06x14 - The Perfect Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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06x14 - The Perfect Game

Post by bunniefuu »

Cherry Lanes Bowl-A-Rama.

Is our assignment in there?

We don't have an
assignment tonight.

Then why are we here?

We're bowling.

Oh. I've never done bowling.

Well, it's fun,
actually. You'll like it.

But... Tess, why here?

I mean, there's all
these new bowling alleys

with computers and
automated stuff...

- other people.
- I didn't pick bowling,

and I didn't pick this place.

The Father wants us
to take some time off

and have fun together.

For some reason
that's known only to Him,

- He says this is gonna be fun.
- It's fun

just being an angel... Why
do we need to play games?

Well, we don't need games,

but human beings like
games, 'cause they like to win.

It's amazing

all the different ways they come
up to compete with each other.

As if winning a game

is gonna fix whatever's
wrong in their lives.

And in the end... it
never really does.

And yet, the Father

wants us to play bowling.

Bowl. He wants us to bowl.

Just bowl.

Ours is not to reason why,

ours is to take a
ball that's too heavy,

and throw it down an alley

that's too narrow,
and hit some pins

that are too far away.

Oh. That sounds like fun.

This place is a dump.

Hey, you want fancy
machines and laser beams,

go to the mall... I don't
want to hear your whining.

Come on, give me
th... give me those!

This isn't funny, all right?

- Just give me the shoes.
- Here you go, Ziggy!

- Later, Ziggy!
- I'm not gonna forget this.

I don't forget anything, ever.

And don't come
back in here again!

She looks like she
could use some help.

Well, we're here to bowl.

Hey, maybe we're helping anyway.

Looks like what she really
needs is some more customers.

She looks very unhappy.

Obviously, she
doesn't enjoy her work.

I'm always happy
when I'm working.

Good. Now you can learn
to be happy when you play.

We're here to
bond and have fun...

and bowl.

But I can talk to her, right?

While we're having fun.

♪ When you walk ♪

♪ Down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden ♪

♪ Heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

In or out?

You're blocking the entranceway.

We'd like to play
some bowling, please.

Good for you.

$2.50 a game, cash
only, you pay up front.

You try and sneak
any extra sh*ts,

I charge you for the whole game.

Yes, ma'am.

Does your mama know
about your bad attitude?

Who do you think I got it from?


Hey, you... you, you.

Any questions?

Would you like to play a
game of bowling with us, Ziggy?

I don't bowl; it's
a stupid game.

Have fun.

Three hundred.

Oh, that's a perfect game.

Well, she must have played.

Somewhere along
the line she got beaten.

Very badly.

Hm. Let it go, Miss Wings.

So, how long have
you worked here, Ziggy?

Got the place in '89.

Ah. So you're the owner?

You must be the rocket
scientist of the group.

No. But I do know some
people with fine scientific minds.

I'm Monica.

You're setting a great example.

You know, I think
it's very important

for the boss to be seen
to be not afraid to dig in,

get their hands dirty.

Well, it was lucky for
me that my counterman

phoned in sick tonight
so that I could bask

in the glow of your approval.

Anything else? I'm
kind of busy here.

Well, you know, I've
never actually worked

in a bowling alley, but
if you need some help,

- I'd be happy...
- I'll tell you what,


You want to help me out,
here's what you could do.

Don't bug me.

You keep your
problems to yourself,

I'll keep my problems to myself.

How is that?

Age before beauty, old man.

No, no, beauty's in
the eye of the tiger, RC.

- No, beauty's in the of the behold...
- Shut the stinkin'

door already!

Oh, man!

What are you doing here?

I don't know.

But I know we're not staying.

Hey, what's wrong
with this place?

You said you wanted
to go somewhere

- to celebrate your birthday.
- Oh,

did you come here to celebrate
your birthday with me, Darrell?

In your dreams.

Trust me, you're
not in my dreams.

Come on, Darrell, this is
the only place open this late.

Does he pay you guys
to hang out with him?

We work together
at the mall, okay?

Hey, we gonna bowl, or what?

Looks like they could
use the business.

I'll take an 11.

You got an 11 and a half?


I see you kept our trophy.

Oh, yeah.

I use it to hold
the fungus spray.



Should I invite my Uncle Ed?

