07x228 - Wizards vs. Hunters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x228 - Wizards vs. Hunters

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm guessing we're here.

Yes, and it took no time at all,

thanks to Sir Warrod's magic.

It beats walking,

that's for sure.

A Wizard Saint's power

is nothing to scoff at.



Look there! Those boulders!

[GRAY] It's all frozen,

just like the old man told us.


The Village of the Sun

must be on the other

end of this trench.

All right! Chow time!

Here's hoping they got more

than cold dishes to serve.


I really don't think you

understand the situation.

[WARROD] These days my

allegiance is to nature.

Every retired man needs a hobby,

mine is turning

deserts into forests.

As you can imagine, I've

seen many peculiar things

traveling about the

deserts of this land.

Most recently, I came

across a village

hidden in the Mountains.

As it turned out, I had

read about this place before.

Known as the Village of

the Sun, its people worship

an ever-burning flame

as their guardian deity.

They've got a fire

that never goes out?


They do.

But when I got there, the

whole place had frozen over.


[WARROD] Be it by nature,

or the folly of man.

Every person,

plant, and creature.

All the buildings too.

The river was solid ice.

Even the sacred flame

of the village was frozen,

though it burns on, even now.

It's possible to freeze a flame?

Oh, that poor village.

I have no idea what happened

to the people there.

However, one thing

that was clear to me

is that they're still alive.

[HAPPY] I thought you said

they were all frozen?


None of this makes sense.

The people of that village

are in dire need of help.

They must be restored,

that is why I called on you.

Break the curse of ice.

That is your task.

I leave this task in your hands,

youngsters of Fairy Tail.

Should you face yourselves

in this journey,

I ask you to look closely.

Do this and you shall overcome

whatever obstacles

may fall before your paths.

[ALL yelping]

[ALL laughing, cheering]

This is amazing!

That it is. He can make

a tree fly like a dragon.

[ERZA] The power to

control nature itself.

[GROUP gasping]

It's hard to believe something

could freeze an entire city

and everything

around it so perfectly.

[GRAY grunts]

Strange, Warrod said all

the people were frozen,

but I don't see anyone around.

I wonder where they are.



[BOTH gasping]

[ERZA gasping]

[GRAY grunts]




Giant! Giant! Giant!




For some reason,

I feel like I was just

the butt of a joke.

[NATSU] That old tree didn't

say anything about giants!

I'm sure he must have

done that on purpose.

You know, I can't

help feeling I kept

a colossal piece of information

from those youngsters.

Oh-ho, that's because I did!

Oh well. Perhaps

he's got dry rot.

[LUCY grunts]

[GRAY grunting]

[LUCY grunts]

[GRAY grunting]

[UR] Now get outta here

and let me do this.

No! I won't leave!

This is my fault. I'm the one

who should fix it, not you!

Let me do it, Ur!


No one's at fault here.


This is just something we have

to do in order to be happy.




Absolute freeze! Iced shell!


I'm begging!

Please, don't do this!

I promise I'll do whatever

you tell me to from now on!


Please, don't cry for me.

I'll live on in the ice.

I may not be with you, but I

will protect you from Deliora.

Be strong. Make me proud.

Please, Ur!

I've sealed it away.

You're free from the darkness.


[GRAY grunts]

Is something wrong?

It's nothing.

Seeing these giants frozen

in ice, just... ya know.

Oh, that's right. Deliora.

They're quite impressive.

I never knew people

like this existed.

I think I found his dog!


Hello, nightmare fuel.

All right, then. It's time to

give these oversized popsicles

a wake up call! Ha-ha.

A major case of hot foot

will get him moving for sure!


You can do it, Natsu!

[NATSU yelling]

[HAPPY] Go hotter!

Make 'im feel the burn!

This ice is crazy! I'm pooped.


Me too.

Oh, right. You did

so much, tomcat.

Remember what Warrod told us?

We're not dealing with

garden-variety ice here.

This is weird. I've never

felt ice like this before.

The magic power

it has is bizarre.

[ERZA] So, we can't melt it from

outside or crack it from inside?

Well, we already knew

this wouldn't be easy.

No way.



I think I recognize the

source of this magic power.

[ALL gasp]

Well, well, well.

Some uninvited guests.

Every job has its shockers.

I didn't expect it to be

kids and their pets, though.

Get lost! Ya dig?

[ALL gasping]


Who're you?

A treasure hunting trio, baby!

The Sylph Labyrinth guild!

Ya dig?


