04x07 - The Invisible Woman" / "The Snowbird

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x07 - The Invisible Woman" / "The Snowbird

Post by bunniefuu »




The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.


ROARKE: Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


TATTOO: Boss, he
looks like an athlete.

An athlete? Oh,
yes, yes, of sorts.

Is he famous? Should I know him?

No, no. Mr. Ned Pringle
is a popcorn vendor

with the circus, but
with a familiar dream.

He is in love with a
beautiful lady who,

we might say, is far above him.

His fantasy is to bridge
the distance between them.

And Ms. Velda Ferrini

is certainly worth
looking up to.

TATTOO: Velda Ferrini of
the world-famous trapeze act?

She is so sheltered, so guarded

that no stranger
can get near her.

But here on Fantasy Island,
we make happy endings.

Happy endings? Uh,
no, not exactly, Tattoo.

We merely provide the stuff
that happy endings are made of.

And from that, each guest

must fashion his
or her own destiny.

That attractive young
lady is Ms. Harriet Winkler.

She was recently engaged
to Mr. Denny Palumbo.

Better known as one
half of the performing act,

Denny and Trish.

But Denny is married to Trish.

Not anymore. They were
divorced a few months ago.

And Mr. Palumbo has been trying

to put a new act
together without her.

He's on Fantasy Island
right now rehearsing

for the premiere performance

of "Denny and His
Dynamite Dolls."

Ms. Winkler isn't sure
she can trust Mr. Palumbo

with his beautiful new partner.

She would love to
be able to observe

his every move unnoticed.

Her fantasy, therefore,
is to become...



Boss, can you really do that?

Uh, let us just say that
it remains to be seen.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.


DENNY: And now the management
of the Fantasy Island Playhouse

proudly presents the
inimitable Denny Palumbo,

that's me, of course,
and his Dynamite Dolls!


-That's us! -Okay, hit it.



No, no, no, no,
no, girls. You...

You can't close up here.
You're covering the star.

You've always got to leave
this much space for me, okay?

-All her fault. -I know. I know.

You guys work it out,
okay? I'll be right back.

So, Morty, what do you think?

I got to work on promos.

Oh, and... Morty, I don't
want to see anybody, okay?

ROARKE: The Dynamite
Dolls are certainly well named.

If Denny's temptation-proof
around those two wild jonkers...

[SCOFFS] ...I know
I'll have nothing

- to worry about.
- I'm surprised a young lady

as lovely as you should
even have such a concern.

- Like you, Ms. Winkler.
- That's right, Tattoo.

Oh, thanks. I just
don't want this marriage

to be a mistake
for either one of us.

- Do you understand, Mr. Roarke?
- Completely, Ms. Winkler.

Oh, It looks great, Brutus.

Keep your fingers
crossed, Calpurnia.


NED: The world is full
of pretty girls, Mr. Roarke,

girls with their
feet on the ground.

I have to fall for a
beautiful snowbird.

She doesn't even
know I exist, Mr. Roarke.

But then why should she?

How will I ever get to meet her?

ROARKE: There is
only one way, Mr. Pringle.

You must become a
member of the Ferrini troupe.

Me? [SCOFFS] A trapeze artist?

Oh, come on, you
got to be kidding.

No, not at all. By a
fortunate coincidence,

The Flying Ferrinis
are, at this moment,

in winter training right
here on Fantasy Island.

Here? Velda's here?

You will soar beside
her on the trapeze.

Come on, Mr. Roarke.
To be an aerialist,

you practically have
to start in the cradle.

You forget this
is Fantasy Island,

Mr. Pringle.


if you'll step into this
room, Mr. Pringle,

your adventure will begin.

Will you, uh, take
this pouch, please?

Dust some into the
palms of your hands.

NED: It looks like the kind of
powder trapeze performers use

to help their grip.

But this is a very
special powder,

Mr. Pringle.

TATTOO: You want
to fly, don't you?

Sure, but it doesn't
seem possible.