When's the last
time you saw him?

When I was, like, mm, 14.

Well, we've already
got 20 more people

than the church
says there's room for.

Yeah, but my mom,
she might, you know...

Okay, okay, I'll tell you
what, I'll tell you what.

If you make this strike,
we invite Uncle Ed.

If not, he's out.

Uh, excuse me, babies,

is anybody using that cute
little red ball right there?

Uh, no, it's all yours.

Sounds like a special
event's about to happen.

- Oh, I hope so.
- If we can just figure out

how to keep everybody
else out of the way.



No strike.

Buh-bye, Uncle Ed.

Hey, Darrell!

Look at you!

I do always love
a man in a uniform!

Hi, Sweeney.

No, I got this, uh, got
this job over in the mall.

It's a... it's a temporary
thing, you know.

When'd you get back in town?

Last time I saw you, you
were headed for Vegas.

Yeah. I got back
a few weeks ago.

Oh, lost all your money, huh?

So, how you doing?

Oh, still looking for a life.

Hey, I'm glad you came back.

Things haven't been the
same around here without you.

So, just keep it smooth

and aim for those little
arrows in the middle.

Why don't I aim for
the little bowling pins?

Well, you can, but those of
us who have done this before

aim for the little
arrows in the middle.

You just do it any kind of
way you want to, angel girl.

But let me give
you a little secret.

There's bowling, and
then there's "Tess" bowling.

You throw that ball hard enough,

those pins'll go down just
to keep from getting hit.


Now, three steps.

Lower the ball on the first,
bring it back on the second,

roll it forward on the third.

And throw it hard, baby.

Did you see!

Did you see? I got one.

Mm-hmm, yeah, one.

Only nine more to
knock down the next roll.

- I get to have another turn?
- Yeah. Two chances.

Just knock 'em all
down... per frame.

Ah. How could
you not love a game

that gives you a second chance?

Because it gives
me lower back pain.

Go ahead, go ahead.


Ten bucks says
it's a gutter ball.

- $20.
- Forget it.

My gambling days are over.

Now, let me concentrate here.

You only get one practice frame.

Still missing the angles.

- He'll never learn.
- Would you like me

to answer that for you?

What do you want?

I was hoping you might
have a pair a wee bit bigger.

There you go,
Cinderella. Have a bowl.


Is he a friend of yours?

- No.
- Really?

Usually when someone
takes such an interest

in another person's misfortune,

it's because they care
about them very deeply.

And people who stick their
noses into other people's business

usually end up with
them out of joint.

Friendship is a
very valuable gift.

I'd rather have cash.

Well, I hope that's not so.

What do you care?

I'm just trying to help.

Darrell and I were
friends a long time ago,

but he made some choices
and so did I, and now we're not.

Does that work for you?

Well, people make
hard choices all the time,

but it doesn't have to mean
the end of a relationship.

Sometimes it does.

The man with your friend
said that it's his birthday today.

Wouldn't forgiveness
be a lovely gift?

I mean, wouldn't it be nice

for you to do something
special for him?

Doesn't anything
work around here?!


you're right, he does
have something coming.

Is that offer to
help out still good?


Great. You want to
wait here a minute?

Well, you gonna
fix this, or what?

I'm working on it!

I know how to fix it.


Any questions, angel boy?

No, ma'am.

That's three in a row, huh?

Yes, ma'am.

Now, in bowling terms,
that's called a turkey.

Well, I think the
turkey is the one

who hasn't had
three strikes in a row.

Where's Miss
Wings? It's her turn.

Honey, I don't want your
cousin singing at our wedding.

Neither do I, but my
mom says her sister

will k*ll herself if
we don't let 'em.

M will k*ll myself if we do.

Whose wedding is this, anyway?

I mean, we're giving
it away piece by piece.

Pretty soon there's not
gonna be anything left for us.

Why don't we just elope,
forget about all this stuff.

- What?
- We could go tonight.

Get it over with.

No hassles, no singing cousins,

no orange bridesmaids'
dresses, no guest list.

Y-You mean no wedding?

Yeah, just us.

Thanks, Monica. You can go now.

- You're up.
- Are you sure you don't want me

to help you with something else?

Positive. I can
handle it from here.

What are you doing?

