07x232 - Voice of the Flame

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x232 - Voice of the Flame

Post by bunniefuu »

[DORIATE growling]

[NARRATOR] Doriate used

his regression magic

to weaken Natsu and Erza.

Ultimately, he battled Gray,

who made up for his loss

of strength with ingenuity,

while Doriate relied

on brute force.



[groaning continues]



Wait... I know this feeling.

Can't be. There's no way!

[DORIATE growls]

I thought he was human, but...

[DORIATE growls]

This is getting old!

[ERZA grunts]

No! Why was I affected?

'Kay. Something's missing here.

Not cool.


Could that be it?

Is it really that simple?


Hold on!

[GRAY grunts]

Did ya have to wait

till the very last second?


Yes! I was right after all!

[GRAY] I never gave

myself a chance to try!

Don't just stand there,

ugly! Let's do this!

[DORIATE roaring]

I'm lending you my body

for a spell! Don't let me down!

[GRAY yelling]

[DORIATE groaning]

[GRAY yelling]

[DORIATE yelling]

[DORIATE chuckles]

The netherworld gate

just busted wide open.

All thanks to you.

You'll realize the

consequences soon enough.

There's no turning back.

[trees cracking]

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

[CARLA, HAPPY] Oh, come on!

Can't we catch a break?



--[LUCY] Happy?

--[WENDY] Carla?

Run for it!

It's got an appetite!

--[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

--[GRAY, CARLA, HAPPY panting]


What... is that?!

I don't know, but it's hungry

and we're the next dish

on the menu!

Someone throw a spell already!

Turn around and ice it!

I can't afford to waste

magic power right now!

[NATSU] Why?

Because I think I found a way

to unfreeze the village

and get things back to normal!



Raven Tail?

What is she doing here?

Don't worry about her!

You really think

you can melt this ice?

I'm not a hundred

percent certain.

But I'm sure as hell

gonna try to!

All right then!

I can deal with the ugly bird,

while you melt that mountain!

Do that and we might

have a chance!

[GRAY] What?!

[NATSU] That's the Eternal

Flame! Can you do it?

Watch me.


I'm countin' on ya! Go!

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

I'm all fired up!


It looks hungry.

I guess that demon guy

was just an appetizer.


Be careful!

If he eats me, I'll just

cook him from the inside!


Way to go!

Not a bad kick.


[NATSU groaning]


Don't worry about me!

I've got this.

You focus on the ice!

Get that fire to burn!!


Save the Eternal Flame

and it'll save the village!


[WENDY gasps]

[FLARE] Uh...

[HAPPY gasps]

[CARLA gasps]

I'm all over it!

I haven't been able to do much

with the ice

around this village.

It's immune to my maker magic,

and I sure as hell

can't melt it.

The only thing that I can do

is channel it through my body.

I think that means this ice and

my ice have somethin' in common.

I'm lending you my body

for a spell! Don't let me down!

[GRAY yelling]

You're gonna channel that

cursed ice through your body?

I'm sure you'll handle it.

But what'll it let you do?

What I couldn't do before!

Once it's been inside me,

I think I'll be

able to diffuse it.

That's amazing. But are

you sure you can do it?

Won't know for sure until I try.

That's why I'm not usin'

this on the giants yet!

Step one is tryin' to suck

the ice outta this mountain.

I'm gonna give that giant

flame some room to breathe!

I'm not sure how this'll

play out. So get back!

[GRAY yelling]

[yelling continues]

Looks like the ice

is starting to evaporate!


It's really melting! Yay!

No, it's sublimating, but still!



[ALL gasping]

What happened?

Is there nothing left of it?

I totally believed we had this.

I didn't mean to--

[FLARE crying]

It's not real.

[FLARE crying]

[WENDY gasps]

--[FLARE crying]

--[WENDY gasping]

[WENDY] I can feel something.

Some sort of magic power.

What could it be?


Without the Eternal Flame,

what can we do?

This isn't happening.

There's just no way!

This might not be

your fault, Gray,

it could have gone out

as soon as it was frozen!

