07x207 - Hisui Rises!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x207 - Hisui Rises!

Post by bunniefuu »

[HISUI] This is a bustling

little town, isn't it?

[ARCADIOS] The port brings in

trade from the sea, pumpkin.

[HISUI] Say, is it just me

or is everyone staring at us?

It's just as I explained before.

This headgear will conceal

you perfectly, but only if worn

with all the pride and dignity

befitting a pumpkin-king.

[HISUI] That may be true.

But until I learn to channel

my father's weirdness,

I'd like to stick with a hood.


Look at this food!

Ice cream, Popcorn.

Hot dogs? They

don't have anything

near this tasty looking

back at the palace!

[HISUI squeals]


[HISUI sighs]

I'm sorry.

I know that we have work to do,

but it all looks so good.


You must channel the pumpkin!


You can't be serious.


Hey! Pumpkins!

I thought I smelled

something familiar,

but I wasn't

expecting to see you.


Rockin' the dress, Mato!

That your big brother or what?

[LUCY] Hey Wait, isn't

Mato secretly the king?


Then Which one should we bow to?


Don't ask that!

He brought a double

to throw off assassins.

If we bow, we might

give him away!


No, you've got it all wrong!


It's only us, okay?

Princess Hisui?

Colonel Arcadios.

Why're you here?

[HISUI] Good to see you.

It's been too long.

[NATSU] Haven't seen you

since I stole the king's--


What's new?

[LUCY] You're a long way

from home right now. What's up?

I was about to ask

you just that.

We're on our way to

Fairy Tail's guildhall.

that is, we were until

we found you here.

So what brings you out this far,

some kind of guild business?

Honestly, it's a longer story

than we got time to tell.

Actually, I'd like to

get your take on this.

[LUCY] Natsu, Happy and I were

on a job when I discovered

my Zodiac keys had

become unusable.

It turned out that the

job we took was faked by

the same spirits I was

trying to summon.

But they'd all changed: they'd

forgotten their time with me

and said our

contracts were void.

We've done some

research since then,

and we found out they're

planning to hold an old ritual

called the Liberam, in a place

called the Astral Spiritus.

This ritual is supposed to

grant them "complete freedom."

What I don't think they

realize is that this

so-called freedom

comes with a price.

If they go through with it,

then after just days.

All of them will die.


So that's why we're out here.

We've been searching

for Astral Spiritus.

And from what we've read,

it should be somewhere

to the south of Magnolia.

How tragic.

We're aware there have been

changes in the celestial world

from our own research.

But to think that the

spirits took action so soon.

The truth is,

these major changes in

your spirit's personalities.

They're a result of my mistakes.

[ALL gasp]


No way, this isn't your fault.

The Eclipse Project.

That's what warped

your spirits' minds.

But how could that be?

I Thought it was destroyed

It was. I threw a

frigging dragon at it.

Correct. It was destroyed but...


By then, the damage was done.

You mean, to the spirits?


[ARCADIOS] You wizards cleaned

up the worst of the mess

that our Eclipse Project

created by destroying it.

This sent the dragons we'd

accidentally brought forth

back to their own time.

[ARCADIOS] But activating a

dark artifact of that caliber

had an effect on nature itself.

Eclipse is the cause

of the unusual weather

that we've all borne witness to.

[LEVY] So are you saying that

Eclipse caused all of that

devastation as a side-effect

of being activated? Crazy.

Yes, And that only covers part

of the trouble it's caused us.

We believe that the

aftershock of the Eclipse's

activation has crossed over

into the celestial world.

It's really that powerful?

So powerful, our celestial

spirits forgot all about us?


Hisui Rises!

[HISUI] The Eclipse Project

pushed the world

to the brink of destruction.

And I was the one

that opened the gate.

That alone, was

completely unforgivable.

But now I've harmed

the celestial world too.

Because of me,

your spirits could die.


Princess Hisui...

[NATSU] You came all this

way to say sorry for that?

You were trying to help, right?

There's no crime in

making an honest mistake.

So stop feeling guilty!

Yeah! Nobody's mad at you.

it was an accident!

Thanks. After the

games, I was sad.

Depressed rather.

The weight of responsibility

for all the pain

I'd caused was too much to take.

But then something Natsu

once said came back to me.

Snapped me out of it.

So what did he say?

You sure it was me?


[NATSU] I'm gonna keep

fighting to live today!

Those words...

They gave me the strength

to keep on moving forward.

And what's more.

They were fresh in my

mind when I learned that

the celestial world had

been harmed as well.

What you said kept me strong.

I could've sulked or cried,

but instead I made special

keys to fight for today!

