07x243 - Tartaros Chapter – Wendy vs. Ezel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x243 - Tartaros Chapter – Wendy vs. Ezel

Post by bunniefuu »


Look at all of the writing.

And that big floating

sphere in the center.

Doesn't it look like a globe?

[CARLA] This must be some

kind of command center.


How could they make it this far?

Those worthless guards couldn't

be more pathetic if they tried.


Hey. Do you see that?

[WENDY gasps]

I had hoped Erza was wrong,

but it looks like the

Face has been unsealed.

How do we stop it?

Could we use this magic circle?

Maybe it could seal

it all over again.

Perhaps. But there's no

way for us to operate it.

We're locked out.

Hold on.

If I'm reading this right,

the Face can only be activated

by its on-site controls.

We might be in luck here.

It's already started?

[FRANMALTH chuckles]

[FRANMALTH] You sure work

fast, Ezel. Well done.

Oh no!

[LUCY gasps]

I don't wanna

jump to conclusions,

but this looks like a countdown.



Theres only more minutes.

Then all magic on the continent

will be purged from existence!

You brat! I'll k*ll you!

Well, if the small fries

aren't goin' to cut it,

I have no choice but to show

you my most powerful soul!

You asked for this!

[FRANMALTH groaning]

[NARRATOR] Face, a pulse

b*mb with the power

to destroy all magic on the

continent, is counting down.

Most of Fairy Tail

fights in the Cube:

Home of the demons of Zeref

who set Face to work

against mankind.

But In a last ditch effort

to prevent the detonation,

Wendy and Carla fly

out on their own.

Time is a precious resource,

and Fairy Tail's is running out.

Can Wendy's team

succeed in its mission?

Or will our heroes soon dwell

in a world without magic?


We have to hurry, Carla!


I realize that.

We can't afford to mess this up.

The stakes are bigger than us.

The whole continent's at risk.

No matter what happens,

we have to find a way.

[CARLA] I agree, but I have

no idea what we should try.

Neither do I.

We'll have to improvise.

I know that's what

Natsu would do.

Failure's not an option.

You've gotta fly even faster,

Carla! As fast as you can!

Whoa, that smoke.

[LUCY gasps]


This shouldn't be possible.

How does he...?

How does he have that soul?


It's Master Hades.

Bullcrap. It's totally off!


You don't even have

the body right!


I don't like it.

The nuances of my appearance

aren't important.

Don't you get it? I've become

the dark wizard Hades!

[NATSU] I can see that's

what your goin' for.

Can you?

Because if you could then you'd

be cowering in fear right now.

Obviously you have no idea

what a scary man he was.

Yeah, no. I remember

him pretty well.

[LUCY] He caused us a lotta

trouble back in the day.


Judgin' from that costume,

we knew him way better than you.

That's enough! Shut

your wretched traps

and I will tell you all you

never knew about him!

You may have heard of the

dark guild, Grimoire Heart.

Well this man, a man after

my own heart, led the thing!

He was the darkest genius the

world had seen since Zeref.

Now feel free to

grovel at my feet!


We said we know who he was.

[HAPPY] You need to work

on your listening skills.

Seven years ago, as I was

searching for Lord Zeref,

I stumbled upon this

fabulous hunk of carrion.

This man was human in name

alone, because everything

from his taste in books to his

better eye radiated with power.

Demonic power!

[HAPPY] So you never heard about

how Hades got beat, didja?

Can't say I have,

but I don't see why that

would matter to me.

[chuckles] Oh, it matters.

'Cause it was me who kicked

his wrinkled butt!


I already won this

fight seven years ago.

It's how my flames

got their spark.

Yeah, man, Natsu already gave

that Hades guy the business.

But did you fight him alone?


[NATSU yells]



The body might not

look like much,

but once it's revved

up, it doesn't quit!

[NATSU growls]

Such power can

only come from those

who've seen the

Abyss of Sorcery!

Got ya!

There we go. Connection!

Soon I'll be putting

your soul in the bank!


Naw, I don't think so!

Lightning Flame Dragon mode!

Lightning Flame Dragon Roar!

It's like getting cooked

in a stormcloud!



Ooh. I've never had

such a spicy soul.



Let me absorb it!


Say what now?

So he can nom on the

souls of Natsu's spells?

I didn't even know that

spells could have souls.


I gotta say, that was

yummy little snack.

Sure didn't see that one comin'.

[FRANMALTH] I can feel

the scope of your strength

from the taste you gave me.

You're likely the wizard

who beat Jackal,

but that doesn't speak for

your odds with the rest of us.