[GRAY] No.

I screwed up.

Why didn't I try that

out on a house first?

Was I too cocky, or just

scared of gettin' showed up?

I'm useless.

[FLARE] Sacred Flame's

been strong for centuries.

I thought it was invincible.

If the flame is gone, then

what'll happen to the village?

It hasn't gone out!

[ALL gasp]

[WENDY] I'm sensing

residual thought energy!

Like I did with

Zirconis, but stronger!

What does this flame

have to do with that dragon?

[LUCY gasps]

Look, over there!

[GRAY] Hm?

Is something glowin'?

That's the center of the altar.

The mist is clearing!

It's lost a lot of weight,

but at least it's there.

For now at least, but it

doesn't look very healthy.

That's why Warrod needed Natsu!

If he gives it

some of his flame,

then I bet that it'll come

back stronger than ever!

Yeah, maybe you're right!

Did he beat that monster yet?

Natsu, hurry!

Yeah, yeah!

This shouldn't take too long!

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

[NATSU grunting]

[NATSU yelps]


Oh no!

It got him!


Keep runnin'!


It's right behind us!

[ALL yelping]

[FLARE gasps]

That beam's gonna

hit one of the giants!

[NATSU grunts, roars]


I'll be outta your

hair in just a sec!

[NATSU yelling]


[NATSU yelling]

Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!


[BOTH whimpering]

[BOTH yelp]

[BOTH grunting]

The Eternal Flame!

[NATSU yelling]

Get back up, freak!

[NATSU yelling]

An earthquake?

That, or Natsu.

It's called overkill!

Heard of it?

[NATSU yelling]


Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Flame Lotus

Exploding Flame Blade!

[ALL yelping]




[FLARE gasps]

The Eternal Flame.


Our guardian deity.


You brought it back.

[BOTH gasp]

Yo, Happy! I wanna get

to the top of this thing,

do ya mind givin' me a lift?

Do I have to? It's scary.

This is where that

voice came from.

The voice and the thought

energy are one and the same!

That settles it.


The flame's been here for

centuries. Could it really be...

Hey there, Uncle,

how you been?


Well met, son of Igneel.

Aside from being

imprisoned in ice?


I've been good.

It's Atlas Flame.

Oh, yeah, from the Eclipse Gate.

That's the dragon that

helped us fight Rogue!


But the Eclipse Gate

was destroyed,

sending the dragons

back to their time.


That's correct.

It sent us years

into your past.

And all that time

I've burned on.

Didn't know you were still

alive! You must be ancient!

Yet you look so youthful.

[ATLAS FLAME] Ancient, yes.

But alive? No. Far from it.

Atlas Flame has been

dead for centuries.

I used my Milky Way spell

to give form to what

remained of him.



I thought as much.

I don't recall dying,

but I do remember life.

And this isn't

what it felt like.

[GRAY] So, are you not

all there, or what?

[ATLAS FLAME] I don't have

the perspective to say.

But my memories

are clouded, muddled.

Who am I? What place is this?

I'd be forgetful too

at your age. Relax.

[ATLAS FLAME] You'd be dirt

at my age, son of Igneel.

Something seems off here.

Zirconis came from the same

era, but his memory was fine.

It might have

to do with the ice.

What about it?

[WENDY] A being does has to have

incredibly strong willpower

to leave residual

thought energy in its wake.

But the actual

magic power is weak.

Considering the strength

of the ice magic,

and the length of time

Atlas Flame was frozen,

it kinda makes sense that his

memories would be damaged.


Ice, yes. All around me.

[ATLAS FLAME] I didn't know

what cold was till then.

About that. Could ya tell us

how everything got like this?

Please, sir, I really

need to know.

You see, I used to live here.

[ATLAS FLAME grumbles]


His intentions were not evil,

but he mistook me

for something I am not.

Did you say "he"?



A single human being transformed

this entire town into a tundra.

[BOTH gasp]

[LUCY gasps]

You're sayin' that all this

was done by one ice wizard?

I'd understand if it were

a guild, or a monster,

but not a lone wizard.

