07x235 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – Fairies vs. Netherworld

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x235 - Tartaros Chapter, Prologue – Fairies vs. Netherworld

Post by bunniefuu »





[BIXLOW screams]

[EVERGREEN gasps, screams]


[YAJIMA gasps]

What is this guy?

Yajima, no!


[BIXLOW, FRIED groans]



[FRIED screams]

[YAJIMA groans]


[YAJIMA screams]

Mr. Yajima!

Fairy Machine g*n. Leprechaun!

You're helpless.

[CROWD shouts]

[EVERGREEN groaning]


He creamed us.

[YAJIMA wheezes]

Who the hell are you?


I have no name.

Though humans

have a word for me.

They call me disaster.

A force of nature.

[BIXLOW grunting] What's with

his magic? I can't move!

And he's barely even touched us.


The netherworld gate has opened.

--Humanity will be judged.

--[YAJIMA groaning]

Netherworld gate?

He's from Tartaros.

No doubt about it.

[FRIED] So, that means

it wasn't just the nine.

They're going after former

members of the Council, as well.

But why? What could

Tartaros be after?

Say your prayers.

Let him go!

--[STRANGER] Too late.

--[YAJIMA screams]


[STRANGER growls]









[LAXUS] Those are my

pals you're messin' with.

If you thought you're

getting away with this,

you're in for a real shock.

'Bout time, Laxus!

[BIXLOW chuckles]

Now it's his turn.

This guy. Who is he?

He's with Tartaros! He

came here to k*ll Yajima!

That so?

[LAXUS grunts]

[STRANGER growls]

[STRANGER roars]


[STRANGER pants]

[LAXUS gasps]

He's not human!

[STRANGER growls]


[STRANGER yells]

I missed?

[STRANGER roars]

[LAXUS grunts]

[TEMPESTER groans]

Stand still. Coward!

Is this still enough for ya?


Lightning Dragon Jaw!

Nicely done, Laxus!

I'll say!

No one's as manly as you.

[ELFMAN sneezes]

[LAXUS] So what should

we do with him now?

I'm all ears, Yajima.

Well, I would say

that we should take

him to the Council.

If there still

was one, that is.

The HQ's gone, sure,

but they've got other

outposts, don't they?

He has quite a few

questions to answer.

Why not take him

back to the guildhall?

Just leave him in

a room with me,

and I can guarantee he'll talk.

[EVERGREEN chuckles]

Moving along. They might've

gone after the current council

for any number of

reasons, but retirees?

I don't understand the motive.

Me neither.

Enhanced interrogation time?

Enough with the

sausage, okay?

[STRANGER groans] So, you're

with Fairy Tail, are you?






[STRANGER] I misjudged you.

Never imagined I'd encounter

your kind of power

on the surface.

No matter though.

All I have to do is die.

Shut up. Nobody's

gonna die, all right?

[STRANGER] A great number

of people are about to die,

and we'll be the first.



He blew up?

But why?



Strange. He left

some sort of mist.

It looks like it's spreading.


Mankind cannot escape disaster.



[STRANGER] The mist is

rife with Bane Particles.

As it spreads, they will destroy

any ether-nano they can find.

But Ether-nano's inside

all living things! [coughs]

[YAJIMA coughs]

[STRANGER] Right you are.

Which is why this mist causes

Magic Deficiency Syndrome

and bane sickness.

[BIXLOW coughing]

[STRANGER] First, you'll

be stripped of your powers.

And then you'll be

stripped of your lives.

[BIXLOW choking]

[STRANGER] I would've

begun with this attack,

but, I have to go

back to Tartaros

and get reborn

every time I use it.

[LAXUS choking]

[STRANGER] That means I'll see

you soon. In the Netherworld.


Try not to breathe it in!


It's everywhere. What do we do?

[BIXLOW] The whole town'll

be infected soon!


We can't just stand around here!

Our only hope is to run for it!

[YAJIMA grunts]


Yajima! Hang in there!


[FRIED grunts] Bixlow! Ever!

You have to resist!

[LAXUS] No one else is gonna

die here! Not while I'm around!


Laxus, shield your mouth!

[LAXUS inhales]


What are you doing?


[LAXUS inahaling]

[LAXUS] That's twice you've

misjudged me, "Disaster".

First, you underestimated

the strength of my magic.

Now you've done the

same with my lungs.

[FRIED] Please Stop.

You'll k*ll yourself!

