07x236 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The White Legacy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x236 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – The White Legacy

Post by bunniefuu »

[FROGS scream]

[CROWD murmurs]


[CROWD murmurs]

[DORANBOLT grunting]

My head. Hey,

what just happened?

[grunts] Get up.

This is serious!

Come on. I'm not

doin' this solo.

Wake up. Lahar!

My god. He's dead.




You can't be alive.

k*lling all of you

was the whole point.

Your pals played along, but I

guess you need some convincing.


Uh! Damn you!


Doranbolt! Run away.

[DORANBOLT grutning]

I can't do that!

There's no reason for you

to die with the rest of us.

Hate to burst your bubble,

but there's no running

from my explosions.


Leave! Do it now.

[DORANBOLT groaning]

The name's Jackal, by the way.

One of the Nine Demon

Gates of Tartaros.

Tell that to your

friends in hell.

They should know the name of

the man who slaughtered them.

Tell them I enjoyed it.

Live! Find what justice means

to you and defend till the end.

That's an order!



Master Org!

[CROWD screams]

Strange. He left

some sort of mist.

It looks like it's spreading.


Mankind cannot escape disaster.



[TEMPESTER] This mist is

rife with Bane Particles.

As it spreads, they will destroy

any ether-nano they can find.

But ether-nano's inside

all living things! [coughs]

[TEMPESTER] Right you are.

Which is why this mist causes

Magic Deficiency Syndrome,

and bane sickness.

[BIXLOW choking]

[TEMPESTER] First you'll

be stripped of your powers,

and then you'll be

stripped of your lives.

[BIXLOW choking]

[LAXUS] No one else is gonna

die here! Not while I'm around!


Laxus. Shield your mouth!

[LAXUS grunts, inhales]


What are you doing?

[LAXUS inhales]

[LAXUS] That's twice you've

misjudged me, "Disaster".

First you underestimated

the strength of my magic.

Now you've done the

same with my lungs.

[FRIED] Please, stop.

You'll k*ll yourself!

[LAXUS inahles] No way're

you talkin' me outta this.

But you can make sure

they get home safe.

[FRIED gasps]




The dark, demonic, guild,

Tartaros, has come

out of the shadows,

and seeks to m*ssacre the

members of the Magic Council,

both present and former.

Natsu and the g*ng sought out

former Council member, Michello,

hoping to save his life.

[CARLA] ...they're doing this

to achieve a goal.

[MICHELLO] I'm sorry, but I have

no idea what that might be.

No wait, there is something.

some awful thing, called Face!

Everyone down!

What is it?

That goes for you, too!


Get ready.

For what?

[NATSU grunts]

No! Please, not my

beautiful house!

[LUCY whimpers]

I think we're under attack! Ah!

Is everybody okay?

--[LUCY, WENDY groan]

--[HAPPY] Aye.

That expl*si*n was massive;

how are we alive?

[grunts] Haven't eaten

that fast since Tuesday.




Nice one!


But Jackal,

the wizard who took the lives

of the current council,

appeared at Michello's house

in expl*sive fashion.

[JACKAL] ...that's how it was

with the Magic Council. Ha, ha.

[NARRATOR] For what

reason has Tartaros

set its eyes on the

Magic Council?

What diabolical purpose

are they trying to achieve?

And can Natsu and the g*ng

stop them before it's too late?

[NATSU] Brace yourself.

I'm gonna hurt ya.

[NARRATOR] The opening battle in

the w*r of Faeries and Demons

is about to explode into action!

The nerve of this guy!

Don't you have any

respect for your elders?

I don't think he does.

'Course not! He's with Tartaros!

He's already m*rder*d your

colleagues back in Era!

[LUCY] We're not letting him

get you, too. It's time to run!

I don't need you

to tell me that!

[WENDY] Don't worry! Natsu will

stop this guy, no sweat!

Let's go!

[JACKAL chuckles]

[JACKAL chuckles]



[ALL scream]

--[CROWD screams]

--[MALE A] What's happening?


The whole town's blowing up!

We gotta get outta here! Run!

[CROWD screams]

Why are you attacking

innocent people?

[NATSU growls]

Ahh! expl*si*n!


He's a goner!

He'll be all right!

Heat and expl*si*n magic

are a light snack to

a Fire Dragon Slayer!

[NATSU grunts]

What's going on?

Is he eating my expl*si*n?

[NATSU growls]

[NATSU yells]

[JACKAL groans]

Jeez, the guy's

a livin' fireball!

You're kidding me!

[JACKAL groans]

[JACKAL groans]

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

[JACKAL groans]

[NATSU yells]

[JACKAL groans]

That's the way! Roast 'em!

He's Amazing!

[MICHELLO stammers]

[MICHELLO] I've heard stories

about Fairy Tail wizards,

but this is the first time

I've seen one in action.

Didn't know they

were so strong!

[JACKAL yells]

You're good! Even better

than I thought you'd be!

But there's something you

should know about my power...

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


[JACKAL groans]

I ain't through with you!

[NATSU grunts]

[JACKAL groans]


I don't believe it.

