07x221 - The Labyrinth of White

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x221 - The Labyrinth of White

Post by bunniefuu »

[NATSU] It's been a long

time comin' friend.

I'm about to finish you off,

once and for all.

Once you were my friend.

But this is w*r, and w*r

has no place for mercy.

Ha! Ya got a big mouth

for such a little cat.

Come on then.

We're finally gonna find

out which one's stronger.

I'll end you.



[NATSU, HAPPY grunting]

[LUCY groans]

[NATSU grunting]

[HAPPY grunting]



[NATSU grunting]

[LUCY] Cut it out!

We're on a job ya idiots!


What's with you?

[HAPPY] You really shouldn't

shout on a snowy mountain,

Lucy, you might start an a...


--[HAPPY] ...valanche

[LUCY yells]

Hey. Gimme a tug?

I'm kinda stuck.

Uh... Cold in all

the worst places.

Since I have your attention,

let's set something straight:

We're here to work!

But keepin' this uppity cat

in check is work, Lucy.

[HAPPY] She's got us between the

snow and a cold place, Natsu.

You bet your frozen butts I do.

Now you kids make peace

so we can get that ice

from Mt. Hakobe.

Whelp. Looks like

you've bought yourself

a little more time, Happy.

I'll just have to strip

you of your pride later.

[NATSU, HAPPY cackle]

Do you want out of there or not?


Yes, ma'am!


The name's Lucy Heartfilia.

My derpy companions?

They're Happy and Natsu.

The three of us have come

to Mt. Hakobe on a mission.

Our objective is a strange one.

We've been charged

to obtain some ice.

Magical Hakobe ice, named after

the only mountain in the world

on which it's

rumored to be found.

The job is for an


It's a kind that they

can't make themselves,

which makes sense, as Hakobe

ice is said to be unmeltable.

It's also so hard and so strong

that no ordinary

blade can scratch it.

That would make it

pretty tough to harvest.

But our client gave

us a magical pen,

designed for the sole

purpose of cutting it.

Why do you guys think

that people want this

Hakobe ice stuff

so badly anyway?

I've heard that if it's

applied to the skin,

it'll beautify the

wearer's complexion.

Throw it into a recipe,

and you'll come out

with a culinary masterpiece.

On top of that, the stuff's

an energy booster

that can cure minor illnesses.

Least that's the rumor.

The guys that hired

us must wanna make

some magic popsicles!

[LUCY] Somethin' tells me

this'll be a pain.

Wish we'd brought Gray and Erza.


Well, It's too late for that.

They're probably out workin'

on their own jobs by now.

[HAPPY] Relax, all we gotta do

is nab some ice, right?

How hard can it be?

Good point, Happy.

The three of us have handled

way tougher jobs than this one.

That's the spirit!

By the way, I brought some

fish to eat, check 'em out!

Tadah! Travel snacks

of champions!

Whoa, so fresh

they're still wigglin'!

And since we've got

a fire wizard with us,

we can cook 'em any time!

Hey. Do what ya want with

yours but I'ma eat mine raw

Ah! It's getting way

too cold out here!

Oh yeah, that's all

kinds'a better.

My chest is not your personal

igloo. Get outta there!


What's happening?


Uh-oh. That looks bad.


You don't say!

That could'a been us.

Let's move!


--[LUCY] Everything is spinning!

--[NATSU, HAPPY yelling]

[NATSU, HAPPY, LUCY groaning]


Have we stopped yet?


The Labyrinth of White!


You okay, Lucy?


C'mon! Wake up!

And she got onto us

for not workin'!

You've left me with

no other choice!

Coochie, coochie, coochie, coo!

Coochie, coochie, coo!

[LUCY laughing] Please stop! I

can't take it. I'm begging you!

Uh, guys? What just happened?

Your shouting started

an avalanche,

and it knocked us

into this ravine.

On top of that, it feels

like this blizzard's

pickin' up strength,

so if we wanna get back,

we'd better hurry up.

Yeah, I agree, but I

really hate the idea

of tryin' to climb that cliff.

[HAPPY] That's cause climbin's

for monkeys and chumps!

I can fly you two back

up there lickety-split!

Sometimes I forget

how useful you are.

Yeah, well maybe I'll forget

to come back for ya!

Here we go!

--[HAPPY] Whoa!

--[LUCY yelps]

You sure you can fly in this?

[HAPPY] It's like my

wings are in a blender!

[LUCY, HAPPY yell]

[NATSU] Whoa, That crash-landing

looked frickin' awesome.

I want a turn! Let me try!


