07x251 - Tartaros Chapter – The Boy's Tale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x251 - Tartaros Chapter – The Boy's Tale

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't understand.

What made you come here?

[STING] It was that

letter you'd sent us.



[MAKAROV] Minerva's fallen

pretty far, hasn't she?

I plan to contact Sting, as

well, once things slow down.

Oh yes, I'd forgotten.

Speaking of that letter. I'm

not tryin' to be rude here.

But it was weird.




Yeah, sorry but it

did kinda look

like a crazy person wrote it.

Man. That handwriting.

It made me sick.

Poor Yukino. She tried to

read it and passed out.

Only Rufus could decipher it.

Even he was nearly

driven insane.

We would've arrived

much sooner, but...

Say no more.


Please, come back

to the guild with us.

[MARD GEER] Go wherever

you like. I shan't stop you.

But no matter where

you may flee,

you will still be in

a world without magic.

[ERZA] We know that face

has been destroyed.

It's true one was demolished.



Hold on.

We did see a bunch of creepy

looking face statues

on our way over here.

[ROGUE] If those are indeed

what you're talking about,

there are far too many to count.



Just one hour.

That's approximately

how long we have

until every last one

of them detonates.

Thousands of pulse bombs will

unleash their power all at once.

And thus cleanse the scourge of

magic from this world forever.


It's exactly as I envisioned.

You can take comfort in the

fact this isn't your failure.

There was simply nothing you

could've done to stop it.

Aw, man. This is gettin' old.

Do ya have to make

all those stupid noises

when you use your magic?

I don't use magic.

It's curse power.

Glug, glug, glug.


[groaning, yelps]

It's eatin' me!

Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

Drip, drop.


Gah! Stop doin' that!

[NATSU grunts]

You should just give up.

Oh, I'll keep goin' till I

wipe that look off your face!


This guy's tough. For real.

What in the hell's he made of?

You use Iron elemental magic.

It may be rare, but it's

extremely predictable.

One look at you told

me what to expect.

You shouldn't bash

anyone's looks, ugly!

Speakin' of bashing,

Iron Dragon Club!


They say the weakest

dog howls the loudest.

That explains why you won't

stop running your mouth!

I'll shut you up!

Water Slicer!

[KEYES laughs]

Right through him.

This technique is

similar to mine.

But I've never experienced

fighting somebody like me.


Your stories.

What did you just say?

[KEYES chuckles]

Seilah claims humans

are only capable of weaving

uninteresting and dreary tales.

But I find the stories of your

particular group of humans

to be quite fascinating.

And extremely amusing.

[LUCY] Aquarius and the

Celestial Spirit King

gave all they had. So...

I've gotta keep fighting.

I can't give up now!

My friends need me.

But I can't even stand up.

I'm sorry.

You mean there are still

thousands of those things left?

But how? That's insane!

You've gotta be joking, right?

One hour. That's all we have.

If that really happens, we

are in some serious trouble.

Does that mean no more

flying and stuff?

It's a whole lot

worse than that.

Think of how many things in this

world work by using magic power.

Not to mention what it would

do to everybody in our guild.

It's scary.


Utter nonsense.

You couldn't control

even one Face remotely.

So what the hell makes you think

you could set off thousands of

them at once? You're bluffing.

Au contraire.

The former chairman has the

ability to operate them.

I must say, although I'd rather

avoid humans altogether,

he's proven himself

rather useful.


Then your underling

shouldn't have k*lled him.


He's dead?

You seem to have forgotten.

Tartaros has a necromancer

amongst our ranks.

What's that mean?

It means someone who

can control the dead.

[MARD GEER] Through this power.

The late chairman is hard at

work in the control room.

Readying the Faces

for detonation.

You're using his corpse.


Despite all of this destruction.

The control room still stands.

Alright, Erza! You heard him.

Go and shut it down!

Sting and I will

handle things here.


Are you sure?

[STING] Yeah, just take

M'lady and the cats with you.

Keep them safe.

[ROGUE] We'll meet up

after we defeat him.

As I've said, I dislike humans,

but they can be so entertaining.

You, defeating the

Underworld King?


Just watch us!


Honestly, now.

[STING grunting]

Erza! This is your chance!

Take the others and go!

Please be careful!

He's dangerous!

This clown? He's got

nothing on Natsu!

Go, and destroy face!

Yes sir.

They're fools. Brave fools.

I wanna help 'em fight!

Don't be stupid, pal!

We gotta get our tails

outta here right now!

But why?

Because I have faith our

friends can pull this off!

Me, too!

[STING, ROGUE groan]

White Dragon Roar!


Shadow Dragon...


