03x11 - The Victim/The Mermaid

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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03x11 - The Victim/The Mermaid

Post by bunniefuu »

(Bell tolling)

The plane! The plane!

(Girls giggling)

Good morning, boss.

Good morning, tattoo.

Let's go.

Smiles, everyone. Smiles.

Tattoo: who are they, boss?

Roarke: professor harold
dehaven and his wife, amanda.

Once very much in love,
they have grown apart

And now remain
together out of habit.

What's their fantasy?

Despite his youth, the
professor is a highly respected,

Though totally
unknown, marine biologist.

The professor wants to
make a scientific breakthrough

That will earn him the
respect and recognition

He feels he deserves.

He wants to find a... A new
kind of fish or something?

Or something, yes.

Tattoo: who is she, boss?

Roarke: her name is julie brett.

What's her fantasy, boss?

She has come here
to have one date.

She wants to spend
one evening with a man

Who she met four years
ago then lost track of.

His name is michael duvall.
She calls him the perfect man.

He must have made quite
an impression on her.

When you consider
she only met him once.

I'm afraid she has
romanticized the incident

Far out of
reasonable proportion.

But if she see him again,
will that make matter worse?

It will, in fact, be dangerous.

So dangerous that even I
cannot guarantee the outcome.

My dear guests, I am
mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to fantasy island.

Professor dehaven,
mrs. Dehaven, please.

I wouldn't stand too
close to the sea in this area.

The tides are powerful
and unpredictable.

Well, I'm not
afraid of the ocean.

You might even
say it's my textbook.

And you are eager to read
the next chapter, are you not?

Uh-huh. Good.

Um, there is a hidden cove

Near those rocks
over there. Do you see?

I am told that exotic
specimens of marine life

Are often trapped
in its tide pools.

So, it may prove an interesting
starting point in your quest.

Oh, thank you. I hope it is.


I'll be back for dinner.

Professor, one word of caution.

The sea can be a source of life

Or a producer of death.

Your fantasy may contain
more than you bargained for.

I'll take my chances.

Good luck!

Mr. Roarke, is he
in any real danger?


Why don't you go
along, mrs. Dehaven?

When two share an
experience or burden,

Its weight can be reduced
by much more than half.

I'm afraid it's not so simple.

You see, he goes his way

And I go mine.

Mrs. Dehaven, on fantasy island,

More than any
place else on earth,

It is extremely
unwise to play it safe.

Mr. Roarke, what are
you trying to tell me?

If you still have any
love for your husband,

You, too, may have to take some
unusual chances in the near future.

Good day, mrs. Dehaven.

(Knocking on door)

Come in.

Roarke: good
afternoon, miss brett.

Hi, mr. Roarke.

For me? Yes.

Thank you.

It arrived from paris
just this morning.

An yves dupree original?



Oh, it's beautiful.

I don't know how to thank you.

That isn't necessary.

Miss brett, uh, just how much do
you know about michael duvall?

He is the most wonderful,
charming man I have ever met.

Are you aware that he is not
a resident of fantasy island?

In fact, he lives
on a nearby island

And I have no authority there.

A man who lives on a
tropical island. How chic.

He's sounding
better all the time.

Miss brett, michael duvall does
not live here on fantasy island

Because I won't allow it.

What? That's right.

I permitted him on my
island for today only.

I believe, without
proof, I admit,

That michael duvall
is a dangerous man.

And I am not sure I should allow
you to go through with this fantasy.

Mr. Roarke,

I have dreamed about
michael duvall for four years.

I mean, the very thought of just seeing
him again one day has kept me going.

I do think I know
what he's like.

Miss brett, at the risk
of sounding repetitious,

I must caution you not
to leave fantasy island.

At 1:00 a.m. I shall have a car pick
you up at his suite and return you here.

Mr. Roarke, I do not want to hear
anything bad about michael duvall.

And I do not need
your interference.

So I insist that you
give me my fantasy.

Well in that case,
if that is your wish...

It is.

I can only hope you have a
lovely evening, miss brett.

Now I suggest you open the door.

Hello, julie.


Mr. Roarke.

Mr. Duvall. Will you excuse me?

May I come in?

Uh, sure.

