03x20 - Nona/One Million B.C.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x20 - Nona/One Million B.C.

Post by bunniefuu »

(Bell tolling)

The plane! The plane!

(Girls giggling)

Good morning, boss.
Good morning, tattoo.

Let's go.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

(Playing polynesian music)

Tattoo: boss, look at those
pretty ladies. Who are they?

Roarke: the blonde
is miss mindy harris.

The brunette, miss
caroline taylor.

And their fantasy is to experience what
it would be like to live in those simpler

Periods of mankind's history,
when men were very male

And, as miss harris put it,

"Women were glad of it."

You see, they're tired of some of
the complexities of modern society.

Questions about male or
female superiority or inferiority.

They want to live
in a macho society?

Exactly, for a weekend.

But part of their
expected pleasure is to

Demonstrate the ability
of a modern day woman

To cope and surmount
such a macho situation.

Frankly, I think the young ladies
are in for a great many more problems

Than they can possibly imagine.

Mr. Ned j. Scott. Formerly a
city detective from chicago.

Tattoo: boss, a blind detective?

Roarke: a recent malady.

As you can see, tattoo, he hasn't
yet fully adapted to his affliction.

His fantasy is to see again?

Partly, for a very
special reason.

Several years ago,
mr. Scott fell in love

With a very glamorous
young lady named nona lauren.

Nona lauren? The
famous movie star?


Boss, she disappeared.
She's been missing for years.

Right after her
biggest film success.

Since that time, mr. Scott's love
has become an obsession to find her.

And now, he believes he will never
find her, much less see her again.

Unless it's here
on fantasy island.

Is it why he wants to see
again? To see her one last time?

That is his fantasy.
But my concern is that

He might find the
bridge between blindness

And sight much simpler to cross
than the bridge between his fantasy

Of miss lauren and reality.

My dear guests, I am mr. Roarke,
your host. Welcome to fantasy island.

(Girls giggling)

Well, mr. Roarke, have you decided where
you're going to send us for our fantasy?

Uh, ladies, are you determined
to go through with this?

With all due respect for both your
intelligence and obvious physical charms,

I am not sure you fully realize
the risks you could be taking.

You see, excursions back in time
are an inexact science, at best.

And even I am never quite sure
into what precise period of time

Such a fantasy might take you.

(Both chuckling)

Well, mr. Roarke, all
we want is a change.

We want to go to an old-fashioned
society that's male dominated.

Where they put their
women up on pedestals.

You know, where they pampered their women
and thought they were too delicate to vote

Or play tennis.


Well, then, if you are
ready to begin your fantasy,

You have only to open
that door and walk out.

Just walk out that door?

That's right. And
like the boss say,

It's gonna be quite a different
world, but it could be very dangerous.

Oh, well, we understand. And we'll
be careful. Thank you, mr. Roarke.

Very welcome. Very
welcome, indeed.

Let's go, mindy.

Mindy: I'll see you.
Tattoo: bye-bye.

Caroline: bye-bye. Tattoo: bye.

Caroline: where did
all this fog come from?

Mindy: ooh! And
it's worse up ahead.

Maybe we're gonna be in london.

Oh, I hope so.
Piccadilly circus.

Oh, yes, robin hood. Beau
brummell. Queen victoria.

Yeah, sounds great.

Where do you think we are? Asia?

Attila the hun wasn't
exactly what I had in mind.

I'm hoping it's araby.

You know, rudolph
valentino in his tent.

(Loud rumbling)

Caroline: oh! Earthquake!

(Monster roaring)

That's no earthquake. Go!

Let's get out of here.

(Both screaming)

What's that?


Oh, behind the rock. Get down!

Where are we?

I got a better one. When are we?

Roarke: your devotion to
the search for miss lauren

Has been most
remarkable, mr. Scott.

Oh, to tell the truth, mr. Roarke,
I have run out of options.

And then, I thought this thing
with the eyesight was the clincher.

But now, thanks to you, i...

Mr. Scott, when did
you last see miss lauren?

Well, I actually only saw
her in person once in my life.

They world premiered one
of her movies in chicago.

I was a cop on duty in the crowd
that night, and she walked right by me.

She was so beautiful
and so radiant.

She was like a fairy princess.

Mr. Scott, you must
clearly understand.

Your eyesight can be
restored for a maximum

Of 48 hours and only
for this one occasion.

The fantasy can
never be repeated.

Yes, but if I can just
find nona, see her,

Be with her for a little
while, that's all I ask.

Very well, let me
have your hand.

Now, you're standing
beside a very unique flower.

It grows only on fantasy island,
and its nectar has equally rare

And powerful
medicinal qualities.

I believe it can
stimulate your optic

Nerves sufficiently
to fulfill your fantasy.

However, its effects
will gradually wear off,

As I warned you,
within 48 hours.

Are you ready?

