01x04 - Bet a Million/Mr. Irresistible

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fantasy Island". Aired: January 14, 1977 – May 19, 1984.*
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Guests are granted so-called "fantasies" on the island for a price.
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01x04 - Bet a Million/Mr. Irresistible

Post by bunniefuu »

The plane! The plane!

Hurry, Tattoo. Hurry.
We don't want to be late.

Hurry, hurry, hurry. For once I
would like to be late for the plane.

Tattoo, our guests have been
waiting a long time for their fantasies.

We certainly wouldn't want to
cheat them out of a single second.

Smiles. Smiles, everyone.

We want our guests
to feel welcome.

Ah. Mr. Chuck Huffman.

You should keep your
eye on him, Tattoo. Why?

I hope you make these guests
pay the full price for a change.

As a matter of fact,
he won a contest.

His visit is free.

Free? Then what's
so special about him?

Oh, nothing you could call special,
Tattoo. In fact, Mr. Chuck Huffman...

is what you might call
the average workingman.

It's his fantasy you
might find special.

It might be close to one of
your own. One of my own?

Mr. Huffman wants to spend his
weekend here and be... Are you ready?

Irresistible to women.

Irresistible to women?
You can do that, boss?

If it isn't Mr. Hotel.

Mr. Hotel?

That's what he hopes his friends
and business associates call him.

Actually, his name is Fred
Wade. For the past 23 years,

he's been selling hotel supplies
throughout the American Midwest.

He and his wife, Joan, have
a house, three children...

and a yellow cat named Elmer
in a suburb just outside Topeka.

Is Mr. Hotel here
to sell something?

Oh, most definitely, Tattoo.

The most important product
he's ever sold in his life,

and he has it inside
that attaché case.

What is it?

What he's geared
his whole life for.

What people call the
great American dream.

My dear guests, I am
Mr. Roarke, your host.

Welcome to Fantasy Island.

Welcome indeed.

Ah, Mr. Huffman. Please come in.

I take it you're ready for your
fantasy, huh? That's right. I guess I am.

Oh, but first, I don't know
where to mail this letter.

This would be a
letter to Stephanie.

- I'll take it for you.
- How do you know about her?

Oh, Mr. Huffman, there is very
little on Fantasy Island I don't know.

You and Stephanie have been engaged
to be married for the last, uh, six years.

- That's right.
- Sit down, please.

Uh, look. I hope you don't feel
that I'm cheating on Stephanie.

I really do love her.

At least I think I love her. It's
very difficult to tell these days.

I mean, the whole world is in
the middle of a sexual revolution.

But Stephanie's idea
of a hot time is to...

watch Lawrence Welk...

and have popcorn parties.

You want some
excitement in your life.

Well, I'm really not sure.

It just seems to me that I
should find out about some things.

Maybe do some things before
I'm really ready to marry Stephanie.

What you really mean is that you
would like a chance to sow your wild oats.

A very honorable fantasy.

Well, maybe it's a
pretty dumb one...

for a guy like me.

I mean, after all, I'm not
really like Burt Reynolds.

Oh, Mr. Huffman.

This is Fantasy Island.

And here, if you wish to
be irresistible to women,

then irresistible you shall be.

This is a truly spectacular
place, Mr. Roarke.

Thank you,
Mr. Huffman. Thank you.

Tell me. Can you really
make me irresistible...

to women like them?

To them and to all
women, Mr. Huffman,

if you are really certain
that is what you want.

Are you kidding?

I mean, well, if you really
can, I'm as ready as I'll ever be.

Very well then.

Tattoo, the chest, please.

There is a strange plant,

which grows only on this island,

that the natives
call the love root.

Legend has it that
whoever wears the juice...

distilled from its flowers...

becomes irresistibly
attractive to the opposite sex.

Try some.

That's it. That's it,
Mr. Huffman. Sparingly.

Believe me, it won't wash off,
and the potency may linger for days.

Are you sure this is
gonna work for me?

Why not find out?

You mean right now? Good
luck, Mr. Huffman. Tattoo.

But, Mr. Roarke. I... If you
need any help, keep me in mind.

I needed that.

Were you looking at me?

Me? Oh. Oh, no, no.

No, no. No. Of course not.

Well, why not?

Why not what?

Well, why weren't
you looking at me?

I was looking at you.

You were?

From the moment you walked over.

Well, can I get you anything?

No, thank you. You're sure?

You know, that cologne you're
wearing is driving me crazy.

What's it called? My cologne?

