02x10 - The Island of Lost Women/The Flight of Great Yellow Bird

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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02x10 - The Island of Lost Women/The Flight of Great Yellow Bird

Post by bunniefuu »


(Bell rings)

The plane! The plane!

(Girls giggling, screeching
parrots in background)

Good morning, tattoo.

I said: good morning.

Oh, good morning, boss.

What are you reading, that
is so totally consuming?

The stock market report.

Oh, thinking of
joining the world of

High finance, are you?

I already did, boss,
thanks to my cousin hugo.

He's a stock broker now.

Oh, and what stock,
pray tell, did cousin hugo

Advise you to invest in?

Top industries.


Top industries.

Top industries?

I don't think I recall
that name: top industries.

It's a new company,
it's doing real good.

My cousin hugo said, I will
double my money in two days.

Forgive my skepticism,
tattoo, but cousin hugo,

Has been known to exaggerate.

Not this time, boss.

How do you know?

Because if my cousin
hugo was exaggerating,

He would have said that I
would double my money in one day!

Let's go.


Smiles, everyone, smiles!


Electrician's mate,
barney shaw, u.s. Navy.

(Tattoo) he looks
like a nice guy.

I bet I know what a
sailor's fantasy is.

(Mr. Roarke) perhaps, but mr. Shaw
isn't the typical old style sailor.

He was aboard a
nuclear submarine,

And just completed a record breaking
two year underwater endurance test.

You mean, he didn't see
women for two years!

What did he do to k*ll the time?

Seaman shaw did a
great deal of reading

In his off duty hours.

His area of special study, was
the ancient myths of the sea.

I don't follow you, boss.

He became expert in
all the legends about

Islands of lost women.

Islands of lost women?

He first discovered the
concept in the travels of ulysses.

Then found variations
of the same theme

In the germanic
saga of the lorelei.

It's his fantasy now,
to find out, if such an

Island tribe of women
could exist today.

Is that really possible, boss?

Take a good look, tattoo.

You won't see many men like him.

Who is he, boss?

A long time ago, a
close and good friend.

His name is signapore
eddie malone,

And when I knew him,
he was considered

One of the top professional
adventurers in the world.

Oh, he searched for
treasure in the carribbean,

Looked for the abominable
snowman in the himalayas,

Traveled down the
amazon in a canoe.

I didn't know people
still do things like that.

They rarely do,
tattoo, even mr. Malone

Doesn't any more.

In recent years, he's made
his living by giving lectures.


What kind of lectures?

Oh, about his
adventures, of course.

The most popular these days,
is the: I searched for bigfoot.

He apprears in men's clubs,

Junior high schools, wherever
they will pay his fifty dollar fee.

Fifty dollars?

How can he afford a fantasy?

Take heart, my mercenary
friend, mr. Malone didn't

Come here for a fantasy.

He thinks he is here to give a
series of his bigfoot lectures.

But boss, if he's here for
somebody else's fantasy,

Why do they want him?

Is it something to
do with bigfoot?

Perhaps tattoo, perhaps.

My dear guests:

I am mr. Roarke, your host,
welcome to fantasy island!

(Knock on door)

Yes, come in.

Ah, mr. Shaw, do come in.

Listen, you can come right
out and say it, mr. Roarke,

I know you believe that I'm
crazy, to think that an island of

Lost women really exists.

Indeed, perhaps your
fantasy is more obtainable

Than you imagined.

It is?

Yes sit down, won't you?

In addition to all the famous
myths through history,

There is a little known
legend about such a civilization

On a nearby island.
Supposedly they're

Descendants of a greek ship,
which was wrecked on the island

Over 2,000 years ago.
Of course, no one knows

If it's true or not,
surrounded by hum,

Treacherous reefs,
and unscalable cliffs.

Only one outsider has
ever been reported there.

A bush pilot who crashed on
the island over 25 years ago.

Undoubtedly driven mad by
loneliness and privation or...

An island of beautiful women.

Whatever, hum, he resisted
all attempts to rescue him.

If it was because of the women,
I mean, who could blame him.

When do I leave?

Well, we could drop you
on the island by parachute

This afternoon. Oh, mr. Shaw,
I must warn you, however.

That island is unchartered,
I have no powers there,

And I'll be unable to
guarantee your safety.

You could be risking your life.

What a way to go.

Mr. Roarke, I'll be ready
to leave this afternoon.

Very well, mr. Shaw.

The film you are about to see,
I shot myself two years ago,

In the northern reaches of...

You missed the best
stuff, he is fantastic!