Yes, I'm ready.

Then, will you please remove your
glasses and tilt your head back,

While I apply this potion

Distilled from the flower.

Oh, my god.

Oh, my god, I can see you.

I can actually see you.

Lord, I'd forgotten what a
beautiful place this world of ours is.

Something those of us who
see often fail to appreciate.

Well, now, if you're
ready to get started.

Beyond those trees
you will find a pathway.

Follow it to the beach to continue
your search for miss lauren.

Yes, all right,

Thank you, mr. Roarke.
Thank you very much.

Mr. Scott.

Forgive me, will you?

If I seem a little anxious,
I'm not a man to waste time.

Oh, that's very
understandable, mr. Scott.

You're not a man with
much time to waste.


Did you just hear something?


(Both screaming)

(Cavemen clamoring)

Mindy: I've heard that some
tribes sacrifice blondes to the sun.

Let's get out of here.


What are you doing?

Hi. Hi.

Give me a beer.

I'm looking for someone. I
wonder if you've seen her?

Classy lady. We don't
get many like that in here.

Hmm, there's something...

We do get a lady that comes in now
and then that sort of resembles that.

But she never comes
in this time of day.

Now look, this is important. My name
is scott and I'm staying at the hotel.

If she comes in again, don't say
anything to her, just call me, all right?

Hey, wait, I don't
want any trouble, man.

No trouble at all.

Nothing but good news, like, uh,
five more of those if you spot her.

Okay. If she comes in.

All right.

Caroline: macho is one
thing. Animal is something else.






Mindy: which side
do we root for?

Caroline: who is this bunch?

Mindy: maybe
they're after us, too.


At least they're better
than the other bunch.

I hope so.


I think they want
us to go that way.

Oh, that's what
he wants, all right.

Roarke: so you've had no
success at all, mr. Scott?

No, nothing. Nothing, no.

Stuck waiting for
the phone to ring.

Well, it's the way I
worked when I was a cop.

I was slow and
methodical and thorough.

Now I don't have
time for slow, do i?

Mr. Scott, obviously you are
a man who feels very deeply.

Are you sure you know enough
about the lady to love her so much?

I hope so, mr. Roarke. Anyway,
it's too late to question it now.

I talked her uncle out of this.

It was her diary when
she was a little girl.

I thought maybe it would help me in some
way fill in some of the blanks about her.

And did it?

Yes, but not quite in the
way I expected. Here, listen.

Listen to this.

"Tomorrow I will
be 10 years old.

"My mommy and daddy are
having a birthday party for me

"With real ponies and a
clown from the circus.

"Today I tried on my costume. I
wanted my dog, sara, to have one, too,

"But she wouldn't hold still
and she tore it and I spanked her.

"She ran out into the street and
a car hit her, and now she's dead.

"It's all my fault for
spanking her, it's all my fault.

"My sara is dead,
and I hate myself."

A double tragedy.

(Phone ringing)


That woman you're looking for,

She's here now.

Thank you.

She's there.

The end of a long trail.


Uh, jacket.

Want to know something?
Now all of a sudden, I'm afraid.

It is said, "when a dream becomes
reality, even the heavens tremble."

Well, good luck, mr. Scott.


(Cavemen yelling)

I guess they want us
to wear these things.

No way. I want my
own clothes back.

Caroline: it's a
little late for that.

This is like a great
big game of charades.

(Both grunting)

She's very good at it.

I'm not having any trouble
understanding that she can't stand us.


Well, I've got a pretty
good idea what's on his mind.

Mindy: I hope he doesn't
wanna marry me, too.



What do you think
they're saying?

Well, the way I figure it, he wants
them to give me back to those people.

Well, mindy, they can't do that.

That's the bunch that wants
to sacrifice you to the sun.

I know, but I think it's w*r
if they don't give me back.

(Other tribe shouting)

(Cavemen yelling)

Caroline, they really
mean it. I'm getting scared.

Oh, mindy, don't worry.

In the booth, over there.

Now remember, no trouble.

No trouble.

Looking for somebody?

Get lost.

Sweetie, snap out of it.

There's a gentleman to see you.

Do I know you?

No, no, but I'm an old
friend just the same.

Come on.

Sure, why not?

Where are we?

My bungalow.

Oh, have I been here long?

No, just a few hours.
You needed some rest.

I'm still dressed.

Yes. Didn't I turn you on?

More than you know, but
you really did need the rest.

Who are you?

I told you, I'm an old friend.

Oh, I don't have
any old friends.

Let's see, who else would know
that when you were a little girl,

You had a dog named sara
that you loved very much.

A dog you played
with, talked to.

You like vail better than aspen.

Stop it!

The studio and your aunt and uncle
both hired all the best private detectives

When you disappeared.

They gave up after a
while. I kept on trying.

I'm an ex-cop from chicago.
My name's scott. Scottie.

