04x04 - Don Quixote" / "The Sex Symbol

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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04x04 - Don Quixote" / "The Sex Symbol

Post by bunniefuu »



The plane! The plane!


- Good morning, boss.
- Good morning, Tattoo.

Let's go.


Smiles, everyone. Smiles.


Who are those two, boss?

ROARKE: The gentleman
on the left is Mr. Donald Quick.

His father opened a bank
in Texas years ago.

And when he died,

his son became one of the
wealthiest men in the state.

Wow. And he needs a fantasy?

Well, Mr. Quick is a
romantic like his late father.

His fantasy is to do
his own glorious deeds

in the style of the
knights of ancient legend.

Sounds kind of weird.

You mean like
Lancelot and Galahad?

Exactly, Tattoo.

Who's the other guy, boss?

Well, that's Mr. Sam Woolf,
Mr. Quick's legal advisor.

He disapproves of
this whole venture.

TATTOO: Mr. Quick is gonna
need a lawyer for his fantasy?

Who knows.

He could very well find himself
beyond the help of a lawyer.

Or anyone else for that matter.

TATTOO: Let me guess, boss.

She wants to be the
first lady president.

After all the preparations

we've attended
to this past month,

you don't recognize the
subject of our planning?

You mean she's, uh...

Miss Helen Hendrix of
Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Her fantasy is to be
for even a few hours

the reigning sex
goddess of the world.


she sure don't look like the
picture we've been sending out.

Gee whiz, boss. I'm sure
Miss Hendrix will be surprised.

ROARKE: I sincerely hope
it's nothing more than surprise.

This is a very
dangerous fantasy.

One that could easily
get beyond our control.

My dear guests,

I am Mr. Roarke, your host.
Welcome to Fantasy Island.


I can't believe this!

Is this what I'm
gonna look like?

Is this really gonna be me?

- It is really you.
- Uh, here on Fantasy Island,

it's possible, by
certain methods...

to highly concentrate

the physical characteristics
inherent in every woman

to intensify her natural
beauty and sensuality,

to bring them to the surface.

Well, what are we waiting for?

First, Miss Hendrix, um...

you must be absolutely certain

you understand the danger
of this particular fantasy.

You mean having men stare
at me as I walk down the street?

Knowing they desire
me as a woman?

You don't have to be a sex
symbol for men to do that.

Oh, but I do, Tattoo, because
I've never had that experience.

And I never will except here.

Part of the build-up
we've given you...

is the kind of reputation

that all sex symbols
seem to have.

Therefore, the attitude of men

towards your role
as a sex goddess

may be quite different
from what you expect.

And you may find
yourself in a situation

where you will have only your
own resources to fall back upon.

I don't care. I'm willing
to take the chance.

Please, Mr. Roarke.

Very well, Miss Hendrix. Tattoo.

The contents of this bottle...

will bring about the
transformation you want.

All you have to do is...


drink it.


Satisfactory, Miss Hendrix?

Oh. Yes, Mr. Roarke. Thank you.

TATTOO: Excuse me. I
can't help staring at you.

SAM: Oh, Mr. Roarke,
I have to talk to you

before Quick gets here.

- ROARKE: Have a seat, won't you?
- SAM: Oh, thank you.

what can I do for you?

Well, see, Mr. Roarke,
Don's cousin, Harold,

wants to have Don
declared incompetent,

you see, so that he can
take over the business

and the family fortune.

So, I thought that maybe
we could just keep all of this

fantasy stuff sort of quiet.
You know what I mean?

Of course. Of course.

And I'm sure you'll be
glad to stay by his side

to see that nothing
gets out of hand, huh?

Oh, well, I'd love
to, but I've got to...


Mr. Roarke,

I, uh, I'm sorry I'm late.

That's all right, Mr. Quick.
Have a seat, won't you?

Thank you. A... a young
lady twisted her ankle.

And I... I stopped
to render first aid.

Don, you shouldn't do that.
One touch in the wrong place,

she could sue
the shirt off of you.

Sam, you worry too
much. Mr. Roarke,

- are we ready to begin?
- Certainly. But...

I must first apologize...

for not being able
to transport you back

to the age of chivalry
as you might have hoped.

Well, I thought that was...

that was the whole idea. I mean,

England under King Arthur and...

France and Charlemagne's time.

Well, the conditions
were not quite right.

ROARKE: But I promise you
will not be disappointed, Mr. Quick.

Even if we can't provide
the authentic scenery...

I have something in there...

that will allow you to retain
the spirit of your intentions.


This way, gentlemen.

The boss said that they
belonged to Don Quixote himself.

That's right, Tattoo.
The man of La Mancha.