If you have enough faith...

and courage, Mr. Pringle...

anything is possible.


FERRINI: Hey, kid,
what are you waiting for?



Not bad, eh, Mario?

Not bad.


Looks like you finally
found a man to replace me.

ROARKE: Why did
Mr. Palumbo's manager,

Morty Green, refer
to you as Calpurnia?

Brutus and Calpurnia
are... are pet names,

I guess you'd call them.

Those are the parts we played
when we did Julius Caesar

-in ninth-grade English. -Ah!

- I've known Morty all my life.
- I see.

In fact, he introduced
me to Denny.

Were you starstruck?

Oh, no. Not at first.

Actually, Denny
had a bad reputation

of being a girl chaser when
he was married to Trish.

Morty said that she was
always clawing at him.

But I guess they
were just unhappy

and acting kind of childish.

Yes, unhappiness is the
time-honored justification

for infidelity.

Uh, but, of course, you
will never give Mr. Palumbo

cause to be less than joyful
when you become his wife.

I want a good, lasting
marriage, Mr. Roarke.

And it wouldn't be fair to Denny

if I go into it having
any doubts about him.

Most commendable.
Uh, shall we step inside?


ROARKE: Thank you, Tattoo.

There is a fluid in
this vial, Ms. Winkler,

which, when sipped,

will render you
completely invisible.

For short periods of time.

Boss, is it dangerous?

Uh, no, no, no,
Tattoo. Uh, not in itself,

only in the consequences
of Ms. Winkler's own actions

-while she's invisible. -Oh.

I... I'll take that
responsibility, Mr. Roarke.

Oh, very well then.



I don't feel any different.

Uh, but you appear different.

Oh! It worked. [LAUGHS]

But my clothes...
This looks silly.

Oh, I'm sorry, Ms.
Winkler. I forgot to mention

that, uh, the potion does
not affect clothing. No.

Uh, to be completely invisible,

you must, uh,
remove all garments.



could see me now,

you'd be watching me blush
from my head to my toenails.


- WINKLER: Thank you.

Another thing you forgot
to mention, Mr. Roarke.


It's drafty.

Excuse me, please.

Uh, I should have adjusted

the air conditioner
for this occasion.

here goes nothing!


Boss, the handkerchief.

You gave it right to her.

How did you know where she was?

Oh, no. Boss, you can see her.

Can you?





Hey, kid.

NED: How was it, Mr. Ferrini?

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Of course, you don't
got much experience.

I can tell, but you'll learn.

Thank you, sir.

The job's only temporary,
until my leg mends.

Sure, I understand.

Okay, now listen good, kid.

I got rules.

You work. Every day you work.

No carousing at night,

no gambling, no
drinking, no chasing girls.

Lights out : sharp.

With us you live like a
priest, and that's your altar,

-the trapeze. -Of course.

You move in right
away, that tent.

I want the crew pick up
your gear from the hotel.

That'll be just fine. Thank you.

One more thing.
My daughter Velda...

she's only .

She knows nothing
about the outside world.

Outside working hours,

you keep away from
her or I break your neck...




WINKLER: Please,
Denny, be the wonderful guy

I know you are.

Girls, that's the spot.
You understand?

There are two of the
wiggle, and then we step off

for the kick of the left foot.
I wish you could get that.

Oh, it's just so
difficult for me, Denny.

-[SIGHS] -Maybe if we worked

on it alone, just the two of us.

Well, don't mind me.
You two get it together

and I'll nap until it's
my turn. Later, Denny.

Okay, Roseanna.

All right, Rose, where
do you want to start?

At the beginning, silly.

-[MUSIC STOPS] -Rose, look.

We are here to rehearse,
you understand? Rehearse.

[GASPS] That's fine by
me. But isn't this a better act?

Rose, what are you...

WINKLER: Take your
hands off him, you tramp!


Rose, look, I'm
going to marry Harriet

and I don't want to louse it
up by fooling around again.

I can make you
forget little Harriet.

-[KISSING] -Look, knock it off!


