02x02 - Trust

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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02x02 - Trust

Post by bunniefuu »

Hmm... What is
this supposed to do?

I don't know.

I'm an angel, not a doctor.

Put that thing away.

Well, I ought to know
what these things are

if I'm supposed to be a doctor.

Well, who said anything
about you being a doctor?

You assume too much, baby.

Things aren't always
what they seem.

Take him, for instance. Hmm.

Wound's healing better
than I thought, Zack.


That b*llet ripped
a lot of tissue.

But you're strong.

You feeling all right?

Yeah, I feel good.

You haven't been taking any
of the pain K*llers, have you?

No. No, I can't work on them.

Absolutely not.

They'll just slow you down.

And before you know it,

you'll want something
to pep you up.

And then we've got
some real trouble.

I gave you a prescription
last week for 40 tablets.

I'm glad we didn't need them.

Remember, you survived
something very traumatic.

Are you going to counseling?

No. Actually, I,
uh... I feel good.

I feel real good.

Okay, Zack.

I'm giving you a
clean bill of health.

Now, go and take
care of yourself.





Here it comes.

Tess, that bottle's
almost empty.

He's taken nearly
40 pills in one week?

And the week's not over yet.

This man is in great danger.

So is everybody
else who knows him.

So is everybody else.

♫ When you walk down the road ♫

♫ Heavy burden, heavy load ♫

♫ I will rise and I
will walk with you ♫

♫ I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Till the sun
don't even shine ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♫

♫ Walk with you ♫

♫ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♫

Yeah, I know you have
to have a prescription.

You should have one on file.

No, I just...

I just lost the bottle of pills.

What I need is another one.

No, I know it says "no refills,"
but what I'm telling you is-is,

I lost the original
pills, you understand?

No, no, no, that's all right.

Don't call the doctor; I will.

Yeah, that'll...
Okay. Thank you.

What's wrong with you?

Man, you think you know someone.

Hey, hey.

Bennett. He's back.

So, it's the .38-caliber hero.

All right, you guys, give
me a little breathing room.

Staying out of trouble?

So, how you feeling? Good.

What's going on here?


Okay, ladies, let's catch
some bad guys. Come on.

Bennett, you wanted
a new partner, right?

I got one for you.

I'm moving you to training.

You get O'Dooley, a rookie.

O'Dooley, Zack Bennett.

Very pleased to meet you.

Same here.

Zack, you had two break-ins
in a four-block radius

of your beat last night.

Suspect's still loose.

It's male,
approximately five-ten,

dark hair.

That's all we got.

So, uh, read the report.

Welcome back.

Good to be back. Thank you, sir.



You team with Orton.


So, I understand

this is your first day back?

Yeah. Yeah, I've
been out for six months.

What was your name again?


O'Dooley. Yep.

So where do you come from?

Oh, well, I-I used to be
with Search and Rescue,

but I felt like I needed
something more challenging.

All right, well,
I'll tell you what.

I'll get last night's reports.

I'll meet you at the range.

We'll check you out
on your Beretta, okay?


sh**ting range.


Your g*n.

Hey, hey, hey.

This must be my lucky day.

Fresh doughnuts
and a fresh face.

Let me guess.

You're the new dispatcher.

Yes, I am.

I'm just trying to figure out

which flower you remind me of.


I don't mind if I do.

Name's Henry W. Sink.

They call me Cueball.

Cueball? Fine.

You just sit in that little
corner pocket and do your job.

I'll sit here and do my job.

We'll get along just fine.

A little rusty, eh?

No, just practicing
my warning sh*ts.

Let's see what you can do.

Go ahead.

You might want to try
this with your eyes open.

I always say a wee prayer first.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.


Hot shot. Hot shot.

Doesn't mean jack
in here, though.

Out there, the targets move.

And they sh**t back.

You hear me?

Let me show you something.

This was three
inches from my spine.

I keep it around as a reminder.

You follow?

Go ahead and reload.

How did you get hit?

What is this going to
be, 20 questions here?

