01x01 - The Southbound Bus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Touched by an Angel". Aired: September 21, 1994 – April 27, 2003.*
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Monica is tasked with bringing guidance and messages from God to various people who are at a crossroads in their lives.
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01x01 - The Southbound Bus

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I am thankful for
this beautiful day ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, I'm thankful
for this beautiful day ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I'm thankful
for this beautiful day. ♪

You're sounding
great today, Tess.

Singing the sun up, Monica.

Singing the sun up.

The sun's been up for hours.

Do you want to argue with me

or do you want to hear the news?

What news?

You've been taken off
of Search and Rescue.


Well, I guess

you did a pretty
good job with that 747

'cause somebody... And
I do mean somebody...

Has decided to
give you a promotion.

Hallelujah! I'm a caseworker!

Now don't start
going crazy on me.

This is serious business.

Casework is tricky.

I know. I know.

Now just 'cause
you got more power

don't mean you
got all the power.

I know, Tess.

And I'm ready. Really, I am.

Lord, I hope so.

Now, there's a bus coming.

I want you to get
on it and go north.

Your ticket's in your pocket.

And sooner or later,

you're going to meet a
little boy named David.

Now stay close to him.

And what do I do?

What did I just say?

You stay close to him.

He's carrying a lot of trouble.

Why you got that
look on your face?

You just been promoted, baby.

I just thought casework would
be more than baby-sitting.

Oh, you'll be surprised.

There always seems
to be more to it.

People are complicated things.

I know. That's what
I love about them.

How do they do it, Tess?

They get up every morning
and start all over again.

Takes a lot of
courage to do that.

And they don't even
know what we know.

God help 'em.

Here it comes.

Now, you've never
taken human form

for more than a few
minutes at a time before,

so you listen to me.

Are you listening?

Yes, ma'am.

Don't start eating
everything you see.

Now, I spent my first assignment

as a food tester for
one of the Caesars.

Look at me.

It takes a century
to take it off.

Do you hear me?

I'll be in touch.

And get some shoes on your feet.

Lady, you coming or you going?

♪ When you walk down the road ♪

♪ Heavy burden, heavy load ♪

♪ I will rise ♪

♪ And I will walk with you ♪

♪ I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Till the sun
don't even shine ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Every time, I tell
you I'll walk with you ♪

♪ Walk with you ♪

♪ Believe me, I'll
walk with you. ♪

Rest stop.

Continuing on to points
north in 15 minutes.

Yeah, coffee, turkey
sandwich, no mayo, to go.

And rush it. My bus is leaving.



I'm Jerry.

I'm in medical
supplies... Veterinary.


Uh, I'm in public relations.

Oh, so where you headed?

I'm not sure yet.

Would you excuse me
for a moment, please?


Excuse me.

I think you
accidentally picked up

someone else's money over there.

This is my money.

My grandmother gave
it to me for emergencies.

I'm telling you I
put the $10 bill

right here on the counter.

And I told you I didn't see it.

How could you not
see it? Are you blind?

No. Alexander
Hamilton. It's on the front.

Excuse me, mister.

I found this ten
dollars on the floor

and I think it might be yours.

Oh. Thanks, kid.

And here's a little
something for you.

Who are you, the kid police?

I'm Monica.

And you must be... Tommy? Billy?




It's David.


Well, it's very
nice to meet you.

Yeah, well, I'm not
supposed to talk to strangers.

That's very wise.

Did your mother teach you that?

My mother's dead.

I'm so sorry, David.

She got k*lled in a
car accident in the rain.

My little sister
got k*lled, too.

My dad's a detective and
he got sent to the accident.

He didn't even
know it was my mom

until he got there.

You must miss them very much.



- #4137 now arriving.

Final destination:
Casper, Wyoming.

Well, see ya.

See ya.

Bus #4137 will be departing

for Casper, Wyoming,
in ten minutes.

Guys, check it out.

Give me that backpack.

Pick it up.

I can't. It's heavy.

What's the matter with you?

Cut it, man.

That doesn't belong to you.

David, pick up your backpack.

Something I learned
on my last job.

