01x01 - The Flying Nun

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Flying Nun". Aired: September 7, 1967 – April 3, 1970.*
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Series about a community of nuns which included one who could fly when the wind caught her cornette.
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01x01 - The Flying Nun

Post by bunniefuu »

This is san juan, puerto rico.

And this is the
convent san tanco.

High on a cliff in old san juan
overlooking the caribbean.

Whoever called
chicago "the windy city"

Just hadn't been to san juan.

This is the reverend
mother plaseato.

Now, you may be wondering why
the wind doesn't blow in her office.

The answer is very simple.

The reverend mother
just wouldn't allow it.

One day a few months ago,

Sister sixto and I were
instructed to meet a young novice

Who was arriving that day
by steamer from new york

To teach kindergarten.

Did you give the
thingamajig a real bolt?

Thingamajig a real belt, sister.

And I did. It's funny,
it started yesterday.

Well, one out of
two ain't bad, right?

You've been studying
your dictionary

Of american slang again, sister?

Well, when I go teach in u.s.a.,
I really know my way around.

I got it made.

I'm afraid not.

Hold on to your
cornet, sister sixto.

We're going to have to walk.

We didn't reach the dock in time

For sister bertrille's arrival.

She came bursting off
the boat in high spirits,

And a high wind.

Now, the reason I keep
mentioning the wind,

Is that it's as
important to our story

As it was to the
wright brothers.

You see, one of the many things

We didn't know
about sister bertrille

Was that she only
weighed 90 pounds.

Dripping wet!

Fortunately, through
the grace of god,

And the australian crawl,
she managed to save herself.

Now look, st. Thomas
is only 45 minutes away.

We'll be there friday and
be back on sunday night.

Your father will never know.

I don't know, carlos.

Just doesn't seem right.

Now, do I seem the sort of man

Who would take
advantage of a girl?

Trust me, consuela.

Well, maybe I'll go.

If you promise not
to... What is it now?

There's a nun on the
back of your boat.

There's a what?


Who are you?

Oh, I'm sister bertrille.

I just arrived from
the untied states.

You swam all the way?


Hello there. Hello.

I fell off the dock.

Sorry to break
up the game, girls,

But I have to get
to the convent.

See you on sunday at mass.

It's a deal, sister.

What... What... What...
What about sunday?

What about st. Thomas?

The sister blitzed us.

We agreed if we lost, we
would attend mass for 3 sundays.

Oh, pedro, will you
take the sister ashore?

Thank you for the
hospitality, senor ramirez.

I'll say a prayer for you.

Oh, don't bother. I'm
not a religious man.

Well, all the more reason I
should say a prayer for you.

Thank you.

Sister bertrille. Yes.

Oh, I'm sister jacqueline.

Well, oh, you speak english.

Well, I'm from boston. It
goes with the territory.

Uh, this is sister sixto.

Sister sixto is
from puerto rico.

Oh, uh, how do you do, sister?

Very nice to meet
you, sister sixto.

You are a little
wet behind the ears.

Well, i-i'm just a novice.

Sister sixto is studying the
dictionary of american slang.

She means you're a little
damp around the edges.

Oh, yeah, and in
the middle, too.

Uh, where are your bags?

Over here. Oh.

Senor ramirez was so nice to me.

Did you know all those girls
work for him in his discotheque?

He puts 'em in cages.

I don't doubt it.

His reputation is
not exactly flawless.

Uh, you play cards
often, sister bertrille?

No, I just learned
about 3 weeks ago.

Helped pass the
time while I was in jail.


Yeah, I was arrested at a
free speech protest rally.

It was at this point
I had the feeling

The convent san tanco
would never be the same again.

That turned out to be the biggest
understatement of the year!

Oh, it's just beautiful.

The plumbing,
she's on the blank.

Blink, sister. So is everything
else in the convent, I'm afraid.

But it looks so well preserved.

Well, someone willed a fund
to keep up the actual building.

But, uh, unfortunately,
that doesn't cover the cost

Of new classrooms
or modern plumbing.

I'll show you where to change.

What is it, sister bertrille?

Somehow I have the
feeling of... Of coming home.

Thank goodness the
wind has d*ed down.

It seems to blow in gusts.

Oh, look at the seagulls.
Aren't they pretty?

When I was little, I
often wished I were a bird.

They seem so free and graceful.

And you weren't. I was the
klutz of the neighborhood.