'Cause we're all demons

of the Books of Zeref.

Each of us a unique and living

w*apon from a far better time.

Expertly crafted by

the cruelest of hands.

You'd do yourself a service

by keeping sight of the fact

that each of us has the

strength of a full army.

And a lust for human pain.

[SEILAH] You've no chance

against my Macro curse.

With it, I can force

any human being

to do exactly as I bid them.

So that's how you were able to

get Elfman to destroy our guild.

Well then.

Listen, demon.

You hurt my siblings. That means

you'll have to answer to me.

And I'm not as nice as I seem.

Careful, sis! She's

trying to provoke you.

A reckless charge is

exactly what she wants!

Humans are quite easily

swayed by their emotions.

This makes you simple

to manipulate.

On such foolish beings,

my powers are wasted.


Those "foolish emotions"

are also a source of

humanity's strength.

[MIRAJANE yells]

Satan Soul Mirajane.

Your human rage is

nothing to the pen of Zeref.

Mirajane, behind you!

This is Mirajane's

strongest form,

and she still isn't winning.

I will not lose.

[KYOKA yells]

Such power.

I'll ask you once again.

What is your guild

trying to accomplish?

You say you wish to return to

Zeref, but what does that mean?

We live to serve the great

being who created us.

As he has made his

wishes quite clear,

there is but one

path set before us.

The destruction of your world.

Don't expect all to go

according to your plan.

My comrades'll be fighting

to stop Face as we speak!

[KYOKA] You speak of our plans,

but yours are just as fragile.




[ERZA] That smile, as if

she's predicted all of this.

Still, plans are the last

thing you should worry about.

Just hang in there.

We're getting close!

[CARLA] Don't worry.

I'll get us there, somehow.

[GRAY] Listen, man. I'm in

a bit of a rush, all right?

So either tell me why you're

bringin' up this "Silver" guy,

or shut up and come at me!

[KEYES chuckles]

This freak has the

same defense as Juvia.

What the heck are you doin'?

If you're gonna

fight, then fight!


Tartaros does have a member

who might match your

strength, but I am not he.

The hell, man? Are you tryin'

to beat me, or take me home?

Because either way,

I'm not that easy!


Think what you will.

It matters not.


I can't land a single hit.


With power like yours,

you could cause

quite the disruption.

I think I'll hold

you here instead.

So that means you're just

tryin' to keep me busy.

[ELFMAN yelling]


Six men, one punch?


I counted seven.

That was barely even a warm up!

I've got a lot more

manly atonement ahead!

[SOLDIER C yelling]

[ELFMAN yells]

Mirajane! Lisanna!

Where are you?

Your sisters are strong, Elfman,

if anyone can hold out

in here, it's them.

So instead of worrying,

have faith and focus!

They'd do the same for you.

Yeah, you're right.

Those two are manly.

They're gonna be fine,

the both of 'em. I know it.

I think that's the Poison

Jelly Valley cavern.

Take us inside.


Wow. How deep is it?

[CARLA] It'll be hard

to locate Face in this.


I apologize, Wendy.

It seems that I used

up too much magic.


Don't worry. You were awesome.


Hey, look. A tunnel.

Let's check it out.

I'm no gambler, but

against demonic curses,

human magic has worse odds

than a three-legged

goat in a lion's den.

Oh, and countdown update.

If you're going to win

against those odds,

you'd better do it in

the next ten minutes,

or else you'll have

no magic to fight with.

I'll have to ask

you how it feels.

Once the magic's been torn away

from you, tell me what's left!

Something tells me you

don't really give a crap

about our feelings, do ya?

Wish we knew exactly

how much time was left.

You have a remaining

minutes and seconds.

[LUCY] Everyone who can stand

is fighting right now.

If we lose our magic all

at once, we'd be doomed.


What is that?


Whatever it is,

let's deal with it fast so

we can find my sisters!


[WAKABA] Damn it! Looks like

we'll be on our own for a while.


It doesn't matter.

Where d'ya think we'll find

the guy with the Bane Particles?

How would I know?

Let's just keep fightin'

and hope we run into him.

If we can somehow pull this off,

I'm gettin' drunk tonight.


I'm up for that!

[LUCY] Nine minutes.

That's all we have left.

[LUCY] If Face detonates,

there'll be nothing we can do.

It's all up to Wendy.

Just Wendy, that's it.


Hey, she's gonna be fine.

She's not alone.

Carla's with her,

and Carla's one smart cookie!

Whatever they're up against,

I'm sure she'll figure it out.


