02x15 - Indigo Angel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x15 - Indigo Angel

Post by bunniefuu »

What is it again?

The blues.

And you sing them, right?

That's right.

If you've got soul,
you sing the blues.

Anybody ever sing the
yellows or the greens?

This would be one of those times

when you might
want to just listen.

Leave that alone.

It's precious to someone.

That's Sam Brown.

He owns this club.

He always has.

He used to clean up
in a very different way.

In its prime, this club would be

so jammed full of people

the police would come
and thin out the crowd.

And then...

they'd hear the music
and they'd pull up a chair

and sit down and listen.

All of that must have
been a long time ago.

Well, times change.

Humans call it progress.

Sometimes, progress is progress.

But mostly it's just an excuse
to tear something down.

Well, at least
Sam is still here.

So far.

But he's older now
and he's not very well.

But he's about to receive
an important message.

What message?

Well, since it's his message

and not your
message, Miss Wings,

I wouldn't worry about it.

You got your halo full

just trying to get him
ready to receive it.


Grandpa Sam?


Zach, Grandpa.


Isaac, you're early.

I'm not early,
I'm right on time.

You were supposed to meet me

at the airport, remember?


Yeah, we talked
about this last night.

We did?

All right, never mind.

You see, Grandpa, this is why

we can't have you
live by yourself.

Today, you forget the airport.

Tomorrow, you forget to eat.

The next day, you
take a yellow pill

instead of a blue one,
and then we got big trouble.

You made it back for
open-mike night, huh?

Monday. Right.

Good to see you, Isaac.

It's good to see
you, too, Gramps.

Come on, let's get
something to eat.

It-It's open-mike
night, you know.

Yeah, I know.

Zach is a man with a mission.

If he completes his mission,

you won't be able
to complete yours.

Preparing Sam for a message?

What did you say the
message was again?

I didn't.

And don't try that
on me, angel girl.

Just keep your heart
straight and your eyes open

and you'll know
exactly what to do.

Yes, ma'am.

There, uh... is one
other thing, though.

You don't get
stage fright, do you?

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

You lived in St. Louis
long, Mr. Brown?

No, actually, I
live in New York.

I'm just here for a week

helping my grandfather
sell the place.

Oh, the bar is solid mahogany.

Imported from, um...
somewhere, back in the '30s.

You're selling the place as is?


Every bar stool, every fixture,
sound system, the works.

You guys, uh, in the
nightclub business?

Uh, no, we're in the
parking lot business.

Oh, well...

this is a great location
for a... parking lot.

Excuse me.

May I help you?

Oh, yes, thank you.

The agency sent
me about the job.

Uh, why don't you
gentlemen just look around.

I'll be with you in a minute.

Uh, I'm sorry.

There are no jobs here.

Um, we're closing
the place down.

Oh... Are you Mr. Sam Brown?

No, I'm Sam Brown.

Excuse me, gentlemen. I'm sorry.

The place doesn't
open till 7:00.

Hello, Mr. Brown.

I'm Monica.

I'm here about the MC job.

Are you crazy, Grandpa?

You're not going to make
enough to pay an MC.

Well, you can't have
an open-mike night

without a Master of Ceremon...
Mistress of Ceremonies.

Do you really need

an open-mike night at all?

We haven't missed
a Monday in 40 years.

It's what's kept
this place alive.

For heaven's sakes, you
were born on open-mike night.

I really don't
think... I know that.

Other than that,
you're a fine boy.

Have you met my grandson?

Not really.

Probably just as well.

Now, let's talk about the job.

Uh, excuse me.

Monica, is it?

Nothing personal,

but my grandfather and
I need to talk business.

We are talking business.

I'm auditioning a new
MC for open-mike night.


Have it your way.

What's the point of
having your own place

if you can't have
things your own way?

That's what a place is for.

I have a feeling those
men are here to buy me out.

Yes, sir, I do
believe you're right.