Fell out of a tree house 9
times in the 4th grade alone.

No wonder you
wished you were a bird.

And you almost got your wish.

Some people think our
cornets make us look like birds.

I suppose that's true in a way.

Uh, uh, sister!

Good grief!

Oh, have... Have faith, sister,

Don't panic, have faith.

I'll, uh, i... I... I-i'll get
you down somehow.

Oh, dear. Don't move.

I've almost got you.

Stretch out your foot.

No, not that one.

Try and get your
other foot down.

Are you all right?

Sister jacqueline,

While i... While I was up there,

I had the strangest feeling.

If I really wanted
to, i... I could've flown.

Where is our new little member
of the family this morning?

I don't know.

She can't afford
to miss breakfast.

Now, sister bertrille
is as thin as a rook.

Thin as a rake, sister.

Good morning,
sister. Sorry I'm late.

I went to the library
to try and figure out

Why I became
airborne last night.


Yes, I had some
trouble with the wind.

The wind?

Sister bertrille only weighs 90 pounds
and sometimes, uh, the wind lifts her.

Lifts her where?



But it's ok, i... I
figured it all out.

It all has to do with my cornet.

The cornet?

Yes, you see, when
lift plus thrust

Is greater than load plus drag,

Well, anything will fly.

You are very small,
sister bertrille.

Perhaps it might help if you
had more starch in your diet.

Or less in your cornet.

I'm anxious to meet
the reverend mother.

When will she be back?

In a few days.

What's she like?

Oh, well, of course, uh, the
reverend mother is older.


Um, sister bertrille,

You must understand that when the
reverend mother entered the order,

Perfection was
reached by discipline.

Discipline which destroyed
all traces of self-will or

Or rebelliousness.

At least that was the idea.

I suppose what
I'm trying to say is

That her ideas are rather


Oh, but sister, times
are changing so fast.

I know.

And the reverend mother
tries very hard to understand,

But, but for her
sometimes it's... It's difficult.

Well, thank you for your advice,
sister, but you don't have to worry.

I'm sure the reverend mother
and I will get along just fine.

You think so?

Of course.

We young sisters may
approach things differently,

But our aims are still the same.

Oh, this is sister ana.

She'll take you to your
kindergarten class.

Hi. Well, lead on, sister ana.

Sister, when did you
discover you had the ability?



You know.

Oh, oh, that. Just yesterday, but
it's nothing to get excited about.

It's all a question of
aerodynamics. Sister?

Many, very holy people

Do not realize they are holy

Because they are so humble.

What do you mean?

Some of the, the saints.


Children, this is
sister bertrille,

Who has come all the way
from american to teach you.

She is a very special person.

Oh, well, hi, kids.

Buenos dias, hermana.

Oh, uh, buenos dias, ninos.

Come here.

This is a classroom?

We have no space,
sister bertrille.

Most of the convent is taken up for
the hospital wards for the old people.

Oh, good grief. This looks like
something out of charles dickens.

And why are some of those kids
wearing those awful clothes?

They are the orphans who
live here at the convent.

That is the uniform.

Oh, but the poor dears look so hot
with all that hair and those clothes.

Is there no equipment?

No money.

Well, something has
to be done about this.

Oh, thank you, sister.

Sister bertrille,
maybe if you prayed.


You all are a-sorry-looking
mess, you know that, don't you?

It is very hot, sister.


I know it's hot.


But let's not talk
about the weather.

Let's do something about it.

Let's not talk
about the weather,

Let's do something about it.

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Felicidad is the
happiest word ♪

♪ Happiest word that
you have ever heard ♪

♪ Felicidad ♪

♪ Is what we are feeling today ♪

♪ Felicidad can be anywhere ♪

Fortunately, the
wind didn't blow

Too hard for a few days,

But sister bertrille
managed to create quite a stir.

Even with her
feet on the ground.

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

She introduced a new word
to the convent san tanco.


♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la
la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Felicidad is a
very good thing ♪

♪ Felicidad ♪

♪ Felicidad is in
everything that we see ♪

♪ Felicidad will be
there if you were ♪

♪ We got a lot of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

She managed to infect
the other sisters

With her enthusiasm.

Sister marguerita painted.

Sister teresa baked.

Sister sixto made hats.

And hats.

And more hats.

The children became
involved in the project

And were given a chance to
express themselves at the same time.