Uh, well, the, uh... the natives
have their own name for it,

but I'm going to call it...


Joan, I'm telling you.

That $6,000 we spent to
come here to Fantasy Island...

is the best investment
we ever made.

Yes, dear. What?

I said, "Yes, dear." If we
get to meet Mr. Hayden.

Well, of course we're gonna
get to meet Mr. Hayden.

I mean, that was
our fantasy, wasn't it?

To meet the owner of
the Hayden chain of hotels.

I mean, why else would Roarke
bring us all the way down here...

and then insist on meeting us tonight at
the casino if he wasn't ready to deliver?

Joan, can you fix this thing?

Well, it's... it's just that...

That you've been tryin' to
get to him for such a long time,

and... and now, just like
that, Mr. Roarke's got it all set.

Oh, but believe me, honey.

Once Mr. Hayden sees those pictures,
there's no way he can turn us down.



Any sign of Mr. Hayden
yet? No. Not yet.

But I'm tellin' you, honey. This place is
the regular who's who of the Dow Jones.

Well, they'd have to be just to be
able to play in this casino. Hmm?

The attendant in the
washroom told me...

that the minimum bet
on these tables is $5,000.

This way, if you
will, Mr. Hayden.


How many times must I tell you
that you shouldn't flirt with our guests?

It's only fair, boss. Everybody
else has their fantasy around here.

Why not me?

Have Mr. and Mrs. Wade arrived
yet? Yes. They are at the bar.

They've been
here a half an hour.

Try to keep out of trouble
while I'm gone, will you?

Mr. and Mrs. Wade, am I
interrupting? Oh, no. Not at all.

I... I'm just a little
anxious to get going.

When do I get to
meet Mr. Hayden?

As a matter of fact,
he's waiting for you now.

Over there?

At the baccarat table?

Oh, but he's gambling.

No, no. Nobody likes to be
interrupted when they're relaxing.

I've been a salesman for
too long not to know that.

Uh, maybe I better
just try to get to him at

some other place that's
a little more private.

Uh, Mr. Wade, I'm afraid you're
operating under a misconception.

Your fantasy was to spend a few
minutes in the company of Mr. Otis Hayden.

Now, the circumstances
for such a meeting...

were not prescribed.

I'm afraid if you're going
to meet Mr. Hayden...

it will have to be on his terms.

You... You mean
there's no other way?

Tomorrow morning, Mr. Hayden has
a full schedule of business meetings...

before his flight
leaves at noon.

So I'm afraid if you're going
to fulfill your fantasy, Mr. Wade,

it's now... or never.

I... I don't have the
kind of money to go

out there on the floor
and make $5,000 bets.

Oh, but you do,
Mr. Wade. You do.

That is, if you really
want to meet Mr. Hayden.

Tattoo. Tattoo. Please.

Uh, what is the, uh, line of credit
we've established for the Wades?

"Equity in house:
approximately $29,000.

"Value of two cars owned:

"approximately $6,300.

"Savings, bonds and stocks:

"another $5,000 to $6,000.

Line of credit
established: $40,000."

Thank you, Tattoo.
Thank you very much.

All or part of that $40,000...

is available for you
to play with, Mr. Wade.

You're asking me to... to... to
risk everything I have in the world.

Only if you believe.

Only if you believe enough in that
dream you carry around with you.



Excuse me.

Yes, boss?


how many times do I have to tell
you that this is Mr. Huffman's fantasy?

Well, Mr. Huffman is not here.

So I... I thought that someone should,
uh, warm up all these beautiful girls.

Your sense of self-sacrifice is admirable,
but I'm afraid it's time to cool off.

Oh, Chuckie. Don't be shy.

Just move with the music.

But I've never learned
to dance too good.

Hey, you're
Mr. Terrific. Remember?

Now come on. Dance with me.

Well, I guess I can try.


Oh, man. Watch it.

I'm terribly sorry. Really.
I'm very, very sorry. Oh...

Excuse me, miss. That jerk.

Can you believe a turkey like
that in a swingin' place like this?

Hey. Do you believe this? Cindy?

Hey. Cindy.


Pearl, where are you goin'?

Who are you? I'm Pearl,
and I think I'm in love.

Wait your turn, Pearl.

I found him first. All
right, girls. Now don't fight.

I'll get around to
each one of ya.

Hey. Watch it,
man. Sorry, folks.

Mmm. That's okay,
sugar. All right. All right.

Outta sight.

- Gloria!
- Too much.

What's he got? Will you tell
me, please, what's he got?