Very well.

Why are you all so calm?

Aren't you surprised that

another guild's here?

Nah, this stuff

happens all the time.


I've never heard of a

treasure hunter guild.

The title probably tells us

everything we need to know.

Well, I guess it

only makes sense

that even people like these guys

would wanna be

part of a guild too.

Sorry, kids, but we've had dibs

on the treasure here

for a while now.

Why don't you go find your own?

Not interested.

I think we're just

fine staying here.

Oh, ya think so?

I think you should leave, unless

ya wanna be target practice.

Not looking for treasure?

There's gotta be something

that got you to come

all the way out here!

Spill it.

We came to free all

of the villagers.

So we're going to melt

this crazy ice!

[ALL grunt]

Then you're totally

here to get in our way!

Ya dig?

[WENDY, CARLA whimper]

[DRAKE] I'm sure you've heard

about the Eternal Flame

that's burned in this

village for centuries!

[HIROSHI] Even among the most

novice treasure hunters,

the flame is considered

an S-Class treasure!

It's totally legendary!


Ya dig?

[BOTH whimper]

However, thanks to the giants

that guard the

Village of the Sun,

no one's ever been

able to get near it.

[RALA] But, the big guys

were frozen solid,

and good hunters

know opportunity

when it knocks, ya dig?

So, now, we're taking

the Eternal Flame

and getting out while

the getting's good.

You can't!

It's their guardian, the most

sacred part of their village!

If you take it away,

it could destroy them!

Sounds like you aren't treasure

hunters, just common thieves!

[ALL grunt]

We're totally treasure hunters,

and we're gonna leave

here with our treasure!

Finder's keepers is

the law of the land

and we live by it,

whether you like it or not!

Ya dig? Now, scram!

We don't have time

for playing around!

Let's just swipe the treasure

and get outta here,

before these wizards

decide to butt in.

Hm. Totally.


Hate to break it to ya,

but that flame you're after

is frozen solid, just like

everything else in the village!

[DRAKE chuckles]

Underestimating a treasure

hunter on a mission

is never a good idea.


The ice won't be any trouble.

We can melt it all on our own,

with our secret treasure.

Ya gonna make us

guess? What is it?

Heh. Liquid Moon Drip.

[BOTH screaming]

That's a blast from the past!

And it's just what we need!

Lyon used it to free Deliora!

[NARRATOR] Moon Drip is an

incredibly strong and rare magic

that's harvested from the

natural power of the moon.

When used, it can nullify

even the most potent

of spells with ease.

--[LUCY gasps]



It's been fun!


See ya, losers!


Ya dig?

I never knew it

could be a liquid.

Catch 'em!

If we had that bottle,

we could free the whole village

and be done with this job!



Let's move! They're going

to use all of the Moon Drip!

Not if I can help it!

[NATSU yelling]

These wizards are pretty

light on their feet!

Don't look back, just run!

[RALA yelling]


Someone steal it!

[GRAY] Beat 'em senseless

if you have to!


And you called us thieves?

Way to be a bunch

of total hypocrites!


No kiddin'!

[WINGED MONSTER squawking]

[MAN] Looks like our

work's cut out for us.

It'll be annoying, but we should

deal with these pests first.

S'part of the job, after all.


The thieves are irrelevant.

We should focus on

the wizards first.

They're the greatest threat.

[MAN] I guess you

got a point there.


Fairy Tail.


Who? You mean those wizards?


You've never heard of them?

Just how big is that

rock of ignorance

you've been living

under? I'm curious.

[MAN] The outside world

doesn't concern me.


It doesn't matter.

What does is that my

chance for vengeance

came even sooner than I'd hoped.

The underworld has its perks.


Whatever. We got work to do.

Let's go, newbie.



Call me anything else, and

it'll be your head that rolls.

[MINERVA chuckles]


The ice won't be any trouble.

We can melt it all on our own,

with our secret treasure.

[NATSU] Ya gonna make

us guess? What is it?

Heh. Liquid Moon Drip.

[BOTH screaming]

I never knew it

could be a liquid.

Catch 'em!

If we had that bottle,

we could free the whole village

and be done with this job!




Hold it! That means stop!

--[NATSU growls]

--Don't you care

about the giants that are

frozen alive back there?


Shut up!

You don't know what

we had to go through

to get this much Moon Drip!

Back off and get your own!

Yeah, you can face the island

of totally terrifying demons

and harvest the magic

for yourselves!

And besides, I don't wanna

give those giants a chance

to get in a good nibble.

