07x214 - Natsu vs. Leo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x214 - Natsu vs. Leo

Post by bunniefuu »

The snake charmer is

an absolutely vital part

of the zodiac.

So my true form is every bit as

majestic as that would entail.

In fact, the very place

known as the Astral Spiritus

is fully contained

within my body.

Everything that

has transpired so far

has been inside my body.

You coming here was by design,

a trap to lure you in.

[laughing evilly]

[LOKE] And now we can

perform the Liberam,

which will free us from the

human world once and for all!

There is nothing

you can do to stop us!


Oh, Celestial Spirit King.

I will not fail you!


What was with the shaking?

Any ideas?

[GAJEEL] Nope, No clue.


I'd like to know how we just

ended up here like this.

[GRAY] Hey! I think that's Erza!

You're here?

What is this place?

We're still trying

to figure that one out.

We all just showed up here,

same as you.

Maybe it's because we were all

able to complete our missions.

Well, we did manage

to close the spirits' gates

without a hitch.

I wish I

could be enthusiastic.

But I can't shake the feeling

that I missed seeing a rare

side of my popsicle prince.

Keep your

fantasies to yourself.

Guess this means yours truly

was the first one to

put a spirit in the dirt!

How's that for manly?

So pumped!

Way to go, Elfman!

I actually beat

Erza at something!

This is the happiest

day of my life!

Might not want

to say that too loud.

I wasn't aware

we were racing.

Closing the spirit gates

is a critical matter,

and making it out to

be a game is juvenile.


if you're hell bent on

testing your

mettle against me,

I'd be happy to

put you in your place.

Okay, children.

Let's try to focus

on the task at hand.

[LEVY] So, how

was your battle, Erza?

Sagittarius was

a real challenge.

It was a tough fight and a

rather vigorous workout to boot.

Has there been any sign

of Natsu and his group?

We haven't seen them

or Lucy and Yukino

since we got here.

Huh...Then the only

gates left belong

to the Lion, the Maiden,

and the Balance.

Wherever Arcadios and

Hisui are, I hope they're safe.

And there's still the matter

of the tremendous

shaking from before.

[HAPPY] Natsu vs. Leo!

Look! The stars!

I think they're


Okay. Yeah.

[WENDY] That's the Bull...

[WENDY] The Twins...

[WENDY] The Scorpion...

[WENDY] The Archer...

It's hard

to miss a giant Crab.

And if you connect

that one with those,

you get a couple of tasty tuna!

[CARLA] Simple minds

see simple things.

[CARLA] That's definitely

the Water Bearer.

And the one beneath it...


...is the Goat!

Cool. How many is that?

If you count Aries,

there are nine total.


Admiring your handiwork?

[NATSU] Huh?

[LOKE] Those constellations

belong to the Eclipse spirits

who were defeated

by your comrades.

Darkness, we beseech thee.

Envelop our light and swallow us

into your infinite shadow.

And sever the bonds that

shackle us to the heavens.

Hear me, Lord of the Night.

Release us from our

perpetual enslavement.

We long to be free

of our mortal bonds!

Look, pal,

I came here to rumble,

not listen to you ramble!


Give it a rest! It's over!

[LOKE] O, Lord of Darkness.

O, Lord of Stars.

O, Lord of Eternity!

We beg thee

hear our solemn prayers

and grant us liberation.

Release our spirits

into the infinity

of time and space!

How did he cast

the spell all by himself?


I have Ophiucus

to thank for this miracle.

[LOKE] She told me that

I could complete the Liberam

by sending out power

from this globe

and then channeling it

into the constellations.

I suppose that I should thank

you for making them appear.

Is that true?

[CARLA] We worked so hard

to close their gates,

but we only managed

to make everything worse!

I feel like this

always happens, don't you?

See for yourselves, humans!

[LOKE] Our craving for freedom

can be seen even in the

brilliance of the stars!

But after twelve days of it,

you and your friends

will lose your lives!

Are you sure that kind

of sacrifice is worth it?

Like I said before,

there's no way humans could

possibly understand our torment!

Just like there's

no way you can stop me

from finishing

this sacred ritual.

We'll see about that!

[HISUI] What's happening?

Power is being sent

from the celestial globe

to those constellations.

They appear to belong to

the spirits that

have already been sealed.

If that's the case,

does this mean they

restarted the Liberam ritual?

As much as I

would hate to say it,

I believe so.

This isn't good.

Hold on,

that doesn't make sense.

How? Please, explain.

Think about what

they've done so far.

If they could get

the power they need

by sending it to

the constellations,

why would they

bother performing

the Liberam ritual inside the

Astral Spiritus to begin with?

Yes, I see.

Once they obtained

the celestial globe,

they could've returned

to the spirit world.

Without any humans

to hinder their plans,

they would have been enjoying

their freedom by now.