Oh, I just thought that partners

were supposed to
get to know each other.

You know, play poker,
confide in each other,

be best friends.

So, what are you
and I going to do?

We going to have a slumber party

and give each other
perms, or what?

No, that's not exactly
what I had in mind.

I, uh, imagine it must
change a man, being shot.

I don't know, bad guy
got lucky, I didn't, that's all.

So you believe in luck, huh?

You get that close to death,

you'd better believe
in something.

We're going to
make a quick stop.



I could get used to this job.

There you go, Billy.

You make sure you share
those with your sister.

'Kay, thanks. Bye. Hey.



So, how did it go
with the doctor, huh?

It went good. 100%.

Back on the street?

You bet.

That's good. Oh, honey.

Honey, this is, uh,
this is my new partner.

Uh... O'Malley?

O'Dooley. O'Dooley.

She's a chatterbox.

This is my wife, Jill.

We live in the back.

She's got a great commute.


Why don't you, uh, why don't you

give her one of these
cinnamon muffins?

You'll like them; They're great.

I'll be right back.
Where are you going?

I'm just going to go to
the cruiser; Left something.

I'll be right back.

What happened with Ben?

They've been
partners for five years.

I was hoping you could tell me.

Well, Zack hasn't exactly
been talking to me lately.

The west parking
lot of the park is...

Cookies, éclairs...
and what's this?


Here, try some.

Oh, thank you.



So, you're, uh... a rookie?

Don't worry, I'll
take care of him.

Are you married?


Hey, come here.

You got crumbs on your face.

Criminals are not going
to take you seriously

with crumbs on your
face. Here you go.

Are you sure you're
ready to go back?

Honey, I'm fine, really, okay?

It's probably all
that coffee you drink.

Oh, Zack doesn't drink coffee.


That's me.

I mean, that's us.

15-Alpha-9. Do you read me?


Prowler. Possible burglary.

2-2-3 Wall Avenue, third floor.

15-Alpha-9 responding.

It must be our burglar.

Let's go.


Zack, there he is.

All right.

You keep an eye
on the foot traffic

and nobody gets hurt,
all right? Here we go.

Hold it right there!

Do not move!

Put your hands over
your head right now!

Do it!


Do not move!

Put them on the wall.

I'm not doing nothing, man.

Spread your legs.

Spread your legs!

All right.

Stay right there,
you don't move.

Spread them, spread them.

All right.

Right there.


We need backup,
Sycamore and "A" Street.

"A" as in Angel?

You can be my angel.

Back off. I'm working here.

10-4. Will alert backup.

Hey, hey, hey.

Not so fast.

Let me lead.

No rookie's going
to buy it under me.


Give it up! We've got you!

Cuff him.

You go pick up my radio.

Yeah, but don't you want me...

No. I said go, fast. Go.

Let's go, one, two,
three, come on!

I was just looking for
a buddy of mine, man.

And you were chasing
me and I freaked.

It's all a misunderstanding.

Yeah? Let's see
what you got here.

Where is it, huh?
Where is it? Nothing.

What you got, huh?

Where'd you put it? Huh?



You got nothing? Nothing.

What do we got? What do we got?

Oh, look at this.

We got some ups,
we got some downs.

Man, you're a regular
pharmacy, huh?

What, hey, what about my rights?

Let's go, move it.

Oh! Come on.

What about my rights?

What was in his back pocket?

Nothing. He didn't have
anything; He's clean.

No way! Hey, this cop
took my stash; He's got it...

This is your first
lesson: Perps always lie.

They always try to get in
between you and your partner.

Never forget that.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you...

Hey, Peterson.

You going to play
ball today or what?

What are you, nuts?

Baseball's tomorrow.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, Peterson.

Hey, what's shaking?

You know what? You got
something right on your shirt.

Ooh! Why don't you cut the crap?

What's the matter with you?

Do you blame me?

Do you think I screwed
up and let you take a b*llet?

Look at me in the eyes.

Ben, Ben, forget about it.

Forget about it.