[LAXUS inhales]

No way you're talkin'

me outta this,

but you can make sure

they get home safe.



What happened to them?

Whatever it is, tell

me you can fix it!

They'll be okay! Won't they?


They've been heavily exposed

to Bane Particles.

I'll do what I can.

But far smaller exposures

than theirs have proven

lethal in the past. Recovery is

possible, but not guaranteed.

Or even likely.


[PORLYUSICA] Loxus's case is

many times worse than the rest.

It's a miracle he's

lasted this long.





[FRIED grunting]


I'm here.

Be proud, sir. Laxus

saved the whole town.


Mist everywhere. Would've

k*lled us all. If he hadn't...

You'll tell me later.

You did well getting them back

home, now get some rest.

[gasps] So much poison, and

Laxus breathed all of it in.

So it wouldn't reach the town.



[LAXUS groans, pants]


Quarantine in effect!

Keep your distance, the air here

is polluted with bane particles.

[WIZARD B] The west side

is especially contaminated.

No one gets in!


Medic! Four new victims!

[WIZARD D] If it's

this bad for non-wizards,

what could it do to us?

[WIZARD E] Same thing. The

death toll's over a hundred now.

[WIZARD F] I don't get it.

What the hell happened here?

The people. They're fine,

aren't they?

They are safe?

[GRAY growls]



[ERZA grunts]

[NATSU growls]


Then it was worth it.

[ELFMAN growls]

[WENDY cries]

[ERZA] From the Gate of the

Netherworld, came Tartaros.

They're after former

Council members now.

Which means Jellal

will be a target.

This is awful.


Well, Gramps.

You realize this means w*r.

Sorry for the trouble.

Thank you.

It's fine, Tempester.

No trouble at all.

Tempester. That's

my name, is it?



[TEMPESTER] I'll forget it again

before this body is complete,

but no matter.

That name will mean nothing

to me in my next life.

How much longer until

I'm fully regenerated?


Under normal circumstances,

you'd be out of there in a day.

But there's another vat

in use at the moment.

This slows the process down.

Another vat you said. Was

someone else defeated as well?

So far, the others are fine.

It's my child in there.

[KYOKA] This is Minerva.

My demonic fledgling.

[FRANMALTH laughs]

Well I certainly hope

she doesn't come out

as screwed in the head as

that failure, Doriate, did! Ha!

Surely not.

That little mishap must've cost

this guild a little fortune!


[FRANMALTH] Putting Temphumpsty

Dumpsty back together again

isn't free either, by the way.

Hope ya had a good reason

for blasting off this time.


This I remember.

I was driven to it by

a Fairy Tail wizard.

I've heard of this guild.

Reyur! Something seems to have

your little lady riled up!

It's members stopped the guilds

of Brain and Hades both.

But they won't stop us.

[KYOKA chuckles]

Knowing that as I do,

I can't help but be excited.

This means w*r!

Oh, I'll thrash every last one

of those Tar-tar mother--

You don't wanna say that!

We all know what you're feelin'!

Then lemme go before I have

to bash your heads in!

Wish you'd made that

threat a bit sooner.

[NATSU] They hurt our friends,

so we hurt them!

Stop actin' like

it's complicated,

and help me kick their butts!

I'd like nothing better, Natsu,

but we don't have nearly

enough information yet.

They're called Tartaros.

But aside from that,

their objective, their location,

all of it's a mystery.

Listen to Erza, Natsu!

How do you expect us to

attack them right now if we

don't even know where

their base is?

I'll beat down some other dark

guilds and make them tell us!

Okay, and where exactly

are we gonna find these

other dark guilds?

How the heck would I know?!

You don't, so calm down

and help us make a plan!

[NATSU growls]

We do know on thing for sure.

They're targeting members

of the Magic Council.

And not just current

members, either.

Anyone who's been on

the Council is at risk.

Then all we gotta do

is hang out around

some former council members,

and Tartaros'll come to us.

A good plan. Problem is,

the addresses of all former

council members are kept secret.

How come?

The council's imprisoned

quite a few people,

most of whom

would like revenge.

Looks like yet another dead end.


Actually, no. It's not.


Why's that?

I don't know where every

former council member lives,

but I can point you to a few.

Whoa, really?

How do you even find

out that kinda thing?

So I'm hot-tubbin'

with this librarian type:

stern in the streets,

crazed in the sheets.

--You know what I mean.

--[LUCY] Oh.