Let's get out of here!

Move it!


So, which way you walking?

You live around
here or something?

No, I just want to
see you to your door.

Excuse the mess.

We advertised for a nanny

but nobody answered the ad.

Where's your dad?

He's at work.

Detectives have to work
weird hours and stuff.

Want some?

No, thanks.

Well, I've got the
knife thing figured out.

I saw that magician guy
on TV do the same thing

only with a locomotive.

But the gravity
with the backpack?

How'd you do that?

Is, uh, is that a
picture of your mother?

My dad put all the
real ones away.

She was very pretty.

She always wore that.

She said, "Whenever you
feel sad, just look at a star."

I think it's a girl thing.

Hey, Davey!

You're early.


So, how was your day?

Nothing special.

Went to school. Watched TV.

Hello, Mr. Morrow.

My name is Monica.

I'm here to interview

for the nanny position.


So you read the ad?

Well, I, um, I heard about it.


Well, give me a
minute, and we'll talk.


What are you doing?

Do you think I should
tell him we met on a bus?

So, Monica, do you
have any references?

Oh, yes, I have great references
and I'm a very hard worker.

I don't have any vices,
except I hate to wear shoes

unless it's
absolutely necessary.

I don't make
long-distance phone calls.

I don't need a day off,
and I truly love children.

I'm not a child.

Especially David.

This is a live-in
position, you know?

Room and board and minimum wage.

Not much, I'm afraid.

That's plenty for me.

I told you I don't need a nanny!

He's had a rough year, so...

Yes, I know. He told me.

Well, at least he talks to you.

That must mean something.

I believe it does, Mr. Morrow.

I don't know what it is,

but I get a good
feeling about you.

Cop's instinct, I guess.

So let's give it a try.


All right, take it back in.



What a great surprise.

What are you doing here?

I'm doing casework now.

Excellent. Congratulations.

Really, you deserve it.

Thank you. How about you?

I'm escorting
Mr. Phelps to his reward.

Wonderful man.

He wanted to go
this way at home.

I'm so happy for him.

Adam, what can you tell me
about this family over here?

Father and son, Nick
and David Morrow.

Doesn't ring a bell.

Well, you must have
handled them a year ago.

Mother and daughter?
Car accident?


A little girl about
eight months old.

Right. And the mother.

No. No, no,
just the little girl.

Taken in her crib.

But you know I
don't handle those.

You mean, that David's
mother is still alive?


I'm surprised you
didn't know that going in.

So am I.

I've got to go, and
you can't stop me.

Actually, I can.

But I won't.

David, is there something you
want to tell me before you go?


David, what happened
to your mother?

I told you, she died in a
car accident with Katie.

Is that what you tell everyone?


Don't you get tired of lying?


David, where is your mother?

I don't know.

She ran away from home.

After Katie died?

Is that when she left you?

And that's what you've been
doing on the buses, huh?

I heard my dad tell somebody

that she's somewhere
in the desert.

The desert's an
awfully big place.

I have to try.

WOMAN Southbound bus
#627 leaving in two minutes.

Southbound bus, all aboard.

David, I want you to trust me.

You go home now

and I promise I'll find
your mother for you.



Yeah, right. No.

Yeah, I got to know that.

Yeah. No, I got that.

Just tell me what she said.

Yeah. All right.

Yeah, listen, he,
uh, he tends bar

down at the Dead Dog
Saloon down in the desert.

I'll have to go down there

Friday night and take
a statement from him.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, I tell you what, Frankie,

I'll bring you back one of those
beer glasses shaped like a boot.


Ah, I forgot to leave
grocery money.

No, it's not that.

It's just that something
has come up and, well,

I need to take a
couple of days off.

I'd like to leave
in the morning.

But you just started.

I know, but it's
family business.

I don't know.

I have this great substitute.

Her name is Tess.

We've worked together
before, and she's really terrific.


Well, I guess it's better
than leaving David alone.

Mr. Morrow, do you know
where David's mother is?


I tracked her
down after she left.

Down by the state line.

Little nothing
place called Hewitt.