We were partners for five years.

Up until yesterday,
you trusted me.

Ben, you didn't
do anything wrong.

You hear me? You
didn't do anything wrong.

Then how come you got a
new partner and I lost a friend?

Zach, head's up!

I-I just want to shake him.

Make him see what
he's doing to himself.

It's not going to happen
till he hits bottom.

Why do I have to wait?

Hitting bottom is the only thing

that's going to bring
him to his knees.

Let's just hope he
doesn't hurt anybody else

on his way there.

Before we get into
this... are you okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Do you know what time it is?

Time for bed.

Have you been drinking?

It's 5:30 in the morning.

You've got to be at the
station in a half an hour.

I just couldn't
sleep, Jill, that's all.

Where have you been, Zack?

I want some answers.

You owe me an explanation.

You can't even find
your way home anymore,

and I want to know
what's going on!

Don't look at me like that.

Like what?

Like what?

Like you think maybe
I'll get shot again.

Like you think maybe
I'm not a good cop,

that's like what.

Great cops get shot, Zack.

Doesn't mean
you're not a good cop.

I'll shower at the station.

I just wanted a
change, all right?

You were a great partner.

You're acting like a kid.

Well, I knew it'd have
to be one of us two.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Just remember, nobody
knows you like I do.

There's something going on.

That's why you're keeping
me away, so I won't find out.

But you know I will.

We're, uh...

running a little late
this morning, huh?

So, what's on the
agenda for today?

Same as yesterday?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

I'm fine.

It's just your second
day back, Zack.

You know... you
shouldn't be pushing it,

I mean, if there's a problem...

Look, there's no problem.

Everything's going
to be fine, okay?

Don't worry about it, you
got it? You understand?

No way.


He's back. Hey...

What's happening here, we
got a meeting going on, huh?

What's going on, Zack?

School starts in
about five minutes.

What are you guys doing?

Go ahead.

Man, street says you bought it.

Oh, really? Mm-hmm.

Nicki, I'm not buying
it till you guys graduate

and get your butts
off my beat, okay?

Man, you bringing
me way down, Bennett.


I'm going to be around
your school in about an hour.

I'm going to make sure that
all your butts are in the seats.

So, let's get up folks,
and let's move, come on.

Let's go.

Sounds like you really knew
how to talk to these kids.

I used to be just like
them about 15 years ago.

I figured I'd be on the
street one way or the other,

so I might as well
be wearing a badge.

Shouldn't we be out
looking for trouble?

Don't worry... it'll find us.


15-Alpha-9, where in
heaven's name are you?

15-Alpha-9. Sixth and Oak.

What's the problem?

The problem is, you're
supposed to be at the courthouse

for your pre-arraignment
hearing on your arrest yesterday...

The suspect in the burglary.

Where's the schedule?

Get, get me the schedule.

Did I... did I bring it?



Uh, who's the Assistant
D.A. in this case?

Jeremy Stone.


This is just what I need.

Man, it's only four floors.

All I need is an elevator.


Looky here.

It's the cop and the copette.

Running a little late, are we?

Where you going?
You're not going anywhere.

Sure I am. I'm walking away.

See, if you guys don't show
up to tell them I'm a bad guy,

there's no case.

I love the
Constitution, don't you?

I love America.

Oh, listen, by the way,

thanks for taking care
of the evidence for me.

Hope you enjoy it.




How can you let a
slime like that walk?

Well, if you wanted
him arraigned,

you should have shown up.

I was on my way.

Oh, you mean you were late.

Sorry. You know, it's
not my job to wait for you.

Do you have any idea how
many felons walk out of here

because you guys won't take

ten minutes to show
up and identify a perp?

Look, I've never
missed one hearing.

I've never missed one.

Well, you just did, buddy.

Look, this can't
go down this way.

You can't do this.

What did I have
in front of me here?

Mason... Mason Cook.

A case that essentially
amounted to peeping tom.

No evidence to link him to the
burglaries you're trying to pin on someone.