Why, you miserable creep!

-[STAFF THUDS] -What's wrong?

You can take your act
and stuff it in your hat!

- We open tomorrow. Rose!




Hello, lover.

Goodbye, Roseanna.

Don't you even want to
look at what you're missing?

I said goodbye. I mean
goodbye. This is goodbye.

Don't come back
till you're ready

to rehearse the act.

Nobody manhandles me!
You can forget the act! I quit!

Roseanna, you can't quit!
We have a contract! Roseanna!



WINKLER: I can trust
you, my loyal darling.

I'm going nuts. Morty!



Okay, everybody. Take five.

Well, that's really nice.

I mean, you're on a
winning streak there, kid.

Uh, thank you, Mario.


I think you can really
be a permanent member

of this troupe.

I mean, you've got it all.
You've got the strength,

weight, the size and the timing.

But above that, you seem
to have the confidence.

You seem to move through it
all as if... As if you couldn't miss.

I get the feeling you're
leading up to something, Mario.

I am. Something that's
never been done before.

Something that...

Something that I
almost perfected, but...

- But you fell.
- MARIO: Tiny miscalculation.

A fraction of a centimeter.

I came off the edge
of the safety net.

But I'm telling
you, it can be done,

and l can teach it to you.

- Teach me what?
- MARIO: Quadruple.

Four complete somersaults
in mid-air, from bar to catcher.

I'd break my neck.

No. I'm telling
you, it can be done.

[SCOFFS] Sure. By you
when your leg gets better.

Oh, sure, my leg will
get good enough for me

to get back in the
act, maybe as a...

As a catcher.

I've had to face that fact.

See, it's up to you, Ned.

-I can't. -You do it...

and my old man won't ever
let you out of that troupe.

He'd even let you marry
Velda to keep you in.

And then you'll really be
a member of the Ferrinis.

You think about that.


ROARKE: If you
have enough faith,

there is nothing you
cannot do. Remember that.

Well, I may not have
the greatest reputation

in the world in some departments

but I'll tell you one thing,
no one can ever say

that I didn't give
him a straight deal.

I'm gonna call the Vegas booker

and tell him to
cancel the play date.

Oh, no, Denny,
you can't do that.

Oh, come on. Face it, Harriet.

Even with the Dynamite
Dolls, the act wasn't gelling.

It was forced and
it was obvious.

It just didn't have
the... the class that,

you know, Trish and I had.

Oh, don't look so
worried. It's not your fault

those stupid dames
walked out on me.

I sort of feel it was somehow.

- Excuse me for a minute, honey.
- Sure.

- Mr. Roarke.
- Ah, Ms. Winkler. What...

You look unhappy.
Please sit down, won't you?

Isn't your fantasy going well?

Oh, to tell the
truth, Mr. Roarke...

-I feel like such a sneak. -Oh?

WINKLER: My fantasy
was selfish and self-centered

and I deserve what I got.

Denny doesn't deserve
what I gave him.

I've got to make
it right somehow.

Make what right, Ms. Winkler?

Please, Mr. Roarke.
Let Denny play

the Fantasy Island
Playhouse as a solo act.

Boss, the contracts
call for an ensemble act.

That's right, Tattoo. I'm
afraid there is nothing

I can do for you, Ms.
Winkler. I'm terribly sorry.

Uh, of course, um,

Mr. Morty Green
might be able to arrange

a last-minute substitution
for the, uh, Dynamite Dolls.

Otherwise, um...

Boss, isn't that Trish, Denny's
ex-wife and Mr. Green?

ROARKE: Why, yes!
And, uh, if I'm not mistaken,

the gentleman with
them is her new fiance.

Oh, no!

Why would she come here?
She and Denny hate each other.

MORTY: Now don't
yell, but look who's here.


- I told you not to yell.
- My, my, my, my.

I see you haven't lost your
way with words, Denny.

MORTY: Well, isn't it nice
to bring old friends together?