♪ Felicidad is the
happiest word ♪

♪ Happiest word that
you have ever heard ♪

♪ Felicidad is what
we are feeling today ♪

♪ Felicidad can be anywhere ♪

♪ Anyone can see
a song is in the air ♪

♪ Felicidad can even become ♪

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

sister bertrille's plans

Came to fruition the same
day our reverend mother

Returned to san juan.

♪ Felicidad is a
very good thing ♪

Hi, you must be reverend
mother plaseato.

Guess what reverend
mother, we've raised $62 so far.

Isn't that wonderful?

Sister bertrille. What?

Sister bertrille!

In 6 days you have managed to
totally disrupt the convent san tanco.

First, those ridiculous
costumes you made.

Well, I know the colors
are a bit spectacular,

But I had to make
do with remnants.

It is unbecoming for
girls to wear shorts.

Girls wear dresses,
boys wear trousers

Grey trousers,
not dotted polkas.

Then, there was that undignified
exhibition at the town square.

Do you realize how much
attention you attracted?

But that was the point.

Reverend mother,
something's got to be done.

The... The classrooms are
overcrowded, there isn't any equipment.

And do you think
that I don't know that?

For 20 years, I have been
fighting a losing battle

Against inadequate
space, not enough books,

Bad plumbing, and
not enough money.

For 20 years, sister.

And you, you spend one week
here and tell me what is needed.

Forgive me, reverend mother.

Sometimes I speak first
and think afterward.

Sister bertrille, you are young,

With young attitudes.

And I am trying to take
all this into consideration.

Now, let me acquaint you
with the realities of san tanco.

First, there is the
question of money.

Well, I have some
ideas about that.

Yes, I have seen
some of your ideas.

I am sorry, sister bertrille. I
know that your intentions are good.

But, you see, even
with the money,

We wouldn't have
any land to build on.

Well, I saw this great
lot in old san juan,

It would be a perfect location.

I know the land you speak of.

It is owned by a man
named carlos ramirez,

Who absolutely refuses to sell.

Oh, I know senor ramirez.

Somehow I'm not surprised.

Now, uh, sister bertrille,
you are new here,

So I am willing to overlook
your breach of conduct,

But in the future,
sister, please remember,

Dignity. Right.

Sister jacqueline,
what are you doing here?

Oh, I thought you might
need some cheering up.

Well, thank you, but I'm fine.

I only have one
problem. What's that?

How to get the land we need.

I think I'll go and
see senor ramirez.

Did the reverend
mother say you could?

Well, she didn't say I couldn't.

I have a beautiful
house in st. Thomas.

We leave friday night,

And spend a marvelous,
relaxing weekend

Getting to know each other.

I didn't say I was
going, carlos.

You should trust me,
maria. You will come.

All right. But if
you promise not to...

What is it?

There's a nun in back of you.

Sorry to cut in, but, uh, could
I talk to you for a second?

Yes. This way, please.

See you on sunday at mass.

Go ahead kids, dance.
You dance great.

I don't believe it.

How can you come here like this?

You mean, what's a nice girl
like me doing in a place like this?

Well, there is dancing, drinking
and gambling there, sister.

Aren't you afraid of
being contaminated?

Are all the young people
out there contaminated?

But you are a sister.

All the more reason I
should set an example.

A-at a discotheque?

To show that the christian life

Can flourish in
the land of reality.

Boy, you are some
nun, you know that?

When I was a child,
the sisters never...

Excuse me, senor.

I wish you wouldn't
talk about the sisters,

As if we were all turned
out on an assembly line.

We're all different, with
different personalities.

We're really like
everybody else, senor.

Well, what did you want
to see me about, sister?

About your vacant lot.

You see, senor, we're in
desperate need of space.

Well, I'm going to build a
house on that land, sister.

Oh, when is that?

When I settle down.

When I find the right girl.

Well, you're certainly
looking hard enough.

Well, in... In any case, I'm
not going to sell the land.

No, I didn't think you would.

I believed you might donate it.

Well, you certainly have some
very strange beliefs, sister.

Well, I agree with st. Irenaeus.

St. Irenaeus? Yes.

That the glory of
god is man, fully alive.

And that... And that whatever
promotes life and growth is good.

It's all a matter of
potential, really.

And what has that to
do with me and my land?

Well, I thought you
might donate your land

Because you have a... A
potential for good within you.

You should have been a
lawyer. You missed your calling.

I don't think so, senor.

You know, I like
you. I really do.

But I am a businessman
first, a friend second.

