Run Silent Run Deep (1958)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
Post Reply

Run Silent Run Deep (1958)

Post by bunniefuu »

(radar bleeps)

Setup on leading freighter.

(speaking in Japanese)


- Mark?
- 1-5-0-0.

50 port. Open outer doors,
tubes 1 and 2. Stand by.

Open outer doors, 1 and 2. Stand by.

Open outer doors on 1 and 2. Stand by.

Firing two fish forward. Watch your depth.

Two degrees down bubble. Hold her at 60.

- Outer doors open on 1 and 2, sir.
- Final bearing.

- Mark.
- 3-2-0.

- Set.
- Fire 1.

Fire 1.

- 1 is fired, sir.
- Fire 2.

Fire 2.

- 2 is fired, sir.
- Time on that first torpedo.

Should hit in about 42 seconds, sir.

Crash-dive! 300 feet! All ahead full!
Destroyer coming in fast!

Rig for depth charge! Silent running!

- (siren)
- Dive!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6...


Better hold on to these reports
to Admiral Bowers, sir.

- Why?
- His car had a flat tyre this morning.

Right rear. He's fit to be tied.

- Send 'em tomorrow.
- Yes, sir.

Captain Field's a little touchy
this morning, too.

Oh? Another flat tyre?

Almost the same thing. His wife.
They had a quarrel last night.

- Oh, that.
- I'm ready for action.

Passing up the decoy, sir. In position.

Heading straight on towards the Akikaze.

- Stand by to dive.
- Aye aye, sir.

Range 1800.

Akikaze bearing down on us, bow on.

- Clear the bridge. Dive.
- Dive. Ready to sh**t in 25 seconds.

Bearing. Mark.


Fire 1.

24 seconds, sir.

Torpedo running hot, straight and normal.

You sunk him again, sir.

That makes 200 times
you've sunk Bungo Pete in...

...200 days.

- He only sunk you once!
- Just once.

But it wasn't on a desk.

Where do you get all these things?

- Oh, tables, desks.
- Mueller, you're a thief.

I'm a collector, sir.

Bungo Pete! Let's put him
next to his Akikaze destroyer.

The unknown factor.
The sea dragon of Area 7.

There's nothing superhuman
about him or the area!

Too bad they'll never give you
another chance in that area.

Four submarines sunk
in the Bungo Straits...

...and they keep you behind a desk
for something they can't even figure out!

How many subs? You said four, I think.

- Yes, sir.
- The count was three a month ago.

It's only scuttlebutt, but the word's
around that the last boat sent out...

...was lost three days ago.

Get these things outta here!


...when's the next sub due in?

Two weeks, sir. The Nerka.

Her skipper was wounded, but
the Executive Officer's due to take over.

- He qualified for command?
- Yes, sir.

- They'll send her out to 7.
- I suppose so.

Get the Chief of Staff on the phone.
Tell him I'm coming over.

(@ "Anchors Aweigh")

(PA) Executive Officer to duty section.
Now hear this.

The repair crew will take over at 1300.

Duty section will stand by
with the repair list.

You beach boys who'll be checking in
at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel...

...the hotel does not have a repair crew.

So have fun,
but keep the damage to a minimum.

Break it up, break it up!
Russo, Cullen, break it up! I...

For the next captain of the Nerka, sir.

What we mean to say, Mr Bledsoe...

(all) Good luck, sir.

- So this is the way we start! Bribery!
- Don't know what you mean, sir!

Next it'll be special privileges!
Sunbathing, two-hour watches.

A sunburned crew is a happy crew!
An old Navy axiom!

That you just made up!

Thanks a lot, men. Don't any of you
get the idea I can be had!

- It never entered our heads!
- I'll bet!

- Go on, try it on, sir!
- You'll look very sharp in that rig!

- See you a moment, Bledsoe?
- Yes, sir.

Uh, we were just leaving, Captain.

I said we were leaving!

It's... sort of a gift, sir. The men, they...

It's all right. Never mind.

- Any milk left in the galley?
- Yes, sir.

- Oh, it's powdered, sir.
- That'll do.

She belongs to the chief of the boat.
Good-luck token.

The men give her a little... pat
on their way to battle stations.


I'll get the milk, sir.

Ah, submarines. They ruined my liver.

Couldn't take one again.

Terrible thought. Makes me old.
Makes me antique.

- Do you like subs?
- I chose the service, sir.

Of course.

- Good record.
- Thank you, sir.

It's a fact, not a compliment,
so don't thank me!

I told you two years ago you were
hot stuff, that you'd have a sub one day.

- Remember?
- Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

Well, you're going to, Jim.

But not this time out.

The Nerka is being assigned
to Commander Richardson.

He'll be your skipper for this patrol.

You see, Jim, she's going to Area 7.
Richardson is acquainted with the area.

7 is a hot spot.
We lost four subs there the last year.

All of 'em sunk by an Akikaze
off the Bungo Straits.

His sub was the first. The Navy Board
feels he deserves another chance.

That command was mine.
Don't they think I can handle her in 7?

Of course not.
Your ability isn't being questioned.

- Richardson's suggestion...
- Richardson's suggestion?

He presented a very strong case.

This whole thing
is suddenly very clear to me.

- That all, sir?
- That's all.

You won't mind if I keep this
out of mothballs, Captain?

There are other boats besides the Nerka.


Rich? Hey, be careful!

- What's the matter?
- Like me to fix some lemonade?

Sure, honey, you go ahead.
I'll be down by the time...

- Better make enough for three.
- Three?

- We have company arriving.
- I can't see anyone like this!

I don't think this is a social visit.