See, I ran into Trish
at the bar and I thought,

"What the heck?
Wouldn't it be great

if I brought her over
here to say howdy?"

I wouldn't say howdy to
her if I was Gene Autry's son.

Who's the unlucky man?

This happens to be
Kenneth De Jong,

of De Jong, Hendricks and
Decovan investment bankers.

- My future husband.
- How do you do?

[SCOFFS] Better
than you, obviously.

Well, let's all act like
adults and bury the hatchet.

Fine. I know exactly where.

MORTY: I mean,
let's address ourselves

to the problem at hand.

Denny needs a new
partner here to do this job.

It's a very important gig
because some Vegas bookers

are coming here
to check him out.

And I was thinking,
wouldn't it be great

if this would mark the
return of Denny and Trish?


Tell "woman-chasing Mr. Palumbo"

that I wouldn't
work with him again

if he came crawling to me
on his hands and knees naked

with a flower between his teeth!

And you can tell
Bimbo De Plenty here

that I wouldn't set one
foot on a stage with her

till she puts a gag
in her big mouth

for five minutes,
which, for her,

- is a physical impossibility.

MORTY: Trish,
at least talk to him!

Well, I'm gonna get smashed.

Look, you two need each
other whether you know it or not!

Mr. Roarke, Denny
has to play his date here.

Show business is his life.

It's Trish's life, too.

She'd be bored
to death without it.

But you can see how
they feel about each other.

Well, maybe I can change that.

-You can? -WINKLER: I've got to.

I love him.

And if working with Trish
again makes him happy,

then that's what'll
have to happen.

But how will I do it?

Uh, well, they just told
us what would make them

forgive each other.

A gag for her and
a flower in his teeth.


Seems to me I've
had this dream before.

Me, too.

And I always knew it
was gonna come true.

That one day, a
handsome stranger

would come swinging
into my life and...


You know, apart
from my brothers...

you're the only man
I've been alone with.

Maybe I can do
something about that.


Your father and brothers,
they wouldn't be looking

for you now, would they?


VELDA: I made sure
they were all asleep.

Oh, Ned.

I have so much
time to make up for,

and so much to learn.



[SIGHS] Forgive me,
darling. It's for your own good.

♪ For once I can
do What my heart ♪

♪ Wants to dream of
Long before I knew ♪

♪ And it was just the wind ♪

♪ For once in my life
I won't let sorrow... ♪


[PANTING] This is crazy!

Got you!

Forgive me, darling,

but you need Trish
for just a little while.

[GIGGLING] Are you
trying to tell me something?

Look, I don't know
how you did this,

but I will never forgive you!

Ah, Denny. It's a nice gesture.

Meaningless, but nice.

Now why don't you
go on and get dressed?



MARIO: There is only one
thing that matters to me,

The Flying Ferrinis.

The quadruple will
keep us at the top!

Ned is only a beginner.

- Papa won't allow it.
- Papa's gone!

Gone to talk to the
circus representative

about next year's tour.

But by the time he
returns tomorrow

for that press preview,
that kid will be ready.

No! I won't let you do this!

The family comes first!

You're a Ferrini.
Don't you forget it.

And if you try to stop me,
I will be forced to tell Papa

where the little
jewel of his life

has been spending
the wee small hours.

Now we understand
each other, sister.

It's time to go to work.


it's for the family.



WINKLER: Now to keep
Trish quiet for five minutes.






DENNY: I know I have a
few too many belts sometimes,

but I never had to
chase my pants before.

MORTY: Well, you
have been under a strain.

"See silent Trish"?

Silent Trish?

I wouldn't miss it.


DENNY: She did it for me, Morty.

She put the gag on.


Thanks, Trish. I
appreciate the gesture.


Let me out. [GRUNTS]


Velda, I want you to know
what you've done for me.

I'm happier than I've ever
been. It's all like a dream.

It is a dream, Ned,
and it has to end.

What are you talking about?

I want you to leave.

Don't listen to Mario. Quit
today, before you get hurt.

He told you about the quadruple.