What are you after?
Reward money?


Oh, it doesn't matter. I'm getting
out of here. Where's my purse?

In there.

Unlock the door.

You're not going
anywhere right now.

You can't force me to stay here.

Well, consider the alternative.
"Missing actress found."

Your picture on the 6:00
news all over the world.

The way you looked when
you were star of the year,

And the way you look now.

I know you don't understand.
I don't expect you to, but...

I understand that
I'm a prisoner here.


What do you want from me?

(Knock on door)

Mr. Roarke said the
lady may want to change.

Hi, miss lauren.

Well, if it wasn't money, then
why did you keep on looking for me?

Where do you want these?


(Cavemen clamoring)


Oh, we're being
invited to dinner.

Oh, great. I'm hungry
enough to eat a bear.

Good, 'cause it
probably is a bear.

Smooth talker.

That old man doesn't
seem to be getting any food.

I guess these people live
by survival of the fittest.

Anyway, I read that they
just leave the old to die.

Well, not while I'm here.


Gosh! You're welcome.

Anyway, you can share mine.

I guess manners didn't come in
for another million years or so.

How rude.

Thank you.




Well, you are a lot gentler
than I thought you'd be.

How you making out, caroline?


Well, he thinks
he's doing great,

But as far as I'm concerned,
the jury's still out.

You know, everything
I could piece together

Seemed to form a
pretty clear picture of a

Very frightened, very
guilt-ridden young girl

Who blamed herself for
everything that happened.

Look, I know you mean well, but
you don't know all that happened.

I know I'm guilty.

Oh, come on, that's not true.

Do you know the last words
I ever said to my parents?

They were going away for the weekend
and they wouldn't let me have a party

While they were gone.

So, I stood in the driveway
screaming after them that I hated them.

And I wished they were dead.

That was the weekend a ski lift broke
and fell 7,000 feet down a mountainside.

Yeah, but that's no more your
fault than it was when your

Dog ran into the street
and was hit by a car.

Don't you understand?
I'm bad luck.

Whatever I touch,

Whoever I love,

I destroy.

No. That's not
true either, nona.

You know everything about
me. What about my friend, jeff?

We co-starred in a picture
together, remember? What about him?

The newspaper said
you were celebrating

Your new picture, you
went horseback riding,

His horse threw him and he was
k*lled in the fall. But that's not...

Yes, what the
newspapers didn't say

Was that I knew I was a
better rider than he was.

Yet I still challenged
him to a race.

It was all an ego trip for me.

But you were so young.

So was he.

Hi, boss.


Boss, what's in that glass?

Um, nothing, nothing.

Uh, but I wouldn't
drink it if I were you.

Why's that?

It's a special formula
that makes people invisible.

Invisible? Mmm-hmm.

(Exclaiming in french)

Tattoo, where are you?

I'm right here,
boss. Right here.

Where? I can't see you.

I'm right in the front
of you. You can't see me?

Tattoo, you didn't
drink this, did you? Huh?

I did, boss. How long
I'm gonna be invisible?

Oh, well, that's simple, my
friend. When I can see you again.

But how come I can see myself?



(Mindy screaming)

Mindy, remember defense
class. Judo one! Judo one!

Try and k*ll me, will you?

(Cavemen cheering)

No, I can't do it.


I won't hurt you. Come on.

Oh, come on. Oh.


I told you blondes
always had more fun.

Oh, come on. I was
so proud of you.

But I could have
k*lled that woman.

But you didn't.

Well, what am I gonna do?

A lot of people wanna cut my
heart out and sacrifice me to the sun.

Would you stop worrying? Did
you see the way he looked at you?

Now, come on, mindy, your caveman is not
gonna let anybody touch you but himself.

You all right? Yeah.

You know, mindy, he's a lot
cuter than I thought he was.

And maybe if he got his hair
done, he would be really cute.

(Caroline chuckles)

I think we'll go for a
walk. I'll see you later.


Thank you.


I think what you're trying to tell
me is they'd have to k*ll you first

Before you'd let
anybody take me.

Well, a girl couldn't ask for
anything more, anyplace or anytime.

All of this...

All of this belongs
to you, you know.

Here, your diary.

Pictures of you, tapes
of interviews. All of it.

All your life patched
together by someone who

Believed in you all
the way and still does.

Scottie, I just can't wipe away all the
memories and say they never existed.

I know you can't, but you can start by
believing in yourself, who you really are.

You can make that
little girl grow up.

I want to.

Well, then do it.

Roarke: its effects will gradually
wear off, as I warned you, in 48 hours.

I thought we would
celebrate the return of

Nona lauren with a very
special dinner tonight.

Any objections?

No. No objections.

(Slow music playing)

(People applauding)

It's been such a
lovely evening, scottie.


Yeah, and tomorrow is gonna
be an even more wonderful day.