The best-intentioned
knight of them all.

Uh, in fact, when you put
on this helmet, Mr. Quick,

you will be Don Quixote in
your own mind, of course.

Uh, boss, what about Mr. Woolf?

Well, he will be
Sancho Panza, naturally.

The helmet has
the added power...

of enabling you
to distinguish...

very clearly...

between good and evil.

It cannot lie.

Try the helmet on, Mr. Quick.


SAM: Hey, what's happening?
Is this me? Is that you?

-Whoa! -Well...

I don't know how he did it...

but I'm sure we can sue.

Don't be silly.

I am...

I am Don Quixote.

To the fray!

- Roarke actually did it.

I am Don Quixote!

MAN : Now, that's
really gorgeous.

I understand why she's
the world's sex symbol.

- MAN : Thank you.


REPORTER : My fellow
members of the press,

I present to you
Miss Helen Hendrix,

the newest sex
symbol of the world.

Miss Hendrix. How are you?

-Why, thank you. -Miss Hendrix,

- are you in love now...
- Miss Hendrix, Miss Hendrix,

is it true several
motion picture ideas

have been suggested to you?

Well, I'm always
open to suggestions.

There she is.

Isn't she everything I
told you she'd be, Ron?

RON: I got eyes, man.

ORVILLE: I could just stand
here all day and watch her move.

We're the ones making
the move, remember?

As a sex symbol...

As a sex symbol, what
traits do you admire most

in the men in your life?
Is it looks, intelligence,

-or wealth? -Yes, yes, yes.

-[ALL LAUGH] -Come
on. Let's get on with it.

Miss Hendrix, would you
be leaving the three of us?

- I love it here.
- RON: Uh, excuse me, gentlemen.

Hello, Miss Hendrix.

I'm Ron Barker.
This is my associate,

-Orville Weems. -Hi.

-Worldwide Publicity. -Oh!

We'd like an exclusive with you.

-Okay. -I'm sure these gentlemen

won't mind. Pardon me.
Thank you very much.

- Welcome to the party.
- Thank you.

- ORVILLE: Thanks very much.
- It's time for the stunt.

What stunt?

[SIGHS] The publicity
stunt. The kidnapping.

They... they were
supposed to brief you

with all the details.

We'll get you publicity
all over the world.

-Kidnapping? -Shh!

Not so loud. Now look,

your people are
paying us a fortune.

So, just play along
and we'll do the rest.

Well, I don't know
anything about it.

Trust me. Play your part.


Back up.

RON: All right, nobody move.

- RON: Just back up.
- Roll the camera. Roll it.

Don't try to follow us
and no one will get hurt.

gag. It's gotta be a gag.

You rolling? Are you rolling?

- REPORTER : What a corny stunt!
- You got 'em, huh?

They don't expect
us to buy that?

all the dumb tricks!

REPORTER : Dumb tricks!

REPORTER : What are
they trying to get away with?


See the look on
their faces, huh?

They thought it
was the real thing.

Sweetheart, you've got it
made. You're gonna make

every headline in every
newspaper all over the world.

But Mr. Roarke never
said anything about this.

He hired the
agency to do the job.

We're doing it.
Just relax and enjoy.

Okay, but where are we going?

To a fantastic island
about seven miles offshore.

Now, we rented this
villa for you. You'll love it.

Don't worry about anything.
We know how to take care

of the world's sexiest woman.

Come on.

SAM: Don, I've had enough.

Let's just take the
next plane to Acapulco.

Woolf, don't rain on my parade.
Where's your sense of adventure?

Okay, but look, at least let's
stay away from the people.

If your cousin Harold ever
gets wind of this action,

you're gonna land
in a padded cell

and he is going to be
chairman of the board.

I don't care if cousin
Harold winds up with this...


BIKER: Would you
look at this chick, eh?

Yeah, come on! Come on! Come on!

-Do you see what I see? -What...

do you see?

Six Moorish knights
menacing a fair dame.

- Uh-huh. I'm sorry I asked.


To the rescue!



BIKER : Get him!
Get him! Get him!




BIKER : Come on, you guys!

Come on, now. Let's go.


BIKER: Move it. Move it.

Get him! Let's get him!

BIKER : Let's get him!

SAM: Hey, wait for me!


RON: Well, here we are.

Welcome, Miss Hendrix.

- STERLING: No problems?
- Smooth as glass.

- I told you it would be.
- Are we the only ones here?

Well, I can assure
you the three of us

could satisfy all
of your needs...

Miss Hendrix.

But why don't I
just call you Helen?

Something's wrong here.

Will you take me back, please?

Oh, please. It's okay.
Try to understand.

