02x23 - Birthmarks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x23 - Birthmarks

Post by bunniefuu »

( Dove cooing )

It finds shape so easily.

TESS: It doesn't take
long in the right hands.

MAN: Good clay.

Dug it myself.

You and me,

we're the only ones
that, uh, dig around here, hm?

Are you talking to the dog?

He's the only one that listens.

Hey, looks like a beaut.


Maybe this will
be the one, Whit.

Maybe, just might be.

Work with the thumb

just like they did
a thousand years ago.

That's amazing that making a pot

hasn't changed in all that time.


Clay, a wheel, a pair of hands.

That's how it was meant to be.

( Phone rings )

Oh... oh, I'm sorry.

I'm expecting a call.

Who sat down
and invented that noise?

I'll take it in the house.


Yeah, this is Penny.

Uh, yeah, um, I'll get Michael.

It's beautiful,

but that's not the
only way to make pots.

Why does he think it is?

Well, Whit is a plain,

no-nonsense kind of man,

and for him, the simplest way
is the best way.

But now Whit is
about to find out

how complicated simple can be.

MAN: I see.


I-I'll call you tomorrow.


The cancer,
it's spread into the bones.

How long?

Two, maybe three months.

The baby's not due for four.

Then that's how long
I'm going to live.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise ♫

♫ And I will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell you
I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me,
I'll walk with you. ♫

( hammer pounding )

( dog barking )

( barking )

Leonard, how did you get out?

You went over the fence,
did you, Leonard?

( Barks )

Well, I know there are rabbits

in the next field,

but you'll just have to invite
them over here next time, okay?

( Barking )

Thanks for bringing him back.

Actually, I came to apply
for the dog training job.

Oh, I just put up the sign.

Oh, great,
so the job's still open, is it?


Have you ever done
any dog training?

Well, uh, uh...

lay down on your stomach,

roll over and bark.

( Barking )

( laughs )

Leonard doesn't do tricks.

Maybe he's just a bit shy.

Uh, Well, it's, uh,

it's 9 to 5, six days a week.

I'm afraid it's only
minimum wage right now,

but all the meals are free

and the vegetables are
fresh out of the garden.

Do you have cappuccino?

We got an espresso
machine for Christmas

a few years ago.

If you can find it,

you're welcome to all the
cappuccinos you can drink.


Um. ( Laughs )

( Leonard barks )

Yes, I'm looking forward
to working with you, too.

It's a lovely farm
you have here.

Very simple.

It's my father-in-law's.

It's been in his family
for generations.

It hasn't changed much
over the years.

Neither has Whit.

Must be difficult
for a man, I think.

Things change all the time.

Yeah, it is.

So anyway, I wouldn't bother

making any cappuccinos for Whit.

He gave up city life

years ago to get
back to the land.

Anybody else around here
drink coffee?

I brew a mean mocha latte.

My husband used to drink
coffee all the time

when he was on the fast
track down in the city.

But, uh...

But things change.


My husband is dying.

You'll ruin your eyes
staring at that thing.

It's a computer.

And it's how I do my business.

Yes, well, if you ask me,

computers are bad business.

Give me a face, a handshake.

How can you tell an honest
man through a computer?

You can't.

But the good thing is,
they can't tell a dying one.

Now that's not true.

I spoke
to Dr. Ellery today, Dad.

The cancer has metastasized.

It spread into the bones.

It's over, Dad.

We fought and we lost.

Now listen to me, Michael.

You said that you could
lick this thing, and you can.

Now we got you out of the city,

into good air, and good food.

All it takes is a little time.

There isn't any more.

I'm going to have
to go to the hospital soon.

No, no. You belong here
at home with your family.

Not in some hospital.

Look, I know how you feel
about hospitals, Dad.

Then let's not talk about it.

TESS: Very interesting.


Oh, sorry. Didn't see you.

This shelf of vases.

Yes, they're reduced.


They all look very
regular to me.

Well, they're not perfect.

Nothing made by man is.

Well, I've got to come up
with a perfect one.

You know, a lot of people think

that it's the imperfections
that make things beautiful.

That's the human part.

