03x03 - Katie's Commitment

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gimme a Break!" Aired: October 29, 1981 – May 12, 1987.*
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Nell Harper is the no-nonsense housekeeper and surrogate mother for police chief Carl Kanisky's children: Samantha, Julie and Katie.
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03x03 - Katie's Commitment

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ Gimme a break, now I know what it takes ♪

♪ I'm putting a new face on the old one ♪

♪ Ready for anything

♪ Playing with fate, not a moment too late ♪

♪ I'm showing the whole world nothing can get me down ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ gimme a break

♪ 'Cause I sure need one ♪ gimme a break

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ I finally know where I belong ♪

♪ Gimme a break!

"Tear-gas canisters, bucks a canister. Three riot helmets, $ a helmet."

We got to cut some of this stuff out of the budget

Before the city auditor gets here.

Hey, look at this, chief.

"Bulletproof vest, $ apiece."

Do we need those?

You don't. I do.

Nell, seven letters,

Famous sex researchers -- blank and johnson.

Charlie johnson.

Good ol' charlie johnson.

Nell, I can't find the iron. I looked everywhere.

Did you check the closet next to the ironing board?



You going out again tonight?

Yeah, I have a date. Who with?

The same person I've been seeing for a while.

Chief, what's this?

"$ , For clothes

For the men on the undercover vice squad."

Well, women's dresses are expensive.

No more dresses for the men.

Aw, that's gonna break officer murphy's heart.

I saw him on grant street the other night,

And he looks lovely in silk brocade.

Oh, yeah.

And when he -- you know, when he wears his hair in an upsweep --


Nell, the legs keep buckling under the ironing board.

I know just how those legs feel. I'll be there in a moment.

Well, am I meeting this kid tonight or not?

Yes, dad.

He's picking me up here, and then you'll meet him.

Oh, nell. Yes?

Would you mind getting us more coffee while you're in there?


Uh, nell?


With cream, okay?


Nell? Yes?

Could I have a refill on milk, please?

Of course, precious.


Get off my back!

Katie, I don't know what your problem is.

Putting up an ironing board

Has to be the simplest thing in the world.

I'm just nervous about michael meeting dad.

Ohh, your new college guy, huh?


Look, nell, michael really means a lot to me.

You're the only one who knows how to handle dad.


[ Chuckles ]

It's so good when you're young and in love, ain't it?

It ain't bad when you're old and in love, either.

What are you doing?!

Use the table.

Does anybody know a -letter word for a small boat?

Okay, coffee, everyone. Excuse me.

Cream, no sugar in mine.

No coffee in yours, either.


My girlfriend melissa drinks coffee.

Your girlfriend melissa is pregnant.

Now, you stay away from coffee.

He'll be here at . I'll wear something else.

Katie, this guy you're dating, does he got a name?

Yeah. Michael desmond.

How come you never let me meet this michael desmond before?

Didn't you think I'd like him?

Oh, no, no. Dad, you'll love him, really.

You see, I met him when I went to pick up my application forms

At the college, and he's got blue eyes and a great smile.

Did I hear the word "college"?

Right before the blue eyes.

Now, look, dad --

Don't "look, daddy" me. He's too old for you.

Call him up and cancel the date.

Nell, I told you.

Just a minute, katie.

Chief, katie's a senior in high school and over to boot.

Now, why shouldn't she date a college boy?

Because her sister julie is dating a high-school boy.

Dad, julie's boyfriend is years old!

He's a scrawny, beak-nosed, nearsighted know-it-all

Who whines when he talks.

You are twisted!

He happens to be a -year-old brilliant artist.

He's a poet.

He made the national honor society,

And he'll probably graduate before you do!

But he's still ugly, julie.

Oh, chief. Come on, admit it.

College men are more interesting.

College men are only interested in two things -- beer and sex.

For your information, michael doesn't drink beer.

I don't want you dating any college kids,

And that's final!

I didn't date a college kid.

We were just walking in the park.

It was totally innocent.

I'll probably never see her again.

What are you talking about, pop?

I'm talking about my privacy.

Are you having me followed again?

Of course not.

Well, see that you don't.

I was just walking around for my health,

Trying to be friendly --

Something you should try.

You put a tail on your own father?


[ Sobbing ]

What is it, simpson?

I just looked at the figures for rex's funeral.

Who was rex?

Rex and simpson were partners for a while.