That, uh, gate's gonna
jam again at any minute.

I'm gonna put you
on another lane.

It's working fine now.

No, it isn't.

I'm gonna put you in lane six.

My old lucky lane?



Consider it a birthday present.

I'm even gonna give
the Einstein brothers here

James of their own... {flicking

so they don't hold you up.

I know how you hate to wait.

Oh, yeah.

What do you know, I guess
anybody can get lucky sometimes.

Yeah, lucky. What's
that, once in a row now?

I bowled my highest
game ever on this lane

almost 20 years ago.

Hang on to your hats,
boys, Darrell is back.


Where are you going?

Well, there's more to bowling

than just throwing
the ball down the alley.

- There's a snack bar.
- Tess, do you

want me to take your
turn when you're gone?

Let me think about
that for a minute. No.

Yeah! Ba-oomba!

Lane six certainly seems
to be agreeing with Darrell.

Yes, it does, doesn't it?

Are you sure

you don't want the bucket
size for another 62 cents?

You know how Renee
loves the bucket of soda.

No, just a large... we got
to start saving some money.

Now, everybody's
getting married.

It's not fair.

I've been looking for years,

and I'm still searching
under every rock for Mr. Right.

Well, maybe that's
your problem, baby.

The only things that live under
rocks are slimy little worms.

You got a point there.

If you want something good,
you got to look up for it, not down.

I'll be with you in just a sec.

Are you two getting
things worked out?

No, it just keeps getting worse.

I told Renee I think we should
just elope and forget about it.

And what'd she say?

Now she thinks I
hate her parents.

Do you?

I don't hate 'em.

But I'm not in love with
them, I'm in love with her.

I know you're in love with her,

but do you love her?

What's the difference?

Well, love... makes
room for everybody.

You-you... get married
because you're in love,

but you stay married
because you do love.

Look, I'm a simple guy.

I bowl, I drink beer,
and I love my girlfriend.

Why does everything
got to get so complicated?


You just keep talking, baby.

You will make it through
this if you just keep talking.



That's five in a row!

Let me take a turn
on your lane, Darrell.

Are you nuts?

You'll jinx the whole thing.

Nobody touches
this lane until I miss.

That is, if I miss.

Hey, Ziggy, maybe it's time
for my name to go up on the wall

next to yours, time
for my perfect game.

Unless you choke
on this one, too.

Don't worry. I won't.

- I got a good feeling about this.
- Hey,

you ever listen to that radio
deejay, Lenny All-Night-Long?

Call him. I bet he'll talk
about you on the radio, Darrell.

Guy bowling a perfect
game on his birthday...

It's a great story.

Could be your 15
minutes of fame.

Well, it's 14 more minutes
than a lot of people I know.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to imagine the words

on my plaque.




All right, a guy walks in here

in the middle of the
night, just walks in here,

and starts bowling
a perfect game.

Do you know how
incredible that is?

It almost never happens.

I don't think it's
happening even now.

Ka pow!

I can't believe it,
that's seven in a row.

My man,

you are about to
witness history here.

I got to sit down a minute.

I got to refocus
my... targeting thing.

Well, I'd say he's having a
happy birthday, wouldn't you?

It's a little unusual,
though, don't you think?

It's a lucky streak.

It's what he always wanted.

I don't believe in luck.

Well, you're smarter than he is.

Hey, Ziggy! Turn on the radio.


Excuse me.

There's something strange
about Darrell's perfect game,

- don't you think?
- Well, let's just say

I don't believe in luck, either,

but I do believe that what
goes around comes around.

I believe that you
reap what you sow.

Well, good, 'cause
it's harvest time.

And Darrell's out there.

It's his birthday, and he's
bowling a perfect game.

So if you're passing by the
Cherry Lanes out on Route 7,

stop in and lend your support.

For the rest of us, we've
got his pal RC on the phone

to keep us up to
date until it's over.

You're listening to Lenny
All-Night-Long on KXRT.

- This can't be good.
- You just need

a few more onions, baby.

No, I'm talking about
what's going on with Darrell.

And now it's on the radio.

What do you think is happening?

I don't know, but Ziggy's
acting weird, even for her.

And Darrell's not
that good a bowler.

Oh, you've known them
for quite a while, huh?