Well, I'm not
like a lot of people.

Oh, I can see that.

You've got
a lot of nice things here.

You mind
if I drop in again later?


Name's Whit.

I'm always around.

( Chuckles ) Funny, so am I.



It's got
a little tilt to it, Grace.

That won't do.


Oh, well.

It rained yesterday.

I thought
it might frost up overnight,

ruin the tomatoes I planted,
but, uh,

they're all right.

Slept good.

Well, as good as I ever do.

I talked to Michael today.

He's finishing up a job,
big job.

One of those computer things.

He wants to go to the hospital.

Just like you did.

But I think what k*lled you

was that hospital.

Without fresh air and sunshine,

a soul just shrivels up.

Oh, God, help me, Grace Marie.

Our boy is...

( sniffles )

I'm not going to let him die.

( Sniffles )

A little wider base, huh?

I think that maybe
that's what it needs, hmm?

Yeah. That ought to do it.


( Doorbell rings )

Whit? I'll bet you're Whit.

That's what I'm told.

Well, I'm Jolene.

I'm so happy
to finally meet you.

Your farm is just beautiful.

And your well out front,
I bet the water's delicious.

Sweet as rain.

Oh, you know,
my grandpa dug a well

right next to his cabin.

I go up there
every chance I can.

You know,
it's sort of my secret hideaway.

Do you know
where Steamboat Mountain is?

Oh, sure I do.

That's God's country up there.

Isn't it?

Oh, I go up there to think
and drink that water.

Could I have
a glass of water, please?

Thank you.

Yeah, I love being
pregnant, I just adore it,

I just find that if I don't
keep up the water thing,

I get dehydrated,
I get so tired.

After a few of these, you
sort of recognize the signs.

Ooh, yeah, sure.

I got a sonogram today.

It's a boy.

They wanted to know.

I'm sorry, know what?

that you're having a grandson.

Who is?

Well, didn't they tell you?

Oh, for heaven's sakes.


( Penny speaking softly )


Cat's out of the bag, kids.

We're having a boy.


Who's pregnant here?

Oh, dear.

PENNY: Whit, um,
Jolene is pregnant.

She's a surrogate mother.

And she's carrying our child.


It's called gamete

It's called a miracle, Dad.

Oh, my God.

WHIT: A surrogate?

A surrogate

is having your baby?

Penny could conceive
but not carry to term.

This was our only way.

We really want this baby, Whit.

Well, if you want a baby,
you adopt one.

We would have if I
hadn't gotten sick.

They won't approve me now.

So, you'll adopt it
when you get better.


How many times do
I have to say it?

I'm not getting better.

And if I'm going to die,
I want to leave a part

of myself behind.

Maybe it's selfishness

or ego, or some sort

of old-fashioned instinct.


There is nothing
old-fashioned about this.

This is a-a mockery
of everything I believe in...

Everything I taught you
to believe in.

This is why we didn't
tell you before.

Oh, so it's my fault?

You're all out of your minds.


Mr. Russell.

I'm sure it's incredible
for you to imagine

that I'm carrying
somebody else's baby.

It was incredible for
me too, the first time.

"The first time"?

My husband and my daughter
were k*lled in a car accident

about ten years ago.

We didn't have a whole lot

of years together, Mr. Russell.

But the years that...

Well, there's nothing like
a happy family, you know?

And nothing can replace it.

So, I figured that, um,

if I couldn't have
my own family anymore,

I could help somebody else
know what it's like.

The first couple that I, uh,

carried a baby for
was my sister and her husband.

They say that, uh,

actually giving birth

is the most beautiful
experience on Earth.

But I have to tell you
something, Mr. Russell.

I-I know that my life has
never meant more than it did

in that moment when I

put a child... right
in my sister's arms.

When I saw a family
appear before my eyes.

It was a miracle.

It was.

It was a privilege for me.

And I can't tell you how
grateful to God I am

that I can do it again.

I can.

I can do it for Michael
and I can do it for Penny,

and I can do it for you.

Don't do me any favors,
young lady.

And you leave God out of this.

( Door opens and shuts )

You break it, you bought it.