Well, I'm not selling.

I know.

Club Indigo has
seen better days,

but we're always one open-mike
night away from coming back.

Besides, I'm not closing
up until she tells me to.


The Countess.

Now, come on. Up there

and show me what you can do.

Up where? On the stage.

On stage. I'm
going to sit right here

and see how you look up there.

Now what do I do?

Well, go ahead, go ahead.

The mike is hot.

The mike is hot?

Yeah, yeah.

That's funny.

I said the mike is hot,
she pretends it really is.

Um... What...?

Wh-What would you
like me to do now?

Tell a joke.

A joke?

Just one. I can tell
from just one joke.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Oh, you heard it already?

She's good.

One night with her

and the place will be so
empty he'll have to sell.

That nervous act really plays.

Monica... you got the job.

It all started in New York.

I used to go to all the
jazz clubs on 52nd Street.

We used to call
it 50-Two Street.

Let's see, there was

the Three Deuces, the
Onyx, Eddy Condon's.

I used to play some myself,
but not like those boys.

Oh, yeah, there was blues, jazz.

Anything with soul.

You know anything about soul?

A little.

Anyway, when I moved here,
I brought the music with me.

Opened this place.

B.B. King and I used
to sit at this very table

arguing about where to get
the best clam sauce in Baltimore.

Isaac Hayes used to sit

on that very stool
you're sitting on

and moan to me
about woman trouble.

Left a pair of sunglasses

around here somewhere.

Sounds like all the greats
have been through this place.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

There was always the music.

The music.

I-I used to have a cook who,

whenever the music got real hot,

he would rattle
those pots and pans.

Wouldn't cook.

Couldn't cook much anyway,

but he sure could rattle
those pots and pans.

Oh! Here they
are. Here they are.

Yeah, I got to put
these somewhere

where I won't lose them.

Paul Desmond sat right there
drinking my famous coffee

when he come up with the
idea for putting five beats

in a bar instead of four.

Well, it could've happened here.

And-and when LaVern Baker sang,

♫ I used to smoke, drink,
dance the hoochie-coo ♫

where do you think she used
to smoke, drink and dance?

Here. Right here!

So you have a famous coffee?


I know a lot about coffee.

Do you have any
decaf mocha latte?

You can't sing the blues
and drink that candy stuff.

We're going to turn
you into a java girl.

Who left this laying around?

That's B.B. King.

B.B. King and I

used to sit at this very table

arguing about where to get

the best clam
sauce in Baltimore.

Nice guy, B.B. King.

Sends me a Christmas
card every year.

Birthday card every spring.

He left a pair of sunglasses

lying around here somewhere.

Ah, Grandpa, I've been
listening to these stories

since I was a kid.

I lived in Saint
Louis until I was six,

and I never once saw

Isaac Hayes or B.B. King.

Yes, you did. You
just don't remember.

You're named after Isaac Hayes.

Show a little respect.

I do, Grandpa.

Shows respect by trying to sell

this place out from under me

and putting me in
an old-age home.

Where you'll be taken care of.

Well, I don't want to go.

I am not going to
sign my life away.

You understand that, Isaac?

My name's Zach, and
it's not your life, Grandpa!

All this does is give
me power of attorney

so I can sell this place.

That's what we decided.

That's what you decided!

All right.

Let's talk about this later.

We can talk about this now.

Anything you got to say to me

you can say in front of
my-my very good friend, uh...

Monica. M-Monica.

My MC.


Those men just made a
very fair offer for the property.

Now, I checked the comps,
and they're competitive.

I can get a very short escrow.

Escrow? What's he talking about?

Talk about music.
That I understand.

The music is dead, Grandpa.

Deal with life.

Music is life.

That what she said.

Oh, no, here we go
again with the Countess.

She told me not to
close this place up.

Now, those doors are
going to stay open...

Wide open... until she
tells me to shut them!

Oh, here they are.