It's getting even darker.

There was a distant

light near the entrance,

but now I can barely

see where I'm walking.

[CARLA groans]

Hey, I'm sorry

I pushed you so hard.

I'll be fine. Just need a nap.

But first let's find this Face

device and neutralize it.

Well, the problem is we don't

know the first thing about it.

I couldn't even tell you

what it looks like.

What do you think Natsu

would do if he was here?

[CARLA] I suspect that

he would go buck-wild

and destroy the entire cave.

But I'm not nearly as

strong as Natsu, so I can't.

I'm glad for that.

Natsu would've brought the

whole thing crashing down on us.

Why don't you just try

to feel for magic power?

Yeah, good point.

I'll give that a shot.

[WENDY sniffs]




[WENDY yelps]

[WENDY screaming]

[WENDY screaming]


Do you know where we came from?

'Cause I'm definitely lost now.

Be calm.

Settle down, and take

a nice, deep breath.

If you say so.

[WENDY inhales]

[WENDY exhales]


Wow, this air's amazing.

[CARLA] It's certainly moist and

cool. Did it clear your head?

Well yeah, but I feel like there

might be more to it than that.

Now that you mention

it, I think I'm--

I think I'm on the verge

of realizing something.


Yes, but I'm too exhausted

to focus properly.

It's on the tip of my tongue.

I feel like it might

be important, but--

[EZEL] What kind of

pathetic morsels are these?

Kyoka's playing me for a fool.

You two won't even come

close to filling me up.

[WENDY gasps]

[EZEL] But I guess

you'll do for a snack!

It's a demon. He must be the

one they sent to activate Face!


That's right!

I was told that Fairy Tail would

send someone to try and stop us.

I only took this job 'cause

Kyoka said I could eat 'em!

I was hoping to have a feast!

Well, looks like

the jokes on me!

What do we do now?

We can't fight, we only

have a few minutes left!

Come back here. I'm starving!


Even if we did have time,

you're not nearly strong

enough to take him on alone!

[EZEL roars]

He's gonna catch us!

I don't have a choice!


Wendy, don't!

Enhancing all elemental

resistances! Deus Corona!

Enhancing all physical

abilities! Deus Eques!

Swift Winds, Stalwart Might,

and Steel Resolve of

the heavens combine!


You know this won't save you.

Sky Dragon Roar!


That wasn't bad, pipsqueak!

No. But it's about to be my

turn. And this will end it all!


Sky Dragon Talon!


It did nothing.

Swords of Tenka Goken!

Don't just stand

there, take cover!




Wendy, look out!


[WENDY] I used every defense I

have, but he's still too strong.

[WENDY screaming]

[WENDY yelps]



[WENDY gasps]


You will die beside Face.

No, I... can't.


It detonates in five minutes.

Hopefully that'll dissipate

the stench of ether-nano.

It's brutal at this range.

Kills my appetite.

Wait, ether-nano?


[EZEL] With the treatment

this stuff's getting,

it'll become the end

of all other ether-nano,

and all magic too.

Just five minutes till

our curses reign supreme!

Face's ether-nano.

If we can smell it,

that must mean it's seeping

into the air somehow.


Lucky for you,

that five minute countdown'll

take longer than your death.


Unhand Wendy, you monster!

Take this! And this too!

I'm sorry, Carla.

I'll scratch your

eyes out. Let her go!

Carla... you have to run.

Let her go! Take me instead!


Come on then!

Don't hurt her!

Please, put her down!

That's a weird lookin' cat.

Still, it looks edible.

Stop! Don't do this,

I'm begging you!


Wendy... the air.


[WENDY] This wonderful air.

That breath I took.

Face is permeated with

high-density ether-nano.

There's so much of the stuff

that the air around

Face is swathed in it.

If I could ingest it

like Natsu did.

If I could just...

breathe it in,

it might make me strong

enough to save Carla.

[WENDY yelling]

[EZEL grunts]

Whoa! What was that?

[CARLA] Wendy used to

seem so weak and timid.

I thought I'd always

have to protect her.

I was wrong. She got

stronger every day.

And now she has

the Dragon Force.


Right when we needed her most,

Wendy finally obtained

the Dragon Force.

Now, as Face continues

its countdown to the end,

her fight with the

demon Ezel begins anew.

As that fight draws

to a close, however,

Wendy and Carla are

confronted by a new horror.

This one comes in

the form of a choice.

And perhaps a sacrifice too.

Next Time: "Tartaros Chapter

Friends Forever."

The smallest amongst us,

have the courage of giants.
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