You'd better put some gin
in that lemonade.

Looking for me?

- Commander Richardson?
- That's right.

I'm Bledsoe. Jim Bledsoe.

A pleasure. Mind throwing me up
that insect spray, Jim?

Excuse me, sir,
but I didn't come to spray insects.

Well, it's the leaves you spray.
But it doesn't matter.

- What's on your mind?
- A request, sir.

I'd like you to ask for another Exec.

Oh? Just like that, huh?

My privilege, sir. Navy regulations.

- I'd have to take it to the Board.
- You went to them before.

That's just it. I got what I wanted.
Why should I change it?

Maybe I can enlighten you.
The crew's accepted me as its captain.

They have me decked out as a groom.

Now you're taking my place,
I'd rather not go to the wedding.

Are we discussing your pride
or are you embarrassed to face them?

You'll be facing them in a couple of days.

The resentment's going to be
twice as great with me on board.

Mr Bledsoe, let me be honest with you.

I don't care about
their resentment or yours.

I wanted a boat. The Board gave it to me.
That's all there is.

The Board didn't give you a thing.

You went to them, the poor
desk commander with a tear in his eye.

You told them if you could have me
for a backstop, you could do the job.

Mr Bledsoe...

...your request for release is denied.

(door opens)

Well, Commander, I'm glad I came over.

- Get things straightened out.
- We're going to get along just fine.

Don't worry, Jim.
I'll take good care of the bride.

Anyone for a slug of gin?
We're out of vermouth.

- Lt Bledsoe, Laura. My Exec.
- Hello.

Thanks, Mrs Richardson.
I'll take a rain check on the drink.

- Some other time.
- Lieutenant?

If there isn't another time, good luck.

Take good care of my husband.

I'll take care, ma'am.

- Take over, Mr Conwell.
- Aye aye, sir.

Captain's off the bridge.
It won't be long now.

Captain's off the bridge.

- Order's coming up soon, Chief.
- OK, Carver.

- Is he downstairs yet?
- Below, Jessie. The Captain's below.

- How much is in the pool?
- 200 bucks. Are all the areas covered?

- I got a five spot on Area 22.
- 16 for me! I hear it's a pleasure cruise!

- I took 7.
- 7?

- You what?
- I took 7.

- That's a one-way ticket, idiot!
- Trying to jinx us all?

- What do you mean, one-way?
- No return, Jessie. No return.

But I was born on the 7th.
What with all that money in the pool, I...

7 is lucky for me... ain't it?

The money's all locked up inside.

Wilson, tell the engine room
we're standing by.

- Hey, Chief, can I change areas?
- Too late.

Gentlemen, I ask for silence.

The next voice you hear...

...will be the dealer.

This is the Captain.

I know all of you are vitally interested
in our area assignment.

Here is a rundown of the orders under
which we will operate during this patrol.

Number one.

And I'm sure you've heard this
many times... sink enemy shipping.

Number two... proceed
on a specified course to Area 7...

- I knew it! I just knew it!
- For Pete's sake, turn it off!

Number three: Avoid the section
in Area 7 known as the Bungo Straits.

Number four... take coast intelligence
photos wherever possible.

A third of you are new men, and I know
there are bound to be some questions.

Feel free to ask
your division officer any time.

That's all. Thanks for your attention.

Hey, where are the Bungo Straits?

- Why?
- He said we'll avoid it.

He didn't say anything about avoiding 7.

OK, give everyone back
his money, Kohler.

No dice. Somebody took Area 7.

- Who?
- He did.

Jeez, fellas, I didn't know!
Well, it's my birthday!

7's my birthday!

Simulated target dead ahead, sir.

(Jim) Range 2,000.
All hands standing by for drill.

Bail out. Lookouts, below!

Clear the bridge!


Dive! Dive!

- What's the depth?
- 38 feet, sir.

- Ruby, where's the scope?
- We're not at periscope depth yet.

- Stand by to surface.
- Stand by to surface!

Now let's get this straight.

- I want this scope up as we dive.
- As we dive, sir?

I wanna be ready to fire
once we level off at 50 feet.

I know this is new to you,
but you'll have to get used to it.

The purpose of this drill is
to dive and fire as soon as we level.

Let's try it again. Surface!


Blow main ballast. Hard rise on planes.


- Blow negative!
- Level off. 8-degree angle,

- Depth: 40 feet.
- Steady on course, Captain.

- Mark: 50. Levelled off.
- Fire 1. Time?

42 seconds, sir.

- Not fast enough. Open the vents sooner.
- Aye aye, sir.

- Stand by to surface. We'll try it again.
- Stand by to surface.


Dive! Dive!

- Open the vents on the diving alarm.
- Taking a chance, isn't it?

You can always shut 'em
if you don't get a green board.

Aye aye, sir.


Dive! Dive!

Open 'em up! Flood those tanks!


Dive! Dive!

- Mark: 50. Levelled off.
- Fire 1.

- 37 seconds, sir.
- That's good. Very good.

By the time we reach Area 7,
I want it down to 33.

- 33, sir?
- 33 is right.

- Yes, sir. Secure from battle stations?
- Yes, Jim.

- Take the conn, Mr Cartwright.
- Secure from battle stations.

- Secure. Third section, take watch.
- Secure. Third section, take watch.

All ahead one third.

Light the smoking lamp.

I said secure. Your tails
can't be dragging that much.

What's the matter? No gripes, no groans?

Isn't anyone gonna say
it's a four-second difference?

Not a boat in the fleet could make it?

Ruby, you worried about drills?

- No, sir.
- Poplin?

I never keep anything from a crew. I don't
expect 'em to keep anything from me.