Our girls.

Eat your heart
out, Burt Reynolds.

I'm not sure I really understand
how this game works.

Oh, it's really quite
simple, Mr. Wade.

Here. Uh, watch for a moment.

All bets down, please.

The bank and one player
are each dealt two cards...

from the box which
is called the shoe.

The, uh, hand totaling
nine or closest to it...

determines the winner
between the bank and the player.

Cards, ladies and gentlemen?

What about those two nines there?
Does that mean that the player gets double?

No, no, Mr. Wade. You see, you
must add the two cards together.

It's the last digit of the total that
determines the value of the hand.

You see, the total
of her cards is 18.

So that... So that means
she'd have an eight.

An eight. Now, all
picture cards count as 10.

All other cards
count at face value.

But then a queen and a...
And a six would make 16.

That means you'd
have six. Six. Precisely.

Well, that seems simple enough.

- Are you ready then?
- Dealer has seven.


Does anyone have eight
or nine? The bank wins.

Chips for Mr. Wade, please.

Thank you.

Eight chips, each worth $5,000.

Yes. Excuse me, Mr. Hayden.

This is Mr. Fred Wade, the
gentleman I was telling you about earlier.

Oh, yes, yes. Sit down, Wade.
Sit down. Good to see you.

Sit down.

Place all bets.

Good evening, sir.
Will you be playing?

Understand we're
in the same business.

Oh, yes, yes. Uh, I've been in
the hotel business for 23 years now,

and it certainly is
an honor to meet you.

I... I've been trying
for almost a year.

Cards, ladies and gentlemen?

Mr. Wade, do you wish
an extra card, sir? Yes.

Quite a place they have
here at Fantasy Island, eh?

Oh, yes, sir.

Bank has six.

Pay seven, eight and nine.

Sorry, Mr. Wade.

Better luck next hand.

Sure does go fast, doesn't it?
Oh, yes. That's what I like about it.

Place your bets, please.

Another card, Mr. Wade?


Roarke tells me that you might
have something of interest for me.

Well, I... I have
this place in Mexico.

Bank has eight. Pay nine only.


Place your bets, please. How big
a hotel do you have down there?

Oh, w-well, I don't have a
hotel. I... I'm hoping to build one.

No one wishes cards?

Bank has seven.

Pay eight and nine.

A six. I'm sorry, Mr. Wade.

Place all bets, please.

Where are your other hotels?

Oh, see, I don't have any. I'm...
I'm afraid you misunderstood.

You see, I... I'm a
salesman. I sell hotel supplies.

Well, I've been doing
that for over 23 years now.

You... You can
check the records.

Probably nobody knows
more about hotels than me.

In fact, some of my best
friends call me Mr. Hotel.

Cards, ladies and
gentlemen? Mr. Wade?

- No.
- Well, what do you want
from me, Wade?

To look at my plans.
Yeah. I... I have an option...

on a... a property there
called Green Parrot Bay,

and if I could just
show you the pictures,

wow, there's probably not a more
exciting place in the whole world.

And if I look at your
presentation, then what?

Well, then I was hoping
that we could build it.

I mean that you could
build it, and I could run it.

We could become
partners. Like I said...

Yes, I know. They
call you Mr. Hotel.

Bank has eight. Pay nine.

You'll have to excuse me.

My wife is here, and
we're going to have dinner.

Wh-What about my plans?

Well, I'll be having breakfast tomorrow
morning at 8:00 in the dining room.

Now, if you send the
plans to my room tonight,

I'll try to look at them, and we'll
discuss them in the morning.

Looks like I made
enough to pay for dinner.

- Oh. Yeah.
- Check me out, please.

How'd you do? Oh, fine, fine.

Just fine. Good evening.

Good evening.

The bank has
nine. The bank wins.

Place your bets, please.

Good morning, honored
sir. I'm Lelani, your maid.


Oh. Good morning.

Uh... Gee, you'll have to
excuse the mess around here.

You see, we had a
little party here last night,

and I guess that
things got a little wild.

Well, you know the old
saying. If ya got it, use it.



You got drink for
Lelani too, mister?

Oh, sure. Uh,
have a little soda.

Here's looking to
you, Mr. Handsome.

Oh, thanks.

But no thanks. Oh?

Look, Lelani. You
come and clean later.

Okay? Yes. Wonderful
idea. You bet.

But why work when we
can have so much fun?

What you say? Lelani
make you very happy.

Well, Lelani, I'm
really rather tired.