You said my name.
Then you remember me.

Of course, I remember you.

You're not the kind of woman
a man would easily forget.

I don't usually
do things like this.

I mean, asking you for a date.

I hope you don't mind.


I'm looking forward to it.

So am i.

What do you say I come
back for you at 8:00?

Dinner in my suite?

I'll be ready.



(Sighs) wow.


Woman: do not struggle.


Who said that?

Do not struggle
and you will be free.

Relax. Relax.

Hey, I'm... I'm
getting free of it.

Where are you?

Woman: I am nearby. Over here.

You are very close now.

Are you all right?


Uh, can you hear me?

I am dying.

I'm glad you are safe.

No, no, no. I'll help you.

What you need is
warmth, sunshine.



You're a mermaid.

But that's impossible.

I have been in a great storm.

I am weak.

Drifting for many nights.

Unable to rest.

Now I will die.


No, no. I'll help you. I'll...

I'll put you in shallow water.

There's no use.

I'll be right back.

You better cover up.

I must tell my colleagues
of your existence.

No, please.

No other mortal must
know of my existence.


Harold, are you
carrying someone?


♪ Feelings

♪ Nothing more than feelings

♪ Trying to forget my

♪ Feelings of love

♪ Teardrops

♪ Rolling down on my face

♪ Trying to forget my

♪ Feelings of love

♪ Feelings

♪ All my life I'll feel it

♪ I wish I'd never met you

♪ You'll never come again

♪ Feelings

♪ Feelings like I never lost you

♪ Feeling like I never had you

♪ Again in my life

♪ Feelings

♪ Feelings ♪

You have saved my life.

I'm at rest in sea water.

And yet we are far from the sea.

I put the salt in the water
and minerals to approximate

The chemical make-up of
the ocean more or less.

And this foam is

Unlike any I have seen
in all of the seven seas.

Well, that's bubble bath. I put
that in because you're sort of...

I mean, entirely...


My destiny has been merciful

To have placed me in the hands
of so loving and tender a mortal.

I am naya.

Daughter of peridian.

King of the dark
blue city of the deep.

Speak my name.


Amanda: harold!


(Ethereal music playing)

Naya, stop, please.

Harold, I cannot.

It is the sound of
my earthly being.

The sound of your...

Harold, I hear someone.

Who's in there with you?

It's a woman.

Oh, harold.


This is not what you think.



I wish you hadn't
done that singing.

Amanda probably jumped
to the conclusion...


Naya, where'd you go?

Where... Where am i?

How did I get here?

You were brought here
on the wings of angels.

Just like the rest of us.

(Stammering) what
are you talking about?

Our host.

The handsome and
charming michael duvall.

You see, what happened to
you, happened to all of us here.

Champagne? He
did a number on it.

What we're trying
to say is that you...

All of us here are
prisoners in this house.

His prisoners.

I don't understand.

We perform services
for the men he brings here.

Most of them old.
All of them very rich.

Believe it.

(Door opens)

Good morning, julie.

And how are you feeling?

All right, girls.

Well, I assume the other girls
have told you why you're here.

They told me.

Well, I'm madame jeannot.

For the lack of a better
way of expressing it,

I am the house mother here.

I know how you feel, julie.

You see, I was once in very
much the same situation as you.

Mmm, but that was
some years ago.

Then what are you doing here
and why are you still a part of this?

Oh, you might say I rose
from the rank and file

To a position in management.

Look, my dear, cooperate

And things will
be easier for you.

And what if I don't?



Now annie is an example of a
girl who would not cooperate.

But I have a feeling she'll come
to her senses very soon now.

Won't you, dear?

You'll be able to bathe and
you'll have a lovely dinner

And I've selected a stunning
new wardrobe for you.


Annie: no!


Where are you?


Oh, I am here, harold.


Where'd you vanish to yesterday?

I mean, one minute you were in
the bathtub and the next, nothing.

What seems marvelous
to mortals of the land

Is as nothing to
creatures of the sea.

I don't understand.

I am of the sea.

And like the sea, as
formless as quicksilver.

The shape you see me in now

Is but the construction of
your earthbound mind and heart.

What you see is what
you wish to believe.