What keys?

How do they work?

[HISUI] These keys are

capable of forcibly closing

a Zodiac Spirit's gate.

You can do that with these?

Awesome! If we use these keys,

then we can send the spirits

back to the celestial world

without having to fight!

[LUCY] This way, we save their

lives without hurting them!

If they can't reach

Astral Spiritus,

then they won't be able

to do their ritual.

That's right. If it's

part of our world,

you could keep them

from it indefinitely.

[LUCY laughs]

Cool, we're saved!

I'm confused though.

No offense to the princess,

but this sounds like it

entails highly advanced magic.

How could a non-wizard

make those keys?

Yeah, fair question.

Forcing a gate to shut is

pretty difficult in itself.

But making keys

that do it for you?

Well you see.

I'm actually a

celestial wizard myself.

[ALL gasp]

[LEVY] Come to think of it,

she must've used the zodiac keys

to open the Eclipse Gate

in the first place.

[LUCY] To do something like

that, I guess she would

have to be a celestial

wizard, wouldn't she?

[YUKINO] I suppose we

should've realized sooner.

[HISUI] There is one

thing that prevents us

from using the keys just yet.


First, we'll have to--

[ALL screaming]

[HISUI gasps]

You're too kind.

We only just met and

you're giving me presents?

Hey! Give that back,

you little weirdo!


Very well done, my boy.

[ALL gasp]

[ALL scream]

[CROWD gasping, screaming]

[PISCES MOM laughing]

[ALL groan]

[HAPPY gasps]

It's a fishie!

Is this something I can eat?

Look at its teeth

and then you tell me!

[NATSU grunts]

Who the heck're they?

You're as nimble as ever,

my sweet baby boy!

Stop talking to me!

You gross old hag!

Gross old hag?

How could you be so cruel?

Firstly I'll have you know

I'm a very youthful mother!


Will you stop your whining?

[PISCES MOM, BOY squabbling]


Can't tell if they're bad guys,

or just a lame comedy duo.

[LEVY] Think they're

really mother and son?

They don't look it.

Yes. Of that much

we can be certain.

I'm contracted to them.

They don't look the same,

but they still make up

the celestial spirit, Pisces.

I'd know them no matter

how they looked

I'll say. They've changed a lot.

I told you not to

call me Sweet-pea,

especially not in

front of people!

[PISCES MOM giggles] There!

Now your hair looks perfect!

Come here snookums!

You're so darn cute when

you're angry with me.

Looks like their relationship

took a turn for the worse.

They're not gonna

taste anywhere near

as good when they're like this.

Would you just drop the whole

"eating them" bit already?

Their true forms

were nearly human.

There can only be one reason

that we'd be summoned like this.

Wiping out the

enemy with style.

I guess Eclipse changed them

as much as it did my spirits.

[YUKINO] Pisces! Please,

give us back those keys!

Say what?

Who're you?


Pisces, listen!

I know you've forgotten me,

but I'm your celestial wizard

and I need those

keys to help you!

We might've had to do

what you told us once,

but we don't anymore!

You ain't got a contract!

Try to get this

through your head.

We're done with you!

Do you really mean that?

We have what we

came for, Sweet-pea.

There's no reason for us to

hang around here anymore.

[PISCES BOY] But I haven't

gotten to play with them yet.

I feel like fightin'!

You're Natsu Dragneel,

right? Come at me, bro!

Why don't you point

your webbed fingers

somewhere else,

ya thievin' weirdo?

I'm about to pound on

your face till it looks

exactly like it used to!

While I'm at it,

I'm gonna take back

our frickin' keys!


Aye, Sir!

Ha! Catch me if you can!

You know that he

can't, boo-bear!

[PISCES BOY laughs]

Get over here! Punk!

We need to help him out.


You should let me handle that.

Why don't you hang back here

and help protect the Princess?

Are you sure?

Even without the Zodiac,

I have spirits that can fight.

[LEVY] And right now,

you don't. So stay here.

I'll help Yukino!

All right then. Take care.

[PISCES MOM giggles]

[BOTH gasp]

Sorry, but I can't

have you interrupting

my Sweet-pea's playtime.

[PISCES MOM] If you wanna

help your friend then,

first beat me!

Not that you can.

Hey, you know it ain't

too late for you

to toss over those

keys you stole.

Do it now, and I'll

forget all about this.


You do you, man.

Seems dumb to me,

but if you insist on fighting

without magic, then

who am I to stop ya?

Uh. I didn't say that.

Backsliding so soon?

Well regardless of

what you think you said,

don't let me catch

you using magic now.