Lelani perk you up. Lelani
perk you up in very big hurry.

Don't go. Oh, don't you
run away from Lelani.

I catch you. I catch
you. I catch you.

Handsome mister.

You don't know
what you're missing.

Lelani make you very happy.

Wish me luck, hon. Oh, you
don't need luck. You're Mr. Hotel.


Well, Mr. Wade. You
look pleased with yourself

this morning. I
should be, Mr. Roarke.

I didn't get a chance
to tell you last night.

I... I guess I was too excited,
but it was all really worth it.

Then your fantasy
was fulfilled, huh?

Oh, it sure was.

You were so right.
I mean, for $30,000,

I got to meet Mr. Hayden
on his own turf.

And... And he felt
comfortable with me.

I mean, I wasn't just some
two-bit salesman hustling a pitch.

I was right there with him slugging
it out on the old baccarat table.

It's nice that you are
satisfied. I sure am, Tattoo.

As a matter of fact, I'm on my way to
the dining room to meet with him right now.


Yeah. With Mr. Hayden?

Uh, did you have an
appointment with him?

Oh, yeah. Well, he... he told me
to meet him at 8:00 for breakfast,

and... and then we'd
go over the plans.

Something wrong?

Mr. Hayden left on
the plane an hour ago.

Oh, no. No. He...
He couldn't have.

He left a package for
you at the main house.

I... I lost $30,000 at
your tables last night.

He promised to... to look
at my plans this morning.

Mr. Wade, if there is some mistake
or disappointment, I am awfully sorry.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sure.

Hi, Chaz. Oh, hi, Pearl.

Where are you going?
Oh, just walking around.

Hey. What are you
doing talking to her?

I thought after last night,
you'd give me all your attention.

Don't worry about them,
honey. Cindy's here.

Well, Cindy can just get her
little self lost. He's my man.

Hi, Chaz. Hi.


Thanks a lot. Don't
you come near me.

Then stay away from my man. Your
man? Since when was he your man?

What do you mean your
man? I'm the one... Jerk!

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, turkey.

What's with you and our chicks?

Oh. Well, we're just havin'
a little fling, you know.

I mean, man-to-man,
they kinda dig me. Ya dig?

You dig this, pie face.

We don't like outsiders
moving in on our girls.

He gets real mean when that
happens. You understand? Yeah, punk.

Now, listen. This
is a free country,

and if your girls like me
better, that's their business.

Wrong. It's our business too.

Maybe he needs to be taught
a little lesson, hmm? Yeah!

I think so. Just a minute, fellas.
I mean, just one little minute?

Bye! Ah, ah, ah, ah.

We'll catch him
later. It's all right.

Chuckie, wait for me.

It's later. Chuckie!

Oh. Are we alone? Is it safe?

Ah, Mr. Huffman.
How good to see you.

I've been looking for you
everywhere. Something wrong?

Wrong? Every woman
on this island is out for me.

Pretty ones, fat
ones with gold teeth,

little ones, skinny ones...

Being irresistible to women was
your fantasy, Mr. Huffman, wasn't it?

- Yeah, but it's k*lling me.
- What a way to die.

Hey. There he is. Let's get him.

Oh, they're coming. Please,
Mr. Roarke, you gotta help me out of this.

Well, I'll see what I
can do, Mr. Huffman,

but I'm afraid I did
warn you, didn't I,

that the, uh, love root
potency wears off very slowly.

Please! You gotta
help me out of this!

Fred, I've been looking
everywhere for you.

Oh, Mr. Roarke told
me what happened.

Fred, what are you doing?

Just throwing away
a dream. That's all.

We don't have to
give up hope now.

What hope?

Our option on Green Parrot
Bay runs out tomorrow.

Well, you know that.

Where are people like us
gonna get $50,000 to renew it?

Maybe nowhere.

I... I was such a fool.

Come on now. Don't say that.

Joan, I lost $30,000.

Our equity in the house.

The children's
college educations.

I might just as well have
flushed it down the toilet.

I was a fool and a jerk.
Don't you ever say that.

I won't listen to you.

You're my husband and...
And the father of my children...

and the greatest man I've ever
known... or ever want to know.

So what if we're down
and almost broke?

We've... We've
been there before.

And I wanna tell you something.

I'm not worried
because we'll be just fine.

I know you, and I know
what you're capable of,

and we'll be just fine.

You know, for someone
in our financial straights,

you sure are a hell
of an optimist, lady.

Well, why shouldn't I be?