I like living too much, ya dig?

Hey, guys? I think we lost Erza!

She's gonna stay in the village

to learn more about the giants

and how we can help them.

Am I the only one who

thinks that's a bad idea?

What are you frozen for? Well?

Mmm. No point worrying now.

Let's focus on what's ahead.


Get back here, ya thieves!


Stop calling us that!


We're treasure hunters!


Ya dig?!

You're takin' from others!

'Scuse me for callin'

it like I see it!

This is getting annoying!

Any bright ideas?

Yeah, let's totally waste 'em.

Drake! Time to get elevated!

Make it quick! Don't be picky.


Yeah, yeah!

[ALL grunting]

You spell-slingers wanna

trade insults? That's fine.

But you'll regret

getting in our way.

Now that you have,

you've dug your own grave.

Treasure hunting's dangerous,

and so are treasure hunters.

Ya dig?

Oh, you're about to find

out what real danger is.

We prefer a good fight

to all this runnin' around.

So bring it on!

That's cool with us!

We can totally throw down!

Ya dig?

Ha! Show me what ya got!

[RALA yelling]

[NATSU yelps]

'Kay, that's new!

What's with the hammer hand?


Meet my custom,

face-smashing powerhouse,

the Stronger.

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


[NATSU screaming]

[BOTH gasp]

[NATSU grunts]


Are you okay? Say something!

Now I'm mad.

He's fine!

Ice Make Freeze Lancer!

[GRAY yells]

Total Cut!


[GRAY grunts]

How do you like my Chain

Blade? Have another taste!

Total Thrust! Heads up!

[BOTH yelp]

[BOTH scream]

[BOTH sigh]

[WENDY grunts]

[BOTH yelp]

A sn*per?


Where'd it come from?

I can't tell!

Heh. Aww. You're quicker

than I expected.

But, don't worry. The next shot

will find its mark for sure.

His voice is coming

from all over!

Where's he hiding?

My 's been aching

to meet her k*ll quota.


I smell gunpower.



Lucy, he's up there!


Good eye, Wendy!

I'll handle him.

Open, Gate of the Archer!

[bell tolls]



[horse whinnying]

Leave the sharpshooting

to me, my lady!

I'll teach this naïve

foal some manners!

Think so?

[LUCY whimpers]

No way!

What just happened?

Things got a lot harder.

Such skill.

Sorry. but once I've got you

in my sights, you're done for.


Not on your life.

We've got a fight on our hands.

Okay, what do I see here?

[ERZA] They're all facing

the same direction

and their weapons are drawn.

But why?

What was happening in this

village before it was frozen?

It's puzzling.


Then there's the Moon Drip.

There's no way to know

whether that meager amount

will be enough to

free everyone or not.


[ERZA] An army, weapons ready,

frozen by strange magic.

A warzone? And, if so,

what were they fighting?

Or, rather, what were

they all protecting?

Their families? A leader?

The village itself?

Or something intangible?


The Eternal Flame.

[ERZA] The flame is frozen, but

still active. How can I find it?

Pretend you're a giant.

You worship the eternal flame

as your guardian deity.

What would you do

if it were threatened?


Of course!

I'd keep my back to it

and face the threat head on!

The flame is this way!

A mountain? The flame

must be at the summit!

Second round. Let's see

you deflect this one!

[RALA grunts]

Fire Dragon Wing Attack!


[RALA chuckles]


Ice Make.

Total Cut!

[HIROSHI yells]

All right. I'll play

another round with ya.

[WENDY, LUCY gasp]


On my honor as a spirit,

I shall not fail in this task!


[ERZA panting]


Nothing. Nothing at all.

I thought if I could

find the Eternal Flame,

I might find a way

to return the village

and its people to normal.

Then again, it's supposed

to be frozen as well.

Even if I found it, I wouldn't

be able to get to it.

I can't give up.

It's here somewhere.

I just have to find it.

[ERZA gasps]


What sort of madness is this?

[ERZA gasps]

It can't be. This has to

be some kind of illusion.

[LUCY] We've got another

mystery on our hands!

For some reason,

Erza has changed

into a child version of herself.

Why would that happen?

Did the Eternal Flame cause it?

Or is it part of

someone's sinister scheme?

And is there a way to turn her

into her full-grown self again?

On the other side

of this mystery,

a crisis like we've

never faced lies in wait.

Next time: "Art of Regression"!

Watch out, Natsu! I don't

think this guy's here to help.
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