What have you cooked up now?


In the morning, your
aunt and uncle arrive.

Oh, it's too soon.

No, you can handle it, nona.

Well, with your help, I can.

On your own. I won't be there.

Scottie, you've brought
something very special into my life.

I need you.

No, I've done all I can.

For years, I've held

The image of you
together inside of me.

And now, it's up to you.

It's the beginning of a
whole new life for you, nona.

And it's the end of
an old one for me.

And that's the way it has to be.

All this time, I thought
that you loved me.

I thought that's what
all this was about.

Use my bungalow tonight.
I'll get another one.

You can make it, nona.

And you are beautiful.

Remember that.

(Waiter groans)



(Softly) come here.

What's the matter?

I can't sleep thinking about it.

We gotta get out of here
before anybody wakes up.

Well, where do you wanna go?

I don't know. We can run
away as far as we can.

Well, if I stay, the other tribes
are gonna attack to get me.

And if that happens, a lot of
people are gonna get k*lled,

Including our two friends.
I'm not gonna let that happen.


Well, it was fun
while it lasted.


I've been waiting for you, baby.

It's time to come home. No.

You don't hear so good.
The party's over. Let's go.

Hey. She stays.

Maybe you don't
understand, friend.

This lady is my
property. I own her...

No, this lady is her own
property. Now, get out of here.

(Snaps fingers)

Just wait, I changed
my mind. I'll go.

Hey, wait a minute.

Okay, you want trouble?

Come on. Come on.

Scottie, please, I'll go
with him. I wanna go with him!

You stay! Stay!



I'm so sorry.

(Caveman yelling)



(All grunting)


Mindy: what do we
do? Caroline: oh, no!



Stop! I command you!

(Cavemen exclaiming)

Ladies, your fantasy is over.

Come with me, ladies.


Your aunt and
uncle are over here.

Mr. Roarke, are you telling
me that scottie used his fantasy,

The last hours he'll
ever see, to help me?

Mr. Scott is a man
capable of great love.

You have proof of
that already, I believe.

Oh, scottie.

Oh, he doesn't want or
need your pity, miss lauren.


Roarke: here she is.
Doesn't she look beautiful?

Aunt: yes, she does.
Just like she used to.

Well, she always
was a beautiful baby.

Yes. I always wondered what
you'd look like when you grew up,

And I'm not a bit disappointed.

Aunt: how've you
been? Nona: I'm fine.

Aunt: what have you been
doing with yourself lately?

Nona: working, mainly.

Aunt: good, good.

Hey! You're a slow learner.

Hey, calm down, man.

You want me to use
this? Because I will.

All right, just calm down.

Now, you listen to me.

If I ever so much as see you again,
I'll k*ll you. And that's a promise.

No problem, man. I'm leaving.
It was nice meeting you.

You're not dressed
for a swim, scottie.


Guess I'll have to
be more careful.

No, scottie, that's
not good enough.

Last night, after you bumped into that
waiter, I decided to talk to mr. Roarke.

I just did, and he told me that

You asked for your
eyesight back to find me.

To see me put my life
back together again.

He kept his bargain.

Yes, he did.

And so did you.

It was your love, scottie, that reached
into the darkness of my life and found me.

Are you going to tell
me now that my love

Can't reach into your
darkness and find you?


Yes, scottie, yes!

Please, together we
can do it. Please, scottie.

Please, let me be your eyes.

Let me love you.

Now I see the little
girl all grown up

And more beautiful
than she's ever been.

Are you saying that you love me?

Mr. Scott.

Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Roarke, we'll never forget
fantasy island, nor the two of you.

Thank you, miss lauren,
but it was mr. Scott's faith

That proved love is indeed
stronger than time itself.

You're right, mr. Scott,
she's a princess.

Uh-huh, I know that.
I always knew that.

Thank you. Thank you,
mr. Roarke. You're welcome.

Tattoo. Bye, mr. Roarke.

Goodbye, mr. Scott. Tattoo.


Boss, will he ever see again?

Perhaps not as you mean, tattoo.

But in compensation, he holds a vision of
the woman he loves that will never change

Nor grow old.

And yet he has but to hold out his hand
to feel her presence and her warmth.

I like that very much.

May I help you, miss harris?

Thank you.

Miss taylor.

Thank you. You're welcome.

Did you have a
good time, ladies?

Well, I wouldn't
say that, tattoo.

Uh, mr. Roarke, caroline and I were
wondering if maybe our two cavemen

Would like to try
our times for a change.

Oh, I'm sorry, miss harris, that
would be impossible to again find

That exact moment in time.

However, you might discuss the possibility
with two of your fellow passengers.

(Women gasping)

It so happens those gentlemen were
granted the same fantasy that you were.

Thank you.

Boss, those are two lucky men.

Roarke: indeed.
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