'Cause if you do, then I'm

gonna spread rumors all over

that you're a

dirty lyin' wizard!

Well If you're that terrified

of my magic then I'll help.

Let's try a nice dose

of exposure therapy!


What the--

[HAPPY] Uh oh, it looks like

this kappa guy's a good shot!

[PISCES BOY] I'm a celestial

spirit, not a Kappa!

[NATSU] So you look like

a swamp monster, big deal!


Look, uh, the webbed fingers

are just like,

decorational, okay?

But they're hideous.

Eh, forget about it!

But if you insist on letting

me have the first punch.

I gotta say,

it's not a great idea.

But it'll work for me!

[NATSU] We all know

that I didn't say that!




[NATSU groans]

[NATSU groans]



Here comes Mama!

I can handle this one, Levy.

You got it.

Open. The Gate of

the Little Bear!




[LUCY] She has a giant,

pink, mechanical bear?

You don't look very appetizing.

But you never know,

maybe I'll be pleasantly

surprised after all.




Who says pink isn't tough?


Stay still like a good boy.

[POLARIS groans]



Didn't think she'd

take him out that fast.

We've still got some fight left!

That's the spirit!

Polaris. Power up!

[POLARIS] Honey, not oil,

makes the bear go rawr.


Yes, that's the stuff!

Oh my! Well aren't you just

the spunkiest little teddy bear!

But you and I both know that

naptime comes after meal time.

So be a good bear and go

to sleep now, won't you?


I am a good bear! Rawr!

And I'm gonna get you just

as soon as I wake up.


Aw, of course you will.

Sure didn't see that coming.

Polaris, please wake up!

Watching him eat made me hungry!

Hey, let me have a crack at her.

Pisces should be weak against

water, if that'll help you out.

Good to know!

Solid Script Magic!


Ooh, how refreshing!


That's weird. It always used

to be her biggest weakness.

[LEVY groans]

[NATSU grunts]

[HAPPY] You okay?

That looked painful.

[NATSU] Nah. I'm fine.

He just caught me off guard

with all that nonsense

he's been talkin'.

That was my best attack.

If you survived it I'm done!

Cool if I just toss

you these keys?



Wow man. How dumb can you be?

[NATSU, HAPPY scream]

I'm fired up now.

Fire Dragon--



Iron Fist!


Double Kappa!

[NATSU gasps]

I think I'll enjoy this fight.

Yeah, till I knock you out!

That's the kind of smack

talk that gets me goin'.

Well in that case,

I guess I'll just have

to dig in and fight you.

Right here, till one

of us gets beat down.

Now you're speakin' my language!




Wait! What about your beat down?


Let's take it to him, sir!



It's suppertime, dearies!

If water won't work,

then what about this?

Solid Script Magic: Fire!

Well, it was worth a shot.

[YUKINO, LEVY scream]

[PISCES MOM giggles]


Oh crap!

I didn't know that she

could melt into the ground.

There's no telling where

she'll attack us from next.

Should we start running or what?

Open, Gate of the

White Swan, Deneb!

Come forth!


You could've asked nicely.

I know what you're thinking.

A white swan spirit

with black wings.

It's all you can do not

to laugh, isn't it?

[LEVY] No, of course not,

your wings look great!

[YUKINO] Deneb! Please detect

where Pisces will attack from

and strike her down, quickly!

[DENEB] Long time no see

Deneb, how've you been?

Oh me, I'm fine,

thanks for asking.

[LEVY, YUKINO] We're sorry,

we should've asked you!


Didja miss me?

Long time no see, Deneb,

how have you been lately?

[DENEB] Now's hardly

the time for small talk.

Can't you see that

you're about to be eaten?

You're lucky that I'm here!

[PISCES MOM screams]


That was amazing!

Please, don't patronize me.




He's a little on the moody side.


Watch out! Mama Pisces is back!

[PISCES MOM laughing]


That's so rude.

[ARCADIOS grunts]


Nice work, Arcadios!

Get your scrawny, blue butt

over here so I can kick it!

Sure, I'll be right over!

And stop spewing all this crap

that obviously ain't true!

Fire Dragon.

Gatling Kappa!

[NATSU, HAPPY grunting]

Dread Spiral!

[NATSU, HAPPY scream]

[BOTH groan]

[ARCADIOS yells]

[ARCADIOS grunting]

Who needs magic when

you're as strong as him?

And that's the whole reason

why he's the Colonel

of the

Sacred Cherry Blossom Knights!

That title can only be

attained by the most powerful

swordsman in Fiore!

Well, look at you! You're

quite the skilled young man.