It just doesn't add up.

Maybe Leo's had an

ulterior motive all along?


There's also the possibility

another power

is at play here.

One we're not aware of.

But who could it be?

This "other power"?


Oh, Celestial Spirit King.

I will not fail you!

Whatever we're facing,

our primary goal is still

stopping the Liberam ritual.

I agree.

Given the position

of Ras Algethi

near the head star of the

snake charmer constellation,

Natsu and the others

must be in this direction!


That's right.

Rush to your death!

It makes things easy!

Natsu, move!

Fire Dragon...

[LOKE] Pitch-Black...

Their flames

are gonna collide!

Get ready for

one heck of a show!

...Iron Fist!


Where's your cat?

You'll have a hard time keeping

up without him carrying you.

After you sucker punched him?

I don't think so!

No way I'm putting him

through that again.

Besides, that dirty light

of yours might leave a stain.

This light

is the purest of all,

for it is fueled by

our desire for liberation.

Any stain it might leave

would still be cleaner

than you mortals.

Sure 'bout that?

'Cause from where I'm standin'

it's not lookin' very pure.

[LOKE laughs]

[LOKE] I'll enjoy watching

the darkness take you.

Keep dreamin'!

Don't just stand there!

Grab the globe or something!

Oh, right.

[HAPPY] On it, sir!

[CARLA] Leave it to us!

No, you don't!

Hold it! We've got

our own party to tend to.

By the time I'm done,

that darkness of yours

will be burning bright again.

Here we go!



Nobody said this

thing would fight back!

[CARLA] Is it attacking because

it sensed our intentions?

We have to get closer somehow!

Aye, Sir!

Oh, wow!

It took out an entire mountain!

That thing could

make fishing a breeze!

This is not the time

to be thinking with

your stomach, tomcat!

[WENDY] Look out!

[LOKE] You fool.

The light of Regulus

has been mine to command

since long before you were born.

This pitch-black darkness

has only added to my strength!

Your defeat is a certainty!

So come at me with

your feeble light, if you dare!

I thought you'd never ask!

Fire Dragon...

...Iron Fist!

What the--

My flame lost all its power!

It had none

from the start!

My darkness absorbs all light

and transforms it

into nothingness!

Now do you see

how helpless you are?

Your measly flames

could never hope

to pierce my pitch-black armor!

S'that a fact?

Fire Dragon... Talon!

That cheap trick

is getting old real fast.

I can take my turn,

if you like.

Of course, there's no guarantee

you'll be still be alive

to take yours once

the smoke has cleared.

Care to try?

[NATSU] Be my guest!

This is your

last chance to try again.

Just do it!

Pitch-Black... Punishment!

I knew I shouldn't expect

much from human garbage.

[NATSU grunting]

That's a good one!

If I'm nothing but garbage,

why couldn't you

take me out, Mr. Darkness?

Fire Dragon. Iron Fist!

What happened?

Dude. Come on.

After all that bragging,

I was hoping you might

actually be a challenge.

But you're just a pushover.

Learn your place

before I put you in your grave.

Can it, house-cat!

We both know my flames

are stronger than

your darkness will ever be.

[LOKE] Silence!

You might prove

more entertaining

than I initially thought, human.

I'm glad you're fired up.

We're almost there!

Stay strong!

I believe in you!

A little closer...

Just a little more!

We did it!


Oh no! Wendy!

[LOKE] Are you looking at

your helpless little friends

because you want to

join them in their misery?

My goodness!

Wake up, child!

Quit snoozing, tomcat!

Wendy needs our help, pronto!

I'm up, I'm u--

Wendy! We're coming!

[CARLA] Wake up, Wendy!

Yeah! Good catch! Nice!

Release our spirits

into infinite time and space!

Let the flames of darkness

burn away our celestial prison,

my star-bound brethren!

Let the holy black light

of Liberam

guide us to true freedom!

[LOKE] The time has come!

[whistle blows]

If you thought the

other punishments were bad,

try this one.

A gymnastics ring

and a vaulting horse?

What kind of ridiculous

t*rture is this?

Don't worry,

it'll make sense

once you're spread-eagle.

I preferred you

as a masochist!


What's with that weird light?

Did you finally decide

to dish out some punishment?

That's obviously not my magic!

I see.

Leo must have managed to

restart the Liberam ritual.

[LUCY] What? But how?

The vaulting horse

will just have to wait.

Now that my absolute

freedom is on the line,

I can't afford to play with you.

Virgo, if freedom is something

that's truly important

to you and the others,

I'll do everything

I can to help!

But there might be

some sort of ritual

that'll give you more

than twelve days to live!

Let's search for it together!

I told you before!

That's more than

enough time for us!

Please, just let

me save all of you!

I don't want you to die!

You're starting to have

trouble with your balance.