[BOTH gasp]

This "dragon-slaying" magic.

It's such an offensive concept.

Humans are not

worthy of that power.

[STING] Yeah? Well ya know

what I think's offensive?

It's anybody that tries to hurt

our friends!



Take this, windbag!


[NATSU grunting]


Ha! What's wrong? Out of energy?

[GAJEEL] Shut up!

[NATSU grunts]

Stay outta my way!

If I'm in your way,

why'd I run into you?

Then maybe you should

tell me you're sorry!

There's no way I'm apologizing,

ya stupid rivet-face!

[JUVIA] Now is not the time to

be bickering amongst ourselves,

take it out on the enemy!


Well, this idiot started it!

They're actually quarreling

in the midst of battle?

I will never understand

these humans.

Nor I.

Ya know, that last

hit kinda hurt.

We probably do need to put our

focus back on these freaks.

I guess I'll have to settle the

score with you once we're done.

Sounds like a solid plan to me!


[KEYES] In what captivating

way will your story unfold?

I can't wait to find out.

[JUVIA] I need to concentrate

on winning this fight.

But I can't stop thinking about

what may be happening with Gray.

[GRAY] No way! There're

thousands of 'em?



I can't believe the council

built a w*apon like that.

It's crazy.

Come on.

I know you didn't bring

me all the way out here

just to tell me that.


Of course not.


I was hopin' to see the look

of crushin' despair

on your face.

[GRAY] Well, I'm so sorry

to disappoint ya, ya creep.

[SILVER] It's a damn shame.

I mean just k*lling you outright

sounds so boring to me.

Tell me. And be honest.

You know me, don't ya?

I do. Very well, in fact.


Is that so?

I recognize your face and the

way you sound. But you're lying.

You're just wearing a disguise.

Who are you?

Why are you doing this?

Answer me! Tell me

who you really are!

Oh please. You know

exactly who I am.

You may not want to

believe it's true.

But you're my own

flesh and blood.

You're right, old man.

I don't believe you.

Because it's impossible.

My father is dead!

I saw it happen!

Deliora k*lled him

right in front of me!


My name is Silver Fullbuster.

I am your father.


No you're not!

[GRAY grunting]

[GRAY yells]

He's long gone! He was

m*rder*d years ago!

[SILVER laughs]

[GRAY growls]

[SILVER] Oh man, this is even

better than I thought it'd be!


I'm bein' totally

honest with ya, kid.

Your daddy's right here.

I mean, technically

speaking, he is at least.


The hell does that mean?

[SILVER] Let's just say,

I'm actually somebody

that had an even

bigger impact on you.

Somebody you've been

dying to get revenge

on for as long as

you can remember!



[NATSU grunts]

[GAJEEL grunts]

[JUVIA grunts]



Right here!



[TORAFUZAR grunts]

[JUVIA groans]

[JUVIA] Something's very wrong.

There's no doubt in my mind.

Gray's in real danger!

[LUCY] Hey guys! Let me help.

[LUCY] I promise, I can still


[NATSU] You've been a lotta


[LUCY whimpers]

Leave the rest of

the fight to us.

He's right. Plus, I just

caught this scent.

Me, too.




It's real familiar.


Smells like backup.


I see now.

[ROGUE grunting]

[STING grunting]


I punished her for it,

but I understand why Kyoka so

loved to play with your kind.

Oh, do you?

We came here to fight. Not talk!

[MARD GEER] You're completely

at the mercy of your emotions.

And yet, at the same time wholly

unaware of this weakness.

You don't realize how close you

are to your imminent demise.

Just like lambs

led to slaughter.

[ROGUE, STING whimper]

It's endearing, in a way.

But that still won't save you.

Man, this place has gotta

be the biggest dump

I've ever seen in my life.


Yeah, it sure is messy.

[LECTOR] I understand

demons lived here,

but you'd think they'd

clean up sometimes.


I guess not.

Do you know how we can find

the control room from here?

Are we close?

Everything's been damaged

beyond recognition.

I can't tell.

Mard Geer claimed it was still

intact, but where could it be?

We're running out of time.

You should go on. I'm only

slowing your progress.

I have no idea where we are.

I can't even walk on my

own. Leave me behind.

I have no interest in being

anyone's burden.


Didn't you hear what I said?

Keep dragging me around,

and we're all going to die!

[ERZA] You may not believe

in yourself right now,

Minerva, but I still do!

Realizing how far you've strayed

is the first step to

getting on the right path.

It may seem impossible, but

I know you have it in you.

The journey ahead

will be challenging.

Face your past. Seek out

redemption for your sins.

Salvation is out there,

if you want it.



