Image of Victory (2021)

History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Image of Victory (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

There are moments
when you try to make sense of your life.

You wonder if you made good use
of the time God gave you on this earth.

You seek someone to compare yourself to.
Someone you think truly lived.

And sometimes you're surprised
by who comes to mind.

She's the one
who came to my mind.

It's crazy. Of all the men and women
I met in my life...

It's her I cannot forget.

And I know it doesn't make sense.
Because she's the enemy, right?

But I can't get that image
out of my head.

What was it that made her smile?

Did she know
what was going to happen?

Has she figured out what I've been
trying to figure out all my life?

"Finally, after 30 years of bloody wars,
a peace agreement will be signed

"between the two rival states,
Egypt and Israel...

"The President of Egypt
took a courageous step..."

You filthy dog...

We fought the Israelis for years
to help our Palestinian brothers

but this peace agreement
doesn't solve anything!

Sadat's a traitor!
And I'm a coward...

Are you alright?

You've been depressed for a week.

Dinner's on, my love.

If there was no reason for the w*r,

and they are making peace just like that...

then I've been misleading the people
who read my newspaper columns,

telling them the w*r is just...

They fought...
and died.

And if their deaths were in vain,

who's to blame?


I am!

I'm the one who should yell out
that our president is a traitor.

If I had the courage,

if I wasn't scared of
doing something so extreme...

You wrote what you believed in,

about the King and about our country.

You're Egypt's greatest journalist.

An oak tree breaks in a storm,

but a bamboo sh**t merely bends
and straightens again.

Let's eat.

A bent bamboo sh**t...
That's what I have become?

How pathetic...

I go back and think of her...
of what she dared to do.

What does it say about me?
What I must do?

I go back to myself at 24,
not afraid of anything,

on the last night of 1947.

Such mayhem...
Come, he's in the screening room.

He asked me to go get you.

Tell me... what's this job?
Why the secrecy?

You'll soon know.
You love movies, don't you?

You know I do.
But why the mystery?

The producer will tell you.

"The annual royal charity banquet
was held this week in Cairo.

"King Faruk, beloved by his people,

"visited backstage to thank the dancers
who entertained the esteemed guests."

Turn off the projector.
What are you doing?

What are you thinking?

Showing the king fondling
these young ladies?!

The Queen should see this!?

Our King is only interested
in charity, not girls. Right?!

Answer me!
-I'm sorry, sir. -Sorry?

Want them to shut us down?
Do you ever use your head?

Excuse me...
Mr. Amin?

You asked to see my friend right away
before the volunteers leave tonight.

You said it was urgent.

Is that the guy that writes
for newspapers?

Yes, sir.
But his passion is cinema.

Is your friend brave?

What's your name?


Your ID...

The Zionists act
like heinous predators

and they deserve retribution.

I've studied the Jewish soul and realized
that they have boundless ambitions.

They believe
it's the land of their forefathers.

They come to Palestine
from every direction,

from Europe, from South America,
from Asia,

like locust descending
on a field of crops.

And how will they to get rid
of the good people?

Good Arabs,
living on their lands for centuries.

These foreigners colonized our sacred land
in order to expel our brothers.

Look here,

across from the peaceful village
of Hamama,

by the road from Gaza to Jaffa
and Tel Aviv,

those sons of dogs

built a colony called Nitzanim.

This place, Nitzanim,

where, as I later found out,
lived the girl with the mysterious smile.

Was a place I've never heard of.

On that night I was fascinated
by the passion

and ideological fervor
of the young volunteers I joined,

in order to send newsreel stories
from the b*ttlefield,

which will be screened in theatres
before the movie.

At first, going to a warzone
sounded very frightening,

but this was an opportunity
to make cinema - my greatest love.

As Tolstoy wrote,
love and fear are always inseparable.

Grab him if he starts running
before the truck halts. It's dangerous.

Listen up everyone, I expect you
to behave like soldiers, not hooligans!

Danny, I'll race you!

Let's see who gets the presents first.

Hard to tell which one's
more childish...

Being childish is natural for a child...

A childish mother... that's dangerous.


Who missed Daddy the most?

Any of you ladies
want to go back to prison?

Who's he calling "ladies"?


Did you get the book
about Holstein cows?

Keep your r*fles handy
at all times!

We came to this settlement
to protect these people.


Why did they send us crappy soldiers
straight from prison?

Should we complain?
-Not now.

Prison soldiers are better than
no soldiers at all.

Naomi, go get mattresses
for the soldiers.

Listen up,
if you want to sleep tonight.

You take a sack...

Fill it with hay...


And make yourself a mattress.

Close it tightly with rope
so it doesn't open at night

and all kinds of things...

Will get under your nightwear...

I'd like to have my thing
get under her nightwear.

Jamus, ever been with a redhead?
-Down there it glows in the dark.

Redheads or fireflies?
-Excuse me. -What?

Soldiers, I used to play the violin.
I have perfect hearing, just like a dog.

And just like a dog
she keeps barking.

Enough is enough!

The sea is one kilometer away.

Swimming in the middle of winter?
Are you insane?

Not swimming,
if we had up the coastline,

it's 50 kilometers to Tel Aviv.
-We already did time for desertion.

Wasn't it worth it?

Mira, may the commander
contact the Battalion? -Sure.

I don't get why
they didn't give you a radio.

The Battalion couldn't spare it.
We'll make do.

Who do you need?
-The Battalion Commander.

There's a tractor's carburetor
waiting for me. -No problem.

Why are you standing?
Have a seat.