Oh, the police dog that died.

That ought to come out of your pocket.

That dog would be alive today

If you hadn't taken him to the p*stol range.

I'll be right back.

Nell come on, grandpa.

You have to go for your walk before it gets too late.

Not till I finish my water.

Doctor says if you drink eight glasses a day,

You don't turn to dust so fast.

[ Telephone ringing ]

I'll get that.


Yes, it is. Just a minute.

Chief, it's the station.

Katie, it's of . Shake a tail feather.

She doesn't have to shake anything.

She's not going anywhere. Kanisky speaking.

Why not?

The chief thinks that college boys are too old for katie.

Hogwash! No such thing as too old.

Too dead, yes, but not too old.

All right, I'll be right there.

I got to go down the station.

Some rookie from the highway patrol just picked up murphy.

He was wearing his miniskirt, but he forgot his badge.

Simpson, take care of the audit until I get back.

Excuse me. What about katie?

I told you -- I don't want her going out with that michael.

Chief, please don't embarrass her.

He's on his way over here. Just let her go this once.

All right, I'll leave it up to you.

But it's your responsibility,

And I want a full report when I get back.

Why don't you have nell fingerprint michael?

Would you, nell?

I was planning to.


Hey, wait a minute.

Don't you girls be so hard on your father.

I'm talking to you, katie.

It's just that sometimes your father's bark

Is worse than his bite.

Rex had such a nice bark.


Simpson, I'm sorry.

Now, you know I would never deliberately say anything

That would bring up sad memories.

I know that, nell.

Why don't you come in the kitchen

And have a piece of german chocolate cake?

[ Crying ]

What now?

Rex was a german shepherd.

I'll get some coffee.

[ Doorbell rings ]

Hi, sweetheart. Hi, honey.

Mmm. Come on in.

Oh, simpson. This is my boyfriend, michael.

Michael, this is officer simpson.

Nice to meet you.

Yeah. I got to leave.

I don't want to be here when the chief finds out

His daughter is dating the auditor.

Here, simpson, why don't you try --

Where did simpson go?

Uh, he left. Come here.

I want you two to meet.

This is michael.

You got to be nell.

You got to be kidding.

I love this!

How old are you?


Julie, katie's boyfriend is !

I love this!

Shut up, sweet face.

I forgot my purse. I'll be right back.

Honey, you forgot a lot of things, didn't you?

[ Laughs nervously ]

Michael, why are you robbing the cradle?

Most women date older men.

Michael, why are you robbing the cradle?

Frankly, I think I'm in love with her.

You ready to go, hon?


Well, nell, now you know why I couldn't tell dad.

[ Laughs mockingly ]

Michael, would you please wait outside just a few minutes?

I want to talk to katie -- girl talk.

[ Chuckles ] all right.

I'll wait out in the car.


Hee hee hee hee.

Whoa, girl.

He's quite a hunk there.

Yes. [ Laughs ]

I can see why you have the hots for him.

Now get in there and cool off!

[ Knocking ]

It wasn't intelligent. It was dumb. I mean, your sister's over ,

And I have no right to tell her how to lead her life.


Why did you let me let her out of the closet?

Why? You big dummy. Get in there!

All right, samantha, baby, it's just you and me.

Don't forget about julie in the closet.

Julie, come out of the closet.

Julie I don't want to come out!

It's okay now. I think she's under control.

I'm sorry, honey.

It's just the idea of facing your father has made me crazy!


What am I gonna say to that man?

Well, don't look at me.

I'm just a kid who's not old enough to drink coffee.

Get me a pot of coffee so she can give us some ideas.

Hi, daddy. Hi, dad.


One word and I'll k*ll you.

Chief, did you get officer murphy back?

Not yet.

Oh, what happened?

Murphy got two dozen roses from the arresting officer.

He's considering a transfer.

Simpson, go home!

Chief... Simpson's already gone.

Oh, good, 'cause the auditor's not coming tonight.

I just got word on the car radio.

Speaking of car radios,

You should have seen katie's boyfriend.

Well, what's katie's guy like, nell?

Nice kid.

All right, come on. What's this all about, huh?

Oh, what a beautiful, romantic night.

Oh, to be again.


You see, katie's new love isn't exactly a college kid.

What exactly is he?

Well, he's more like a college professor.

In fact, he's close to years old.

How close?

He'll be next year.

You let my daughter go out with a -year-old man?!