Ladies and gentlemen: bigfoot!

Now, here is where we
first spotted him, see?

Now he sees us.

And then...

He's gone!


Not a man, not an
ape, what is he then?

Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,

You tell me!


Thank you, thank you very much.

Hello, eddie, I'm
sorry I'm late.

Oh, so you didn't
catch the show, eh?

No, I'm afraid
not, I came in fact

Just in time to see that
film, of a man, running around

In a monkey suit?

Boss, what are
you talking about?

That was bigfoot!

Well, singapore
shot that film himself!

Of that, I have no doubt.

You calling me a
fraud, old chum?

Well, I never could
fool you, could i?

You mean, it was a
man in a monkey suit?

Tattoo, I found out a
long time ago, that rubes

Won't pay fifty bucks a night
to look at a plaster footprint.

They want to see the
whole hairy beast in action.

Well, if that's what they want,

That's what singapore
eddie'll show them.

What if you could show
them the real thing, eddie?

All right, I'll bite, what
are you talking about?

I am considering the
fulfillment of a fantasy,

Which would allow
an expedition to travel

To the far side of the island.

The terrain there is
mostly jungle, very rugged.

There are some eerie
mountains, there are no roads.

But native folklore, going
back hundred of years,

Tells us of a giant, hairy,

Manlike beast, that
roams the mountains.



Well, why not, he's been spotted
in most other parts of the world.

What makes you think
that this expedition

Would be more successful
than any of the others?

Frankly, I don't
know, I'm a layman.

The idea seems possible to
me, but before I can allow

Others to risk their
lives, I want you to tell me

If you think it has a chance.

What I do know is, that
the plan outlined to me,

Is bizarre, dangerous,

And as far as I can find out,

Nothing like it has
ever been tried before.

And if I like the plan?

I'll arrange for
the fantasy to start.

And you can become
part of the expedition,

If you wish.

What have I got to lose?

Nothing, eddie?

(Shaw): are you sure
this is the only way to get

To the island of the
lost women, mr. Roarke?

(Roarke): positive, mr. Shaw,
and I did get the impression,

That you were in a hurry.

(Shaw) well, here I go.


(Sound of giggling women)

Grab them!

(Women screaming)

No, wait!


Well, we'll take
her back to camp.


Come on!

I think we're safe here.

What manner of a man are you?

Just a guy who
wanted to help out.

I mean, you were
in for a bad time.

Hey, that's, that's the plane
that mr. Roarke showed me.

You know about such machines?

I just dropped out of one
like it a few minutes ago.

Are you a bird man?

Like the first bird man who came
from the sky many years ago?

He said he was a god.

Are you a god too?


What are the pro's and con's?

Well, if you were,
then i, and all the

Women of my city
would be your servants.

Anything would be
yours for the taking.

It's the tradition.

Really, you?

Uh, huh.

And all the girls from the city?

And the girls you
were with before?

Those, and many, many more.

Well, I guess, us birdmen are
a very special lot alright, yes.

Oh, then command me, my lord.

Well, the I think it's time that
you led me to my worshippers.

Oh, good afternoon, gentlemen.

Good afternoon.

Professor smith myles,
may I introduce eddie malone?


It's a pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure is all mine.

Oh, gentlemen,
won't you sit down?

Thank you.

I've already explained to
mr. Malone why you have come

To fantasy island, professor.

My late father postulated
several theories

On the creature
known as bigfoot.

Mr. Malone, for our
expedition to be a success,

It is necessary that three
of these theories be correct.

The first, of course, is
that bigfoot actually exists.

The second, and the most
important, the reason that

My father would write a book on
the creature, is that he believed,

That bigfoot might well be,

The missing link
between ape, and man.

That's, that's very interesting.

The third, and perhaps
the most crucial,

Deals with the reasons
why no one has ever been

Able to capture bigfoot.

Which is?

Which is that he always
knew he was being hunted.

He sensed the
aggression of the hunter,

With an instinct
that we call esp.

Well, now wait a minute.

Why wouldn't that explain it?

He has been hunted by the most
expert huntsmen in the world,

Including yourself, mr. Malone.


If indeed, bigfoot
is the missing link,

Would it be so
strange if he had esp?

It's been well documented,
that the most primitive people

In the world have it.

The natives of
bali, for instance.

Aborigines in australia,
I have seen them use esp

Practically like a telephone.

Then you accept the possibility?

Well, if bigfoot has
esp, how do we catch him?

We don't catch him...

We let him catch us.

With this.