Iron Gate, this is Sparrow,
do you copy?

Your son.


A big boy. Independent.

Are you a fan?

What? -Marlene Dietrich,
the actress. Are you a fan?

I don't go to the movies much.

How do you listen to the album?

Do you have a record player here?
-At the dining hall.

It hurts. I can't feel my leg.

It hurts! It really hurts!

Don't move!
We'll draw the fire to us.



Lieutenant, it's over on our end!
-Same here.

Habani, run and tell them
they can evacuate the wounded.

The infirmary is on the second floor.

Should we tie the bastard to a tree?

To scare off other assassins.

He's not an assassin.

He's just a child.

Some of our men can handle weapons,
but even if you train us,

we don't have enough men
to work in the fields and guard....

And what's worse,
it's only the beginning.

Today it's Arab farmers,
tomorrow we may face greater dangers.

I want to bring food to the guys on guard.
Can you fill up these mess tins?

I'll handle this.

How about sending us more weapons?

Everyone's short on supplies.

8 milking cows
is 42 gallons a day?

Eight for here,
34 for sale!

Yerach, to make a profit
you need 100 gallons...

It's not a good idea to have children
in such a dangerous place...

But a place without children
is a place without life.

The doctor!

He's OK.

Truth is...

You're surprised he didn't die on me.

Even a blind hen
sometimes finds a grain of corn.

Bravo, Doctor! Good job!


Play like in Berlin you did.

Play with them!

I don't want to intrude.
-Why intrude?

Didn't you say you miss the piano?

Go, play for them.

But play in a modern style.

Ziggy, make it modern...

more modern...

Decadent music, here?

Excuse me,
this is not a night club.

Excuse yourself.

Music is music.
We're not puritans.

Nothing is forbidden here. -I didn't say
it's forbidden, I said it's not our way.

The "way" argument is getting old...
-But it's still important.

Young lady, shall we dance?

Shall we?

I'm a true gentleman, I swear...

Kilometer, let me have a spin.

Let me dance a little.

You're called Kilometer?

Why Kilometer?

Why Kilometer?
He weighs a kilo and he's a meter tall...


Don't you dance, Ben Gigi?

Sergeant Ben Gigi.

We come from the same neighborhood
but here you either call me Sergeant,

or Sergeant Ben Gigi, or Sir.
But not Ben Gigi.

Is that clear?

Take five, then back to work.

Want to dance? -Are you kidding?
I don't dance with animals.


You're called Jamus, right?

It means "ox" in Arabic, right?

That means you're an animal,
doesn't it?

It's time...
-Time for what?

Time for bed...

Go to Hadassa and ask to cut in.
-It's not cool.

She's dancing with that soldier.
-What's not cool?

You're nothing but trouble, Mira,
I swear.

Nothing but trouble.

"This is radio Alexandria
at 82 Megahertz"


Thank you, Mr. Hassanin.

Hassanin will do.
No need for "Mr. Hassanin".

Say Youssef, have you seen
the documentary film

"Why We Fight" by Frank Capra?

I'm at work all day.

I have to work hard to make a living.

I think Capra should be the inspiration
for our films.

Moving stories about simple people,

who find themselves
in a moral and just w*r.

We may be filming newsreels

but there's no reason
why it can't be art,

and really say something
about the human condition.

Do you agree?

Big dreams...

Meantime, we only drove at night,
not to be seen.

The plan was to split up
and each force would attack a colony.

Good morning.

Sorry for waking you up,

but... I'm driving to the city
and will be back tomorrow.

If you want me to bring anything
for you...

Have a good trip.



Elyakim, please...

I'd just like you to hold me tight,

like you used to, before we...

You know we're no longer...

Do you want me to fake it?

Not to be sincere...?

I'm sorry, I really am.

If I'll feel differently, I'll tell you.
-I don't know what to do.

Me too.

You asked me not to do anything drastic,
I don't.

You asked me to act
like everything's fine, I am.

But what...

What's wrong?

What's the problem?

I'm not blaming you...

What has changed?

And why did it change?
-I don't know.

I'm sorry,
you know you're important to me.

It doesn't matter who att*cks you,
size doesn't matter.

Habani, enough with the joking.

Got it? Need another demonstration?

You know, it's easy to flip me over
because I'm not really trying to hit you.

Fine, hit me for real.
-For real for real? -For real for real.

Use the rival's momentum
to flip him over.

Again. Slower this time.

Got your eye on anyone?

Don't think so.
-You think too much.

Easy for you to say.

Because you're... Mira.

What does that mean?

Oh, come on...

Romek, wait...
platoon, pair up and practice.

So here's what we do...

Jamus, this is no bordello...

You, as community leader,
you're in charge, right?

You give the orders, tasks...
-This is not the army. There are no orders.

We hold meetings and
the comrades make decisions.

But for example,
who decide on security matters?

what do you want?

That lady, Mira...

I understand the radio
belongs to the kibbutz

but we'll need it for operations
-What operations?

Like in the Arab village across.

So you want the radio but not
the girl in the bargain, right?

Good luck with that. -I don't get it.
-You will, eventually.

Mira is special.

Different how?
I still don't get it.

It's raining cats and dogs...

I knocked.
There was no answer, so I waited.

Elyakim is away and I put Danny to bed
in the children's quarters.

He never sleeps with you?
And your husband?

That's the Kibbutz way.
Want to come in?

I don't want to intrude.
-You're not intruding.

Want some coffee?



I'm planning a patrol
to map the village across.

It's nonbelligerent
and I don't expect problems...