I'm married to Mr. Hotel,

and he always finds
some way to bounce back.

Maybe we can bounce back.

Oh, Mr. Roarke. Thank you.

Thank you a million times.

Please, please, Miss Smith. You
have thanked me quite enough.

Oh, but appearing in Swan
Lake with the Bolshoi Ballet...

It's a fantasy I never
dreamed could be fulfilled.

Oh, it was really
nothing. Nothing, he says.

And me, Carlotta
Smith, the head swan.

Come, my darling. We must
rehearse together... just the two of us.

Um, she is really
quite graceful, Tattoo.

No. Really.

Hey, boss. I think
I find Mr. Huffman.

Well, please invite
him in, Tattoo.

Oh. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you very much.
Oh. It's been a nightmare.

I tell you. It's a
jungle out there.

Did you fix things? Am I safe?

Yes, Mr. Huffman. I
fixed things. It wasn't easy.

The power of the
love root is great.

But yes, yes. I've been able to
nullify its effect on almost all women.

Almost all?

Uh, there is one... One?

Who? I don't want anything to do with
any of the women I've met on this island.

They don't care anything
about me as a person.

All they're interested
in is my body.

Please, Mr. Huffman. Please.

There are some forces beyond
my control... even on Fantasy Island.

And one young lady's interest
in you will simply not go away.

Ah. Perhaps you should meet her.


- Chuck?
- Steph?

Stephanie Marie?

It's you.

Mr. Roarke, this is
my fiancée, Stephanie.

Yes, I know.

Oh, Chuck, look at you.

You probably haven't
had a decent meal in days.

Oh, and look how tired you look.

I've been fishing. Oh?

Hard work, fishing.

Oh, Steph.

I'm so glad to see you. Mmm.

You don't know how
much I missed you.

I didn't know it until just now.

Steph, how did you
get all the way out here?

Oh. Uh, Mr. Roarke. He
sent for me two days ago.

He said he thought
you might need me.

And you came
here just like that.

Of course I did.

Chuck, I'll always come
when you need me.



You're the one who kept
talking about bouncing back.

Now keep your fingers crossed.

I'm gonna play the
whole 10,000 at once.

No, Fred. No.


Nine. A natural. Pay
Mr. Wade, please.

Place all bets, please.

Let it ride.


Extra card anyone?


Bank has six. Pay
seven, eight and nine.

Mr. Wade wins $20,000.

Fred, you did it!

You won back the 40,000!

I know. I know. It
just happened so fast.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the shoe is ready.

Oh, sweetheart.
Place your bets, please.

Fred, what's wrong?

What's wrong is... Look, we
didn't come here to get even.

We came here because
we had this... this dream,

this... this fantasy
about building a hotel.

Oh, but that's all over.

But don't you see?

It... It doesn't have to be.

Well, now, look.
You yourself said...

that the only thing that was
important was you and me and the kids.

Yeah, but... That
these didn't matter. Well,

we've got you and
me and the kids.

But what we haven't
got is our dream.

And I don't wanna be the one
that... that kills this family's dream...

for a lousy $40,000.

Do you want to keep on playing?

I... I know it's a
long shot, but...

I don't think I could ever look my face in
the mirror again if I didn't at least try.

I wanna try for the
option money on the land.

All right. Go.

All bets down, please.

The bank has six.

Pay seven, eight and
nine. A... A natural.

A nine. Pay Mr. Wade.

Your luck seems to have
changed this evening, Mr. Wade.

Do you wish to play again?
Oh, let... let it... let it ride.

Very good, sir.

Mr. Wade is now
playing for $80,000.

Ladies and gentlemen, does
anyone need an additional card?

No cards.

The bank has seven.
Pay eight and nine.

Congratulations, Mr. Wade.

Fred, you won back all
the money for the house...

and the option money
for the land and then some.

I know, but it...
It's not enough. No.

I... I... I wanna go for it all.

I... I wanna get enough to pay for
the whole hotel at Green Parrot Bay.

Oh, Fred, you're not serious.

Well, why not? I mean,
maybe tonight's my lucky night.

I don't know.
It's crazy. I know.

But... But if I do it... I
mean, if we can do it,

I won't have to be beholden to the
Otis Haydens of this world ever again.

But what if you lose?

L... Let it ride.

The bank has seven.

Pay eight and nine.


Pay Mr. Wade $320,000.

Do you bet, Mr. Wade?

Uh, let it ride.

Play $320,000.

Cards coming
out. Good luck, sir.

Fred, maybe you better hold back
enough money for the house and the car.