I can read.

You can also spot a
good piece of pottery.

What will you take for it?

The price is firm, as marked.

Not much firm in this life.

Something told me you
were a bargaining type.

No, where I come from,
we don't make deals,

but, uh, personally,

I've never been opposed
to a fair trade.

You take this.

And have a nice day.

Dad? We've got to talk.

I'm with a customer.

Look, I spoke to the doctor.

He said my best chance
for holding on...

Your place is at home.

Not in some hospital.

He says I need
a stress-free environment.

He's a doctor.

What do doctors know?

Look at what they put your
mother through at that hospital.

Look at the God-forsaken thing

they've done with that child.

It's our child, Dad.

We're naming him after you.


Don't name something
like that after me.

That "something" is going

to be a normal little baby boy.

It's your grandson.

It's the only grandson
you're going to get.

And if you won't accept
the birth of my son, Dad,

I can't make you.

But please, I'm asking you,

accept the death of your son...

because I'm going to need you.

WHIT: Remember Michael's colic?

I walked him up and down
every foot of that house

night after night.
And I kept saying,

"There must be something
we can do."

And you said, "Just time."

"Time is the only cure.

"Everything passes," you said.

"This too shall pass."

Our boy isn't going
to make it, Grace.

I can't bear the thought
of him being in a hospital.

He should be at home.

It'd be more fitting.

That's the way
it's supposed to be.

( Knock at door )

Hello. My name is Tess.

I'm going to be your nurse.

My nurse?

No, I'm going to the hospital.

You need peace and quiet,
and that's my specialty.

My name is Tess, and I'm going
to reduce your stress,

courtesy of your pop.

Fellas, bring that bed in here,

and do it quietly.

Now, where is your dad?

Out back in the pottery shed.

Good, 'cause I got a nice piece
of pottery coming to me.

I thought you hated computers.

Go on, click that thing.

( Computer beeps )

WHIT: Will you look at that?

There's your stress
point, right there.

So, if I make it

a little thicker here?

Then it shouldn't crack.

Hmm. Son of a g*n.

Now, click right on there
and see what happens.

N-No, not there.

No, no, stop.

WHIT: 122 days.

To what?

Till the baby comes,

or I go,

whichever comes first.

TESS: That Jolene is real nice,

don't you think?

What do you want
on your hamburger?

Don't be shy.

Toasted bun, lettuce, tomato,
pickle, onion, ketchup.

Hamburger with the works,

just the way God intended.

So, you're going
to be a grandfather, huh?

But not the way God intended.

Let's go, let's go.

Sit. Sit, sit.

Leonard, could you
help me out here?

( Barks )

Ah, good girl.

Thank you very much, Leonard.

JOLENE: Hey, there, mum-to-be.

Hey, Jolene; Come on in.

Hi, Monica. Hello.

I've got a little
present for Penny.


Okay, put your hand right here.

A little higher.

( Both laughing )

Monica, feel this.

Right there.

Oh, I feel him kicking.

Oh, you have
a right wee feisty one here.

Oh, yeah? I'll calm him down.

( Chuckling ):
Yeah? Famous last words.


I can't wait to hold him
and sing to him.

Um, Michael's dad
always sang him some '40s song

at bedtime. Um...

♫ Kiss me once and kiss... ♫

♫ Kiss me one... ♫
Oh, I don't know.

MONICA ( off-key ): ♫ Kiss
me once, and kiss me twice ♫

♫ And kiss me once again... ♫

( Leonard whimpers and barks )

Thank you, Leonard.

Yes, I get the point.

JOLENE: ♫ Kiss me once,
and kiss me twice ♫

♫ And kiss me once again ♫

♫ It's been a long, long time ♫

♫ Haven't felt like this,
my dear ♫

♫ Since can't remember when ♫

♫ It's been a long, long time ♫

♫ You'll never know
how many dreams ♫

♫ I've dreamed about you ♫

♫ Or just how empty
they all seemed without you ♫

♫ So, kiss me once
and kiss me twice ♫

♫ And kiss me once again ♫

♫ It's been a long, long time. ♫

WHIT: It was his mother.

