07x213 - Erza vs. Sagittarius! Horseback Showdown!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x213 - Erza vs. Sagittarius! Horseback Showdown!

Post by bunniefuu »


You seem tired.


That makes it my turn.

Let's end this!

That's what you came for, right?

Feed me with your pain!

Every whimper charges my whip!

[LUCY] Please stop...

Beg away, but there's

no safety word with me!

That would ruin the fun!


Down, girl!



If you're lookin' for us,

we're over here!

It's hide and go seek!

We didn't come here

to play silly children's games!

Especially not with these two

annoying little rugrats.

[GEMI] Piri, piri.

These guys aren't

any fun at all.


Yeah, they're really boring.

Piri, piri, pikkiri!

It's blinding me!

The first to win two

out of a total of three matches

shall be declared the victor.

Is this agreeable to you?

Yes, it is.

But before we begin in earnest,

allow me to

compliment your stagecraft.

The extra context makes me

all the more determined to win.


warriors, the both of us.

It's been my experience that a

warrior only fights at his best

when taken by

the mood of battle.


My experience has been the same.

Well, then.

It seems we're

more alike than I knew.


I appreciate that.

If all else is settled,

then tell me:

Are you prepared

for battle?

A good warrior

is always ready for battle.

A small part of me does wish

we had an audience, though.

I considered bringing one in,

but I don't have the heart

to destroy you so publicly.

This is my way

of showing you mercy.

Ooh, I hope your sword's

as sharp as your tongue.

Erza Scarlet, I challenge you!

I accept!

[hamster wheel running]

That's not gonna

help anything, you know.

Well, I gotta do something

or I'm gonna lose my mind!

Actually, I think I

must've already lost my mind,

because there's no way

I would ever let myself

end up in this crazy situation!

And if anybody in

the guild saw me like this,

I'd lose my reputation

along with it!

I just think you're

wasting your energy

running in that thing

instead of thinking

of how to get outta here.

I'm not gonna get any ideas

by just layin'

around on my butt!

This sucks!

How in the hell are we gonna

bust outta this stupid cage,

get back to normal,

and seal up these brats

before anybody sees us?

[GEMI] Hey, it looks

like the hairy one's playing!


Run faster, little guy!

They are just so cute!

They're ridiculously cute!

[HAPPY] Erza vs. Sagittarius!

Horseback Showdown!

Piri, piri!


Stop that nonsense!

Let us out right now!

You better

turn us back to normal

so we can give

you little blue punks

the spankings you deserve!


It sounds like

they're startin' to get

kinda grumpy in there.

Too bad.

I bet the

precious widdle cuties

are just hungry, is all. So sad.

Here ya go!

Now open wide!

[GEMI] Now eat up!

[GAJEEL] Get that stuff

outta my face!

I ain't eatin' no grass!

We just picked this

a minute ago,

so it's nice and fresh

and nummy for your tummy!

I just told ya,

I don't eat this crap!

Gimme some iron, if ya got it!

Now, don't be so stubborn!

Eat up all of your weeds

like a good little boy!

If you don't eat 'em,

you're never gonna grow up

to be big and strong,

now, will you?

[GAJEEL] Listen up, rugrats!

Eatin' weeds ain't my thing!

I need iron!

So these kids think

we're their pets?

This is so embarrassing!

[GEMI] Wow, your tail

is so soft and fluffy!

[MINI] Who wants

his widdle belly rubbed?

[GAJEEL] Stop touching me!

I'm seriously gonna

bite your fingers off!

He's like the

fuzziest little guy

in the whole entire world!

I just wanna

pinch his tiny cheeks!

We wanna play

with you forever!

Stop yankin' on me! That hurts!

They're the absolute

worst kind of pet owners.

I mean, what kind

of maniac would pick up

a tiny little animal like that

and then start trying

to yank them to pieces?

You gotta be gentle,

or else the thing's

gonna get hurt.

C'mon, pal! Help me out!

This is going against

everything I believe in,

but I can't just sit back

and watch this happen.