Since earliest caveman,
men have worshipped

Birds, mr. Malone,
either real, or imaginary,

Such as this one.

It's a glider.

The schweitzer 233,
to be exact, and if what

Mr. Roarke tells me is correct,
that is the model of the aircraft

With which you won three
national championships.

Yes, that's right.

Go on.

The glider would
be equipped with this.

Infrared body
heat sensing device,

These have been used
to hunt bigfoot before.

Yes, and very successfully,
but in these cases,

Before the airplane came
close enough to the ground

To land, the engine noise
scared away the creature.

We make contact, and what then?

We change course.

To see if he follows us?

That's correct,
and if he does...

Then we land, and
let him come to us.

But if he has esp,
won't he know that

We are inside the
plane waiting for him?

No, I don't think he will.

I'm counting on his curiosity to
overcome his natural instincts.

You know, that's so simple, I wonder
why somebody hasn't thought of it before.

Then you think it will work?

I don't know. I don't know,

But I think you'd be a
damned fool not to let us try.

Who is he, naomi?

A birdman, he
saved me from them.

He has powers beyond belief.


I'm taking him to the queen now.

The queen!

What is her crime?

Majesty, this keeper of the
flames went to pick berries,

And allowed the
cooking fires to go out.

That is very serious. The
fires must be rekindled,

Before your sisters
can cook their food.

I just wanted to
see a man, majesty.

The one who they say, will
be harvest king this year.

So, you forgot
your duties for that.

The punishment must be severe.



Majesty, another bird
man has fallen among us.


I, eh, must think on this.

Carry out the sentencing.

What's wrong with her?

She allowed the fires
in her charge to go out,

It requires much
work to rekindle them.

Oh no, not really,
look, try this.


See, majesty, he
is indeed a god.

And, he shall be
treated as such.

He shall be our harvest
king for this year!

Oh, well...

He shall be bathed, perfumed,
and dressed like a god.

Then, you will
choose your brides.


That's with an "s", plural?

How many do I get?

That, is for you to say.

Prepare him!

- Come, lord.
- I'm coming.

He is no more a god, than
the first bird man was.

(Professor): no one
can say when it all began.

That first tic of the time
clock for evolutionary man.

Some say two million years ago,
and that seems like a long time.

Long enough for man
to climb from his barest,

Primitive beginnings,

To the most ruthless
achievements in today's world.

What special element
made him resist v*olence

At all cost, even to the
point of not returning ours,

Even to the point, that
he fled to the most remote

Corners of this earth.

If bigfoot is the missing
link, and we can find out what

This special element is,
we may be rewriting the

Entire history of mankind,

And perhaps more
important, it's future.

Ah, there it is.

Oh, I dreamed about
this for so long!

Professor. Eddie.

Good morning.

Well, here we are.

The plane has been outfitted
to your exact specifications,

Professor smith-myles.


All that remains now, is
for you to decide when

You want your first flight.

Thank you, mr. Roarke, I'll be
ready first thing in the morning.

Very well.

And I'm sure,
mr. Malone will be too.

A remarkable lady.

She's remarkable, alright.

A little nuts, maybe,
but, remarkable.

These girls are candidates
for your brides, harvest king.

Decisions, decisions.

I hope there are no
hard feelings, girls,

You know, if you
don't get picked.

Remember, it's just the
luck of the draw, that's all.

You, you, oh, and you,

And her, too,

Don't want to break up the set.

Oh, and definitely,
definitely her.

And her too.

How many is that?

What does it matter?

Right, right!

Why play favorites-
I'll take them all!

Ladies, do your duties!

Must you dedicate
so much time to that

Ticker tape machine, tattoo?

Look, boss, look, japanese
trade is up 14 points.

Indeed, well,
congratulations, my friend.

Perhaps this might be the proper
time to take your profits and sell.

No way, boss, I am going
to buy 50 shares more.

Remember one thing, my friend.

Many a stock market player has
been wiped out because of greed.

No sweat, boss, my cousin
hugo will tell me when to sell.

Yes, that's what I'm afraid of.

(Girls laughing)

Are you happy, my lord?

Are you kidding? Like
a kid in a candy store.

Happy, girls?

Oh, yes, yes, yes!

What's happening out there?

It's for you, lord.

Oh, some new honor, eh?

No, my lord, it's
your funeral fire.

My funeral fire?
I'm not dead yet.

You will be, when
the flames hit you.

What flames, what
are you talking about?

Your death, lord, the tradition.


This is it, going to cut us loose,
unless you changed your mind.