These are Paul
Desmond's sunglasses.

I better put them somewhere
where I don't lose them.

One more word about her...

The Countess?


Some... mythical singer
who supposedly showed up

and saved the
club back in the '60s

when the place
was going downhill.

Then, when the place
got back on its feet,

she disappeared.

Sounds very romantic.

Yeah, well, most
fairy tales are.

He's all over the place.

You heard him.

He's not budging
until she comes back

and tells him it's
time to close up.

Well, it's his club.

Doesn't he have the right
to make that decision?

He's not capable of
making his own decisions.

He lives in another world.

He still loans money to
every deadbeat drummer

who wants to hock his sticks.

He's always got some loser

living in the cellar.

I think there's some
guy down there now

I'm going to have to kick out.

And he thinks the magic
Countess will show up tomorrow

and make everything okay again.

He just sounds like a
positive and generous man.

Who's losing his mind.

I found a really great, um,

retirement home near my house.

Good care, good people.

I'm not out to punish him.

I want to help him. I really do.

But it doesn't look like
I'll be able to do it alone.

And you want me to help you?

Well, for some reason,
you're his new best friend.

Tell him to sign the papers.

You said it was a nice place?

The best.


Help me.

Before something happens.

It's okay, it's okay.

So, what do you think?

Is this is the message

I'm supposed to be
preparing him for?

"Sam, stop dreaming.

Give up and fade away"?

That's not the message at all.

Well, how am I supposed to
get him ready for something

if I don't even know what it is?

Why don't you ask
the man downstairs?


So you're the man
living in the cellar?

Yep. It's a great
place to hang out.

Kind of like living in
a museum with mice.

You didn't tell me
the Angel of Death

was on this case.

You do your job
and he'll do his.

Andrew, what are you
doing living in the cellar?

Well, I can hear
everything from down there.

And I found out that
Tuesdays is blues days,

and Wednesdays is jazz,

and Thursdays is
karaoke, but that's okay

because I've got a really
good set of earplugs.

Are you here for Sam?

Yeah, yeah.

I'll be taking him home,
uh, pretty soon now.

Then what am I doing here?

Why am I always
the last to find out?

Now you just calm
down, Miss Wings.

Well, that's the message

he's going to get, isn't it?

"You're going to die."

Everybody gets that message,
but I got a message for you.


Work on your timing.

Those jokes stink.

So I'm supposed to help
keep this place going then?

This is going to be Sam's
last open-mike night,

and you're going to
see that it's the best ever.

And I think you're
going to be great.

I know she will.

'Cause you're going to help her.

Hello. Oh.

The Angel of Death is on hold.

I hope that's the
Countess you're looking for.

Actually, I'm way ahead of you.

I'm on with the
musicians' union.

I was hoping
maybe they... hi, yes.

Hello. Okay, thank you.

I am looking for a singer

who was very, very
popular in the 1960s.

Uh... No, ma'am.

I-I don't have a
last name for her,

but I know they called
her the Countess.

Yeah, sure. My name's Andrew.

Well, actually I don't
have a last name either.


Okay. All right.

This three-dimensional
living is very, very limiting.

Come on, we don't
have much time.

Right. And I will go
see who else I can find.

Andrew, just calm down.

Remember, we're
looking for anyone

who played the club.


Jazz, blues, funk, B&R.


And nobody says "funk" anymore.

Oh, we were just... We?

I, um... I was just looking.

For what?

For the Countess.

An address, a phone
number, an old news clipping.


Look, she's probably
90 by now, if she's alive,

or if she ever existed at all.

Why is she so important
to you all of a sudden?

Well, we want to throw a party

for your grandfather
here at the club.

What? One knock-knock joke,

and you're making
decisions around here?

We're going to
invite all the people

from the old days.

There are no people

from the old days, okay?

Just a bunch of old,
signed photographs

that he probably
bought at a flea market.

Maybe he even
signed them himself.