But skill won't get you far

against a back fin that

cuts through anything.

I've been analyzing

your movements, beast!


And your weak spot's right here!


Is it now?

But how--?

ARCADIOS groans]


No! Arcadios!

If only I had my White Lily

Armor on, I could take her.

[NATSU groaning]

That really hurt!


Look out, here he comes!

[PISCES BOY laughs]

Good times, right?

So when I give you my

word as a celestial spirit

that I won't hit you

while you're down.

I mean it!

The heck you do, you

lying son of a sea-slug!

Oh hey, I think

Yukino said Pisces

is weak against water att*cks.

It's Worth a try!


Take this!

[PISCES BOY grunts]

Feel free to

surrender any time!

If you're trying

to mess up my hair,

you should try harder.

Oh no, it didn't work!

Heh. I might've been

afraid of getting wet once,

but I know what my gills

are good for these days.


Good for you, but uh...


You're wide open.

[PISCES BOY gasps, groans]

No fair, I totally had you!

Plus Sucker-punches are

supposed to be my thing!

[PISCES MOM giggling]

Open, Gate of the

Clock Constellation!


[LUCY] You'll be safe in

here Princess. Climb inside!

[HISUI] No I can't. I refuse

to watch from a place of safety

as the rest of you

risk your lives again.


But, you're a princess.


That isn't all I am.

Don't forget, I'm

a wizard as well.

I have the power

to help, so I must.

I understand.

You've already proven

that you're more than

your title and we're lucky

to have you with us.

Please let me show you my

gratitude, by taking her out!

Thank you, but how?

Lucy Kick!

[LUCY screams]

[LUCY groans]



Then I'll use my

secret w*apon!

[PLUE squeaking, singing]

Well aren't you just

the sweetest thing?

Is that all ya got, pipsqueak?

[LUCY groans]

Now you can dance

for me instead!

[PISCES MOM giggling]

Fire Dragon, Wing Attack!

[PISCES MOM screams]


Great timing!

By the way, we stole the keys

back from that liar, too!


Aye, Sir!

[PISCES BOY sobbing]



How dare that horrible bully

make my little cuddlebug cry!

Don't you worry, munchkin.

Mama's gonna make him pay.

Now that we have the

keys back, you can show us

how to use them

on Pisces, right?

Yes, but, to activate a

celestial spirit's closure key.

We must first ensure that

the spirit absorbs magic

from its celestial wizard.

But also the Spirit has to lose

the will to continue fighting.

[ALL gasp]


We got fishies inbound!

Gee, you'd think they'd

learn their lesson.

I got this, guys, get back!

[PISCES MOM giggling]

[PISCES BOY laughs] Don't worry,

my mom's not angry at all!

Fire Dragon...




You stinker!

I think the only thing

that'll change your attitude

is a Shark Skin Body Press!

[ALL gasp, scream]


Got it!


Oh no!


He stole 'em all over again!

I'm sick of that jerk!

Since you asked us to,

we'll take these off your hands.

Cool? Cool!


Take care!


Sorry, Princess.

[HISUI] It's fine,

I won't let this stop us.

I've made those

keys once before.

The second time should be easy.


I admire your spirit, Princess.

[HISUI] You fought

bravely, sir. How are you?

Well, I emerged from

the fight unharmed.

I do, however, owe

you a sincere apology.

An apology for what?

[ARCADIOS] I realize that it was

presumptuous of me to do so.

But I thought that something

like this might happen,

so I switched out your

keys with fake ones.


[ALL gasp]



So they didn't swipe

the real keys after all!


You're a wily old guy!

[LUCY] Since we have the closure

keys, we just need to figure out

where Astral Spiritus is.

Then we can stop

the Liberam ritual!

Which reminds me,

there was another reason why

we were on our way

to Fairy Tail earlier.

We know where the

Astral Spiritus is.

For real? Well that

makes thing easy, huh?


Let's move!

Those spirits ain't gonna

beat themselves up!


Aye, Sir!

[HAPPY] Whoa! I can't

see a thing in all this fog!

But it seems like Astral

Spiritus is gettin' close!


'Bout time! Let's do this!

[HAPPY] Right! We gotta

stop the Liberam ritual!

[NATSU] Yeah, there's no way

we're gonna let our friends

die in frickin' days!


That'd be sad for everyone,

but it might break Lucy's heart!

[NATSU] Exactly! That's why

I say screw their stupid wish!


Next Time: Astral Spiritus

[NATSU] I said I'd beat

'em to their senses, Happy.

And when at first

you don't succeed.


Punch harder!
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