See? I love to frolic, too!

I think that somebody's

getting jealous!

Now the little one wants us

to start playing with him!

Aw, what a fuzzy-wuzzy

widdle cutie pie!



We'll play with you!

No, come back here!

The hairy one

got out of the cage,

so we gotta go

and get him right now!


Aww... Don't worry.

It's okay!

He won't get very far!

Don't forget that there are

a buncha super scary

animals outside.

All those bears and boars

and wolves and stuff.

You'd better not leave me

here with these crazy kids.

[GAJEEL] When I'm normal,

I gotta go back and

save Lily as soon as I can!


No, don't go!

Piri, piri, pikkiri!


Now I'm a freakin' frog?

You're not hoppin' away from us!

You know, I really don't think

that frogs are very cute.

So let's try something else!

[GAJEEL] Really? A snail?

I'm never gonna

outrun those little brats!

Nice work!

That is so much cuter

than the froggie!

Yeah, he's adorable!

But I still think

I'd like him better

if he was fluffier!

[MINI] That's pretty cute,

but watch this!

I'm getting

really sick of cute!

Plus, there's no way

I can fight like this,

so I gotta get back

to awesome, like, meow!

[stomping noise]



Oh, you clowns

ain't getting' in my way!

Listen up, furball.


I'm gonna need you to

help me take care of a problem.


Oh, boo.

I'm afraid he might have

really gotten away from us.

We made him too fast.

Come back, fuzzy!

Hey! I think I found him!

Piri, piri!


Ya can't hide from us!

[MINI] We see you!

[GEMI, MINI] Piri?

Time for sweet payback!


That's so not fair!

That really hurt,

ya big meanie!

Now we gotta

teach the bad ol' kitty

not to do things like that!

Take this!

--Bad kitty!

--Bad kitty!

[GEMI, MINI] Pikkiri!


Whoa, you turned me

into a mongoose!

And it looks like you

turned me into a creepy snake!


Oh, but you sure do look

super duper yummy

to me right now!

--[MINI] No, please!

--[GEMI] Stay still!

--I'm not a snake for real!

--Just give me a little nibble!

All right!

This kitty's got

way more than claws!

Iron Dragon Club!



[GEMI, MINI] Piri!

[GAJEEL] Man, I really

wish I woulda realized

I could still use magic

from the very beginning.

Now get lost, will ya?

[GEMI, MINI] Piri!

I feel like myself again.

Nicely done, Gajeel.

Thanks, Lily.

But couldn't you

have just used

your Iron Dragon Club

from the very beginning

of this whole ordeal?

Shut up!

I just assumed I

wouldn't be able to, okay?


It would seem very likely

that Leo is keeping watch

over the celestial globe.

[HISUI] So if we can

manage to get a sense

of where the globe

is being hidden,

he should be somewhere nearby.

Let's go see

if we can locate it.


Please wait, princess.

I brought a portable

projection lacrima-tron with me.

It is a rather

basic model, however.

Excellent idea.

Shall we test it out?

It appears that

the celestial spirits

are still rebelling.

If only we could use this

to pinpoint Leo's location.

Perhaps there's a hidden chamber

somewhere deep within

the Astral Spiritus itself?

There's something else

that's been troubling me

about the situation.

What's on your mind, princess?

We've been dealing with

the twelve zodiac spirits.

But that's not all that exist.

There's another one:

The spirit that passes

through the thirteenth gate.

The snake charmer. Ophiuchus.

It's very possible

that they could be

involved in this as well.

A good point.

We need to

account for that one

and verify my suspicion.

[HISUI] My feeling is they

could be playing a crucial role.

But what are they doing?

I'm one of the few

celestial wizards left.

And what's more,

my irresponsible actions

got us into this mess.

I have to make

things right again.

Princess Hisui...

[VIRGO] We're not playing

hide and go seek, you know.

That's not my kind

of game at all.

I've got a super-sized

helping of punishment

that I'm just dying to serve up.

So come and get it!