Hey, I asked you to help
me bring him back to reality.

And, instead, you're
going into his fantasy.

Zach, I know this may
be hard for you to imagine,

but your grandfather
used to be your age.

He had a mind that was strong,

and a heart that
was even stronger.

And he had dreams,

most of which he made come true

with just hard work and faith.

But now he has
only one dream left,

and whether that
dream makes any sense

to you or to me,
it matters to him.

Isn't that enough?


What matters is that
I get his life in order

so I can get back to mine.

Now, if you don't want
to help me with that,

that's your business, but
just don't get in my way.

Did you ever... Did
you ever sing the blues?



Did you ever... Did you ever...

Did you ever sing the blues?

Well, I was in a choir once,

but we didn't exactly
sing the blues.

Well, did you ever...

Did you ever feel... real bad?

Real... depressed?

You-you couldn't
find your-your car keys

or-or, or-or you
couldn't get your hair

to do what you
wanted it to do, huh?

Well, I spilled a cup of
coffee on myself once.

Oh, well, then you
could sing the blues.

Is that something
somebody pawned here?

No, no, no, no. This is mine.

No, this still works.

Chops are getting a little
old, but the horn still works.

You know, it's funny.

Can't remember what
I had for breakfast,

but I can remember
practically every note

I ever played on this thing.

I'm sorry.

It must be hard
for you sometimes.

Well, which brings
us back to the blues.

Now, what was that...

what was that terrible
thing that happened to you?

When I spilled the
coffee on myself.

It was Colombian Supremo.

You got it.

♫ Knocked over my coffee ♫

♫ What a lesson I learned ♫

♫ Knocked over my coffee ♫

♫ What a lesson I learned ♫

♫ You better be careful ♫

♫ Or, baby, you can get burned ♫

♫ Oh, yeah! ♫

Oh, that was really... blue.

You... Now, you. Come on.

Oh, no. I can't sing.

Come on, come on, come on.

♫ My name is Monica ♫

♫ And I come from a place ♫

♫ My name is Monica ♫

♫ I come from a
really different place ♫

♫ Where people are happy ♫

♫ And they're
covered with grace. ♫



Is that a clarinet,

or is somebody
mashing cats in here?

Is that Al?

Sounds like Al.

Hey, Al!


Al, how are you, buddy?


What-what brings you here?

Well, I was in town.

Andrew found me,
and invited me over.

Andrew? Yes, sir.

I'm the guy that
lives downstairs.


What's it like down there?

Oh, it's-it's great,
Mr. Brown. Thank you.

Oh, Al Jarreau, this
is, uh... uh, Monica,

my-my-my MC for open-mike night.

Hi, Monica.

Any friends of Sam's is...

in big trouble, so
I'll watch out for you.


Hey, Gramps, I just got a call

from the investors,
and we got to...

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
realize you had company.

Isaac, come on over here.

I want you to say hello

to your namesake, Al Jarreau.

Hi, Isaac.

I thought I was named
after Isaac Hayes.

You were!

Isaac Albert Brown!

Oh. Oh, wow!

Hello. Nice to meet you.

Yeah. I think we met
before, didn't we, Sam?

Of course.

You-you baby-sat him.

You and, uh, uh... B.B. King.

B.B. B.B., yeah.

Nobody wanted
to give you a bath,

'cause you hated it,

so you'd scream and scream.

Yeah. We gave you a bath anyway,

and we even sang
a little duet for you.

Thought it might calm you down.

You just screamed louder.

I don't remember anything.

Well, you sure grew up, man.

You know, Aretha
and I had a bet.

She figured, the
way you screamed,

you were sure to
turn into a singer.

No. He's a civilian.

Well, I guess.

Aretha owes me a dollar.


Aretha Franklin knew me?

Uh-huh. Don't you
tell him anything?

I guess hearing it from
me is harder to believe.

Come on, we got a
lot of catching up to do.