This Mason Cook was
looking in a window.

Ooh, menace to society.

Now, if you had been here,

to convince me to
hold Mason Cook,

maybe I would have.

But obviously you
couldn't be bothered,

so why should I be?

Zack, let him go.

You forgot to
check the schedule?

Yes, sir. It was inexcusable.

I'm considering
disciplinary action.

But, sir, I was...

You're both off
the beat for today.

Now get out of here, come on.

He's coming down real hard.

His body's going crazy.

Well, at least he quit.

He'll be fine

once he goes through
withdrawal, though, won't he?

Well, it's not always that easy.

Getting rid of the pills
doesn't get rid of the problem.

This is not over yet.

Dang, look at you.

Looking like a regular
person and stuff.

You promoted to detective?

You undercover?

That's right, I'm a narc now.

You holding something?

You must be on something

if you think I'm holding.

How about you?

Come on. Come on.

Don't look at me.

Bennett, leave him alone.

What do you have, huh?

dr*gs are for losers, man.

We're not losers

just because we dog school.

Take a walk. Go.

You too, walk.

You, let's go.


What is it with you?

This roast beef
doesn't look too fresh.

Looks like a prime cut to me.

You watch your mouth.

You're going to make
me lose my appetite.

I'll take this egg
salad sandwich.

Let me get that
for you, sweetheart.

Put your money away.

I would not be
beholding to yo...

Who's that?

My wife.

We're separated.

Well, maybe you wouldn't be,

if you tried your
lines on her instead.

What are you saying?

Do you love her?

Of course I love her.

When was the last time you
showed her you loved her?

Mm-hmm. Just what I thought.

Zack... Zack, I
have to talk to you.

About what? Look,
do you need to know

where I am every
minute of the day?

Zack, listen to me.

Mickey's been brought in.

Somebody tried to r*pe her.

She fought them off,
but she broke her hand.

She identified a mug shot.

It's Mason Cook,

the peeping tom
who walked yesterday.

Three priors!

One for as*ault and battery

and two for attempted r*pe.

Zack, didn't you
run a check on him?

No, sir, I didn't.

Rivera, Orton,

I'm putting you two on the case.

It's my case, sir.

In my judgment,
you've had your chance.

Don't take me off this case.

You're off it, Bennett,

and that's the way it is.

Rivera, Orton, get going.

All right, the rest
of you, listen up.

I want the following
officers to report

into the locker room
for random drug testing:


Matheson, Hasset,
Peterson, Quinn

and Bennett.

Where are we going?

Going to catch a r*pist.

But the Captain said
it wasn't our case.

Mason Cook's free because of me.

I want him. It's my collar.

Zack, you can't.

I can't, huh?

Why not? I'm a cop.

You're a cop on dr*gs.

What, are you nuts?

I've never done
dr*gs in my life.

You can't lie to
your partner, Zack.

I know.

I don't have a
lot of time, okay?

In 24 hours, those test
results are going to be back.

And at that point,
I lose my badge.

And at that point, I can't
do anything about this scum.

You understand that?

Let Ben take care of him.

You have an addiction, Zack.

That's the only thing that
you can deal with right now.

I was in a hospital
bed for a month.

I was home
recuperating for five.

And at first I used
the painkillers

just to k*ll the physical pain.

But when it got closer to
me getting back to my job,

I used them to k*ll the fear.

Do you understand?

Because the only
thing I thought about

was that b*llet coming at me,

and the only thing
that makes it disappear

were the pills.

Now, there's hardly
anything left but the pills...

or anyone.

Yeah, I noticed that.

You've pushed away
everyone you love

to protect a secret
that you hate.

It's not going to be
a secret much longer

as soon as the test
results come back.

I want to help you, Zack.

You want to help me?

You want to help
me, you get in the car.

So that's where
I want to go first.

You let Ben and Orton
know where we're headed.

I got a feeling that the
guy shacks up there.

Lot of personal
things lying around...

Blankets, food wrappers,
clothes, things like that.

Did you notice anything?

No, not really.