She changed her
name and her hair.

She wouldn't even talk to me.

I cannot tell you
how hard I tried

to convince her to come home,

but she wouldn't listen.

She just can't
deal with the guilt.

I'm so sorry.

The bus is coming.

Now, before you say anything...

Don't you tell me what to
say or when, Miss Wings.

I want to know what
you're doing here.

Well, I just thought...

See, that's where you
made your first mistake.

Did I tell you to think north?

No. I distinctly
remember telling you

to get on the bus and go north.

Go north.

Now, you get

your little angel
butt back to the city

and take care of business.

But I am.

I'm helping David.

You were told to
stay close to David.

That's what he needs.

What David needs is his mother,

and all of a sudden my
instincts were kicking in...

Wait, wait, wait.

Wait just a minute.

Let me see if I
understand you correctly.

You want me to go back to
the Creator of the universe,

the Alpha, the
Omega, the great I Am

and explain

that the words of the
Almighty were disobeyed

because Monica's
instincts kicked in?

I know how serious this is,
Tess, but I have to find her.

I promised David.

Well, who's going
to take care of him?

Forget that.

Oh, no, no.

No, no, no. No.

Look at her.

Oh, my.

She's coming in here.

Good morning.

So, this is Hewitt,
and here I am.

You meeting somebody here?

No, I just heard about the
town and I thought I'd drop by.

Well, this isn't a town, honey.

It's a gas pump and
bump in the road.

There's nobody else?

Just us chickens.

Oh, so it's just the two of you?

And Mac in the back.

That's what we call
him: Mac in the back.

He pretty much stays there.

No purse, no bag.

You in some kind
of trouble, honey?



It's a man, isn't it?

I had a boyfriend once,

dumped me in the
middle of Garland, Texas,

with nothing but a
half a pack of cigarettes

and bad attitude.

What's your name, honey?


I'm Ruth Ann. This is Christine.

Hi. Hello.

Have a seat.

I'll pour you a cup.


Thank you.


Boy, that smells wonderful.

I'd forgotten how coffee smells.


This is incredible.

You can drink it, too.

I was never actually
allowed to stop

and have a cup of coffee before.

This is quite a treat.

Oh... those are
doughnuts, right?

I'll tell you, honey,

whoever that guy was
you are well rid of him.

Would you have a room available?

Oh, #3's really nice.

It has that picture

of those little big-eyed
kids on the wall.

Kind of pink, new
pillows... you'd like it.

How much is it?

Don't worry if you can't pay.

We'll make you wash dishes.

I'm really good
at fixing things.

Great, great.

Maybe you can fix my life.

♪ Dee-da-dah ♪

♪ Do-do-dee-dah ♪

♪ Dah-dah-dah,
dah-do-do-do-do-dum. ♪

You must be little David.

I'm not little.

Well, I never saw
adults with dinosaurs

on their underwear before.

Who are you?

My name is Tess,

and you may call me Miss Tess,

and you will call me Miss Tess.

I'm the new nanny.

Since when?

Since Monica asked
me to cover for her.

You're not going to give me

a lot of trouble, are
you, dinosaur boy?

Good morning.

So, I see you've
met Monica's friend.



Look, I have to
interview a witness

down in the desert tonight,

and it's a long drive so
I'll be home pretty late.

Oh, we're going to
get along just fine.

Thanks, Tess. You're a godsend.

See you later.

What a beautiful day.

What is that?

Oh. A bad deal.

It's repayance.

Some guy couldn't
pay his motel bill

so, he, uh, left her
the car and hitched out.

The only thing
deader than that car

is her social life.

Has she ever been married?

You know, I asked her that once.

She didn't really answer.

Every once in a while

I see her walking
out by the desert

all by herself, and
I think to myself,

"I have never seen
such a woman so lonely

or so determined to hide it."

Whatever she left behind,

she really wants
to keep it there.

Your shot.

Do you ever go out?

What? And leave this paradise?

No, as long as Mac in
the back does the shopping

and the TV works, I'm
here for the duration.

I'm pretty much a homebody.

That's too bad, because
you would have been

the perfect person
for... For what?