But it's better to have a radio,
just in case. -Smart thinking.

I like people who think ahead.

But... I need your radio.

In case something goes wrong.


Oh... excellent.

Hand it over or...?
-I'll gladly join you.

Mira... -Don't start...

If you want me to confiscate it, I will.
-But you can't.

It's the kibbutz's property.

Sorry, you'll have to put up with me.

So why be difficult?

We reached Hamama village at night.

Our commander,
Lieutenant Khlef,

started planning the attack
right away.

He was the only professional
military man among the volunteers.

An interesting character.

On one hand, an educated man
and on the other, a zealot.

The good people of the village
were very happy we came to help them.

Perhaps, thanks to us, they'll be able
to return to the lands they once cultivated.

I thought I'd have great human dramas
to film here.

s*ab with the bayonet and twist.

Who's here ever slaughtered a lamb?

It's the same drill with no wool.

Salman, it's your turn now.

Do you want to tickle him
or stick him?

If you're that clueless,
I should get you some dogs to practice on.

I'm kidding.

Who's next?

Youssef, check out this
photogenic young man.

What do you mean?

Are you sure?
-Of course.



Our main story was the liberation
of Palestinian lands.

But every big story
is made up of many little stories.

And on our first week,
we identified the beginning

of a very cinematic love story.

This highway is the lifeline of the colony.

Not far, near the Isdud Bridge,

there's a military camp.

From there, supplies are sent
to the colony Nitzanim.

And from that colony,
produce is sent for sale in Tel Aviv.

And we... God's emissaries...

will make life very miserable for them.

At high noon we stand outside

Our plates at ready for mess

A day will come we'll tell the cook

To kiss us in the...


Yula, Yula, Yulala

Naomi the redhead
Working hard around the clock

But everyone can clearly see

All she needs is a big co...



Naomi, Naomi, Naomi-nom

If you don't mind, it smells

as badly as those diapers.

When she heats up

She takes off her sweater...

Why don't you complain
to their commander?

He'll yell at them.

No need to. They're little boys.
Don't pay attention.

Poor things, after toilets' duty, I couldn't
get the stench out of my hair for a week

Eventually, I went swimming.
-That's an excellent idea.

Should we go to the beach after work?

Even if it's winter.

I don't understand why they don't send us
more mines. It's not enough.

We're going to the beach
this afternoon,

so if you need the radio...

I don't mind.

Of course, I'll take it back
as soon as we return.

Do you have someone trained to use it?

Just tell him it's sensitive.

It needs to be handled gently.


I need to check up on the digging...

How deep...

What digging?

Never mind.

Anything else?

You didn't confirm
you'll return the radio.

You're difficult.

You're difficult,
I'm difficult.

What do you say?

Do you go to the beach regularly?
Even in such times?

Yes, we go often, why?

I'll send a couple of soldiers with you,
just in case.

What do you think?

When we'll have children,
will we teach them Spanish?

It's important for them to know
the culture we came from.

It's important to be able to talk with
them without our husbands' understanding.

So, if there's a problem with the husband...

There'll be no problems.
We'll have wonderful husbands.

Swimming in the winter?
Isn't it cold?

Cold water stimulates your circulation.

What's with the fancy words?

Sorry. The flow of blood.

Look at her showing off again...

Got a problem?

God help us...

Aren't you going for a swim?

Didn't bring our bathing suits.

Who needs bathing suits?
Got socks?

Take a sock, put it on your thingy,

put a rubber band around it,
and you're good.

You're kidding.

Not kidding. Suit yourselves.
The water's great.

That Mira, she's sick in the head...

Why? It's funny.

A guy's thing in your face is funny?
It's gross...

What do you say, Habani?

Not on your life...

I don't care...

What's the problem, Habani?
Small d*ck?

Small brain?
-Habani, don't be shy.

Next time, bring a smaller sock,
say, of a four-year-old.

And leave the w*apon unattended?

So now you're an exemplary soldier?

Not an exemplary soldier, but...
-In other words...

small d*ck.

Casanova, this is your chance to
make a move. -Cut it out, you nudge.

Come on, dip in, it's not that cold.

You guys are idiots.

You're just idiots.

To the sea...

Small brain.

Small d*ck.

Let's go...

Come on...
-Cut it out!

Hello, esteemed ladies.

Water's too cold for you?

Is the water too cold for you too?


Mira, where are you going?

Ada, come help me.
We'll dunk him in the water.

I thought you had better taste.

What better taste?
We're just having fun.

A civilized person doesn't make a move
on a girl like that.

Enjoying yourself?


First time since I'm in the army
that I'm enjoying myself.

It's paradise here.


You'd think it's paradise
if being here wasn't risking death.

What were the words of the poet?

Whoever fears death, fears life.

Coffeehouse romanticism.

Get down!

I don't get you.

This is not a film studio,
this is real life.


Guys! Come on out!

Jamus, you idiot, hurry!

Elyakim, where is it coming from?!

Kilometer, hurry up already!

I'm going in, cover me.

Move in carefully.

Jamil, pin him down.

If it's a trap...
-I know what to do!

What are you filming?

Why are you filming them
looking like thieves?

Are they thieves?
No, they're heroes.

Of course, but...

Freedom fighters got to eat too

and it's only human
to take food parcels.

We don't have time to argue.

Salman, hurry up.

We got to move out. Come on!

Ben Gigi, to the right.
Kilometer, to the left.


Better not...

How can we work
when they can sh**t at us anytime?

Who'll stop them?
Twelve soldiers? You're joking?

It is a joke, but a sad one.