Mm-hmm. Ever since
Ziggy took over the place

after her dad died,
but she and Darrell,

they've been best buddies
a lot longer than that,

like, since high school.

Just buddies?

Yeah, well, no, they never
dated or went out or anything.

Ziggy just liked
being one of the guys.

I've never heard a girl say

she liked being
"one of the guys,"

unless she had a
crush on one of the guys.

Yeah, well, the problem is,

she's been one of
the guys for 25 years.

25 years?!

Mm-hmm, I know,
get a clue, right?

And it didn't take
much to keep her going,

especially after
they won that trophy.

Darrell gave her a big kiss...

and Ziggy just about fell down.

And Darrell was so embarrassed
that he stayed away for a week.

But..., oh, they just

took up, just like
nothing happened.

Only something did happen.

Ziggy couldn't forget that kiss.

It was breaking her heart.

These humans and
their hearts... It's pitiful.

Uh, could you put a
little chili on there, baby?

- Oh, oh, oh, yeah.
- Yeah, yeah.

Then, one day,
about five years ago,

Darrell called Ziggy
in the middle of the day

because he just inherited

a chunk of money
from his grandpa.

Now he had something
that he wanted to ask Ziggy.

Got her imagination
working, huh?

Uh-huh. Ziggy ran home,
got herself all dressed up.

I mean, she put on a dress,
makeup, ooh, everything.

Then she ran back
here, looking good.

I mean, real good.

Well, she's a beautiful woman.

Then he reached into
his pocket for something.

A ring?

He handed her the
keys to his pickup truck.


Said he was going to Las Vegas

to get a new one, and
did she want the old one.

Ziggy was just crushed.

I mean, she was humiliated,

because everybody knew
what she had been expecting,

and here she was looking
like a fool in front of everybody.

Oh, she threw those
keys back at him,

and she started
screaming at him,

telling him how she hated him,

and that she wouldn't marry
him if her life depended on it.

Poor Darrell... He
was all confused.

He thought that he was
doing something nice.

Well, he starts
yelling back at her

that he wouldn't
marry her, either.

And then, she tells him to
get out and never come back.

Ugh! It was terrible.

I'm telling you, you never saw

two such hurt
people in your life.

And then, Darrell...
He stormed out.

Never came back.

Until tonight?

We've got an update for you

on that perfect
game being bowled

over at the Cherry Lanes.

- RC says that...
- Oh, yeah.

Darrell was up to
eight strikes in a row.

- Four more to go.
- Lane six.

Take your time, Darrell.

You haven't missed
the big finish yet.

No pressure, buddy.

The whole state of
Kansas is listening.

We have a full bar
and a variety of snacks.

You know what,
Warren? It's okay.

If you don't like my family,

then let's just get
it out in the open.

I don't hate your family.

I just don't want either of our
families running our wedding.

If we let 'em run our wedding,

they're gonna try
and run our marriage.

I know, but... But if we elope,

they will miss the most
important day of our lives.

And if family doesn't
matter then, when does it?

I don't know.

Okay, okay.

How about, if I pick up
this spare, we elope?

Oh. Oh. Oh, yeah.

- Darrell! Darrell!
- Hey, that's nine

strikes in a row!

- Nine strikes, Big D!
- Darrell! Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell!
Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell!


Oh, get to bowl a 300, Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell! Darrell!

Darrell! Darrell! Darrell!

Nice, huh?

Tomorrow we'll tell
the boss what he can do

with his two-bit,
rent-a-cop job.

Darrell! Darrell!

You're gonna quit
your job, Darrell?

Oh, yeah.

You know, I think
this is God's way

of telling me that my
time has finally come.


Yeah. I'm not gonna
waste another day of my life

baby-sitting a bunch of
punks at a shopping mall.


My ship is coming in.

What do we have
here... a perfect game?

That's what it looks like.

But that's not what it is.

This is all some
sort of plan by Ziggy

to get back at Darrell
for something he did.

I don't know what.

Oh, I do.

Nice and straight, all right?

We're looking at a
rejected woman here.

The best way to get
even with a man is

to give him what
he thinks he wants.

And hell hath no fury
like a woman scorned.

Oh, there are some
things much worse.

What's this?

Oh, dear.