Natsu. You can stop!

You really are the

master of overkill.

Did you forget that we

needed him conscious?

[grunts] Oh, that's right,

he's supposed to tell us

where their hideout is.

And what they're

trying to accomplish.

[MICHELLO whimpers]

What if these monsters

really are after "Face"? All

of Fiore would be in danger!

The White Legacy is a secret.

Most Council members

didn't even know it existed.

How could these vile people

have found out about it?

No matter, I need to find

shelter and wait them out.

It looks like you've got this

handled, so I'll be leaving!

--[LUCY] Huh?

--[MICHELIA] Uh...


I'm going to, uh,

see if the other former Council

members are safe! Bye!

Grandpa! Wait!

You too, Michelia! Let's

get moving! Come on!

I don't think you

should be leaving us.

If you know something,

this is the time to share it!

I don't know anything! Nothing

at all! Just leave me alone!

I'm not buyin' it.

You better tell us,

if you know what's good

for you, old man.

[MICHELLO gasps]

I know nothing and that's final!


What a shame.



[JACKAL grunts]

If you had some juicy

info to share,

I might've let you leave

with your body intact.


He doesn't even seem injured!



What is this guy made of?

Do you have rocks for brains?

I told you, I don't

know anything!

Go ask somebody else!

I can't help you!

That's too bad. Guess I'll

stick to my first plan.

[MICHELLO groans]

U-Uh... Hey!

Don't just stand there

like a bunch of idiots!

Get him while he's down!

I order you!

You're kiddin' me.

[JACKAL grunts] You've got

skill, I'll give you that.

But you should learn

to pay attention

when someone's talkin'.


Natsu! Look!


Uh?! What the...?

My curses can change anyone

stupid enough to touch me

into a living b*mb.

I wonder... How many

times did you touch me?

[NATSU growls]

Are you okay?

Keep away, Happy! That goes

for the rest of ya, too!


But, Natsu...


We can't!

Get outta here!

[WENDY, LUCY, HAPPY panting]

[CARLA screams]

--[HAPPY] Natsu!

--[LUCY] Get down!



Oh no!

Is he...?

I can't really tell.

Weren't you going to protect me?

You're the most pathetic

bodyguard I've ever seen!

Grandpa, please!

Crazy! I can't believe

he's still in one piece

after all of that!

Not bad for a total loser.


[HAPPY] Come on,

Natsu! Please get up!


He's out cold!

[LUCY growls]

Your knight in shining

armor is outta commission.

[MICHELLO whimpers]

I'm a goner. Please,

get up! I need you!

If you tell me what you know,

I promise I'll only

k*ll your grandkid.

[MICHELIA gasps]

Ya see, I can be a reasonable

guy. Aren't you lucky?

I can't believe this jerk!

No! Stay back!

[MICHELLO whimpering]






Oh, no, you don't!


Let's go!

Whatever you do,

remember to not touch him!

We can handle this!

You won't get past us!

Sky Dragon Roar!

The expl*si*n

canceled it out!

[JACKAL] Those weak

att*cks won't hurt me!

Run away, Wendy!

If he touches you,

you'll end up like Natsu!

[WENDY gasps]


Sky Dragon Wing Attack!

I told you, it's useless!

[WENDY gasps]

[JACKAL laughs]

Don't be shy, there are plenty

of explosions to go around.


[WENDY, LUCY grunt]

[MICHELLO panting]


This is bad! Very bad!

If Face is really what they're

after, we're all done for!

The entire world

would be doomed!

Let's do this! Open,

Gate of the Scorpion!


Long time, no see!

What the crap?

Did this chick just make

a guy out of thin air?

Stop askin' questions

and get ready for a dose

of my desert power!

Sand Buster!


[LUCY, SCORPIO scream]


There's sand in my eyes!

[WENDY coughs]

I think I swallowed some.

Don't you worry, there's plenty

more where that came from!

Sand Buster!

Three of 'em won't

make a difference.

Not again! I can't see a thing!

Sorry, this isn't working.

Good try, though!

Hey. S'cool.

[JACKAL laughs]

[JACKAL] Now do you

see how useless it is?



He can block our att*cks,

and hit us back harder

thanks to his explosions.

His magic's too powerful.



You tools have no idea

what you're dealing with here.

We don't use magic in Tartaros,

we prefer a darker poison.


What's that mean?

[JACKAL] A power that trumps

all the magic in the world.

I've k*lled stronger wizards

than you could hope to be!

[JACKAL grunts]




expl*si*n Spiral!

[WENDY, LUCY scream]

[WENDY screams]

[LUCY groans]

[WENDY groans]

This is bad!

No, Wendy!

[WENDY groans]

[LUCY whimpers]

Later, losers.

[LUCY whimpers]

I am so sorry. You're hurt,

and it's because of us.

[LUCY grunting]

No. This isn't your fault.

It's between our guild and his.

Hey Wendy!

Help Natsu!

[WENDY sighs]

[LUCY] I'm going after

the canine freak show.


Where are all these

explosions comin' from?