[PORLYUSICA] Hm. Thanks to

Loke's tramping around,

we have the addresses of four

retired council members.

We need to send a

team to each location.

Our main objective is to protect

these people from Tartaros.

But our second goal is

to find out everything

these wizards know about

the nature of Tartaros,

the whereabouts of other

former council-members,

and why they might've

been targeted.

Should you find the thing

that poisoned Laxus,

know that we need

a sample of its blood.

I won't be able to make

an antidote without it.

This is no time to be rash,

so avoid exposure at all costs!

[EVERGREEN whimpering]

Don't worry. I'll do whatever

it takes to make you well.

[LAXUS panting]

The jig's up. Fried told on you.

[BIXLOW groaning]

[MIRAJANE] Now we all know

what you did for those people.

You've come such a long way.

[LAXUS panting]

Rest up, ya hero.

You've certainly earned it.

Today, we go to w*r!

Our foe is a pillar

of the Baram Alliance.

As strong as Grimoire heart

and the Oración Seis.

But they should've learned

from their allies' mistakes.

For by the time

our work is done,

the bloodied remnants

of their guild

will look back on

this day and rue it.

For this is the day they made

an enemy of Fairy Tail.

They've att*cked our brethren.

The pain they've caused

is mine and yours. The blood

they've spilt is our blood.

Now it is time for the

blood not shed to boil.

For our pain to feed

our burning rage.

Let us fight not for justice,

but for the thunder

in our souls.

I make this oath upon

the honor of our guild.

Fairy Tail will

destroy this foe!




So if we may, we'd

like to stay around

for a little while

to protect you.

We'll keep ya safe.

So you should feed us well.

I appreciate the sentiment, but

frankly, you'd be a nuisance.

How did you find

where I live, anyway?

If you gotta problem, I'm sure

we can work it out cat-to-cat.

Who are you callin' a cat?

I know all about your

troublesome guild,

and I would like nothin'

to do with it.

Good luck. I hope

your plan succeeds.

But you'll have to find

someone else to use as bait!

Tartaros would've come for you

regardless of whether we showed

up to help or not, so I

wouldn't call you 'bait'.

Oh, and by the way,

you're welcome.

Think I'm stupid? Well I'm not

stupid enough to stick around

here after what

you just told me.

I'm gonna hit the bricks,

and don't follow me.

[MICHELIA] Hey! They came a

long way to see you, Grandpa.

Don't be rude.


You're not my boss.

[WENDY] She's the one that

did the things with Loke!

We should do what

we can to help.

The entire council

was wiped out.



You used to be a

part of that Council.

You can't just ignore

what happened!



Also, any guesses

as to why this guild

is targeting

council members?

Could be a number of reasons.

Council's ticked off

a lot of wizards.

More'n this old mind

can keep track of.

This isn't about some grudge.

Their process is too methodical.

They're doing this

to achieve a goal.

I'm Sorry, but I've no

idea what that might be.

No, wait. There is something.

Some awful thing.

Called "Face".

[LUCY, WENDY grunt]


Uh! Everyone down!

[WENDY, LUCY grunt]

What is it?

That goes for you too!

--[MICHELIA screams]

--[MICHELLO grunts]

Get ready.

For what?

[NATSU grunts]

No! Please, not my

beautiful house!

--[LUCY groaning]

--I think we're under attack!

Is everybody okay?

--[HAPPY] Aye.


That expl*si*n was massive.

How are we alive?

[NATSU grunts] Haven't eaten

that fast since Tuesday.




Nice one!

[LUCY gasps]


And here I was,

thinkin' you'd be too

blown up to tell apart.

Who're you?

That's how it was with the

magic council. [laughs]

--[WENDY] Uh...

--[HAPPY, CARLA gasp]

You're with Tartaros, aren't ya?


Yeah. Who's askin'?


Natsu of Fairy Tail.

Brace yourself.

I'm gonna hurt ya.

[LUCY] Jackal the demon Gate

is intent on k*lling Michello.

But thanks to Natsu,

his surprise attack failed.

Now Fairy Tail's pyro faces off

against Tartaros' bombardier,

while the rest of us take cover.

What is Tartaros' goal here?

Why are they hunting down

old members of the council?

And what about this "Face"

that Michello mentioned?

Why is he so scared of it?

Next time: Tartaros Chapter,

Prologue - The White Legacy

It will be the fireworks

show that started a w*r.
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