Not a chance, mr. Malone.

Better get that machine
of yours working.

This is like looking for
a needle in a hay stack.

The trick is, mr. Malone:
find that needle.

There's one thing about you,
professor, when you make up

Your mind to do something,
you go all the way.

It's the only way
to fly, mr. Malone.

The only way.

No, no, it's not big enough.

We've been up two hours, I
think we better turn back.

Hey, there's always
tomorrow, you know?

It could be, it's twice
the size of a man.

Let's change course,
and see if it follows us.

He's following us.

He's still coming.

Well, I better pick a spot.

What do you mean?

If our furry friend is
so anxious to meet us,

I think we should
accommodate him.

We're going in,
hang on, professor.

There goes the wing!

Watch out!

Just keep your head down!

You alright?

Yeah, we better get ready.

What's that?

That's the tranquilizing g*n,

There's enough in that dart
to stop a 1,000 pound animal.

No, no, you stay there, no
point in both of us being out here.

Lord, your brides await
to give you pleasure.

Forget it, my heart isn't in it.

Look honey, if you help
me get away from here,

Maybe we'll get the radio
in that old bi-plane to work.

The queen would make us
suffer terribly if we defy her.

What's the matter with
that woman, anyway?

Is she responsible for
keeping the men away from here?

No, long ago the women left, because
the men wouldn't give up fighting.

Now, each year, one man is
chosen to be harvest king,

So that our race will survive.

Something like this happened
in old greece a long time ago,

I'm not sure it
worked then either.

It's said that queen
delfia fell in love with

The first bird man, and
wanted to change things,

But after his son was born,
the other men came and found

The bird man, and k*lled
him, out of jealousy.

Now she is very bitter.

Oh, terrific, look, I
understand if you're

Afraid to help, but
I'm getting out of here.

I'm going to get that radio.

Wait I can show you the way out!

It's not here.

Is this what you seek?

No, no, no!

That woman will be mine, I
do not share her with you!

I do not share her with anyone!

Look, fellow,

We have more serious problems

Than fighting each
other right now, I mean it!

She has no
objection, I sure don't.

No, no objection.

We're in the same
fix, fellow, right?

I mean, we're caught in the middle,
none of us can win, either way.

What do you mean?

If you take her back to the men,
you know what they'll do to her,

And if we go back to
the women, that queen

Will probably cremate us all.

The way I figure it,
it's the four of us,

Against everybody
else on this island.

Did you find that helmet and
goggles in this plane, too?

They were my father's.

Are you the son,

You are the son of queen
delfia and the bird man?


She sent me to live with the
men when I was very young.

It's the tradition.


I just got an idea, see
if you get your men

To come to the city tonight,
we might solve this whole thing.

There they are, my majesty.

Go, go on, get out of the way!

Go, go on!

Leave him.

These are the ones we want!

Bring them!

Maybe he lost us.

We've been waiting here all day.

Listen, everything's gone quiet.


(Shot fired)


Oh, we frightened him,
we frightened him terribly.

We frightened him? What the
hell do you think he did to me?

Good lord, woman, do
you realize we just came

Face to face with bigfoot?

He does exist.

Well, of course he does,
mr. Malone, we presumed that

When we started
off on this venture.

Well, we can't just stand
here, we have to go after him!

You are the most...
Doesn't anything faze you?

We are not going after
him, not in the dark.

But he'll get away!

No, he won't,

I hit him flush with the dart,
from the sound of it, he'll get

A couple of hundred yards, when he
drops, he'll be out at least 12 hours.

And if he doesn't drop?

Well then, my dear professor,
we'll just have blown the

Biggest anthropological
discovery of the century.

Lord, I love you.

I love you too, but it's not
going to get us out of this jam.

My lord, I'm sorry.

Are you really?

Start the fire!

The men are here, but
there are so few of them.

It's ok, I wasn't counting
on numbers to solve this.

Should we seize them, majesty?

No, no, no, it's over,
you understand?

And you, queenie, just keep
your mouth shut till I'm finished.

How dare you?

Lady, I dare, 'cause you have
had things fouled up long enough.

That goes for you guys, too.

I've done some growing
up since I got here.

When I first arrived, I
thought a lot of girls

Would be fun, you know?

Like a kid, that figures if
one scoop of ice cream is

Good, then ten gallons
must be fantastic!

Well, love, well, love
just doesn't work that way.

We're just a bunch of
men and women until

We fall in love, and then,
then, then well, that's when

A wonderful thing happens.