So, come on, speak up!

Well, I... I guess it's...
It's Area 7, Mr Bledsoe.

- You heard the operation orders.
- That's just it, sir.

- They mentioned the Bungo Straits.
- What difference does that make?

That's the section where
those subs were lost - the graveyard.

- We've got orders to avoid it.
- The Bungo Straits!

- Well, for Pete's sake!
- Great!

- Lieutenant, we thought...
- Don't think.

Grab some coffee.
In 30 minutes, you got another drill.

33 seconds!

Leave the hatch open,
the boat might go down faster.

(men continue banter)

I heard you, Lieutenant.

Now that you've explained the orders... do you explain
the purpose of these drills?


Captain to the bridge!

Easy, fellas! She's gotta last the patrol!
One pat to a customer now!

- All ahead, standard on board.
- OK, I got it.

Radar contact dead astern, sir.
We think it's a Jap sub.

Has he seen us?

Hard to tell. Shall we open
the outer doors on the stern tubes?

No. Keep her on present course.

(alarm continues)

Conning tower,
aft engine room manned and ready.

Conn, forward torpedo room
manned and ready.

How long shall we hold this course, sir?


Before we double back to get 'em.

We're not going to double back.

- Sir?
- He might get lucky. I'm not risking it.

- We're faster. We could outmanoeuvre it.
- Hold her steady.

- Aye aye, sir.
- Keep a sharp lookout astern!

Lost radar contact at 6-5-0-0 yards, sir.

Very well. Secure from battle stations.

Secure from battle stations.

Second section, take the watch.

I'll take the conn. Lay below.

Aye aye, sir.

Well, you've had the boat for a week now.

I guess you noticed
how quickly she responds.

Always a shudder when you push her
too hard. Best to ease her into it.

- Thanks. Anything else?
- Just one thing, sir.

She hates showing her backsides
to Japanese submarines.

Permission to go below, sir?


Now hear this, now hear this.
Orders of the day.

To your sacks, men. You've got
25 seconds to lay flat on your backs.

Any of you gripers want a sleeping pill?

He's a caution. Isn't he a caution!

Give the skipper a couple, will ya?

A Jap sub and all these drills.
The Captain must be running scared.

Aw, it's the craziest w*r patrol
I ever started on.

Who said anything about a w*r patrol?
You're all confused, my friend.

We're on a drill patrol. First time
in the annals of the Navy Department.

What's it all mean?
What's he got in mind, huh?

Haven't you heard? He's gonna
challenge the Japs to a drill.

The winner will get
an all-expense-paid honeymoon...

...with Tokyo Rose in the Bungo Straits.

Gentlemen, we are indeed fortunate.
Let us pay tribute to that great motto.

"Caution with safety
and safety with caution."

Now. Let's do better than that.

Let's drink a toast to our beloved captain,
the drillmaster!

For he knew our fleet boat
was faster than a Jap sub.

I've had enough kidding, Jerry.

Why? A cautious captain
with orders to "avoid"?

If we stay out of Area 7
as well as the Straits, we're in.

- I bet he's thinking of a way now!
- Excuse me, sir. Your watch list.

What about that, Mueller?
You're chummy with him.

I don't know what you're talking about,
Mr Cartwright. Do you, sir?

Come back here, Kraut!

Get out, Mueller. Go on.

If you have any questions, you come
to me, not the crew. Understand?

And that goes for your opinions, too.

Maybe we'd better break this up.
It's getting late.

Shut up.

(Jim) Battle stations manned.
Standing by for drill.

Lookouts, below!

Clear the bridge!


Dive! Dive!


Surface! Surface!


- Someone up topside, sir!
- All stop!

- All stop, sir.
- Emergency! Surface!

Open up!

- Are you all right?
- I'm all right, sir. I'm OK.

Who gave you permission
to dump the garbage?

- Mr Cartwright, sir.
- I thought he'd asked the OD.

- I was on the bridge. I...
- Get below.

Yes, sir.

Only the captain gives permission
to dump the trash.

Instead of losing time on this drill,
we almost lose a man!

Stand by to dive!

- Check the watch, Mr Kohler.
- Aye aye, sir.

Mr Bledsoe.

Yes, sir?

- Have you been with this boat long?
- Over a year, sir.

And is this the kind of cooperation
you usually get?

No, sir.

A man could've been k*lled today.

The responsibility is yours.
You're in charge of the drills.

I have no excuses. But under the
circumstances, the crew did their best.

- What circumstances?
- Don't press it.

I want an answer.

It's one thing to drill a crew.
But when you duck a Jap sub...

...they wonder why they should care when
the Captain has no stomach for attacking.

Does he want obedience, efficiency...

...or the best-drilled cowards in the Navy?

Mr Bledsoe, tell them I'm doubling
the drills, starting tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

You might as well know, sir.
I don't believe it.

Believe what?

That you ran away from that sub
from cowardice.

I know what ya mean, but what's the cook
supposed to do - eat the garbage?

- We haven't had a minute...
- Hey! Hey, Vince.

(radar bleeps)

SJ contact, SJ contact!

Bearing 3-3-0, range 15 miles.

- A big one, huh?
- It's not a fishing boat, friend.

(rapid bleeps)

Picking up two of them now, sir.

Range closing.
Enemy on southerly course.

Very well.

Right full rudder,
come right to course 3-3-0.

Right full rudder, sir,
coming right to 3-3-0.

- Very well.
- Looks like he's going to go in.

Sightseeing, Pat. Just sightseeing.

I can see them now.

Lead ship, possible Momo destroyer.
Trailing ship, a large tanker.