How long are we

going to do this?

Is it becoming too much

for you to handle?


[LIBRA laughs]

[LIBRA] Staying in balance

is exhausting, isn't it?

And it's about

to get even harder.

Where is that

magic coming from?

[LIBRA] Leo has re-commenced

the Liberam ritual!


That light must be

coming from the globe!

How strange.

I never imagined that this

would throw me off my balance.

[NATSU] Fire Dragon...

[LOKE] Pitch-Black...



It would seem

you're no match

for the power

of darkness after all.

Why don't you try using

your own moves, copycat?

Flame Lotus...

Exploding Flame Blade!


Exploding Flame Blade!

And there it is!

The crippling weakness

of all humans!

Do you sense it?

Even your flames

are fading to mere cinders!

What a pitiful sight!

You've been snuffed out.

You should give up while

you still have the chance.


Sorry, fleabag,

I'm a stubborn human.

And you've gotta

run out of fuel sometime.

I suppose that's true.

The light has always posed

a challenge to the darkness.

But the light fades, and the

pitch-black void keeps growing!

Soon my power will be as

limitless as the night sky!

Keep dreaming, psycho.

Oh, it's no dream, mortal.

[NATSU screams]

[CARLA] Oh! Wendy!

Are you all right?

Say something!

The celestial globe!

Happy's trying,

but his approach is a little

on the simple side.

[HAPPY yelling]

Eat rock!

[WENDY] Sky Dragon Roar!

Thanks for the save, Wendy!

I'll give you a fish once

I stop seeing six of you!

Hurry, Carla!

Get me back up to the Celestial

Globe as fast as you can!

But that thing

nearly k*lled you!

Natsu is putting his life

on the line for us.

I should, too.

I have to take the risk!

That doesn't mean

you should be reckless, child.

I'm not a child!

Okay, Wendy.

I want to get

up above that thing!


You've got it! Here we go!

That's high enough!

What's the plan?


Dragon Slayer Secret Art!

Shattering Light: Sky Drill!

[WENDY yells]


[WENDY] Thank you.

No use.

The only way we're

getting close to the globe

is by beating Loke,

and he's unstoppable!

That's enough!

Fire Dragon... Ro--

Is something the matter?

You're looking

weaker by the second.

Maybe it's because

every blow you dealt

allowed me to siphon

your flame bit by bit.

Now you're completely powerless!

May these black flames

cleanse us of our fates.

Their light

will merge with ours!

And grant us

truly divine radiance!

Such glory!

Our luster will grow!

Brighter and brighter

by the day.



You just don't listen, do you?

Why do you persist

when it's obvious

that nothing can

hinder our freedom?

You know exactly

why I won't quit.

If you do this, Lucy'll cry.

There's no way

I'm letting that happen!

That's not our problem!

The tears of a human

mean less than nothing to us.

All we care about is liberty!

You pathetic mortals will

be consumed by time and space.

while we illuminate its splendor

long after you've

faded into memory!

Now vanish into my

Pitch-Black Darkness!

Since you've been stealing

my power this whole fight,

I'll just have to take it back.

You can go on and on about

controlling darkness

if that's what does it for you.

I don't give a crap.

[NATSU] Because no matter

what you think,

you're still our friend, Loke,

and Lucy needs you

to snap out of it!

Black Fire Dragon Mode!

Dragon Slayer Secret Art!


Exploding Flame Blade!

[LOKE screaming]

He pulled it off!

Heck yeah, he did!

It shouldn't

surprise us anymore.

This doesn't make sense!

Natsu just closed Loke's gate!

So how is the

Liberam still going?

This won't end well.


Something is definitely odd.

Wasn't his gate closed?

The fact that Leo's

constellation is back proves it.

I should have known this

wouldn't be done so easily.

[OPHIUCHUS] Omnia... magna...

stella... rex prae.

Why is the snake chick

beltin' out a tune?

Can you tell what she's saying?

"Omelet, mackerel, and

some shellfish tempura to go".

It's still not the time

to think with your stomach!

It's never the

right time with you.

She's saying,

"Omnia magna stella rex prae."

"All for the sake

of the King of stars."

It can't be!

[NATSU] Jeez!

For a giant snake,

Ophiucus has got some moves!

Right, Happy?

[HAPPY] Shh! Not so loud, Natsu!

I'm concentrating!

[NATSU] I gotta say...

I've never seen you

this serious.


That's because I'm having

an intense

internal dialogue

about her at this very moment.


Internal dialogue? What for?

[HAPPY] To put it simply:

I'm wondering whether

I should treat her

like a snake or a fish.


You have to think about it?

[HAPPY, NATSU] Next Time:

Ophiuchus, the Snake Charmer

[NATSU] So, did you decide yet?

[HAPPY] Hmm...

A snake, because

she doesn't look tasty!
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