RON: Look, fellas, why
don't we tell the lady the truth?

You want to know the truth? Huh?

This is a kidnapping.

What do you want?

- Do you want money?

Oh, don't you
understand? I'm Helen.

No, this is just a fantasy.

Now, you've got it, baby.

You see, this was all my idea to have
the number one sex symbol of the world

just for myself,
just the two of us.

STERLING: Fortunately for us,

Orville couldn't
finance the plan himself.

But I'm sure that Ron and I
will prove to your satisfaction,

that we're just as ardent
fans of yours as Orville is.

No, you don't understand.

We understand
everything about you.

We know exactly
who and what you are

-and what you're like. -No.

Uh, the number one
sex queen of the decade.

The sex symbol for all
men of the world, huh?

What else is there
to understand?

-[WHIMPERS] -I'll tell you when.

- HELEN: You creep!
- You disappoint me, Helen.

Now, we expect and deserve...

full and enthusiastic

if I make myself clear.

- Oh, please don't hurt her.
- Shut up!

Now, we're no different
than all of your other men.

It's just that we
want you exclusively

for a couple of days.

Lock her in her room.

-Oh! -No.

You think about
it a little while...

you'll see it our way.

-Come on, sweetheart. -Oh!

Stop it. You're hurting me.

Let go.

You can't do this.

What are you doing?

Stop it. No. Please. No.


DON: Well, the Moorish
knights will bother her no more.

She's safe at the inn.

And I trust she's lost her
taste for wandering alone.

Oh, Don. Please.


MAN: What is this, Halloween?

We'll refresh ourselves
at the local tavern

before our... before
our next adventure.

-Hmm? -Oh, come on, Don.

You've done your good
deed. Let's get out of here.

DON: It's her.

It's fair Dulcinea
of the legend.

A picture of
beauty and purity...

and innocence.

If that's innocence,

she should be arrested
for false advertising.





Come on. Let's get out of here.

MAN: Hurry up. Help!

She's being carried
off by the Black Knight.

-To the rescue! -[HORSE NEIGHS]

SAM: Don, don't get
involved. They'll sue us.

Suppose your cousin
Harold gets wind of this.


DON: As I suspected,

the Black Knight is holding
the fair Dulcinea in his lair.

She'll be in the dark tower.

Oh, boy.

I hope your cousin Harold
never gets you on the stand.

SAM: Wait a minute. Look.

Opportunity is at hand,
my friend. Wait here.

My duty is clear.

Clear? We better
clear out of here.

Fear not, fair Dulcinea.

Succor is at hand.

Keep away from me.

Dear Dulcinea,

I mean you no harm.
I'm warning you.

- Dear Dulcinea...
- Don't you come near me.

Keep your distance. Stop!

Oh, I've heard it all. "I
want to be your friend."

I said stay away from me!

- Oh, no!
- I've heard some far-out lines,

but you really take the cake.

"Trust me. I won't hurt you"?

Please, Dulcinea.

And I've seen it all, too.
Ski masks and little whips.

But that's the kinkiest
thing I've ever seen. Armor.

You don't understand. See...

I'm here to rescue you,
do battle with your abductor.


You're gonna fight with
Carl? He's the meanest,

coldest man that ever
got out of San Quentin.

And if he sees us
here alone, he'll k*ll you.

Not a bad idea, sweetheart.

Who's the clown?




I can't believe it.

Do you think you're
gonna get away with this?

We already have.

You'll go to jail for the
rest of your life. All of you!

No way. We set this thing up

very carefully.
Covered all of our tracks.

You'll never see us again
and no one even knows

what we look like.

You're beautiful.

All that passion and fire
that you're so famous for...

it has to be here somewhere.

What kind of a man are you?

The kind you make me, Helen.

You make a career out of...

flaunting your body before men.

Then when we decide to buy
what you're selling, you're...

you're, oh, so offended.

[SOBS] No, you don't understand.

This is just a fantasy.
I'm not like this.



Oh, now I understand.

I didn't know you
liked it that way.

We're two of a
kind after all, Helen.



Not just yet.

We'll play our
little game later.

I'll send the substitutes
in to warm you up.

The afternoon's young.

I'll come back about seven

to repay your...

little mark.

You save your
strength for me, huh?


You're gonna need it.


ROARKE: The attitude
of men towards your role

as a sex goddess...

may be quite different
from what you expect.

And you may find
yourself in a situation

where you have only
your own resources...

to fall back upon.


Well, you wanted to be a star.

Let's show 'em what a girl
from South Dakota can do.

They'll be cutting
each other's throats

before I'm through with them.