I'm sorry.

Ok, thank you for
your time, senor.

Oh, sister bertrille,
please do me a favor.

And don't come to
my discotheque again.

Well, you give the
place a bad name.

Sister bertrille
considered senor ramirez

Rejection of her appeal,
a temporary setback.

There had to be a way.

And it was all of 2 days before
she came up with another idea.

It will be just the two
us, julie and carlos.

Well, let me think about it.

My house in st. Thomas
is quiet and peaceful.

It will really give us a chance
to get to know each other.

Don't you think we
need a chaperone?

Oh, my house boy and
his wife will be there.

Well, I guess it
will be all right if...

If what julie?

Tell carlos.

Do nuns swim? What?

Right over there, behind you.

I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.

Hi there. I believe it.

Mind if I reel you in?

Don't spill your
champagne. Here comes.

Almost there.

Sorry to bother you, I wanted
to tell you the marvelous news.

I don't care. What news?

You know how you said you wouldn't
donate your land to the convent

Because you wanted
to build a house there?

And that it was the only
land with that sort of a view?

Well, for the last 3 days, I've
been searching all over the island

And I've finally found it.

You found what?

Another piece of land
with the same sort of view,

And it's very reasonable,
senor ramirez.

Listen, sister... Oh!

Are you ok?

Have you quite
finished? Well, almost.

You see, I thought we could
buy that land and give it to you,

And then you could give... No.

But senor ramirez.

No, no, no, and no.

I'm not going to
give you my land.

Now, good afternoon,
sister bertrille.

Good afternoon, senor ramirez.

Would anyone like
a lift anywhere?

Uh, thank you, sister.

I'm sorry, I think I'd
better go with the sister.

The next girl I ask
will be a protestant.

Senor ramirez's refusal
didn't stop sister bertrille.

It just slowed her down a bit.

Her faith, and the
wind, buoyed her spirits.

Senor ramirez
absolutely refused.

He's a very stubborn man.

Oh, well, perhaps your
timing might have been better.

Hey, I think I'm getting
the hang of this.

Oh, be careful,
sister bertrille.

Oh, don't worry, all I have
to do is lower my cornet,

And voila, I land.

Worthy of charles lindbergh.

Anyway, I'm not
going to give up.

I just know senor ramirez
will donate his land.

How can you be so sure?

Because basically
he's a good man.

I can tell.

Well, perhaps you're a
very discerning person,

But, uh, you should know a
few facts about senor ramirez.

You see, he's notorious for being the
biggest gambler and promoter on the island.

Of course, he's never actually
been convicted of anything,

But he's not above
cutting a few corners.

And his private life is not
exactly beyond reproach either.

And apparently, his
whole life is dedicated

Solely to the
pursuit of pleasure,

And the only reason I'm telling
you this is, I think you should...

Sister jacqueline.

Who are you talking to?

Oh, oh, why sister bert...

Well, she was here a moment ago.

Good grief!


What is it?

What is it? A pelican?

No, it's sister bertrille.

I beg your pardon, sir,
but there's a nun topside.

A what? A nun, sir.

She's standing by the rail.
I think she's praying, sir.

You losing your mind,
korman. We just surfaced.

I know, sir, I'm as
surprised as you are.

R-right there, a
nun in her uniform.

I swear it, sir.

A, uh, a nun.

Yes, with, uh, a
hat and everything.

Korman, are you a
very religious man?

Well, yes, sir, jewish sir,
so that doesn't explain it.

Explain what? A vision, sir.

Why not?

W-wouldn't I have seen a rabbi?

Well, here we are.

The plane's all
ready for take off.

What's the rush, carlos?

You drove out here as if you
were being chased by demons.

Just the opposite. What?

Well, I just want to get us on
st. Thomas as quickly as possible.

Why do you keep looking behind you
like that? Are you expecting someone?

Of course not.

I'll just be more r-relaxed when
we are off the ground. That's all.


Listen, I just can't wait
to be alone with you, ok?

Will you please
get into the plane?

All right.

What's wrong?

There's someone standing
behind you, carlos.

Wearing a white robe
and a funny white hat?

No, just a leather jacket.

Leather jacket?

Oh, it's only the pilot.

It's just the pilot. He flies
the plane. Isn't that great?

Yeah. Swell.

Hey, cut that out!

Do you know this is the first
time I've been to st. Thomas?

Does it have beautiful scenery?

Not compared to you, louise.

Oh, carlos.