- You could be k*lled!
- Listen to me, Velda.

I can't explain.

You'll just have to
take my word for it.

Nothing is going
to happen to me.

I can lick the quadruple,

and I can make our
dreams last forever.

Ned! Let's go!


Ladies and gentlemen,
reunited for today, at least,

I give you Denny and Trish!

Okay, kids. Hit it.


♪ Seems like old times ♪

♪ Having you to walk with ♪

♪ Seems like old times ♪

♪ Having you to talk with ♪

- ♪ And it's still a thrill ♪
- ♪ And it's still a thrill ♪

- ♪ Just to have my arms ♪
- ♪ Just to have my arms ♪

-♪ Around you ♪ -♪ Around you ♪

- ♪ Still that thrill ♪
- ♪ Still that thrill ♪

- ♪ That it was the day ♪
- ♪ That it was the day ♪

- ♪ I found you seems like... ♪
- ♪ I found you seems like... ♪

Right about that tempo, Morty.

We'll put a couple
of gags in here.

We haven't seen each
other for a long time.

Why didn't you ever write me?

I was going to,
but I couldn't spell...


Oh, come on, it wasn't
that bad for us, was it, huh?

I gave you a few laughs
now and then, didn't I?

Uh-huh. Your mother
and your brother.

- ♪ Making dreams ♪
- ♪ Making dreams ♪

-♪ Come true ♪ -♪ Come true ♪

♪ Doing things we used to do ♪

♪ Seems like old times ♪

♪ Being here with you ♪

What do you wanna go
and get so angry again for?

I missed you, sometimes.

Go ahead, hit me
over the head with that.

Sure, you missed me. Poor Denny.

All alone with nobody to talk to

except the chorus
line from the Roxy.


Yeah, well, I'll
tell you something.

The reason I fooled
around so much

is 'cause you kept
putting me down.

I'll tell you something
else. I'm sorry I did.

-TRISH: You are? -DENNY: Yeah.

And I'll tell you
something else.

I'm sorry I hurt you.

And I'm mostly sorry
because we kept acting

like kids all the time.


- You know something, Denny?
- What?

I wish I could've shut
up once in a while.

Cruel gags aren't too funny.

Especially when they're
costing you a husband.

- ♪ Making dreams come true ♪
- ♪ Making dreams come true ♪

- ♪ Doing things we used to do ♪
- ♪ Doing things we used to do ♪

- ♪ Seems like old times ♪
- ♪ Seems like old times ♪

- ♪ Being here with you ♪
- ♪ Being here with you ♪





Ladies and gentlemen.

We have been working on a new

and absolutely unique
aerial maneuver.

A feat that only
The Flying Ferrinis

would dare to attempt.

So, we have gathered
you here today

so you may witness
a world's first.

[SIGHS] Ned, I
can't let you do this.

You saw me in practice
yesterday, not a hitch.

But the smallest mistake,
it could happen any time.

Oh, Ned, I love you
so. Please, don't.

Believe in me.

I know I can do it.

No tears. Show me a smile.

That's my little snowbird.

Now bail out.

Ladies and gentlemen,
here on the island,

we do not have to conform
the United States regulations.

So The Flying Ferrinis will
work without the safety net.



MARIO: For the first
time ever, anywhere,

The Flying Ferrinis presents
the quadruple somersault.

[SIGHS] The press
is waiting, Mr. Pringle.

What seems to be the problem?

I can't make it, Mr. Roarke.
I dropped the pouch.

I see. Most unfortunate.

What am I doing up here?
I must be out of my mind.

Well, it's a little late

for self-analysis,
Mr. Pringle. Don't you think?

Velda was right. This
is all a crazy dream.

A groundling in
love with a snowbird.

Every man has been
in love with a snowbird

somewhere sometime
in his life, Mr. Pringle.

You've got to get me
out of this, Mr. Roarke.

Well, I'm afraid that's
out of the question.

Your fantasy must run
to its natural conclusion.


that need not be an unhappy one.