We're idealists, right?
-Of course.

But you must protect us.

We have children here.

You are all important to us.

We planted mines
on both sides of the gate...

I'll say it!

I'll say it!

I'll say what everyone knows
but I'll say it loud and clear!

It's obvious that Brigade Commander Avidan
and Kovner, that...

Shall we call a spade a spade?
That political officer, the real boss...

What's a political officer?

A political officer is like...
in the Russian army,

the man who has more clout
than the top military commander.

He works for the government
and knows its agenda.

They simply don't care about us.
They don't care!

I don't think
politics are involved...

It's very nice that you don't think,

but these are not your children.
These are our children.

Ada, no need to speak in that tone.
-Yerach, I'll speak however I want.

We're talking about the lives
of the children. Not cows.

Good evening.


Is everything's alright?
-They're at the dining hall. Party's on.

What about the cows now?

What do you mean?
-Someone has to replace poor Mosko.

You're alone.
And now, with the new calf.

Maybe a woman can help.

Especially if she has
experience with children.

Come on Mira.
A man was just k*lled.

Which is why tomorrow
he won't be helping with the milking.

You need help
to work the cowshed.

It's Kovner...

Good evening.


We asked for more weapons.
Did we get any? We got the finger!

We asked for soldiers.
What did we get?

One riffraff platoon!

Losers, deserters, thieves...

Insult me, not my soldiers, OK?

These ambushes are just the beginning.

It started with farmers
and shotguns

but now it's trained volunteers
with proper weapons.

What are you going to do about it?

First of all, tomorrow,

or the day after,
maybe next week,

If the moon and the weather
are right...

there'll be retribution.

So we will k*ll them
and they will k*ll us?

How will that solve the problem?

Is revenge the solution?

This must be solved.
These lands used to belong to them...

All lands in the world
used to belong to someone else

but they're also yours
and the argument will go on forever.

We paid the landlord good money
for this land.

His tenant farmers
should be angry at him, not at you.

When we crawled out
of the crematorium chimneys,

some people here know exactly
what I'm talking about,

we realized that with all due respect
to culture and civilization,

people are also animals.

And animals respond to
"an eye for an eye".

Elyakim, you'll return with us
to Be'er Tuvia with your truck

and we'll reload all that was lost today
in the delivery.

Only now, you'll be accompanied
by an armored vehicle.

As in all future trips you'll make.

So this is solved.
-It should be clear,

if we capitulate first,
we will all be kicked back...

to where six million Jews
were exterminated.

Are you OK?

I'm fine.
-Don't be ashamed.

It must have been very scary
to see a friend dead from up close.

Mira, I'm not scared or ashamed.
Everything's OK.

Good evening, Ada.
-Good evening.

Look how he's hugging
his teddy bear.

Don't wake him up.

I really want to hear his mumbling.

He has the sweetest voice in the world.

Sometimes he talks to his teddy bear.
It's cute.


Not a word you use often.

Such a great kid...

Oh, I'm sorry...

I forgot my book...

But it's not urgent.
I'll give you some privacy.

That's alright.
They're waiting for me.

Please tell Danny that I kissed him
and that I'll buy him many presents...

And that I'll be back in a few days.


Hadassa, wait a second.

I thought of something,
since you're so good with children.

As you know, Yerach's alone
in the cowshed now,

it's a lot of work for one person.

I thought it could interest you
even for a trial period,

to see if working in the cowshed
could interest you?

Good evening.

I came to take the radio back.

Mira, I don't want to irritate you...
-But you do.

I apologize.

But if we evacuate...

I won't be evacuated.

You're under my responsibility.

All of you living here.
-I won't be evacuated.

You're a mother.
-You're full of information.

Just like Elyakim who nudged me about it
before he left.

We need to come up
with some arrangement, you and me.

Concerning the radio.

This won't work.

Listen, you went on patrol without the radio.

You took a risk. That was unwise.

You thought the Battalion'll send you a radio,
but they didn't, right?

So let's make a deal,
you can borrow my radio any time,

but if you go on a mission,
I'm in. Done?

A few days passed, a week,
and another week,

and we had nothing to film.

Good morning.
-Good morning.

Lieutenant Khlef hoped the Jews
would attack and he set up ambushes,

but the Jews didn't attack.

Why was there nothing to film?
Why weren't there more ambushes?

Because Nitzanim's truck was
accompanied by an armored vehicle.

Out of boredom, I stood
and observed the colony.

Actually, it seemed very normal.

You see your enemy as a regular person
and it does something to you.

Since my producer and boss
was very pleased

with the footage from the ambush,

I thought I should focus on
our heroes' daily life

And perhaps feature
a budding love story...

"The love story of Salmam,
the courageous volunteer,

"and Samira,
the beautiful villager."

What the hell?!

What is this crap?

How stupid is your friend?

Who cares about this crap?

He thought this love story
could be interesting.

He thought?
Do I pay him to think?

I pay him to film a w*r.

like the footage he sent two weeks ago.

That's what the audience wants,
not a love story.

If he has an issue with that,
I'll can his ass.

Is there a post office in the village?
-Not in the village,

there's one not far away,
in Khan Yunis.

Then send a telegram,

and have the clerk
mount his bike, donkey or camel,

and deliver it
to the acclaimed director.

I'll also send a telegram
to Colonel Aziz

and ask him to send them

Perhaps with a larger force,

we'll see some progress
and have something to show.

Keep going. Very nice.
Until I say stop.


Good. Everyone, down.
Kilometer, where are you?

Listen, I don't think
It's a good idea...