As formless as quicksilver?

Does that mean you just
vanished down the drain?

Swim with me now to my world.

You have nothing to
fear if you but follow me.

Not even drowning.
Do you believe?

Yes. Yes.

(Knocking on door)

Good afternoon, girls.
I trust you're all well.

How are you, julie?

I trust you enjoyed
our evening together.

I certainly did.

And I'm sure you'll find your
stay here equally enjoyable.

Madame jeannot.

Fran, mickey, bring her along.

Well, either bring her along or
be with her. You have the choice.

Sorry, julie.

Come on, honey.

Julie, I tried to warn you.

So I hope this is the last
lesson in cooperation

That I'll ever have to give you.

Now, move over here

And put your hands
through the metal rings.

Julie, do it.

It'll happen anyways and
she can only make it worse.

Amanda: mr. Roarke.

Oh, good morning,
mr. Roarke. Good morning.

I was wondering, have
you seen my husband?

When I woke up this
morning, he had already left.

Yes. I just saw him. I
believe he went for a swim.

Oh, thank you very much.

Mr. Roarke?

Roarke: yes.

Mr. Roarke,

He's out there with a mermaid.

Oh, come now, mrs. Dehaven.
Mermaids aren't real.

How could you have seen
your husband with something

That doesn't exist?

Well, I can't blame
mr. Roarke for all this.

He sure did his best to
try to talk me out of it.

Who's roarke?

Skip it.

I've made a lot of
mistakes in my life.

And I've always been missing a
simple little thing called dignity.

Maybe it's something you
have to earn. I don't know.

But I do know one thing.

I am not gonna let what
happened to you happen to me.

Do you think we're here
because we want to be?

No. I'll tell you what I think.

I think it's time you
did something about it.

Now have any of
you really tried?

Does that mean you're just going
to continue to be sl*ve hookers?

There are eight of us and
there are four of them, right?

Oh! This is just terrific.

Would you prefer to hook for that
creep, duvall, for the rest of your lives?

Or until you're just so old and used
up that no man would ever want you?

If you can figure out a way to get
us out of here, you can count me in.

That goes for me, too.

A mermaid, mr. Roarke. A
mermaid swimming out to sea.

Well, I cannot
debate the reality

Or unreality, of
mermaids, mrs. Dehaven.

To unhappy people, a dream can seem
more solid than the most concrete object.

Unhappy people? Yes.

You and your husband have
not been deriving the happiness

You desire from your marriage.

Forgive me for saying it, but
it's quite obvious, mrs. Dehaven.

In such instances, who can say
what unlikely creature may arrive

To agitate the situation.

But harold's the one
who wanted a fantasy.

All he wanted was to
make a scientific discovery.

And you, you've got him involved in
some shoddy affair with a mermaid.

Or something.

Do i?

You and your husband have not
been able to share his disappointment

Or your love and now
you seem to be sharing

Some mutual hallucination.

Well, I would say that was
somewhat of an improvement.

Please, mr. Roarke,
don't play games with me.

Mr. Roarke, you've got to help
me understand what's happening

Because I have this terrible
feeling that time's running out.

Mrs. Dehaven,

Perhaps you have been
jealous of your husband's work.

When it disappointed him, he felt
he couldn't discuss it with you.

And so he redoubled
his efforts to succeed.

You drifted farther
and farther apart.

Loving but not touching.

Oh, it's true. Oh, but, mr. Roarke,
I don't want to lose him.

Then if...

I say if there is a mermaid,

And if she has chosen the
professor as her consort,

You must win him back before
she can take him out to sea.

The legends tell us no man
can live in the ocean depths.

But what if I
can't get him back?

Unless you can regain the professor's
love, he will die, mrs. Dehaven.

Whether this is really
a mermaid or not,

He will die.

Then I've got to stop him.

Oh, mr. Roarke,

Mr. Roarke, I'll fight
for him any way I have to.

That was an
incredible experience.


I'll never forget it.

Why speak of forgetting,

When this can be
yours for all eternity?

When next the tide
is high, come with me.

Me, go with you?

We shall swim in the
vastness of the immortal deep.

You and i, side by
side, for all eternity.

But that can't
be. I mean, I'm just...