Michael's mother
sang that to him.

Uh, then I'm going to learn it.

I'll sing it to her grandson.

Yeah, well, please don't.

Um, you know, Whit,

someday, it's just
going to be you and me

raising this child.

I want you to be
a part of his life.

Oh, no.

I'm not going
to be a part of any of this.


I'm ashamed.

And you should be, too.

Bringing a child into this world

should be
the most sacred act we have.

And you have taken
something precious

and... shoved it
into a test tube.

I don't know what this is...
This thing you're cooking up...

But it's against
the laws of man,

and it is monstrous.

That's what it is.

A monster.

PENNY: Go on.


I'd rather live in an alley
than raise my baby with you!

That's fine with me.

( Tearfully ): I'm sorry.


This is going to be
one beautiful pot.

There's still no answer
at Jolene's.

Where could should be
for the last three weeks?

Didn't she say

her grandpa had a cabin

Yeah, but I don't know where.

I-I just hope
she gets my apology note.

( Sighs ): Wherever she is.

I apologize for both of us.

Mail's in.

Bills. More bills.

Couple of get well cards.

You can file those.

Here's one.

"Return to sender."

Oh, no.


It's the apology

I wrote to Jolene.

It's been returned.


Address unknown."

Well, what does that mean?

I think it means,

we lost our baby.

She's not going to
let us have him now.

( Birds singing )

( dog barking )

( clears throat )

Did you say something?



Uh, Penny,
dinner is really quite good.


Whit, it's been a while

since you told us
one of your funny stories

about the old days.

TESS: That's right, Whit.

We've probably got some
good old days in common.

Let me hear from you.

From anybody.

Pass the beans.

Excuse me.

Why-Why should I talk to him?

He-He's a stubborn

old man.

As far as he's concerned,

there's only one way,
and that's his way.

And if we did things his way,

we wouldn't be
having a baby at all.

Well, you may not
be having one anyway,

so, what do you have to lose?

I'm going to be
a mother next week.

And a widow.

And-And I can't do anything

about either one.

So, you're right.

I've got nothing left to lose.

( Sighs )

You may have something
in common with Whit after all.

Not for long.

( Dog barking )

TESS: This is a very

unusual time.

Everyone's grieving
for some things

that haven't happened yet.

But it is going to happen.

Michael will die,
and somewhere out there,

Jolene will give birth,

and unless we can think
of something,

Michael will never get
to see his son.

Never say never, baby.

And getting those two together
is not why we're here.

Michael has no
choice but to die.

And that baby has no choice

to do anything but be born.

But Jolene and Whit have choices

that will make
all the difference.

And they still need our help.


If we just had more time.

I'm afraid we have less

time than we thought.

TESS: I have some urgent

business to take care of,

so I'll have to go away
for a few days.

You're not coming back, are you?

You see?

You drive everyone away.

MICHAEL: Penny, please.


I don't have anything
to say to her, or you,

but I'm sorry you're leaving.

Now look, all of you,

I will be back,
but in the meantime,

Andrew is going
to hold down the fort.

ANDREW: I'm, uh,

looking forward to getting

to know you.

Better hurry.

Oh, I bet that

we have more time together
than you think.

Whoo! Look at this.

This is great computer.

How much memory you got?

Eight Rome.


WHIT: Ram.


where you going?

I don't know.

Well, you said
you had urgent business.

I thought you were going
to go and find Jolene.

That's right, but I can't do it

till somebody tells
me where to go.

Or gives me some directions,

or hands me a road map,

or drops me some bread crumbs.

Tess, I don't understand.

Why don't we know
where Jolene is?

Because we're not supposed to,

and because somebody else does.

We're not here
to make it easier.

We're here to make it better.

Now, why don't you follow

him and get me
some bread crumbs?

Are you ready to fire this pot?

Well, I thought I was,

but I can't get this darn
thing to hold its heat.

That's too bad.

It's a beautiful pot.

It deserves to be.

Be what?

Just be. Yeah?

Yes, well, going to be junk

unless I get this thing fixed.

Isn't there something else
you can use?

This is the only kiln
I've ever used.