Well, I don't know what
your problem is, man, but, uh,

I'm not buying any of
this crazy Quixote jazz.

I'm not taking any chances
with a nut like you either.

Now, against the
wall over there.

You're not gonna
really k*ll him?

Come on, baby. There's
a million bucks in this deal.

You think I'm gonna
blow it for a flake?

Come on. m*rder
wasn't part of the deal!


Are you okay?

Who is he?

Don Quick.

But he's got this thing
about being Don Quixote.

So, what's your story?

I'm Sancho Panza.

Yeah, but it's
for real with him.

Then he really was
trying to save me?

Mm. Yeah.

Mr. Quick, please wake up.
Be okay. Come on, Mr. Quick.



We've got to get him out of
here before Carl comes to.

Come on.

-Great idea. -Come on.

Come on, Don.

-Here we go. -Okay.

SAM: Get the sword and helmet.


Hi. I was hoping it was you.

Nobody's gonna bother
us now, sweetheart.

What makes you
think I'd want that?


Come on now. What kind
of a game are you playing?

There's no game.

-There isn't? -Mm-mm.

It's just you and me, baby.

-One on one. -Uh-huh.

It's what you wanted, wasn't it?

-Ah... -Mm?

What's the matter?

You afraid your big bad friend,

Mr. Sterling, is gonna
break the door in on us?

What makes you think
I'm afraid of Sterling?

'Cause he's a mean dude.

He's in charge.
Anybody can see that.


He likes to hurt
people, you know.

Why don't you slow down?

Well, why don't you take
me out of here and we'll go

any place you want to go.


Did he put you
up to this? Did he?

Come on, I want to know.

Why would he do that?

I work for...

It's his way of testing me.

It's no go, baby. Forget it.

Ooh. You've got a big problem.

Sorry I can't help you.

You tell the others
about this and I'll...

You'll do what?



Two down, one to go.

I'm really starting to hate you.


DON: I've been described as
a muddle-headed fool with...

frequent lucent
intervals, but...

I don't care what
they say. I don't care.

Chivalry isn't
dead so long as...

so, long as one
man believes in it.




Mr... Mr. Roarke,
I'm sorry. I...

I didn't know it was you.

Your fantasy going
well, I trust, Mr. Quick?

- Even better than expected.
- Oh, I'm delighted.

Dulcinea is...

-is wonderful. -Oh.

Has she told you that
the so-called abduction...

is in fact a conspiracy
between Carl

and herself to extort
money from her father?

That's impossible. Dulcinea
is pure and innocent.

Perhaps you are overlooking
something, Mr. Quick.

There are those traits
latent in all of us...

which are sometimes
powerful enough

to override the conscience.

But, fortunately,

we also possess an even
more powerful quality.

I'm talking of love, Mr. Quick.

Is Dulcie in love with Carl?

She believes herself to be.

However, I now suspect a change

in the direction
of her affection.

Well, if only that could be
in my direction, Mr. Roarke.

You realize, of course
that if Carl even suspects

such a thing is true,

he will most certainly
try to k*ll you both.

For that reason, Mr. Quick,

I am making you
a very rare offer.

The opportunity to
withdraw from your fantasy

before it's too late.


No, it's unthinkable. I must...

I must stay and
protect Dulcinea.

A most commendable
decision, Mr. Quick.

Therefore, it pains me
to have to inform you

that a cablegram
came this afternoon

from your cousin
Harold's lawyers.

It seems that your
activities on Fantasy Island...

have been reported back to him.

- Texas windmills, Mr. Roarke.
- I'm afraid so, Mr. Quick.

- What do they want?
- They have a very strong case.

If you do not return
home at once,

you will be declared


You said the
helmet does not lie?

Where good and
evil are concerned...

it is infallible.


I knew it.

Thank you for the
opportunity, Mr. Roarke, but...

everything I want
is... is right here.


Mr. Roarke?

Mr... Mr. Roarke?



It's already been one hour.

Well, you know
what a talker Ron is.

That's not very
funny, Mr. Gardner.

Well, Miss Hendrix
was my idea, you know?

RON: Gentlemen.

- To Miss Hendrix.

I'll drink to that.

What about me?

Well, I made an
appointment for seven, Orville.

You better hurry. You
haven't got all that long.


Hello, Miss Hendrix.


If you only knew how long
I've been standing out there.

You know, I wanted to
be the first one with you,

but things just didn't
work out that way.

Well, you're here now.



You know...

I've been in love
with you ever since

the first time I saw
your photograph.

I bet you didn't know that.

Am I supposed to believe that?

Oh, sure. It's... it's the truth.

You're just like all the rest.

Oh, no, I'm not. I...