Now I see why the Father
wanted us to go bowling.

We're back on the clock, angels.

Ziggy, we're gonna
need more of these.

- Okay.
- Oh.

- Go.
- Okay.

Can I get a glass
of water, please?

What's the matter?

You and lover boy have a fight?

He doesn't get it, Ziggy.

The most important thing

we ever had to make
a decision on, and...

he treats it like he's
ordering a pizza.

Honey, none of
'em get it. Trust me.

And they're not built to change.

You're better off getting
out and not wasting the next

25 years.

- I don't want out.
- What? So you're gonna

give up the best
years of your life

so he can trade you in
for another pizza anyway?

Honey, quit while you can.

I know there's no guarantees.

But I love him.

If I don't try, at least,

then I'm gonna end
up being alone like...

Like me.

Sometimes people
hurt each other,

and they don't mean to.

But all it takes is putting

your pride away long
enough to talk about it.


Shh. Watch.

Look. See how he moves
his foot and snaps his fingers?

He does that when
he gets nervous.

This must be the tenth frame.

You know him very well.

Better than anybody.

You-you've got to stop
what's happening here.

I don't know how
you're doing it.

A special ball or special
pins or something.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Darrell! Darrell...!

I'm talking about
avenging a humiliation

that happened years ago.

Revenge is not the answer.

Yeah? Well, it's working for
me better than I ever imagined.

sh**t. I wish I thought
up that radio angle.

Look, you-you haven't even
seen Darrell for five years.

You don't know what's
going on in his life.

Talk to him.

Put the past in the past.

There's a reason that
he ended up here tonight.

He needs you.

Quiet everybody.

This is the big one. Let
the man concentrate.

You're right, Monica. Money

isn't everything.

No, Ziggy. You don't understand.

You're a loser, Darrell!

- Whoa.
- How could she...?

You need another ball.

It was rigged. Oh, my gosh.

This all was faked.

Happy birthday, Darrell.



What? What's this?

He's having an operation?

He has cancer.

Where'd you get this?

Tess found it on the floor.



Well, listen. It's not
my problem, hmm?

If he didn't want
to deal with me,

he shouldn't have
had Tweedle Dumb

and Tweedle Dumber bring
him in here in the first place.

Well, the party's over
at the Cherry Lanes.

Somebody rigged the pins

and pulled a pretty
awful joke on Darrell,

but definitely funny.

Oh, well, happy
birthday anyway, buddy.

Here's one from
the early sixties.

You there massaging
his shoulders

like he's some kind of
prize fighter or something.

What about you...
Playing special reporter

on the radio, like
he's your best friend.

Best friend? I've known
the guy, what... six weeks?

This guy.

How can you think
that this is funny?

Well, I don't. I
mean, the poor guy.

- It's just...
- Ziggy was right.

At least it didn't take
me 25 years to find out.


Now you know I've always
been supportive of you,

but this time
you've gone too far.

Maybe Darrell did
hurt you first, but

at least he didn't
do it on purpose.

I'm not sorry.


Can I get you a glass
of water or something?

Where is your fiancée?

I don't get it.

Everything was going so great.

I don't know what I did wrong.

Well, it seems to me

that a whole lot of
people around here

are making a whole lot of
decisions for the wrong reasons.

- You think eloping was a bad idea?
- I think

eloping is a bad
idea if you're doing it

because you don't want
to face a difficult decision.

I think you’re sitting there

on your butt moping
instead of working it out

is a bad idea also.

I don't think Renee wants
to talk to me right now.

Well, then, maybe the two of you

should learn something from
what's happened here tonight.

If you don't talk
out your problems,

you're going to end up
like Ziggy and Darrell.

The anger and the
bitterness grows,

and pretty soon
your life is gone

and you haven't used
it as God intended.

You've never really loved.

Don't let him walk out, Ziggy.


You know what?

I don't even want to hear it.

It's good to cry sometimes.

It's like giving your
soul sort of a shower.

Yeah, and hiccups are
like giving your stomach

a dance lesson.

Your turn.

You've always had an answer
for everything, haven't you?

If you don't like it,
you can leave, huh?

The sooner the better.

How many people have to leave

before you're
finally alone, Ziggy?

Honey, I've been
alone all my life.

No... you haven't.