I'm just giving it a try.

If it's no good, I'll be back.

Good morning.

Good morning.

I was told I start working today...

here, with you.

Yeah, they said a guy or a girl...
I don't remember.

But no problem...

Keep in mind,
work in the cowshed starts early,

because the cows
are full of milk, it hurts their...

Their mammaries.

Oh, like when you have a baby.

Not you, me.

Not me, I don't have a baby,

but there are babies
in the children's quarters.

And there's a baby here too.

So cute.

Milking a cow...
requires two steps.

The first step is...


Massaging the mammary.

A massage?

Yeah, a massage.
Here. See?

To induce the milk
flow from the mammary

to the milk pool in the...

In the nipple.

You know what I mean?
-I know what a nipple is.

OK. So you need to squeeze the nipple
to stimulate the flow...

I'm sorry if this is unpleasant
for you. -Why?

Squeezing the nipple...
Stimulating it...

Sounds very pleasant.

For the cow.

Get over here...

Open it up.

Kilometer... Hurry up.

Good evening.

May I ask something?

What do you want?

Please let us advance
with your fighters,

so we can film everything up close.

I don't really care how you film it,

up close or from far away.

Forgive me...
but it makes a big difference.

A story has as much significance
as the act itself.

That's how the cowards in Cairo talk.

That's what cowards say.

Cowards don't ask
to advance with the fighters.

The camera's is also a w*apon.

Even on Passover Eve
they don't serve decent food.

No knife and fork? What are we
animals eating with our hands?

Kilometer, come sit next to me.

When the "party" starts, your job is
to reload the machine g*n, got it?

Sergeant, keep in mind,

as soon as the sh**ting starts,
I'll start vomiting. You know that.

If I'll crouch next to you...
-Cut the crap. Man up.

A grenade and a smoke grenade.


Shall I take a w*apon?

just in case...

If you carry a w*apon,

don't stand behind the cameraman,
you might k*ll him.

Take pity,
your cameraman has children.

Safer for him
if you don't carry a w*apon.

Remember, once the climb starts
we can't slow down.

If anyone gets tired, there'll be time to rest
in the hideout, before the sh**ting starts.

Listen up ladies.

So here's the deal, ladies...

Why "ladies"

Oh, because you're ladies.

OK, but why use a derogatory tone?

I didn't mean to insult...
I always say "ladies"...

OK, listen.

Take watch-guard shifts
on the water tower.

Those down below will serve as runners.
Good luck.

Weapons locked. Be very quiet.
We're nearly there.

They're about 40 meters from the fence.


It's me Salman, I'm hit, help me.

I'm hit...

Help me, it's Salman.

Are we winning?

Ladies, take only good sh*ts.
Don't waste b*ll*ts.

We have a long day ahead of us.

-Don't worry, it's not a bad injury.

Jamil, take six men and flank them
from the dune.

Do you have wire cutters?


Hadassa, Hadassa...

Iron Gate, this is Sparrow.
Phase 2. Repeat, phase 2.

Roger that please. Over.

Confirmed. Roger and out.

Headed your way...



Habani, hurry up.

I'm hurrying up...

We'll take cover here
before we detonate.

Habani, the detonator.

We'll cover.


Don't know what happened.
We're pulling back. Over.

It was hard to see all the devoted
and courageous volunteers

lying in the field hospital,

without sufficient medical supplies
and morphine.

The saddest were the tenant farmers
who were driven out of Nitzanim's lands

they thought they would soon return
to their previous life.

There was hope and it was gone...

This was the first time I heard that
in the squad that infiltrated the village,

there was a woman
who was no less of a hero than the men.

I almost lost my own hero, Salman,
but fortunately, his injury was minor.

There can't be a drama without a hero.

Lieutenant Khlef insinuated that I should
send a telegram to my producer,

saying that in the turmoil of battle,
our footage got lost.

He was extremely worried
they'd say he's to blame for the defeat.

I told him that of course,
he wasn't to blame

and I also mentioned that
in the written narration I sent.

But I'm committed to report the truth.

I will not forget this.

You're a traitor.

If a story is a w*apon
as you say,

then what you send
is a w*apon against me.

I'm sending what we filmed.

Maybe it'll make them realize that you...
that we need help.

I'm not doing anything against you.

Let's go, Hassanin.

Come on.


if the Jews declare today

we must dispatch our army
right away.

Our volunteers have no chance
against the Jews' army.

It's a complicated situation
and the King's worried...

Pardon my frankness,

but we, the Egyptian people,
will appear as weak cowards

if it turns out
that we deserted our brothers.

The Generals told the King
what they saw in the film.

The King feared the people's reaction
and ordered to burn all prints.

The King also ordered the army
to prepare to invade Israel

within two months.

I understand everyone's concern.

Establishing a state
surrounded by enemies is scary.

In these isolated settlements,
Yad Mordechai, Nitzanim, Kfar Darom,

the residents talk about...

I can't even utter the word...


What evacuation?
How evacuation?

If we start evacuating here,
where will it end?

The story will spread immediately, all the
settlements in the south will be evacuated

and then there'll be panic up north.

Will we evacuate Rehovot?
Rishon LeZion?

Tel Aviv?
Where will we go?

We have to hurry.
-What did they say?

No evacuation.
Only children, as decided before.

And mothers?
-Their choice.

Yes. Let's help them load.

And reinforcement?

They have a reserve force they can send
to rescue if necessary.

They think the Egyptians will head for the
bridge and ignore most isolated settlements.

Weapons? More mines?

Did they authorize them?