We'll wait until the destroyer passes,
then take on the tanker.

Shifting to TBT. Bearing coming down.


Bearing 0-2-0.

Set, sir.

Right full rudder,
come right to course 0-3-0.

Open outer doors on tubes 1 and 2.

- Open outer doors on tubes 1 and 2.
- Open outer doors on 1 and 2.

Angle on the bow now. Starboard 70.

Torpedo spread - one right, one left.

Solution checking. Everything's set, sir.

Destroyer's well clear now.
Tanker range 3-2-0-0.

- All ready to fire, sir.
- Very well. Stand by, tube 1.

- Stand by, tube 1.
- Stand by, tube 1.

- What's the torpedo run?
- 2500 yards, sir.

- Commence firing.
- Fire 1.

- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.

- 1 fired, sir.
- Stand by, 2.

- Spread set.
- Fire 2.

- Fire 2.
- Fire 2.

- 2 fired.
- No.1 running hot and straight, sir.

(speaking in Japanese)


Destroyer's angle on the bow
now zero. Bearing?


- Bearing 0-4-5.
- He's heading right at us.

Keep the sound down.
We'll have orders to go deep.

Aye aye, sir.

If you've had any questions about
the drills, you'll have 'em answered now.

We're taking on the Momo.

Right standard rudder,
come right to course 0-4-5.

- Coming right to 0-4-5.
- Very well.

Open outer doors on tubes 3 and 4.

- Open doors on tubes 3 and 4.
- Open doors on tubes 3 and 4.

Range to destroyer: 2,000.
Bearing steady.

Closing in fast. Coming head on.

At range 1-5-0-0, we'll crash-dive.
At 50 feet, we'll give her two fish.

Down the throat? It's a bow shot.

Range 1,800.

Lookouts, below!

- Stand by to dive.
- Stand by to dive.

- Stand by to dive.
- Clear the bridge!


Dive! Dive!

- Bearing.
- Mark: 0-4-4.

- Set.
- Depth: 34 feet.

- 10-degree angle.
- 39 feet.

Level off.

- 44 feet.
- Steady on course, Captain.

- Stand by on tube 3.
- Stand by on 3.

- Levelled off at 50, Captain!
- Fire 3.

Fire 3.

3 fired, sir.

- Fire 4.
- Fire 4.

- 4 fired, sir.
- Stand by to take her down fast.

- Stand by to take her down fast!
- Aye aye, sir. Standing by.

- Captain, we got 'im!
- In 32 seconds!

32 seconds!

Left full rudder, all ahead one third.

Very well. Now hear this.
Captain speaking.

You just gave a Jap tin can the deep six
with a bow shot in 32 seconds.

This boat is ready for anything.
Let's keep it that way.

Drills - no more than usual tomorrow.

Mr Bledsoe, take the conn
and get us back on course.

Aye aye, sir.

- Boy, that skipper!
- He knocks 'em down!


(band music on radio)

Hey, come here, you guys. Listen to this.

"Dear Commander,
Japanese lmperial Fleet... it hereby known
that on July 31st 1943...

...the uSS Nerka, under the command
of Captain PJ Richardson...

...sunk a Japanese destroyer."


"One down, 20 fish to go."
Signed, Kraut Mueller.

How about that? We've been
drilling for a bow shot all the time.

- Hey, Ruby, you were up there.
- Right on the pickle, dear friend.

That tin can zigs right into us.
I tell ya, I was shaking!

- What did the old man do?
- Calm, you know. No excitement.

Orders two fish right down the throat!
Just like you'd order ham and eggs!

If we'd missed, we wouldn't have lived
long enough to get into Area 7!

- We won't live long enough to get out!
- Lf, if, if! Go back to Sears Roebuck!

Forgive me if I interrupt the music.

You are listening to the voice
you call Tokyo Rose...

... speaking to you from the heart
of the Japanese empire...

... telling you in your own language
of a w*r you cannot win.

It has been substantiated that we have
destroyed 16 enemy ships this month.

Oh, come on, Rosie, get up to date!
You're missing one Jap tin can!

Jessie! Jessie, dear friend!

We've decided to be big about it.

We're not gonna hold you responsible
for Area 7 any longer.

- We'll take back the money.
- Gosh!

Well, that's nice of you fellas...

...but my conscience hurt me so much,
I threw it overboard.

- Not now, Kohler.
- Don't shut me up again, Lieutenant.

I've seen all kinds of captains.
We've seen 'em together.

But I never saw one
run away from a Jap sub...

...then take on a destroyer with a shot
I didn't even know was in the book.

There has to be a reason.

That bow shot didn't just happen.

The drills were planned for it.
The whole thing was...

(door closes)

I never heard of a bow shot
being set up except in desperation.

It's all like some experiment.

Suppose a bow shot was the only way
he thought he could get an Akikaze.

An Akikaze isn't a Momo.
There's a helluva difference.

This Akikaze's in the Bungo Straits.

But that's impossible!
The orders say to avoid it!

I know.

Look, I know how you feel about him
taking the boat and all.

But don't you think
you're working at it overtime, sir?

We'll be hitting Area 7 tomorrow morning.

(radar bleeps)




It's a convoy all right, sir.
Bearing 3-2-0 relative.

Sounds like a whole lot of 'em, sir.

- Cullen.
- Aye aye, sir.

I have the dive. Depth: 60 feet.

- Forward torpedo room ready, sir.
- We're undetected, sir.

Aft torpedo room manned and ready.

We're dead ahead of the convoy.
What firing position shall we take?


Take her down, sir?

Take her down to 100 feet.