Hold up. Somebody's

coming towards us!

Yeah, I can see 'em, too!


It's you!


Happy! Lily!




What a strange group.

Why are Minerva and

the exceeds with her?


I missed you so much Happy!

[HAPPY] What in the heck

are you guys doin' here?

I'm very glad to see you.

But we'll have to save

the catching up for later.

Can anyone give us

a situation report?


Well, all I know is

a whole bunch of crazy

stuff is going down.


We should go with you.

[LECTOR] You're rocking a

pretty bold look there, Happy.

Is that some new kinda hat?


I really like it!

[HAPPY whimpering]

Something wrong?

What's the matter?

Did you happen to do something

to get on Minerva's bad side

that we don't know about?


No, I swear...

And if I did, I didn't

mean to, I promise!

Whatever it was, I'm sorry!



Please forgive me! I'll

make it up to you, I sw-

[HAPPY screams]


We pulled and pulled at that

thing, but it wouldn't budge!

She made it look easy!

Way to go M'lady! Nice!

Now you have the silly hat!

How could you?! [cries]

This mushroom.

It's an extremely special kind.

Very rare. And quite

valuable, too.

Oh, yeah? How much is it worth?


That all depends on

how helpful it is.

Show us to the control room,

and it might be worth your life.


I was hoping

nobody'd have to

see me like this!

M'lady's back!


Nice job catching

that one, Happy.

Aw. It's all in a days work!


He's the picture of "smug."

[ERZA] The face bombs are set

to go in less than one hour.

Let's get moving!

You'd better explain

yourself, right now!

[GRAY groans]

[SILVER] Geez, where would

I even start with that?

Let's see here...

Why don't I tell you

about my appearance?

This body is just a vessel.

I happened upon

some random corpse.

[GRAY gasps]

[SILVER] You know that

every member of Tartaros

is a demon from Zeref's

books, don't you?

Myself included.

In fact, my true form

isn't even remotely human.

But still, you can probably

imagine how hard it is

to blend in when you go around

looking like a big, scary demon.

That's why I needed a human

"costume," if you will.

When the time

finally rolled around

to pick which one I wanted.

Of course, I had to choose

the one that still had

all his body parts intact.

Honestly, I've kind of grown

attached to this old thing.

Anyway, I didn't have any

ulterior motive for throwing

this one on, just convenience.

But somehow it's what brought

you and I together again.

This day has been a

long time coming, my boy.

I've been hungry for the taste

of your blood.

You're about one second

away from a beat down!

I still don't have a clue

what in the hell

you're talkin' about!

Why are you really using

my dad's body like this?

And why do you want

to use it to k*ll me?


You wanna know?

Because I won't be satisfied

until I've k*lled everyone

that witch Ur cared about!

After all, she put me in that

prison of ice for ten years!




I'm not Silver, I'm Deliora!

There's no way in hell

you've forgotten my name!

[GRAY gasps]

No way. Ur k*lled

Deliora. I saw it!

[SILVER] Yes, that is true.

I was dead for ten long years.

But once Tartaros built the

Hell's Core regeneration system,

it gave me another chance

to get my sweet revenge.

You're here for revenge? Really?

I know how that feels.

If you're having a hard

time believing me,

I can show you my true form...

You know, the one from

your nightmares?

The monster that k*lled

your whole family!

[NATSU grunts]

[GAJEEL grunts]

[JUVIA] That feeling of

dread is not going away.

I'm even more afraid

than before.

I know he needs my help!

Let's end this, so I can

rush to my Gray's side!





[KEYES] How exciting.

It's just as I supposed.

That young man and you have an

intermingled story, do you not?



[KEYES] But all stories that

begin, must one day end.

[JUVIA gasps]


Gray's story truly began

when Deliora took

everything away from him.

That was his rebirth.


What are you talking about?


That grisly reaper

harvested the lives

of his family...

Rendered his entire village

to a burning pile of embers.

That horrific event marked

the beginning of his tale.

What delicious irony.

For on this day,

we shall see that tale

come to its tragic end.

No. It can't be. He'll die?


It's far richer than that.

The boy will face despair, in

a form so sweet and familiar.

Even so, his tale will conclude

the same way his master's did.

[LUCY] Deliora took

everything from Gray.

His family, his master,

all the things that gave

him love, and warmth.

In a way, much like the demon,

Gray was thrown into

his own icy prison.

Now that the demon has returned,

taking on the image

of his father,

the fires of rage

burn inside him.

But despite all his fury, the

young ice wizard is left cold.

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

Gray vs. Silver"

But in the desolate tundra of

sorrow, warmth can be found.
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