An anti-t*nk rocket launcher.

Did you argue with them?
-As much as I could.

But some arguments
can't be won, right?



Go on.

Songs you used to sing back there?

Now I'm embarrassed...

By me?



Lady, you shoved sand into my mouth.

That's OK,
you have a filthy mouth anyhow.

See you.

"General", what do we do?

Romek, I command soldiers,
not civilians.

But you know that we're not
the type who flee

and headquarters
can take advantage of that, right?

Are you alright?

There's a need for drivers
for the convoys to Jerusalem.

They asked me.

And you agreed?

Yes. I'll be away
from here for weeks.

We need to talk.

It's hard for me as it is.
And people talk.

Who cares? -I do.
When women and children evacuate,

will you leave?
-Why does it matter?

I won't leave you here alone.

What do you mean, alone?

There's a whole kibbutz here.

I meant without me.

Mira, what should I do?

Tell you I love you more
than anyone else will?

I can't take this separation.

It hurts, I just don't understand!
-Elyakim. Please.

I'm hurting too.


She'll come without a bra,
yes she will

She'll come without top
and I'll take her for a hop...

You're using up all the hot water!
It's our turn now!

It's not fair.

Come on!

Get out already!
You're in the shower for half an hour!

Takes half an hour to wash out
the sand you put in my mouth.

Besides, Jamus is big.
Takes forever to soap himself.

Sons of b*tches!

Mira, what are you doing?

What was that? sh**ting?
-Who's sh**ting?

Let's go...

Ada, come on, it's funny.

You haven't laughed for so long.

Well, that's worth something.

Getting a smile out of you...


"In a few minutes, Ben Gurion
will declare Israel's independence..."

We're not educated as you are

we're primitive just like the Arabs.

Kilometer, people like you, afraid
to fight, don't deserve independence.

I'm not afraid to fight,
I'm just against w*r.

Why can't we reach understanding?
-With who, Arabs?

Ask Ziggy, was there much
"understanding" in the concentration camp?

Did they conduct
polite public debates there?

Ever talked with an Arab?
-I'd be glad to...

Ada, he saved a seat for us.

He saved seats for you and Mira...

It's obvious,
he always saves a seat for Mira.

But he only
saved two seats on purpose.

Clearly, he's trying to separate us.

It's a festive night.
Don't start.

You spend all day with him
in the cowshed,

do you have to spend
the evening too?

OK, I sound crazy so I'll stop.


Elyakim left? -Yes.
-Then for whom did you dress up?

You nudge, focus on
your own romantic affairs, not mine.

Your romantic affairs?
Since when are you romantic?

I'm as romantic as they get...

Quit. It's the declaration.

My only memento from back home

My family...

That was...

I wanted them to be here today.

To hear this.

"We are listening to Ben Gurion,
the Zionist leader of Israel.

"A country which is not recognized
by any of its neighbors.

"He claims that Israel will be based

"on the principle of historical justice.

"But where is the historical justice
for the Palestinians?"

What are you filming?

Our humiliation?

So everyone will forever see
how we failed?

Get out!

I don't want to humiliate anyone.

It hurts me as much as you.
But this is the story.

Do you want me to sh**t you?
Go back to Cairo.

To your hollow life.

To your chatter and lofty words
that lead to no action!

I didn't mean any harm.

The story's over.
-I have great respect for you.

But my job is to document.

Turn off the camera!


They're happy at the dining hall.
But I knew you're here.

I brought you something to eat.


Are you worried?



I wrote to my mom about you.

What did you write?

That there's someone...
Don't worry, I didn't elaborate.

Do you tell your mom everything?
-As does she.

When I was a child,
she had a lover.

She used to take me with him
to hear music at the beach

and eat ice cream.
It was fun...

It was fun sitting with her...
and her lover?

Didn't you mind?

I love her. I didn't mind her doing
what felt right for her.

I don't believe you didn't mind.

Maybe you felt helpless
being put in that...

Come quickly.

I don't want anyone seeing us.

I wonder if that guy is at her place...

Poor Elyakim...

Elyakim's wise.
He's not a kid.

He's not a kid...
but they have a kid.

They should have been careful.
Us too.

I don't know, a kid would be nice.
I'm serious.

My mom always said...

"The Egyptian pilots dropped bombs
on Tel Aviv's Central Bus Station.

"There are 42 dead and 100 wounded.
Some in critical condition... "

They're ripping them apart.

Your turn.

Mr. Hassanin, Mr. Hassanin...

What's going on,
my friend, Salman?

Talk to me.

The Lieutenant asked you to come quick
and bring Youssef too.

What's there to film?


I asked what is there to film?

What happened?

God is great.

Judging by your smile, I can tell
you managed to get rid of me for good.

Is that right?

Where are Youssef and I going?

You're not going anywhere for now.

Where's the cameraman?

He'll be right here.

You're being very dramatic.
-Aren't you looking for drama?

Everyone loves drama.

Ready to film?

Film what?

Film me.

Film him.



Yad Mordechai...

The Jews who were there
fled like mice.

Many of them died.

Do you know what that means?

It means that with God's grace,

this is the beginning of the end
of all the colonies.

Sir, everyone here is worried.
They want to know if we'll receive help...

Avraham, I understand your situation
but nothing can be done right now.

I only authorize evacuation of women,
children and medical cases.

You'll get help in case of an attack.

We all knew this day would come.

We'll do what has to be done.

From now on, we must speak in code.

We're up against an army now,
they have surveillance.

Use your head.

Roger out.

Speaking code...