[LUCY] I really

don't want to fight her.

But I can't hide here forever.

I need to think

of a plan, quickly.

I've got mayo. Come on!


This room is perfect.

So many places to hide.

[thumping noise]


I will not have

my gate closed for me,

thank you very much.

Now be a good girl

and hand over the key.

I'll just use

my Fleuve d'étoiles!


[LUCY] No matter what, I can't

let her have this key!

We'll just have to pass

on the mayo for now!

You can never run away

from your fate, Miss Lucy.

I thought I could

get through this

without having to fight you.

But you've left me

with no other options.

Sorry, but this

is for your own good!

[ERZA] Excuse me,

but I have one

question before we begin.


And what would that be?

[ERZA] You wish to

complete the Liberam ritual,

which will supposedly

grant you freedom.

But then your

life will be reduced

to a mere twelve days.

That's such a brief time.

So my question is this:

Is your freedom

so valuable to you

that you are willing

to forfeit your life?

If it means I die

free and unencumbered

by my forced

servitude to humanity,

then yes, that is a trade

I am more than willing to make.

Before this rebellion began,

you celestial spirits

had all formed

a strong bond of

friendship with Lucy.

Do you truly see her

as an oppressor now?

I have no

recollection of this bond.

The idea that we'd be

friends with a human

that used us as tools

for their convenience

sounds like rubbish to me.

It wasn't like that.

Lucy deeply cares for you,

even still.

My resolve

will never be swayed

by this emotional drivel.

That is the noble

path of the warrior.

[ERZA sighs]

If there is no other way...

We will engage in

a total of three matches.

The first one to win two

of these will be the victor.

Do you accept these terms?

Yes, I accept.

[SAGITTARIUS] Now let us

begin the first match!

[ERZA] Horseback archery?

Very well.

Ah! Splendid!

That is quite a fascinating

steed you have there.

Well, this will be

a once in a lifetime battle.

I hope you're

prepared to give

this competition your all.

A true warrior

always strives to win.

Let me show you

how this is done.



Go ahead and take your turn.

It would appear

that I have been bested.

You're an awfully

graceful competitor.

It is an integral part

of the warrior's

code of conduct.

To engage in battle

is a sacred act.


There're still two matches left!

The real battle

has only just begun!

[ERZA] I'm assuming the

second round will be a race?


Keep inside your lane,

and the first one

to the finish line

will be declared the victor.


We'll begin at my signal.

Get ready... Go!

He's fast!

I'm afraid this weight puts me

at a severe disadvantage.


[ERZA] Congratulations.

I feel very fortunate to

have met such a capable rival.

I truly appreciate

your words of praise.

But we are now tied

with a score of one to one

going into the final round.

Which will be...

...an armed battle between

two warriors on horseback!

Whoever wins this one

takes total victory.

But be aware...

A large quantity

of expl*sives

have been placed at random

all over this beach.

Even I have no knowledge

of where they may be.

So proceed with caution.

I appreciate the information.

Now for my choice of w*apon.


Shall we begin?

[ERZA] I'm ready!

I must say, you're an

extremely skilled warrior,

but will it be enough?

You're aware that

spears can be used

for more than parrying blows?

Your reflexes are quite fast!

But your strength cannot

hold a candle to mine!

Perhaps, but your

brute force is completely wasted

if you're too slow

to hit your target!

Got you now!

Without your steed,

you've simply no chance

of claiming victory!

Surrender and

accept defeat gracefully.

I will never surrender to you!

All your determination

means nothing

if you are blown to smithereens

by your carelessness!

He told me he didn't know

where the

expl*sives were placed.

But how has he been able

to avoid triggering them

all this time?

Horses are very

sensitive creatures!

I can avoid them by

following my instincts!

My w*apon!

You've lost

your steed, your steel,

and you're surrounded

by expl*sives.

You're left with

no safe place to stand.

I'm afraid you're

wrong about that, sir.

There's one place I can go.

[ERZA] On your back!

No expl*sives here, right?