This isn't a game, Natsu.

I nearly frickin' died!


Such... bitter... cold...


So, where are we now?

Have we caught up yet?

Probably not,

since we lost our map

in that stupid avalanche.


You're doin' real good, Lucy.

I'm gonna go look for that

map in my dreams, okay?

Heck no! That's not okay!

C'mon, you. Wake up!

If you fall asleep in this

blizzard, then you'll freeze

and you'll never wake up

and we'll get stranded here

and have to eat you.

Is that what you want?

Hey, do you think you

could you do somethin'

about this blizzard with your

fire so she'll stop shoutin'?

I can't sleep.

Guess it's worth a shot.

Fire Dragon... Roar!

[HAPPY yelling]


Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!

[HAPPY gasps, yelps]

[HAPPY] So hot!

The cold hurts just as much!

No, I take that back!

Freezin's way better!

Natsu is freakishly

strong, but I guess

a full-scale blizzard's more

than anyone can stop.

Well, ya know,

I bet Wendy's magic

would've had a better

chance than mine did.

And now that you mention it,

Gray's magic would've

been helpful too.

Here's an idea:

why don't'cha call up

one of your celestial spirits?

[LUCY] I normally would,

but I just sent them all

on vacation, so I

really can't right now.

I know they forgot

about the Liberam,

but I doubt that the stress

of it went the way

of those memories.

Those guys are in

serious need of a break.


All of 'em?

In that case, I guess we really

are on our own, aren't we?

This job sounded so

simple in the flyer.

Honestly, it didn't even occur

to me that we'd need their help.

It's all comin' back to me now.

We were fine until

one of you two said

"how hard can it be?"

and jinxed us!

It was you who said that.

We both heard you!

[LUCY] So, question.

Are you two as lost as I am?


Sure am. What do we do?

If we could tell

which way was south,

I'd say head that way.

But as things stand,

we just have to keep moving

so we don't freeze

[gasps] Look! Over there!


Wow! A cave!

Guess we beat the jinx!

That cave'll trump

a five star hotel

if it can get me

outta this blizzard.

Let's find out what it's

like in there! Natsu, mush!

[LUCY giggles]

--[HAPPY, LUCY gasp]

--[NATSU] Oh, ho-ho-ho!

Looks like it

goes pretty deep.

Let's take a look. We've got

plenty 'a time, right?

Maybe we should just

hang near the entrance.

because if this place is as big

as it seems, we might get lost.

It'll only be a

quick peek though.

Live a little, will ya?

Where do you boys get

all of this energy?

This cavern's even

deeper than it looks.

[HAPPY] How long d'ya

think it goes for?

Dunno, but I've been

lost enough for one day.

Let's head back while

we still know how.

[NATSU] No need to remember

how to get back.

I can still smell the

entrance, no problem.


That's good to know and all.

But there's still

something about this place.

It's weirding me out.

[NATSU gasps, sniffs]

What's up, didja smell

somethin' tasty?

Nope, somethin weird though.

The air current

changed outta nowhere.

So, that's not normal?

What kinda shift was it?

To be honest,

I can't really tell ya.

[gasps] Get outta the way!

[HAPPY, LUCY yelp]


[NATSU grunting]

Ah! More of 'em inbound.

Look sharp!


Fire Dragon Roar!

[NATSU] There's no end

to these things! Let's go!

[LUCY, HAPPY yelp]

[NATSU] What in the heck

is up with this cave?

[LUCY] I said this place was

super-weird, but did you listen?





[NATSU, HAPPY grunt]

[NATSU, HAPPY screaming]

[LUCY screams]

So It's kinda awkward timing,

but I just remembered something!


Oh yeah, what?

Right before we left

the guild, I talked to Levy!

She told me that she'd

read some stories about

this living cave that

moves around way deep

in the heart of Mt. Hakobe!

She read that no one

who's been lost down there

has ever made it out!

Thanks for letting us

know that we're screwed!

That would've been super

useful like three hours ago!


Well, we finally hit

the end of the line.

[HAPPY whimpers]

Sure is a lot colder down here.

It's every bit as bad as

it was in that blizzard,

so let's walk around

before we start to freeze.

[HAPPY] We've gotta find

that exit. Somehow...

[LUCY] Natsu, which way's

the exit? Are we there yet?

At this point, I'm clueless.

Can't even catch a whiff.


I'm sorry guys, but that was

the last step I had in me.

Next time, let's just crawl.

So, hungry. I'll never

skip breakfast again.

I'm glad you're down

here with us, Natsu.