I'm just a mortal man.

When you and I are one, you will
cease to be a creature of the earth.

You will become a merman.

Do not answer me now.

Come to the shore
when the tide is high.

Give me your
answer then, my love.

Julie, we've been talking. What about
victor? He's always hanging around.

And don't worry about
victor. I will handle him.

Now aren't we forgetting
someone? The man himself?

Mickey and I'll
take care of him.

Even if we have to
use a baseball bat.

Sandy and I want a
little piece of him, too.

What about annie? We
just can't leave her here.

I'll get annie.

Great. Well, I guess
we're all set then.

We hit them at 6:00.

We better check
our watches. Oh, yeah.

You summoned me?

I did.

What would you have?

It's what you would
have. Professor dehaven.

I most certainly will have him.

You are wrong, naya.

Not this time, roarke.

We have battled
before. Have I ever lost?

There's always the first time.

Leave him to me.

Come to me, roarke.

I will love you like no other
man has ever been loved.

Together we shall
swim the seven seas

And live in love for eternity.

I love him, roarke. I
will have him. I will.

Go home, naya.

Julie: oh, victor.

Oh, what are you doing here?

Taking a little stroll.

Uh, what time do you have?

One minute to six.

Close enough. What?

I said I wanted to
be close to you.

You know the rules.

Yes. I've always thought
they were made to be broken.

Is there someplace where we can
go and be alone for a little while?

Like maybe, uh,
talk or something?

I need somebody.

Come on.

Come on, annie. Come on. Come
on, we're getting out of here.

Madame jeannot, are
you in the bathroom?

Jeannot: of course,
I'm in the bathroom.

Good. Because that's where
you're going to stay for a long time.

What is this? Let me out
of here. Let me out of here.

What are you doing here?

You know this is off
limits unless I call for you.

Very well, if that's
the way you want it.

Madame jeannot?

Madame jeannot!

Come on.

Wait a minute, roarke.

You have no authority
on this island.

I take any authority I choose when
the safety of my guests is concerned.

I suspected his activities,

But now with you and these
other ladies to testify against him,

I'll see that you never
get out of prison.

These officers were assigned to me
by the governor general of this island,

And they have total authority.

White sl*very and prostitution
are not allowed on any island.


Well, miss brett, you
are all quite safe now.

And I can't say
you didn't warn me.

But you must've known what
was going on there all along.

I suspected it,
but I needed proof.

However, your involvement caused
me to short circuit the legal niceties.

Well, ladies, shall
we go to my island and

More pleasant fantasies, hmm?

Harold, don't go! Don't go!


Harold, harold, I was wrong.

I was wrong to let your
work come between us.

Oh, I know how
important it is to you.

Oh, and I promise I'll be more
understanding from now on.

Oh, please don't leave me.

I still love you.

You do? Yes!

Come to me! To me!


Mandy, it's too late.

Oh, harold.
Harold, don't. Don't.

Stay, mandy.


Give it up. Give it up.
I'm going with naya.

Then I'm going, too.

You can't. You'll drown.

So will you!

Come to me.

You can't have him! He's my
husband! He belongs to me!

Okay, I'll go back with you.

Come with me, harold.

We have all eternity
to make love.

I'm sorry, naya.

I still love mandy.

Mandy, I've been a jerk.

A scientific jerk.

Oh, and I've been
a stubborn fool.

Oh, harold, I love you. I
always have and I always will.

I hope you can visit us again under
very different circumstances, of course.

I hope so, too.

The next time I meet
mr. Wonderful like michael duvall,

I'm going to run an fbi check
on him before I consent to lunch.


Okay, see you.

Bye. Goodbye.

Oh, mr. Roarke, thank you for
a very, very special weekend.

And thank you for making my
scientific discovery possible.

Goodbye, mrs. Dehaven.


Boss, they look very happy.

Roarke: yes, they do.

Mr. Dehaven was very
lucky to escape from naya.


However, naya will find
someone else soon enough.

In fact, I would
be very surprised

If she didn't have her eye
on another prospect already.

Oh, really? You
have anybody in mind?


No, no, no, no.

Not me.

No, come on, boss.
I can't even swim.
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