Oh, man.

Check this out.

This was the night Sonny Rollins
and John Coltrane arm wrestled

over there at that bar.

Who won?

Coltrane, three out of five.

Mr. Brown, look
over here. I found it.

Look. All right.

"At this table" on May 22, 1966

I fell in love with Mary Ann."

I remember that.

Then, six months
later, they were married

right over there at the bar.


A lot of love in this room.

You feel like a cup of coffee?

I feel like a cup of coffee.

I'm going to make some coffee.

Mr. Jarreau, at the
risk of being forward,

could you help us put
on a show for Sam?

We'd really like
to surprise him.

We just don't want him to
feel forgotten, you know?


They have this crazy idea

that we can get some people

from the old days back here.

It's not so crazy.

You got me back.

My grandfather's not well.

I'm sorry, but with
all due respect,

the last thing he needs is to
get excited about this place.

I mean, he's going
to a rest home.

How could an evening
of jazz and the blues

and funk make him
feel anything but alive?

To feel alive is a good thing.

Some people could try it.

Oh, baby, we don't
say "funk" no more.

Do you think you could
call the Countess for us?

The Countess.

Whoa. I hadn't thought
about her in years.

Where is she? Anybody
know where she is?

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

You mean there
really is a Countess?

Well, you better believe
there's a Countess.


She saved this joint
during the '60s, man.


There she is, okay?

Man, look at her.

Everybody called
her the Countess,

but Sam called her
something else in private.


Yeah, he called her Tess.

So the Countess is Tess.

I think I'm beginning
to understand.

That's the message.

I always thought the Countess...

Tess, is it?

Was just another one of
my grandfather's fairy tales,

but this is really her.

It was a long time ago.

It was a bad time for blues.

I don't think I've ever
seen Sam so low.

By the '60s, Sam was tapped out.

He'd made too many loans,
given too many advances,

trusted too many deadbeats,

and the club wasn't drawing
much of a blues audience

'cause, by then, the whole world

was listening to rock 'n' roll.

Boy, this was a
tough time for Sam.

When her couldn't
borrow any more money,

he decided to close down.

But, by then, it was too
late... His wife had left him.

What's wrong, Grandpa?

Oh, nothing, Zach. Nothing.

Everything is copacetic.


It's an old word somebody
made up to mean real cool.

I'm hungry.

Where's Grandma?

Listen, uh... Zach, uh...

your grandma told me
to give you a big hug,

and to tell you that, uh...

she took a train to New York.

Are we going to
the World's Fair?

Sure. Why not?

All of us?

No, no, no, just
you and Grandma.

Who's going to make you dinner?

Say, you're right.
It's time to eat.

Why don't we head next door?

We'll go to that rib joint,
we'll get us some, uh...

get us some, uh... I
got money, Grandpa.

Grandma gave me
some for my birthday.


A Kennedy half-dollar.


But that's yours.

You keep it safe for me,

like you do other
people's stuff.


Hey, tell you what.

I'm going to take
you into the kitchen,

and I'm going to whip you
up some eggs a la Sam Brown.

What do you say, huh?

Thanks, but I'll go watch TV.

I hope the music in this place

is better than the menu.

Who are you?

A music lover.

This is a blues club, isn't it?

Not for long.

We're closing up.

You sound like you got a
real good case of the blues.

What kind you got?

Glad blues, sad blues,

lonely, funky or bad blues?

♫ You ain't been blue ♫

♫ No, no... no... ♫

♫ You... ain't been blue ♫

♫ Till you've had ♫

♫ That mood indigo ♫

♫ That feeling goes
stealing down to my shoes ♫

♫ While I just sit and sigh ♫

♫ Go along blues... ♫

The next night was supposed

to be closing night
but. Thanks to Tess,

the place never did close.

Tess was a sensation.

Pretty soon, Sam
had enough money

to really do the place up right.

He changed the club's
name to "Indigo"...