If you were anybody else then

we'd be stuck in the cold.

I'm sure that we've been

here for days, but how many?


I'd guess three days,

but it may well be four.

[HAPPY] Would we even know if

we were goin' the wrong way?

How could we?


We couldn't.

That's why it feels like we've

been walking in circles.

--[stomach growlsx]

--[ALL gasp]

My tummy's eating itself.

I know we're trying

to make it last, but...

We've gotta eat sometime, right?

I guess so.

[HAPPY] Aw. I used to think

I'd always have fish.

This'll be the last

meal we get here,

so let's make the most of it.

I hear ya, Lucy.

I'm gonna roast

these fish with flair!

Please don't cook the left fish,

I wanna eat it raw.

Fire Dragon... Roar!

[HAPPY, LUCY yelp]

Natsu! Stop it!

Tell me that it's

just a bad dream!

Well, maybe they're still

good on the inside.

[HAPPY groans]

How could they be?

They're ashes now, you monster.

I told you that

they're better raw!

So much for making

our last meal count.

[HAPPY, LUCY groan]



This sucks.

Do you think that maybe

somebody'll come lookin' for us?

Well If they do,

they'll have to get past

a mountain blizzard

and a shifting cave maze.

[ALL sigh]

All I can think about is food.

I'd k*ll for a bowl of

Mira's stew right now.

Would ya please stop

talkin' bout food.

It'll make us even hungrier

than we already are.

So sleepy...


Oh, no you don't!

[NATSU grunting]

Get back up and turn on

my fire, you selfish lug!

It's cold in here. I need heat!

We've covered this, Natsu:

you fall asleep, we die!

Oww! That frickin' hurt!

Fine, I'll stay awake!

But first a quick nap.


Oh, no you don't!

All right, I'm fired up!

Get off my back will ya?

So this is what happens

to people after three days

without getting any sleep.

It's like I'm a zombie.

There's a term for this feel.

They call it the

"breaking point."

All I want is to lay

down in an actual bed.

Forget the reward,

I'd pay every jewel

I have if it meant

I could sleep.

[HAPPY] Hold on. Me and Lucy

aren't makin' any fires,

so why can't we go to sleep?

Wow, when you put it like that.

there's nothing I can say,

you're just so persuasive.

No one's objecting?

'Kay, night, night.

Don't do this, guys.

It isn't any fair.

No sleeping allowed,

and don't you forget.



You had one job, ya jerk!

[sighs] You were totally

noddin' off, c'mon!

Uh. Sorry, I'll be good.

Well, that failed horribly.

so I guess we're all in

this together after all.

[LUCY, HAPPY, NATSU groaning]

If we all keep our

eyes on each other

it means they have to stay open.


I'd be scared of starvin'

if I weren't gonna freeze.

Well, If you do freeze,

I won't let Lucy eat you.

Ha... That was just a joke.

Well, not really, but you know.

[CROWD cheers]


Thank you all so very much!

I can't begin to express

what an honor it is

to hold the Leaf-pen

trophy in my hands.

Since my first book did so well,

I plan to work even harder,

as writer and a--


No. It can't be.

My award's a giant bathtub?

That's incredible! I've worked

so long for this moment!

Did I really though?

Well yeah, sure I did, look.

They don't give you

a hot tub like that

unless ya work for it, do they?

Showers are nice and all.

but nothing beats a

good ol' fashioned bath.

Ha... Mm...

[NATSU] I'm all...

fired up. Lots of fire.


Check it out, a spicy treat!

This fire's a little bit

on the chilly side.

Like a minty sherbet,

wonder what it's burning off of.

Boy, I'll tell ya.

This warm water hits the spot.


Wow So many fish!

If only I had one more

mouth to eat them with.


Don't mind me you tasty morsels.

The ocean. An all

you can eat buffet!

Thar she blows, me matey!

[LUCY giggles]


Wait for me!

[NATSU] It really does

taste like someone

set a mint sherbert on fire!

Oh yeah, this is

the life, just me,

my blissfully hot bathtub

and the distant glow of--


Raw fish at last!



What the heck is your problem?

Get off my head, you freak!

Why am I naked?


So tasty.

Keep it down, or else!

I was tryin' to have a meal!

Now it's ruined!

We're screwed.

What the--?


Now, that's a surprise.


Anyone get crushed by rubble?

I think I'm alive.

Yeah, I'll start

a flame and give--

Don't you make a single spark

until I've gotten dressed!

[NATSU, HAPPY groan]

Okay, yeah! I'm good to go!