The bank has an eight.

Mr. Wade, you must
have a nine to win.


A natural nine.

Let it ride. Let... Let it ride.

You've won an extremely large
amount of money, Mr. Wade.

Perhaps you would
like to reconsider.

The $640,000 rides.

Mr. Roarke?

The bank has six. Sir?

- I've got eight.
- Pay Mr. Wade $640,000.

One more time.

Sir, there's
$1,280,000 out there.

I know how much money's there.

But, you see, my... my hotel's g...
uh, it's gonna cost twice that much.

Two and a half million dollars.


Let it ride.

Uh, perhaps, Mr. Wade,
you should listen to your wife.

You've already won
a great deal of money.

In fact, I congratulate you.
You've broken the bank.

Uh, but this table is
closed for the evening.


Oh, I... I wanna keep playing.

I have to keep playing.

Uh, if you insist
on another hand,

uh, I'm afraid the
only wager I can offer...

is, uh, the ownership
of Fantasy Island itself.


Um, since I am, uh...

literally playing for my house,

I'd like to deal
this hand, if I may.

My pleasure. Thank you.


The house also has nine.

Seven! Can... Can you
beat that, Mr. Roarke?


The house takes another card.

Eight. The house wins.

Excuse me.

Poor Mr. Wade. I
feel sorry for him.

Cheer up, Tattoo.

Remember, this
is Fantasy Island.

Ah, Mr. Roarke. Mr. Huffman.

Stephanie and I wanna thank you.

We're getting married as
soon as we reach the mainland.

To love, honor and obey
for all the years to come?

For all the years.

Who you love is a lot more
important than how many.

What is that supposed to mean?

It's just a little philosophy.
You pick it up out here.

Uh-huh. Thank you.
Thank you very much.

Oh, honey. I forgot my
purse. Oh. Uh, I'll get it for you.

Mr. Roarke, you... you didn't tell
him that the contest was a phony,

that I arranged for
it? Of course not.

You see, the thing is that
marriage is very important.

I just didn't want him thinking that he had
made a mistake for the rest of his life.

- I understand.
- Uh, the $500 fee
is in my bag,

and, uh, I don't
want Chuck to see it.

Can I send it to you?

Why don't you keep it
for your honeymoon?

Mr. Roarke. Oh, thank you.

You're very welcome. Thank
you so much for both our fantasies.

You're very welcome.
I'll have the Jeep... Oh.

Pick you up at your bungalow
to take you to the airplane.

Thank you. Bye-bye. Good-bye.

No contest? No fee? No nothing?

Oh, well.

And, uh, now,
Tattoo, if you please.

If you please what?

Not even a little drop?

It wouldn't make any difference,
Tattoo. It's only scented water.

But all those women.
How did you do it?

You live here. Need I remind you
anything is possible on Fantasy Island?

Ah, here come the Wades.

Well, Mr. and Mrs. Wade, you've
had a rather hectic stay with us.

Oh, we have had that.

It's been quite an
experience. I can say that.

But like I tell ya, Mr. Roarke, I'm not
a man to look back. I never have been.

That's a good
attitude, Mr. Wade.

Amazing. I'll tell
you what's amazing.

What's amazing to me is that
your face towels are frayed.

No. No. No question about it.
It came as quite a shock to me.

I mean, everything here at Fantasy
Island is... is so first-rate, but...

Well, those... those face towels of yours,
they certainly have seen better days.


I happen to have a
line of face towels...

that I think you might wanna
consider for replacement.

I will, Mr. Wade. Oh, I will.

Oh, before I forget, I
have something for you.

I received a cable from
Mr. Otis Hayden this morning.

He apologized profusely for
leaving so suddenly yesterday.

It appears there was an
emergency he had to attend to.

A cashier's check for $47,000.

- Oh!
- Mr. Hayden asked me
to reimburse you...

for any and all
expenses incurred...

as a token of his good
faith and in hopes...

that you still want him as a
partner at Green Parrot Bay.

Then... Then he
studied the plans.

Well, I assume so.
According to his cable,

his private jet will meet
the seaplane when it lands...

and take you and Mrs. Wade back to the
States where you can iron out the details.

Oh, Fred, it's what we dreamed
of all our lives. It's come true!

I know. I know. I... I just can't
believe it. I don't believe it.

But you better hurry. You don't
want to be late for this appointment.

Thank you very much.
Good-bye, Mrs. Wade.

Good-bye. Good-bye.

All right. All right. I
buy the face towels.
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