Well, I heard there was

a great new band playing

at a club tonight somewhere
in the desert and...

The Dead Dog Saloon.

You know, out by the interstate.

There's fun to be had at a
place called the Dead Dog?

I don't know, it's just that

I've never been out
dancing before and...

You're pathetic, you know that.

Ruth Ann, she wants to go out.

I hate those places.

All the smoke, the
noise and the crowds,

and that's just in
the ladies' room.

Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Mac, can we borrow
your truck tonight?

I'm going to my mother's.


Nice try.

Come on, honey. It's your shot.

No, you take it.

I'll be right back.


I have a new theory.

She's a defector

from one of those countries

where they don't let
women wear pants.

So... now what's your excuse?

How did you do that?

Elbow grease.

♪ ...come by the moonlight ♪

♪ Shining on the
side of your face ♪

Excuse me, I'd
like, uh, two beers.

♪ ♪

♪ When I hold you near me ♪

♪ Then everything's fine ♪

♪ There's a feeling
running wild in the night... ♪


Oh, oh, no, thanks.

♪ There's a new
moon over Colorado... ♪

Well, then you better
go ask someone.

Go on.



You first.

Oh, no. I'm a little
out of practice.

Go on.

Go on.

♪ There's a new
moon over Colorado ♪

♪ I'm never gonna let your
love get away again... ♪

♪ Well, I think back
to days gone past... ♪

♪ When I kiss
you, then, baby... ♪

Excuse me.

Sorry. I already have a dancer.

Police officer, Miss Russell.

You're under arrest.

I'd like to do this quietly.


♪ ...of a hot summer night... ♪

Out of my way, out of my way.

Police officer. Excuse me.

What's your hurry?

♪ Never gonna let your
love get away again... ♪

It's morning.

Where have you been?

I took the long way.

What are you talking about?

Where's Monica?

I had no choice.

I had to leave her.

Ruthie, what's going on?

Here. I won't be
needing these anymore.

A long time ago, I
was involved in a crime.

I didn't commit it, but I
helped the guy get away,

and now I'm wanted by the FBI.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you.

I was 17 when I met Eddie.

He was political,
hotheaded, idealistic,

and I knew he was trouble,

but I was in love.

One day, he decides
to declare w*r

on the nuclear power
industry and blow up

one of those places
you pay your electric bill.

It was supposed to be closed.

But somebody decided
to work late, I guess.

I never thought for a moment
that anyone would get hurt.

I'm going to miss you.

I'm going to miss you.

What happened last night
was my fault, and I'm sorry.

I thought you were someone else.


For a moment, so did I.

You can change
all of this running.

I guess.

I just don't feel ready.

Monica, it was nice meeting
you, but if you don't mind,

I'd just as soon you forgot
you ever saw me, all right?

You don't know
what you're doing.

I'm doing the best I can.

If you change your
mind, and you need help,

just ask for it.

It will be there.

Believe it.

Did we learn a little
something here today?

Did you hear what she said?

She wasn't ready.

Timing is everything
in this business.

You go off looking for
somebody's mother,

and all of a sudden,

you got the FBI out of the red

tracking down a
fugitive from the '70s.

What's going to
happen to her, Tess?

That's still her decision.

There are angels for every job,

Monica, and this
one wasn't yours.

There's a rhythm
to life, sweetheart,

and when we disturb it,
things like this happen.

Are you understanding me?

Now, I've been

to the mountaintop,
and the word is,

no more fooling around, sister.

Go back to David,

or you'll be back on
Search and Rescue

pulling shrimp boats
out of the swamps.

Will you just give me a minute
to say good-bye to Christy?

Well, make it fast.

Oh, that's a sweet little
piece of heaven on earth.

How does it drive?

Like a dream.



You got back okay.

I was really worried about you.

I guess Ruthie
told you the story.

Well, did she get a ride?

Well... how did you
get that necklace?


Ruth Ann almost forgot
to give it back to me.

She loves it so much.

I told her she could keep it,

but she insisted.

She knows how
much it means to me.