[NATSU sniffs]

Whoa! Now that is a smell.

[LUCY] I'm cold, hungry,

tired, and a little crazy,

but I know that tunnel is new.

Surface air. No doubt about it.

Well sniffed!

So this thing might become

our ticket outta here, eh?

It's worth checkin' out!

Well, that's weird.

It's a massive wall of ice.

[NATSU] I see an exit,

but it's on the other side.

Go on then! You know

what to do, man!

Thanks for the pep talk!

Fire Dragon Talon!

Amazing. Not even a scratch.

C'mon Natsu, one more go!

Fire Dragon... Crushing Fang!

It's useless.

I haven't eaten anything

but ice in days.

That's a decent excuse,

but it's still weird

that it wasn't damaged at all.

Natsu might feel weak

by his own standards,

but that should've

done something. Unless...

Guys, I think that wall's

made of Hakobe ice!



Which means that we can bust out

with nothin' but this magic pen.

Oh! Yeah, I think you're right.

About the pen or the wall?

They're kinda related, Natsu.

But It's only been four days,

so of course you forgot.

[LUCY grunts]

Hakobe Ice! Good work guys.

We got what we came for!




--[HAPPY] What is it now?

I don't think we're

gonna like it.

Giant monster!

[LUCY] Um. Hello there,

distinguished sir or lady.

So is this your place?

It's really nice.

Uh, Lucy? I don't

think it's listenin.'

Okay, so we're gonna get

out of your hair now,

but we need to

take this with us.

It cures the sick and

gives people energy and

we can't get paid without it.

But look, it's just

a little bit,

so please don't

be too mad at us.

[MONSTER A roars]

[NATSU, LUCY grunt]

Don't think he's

feelin' generous!

[LUCY] Let's make a

run for it before he

knocks down something big!


[NATSU, LUCY yelp]

Sorry 'bout that!

Ya smell that fresh air?

We made it!

Yeah, and we waited

out that big blizzard!

We can celebrate

once we're back home!

Ya don't have any ceilings

to crush me with out here.

Fire Dragon... Iron Fist!

[NATSU yelps]

What the heck was that, Natsu?

[HAPPY] I've seen you

beat up monsters like that

with one punch, what gives?

Cut me some slack.

I haven't eaten

or slept in days.

All right, we'll take

it together!

[NATSU grunts]

[NATSU yelps]

I'm just as tired and

hungry as you are.

[MONSTER A roars]

Take this, ya big ugly.

My Fleuve d'étoiles!

[LUCY screams]

[LUCY] That was the

last of my strength.

At this point I can

barely move at all.


There's our escape raft,

Natsu. Get on, quick!

Ugh. Got nothin' to puke

Just hang in there

a little longer!

[MONSTER A roars]

Why is it so fast?

[HAPPY, LUCY yelp]

He's way too drained to fight.

But this ice can boost energy.



Every brain-freeze

of my life just came

for seconds all at once!

You ate a crap-ton of ice, man.

What'd you think would happen?

What the--?


That didn't just hit

the spot, it nailed it!


No way!

That ice even cured

Natsu's motion sickness!

Get ready, you two!

[NATSU yells]


--[MONSTER A roars]

--[NATSU yells]


Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

[NATSU grunts]

[LUCY, HAPPY scream]

[NATSU grunts]

You kicked its ugly butt, man!

Hakobe ice definitely

lives up to the hype,

don't ya think?

Heck yeah it does.

I feel like I'm

on top of the world!

[LUCY, HAPPY giggle]


All right.

I guess we'd better head

back to the guild-hall.

[HAPPY] If we're fast,

we might make it in time

for Mira's home-cooked dinner!

[LUCY] Never thought I'd be

this excited to get some sleep.

Oh. Hey, wait. We can't

go back to the guild until

we've delivered that ice.

Uh-- Hey, Natsu?

You ate that whole slab

of Hakobe Ice, so uh...



We've gotta go back in there?




[ALL laugh]


And... transform!


What are you shoutin' about?

[HAPPY] I'm practicin' that

awesome transformation spell

we learned from Mira!

[NATSU] Sweet, can you

turn into anything?

[HAPPY] Probably. What would

you wanna turn into?


Hmm. How about a giant monster?


A monster. Really, why?

[NATSU] Because I wanna

go on a crazy rampage

and crush some buildings.

[HAPPY] Yeah, but. That's

exactly what you do right now!


Next time: Transform!

[HAPPY] Think I'd wanna

be a k*ller whale.

I'd get to eat

fish all the time!

[NATSU] You already do

that all the time!
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