The deepest shade of blue,
and Tess' favourite colour.

He changed Tess' name, too.

And, night after night,

the crowds rolled
in to see the woman

he billed as "The Countess."

♫ Don't let my
leavin' grieve ya ♫

♫ Swing on and on ♫

♫ And on. ♫

Sam was flying
high until one day...

And this is the
hardest part to believe...

But he swore it happened...

Well, if you give
me a firm date, I...

Well, let me check my schedule

to see if we can
accommodate you.

Uh, yeah, I think we
can, as a matter of fact.

No problem.

You can count on us. Okay.

That's it! The Ed Sullivan Show!

They want us! They want you!

We're heading for New York!

Oh, great. You're all
packed, ready to go.

Yes, I am.

I'll throw some things in a bag,

and we'll catch
the first plane out.

Wait a minute, Sam.

Listen to me.

I cannot go to
New York with you.

What are you talking about?

Why not?

It's my time to move on.

Move on?!

What about the Sullivan Show?

This is not about being on TV.

I just came here to help
you get back on your feet,

and to remind you
to listen to the music.

That's what this is all about.

I don't understand.

I'm an angel sent by God.

To a nightclub?

To a good man
who has a job to do.

Angels come in all colours,
Sam. Not just indigo.

There's love here, Sam.

And you share it with everybody
who walks through that door.

You feed them
with your own soul...

With music, understanding,

And God wants you to
keep these doors open.

Not just to keep
the music going,

but to keep the people going...

no matter what
anybody else says.

God sent Moses to
the Promised Land,

and Joshua to Jericho, but...

And he's telling you

to stay put, because
you're a leader, too.

Stay put?

You remember that old
song by Duke Ellington...

"Do Nothing Till
You Hear from Me"?


Well, that's going to be
your theme from now on.

Just hang in there.

Now, there are going
to be hard times:

w*r, money problems,

and something called disco...

But you're going
to make it through,

'cause He's going to
be with you all the way.

But I need you.

I'm not the one you need.

He just asked me to come
and bring you a message.

♫ I'm gonna love you ♫

♫ Like nobody's loved you ♫

♫ Come rain or come shine ♫

♫ High like a mountain ♫

♫ Deep like a river ♫

♫ Come rain or come shine ♫

♫ Days may be cloudy or sunny ♫

♫ You may be in or
out of the money ♫

♫ I'm with you always ♫

♫ I'm with you ♫

♫ Come rain, come shine. ♫

I'm just telling you
what he told me,

and I believe it.

I believe the
Countess was an angel.

I think that sounds like
a very interesting theory.

I'd bet on it, if I bet.

Which I don't...
but if I did, I would.

Oh, no. Not you, too.

Hello, Monica.
Knock-knock. Anybody home?

What is it about this place

that makes everybody
soft in the head?

Well, maybe it's
just soft in the heart.


Oh, no... I'm okay.

Did you burn yourself?

No, no, no. I'm fine.

One, two, three.

Easy does it.

You know, you sound
just like Al, you know that?

It is Al, Sam.

Oh, Al, how you been? Long time.

Grandpa, let me
get you cleaned up.

Thanks, you guys.
Thanks for your help.

I can deal with this.

Really, I can take care of it.

Come on.

Where's my glasses?

Um... here they are, Grandpa.

Good house?

Good house?

It's open-mike night tonight.

I hear Al Hirt's in
town. He might drop by.

Oh, Gramps... Band here yet?

The band?


Uh, yeah, Grandpa.

The band's here.

I just need you to sign this.

What's-What's that?

It's the okay to pay the band.

You okay, Grandpa?

Oh, yeah.

Everything's copacetic.


Yes, that's right.

Mm-hmm. No, no, no, no, no.

Tomorrow night.

Yeah, at Club Indigo.

I'm sorry. The
club is now closed.

There's not going to be a show
tomorrow night or any other night.

Zach... No!