Do you know code?


-Which code?

Pig Latin code.
-The what code?

(In Pig Latin code)
I... Love... you...

No little girl ever said that to you?

Daddy misses you very much
and you miss him too, right? -Right.

You'll go to him soon.
He's waiting for you.

He prepared many surprises for you.

Ada, let's talk.
-Did you pack?

Not much to pack.

It doesn't mix well.

There are lumps and they'll spit it out
and won't fall asleep.

And if they start crying...
we're all doomed.

Maybe we should crush them first.

Crush them?

You're good at crushing...
-Ada, please!

Stop being angry at me, please.

Enough, we're in a terrible situation.


That's why I don't want you
pulling any stunts.

We're not soldiers.
And you're coming with me, right?

We said that whatever happens,
we'll always be together.

That's our defense
against life's surprises.

We're family.
You're my only family.

A promise is a promise, right?

It must be kept.

Sleep, sweetie, sleep.

Yerach will take you on a little trip.

Dad's waiting
and he has a surprise for you.

-Yes, chocolate, sweetie.

Please don't hate me, sweetie.

Hold him tight, OK?

For the last time...

Are you sure?
-I'm sure.

All I'm saying is...
-I told you I'm sure.

Give Elyakim this letter.
He should only open it if something...

Mira, think again.

By saying
"only if something happens..."

You obviously think...
-I don't think anything, alright?

Give Elyakim a big hug from me.

Enough, please...

See you in the morning.

Are you OK?
-You think?

You're doing the right thing,
we can't help around here.

We're heading out.

Forgive me.



Go on.

Sleep, Danny.

Sleep, sweetie, sleep.

Everything's alright.

What happened?

I'm sorry...

I got scared.
-Are you alright?

I can't... fall asleep.

There are leftover sleeping pills
we gave to the children.

I thought it'd be OK
if I took some.

Get down everyone!

What are these explosions?
-It's coming from the bridge.

We need to hurry
and get the kids to headquarters,

to be back at Nitzanim
by sunrise.

Do you need help?

Come to me...

Sleep, sweetie.

Thank you, Ada.

I just wanted to say that...
-You, you...

If something happens to Hadassa,
it'll be your fault.

And I'll never forgive you.

Her blood will be on your hands.

Do you understand?

(In Pig Latin code)
Iron Gate...

This is Sparrow, over.

(In Pig Latin code)

This is Iron Gate. Over.

Has the package...

arrived at your end? Over.


The package is not here yet...

I'll send someone to the gate...

to check. Over.

What? What did she say?

They're not there yet.

It's taking too long.

According to plan, they should have
already arrived.


If something happened to them...

To the children and to Ada...

Mira, do you think
something happened to them?

Why have they not arrived yet?
-I don't know.

What a mistake...

Why a mistake?

Why a mistake?
Because I knew it's dangerous here.

I thought that if it'd get too dangerous,
I'd send Danny away.

I'm such a terrible person.

Why didn't I see it coming?

I didn't either.
I'm not that brave.

Neither is Ada...

She's not as strong as she seems.

Her mother
and my mother are sisters.

Her father lost all their money...

He left them.

Her mother started...

drinking a lot.

She's gone too.

I'm the only one she got left...

She'd never come here if I didn't...

What's for her
in a place like this?

(In Pig Latin code)

This is Iron Gate. Over.

(In Pig Latin code)
Iron Gate.

This is Sparrow. Over.

The whole package arrived.

The birds will soon fly home.

Iron Gate. Thank you.
Roger and out.

Mira, let's go!

What's going on?

Tanks, trucks, cannons,
armored vehicles...

Maybe a thousand vehicles,
headed north.

They're not engaging us at the moment.

Can you identify the tanks?
How many?

Type of armored vehicles?
Cannons? Over.

I don't know.
Tanks, I don't know.

No identification yet.

Excuse my inexact assessment,

but it's lotsa lotsa lotsa tanks! Over.

Our army could have easily
destroyed Nitzanim

but the Division Commander,
had no interest in small fries.

He wanted to get to Tel Aviv
as soon as possible.

An a*tillery battery commanded by Brigadier
Naguib, was set up in the village.

Naguib's task was to safeguard
our logistics.

Youssef and I left the village
and joined the army

to film the swift victory
the General promised the King.

But there was no victory.

The attack failed
because the General didn't send scouts.

He didn't know that the Jews blew up
the bridge leading to Tel Aviv.

There were many casualties
and some fell in Israeli captivity.

It was a nightmare.

The footage we shot
was not the kind the king wanted to see.

Start the screening.

It was clear
that we couldn't win this w*r

and that our army had to return home.

At home, once the soldiers talk,
it will be curtains for the king.

Hear that?

Is that it?
The flying fridge?

Right on time.

Let's go!
Hurry up.

Whose turn is it?

-What? No!

No, no, no, no.
I did it last time.

I think it's Jamus's turn.

Rabbit derby duty?

Habani, you're up.

Never mind...

I'll go.

No way, Ziggy.
-It's not your turn.

I want to.

To die?
Are you sure? Why?

I miss the piano.









Scary as hell!



Get down!

Ziggy... let's go.

Get going!
Hurry up!

Hurry up!
-Hurry up!

Hurry up!
-Hurry up!

Brigadier, if you may...

can we just b*mb the building
and be done with it?

That's not good sportsmanship.
And it's dishonorable. The w*r's over.

Damn them, bully beef again?

Naomi, cut thick slices,
to offset the bully beef.


-You should say "please".

Perfect timing
for a lesson in manners.

You know what?