Damn thing is, I'm a good cop.



You think he's
still in the building?

Could be.

The Captain know you're here?


Listen to me.

You were right.

I switched partners
to protect myself.

I didn't want you knowing
that I had a problem.

I'm not going to
pass that drug test.

Ben, I've got to make

something right out of this
thing, you know what I mean?

You back me up one more time?

What's the plan?

Stay here and cover this exit.

Maybe I should go with you.

No. Stay here.



Officer down. Officer down.

Monica, hold on. Hold on.

Ben, he's heading out the front.


Don't do it.

Drop the g*n!

On your knees.

Don't make a move. Don't move!

Put your hands up!

We Got him. We got him, Zack.

Hey, who's down?

Is it O'Dooley?

Who's down, damn it?!

Uh... it's okay.

Ben, it's a bad call.

Bad call. Take him in.


I told you... I
want to help you.

I'm an angel.

I have a message for you...

A message from God.

Don't be afraid.

You need help.

Don't be afraid.

You need help.

You need help... help... help...

Help... help... help...

He's not ready yet, baby.

He's not on his knees yet.



Zack, what is the
matter with you?

What's the matter
with you, Jill?

Sneaking up on me
like that in the dark.


I am not the one who's
been sneaking around here.

What's that supposed to mean?

What's wrong?

You look like
you've seen a ghost.

Did anybody call?

You're shaking.

Did anybody call?

Did Monica call?

Is that what this is about?


For God's sake, Jill. Please.

Is she the one that's
doing this to you? To us?!

What are you talking about?

I'm scared, Zack.

I'm losing you and
I don't know why.

You're being ridiculous.

Everything's fine.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, honey.

I'm sorry.

You okay? You okay?

Hey, look at me.
Look at me, look at me.

Come on. You okay?

Wh-Why wasn't the safety on?

You always put the safety on!

Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry.

Okay, I'm sorry.

What is happening to us?

I'm sorry.


It was right here.

Right here.

Oh, God, please.

Bring back the angel, please.

Didn't I say... don't be afraid?

You carry this to
remind yourself

how close you were to death,

but you're closer now
than when this b*llet

was three inches
from your spine.

Am, uh... I hallucinating?


I'm very real.

I'm here because I've
been sent to help you.

There's a reason you
survived this b*llet, Zack,

and it wasn't for those.

This b*llet ripped

through your body,
and your body survived,

but your spirit
is still bleeding,

and that's because you
weren't wearing your armor.

There's only one thing in this
world that's truly bulletproof,

and that's faith.

Not faith in a g*n that sh**t,

or a radio that works,

or even or even faith in
your own cop's instinct,

but the faith that
you wrap yourself in

every day of your life,

the faith that no matter

what happens, you
won't lose God's love,

and all the b*ll*ts in
the world can't pierce it.

And all the pills in the
world can't replace it.

I'm really scared.

I mean, I... I'm
scared to live like this.

I can't do that.

But God loves you, Zack,
and with God on your side,

what is there to fear?


Ah, there you are.

You ready to go?

I have one more
thing left to do.

Well, you go ahead...
I'll catch up with you.



Hello, beautiful, it's me.

I don't know.

Just seems to me that a man

ought to call his wife
every once in a while,

let her know he's
thinking about her.

Well, like, just today, I
was sitting and thinking

about what kind of
flower you remind me of.

The God's truth.

She was always afraid

that I wouldn't come
home after work.

Now I think she's afraid I will.

Jill loves you and I think

there's nothing more
that she'd like right now

than to see you walk
through that door.

Well, I hope she's willing

to walk through the
rehab door with me, too.

You're going to
get through this.

I know it.

As in know it?


Maybe you're right.

The simplest things
are the hardest to say.

Like... "I'm sorry."

Like, "I didn't
mean to hurt you."

Like, "I love you."

Like, "We'll get
through this somehow."

Like, "Don't hog the bread."

Tess, I think he's
out of danger now.

And so is everybody
that loves him.

Good job, partner.
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