That's when we become
more important to some

One guy or girl than
anybody else in the world.

And if you're gonna grow
up, that's what you learn,

That you can't get
anything from 100 women,

That you can't get from,

Eh, one woman who
loves you, I mean...

We don't need that kind of love.

Who are you kidding?

I mean, you loved the first bird
man, and you love his son, don't you?

So why did you pick
me to be harvest king?

Was it because you knew
that your son was in line for it,

And you wanted to save
him as long as you could?

Try living together
as human beings!

People who live and love,
care about one another!

I mean, that's how
it was meant to be!

Go on, go to each other,

Love each other!

That's what it's all about!

How are you?

(Mingling, laughing)

What time is it?

A little before six.

Got some coffee ready.

(Yawning) oh, thank you.

What's that?

30-0-6, That should
stop our friend.

But why, if he's still
down with tranquilizers?

We'll have all we need with
photographs, and hair and tissue samples.

Well, I'm glad that's all you need, and
I'll certainly do everything I can to help

You get it, but the only tissue
sample I am interested in bringing back,

Is the head of that hairy beast.

You promised me no g*ns,
you promised me you wouldn't

Hurt him. Didn't anything I say
about my father's theories matter?

What, about the missing link?

About bigfoot having
some magical element

That'll save the
world sounds very nice,

But it doesn't make any sense.

You know, you and your father
live in some never-never world

Of too many years ago,
which is very nice for you,

But the rest of us have
to live in the real world.

And, professor, my world
has been a tearing, grinding one,

A guy like me rarely
gets another chance, well,

I've got one, and
I'm going to take it.

And you know, the hell of it is,
that if there was one chance in

A million that you were right,
I'd toss this thing in the bushes.

Not for mankind,
not for the world,

Because I don't give
a damn about that,

But because of you.

Cause you still believe in
things that I can't anymore.

It's got to be a
foot and a half long!

Must have been stumbling
around pretty good.

Mr. Malone!

Mr. Malone, mr. Malone!


There's your magic element,
he's trying to bash our skulls in!

He's not trying to hurt
us, can't you feel that?

He's trying to warn
us! Can't you feel it?

He just wants us to go away!


I'll use this if you
go any further.

One load and that
thing would k*ll me.

Not close enough, professor.

There's a whole tribe of them.

What's the matter with you?

Can't you see they don't
want to defend themselves.

They outweigh us by
hundreds of pounds,

And they still rather run away,
than defend their own home.

It doesn't make any
difference, professor.

When we go back and
tell the world what's here,

They'll all be dead
in a matter of months.

What do you mean?

Do you think you can stop
people that are looking to make

Millions once it's known
this creature exists?

This whole island will
turn into a 3-ring circus.

And the big thing that I
just shot, will die of germs

They never even knew existed.

All I want is my piece
of the action now.

He saved my life.

I tried to k*ll him,
and he saved my life.

What if we go back, and we don't
tell the world what we found here?

That bigfoot really exists.

You'd be throwing away
everything your father worked for,

Everything you've
worked for all these years.

No, no, I don't think so.

Because we found what
my father was after,

What he thought
would change the world.

And the funny thing is, it's
been within our reach all along.

Even after you hurt him,
he cared more for you,

Than he did for himself.


I'm sorry that your search
for bigfoot was in vain.

Perhaps in the future.

Yes, well, the future is
something the professor

And I are working on, we
thought we'd start in turkey.


Uh, huh.

Mr. Malone has plans
to find noah's arc.

I contacted my
university, and they agreed

To finance the expedition.

Oh marvelous,
congratulations, eddie.

Goodbye. Goodbye, tattoo.

- Gooodbye.
- Goodbye.


Come on, professor.

Well, boss, maybe
they didn't find bigfoot,

But your friend is a
different man from the

Time he came here,
he's on top again.

But why do I get the feeling
that it was all your fantasy, boss?

Goodbye, mr. Rourke,
thanks for everything.

I'm so glad everything turned
out so well for you, mr. Shaw.

And congratulations to
you, mrs. Shaw, on your first

Excursion into
the outside world.



You know what I think, boss?

About what?

I think you knew all the time
about the island of the lost

Women and their problems.

You were just waiting
for the right guy,

With the right fantasy, so
you could help them solve it.


Interesting theory.

Oh, by the way, tell me,
how goes the fortunes

Of top industries?

I was wiped out, boss, but at
least my cousin hugo got out in time.

He made a k*lling!

Oh, tattoo, don't tell me...

You mean, the bottom
fell out of top industries.
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