100 feet. Aye aye, sir.

Five degrees down bubble.
Take her to 100 feet.

Secure from battle stations
when we level off.

- Come right to course 2-8-0.
- Right to course 2-8-0, sir.

Very well. Mr Cartwright,
take over the conn.

Yes, sir.

What's he doing? What's going on?

- Give me a line on course 2-8-0.
- Sir?

- A line on course 2-8-0 now!
- Aye aye, sir.

- What's the skipper up...
- Later, Beckman.

- Start levelling off.
- Aye aye, sir.

There it is. You might as well post it.

A whole area to patrol and you pick
the graveyard - the Bungo Straits!

It's the only place we can get the Akikaze.

The one spot you're ordered to avoid.

You make it sound like
a snap decision. It wasn't.

That's quite obvious. Passing
a Jap submarine to save your torpedoes.

Risking a bow shot. Ducking a convoy
so they can't radio our position.

You planned it, all right! You knew it
the day I came to your house!

I knew it before that, Jim. I knew it
a year ago when my boat went down.

We have explicit orders. We have a crew
that expects the captain to follow them!

You know that a captain
can redefine orders...

...if he feels he has an advantage.

- What advantage?
- You named it. A bow shot.

We did it with a Momo.
We can do it again.

You call that an advantage when
four subs before us never had a chance?

They were detected.
Not even Pearl knows where we are.

What about the Japanese navy?

No, sir, that's no advantage.
Not in my book.

But you're not the captain.

If you should fail
but come out of this alive...

...there won't be a desk
small enough for you this time!

That's strange, Jim.
I never even thought of failing.

You've got a lot of guts, sir,
with other people's lives.

That's my decision and my responsibility!

To whom? To a crew
that died a year ago?

Yes! To a dead crew, a dead sub!

Now, believe what you want.

Well, this crew's still alive.

They have a right to know where
they're going. Do I have to tell them?

What's the matter? Surely
you've got guts enough for this, too.

This is the Captain.

Due to conditions of special advantage...

...I have decided to take this boat
to the Bungo Straits.

Bungo Straits, broad on the port beam.

We're there.

Bungo Straits.

We're at the Straits.

Bungo Straits.

Bungo Straits.

Bungo Straits.

We're there. We're in the Straits.

If I'd only been born on the 8th.

Uh, see you a moment, sir?

- What is this?
- We, uh... want to talk to you, Jim.

- I looked through the Navy rules.
- We want you to take over.

That's very flattering, gentlemen.

Let's go. Everyone outside.

- They're Navy orders!
- What right...

A captain's right. That's all he needs.

We might as well
make up our minds now.

- We'll follow his orders.
- Where? To the bottom?

If that's what he's got in mind,
that's where we'll go.

This boat - any boat - has one captain.

Is that right, Kohler?

Yes, sir.

- Is that right, Mr Cartwright?
- Yes, sir.

Let's break this up.

Mr Cartwright, with all due respect
to your rank...

...may I say that I think you're an ass?

I see by this report that
you called Mr Cartwright an ass.

- Yes, sir.
- An officer?

That's right, sir.

- Mueller, you're a damn fool.
- Yes, sir, I know.

But as long as I overheard,
you might as well know, too.

They wanted Mr Bledsoe to take over.

- He put an end to that fast.
- He would.

- Would you tell me something?
- If I can, sir.

- Am I a damn fool, too?
- Sir?

Mr Bledsoe seems to think I am,
and I have a great respect for his opinion.

Maybe you have to be, Captain,
to do something like this.

You nailed that Momo with a bow shot.
Why not the Akikaze?

The Akikaze never misses, Mueller. Never.

Well, he will this time, sir.

Is that a classified opinion
or am I at liberty to repeat it?

It's a fact, sir.

A fact they'll all realise
at Bungo Pete's funeral!

(radar bleeps)


(radar operator) Convoy
now bearing 3-1-3. Range 7,000 yards.

Are we gonna set up
on the leading ship, sir?

That's a decoy. Shallow craft.
Used to draw fire away from the convoy.

You could sh**t ten fish.
They'd only run under it.

There! There she is,
pulling up to the convoy!

- The Akikaze.
- Yes.

She'll keep astern of both columns
until they zig.

Look at her cut through there!
Must be making 30 knots!

Doesn't stay in position long enough
to give you a target.

Not unless he's coming toward you.

Take over in the conning tower. Track
the next-to-last ship in the port column.

We'll give you a bearing.
Right standard rudder!

Very well.

This is the Captain. The convoy we've
been waiting for is on our starboard bow.

The plan of attack is as follows.
First, we'll strike a freighter going in.

If that doesn't bring
the Akikaze toward us...

... we'll attack the freighter nearest him.

When the Akikaze does head toward us,
we'll dive and give him two fish...

... at 1500 yards, just like the Momo.

Let's go! All ahead standard.

- All ahead standard, sir.
- Very well.

How's the target course
and speed check with the TDC?

Course checks. Speed, one knot slower.

Plane contact, sir.


Captain, radar's picked up enemy planes.

Lookouts, planes coming in.
Watch for them.

Aye aye, sir.

- 15 miles. Range closing.
- Planes 15 miles. Range closing.

They're closing fast, sir.

- Planes closing fast, sir.
- The Japs must've known we were here.

We're going in according to plan.

Give me the setup.

- Stay on that freighter.
- Aye aye, sir.

(Jim) Range on freighter 2,000, sir.
Track 70, gyro 20 right.

- Recommend firing course 2-9-7.
- Come right to 2-9-7.

- Right to course 2-9-7, sir!
- Planes six miles.