I understand st.
Thomas is a free port.

What can I buy there?


We are not going to st. Thomas.

You're kidding!

Pedro, turn back to san juan.

Turn back.

What for?

To donate my land
to the convent.

Do you have to do it right now?


But why?

I just had a
religious experience.

Sister jacqueline,

Why don't you go and
try to get some rest?

I'll notify you the moment
sister bertrille, uh, lands.

But what if she doesn't
know how to land?

Oh, I can't bear to think
of her out there all alone,

Flying without instruments.

You're not feeling
well, reverend mother?

Oh, no, no, no. No, I'm well.

It's just that i,

I find it so hard to assimilate
everything that's happened today.


It has been a strange day.

Sister jacqueline, you're
given to understatement.

Sister bertrille
was still flying

When night fell.

She made it to land
flying by the seat of her...

Uh, flying without instruments.

She could have picked
a better landing spot.

Halt, or I'll fire.

I am halted.

Uh, I'm sorry. But
I seem to be stuck.

Could you give me a hand?

Don't touch it!

I'm not an it, I'm a she.

We'll find out what
you are soon enough.

You just put up your hands
and come on out of there.

But how do we know you're a nun?

Well, I look like
a nun, don't i?

Sister, it would be very easy

For an enemy agent
to look like a nun.


Look, sister,
we're on an island,

30 Miles at sea.

This is a highly
restricted area.

Suddenly a nun pops
up out of nowhere!

How do we know
you're really a nun?

Well, I could speak
some latin for you.

An agent would have
been taught to speak latin.

Yeah, yeah, I could recite the
unchangeable parts of the mass.

I'm sorry, we'll have to have
more positive proof than that.

It checks out, sir.

The mother superior
of the convent san tanco

Verified that there is a
sister bertrille in the order

Who answers to the
description of the prisoner.

You sound
disappointed, lieutenant.

That doesn't rule out the
possibility of espionage, major.

The commies are
infiltrating everywhere.

This alleged sister could
have been using the convent...

Sit down, lieutenant!

Now, since, uh, sister
bertrille is a civilian,

She also comes under

The jurisdiction of
the san juan police.

I'm aware of that, sir.

I phoned captain dominic
lopez and he's on his way over.

Always thinking,
aren't you, lieutenant?

I try, sir.

Now, sister,

There is a
30-foot-high wire fence

Around this whole base.

How did you get in here?

I think it would be better
if you told the truth.


Well, I flew in.

The area was searched, sir,
there was no sign of a parachute.

No, no, I didn't
use a parachute.

I just flew in.

In what?

Oh, no. Not in a plane. Just me.

You see, I'm light and
when the wind is just right,

I just kind of ride
on the currents.

You fly, on your own?

Well, more like glide, really.

But I hit a down draft.

It was only my second flight.


Let me get this straight.

You, uh, glide on
your own like, uh,

Uh, like peter pan?

Oh, well, peter pan
is just a fantasy.

No, no, my flight is more
like a... Like the pelicans.


Tell me, does lift, plus
thrust mean anything to you?

You see, now I'm...
I'm kind of light

And, well, it's all aerodynamically
clear and very simple.

Now, the wind lifts
me up like this you see.

Now I can go down like this

And I go off that way,

Or I can go down like this

And I go out that way.

You see I've been reading up
on flights and aerodynamics,

And while it seems improbable,
it's not really impossible.

I... I mean if the wind
wasn't exactly right,

I'd never even get
off the ground.

Reverend mother, do you
have anything to say about this?

Sister bertrille does not lie.

I believe her.

That she's been out at night balming
about with a bunch of seagulls?

All right, lieutenant.

Reverend mother, I'm so sorry
to cause you all this trouble.

Sister bertrille, please.

Any questions, captain lopez?


Now, this may sound
very silly, I know,

But i-i've got to ask it.

Has anyone actually
seen her, uh, fly?

Sister bertrille,

Did anyone ever
actually see you fly?

Senor ramirez. He saw me fly.

How was that?

Well, he was in his
plane going to st. Thomas,

And I came by and looked
in the window and waved.

Did he wave back?

What am I saying?

No, he didn't wave.

But he definitely recognized me.

How do you know?
He turned green.

Well, one witness
is better than none.

It's very convenient that he
happens to be in st. Thomas.

He's not in st. Thomas.

He's at the convent.

Get the chopper
ready. It's all ready, sir.