I'd hate to see that stand
in the way of a beautiful pot.

Think it should be ready by now.

Oh, no, Monica.

My kiln takes hours to heat up.

Huh. Well, mine doesn't.

( laughs )

Well, who knows?

Anything in a pinch, hmm?

Sometimes that's
just what it takes.

All right, here goes.

Well, I'll be.

( laughs )

It's done.

( laughs )

It's good, huh?

Whit, I-I have a question.

You fashioned this pot

with your own hands, right?


So, you're the
maker of this pot?

Yeah, what's your point?

Well, you made this

like you made all the others,

except that you finished
it in this furnace

instead of the one inside.

So, is it still your pot?

Of course it is.

Born in a different place

but made
by the same potter, hmm?

Whit, do you know
where Jolene is?

I'm not asking you

to change your mind,

just to bend your heart
a little.

( Sighs )

She's in a cabin

on Steamboat Mountain.

JOLENE: ♫ Hush little baby ♫

♫ Don't say a word ♫

♫ Mama's gonna buy you
a mockingbird ♫

♫ And if
that mockingbird don't sing ♫

♫ Mama's gonna buy you
a diamond ring ♫

♫ And if that diamond ring ♫

TESS: ♫ Turns to brass ♫

♫ Mama's gonna buy you
a looking glass. ♫

Tess, what are you doing here?

I came in the back door.


I'm wondering
what you're doing here.

I'm singing to my baby.

Well, it's a beautiful

song, and it's gonna
be a beautiful baby.

But is it gonna be your baby?

Somebody has to love him.

That should be the mother
and the father, don't you think?

Michael's dying.

You knew that when you agreed
to carry this child.

I didn't know
there'd be so much anger.

Frightened people
often hide behind anger.

They needed your understanding.

But instead,
you came up here to hide.

I'm not


This is where I come to think.

This is my grandfather's cabin.

He built it
with his own two hands.

Sounds a lot like Whit.

( laughs ): No.

My grandfather loved children.

And so do I.

I want this baby to be happy.

I want this baby to be loved.

Don't you understand, Tess?

I... I just want
what's best for this child.

And who decides what's best,
you, or God?

Let me give you a hint.

God thought it best

to send an angel to
you right about now

to get you thinking
about the whole thing,

because that's not their baby,

and that's not your baby.

It's God's baby.

And it's time we asked Him
what He wants for the child.

WHIT: Michael? Penny?

( laughs )

Would you look at this?

I still don't understand

how you got it to
fire up so fast.


Why are you always so cheerful?

I guess
it's the line of work I'm in.

Who is this fellow?

He's an angel.

A what?

And so am I.

You're... angels?

MONICA: Tess is

one, too.

We've been with
you all this time.

It doesn't usually take

this many on a case, but
since these were very...

Extraordinary circumstances.

MICHAEL: Oh, man.

Did I just die?

ANDREW: No, no.

Not yet.

We still have some business
to do first.

WHIT: Hold on.

What kind of angels are you?

The old-fashioned kind.

You're not going to tell me

that angels have come

to bless this way
of carrying a child?


We've come to bless the child.

Angels don't tell you
what you should have done.

We're here to tell you
that God loves you,

and that He wants you

to deal with what you can
right now.

Because now...

is all you can change.

MONICA: Michael,

Penny, before you entered

into this agreement with Jolene,

did you pray about it?

Well, we thought about it
very hard, but...


We didn't pray.

Isn't it odd
how people pray every day

over the tiniest things...

The weather, a green light,
a baseball game...

Things you can't even change?

But how come
no one remembers to pray

when faced with a decision?

When you have
to make a difficult choice,

don't you think God would like
to help you make it?

If you had prayed

a few months ago about how
and when to have this baby,

I know that God would have

given you an answer.

I-I truly don't know

what He would have told you
then, but

I do know what He wants
to tell you now.

And I know what that is.

It doesn't matter right now

what I think, or you think,

whatever we think,

there's only one thing we know.

There's a baby waiting
to be born here.

I was wrong.

I do want that baby here.

I do want

to be a... grandfather.