How disrespectful!

I will not tolerate

anyone treating me

like some lowly farm animal!

This armor is

too heavy to be of use!

Yes, much more appropriate!

I won't stand for this!

Get off of me this instant!

I'd rather deal

with you thrashing about

than take my chances

getting blown to bits!



Keep moving and don't

slow down for anything!

[ERZA] I'll wager there aren't

any expl*sives past this point!


Well, it seems

I was wrong about that.

You fought well, Sagittarius,

but victory is mine.

[SAGITTARIUS] Thank you.

I knew that you would

be a worthy adversary,

but I did expect to win.

I humbly concede

defeat in this battle.

My fate is now in your hands,

so administer whatever

justice you see fit.

You have proven yourself to be

a most valiant opponent as well.

You have my utmost respect,

but I do hope to

see you return to normal.

Forced Closure!

I wonder how Natsu

and the others are faring.

What the heck is that thing?

An operating table?

It's a far

more sophisticated

piece of equipment than that.

In fact, it collects

the patients

and prepares them for surgery.

--[WENDY, CARLA scream]

--Let go of them!

What are you

gonna do to us?

I'm sure it'll

be bad for our health!

All of you need

something removed, I'm sure!

Don't let this thing catch you!

Run away!

Man, you're seriously gonna

have to do better than that!

Oh, is that the case?


As I told you earlier,

I am the solely

designated caretaker

of the Astral Spiritus.

So that means I also have a

great deal of dominance over it.

I got ya!


That should be impossible!

All right, Happy,

full steam ahead!

[HAPPY] Aye, sir!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Wow, thanks a lot, Natsu!

Yes, thank you.

I would much prefer not

to be dissected by that maniac.

It's not over yet!


It is for now, Ophiuchus!

It's him!

About time you showed up!

The ceremony is

almost ready to begin.

It won't be necessary for you to

keep them occupied any longer,

so you may go now.

I understand, sir.

I take my leave.

They're really

about to start it?

I've got some

bad news for you,

all your cronies

are getting kicked back

into the celestial world

one-by-one as we speak!

And you can't hold your

little ceremony without them!

[chuckling, distant rumbling]

Oh. That's probably

not a good sound, is it?

The power of

darkness knows no bounds

and has given us another

chance to perform the Liberam!

We will not

give up our dream.

And we will not rest

until we have attained

true and absolute freedom!

[LOKE] Although we may

face setbacks along the way,

our hearts are unwavering!

We will cast off the shackles

humanity has placed upon us!

[NATSU] We're outside?

[WENDY] Yeah, but something

doesn't smell right!

[NATSU] Would you just

stay in one place already?

[LOKE] Ophiuchus!

The time has come

to reveal your true form!


What does that mean?

[HAPPY] Hey, look!

I thought she

seemed too important

to just disappear like that.

The snake-charmer is

an absolutely vital part

of the zodiac.

So my true form is every bit as

majestic as that would entail.

In fact, the very place

known as the Astral Spiritus

is fully contained

within my body.

Everything that

has transpired so far

has been inside my body.

You coming here was by design.

A trap to lure you in!

[laughing evilly]

[LOKE] And now we

can perform the Liberam,

which will free us from the

human world once and for all!

There is nothing

you can do to stop us!


Oh, Celestial Spirit King.

I will not fail you!

I've heard of

someone being called a snake,

but this is ridiculous!

[HAPPY] I'm scared, Natsu!

How in the heck

are we gonna fight

against something that gigantic?


One step at a time, buddy!

First we take out Loke

so we can stop him

from doing that ceremony!

[HAPPY] Yeah, I guess if we

keep him from finishing that,

we'll have one less thing

to worry about!

[NATSU] He's always been

kind of a jerk anyway,

so let's kick his butt!

[HAPPY] Aye, Sir!


Next Time: Natsu vs. Leo!

I'll beat him down,

stop the ritual from happening,

and get things back

to normal in no time!

[HAPPY] Attaboy, Natsu!
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