Who are you?

Just stay away from me.

Darrell put you up
to this, didn't he?


I've been an angel
for almost an eternity.

But you know what?

I've never done bowling before.

An angel?


I'm an angel from God.

And I've been
wondering all night

why He chose this place
this night to send me here...

Well, to send us... Tess,
Andrew, and myself...

And I've been wondering
why he wants us to play a game

before we could do our work.

I honestly don't know.

Well, I think it's because

there's such an
interesting lesson

to be learned from bowling.

You always get a second chance.

It doesn't matter how
you throw the ball...

Right down the middle,
right into the gutter...

you always get a
chance to make it right.

Have you noticed that?

This is what God's
thinking about these days?

Ziggy, stop being like this.

- Like what?
- Like you don't care

that the creator of the
universe has sent a messenger

to speak to your heart,
to minister to your soul,

like you don't care that
the only man you ever loved

just walked out of here,

like you don't care that a
miracle brought him here tonight

when he needed your
friendship the most...

like you don't care that you
rejected and humiliated him.

I do care, so shut
up, just shut up!

I do!

God, I do care.

He was my best friend.

Nobody knew me like
he did, and I loved him.

But he hurt me.

Don't you get that?

I mean, doesn't God get that?

He hurt me.

And you hurt him.

Listen to me, Ziggy.

People who love each other
hurt each other sometimes.

Is Darrell dying?

I don't know.

But this is what I do know...

Every day someone hurts someone
they love without meaning to.

A misunderstanding,

an expectation
that doesn't get met,

a cross word that leads to
another and another and another.

But for every hurt that happens,

there's always a
choice that follows...

Stay or walk away,
talk or be silent.

Stand and risk rejection

or leave and guarantee it.

When people love
each other, Ziggy,

it usually doesn't end
because they stopped loving.

It ends because
they stopped trying.

But we didn't love each other.

I loved him, but
he didn't love me.

He always loved you.




You just never told each other.

Love is the greatest gift
that God can give two people,

but if you don't accept it,

if you let pride get in the
way of the words "I love you,"

then love has no
place to go but away.


God loves you so much, Ziggy...

and he will always give
you a second chance to love.



Look, I don't know
exactly everything

that went wrong tonight,

but I do know the
most important thing...

I love you... and
I want to spend

the rest of my life with you.

I love you, too,
Warren, but I don't...

No buts.

Excuse me.

Listen to me.

A few years ago the only
man that I was ever in love with

came in here and handed
me the keys to his truck

instead of the ring
that I was expecting,

and I was so hurt and so proud

that I didn't understand
what it was he was saying.

All I knew was, I wasn't
getting what I wanted.

Sometimes we hear things

and we put meanings to them
that were never really intended,

and that's when things go wrong.

Do you love him?


Do you love her?

Yes, of course.

So get married already.

I mean, invite
anybody you want to.

It doesn't matter.

Have a big party.

I mean, have it
here if you want.

And, and, uh, if there are
any guests we don't like,

we'll put 'em on lane six.

Thanks, Ziggy.

I guess we have
a lot to talk about.

That was a good
thing you just did.

I think I'm gonna go
home and cry my eyes out.

Ziggy, oh.

Don't cry too hard.

Your day's coming.

See you in the morning.

So, uh, it's just me and
a bunch of angels, huh?

Well, Darrell might come back.

No, he won't.

I don't know, it's
awfully cold out there.

I mean, can't you just
make him come back?

That wouldn't really be love.

What do I do?

Do what we do... pray.

I forgot my coat.



I'm so sorry.

When you came
in the door tonight,

my heart just
“rapt into my throat.

When I took that blindfold
off, I was so happy to see you,

but I was so scared
'cause... I know.

I want you to know that whatever
it is you have to go through,

I'm gonna go
through it with you.


it was the only way I
was ever gonna make it.

But it's got to be
different this time.

Like how?

Like... better than buddies.

I love you, Ziggy.

I love you, too.

Oh, uh, I-I'm closing up now,

but, um, uh, if you guys
want to bowl another game,

just turn off the lights
when you're through.

And, and thanks.

Good, I thought we'd never
get back to business here.

I believe it was my turn.

Hold on to your halos, baby,
because Tess is now bowling.
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