If I have to sell my farm,

my business, everything I own,

I'll do anything in my power
to make sure

that my grandson grows up

in the love of his own family.

That's very nice, Whit,
but don't tell me.

Tell her.

That's all I needed to hear.

( laughs )


Michael gets to hold
his son after all, hmm?

I don't know.

( Quietly ):
It's gonna be close.

Michael, you should
be in bed resting.

I had to get out.

Wanted to see the Milky Way,

maybe spot a sh**ting star.

There's Orion.

You have good eyes.

The only constellation

I can ever make out
is the Big Dipper.


In your life...

have you been happy?

Oh, Dad,

I don't think
about the unhappy things.

Right now, all I think about is

listening to a baseball
game on a summer night.

The homecoming dance
when Patty Ross kissed me.

sh**ting stars.

Right now,

the air was never so fresh.

The night never so starry.

Yeah, Dad, I've been happy.

I'm glad.

You're such a good boy.

Do you, uh...

do you remember
when I taught you

how to find the North Star?



When he's born,

my boy,

promise me you two will listen

to baseball games in the summer.

And when Patty Ross's daughter

shows up at the door,

go ahead and loan him the car.

You have my word.

So where's the North Star?

Well, now...

north, don't you know,

you start, uh,
with the Big Dipper.

Oh, yeah, there it is.

I remember Patty Ross.

She was a wild one, hmm?




WHIT: That's right, son.
Hang in there.

God's not gonna let you down.

Jolene's water just broke.

She's on her way
to the hospital.

I don't know what to do.


It's okay.

I'll be right here
when you guys get back.

Then I'll be back with our baby.

I love you.

Hang in there.

He will.

I think I know
which angel you are.

What's it like?

You know, there?

It is more beautiful
than you could ever imagine.

Maybe that's why
it's been so hard...

to believe in.

I'm right here, son.

Breathe easy.

( Groans ) Nice and easy.

MONICA: Nice, cleansing breath.

Keep breathing, Michael.

Just think, this time tomorrow,
you'll be holding your son.

( Subtle gasping )

You're doing great.

WHIT: You're doing great.

Hold on, now.

MONICA: Now push.


Hold on, Michael.

Hold on.

I can't!

I can't do it!

( Weakly ): I can't do this.

You can do it.

Michael, you can do it.

( Groans )

MONICA: Here he comes.

PENNY: You can do it.

( Strained ): Dad.


You'll be holding your son,

( Strained grunting )

PENNY: Jolene, you can do it.

God is with you, Michael.


( Phone rings )





Michael, you're a...

( heart monitor flatlines )

You were right, Whit,
God is with him,

and he is with God.

They're here.

( Cow mooing )

The morning he was born,

he was laying next to me,

and I was just staring at him,

but he was looking
everywhere else but at me.


I think he was
looking for someone.

I think he was
looking for his mum.

There she is, sweet one.

You found your mother.

Thank you.

( Sniffles ) Thank you.

PENNY: Thank you.

Well, look at you.

Hello, little man.

Not so little.

That's right. Big fella.

He is a Russell, after all.

Yes, he is, Whit.

Thank you for giving me
such a beautiful grandson.

I just wish Michael
had seen him.

Just once.

Maybe you want

to look at this.

WHIT: What's that?

It's a birthmark.

Oh, it-it almost looks

like a kiss.

MONICA: It is.

It's a kiss from Michael.

If Michael had lived

one more day,

he would have held his baby
in his arms

for just one day on this Earth.

But instead, he died

just as the wee one
was being born.

You see, in heaven,

eternity can be found
in but a single moment.

And in that moment,

Michael and his son
have already spent

an eternity together.

WHIT: ♫ Haven't felt
like this, my dear ♫

( Tess joins ):
♫ Since can't remember when ♫

( Jolene joins ): ♫ It's
been a long, long time ♫

♫ You'll never know
how many dreams ♫

♫ I've dreamed about you ♫

♫ Or just how empty
they all seem without you ♫

♫ So kiss me once
and kiss me twice ♫

♫ And kiss me once again ♫

♫ It's been a long, long time. ♫

( dove cooing )
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