- They'll be on us in a minute.
- Stand by.

Ready on tubes 1 and 2.
Outer doors open. Standing by.

Range 1800 yards.

- Commence firing.
- Fire 1.

- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.

- 1 has been fired.
- 1 fired, sir.

- 1's away. Fire 2.
- Fire 2.

Fire 2.

- 2 has been fired.
- 2 is fired, sir.

- 2's away.
- Make ready stern tubes!

- Make ready stern tubes.
- Make ready stern tubes.

- Aircraft now one mile.
- Come to course 0-8-9.

Coming to course 0-8-9!

Very well. Time check on first torpedo.

Five seconds... four...

Both fish hit. She's headed down.

Stern tubes ready, sir.

Aircraft range steady.
Appear to be circling overhead.

- Right full rudder, all ahead flank.
- Right full rudder, all ahead flank.

Shift target to Akikaze.
He's coming on. Bearing coming down.

(radar bleeps)

- Bearing 2-5-0.
- 2-5-0, sir.

(rapid bleeps)

Radar to bridge. Aircraft returning.

Range 4,000. Tubes 3 and 4 ready.
Outer doors open.

- Want me to take her down, sir?
- Not yet, not yet! Lookouts, below!

Range 3,000.

We'll have to fire from surface. Stand by.

- Commence firing!
- Fire 3.

Fire 3.

- 3 fired, sir.
- 3's away, sir.

Clear the bridge!

Dive! Dive!


- Take her down to 300 fast!
- Aye aye, sir!

- Gimme a time check on that fish.
- 24... 23...

Torpedo screws, sir.
Heading toward our port side.

(radar bleeps)

- Must be that last torpedo, sir.
- It's a runaway.

Coming back at us! Crash-dive!
Sound collision alarm!


(radar bleeps)

Passing 7-5 feet, sir.

Passing 9-0 feet, sir.

(slow, regular bleeps)

(faster bleeps)

Destroyer coming in, sir.

He's shifting to attack frequency, sir!

(ship's propellers whirring)

Picking up splashes, sir.
Depth charges on the way down.

Passing 150 feet.

(bleeping continues)

It's all right! Leave it!
The governor'll stop it at 2100rpm.


Forward torpedo room reporting.
Hatch was blown on the main...

We cannot make...

Forward torpedo room.

Forward torpedo room.


Forward torpedo room.

Forward torpedo room.

- Phone circuit's out, sir.
- Check on the damage.


- Captain wants a damage report.
- Coupla dogs sheared off the hatch.

- Can you fix it?
- I'll know in a minute.


Turn on emergency lights.

Torpedo room.
Forward torpedo room, report.

Forward torpedo room.

Take the conn. I'm going to check.

- (Beckman) Levelling off.
- All ahead one third!

- Is the hatch sprung?
- Couple of dogs sheared off.


(men) Close the hatch! Close the hatch!

Come on, close the hatch!


(Beckman) Losing depth control.
Heavy forward. Request more speed.

Forward room must be flooding.
All ahead standard!

- You OK, sir?
- Yeah.

- Is the compartment flooded?
- Partially.

Three dead.

(propellers whirring)

They're coming in for the k*ll, sir.

Only way to get outta this alive
is to make 'em think we're all dead.

- Send up an oil slick?
- Send up blankets, gear, everything.


...the men that were k*lled,
send them up through the tubes.

Yes, sir.


(distant explosions)


(propellers whirring)

(rush of air)

(rush of air)

(radar bleeps)

(propellers whirring)

(speaking in Japanese)

(propellers whirring)

(whirring fades)

Screws diminishing, sir!

(bleeping continues)

(Morse code message)

Captain? Captain,
there's something else here. Listen.

(Morse code continues)

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What's the situation in the hatch?

It's OK. The engineer should have
the new parts ready in a couple of hours.

It's well secured
with block and tackle, sir.

Clear the compartment.

OK, everybody out. Come on.
On the double. Let's go, fellas.

(distorted Morse code)

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

Here. Better take a swallow, sir.

- What is it?
- A stimulant from the medical safe.

It's 100 proof, sir.

- How long have I been out?
- Just a few minutes, Captain.


You'd better worry about yourself.
You'll be in for a rough time.

Hendrix knows his stuff.
You've had a pretty bad concussion.

It's worse than that.
There's a medical term for it...

...but it all adds up to blacking out
now and then for quite a while.

If you don't keep off your feet, sir,
you'll be blacking out permanently!

- You'll keep this to yourselves.
- But, sir...

That's an order, Hendrix.

Send for Mr Bledsoe.

- Well, go on!
- Yes, sir.

The torpedo firing circuits
will take 24 hours to repair.

We'll have to set up
a jury-rig for the radio...

...and the radar needs some work, too.

That's another 24 hours.

Not bad, considering. We'll lay over
for two days, then we can get moving.

Yeah, the timing's perfect.
Those convoys come out every 48 hours.

- You really got shook up, didn't you?
- No.

- No, I couldn't feel better.
- Then maybe I didn't hear you right.

You heard me right.
I'm talking about the Straits.

Going back to the Bungo Straits.

We're through playing with lives.
It's the end of the line.

Why? Because a torpedo went wild?

You know that's 100 to 1, an accident.

The whole Japanese air force...
dropping everything it's got.

- That's an accident, too?
- Next time around, we'll make it.

What are you gonna do? Swim back
to the Straits or use a lifeboat?

Because that's all the help
you're gonna get.

Those are tall words.
You'd better stop and think a minute.

I have thought about it. That wasn't
a tea party the crew held before.

They wanted me to take over then.
They'll feel the same way now.