I'm getting my grandfather

on the first plane out of here.

How can you do this?
This club is Sam's life.

Correction: The club
is now a parking lot.

How much time do we have?

I don't know.

Anytime now.

I'm just waiting for the word.

I don't understand.

Where's Tess?

She's supposed to deliver
some sort of message.

Eh, you know Tess.

She usually knows
when to show up.

But, in the meantime,

it looks like you're
going to have to wing it.

Are you still here?

Zach, this is where
your grandfather belongs.

Don't you understand?

He is not well, okay?

And he's getting
worse by the minute.

He needs medical attention.

And, if I don't sell this place,
I can't pay the expenses.

He won't need money
where he's going.

What are you, a doctor?

No, I'm an angel.

Oh, I see.

Well, that's great,

because you weren't
really cutting it as an MC.

Oh, Zach, you're
doing all the right things

in all the wrong ways, and
God has sent me to tell you.

Man, my grandpa has had a
lot of nutcases walk in here,

but I never saw you coming.

Everyone that ever
walked through these doors

was welcomed by your
grandfather's love and respect.

All the musicians and wanderers,

the winners and the losers,

and the nutcases and,
yes, even an angel or two.

Like me, like
Andrew... like Tess.

Is God listening now?

He's always listening.

I want to help my grandpa.

I want to take him
back to New York

and take care of him as
well as he took care of me.

Of course, you're
concerned for his safety,

but God is concerned
about something else.

You see, he has a
message for Sam.

Now, I can't tell
you what that is yet,

but I have the faith that
it will be worth waiting for,

and you have to have faith, too.

But... I think faith
has almost k*lled him.


It's his faith that
has kept him alive,

because he's hung
on to it, no matter what.

He wants to pass that on to you.

Just like that old
Kennedy half-dollar

he's been keeping safe
for you all these years.

But my buyers. I...
Let them wait, Zach...

one more day.

It might be only
24 hours to you,

but for Sam... it's
the gift of a lifetime.

Hey, Grandpa.

Let me help you with that.

Yeah, yeah.

Just... just washed my hands.
Can't do a thing with them.

You used to do this
for me. Remember?

Yeah? Yeah.

You were the one who taught me

how to tie a bow tie.

I did? Sure.

I knew how to tie a bow tie

before I knew how
to tie my own shoes.

You don't wear
lace-up shoes with a tux!

I, I told you that.

I know, I know.

Patent leather pumps.

Just like Duke
Ellington gave you.

I, I thought I saw him before.

Duke's out there, isn't he?

Uh... Can't say, Gramps.

We... we got a full house?

Listen to me, Grandpa.

Even if I was the only
one in the audience tonight,

the house would
still be full of love.


Don't mess up my tie.

Show time, gentlemen.

Oh, yeah...

I love open-mike night.

Hey, you got a
full house tonight.

Way to go, Sam.

Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen.

We are all here tonight to
honor a very special man.

I have, uh... I've never
been an MC before

but, like many of you
here have discovered,

life is never quite the same

once Sam has touched your heart.

Sam, there are so
many people here tonight

who want to tell you
how much they love you.

Ladies and gentlemen,

will you please welcome

the elder statesman
of the blues,

Mr. B.B. King!

You know, I'll never forget
something Sam told me once.

It's the best advice
I think I've ever had.

He said... "Don't give up.

Just keep giving."

And, also, he said I'm
his favourite musician.

Ladies and gentlemen,

please give a very warm
Club Indigo welcome

to the incomparable.

Dr. John.

♫ You ain't been blue ♫

♫ No, no, no ♫

♫ You ain't been blue ♫


♫ Till you've heard
that mood indigo... ♫

See, one Christmas Eve,

I didn't have no place to stay.

And Sam invited me over

even though his pad was
crammed like a sardine can.

He let me sleep under the tree,

like one of them
unwrapped presents.

But the thing I
remember the most,

was the card you left me, Sam.