I love this!

Don't you just love this?

Go to your room, both of you! You're grounded!

For what?

For having a sister who dates a -year-old man.

Daddy, don't be absurd!

What kind of reason is that?

You want a better one?

Not really. Don't talk! Run!

Carl, you're behaving like a nincompoop.

Young girls love older men.

Why -- why, just this morning,

This cute little dolly helped me with my shopping cart.

It had a bad wheel, see, and kept veering to the left --

Knocked over the whole oatmeal display!


You're talking about shopping carts at a time like this?!

Okay, we'll talk about it at breakfast.


Chief, if you come down too hard on katie,

You're going to lose her.

Now, just hear me out.

What she's doing is wrong.

I'm with you on that.

But if you're not careful, you're gonna drive her

Right into the arms of this -year-old man.

Oh, come on.

Listen, my father wouldn't let me be a pop singer,

So I ran away at the age of

Right into the arms of a piano player.

Good ol' charlie johnson.

What am I to do?!

Trust her. Just trust her.

Have faith that everything you have taught her

Through the years will help her make the right decision.

Yeah, I know, I know.

No, I don't know!

I don't even know what to say to this guy!

Talk about your pension plans. You'll both be retiring soon.

Nell, you know my temper. I'm liable to k*ll him!

All right, chief. Calm down.

Sit down, sit down. Sit down.

When my father used to get angry,

He would grit his teeth,

And he would start looking all mean and ugly,

And just when he was about to explode,

He would take a deep breath,

And then he would start to sing

The "battle hymn of the republic."

He'd sing? Yes.

I'd rather look mean and ugly.

Look, nell. Thanks for trying.

I got to calm down.

Maybe some fresh air.

Look, nell. Katie's home.

Hi, katie.


It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.

I'm michael desmond.

Uh, would you excuse us, katie?

I think your father would like to have a little talk.

Yeah, honey. Let's go in the kitchen.

While you were in the closet, did you see my gray coat?

Come in.

Sit down.

Thank you.

So, you're a professor?

Actually, associate professor, uh, classical civilization --

You know, aeschylus, euripides, socrates.

No, most of my friends are cops.

You know, you are quite a guy.

I thought you'd be a lot more upset than this.

Well, the intelligent way to handle it

Is to be in complete control of yourself.

That's good. That's good. Then you won't mind.

Next weekend, I'm attending a seminar up in san francisco,

And I'm taking katie with me.

♪ Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord ♪

♪ He is trampling out the vintage ♪

♪ Where the grapes of wrath are stored ♪

♪ He hath loosed...

Nell, what the hell is the rest of that song?!

Dad, what's wrong?

It's all right, katie. It's all right, katie.

It's all right, katie. Are you sure?

How many times does he have to tell you?

Get out of here.

There's some coffee.

It's all right, katie.

Would you drink it? Here.

Good night, katie. Good night.

You know, I think tonight went just great,

And you are one lucky girl.

My father never sang around the house.

[ Whistling "battle hymn of the republic" ]

[ Sighs ]

Oh, nell, dad is so sweet to understand.

Oh, I love my father.

Sure, you do.

Sit down, honey.


I said, sit down, sweetheart.

I'm going upstairs.

Oh, no, you're not.

I said, sit down!


Now, when your father disagrees with you, he's a squid.

But when he gives in to you, you love him.

Well, katie, I want you to know

That I think you are the giant squid of all times.

Come here, dear. I want you to see something.

Come on.

You look.

Come here.

Come here.

It doesn't mean a darn thing

For you to tell me you love your father

Simply because he gives in to you.

That's not love.

That man is in there

Fighting against everything he believes in

To accept what you want.

Now, that's love, baby, and don't you forget it.

Think about it.



Good night, katie.

Good night, daddy.

Hey, mama.

[ Sighs ]

Oh, by the way, when I go to san francisco this weekend,

I'm not staying with michael.

I'm gonna stay at cousin shirley's.

I knew you were smart, girl.

But if you're really smart, you'll eat out.

Your cousin shirley cannot cook.

Go to bed.

Hey, you know what happened tonight?


Michael asked me to marry him.

Really. He -- he asked me to marry him.

But I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment.

I think I want to go to college.

Then, again, who knows?

He is cute.

Good night.

Together ♪ mine eyes have seen the glory...♪

♪ Gimme a break

♪ Gimme a break
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