See, it's a star, and
whenever you're sad,

I always say, look at a star.

You're David's mother.

I just want to talk to you.

I don't want to talk.

I'm going for a ride.

Monica, I could have k*lled you.

Now, I don't know
what's going on,

but you keep showing up

where you couldn't possibly be.

Who the hell are you?

I'm here to talk
about who you are.

You're David's
mother, aren't you?

You've seen David?

I met him on a bus
a day or two ago.

How is he?

Is he okay?

He misses you so much

that it's easier for him to
talk as if you were dead

than to admit that
you're out of reach.

He mentioned his sister.


Katie died in her
crib a year ago.

Cause unknown.

And then I died.

And then I left.

Who sent you here?


I'm not even
supposed to be here.

But now that I am, I
believe with all my heart

that you're meant to go back.

I can't. David doesn't
deserve a mother like me.

Oh, you can't mean that.

I do.

He's safer without me.

There isn't a single night

that I don't lie in
bed and ask myself,

"Did Katie cry and
I didn't hear her?

"Did I turn the
television up too loud?

"Why didn't I just
walk into the room

and kiss her good night again?"

It's time to forgive yourself.

I can't.

I'll help you.

I'm an angel.

I'm driving away now,

and I don't want to
ever see you again.

I'll give it back, I promise.

Really... I am an angel.

You're an angel?

You're an angel.

You're an angel, so what?

So what?

What are you doing here now?

Where the hell
were you a year ago?

Where was the angel

when my baby died
alone in her crib?

Why didn't an angel come
down and take me out of my bed

and drag me into that nursery?

Why didn't an angel
dial 9-1-1 for me?

Where the hell was
the damn angel then?

Oh, God, why didn't
you send an angel?


Christine, there was an angel

with your baby that night.

That's what she was there for.

And Christine,
it's the same angel

who's with your baby
right now and forever.

Oh, don't be afraid.

God loves you, Christine...

So much you can't even imagine.

And so do I.

Would you understand if I said

I just wanted to
get out of here?


But then again, we don't
understand everything.

It's not that I don't
love 'em, you know.

I do.

That's why I stay away.

Love doesn't hide, Christine.

It stays and fights.

It goes the distance.

That's why God
made love so strong...

So it can carry you
all the way home.

What I want to know is,

why did you give me a heart

if you didn't want
me to follow it?

Love doesn't hide, right?

That's what you said.

It hopes all things.

It endures all things.

It never fails.

It stays and it fights.

That's what I'm
fighting with now.

I love that little boy.

Please, if I've
messed things up,

please help me put
them back on track.

Don't let that child
spend one more minute

without his mother.

And don't let his father

spend one more
lonely night, please.

Please... help me.


Anyone home?

Monica, welcome back.

What happened?

Where is she?

David, darlin'...
She... Your mother...

I'm so sorry.

Well, you tried, right?

Really hard.

I think I'll go outside
for a while, okay?

So, that was your
family business, huh?

I know I shouldn't
have tried, but...

Why couldn't you just
leave it the hell alone?

Who do you think you are?!

That child needed an
angel to help him heal.

Now that wound is wide open.

I honestly don't
know what to do.


I've been looking for you.

I know, sweetheart.

I know.

But I'm back.

Oh, welcome home.

Oh, me of little faith.

A-Are you one, too?

Tess is a real angel's angel.

That's a mighty fine
car you've got there.

Takes you to all the
right places, huh?

Why don't you take it?

Uh... I won't need it anymore.

That's highly unusual,
but I will take it.

Good-bye, my little friend.

You take good care
of your mother, hmm?

I will.

Thank you so much.



Oh, it worked.

Thank God it worked.

What'd you do?

I did something
really radical, Tess.

I prayed.

Oh, we know that's dangerous.

But if you think that gets you

out of that little
mess of yours,

you got another think coming.

Oh, come on. Admit it.

I pulled it off.

You and who else?

♪ My car, my car,
this is my car... ♪

Our car.

♪ My car... ♪

Our car.

♪ My car. ♪

Why don't you let me drive?

'Cause you don't
know north from south.

I know where I'm going.

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