"To my favourite musician."

Ladies and gentlemen,

the man with the golden horn...

Mr. Al Hirt.

You know, most
people don't know this,

but Sam and I were in
the Air Force together.

And I was the bugler.

I used to get up at
5:00 to play reveille,

and who do you think
would get up with me? Sam.

And then, when we'd
go to breakfast after,

then he'd critique
everything I did.

And I had a chance to go with
Benny Goodman for an audition.

Who do you think
loaned me the money?

You're right. He
did. It was 20 bucks.

And I gave him my
bugle as collateral.

Give him back his bugle.

50 years is a long time to dust.

50 years.

You need to polish this sucker.

I want to ask you a question.

This is serious, now.

Sam, who is your
favourite musician?

Thank you.

Thank you.

A funny thing happened
on the way to Club Indigo.

We all fell in love
with the same man.

And I know that he has
something very special

he wants to share with us.

So, ladies and gentlemen,

will you please give
a warm welcome

to the heart and
soul of Club Indigo,

Mr. Sam Brown.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know this club has been
a big part of all of your lives.

Well, let me tell you,
it's been my entire life.

Every happy memory I ever had

came to pass within
these four walls.

But it's not just my
memories that count.

It's yours, too, and
yours, Al, and B.B.,

and Mr. Bugler Man, yours, too,

and the good Doctor
also, yours, too.

Because you know what
we're going to remember?

We're going to
remember the music...

The music that we
made here together.

Club Indigo is never going
to be what it once was,

but that doesn't matter,

because... because
every time you guys go out

on a concert tour or
into a recording studio,

you take a little piece
of this club with you.

You're the guys who
make the music live on,

even if this club can't.

No, that's all right.

Don't feel sorry for me.

This has been
one great gig, man.

One great gig.

You know why?

Because I had an
angel watching over me.

And you know what she said?

The angel said to me,

"There's going to
be good times, Sam,

"there's going
to be bad times...

But the Good Lord can
use you all the time."

Yes, he can, baby.

Yes, he can.

That's the Countess!

She's back!

♫ I'm gonna love you ♫

♫ Like nobody's loved ya ♫

♫ Come rain or come shine... ♫

Hey, Grandpa, I'm sorry.

For what?

For not believing you.

I mean, this is amazing.

The music, huh? You feel it?


I don't want it to end.

I don't know, this may
sound kind of crazy, but...

maybe I can move here, you know?

Help you run the place.

What do you think?

♫ Come rain, come
shine, whatever ♫

♫ He was there all the time... ♫

You're a good boy, Zach.

♫ He's with you, Sam, baby... ♫


♫ Come rain or come shine. ♫

God gave you a job to do, Sam.

To keep these doors open
and to keep the music going.

And He told me to tell
you, Samuel Jacob Brown:

"Well done, good
and faithful servant."

♫ Well, when the saints ♫

♫ Go marching in ♫

♫ Well, when the
saints go marching in ♫

♫ I tell ya, I, I, I want
to be in that number ♫

♫ When the saints... ♫

Come on, Al... ♫
Go marching in ♫

♫ When the saints ♫
♫ When the saints ♫

♫ Go marching in ♫
♫ Go marching in ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in ♫

♫ Saints go marching in ♫

♫ Lord, I want to be,
want to be in that number ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in ♫

♫ Well, when the saints ♫

♫ Go marching in ♫

♫ I tell you, when the
saints go marching in ♫

♫ Oh, yeah, I, I, I, I want
to be in that number ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in ♫

♫ Yeah, yeah, when the
saints ♫ ♫ When the saints ♫

♫ Go marching in ♫
♫ Go marching in ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in ♫

♫ They'll be marching in ♫

♫ I tell you, I want to be
there, want to be there ♫

♫ Want to be in that number ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in ♫

♫ I want to be ♫

♫ Want to be in that number ♫

♫ When the saints
go marching in! ♫
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