First of all, why did you come
back to the convent tonight, senor?

To donate my land
to the convent.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Uh, please.

What made you want to
do this, senor ramirez?

Well, I thought had a
religious experience.

Please, tell us about this.

I saw sister bertrille

Through the window of my plane,


You saw sister
bertrille flying, unaided?

Well, I know it
sounds silly, major.

And now that I have
time to think about it,

I realize, it might have
been a trick of my mind.

Obviously the sister
cannot really fly.


Uh, senor ramirez,

I... I do not think it likely
that you have had a vision.

Therefore, I understand your
withdrawing your offer of the land.

Oh, n-no, I'm not withdrawing
my offer, reverend mother.

Well, a gambler cannot
afford to welch on a deal.

But you know that you have
not had a religious experience.

Well, I'm not too
sure about that.

I believe in always
hedging my bets.

Thank you, senor.

Good night, reverend
mother. Good night.


Are you going to st. Thomas?

No, sister, I know
when I am beaten.

Well, that satisfies me.

But, major overland...

I think we'd better
leave now, lieutenant.

Well, good night, uh,
uh, reverend mother.

Sister bertrille, if you
ever go flying again,

I suggest you take a
course in navigation.

Major, you can't take the word of the
biggest conman and gambler on the island.

I have other
evidence, lieutenant.

You mean somebody
else saw her fly?

Our radar man thought he saw a blip
on the scope, but it suddenly disappeared.

He assumed it was a pelican

And somebody had
taken a sh*t at it.

Sir, what kind of report are
you gonna send washington?

I'm not making a report
on this, lieutenant.

Why not? I wouldn't
know how to word it!

Sister bertrille, why are you
looking so down in the teeth?

Mouth, sister.

Oh, don't worry, captain
lopez is a very smart man.

He would not say anything,
because no one will believe him.

I'm not worried about
captain lopez or the army.

The reverend mother, i... I
haven't heard from her yet.

She said she wanted
time to think things over.

I wouldn't blame her if she
sent me back to the states.

Well, cheer up, little bird.

Just look for the silver lining.

Please, sister,
that's how I caused

All this trouble
in the first place.


We do not like to see
you unhappy, hermana.

I can't help it, carmelita.

♪ You've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ She's got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ You've got ♪

♪ A lot of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Felicidad is the
happiest word ♪

♪ Happiest word that
you have ever heard ♪

♪ Felicidad will make all
your troubles seem small ♪

♪ Felicidad can be anywhere ♪

♪ And it may help for
you to love and care ♪

♪ Felicidad is happiness
if you rejoice ♪

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ Do, do, do, do, do, do, do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Felicidad comes
out of the sun ♪

♪ Out of the sky and
out of everyone ♪

♪ Felicidad is in
everything that we do ♪

♪ Felicidad is easy to feel ♪

♪ If you will just
believe that it is real ♪

♪ Felicidad is easy
for you to make true ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ Felicidad is the
happiest word ♪

♪ Happiest word that
you have ever heard ♪

♪ Felicidad is in
everything that we see ♪

♪ Felicidad will be
there if you're trying ♪

♪ We've got a lot
of things to do ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

Thanks, kids, I needed that.

I told you not to worry.

Oh, I'm not worried
anymore, sister.

The reverend mother would
like to see you, sister bertrille.

I have pondered the
problem all night long

Trying to arrive at a solution.

Sister bertrille, do you
want to keep on flying?

Oh, yes, more than anything.

Only if you wish it,
reverend mother.

I understand you believe
in responsible freedom?

I also know that you
do not wish to bring

Any undignified attention
to the convent san tanco.

Therefore, I leave the problem
of flying to your conscience.

Oh, reverend mother, thank you.

Sister bertrille,

You cannot go around hanging
on to heavy objects all the time.


I'll try to work something out.

I have something for you.

Sew these in the
hem of your habit.

Fishing weights?

Well, everybody knows
a 105 pound nun can't fly.

Yes, sister ana.

There is a long
distance call for you.

From a mr. Sullivan in new york.

Well, I don't know
any mr. Sullivan.

Sullivan? He's
probably catholic.

Oh, you'd better take it.


Yes, this is sister bertrille.

Ed sullivan?

No, no, mr. Sullivan, I
couldn't possibly appear.

Yes, I know it would help
sister dominic's record sales,

But it's really out of
the question for me.

I'm sorry.

No, even if I did have
permission, it wouldn't work.
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