You make one move to take over and,
I swear, I'll see that you're hung!

Then we'll hang together. Orders
were disobeyed. No more technicalities.

A fleet boat of the Navy,
a sub with her fighting power intact...

...and you'd take her back to Pearl?

I don't believe it!

Mr Cartwright!

Yes, sir?

We'll lay over two days for repairs
before returning to Pearl.

I'll be in command.

Get a detail started right away.

- Yes, sir.
- That's all, Cartwright.

Yes, sir.

The best Exec I could get
in the whole Navy!

The backstop, I think you said!

And the first command you give
as a captain is to order a retreat!

@ Goodbye, Bungo! Hello, Pearl!

- Funny, funny, funny!
- Aw, what's with you?

We're trying to eat. Knock it off.

- Is this a private dining room?
- Wanna sing? Go to the head!

Lt'll take more than you to put me there!

Break it up!
What's the matter with you guys?

We're going back to Pearl, aren't we?

How many patrols have you had,
Mr Sears Roebuck?

- This is my second.
- Well, I've had five since '42.

I've taken depth charges,
shells, strafings...

...even a bombing run off the Solomons.

This is the first time I've gone back
to Pearl with 15 torpedoes still aboard.

Kohler, better start the torpedo check.

- Aye aye, sir.
- Mr Cartwright?

- Do you think we could've had 'im?
- What?

Suppose that fish hadn't gone wild, sir.

You think that aircraft was playing
games? The Japs had us detected.

- The Captain said...
- He's flat on his back.

Be better if somebody
had put him there sooner.

- Kohler, get started.
- Mr Cartwright...

This time words just fail me!

- It's this way, sir. I...
- Why didn't you stop it?

- I didn't know it was gonna happen.
- You let it go on.

- No, sir...
- Then it didn't happen?

If I have to put every crew member
on report, I will!

It was my fault, sir.

Go on up to the bridge.
Tell the OD you're on report.

- Sir...
- What did you say?

I told you once
to keep your opinions to yourself!

Now get out of here!

Yes, sir.

I'm not going to stand for
any fighting or insubordination.

If you think you've got a soft touch,
you're mistaken! You hear?

Wow! How about that?
Chewing out an officer in front of us!

He was chewing us all out.
What's he so sore at us for?

(band music on radio)

- Turn it up a bit, huh?
- It's OK. Let's leave it.

What are you trying to do -
break the plate?

(radio) You are listening once again
to the voice you call Tokyo Rose.

- Turn it off.
- Yes, sir.

I play the music for the wives and
sweethearts of the submarine Nerka.

You'll never see these men again.
The Nerka has been sunk.

- It's at the bottom of the Bungo Straits.
- They bought it. They chalked us up.

We send our regrets to the relatives
of Captain PJ Richardson...

... of officers James Bledsoe,
Gerald Cartwright...

... Carl Beckman.

Of seamen Jessie Warner,
Kraut Mueller...

- Kraut Mueller? How...
- Listen!

You'll never see them again.
Think about it.

Think what your country
has done to these men...

... as you listen to the music.

They even named us!
The officers, the crew!

How could they possibly know?

- Welsh?
- Yes, sir?

Were any messages sent
after we entered Area 7?

No, sir. We cut off all transmission.
Captain's orders.

No information, no transmitting
of any kind left this boat?

That's right, sir.


Yes, sir?

Did you ever sign your name
"Kraut" Mueller?

Only on that notice I put up
about the Momo destroyer.


- Where's Russo?
- Yes, sir?

The trash you put in the sacks -
how do you weight it?

- How do you weight it? Answer me!
- Tin cans, broken tools.

- Anything I can find to weight it down.
- Does it sink?

- I think so, sir.
- You think so?

Well, I can't say for certain, Mr Bledsoe.

Did you dump any sacks off the Straits?

Yes, sir.

What have I done now?

How do you feel?

I'm all right.

Repairs are completed.
We're ready to move.

- The crew must be very happy.
- Uh-huh.

Aren't you?
That's what you wanted, isn't it?

That's what I wanted.

I see.

- You're going back to the Straits.
- That's right.

What changed your mind?

I found out how they detected us.

Those fishing barges along the coast
have been picking up our garbage.

For the first time,
we have a real advantage.

Sure, Jim.

I made the same speech.

But you and I both know that
the odds are still against us.

There's always a calculated risk,
the unknown factor.

Let's not kid ourselves.

You're going back
because you've been through it...

...because you have to go back.

You knew all along I would.

Let's say I had a hunch your order
to retreat wouldn't be carried out.

OK, Rich.

I guess the real reason I came in here
was to tell you that I...

Good luck, Jim.

We know they think we're sunk. There's
no way for them to know we're here.

Every angle has been covered
except the risk of battle.

We're gonna make that risk pay off.

Any more questions?

There must be something you wanna ask.

Well, sir, we all thought...

Would you mind
stepping over here a moment, sir?

Be my guest, Mr Bledsoe.

Thanks, Kohler. It's a privilege.

(radar bleeps)

Decoy leading as before.

There she is - the Akikaze.

Travelling about 30 knots and coming up.

- Stand by to surface.
- Stand by to surface.


(voice from bridge) Hard right on planes.

(high-pitched bleeps)

(distorted) What is it, sir?
I can't make that out. What is it, sir?

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

(radar bleeps)

Port side clear, sir.

(Jim) Steady on course 0-5-0.

- Due course 0-5-0, sir.
- Very well.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

(distant voice) All ahead one third, sir.

(Jim) Very well. Lookouts, to the bridge!

Mr Cartwright, same plan of action.