Observe, Mr. Pringle.

What is he waiting for?

Isn't that strange?

He doesn't seem
to be having trouble

with his leg anymore.


- Perhaps it was all in his mind.

Good luck, Mr. Pringle.

Mr. Roarke!

What is wrong with you?

I changed my mind. I'm
not going through with this.

So you lost your nerve?

Like you lost yours,
Mario, after your fall?

You came up the ladder just now

like a monkey
climbing a banana tree.

Suddenly, there's nothing
wrong with your leg.

Maybe there never
was except in your mind.

-That's a lie. -Is it, Mario?

You used your
accident to cop out,

to avoid doing the
quadruple again,

just like you used me.

I ought to throw
you off of here.

How about throwing
yourself off into the quadruple?

Use this pouch.

It's special.

You can do it.


NED: You can make it.

You can make it.
You can make it.



Papa, Ned and I love each other,

and you're just going to
have to get used to that.


You get out of my sight
before I break your neck.

Papa, no.

Papa. Papa, you can't
keep Velda caged up forever.

And Ned, he's
gonna work with us.

Papa, face it. You're
not getting any younger.

One day you're
gonna want to retire.

Somebody has to take
over the act and manage it.

Ned knows the circus.

I had him checked out
when he first came to us.

Papa, it's...

It's time for this family to
have some... some new blood.

Papa, please.



Maybe we start a new
generation of Ferrinis, eh?


Welcome to the family.

ROARKE: Tattoo
told me you called,

but I had no idea you
wish to leave so soon.

Well, thanks to my
fantasy, I found out more

than I bargained for.

Denny can be
trusted all right...

but not to love me because...


he never stopped loving
Trish in the first place.

Then it means he never
was right for you, doesn't it?


Yes, it does.

And I really hope
they'll both be happy.

You're an exceptional
young lady, Ms. Winkler.

I shall try to arrange
an early flight

to the mainland for
you. Will you excuse me?

Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Green.

Good afternoon.

You got any plans
besides throwing yourself

in the ocean, Calpurnia?

Stop calling me
that stupid name!

We're not in ninth
grade anymore.

Yeah, I guess you're
right, we're both grown up.

[SOBBING] Oh, Morty. Oh.


Why did you introduce me
to Denny for in the first place?

To tell you the truth, I
thought if I could impress you

with one of my clients,
you'd give me a tumble.


I thought we could build
our own life together,

like Brutus and Calpurnia.


Brutus is married
to somebody else,

and Calpurnia's Caesar's wife.

Anyway, you're
not looking for...

a partnership at this moment.






WINKLER: Relax, Brutus,

it's a fellow
Shakespearean scholar.

Harriet? Calpurnia?

WINKLER: I love you, Brutus.


I love you, too, Harriet,
but where are you?


Oh, Calpurnia!


Ah! Mr. Pringle, the
daring young man,

has come back to
earth with his snowbird.

Ms. Ferrini.

We're both very
grateful, Mr. Roarke.

Are you going to go back
to your traveling circus?

Just long enough to sell
the popcorn concession.

Then we join the rest
of the family in Chicago

for their opening,
and our wedding.

I wish you both great happiness.

-Thank you. -Thank you.


-Goodbye. -Goodbye, Ms. Ferrini.

-Goodbye. -Goodbye.

Another happy ending.


ROARKE: Indeed, Tattoo.

A man never knows
what he can achieve

until he reaches for a star.

Ah, Ms. Winkler, Mr. Green,

or is it once again, uh,
Calpurnia and Brutus?

Well, either way, Mr. Roarke,
my fantasy has come true.

You too, Mr. Green?

Let's say the best thing
that ever happened to me

was going to the
hot springs lagoon.


thank you, Mr. Roarke.

-Oh, thank you. -Thank you.

-Goodbye, Mr. Green. -Goodbye.


As you have remarked,
Tattoo, another happy ending.

TATTOO: You're right, boss.

A man never know
what he can achieve

in hot lagoon.


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