No idea... But I'm worried

it may have something to do

with what happened in Era!

[MALE B] They've caused

some serious damage.

We should probably go and help!

Gotta run! Gotta find shelter!

If I don't, I'm as good as dead!

Who is that? I've never

seen him around here before.

Yeah, neither have I. Maybe he's

connected to those explosions?

Hey, young man! Find me

somewhere to hide, and quickly!


What's wrong with you?

My life is in danger,

you ignorant whelp!


Listen close. I'm a former

member of the Magic Council!

I've been protecting this town

and its people for years!

Now it's your turn

to protect me!

You didn't get

very far, old man.

[MICHELLO whimpers]

[JACKAL chuckles]

Stop this! I have nothing

to do with anything!

I don't have any secrets!

I just wanna live a peaceful

life with my grandchild!

That's all!


Is that the same grandchild

you straight up left alone

and at my mercy? Huh?

[JACKAL laughs]

[MICHELLO whimpering]

[LUCY panting]

Open, Gate of the--

Wouldn't do that. Unless

you wanna get blown up.



What is this thing?

That's my landmine curse.

Make one wrong move, and boom.


What's with all the ruckus?

It looks like wizards

are fighting!

Get away from me, now!

You're all in danger here!

I feel like I've seen

this girl somewhere.

She was one of the wizards

in the Grand Magic

Games Bikini Contest!

Looks like we've

got an audience.

That could make things

more interesting.


Ah! No! Stop!

--Ah! What's happening to me?

--[CROWD gasps]

[CROWD murmurs]

Say hello to my newest bombs!


Let me go!

--[CROWD screams]

--They're bombs?

Run for your lives!

Aw. I wanted them to see the

true ugliness of humanity,

but I guess they're just

gonna have to miss the show.

[LUCY gasping]

Only one of these bombs is gonna

explode. So, who goes boom?

I'm leaving that

choice up to you.



Which one of them lives

and which one of them dies?

Choose quickly,

patience ain't my thing.

[LUCY gasps]

Hurry and get up, Natsu.

We really need you!


I've never seen him this bad.

Stand back, I'll

try to heal him.

Do you think you

can help him?

Don't push yourself

too hard, child.

If you use too much power,

you'll be in the same condition.

I don't have time

to worry about that.

Not when Lucy is fighting

all by herself!

[WENDY grunts]

Please Miss, you have to help

me! I'm carrying a baby!

You came to protect me, right?

Then what are you waiting for?

[LUCY] Stop it! What's the point

here? You were only after him!

This is a lot more fun! Humans

are playthings, nothing more.


You creep!

You can at least face

me fair and square!

There's ten seconds left.

Better make your choice.


Why are you doing this to me?

I'm a former council

member, you dolt!

My life is far more

important than hers!

Stop wasting time and choose!

[LUCY grunts]

Careful! Any sudden movements

will set off the Mine,

and if you explode before

making your choice,

then both of these saps

will go sky-high!


It's okay. It'll be okay. Don't

be scared. Mommy's here.

Whose life is more useful, huh?

It should be obvious which one

of us the world needs more,

so stop thinking about it and

save me from this psycho!

[LUCY whimpers]


Time's up.

Whose life are you

gonna pick, Fairy Tail?

Who leaves in

a body bag?


We choose...




...yours, punk!

[NATSU grunts]

--[NATSU yells]

--[JACKAL screams]

[JACKAL groaning]

[JACKAL groans]


We got here as fast

as we could, Lucy!

And without a

moment to spare!



Looks like the bombs

are out of commission!



You're gonna be okay.


Oh thank you...

[CARLA] We'll take you somewhere

safe, all right?

[MICHELLO groans]

Thank goodness. What kept you?

I thought I was done for!

[MICHELLO groans]




[LUCY sighs]

[MICHELLO groans]

[NATSU] Take a nap, old man.

I don't wanna deal with you.

[JACKAL growls]

You've either got a death wish,

or have the worst

memory of all time.

Anyone that touches me turns

into a b*mb! Remember?

Stay away from him, Natsu!

He uses some kind of dark

power that's even stronger

than magic! They're

called 'Curses'!


S'that right?

We're not entirely sure

what they are yet,

but we've seen what they can do.

Whaddya know?

The fools can learn.

But it won't help you now.

He's about to put on another

fireworks display,

and you're in the front row.

I hope you enjoy watching him

being ripped to shreds!

I've already gotten

the hang of it.

Say what?


Be careful!

[JACKAL gasps]



[CARLA, HAPPY laugh]

[WENDY, LUCY laugh]

[LUCY] Natsu continues

the fight with Jackal,

and holds his own against

the horrific curses.

But, as bad as things already

are, the true terror of Tartaros

and its Nine Demon Gates

has yet to be seen.

Meanwhile, the other members of

Fairy Tail spread across Fiore

to try to prevent any

further casualties.

As they do, they bear witness

to a truly shocking situation.

Next Time! Tartaros Chapter,

Prologue - Natsu vs. Jackal

This is a fight

for all humanity!
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