You're the only one. I...

I always think about you.

Then why do you want to share me

with all the rest of 'em?

Well, I don't. It's just...

It's the way things
worked out. You see, my...

My friend, Ron,

I knew he worked for this
rich man, and he was...


Things could be better
with us, couldn't they?

You're so kind and gentle.

You do love me.

-Oh, yes. -Oh.

we've gotta be alone.

Well, we... we are alone.

[MOANS] No. No, we're not.

They're gonna come
back. It's just to tease you.

They're gonna come back
and lock you out of the room.

They told me.

What are you talking about?

You... you were my idea.

Well, then stand
up for yourself.

We could go away
together, just the two of us,

just the way you want.

But we have to go now.

But... but you
were my idea and...


Oh, I love you.

Come on.

I'll get you out of here.

-What was that? -I don't know.

Check her room, quick.

She's gone. They're both gone.

The boat.

It's the only way
off the island.

ORVILLE: I'll take care of you.



Come on. We
gotta get to the boat.

[GROANS] I can't... I can't,
I think I broke my ankle.

Oh! Let go of me!

- Where are you going?
- Nowhere. Nowhere.

-You said you loved me. -[PANTS]

-You tricked me, huh? -No!

-No! -You did.

You said you loved me,
and then you tricked me.

-No. [SCREAMS] -I love you.

You said you loved
me, but you tricked me.



What are you...

a witch?


Did you really think
you'd get away?

- It's not her.
- What are you talking about,

- it's not her? Don't be a fool!

But the dress. I mean...

-how? -ROARKE: Drop your w*apon.

Mr. Roarke!

Mr. Roarke! [SOBS]

ROARKE: I regret that
things turned out so badly.

But I can only create
the fantasy that you want.

And this is what can happen
when someone reaches

too desperately for fantasy.

Because, you see...

even fantasy must
have a touch of reality.

I think I understand.

May I add...

that you are a most resourceful

and courageous young
woman, Miss Hendrix?


SAM: If Carl finds us,
we're gonna get k*lled.

I'm going outside
and keep an eye open.

Why do you call me Dulcinea?

Dulcinea was the...

the heroine in the...

in the legend of... of
Don Quixote's recording

by the writer...


What's your real name?

It's Dulcie Merchant.

-My father... -Marcus Merchant.

You know him?

He does business with
several of my banks. He's...

he's worth a couple of dollars.

Twenty million.

Tell me about you.

As they say...

what you see is what you get.

In the world of business...

to do what is right and
just is not always popular.

There are people who
believe I am an idiot.

You're not. I am.

I did something I
knew was wrong.

You're kind and you're gentle.

And you see nothing
but good in people.

Better than that, you
bring the good out in them.

I know.

Do I detect a...

a change in the
direction of your...


You most decidedly do.


Don, he's out
there with a r*fle.

To be sure...

put this on.

It will show you things
as... as they truly are.


No, don't look at
me, look at Carl.

Oh, I don't need this to
see the way things truly are.

The way things truly are
is we're gonna get k*lled.


Let them go. Please
don't hurt them.

I'll do anything you say.


SAM: Don. Don. Your
lance. Long live Don Quixote.


-Hyah! -[NEIGHS]



Say, being a hero
wasn't so bad after all.

I say...




Well, Miss Hendrix,
I only wish your visit

could have been
more pleasant for you.

Well, sometimes the
most bitter medicine

is the best for what
ails you, Mr. Roarke.

Medicine? Are you sick?

[CHUCKLES] Not anymore, Tattoo.

Miss Hendrix means
that there is much more

to truly being a woman
than merely that which, uh...

meets the eye.


What will happen to my admirers?

The island on which
they rented the villa

belongs to a foreign government.

They have their own methods
of dealing with such admirers.

I suggest you try not to think
any more about it, Miss Hendrix.

Now that I can handle. Bye-bye.

- Goodbye, Miss Hendrix.
- Goodbye.


You'll be happy
to know, Mr. Quick,

that Carl has been apprehended
by the Fantasy Island Police,

and all the money
was recovered intact.

Well, the real joy is
Dulcie, Mr. Roarke.

As you predicted, a
change in the direction

- of her affection.
- This time for good.

And I do mean good.

We can only hope now for
an equally successful solution

to your legal problems.

Oh, well, when Marcus
Merchant gives evidence

that Don helped to
save his daughter's life

and his million dollars, I
would say that the only one

that's going to be declared
incompetent is cousin Harold.

- Thank you, Mr. Roarke.
- Goodbye, Mr. Quick.

-Goodbye. -Miss Merchant.

-Bye-bye. -Mr. Woolf.

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