The best is yet to come.

What's going on?

Just filling in.

One of the waiters is ill,

and I knew you
wanted everything right.

- Champagne, Miss Richmond?
- Oh, yes, thank you.


- I'm terribly sorry.
- What's the matter with you?

I must speak to you
outside. Now, please.


Oh, uh...

Don't bother. I'll
just go and change.

I'll be right back.

Come right back, you hear?

Listen, I overheard
Brent and Brockhill.

Brent gets his money.

Brockhill gets you.

Tonight, as soon as
the banquet's over,

I know Brent Hampton
will hand you over.

He loves money and
power more than he could...

ever love a woman.

I don't believe you.

You think I'm making this up?

I know all the stories.

Brockhill's an animal.

[SCOFFS] I don't care about him.

But Brent wouldn't do that.

You see, Peter, I
invented all of these people.

I created them.


- Lock him in the wine cellar.
- But he wasn't doing anything.

Look, Florence. I'm sorry.

I meant what I said
about you, about us.

But I haven't got a choice.

Whether Peter
lives until morning

is entirely up to you.

But he was only trying to pro...


What he said...

was true, wasn't it?

I didn't plan it this way.

It's just the way it worked out.

But I'll make it up
to you, I promise.


take her to
Mr. Brockhill's suite.





The heat of combat
brought us close

to the edge, brother warrior.

Take minutes
to catch your breath.

And then the third
and final contest.

Bob uh...

Thirty minutes, Master Kwong.


I wanted to k*ll him.

I... I really wanted
to destroy him.

I've never felt
anything like that.

It was savage...


I despise myself...

but I barely drew
back from the brink.

You're right, Linda.

- I'm not going through with it.
- [SOBS]

Let's go, now.

Let's take that stairway
back to Fantasy Island.

Come on.

It was right here.

Have you lost
something, Mr. Graham?

Oh, Mr. Roarke.

- Talk about good timing.
- We couldn't find the stairway.

I'm not surprised, Mrs. Graham.

You see, there can be no
stairway until your fantasy

is completed, Mr. Graham.

But I can't complete
it, Mr. Roarke.

We've reached a point
where he can't be stopped

unless I become like him.

Kwong's a k*ller.

- He wants my wife as his prize.
- ROARKE: I see.

And, is his desire for your wife

stronger than your love
for her, Mr. Graham?

Of course not. Nothing's
stronger than that.

Well then, you
have nothing to fear.

For no desire, no lust...

can be stronger than love.

Do what you must
do. Trust in yourself.

It will be a fight to
the death, Mr. Roarke.

Trust in your love, Mr. Graham.

MAN: Kwong awaits, warrior.


- PORTER: Come in.


That's my innocent
little flower.

Don't run away from me.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

No, no.

Please. No!

-No! -Come on.


This is gonna be where
you are a beautiful pawn

-in a chess game. -No!

That's a game that I always win.


-No! -I'm not gonna hurt you.

what I'm getting into.

I mean, after all,

I create my own characters
and I write my own books.

ROARKE: Oh, you write your
own books, Miss Richmond,

but did you ever
truly read them?



PETER: The key's on
the wall. The small one.

-I'll k*ll him. -Please just...

Just... just get me out of here.

Over there.

This way, Miss Richmond, hurry!

-Peter! -Run, Florence. Run!


It's over, Miss Richmond.

Oh, no. Not yet.

Peter's still trapped.

Only in your imagination,
Miss Richmond.


Master Kwong,

I want to try and
explain something to you.

This whole thing,
this contest...

is just sport to me...

a way to keep fit,
like jogging or tennis.

You talk in riddles, warrior.

What I'm trying
to say is that...

I've never hurt
anyone in my life and...

and I won't k*ll you.


I never feared that
you would, warrior.

But I will enjoy your woman...

after I have k*lled you.





Bob, I love you.

ROARKE: Trust in
yourself, Mr. Graham.

For no lust can be
stronger than love.

Do what you must do.


k*ll me.

-Bob. -k*ll me!

-I love you. -KWONG: k*ll me!

LINDA: I love you, Bob.

Let's go.

He has dishonored
the brotherhood.

Destroy him!

- The stairs have to be here!
- Mr. Roarke.

Over here, quickly.


Well, Miss Richmond,

I hope you weren't
too disappointed

in your role as heroine.

I learned a great
deal about myself.

Maybe more than
I wanted to know.

If you are referring to your
encounter with Mr. Brockhill,

Miss Richmond, like
everything you experienced

during the weekend,
it was pure fantasy.

I know.

It didn't really happen.

It will make a great
plot for your novel.


Well, I think I may
change my plot just a little.

PETER: Hello, Florence.



But I thought you said
it didn't really happen.

I have to admit to just a
modicum of subterfuge

on this occasion.

Mr. Styles also came
to me with a fantasy.

He wished to experience
the kind of life he read about

in your romantic novels.

You see, he's one of
your most avid fans.

Well, I think I've had
it with the fast lane...

but I'm still a big fan.

Oh, and I've got a great
idea for a new book.

I think we should research it.


I know the greatest
places you can imagine

-for research. -You do?

- Boss, another happy ending.
- Another happy ending, Tattoo.

PETER: We'll spend
the whole day there.

There's this, uh,
there's this little village.

Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Graham.

Boss, we should call them
the warrior and his lady.

No way, Tattoo.

I'm through with
that warrior stuff.

- I'm gonna take up tennis.
- Make that two of us.

I hope you have no
regrets, Mr. Graham.

After all, you did
meet and defeat

the legendary Master Kwong.

That's right, darling.

You'll have a lot of
stories to tell your children.

Now that's a good idea.

We don't have any
children yet, Tattoo,

but when we do,

I'm not going to tell
them about their father

and how long it
took him to grow up.

Then perhaps, you'll tell
them about their mother,

who always knew that
love is the strongest emotion

a man can experience,

and who helped
their father prove it.

I think I can handle that.
Thank you, Mr. Roarke.

You're very welcome, Mr. Graham.

-Thank you. Goodbye. -Goodbye.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye.

Watch out, boss.

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