Ziggy, Ziggy...

Excuse me...

Please, can you play a little bit more...


What do you say?

Give the animal a break?

I'm sorry for the rude word.

What's... your real name?


Finally, our army headed home

but the King gave
a clear-cut command...

"I need a victory
before the soldiers come home."

The General appointed Naguib
to command the task force.

And so, I found myself again facing...


Iron Gate, Iron Gate, this is Sparrow.

Do you copy? Over.

Mira, what's going on?

I'm trying, I'm trying.

Iron Gate, this is Sparrow,
do you copy? Over.

Iron Gate?

The radio's full of sand.
I'll try to signal an SOS.

where are you going?

I'm hearing something...

Is the radio working?
-I'm trying.

Can't film like this.

Can't live like this!

Think they got the SOS?

I don't know.

I think I received an SOS....

It sounds garbled...
-They sent an SOS, so there's no question,

we have to send the reserves!

Hold on...
Are you sure you heard an SOS?

I think so, not sure.

"Think so" isn't good enough.
Are you sure? Keep trying.

Listen, we promised
to send reinforcement.

They're counting on it.
-You listen. This is w*r...

and at w*r you don't do
what your enemy wants you to do,

even if you must sacrifice.

It's too early to talk about sacrifice,

we don't know the situation.
Keep trying to make contact.

We're about 500 meters from
the main gate. Over.

We're on our way to the back gate.

Where are the reserve forces?

They'll be here soon?

Flip the machinegun.
Avraham will turn them around.


Remember the plan?
We turn the t*nk towards us.

Like we said,
sh**t only when needed, OK?

Not yet, not yet...

Aim at the turret of the t*nk,

so they'll see where we're sh**ting from.

Now! Fire!

300 meters from the back gate.

At the front gate. Over.

We need to neutralize the Bazooka,


Flip it back now! Now!

It's lit.

It has no impact!
Retreat! Faster, faster!

Get out!


Habani, are you Ok?

Habani, Habani...

Ziggy, Ziggy...

Ziggy, don't be afraid...

Don't be afraid.
Ziggy... Ziggy...

Move in carefully.

Mira, come on...
Mira... Mira!

Habani, move out.

Habani, let's go.

Check for their wounded
in the bunkers.

Proceed in three columns.

We have to get out of here.

Naomi, it's Haim.

Naomi, it's Haim, be quiet.

Did you film it?
-Yes. I need a new mag.

Ben Gigi... Ben Gigi...

Salman, eyes to the right.


Don't give up...

Stay with me...


-When I sh**t, you run, OK?

What... Where..?

Where's everybody?

OK, we'll try to escape
through the dunes...

The Egyptians aren't barbarians.
They'll tend to our wounded.

But anyone who can still fight
needs to get out.

Get ready.

sh**t only if shot at.

I want prisoners. Over.

Take positions.


Hold on to me...

My God...

The reserves aren't coming?

Go back.
-What do you mean?

Mira, I'll cover. Go!


-Leave her! She's gone!

Hold your fire!

This can't go on...

This way we'll all die...

What are you doing?

This is useless.

What's useless?

What are you going to do?

We can't let everyone die.
We can't, it's just...

It's irresponsible.

Don't do that.

I have to!

I have to!

Don't sh**t!

Please, don't sh**t.

We want to surrender.


No more sh**ting.


I want to talk.


Are you filming her?

Use a tight lens...
Focus on her.

Who's firing?
-a*mo exploded in a burning t*nk.

Cease fire!
Nobody sh**t.

What for?

I heard sh**ting, I thought...

You acted without thinking.

We're going inside.
You and your men stay outside.

Remain alert
but don't do anything rash.

I said I want prisoners.

It seemed that the King
got what he wanted.

An ideal image of victory.

"Our beloved King,
His Majesty, King Faruk,

"personally commanded
our victorious forces.

"Our army blew up
the armed Zionist fort

"and k*lled thousands
of their soldiers.

"Our courageous soldiers
beat the enemy

"under the brilliant guidance
of our valiant beloved King."

What a lie!

They filmed the King in Cairo
and cut him into the newsreel.

After nearly a year,
a prisoner exchange took place.

Our soldiers who surrendered
were treated disgracefully back home.

The Israelis were equally contemptible,
dubbing their fighters' surrender

a betrayal.

This attitude, on both sides,
infuriated me.

He who was not in that terrible w*r,
shouldn't judge those young people

who returned broken from the w*r.

Years later, I asked a friend,
a military historian,

to find materials on Nitzanim for me.

In a book he found for me,
I noticed her photo.

One phrase stuck with me,

"No parting is more difficult
than that of a mother from her child."

Meaning, when writing it,
she knew she wouldn't see him again.

And that smile...

as if telling death:

"My friend, let's make a deal,

"take my life
and grant me eternal life",

"grant me everlasting glory.
In a story. In a legend.

A deal with death.
That's what she did.

But I...

would I be willing to give up my life
and lose the ones I hold so dear

for such a deal?
Just for glory's sake?

We're waiting for you...
All of us.

I'm not pushing...

We just miss you.

But we have patience.

It doesn't have to happen today.

Haste is from the devil.

My love...

Do you know why I'm very lucky?


Because you're wiser than me.
-I know.

Let's go eat.

Stuffed artichoke?
-Stuffed artichoke.

You know, the whole time
you've been stewing in here,

the kids didn't want to disturb you.

But they really missed you.

I missed them too.

But I couldn't...

But now, at dinner,
please don't talk politics.

Politics is politics.
But life is life.
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