So... what did he

think you were?


He mistook me for a demon.

Not the first time that

mistake's been made.

But this man froze an entire

village just to get at me.

He was a Demon Slayer.

And a ruthless one at that.

A Demon Slayer?

First, there were Dragon

Slayers. And then God Slayers.

Just how many kinds are there?

Demon Slayer magic? I've never

even heard of that before.

To the best of my knowledge,

it's never been written about.

That explains it.

The ice hurt that demon guy

'cause it was made

by a Demon Slayer.

[GRAY] A man who uses ice like

mine to slay demons? Who is he?



Everything's fading.

I can't remember. Who am I?

Our deity! You're the

guardian of this village!

Atlas, Flame of the Titans!

[ATLAS FLAME grumbles]


Here my plea, I beg you!

Warm this village with

your light! Banish the ice!

Be the guardian you always were!

[FLARE crying]

[LUCY] Flare...


I've no right to ask this.


Please, save my family.


"Guardian," you said. Yes.

I was a dragon once,

but I died, and became

the Flame of the Titans.



I created this village.


You did? Nice!

Glad it's comin' back to ya!


It pains me to see it suffer so.

If I had a single drop

of moisture in me,

it would leak now from my eyes.

With what strength

of spirit I have left,

and the fire I received

from the son of Igneel,

I will burn this ice away.

[ATLAS FLAME] For I am more than

Atlas Flame, the Fire Dragon.

I am also Atlas,

Flame of the Titans!

Little help? Think you could

cool me off before I melt away?

That is one serious flame.

I can feel his spirit fading.

[CARLA gasps]


The Dragon King Festival.

Acnologia. And Zeref.

I remember now.

I remember everything!

years ago,

your father fought

the strongest, most vile

demon in the Book of Zeref.

[NATSU gasps]


That monster's name is E.N.D.

And not even Igneel had

the strength to slay it.

[GIANT A] Huh?

What the--?

Why am I--?

That wave of heat.

It must've come

from the Eternal Flame.


The ice is gone? That can't be!

My friends're fast. Sorry.



Mmm. Well, isn't this a sight.

A couple of humans have somehow

wandered into our village.

We'll settle this later.


Minerva, wait!

Do try not to sound

so desperate.

I'll be back to finish you soon,

and on a finer stage

than this one.

You still have

time to stop this.

You're too strong to let

yourself be controlled

by the darkness.

No need to fret for me, Erza.

Darkness is coming, but I'll

be the one that controls it.

[ALL gasping]

The village. It thawed out!

Do the giants

seem bigger to you?


Where's my uncle?


[FLARE] Thank you

for sharing your warmth.

[BOTH grunting]

There's no trace left

of Atlas Flame.

He gave everything

to save the village.

To think that just a fragment of

his spirit could be so powerful.

He even created

a brand new Eternal Flame.


So Igneel was tryin' to take

out a demon called E.N.D.?

Never heard of it.

I wonder what made

Atlas Flame think of that?


Who knows?


An Ice Demon Slayer

paused dozens of lives

with just one spell.


Excuse me, sir.


You've been ordered to return

to Headquarters

as soon as possible.


You go and tell headquarters

that I'm busy

paying my respects.


My deepest apologies, sir.

But, each of the

Nine Demon Gates

have been summoned

to this meeting.

Forgive my insubordinace,

but, sir, I--

[MESSENGER] I'm begging you!

Obey the order, please!

[MAN] What's with

the trembling, friend?

Scared I'm gonna eat your soul?

[MESSENGER whimpers]


You can put your fears to rest.

I only feast on

the souls of demons.


Thanks to Atlas Flame's flame,

the Village of the Sun

is back to normal!

Well, maybe not normal,

but the giants can move now!

And they're

surprisingly friendly.

Having finished our quest,

we return to the Sequen

manor to collect our reward.

But with a guy like Warrod,

we should know better

than to think we'll get paid.

Or, at least not

in the usual way.

Next time:

"Song of the Fairies."

Some words are also promises.

Comrade means we're

in this together.
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