We'll attack the last freighter
in the starboard column.

(Jim) When the Akikaze comes in,
we'll give her a bow shot as before.

All tubes ready for firing, sir.

In firing position.
Good setup on freighter.

- Outer doors open on tubes 1 and 2.
- Fire 1.

- Fire 1.
- Fire 1.

- 1 fired, sir.
- 1's away, sir.

- (Jim) Fire 2.
- Fire 2.

Fire 2.

- 2 fired, sir.
- 2's away, sir.

Left 10-degree rudder.
Come to course 0-4-1.

(shouting in Japanese)

Akikaze moving up starboard side
of burning freighter.

Bearing on Akikaze.

- 0-8-9, sir.
- Come right to course 0-8-9.

Coming right to course 0-8-9, sir.

At what range will we fire, sir?

1,500 yards. We'll take her
with decks awash.

Shift to battery. All ahead one third.

Shifting to battery.
All ahead one third, sir.

- Control room.
- Control room, aye aye.

Flood down to 26 feet.

Aye aye, sir. Open main ballast
t*nk vents. Flood down to 26 feet.

- Range to Akikaze?
- Range 2400 yards.

- Use tubes 3 and 4 on this run.
- Tubes 3 and 4. Aye aye, sir.

Rig out bow planes.

Range 2,100 yards.

Open outer doors on tubes 3 and 4.

Stand by to fire tubes 3 and 4.

Ready on tubes 3 and 4.
Outer doors open.

Range 1,800.

Lookouts, below!

Range 1-6-0-0.

Commence firing at 1-5-0-0.

- Stand by to fire.
- Stand by to fire.

(propellers whirring)

(radar bleeps)

- Fire 3.
- Fire 3.

- 3 fired, sir.
- 3's away, sir.

- Fire 4.
- Fire 4.

- 4 fired, sir.
- 4's away, sir.

Clear the bridge!


Dive! Dive!

15-degree angle. Take her deep!

That's it! We got her!


All ahead one third!

Level off and bring her up
to periscope depth!

(high-pitched bleeps)

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

What is it, sir? I can't make that out.

Take a look.

Sir... listen.

(Morse code message)

That transmission again.
I can't make that out.

(Morse code continues)

(Morse code message)

(Morse code continues)

Bledsoe! Take her down!
Sound collision! Take her down fast!

Sound collision! All ahead full!
Flood negative! Take her down!

Flood negative! Hard dive on planes!


(Morse code message)

(speaking in Japanese)

- Torpedo coming! Another runaway!
- But both were hits!

It's not ours. It's theirs.
It's from another sub.

That's what sunk all our boats.
A Japanese submarine.

She missed us.

Captain, hadn't you better go below?

Passing 90 feet, sir.

- All ahead one third.
- All ahead one third, sir.

- Level off at 120.
- Level off at 120, sir.

- Rig ship for silent running.
- Rig ship for silent running.

Shift to manual control. Shut down
ventilation. Secure all machinery.

No unnecessary movement or talking.

(whispers) Here he is, sir.

(radar echo)

(radar echo)

(speaking in Japanese)

(radar bleeps)

I've lost him.

(Jim) They've stopped their motors.

Let's make it a standoff.

All stop.

All stopped, sir.

(quietly) Can't hold her down
too long without some speed.

We'll have to start the motor soon.

Let's hope they start theirs first.

(speaking in Japanese)

- What was his last true bearing?
- 1-3-5.

The bearing's no good
without knowing his depth.

And we can't get that.
We gotta get him to surface.

There's a convoy still up there.

With the Akikaze gone, he'll have to
come up to protect those ships.

Suppose we sink a couple.

- Do I have your permission, sir?
- You're the captain now.

- Stand by to surface!
- Standing by!

Secure from sound running and collision!

All ahead full!

(radar bleeps)

(speaking in Japanese)

Re-load forward tubes when we surface.


Shift targets. Angle on the bow
70 starboard, bearing coming down!

Commence firing when set!

- Radar, any sign of that sub?
- Not yet, sir.

- Keep a sharp lookout, Johnson!
- Aye aye, sir.

- Fire 3.
- Fire 3.

- Fire 4.
- Fire 4.

New radar contact. Bearing 3-0-3 relative.

That should be our friend.

There he is.

(shouts order in Japanese)

He's changing course.

Moving in behind the decoy.
Using it as a screen.

Right standard rudder,
come right to course 0-6-9.

Right standard rudder
coming right to course 0-6-9!

Very well.

That decoy,
you say it has a shallow draught?

Yeah, that's right. We could
sh**t under it and hit the sub.

Open outer doors on tubes 5 and 6.
Set torpedo depth at 16 feet.

Steadied on new course, sir!

Range 1-5-0-0. Standing by to fire, sir.

He's all yours, Captain.

Fire 5.

- Fire 5.
- Fire 5.

- 5's away, sir.
- Fire 6.

- Fire 6.
- Fire 6.

(shouts in Japanese)

(gives order in Japanese)

(relays order)


(rapid bleeps)

SJ radar contact! Aircraft coming in fast!

- Clear the deck.
- Lookouts, below!

Hurry! Clear the decks! Stand by to dive!

(planes approaching)

Dive! Dive!


(Jim) It's 38 days now
since we left Pearl Harbor.

I know how some of us felt then.
I think I know how some of us feel now.

But let no one here,
no one aboard this boat...

...ever say we didn't have a captain.

Unto Almighty God we commend
the soul of our shipmate departed...

...and we commit his body to the deep
in the sure and certain hope...

...of the resurrection unto eternal life...

...when the sea shall give up her dead
in the life of the world to come.
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