Barry Lyndon (1975)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Barry Lyndon (1975)

Post by bunniefuu »

Gentlemen, cock your pistols.


Barry's father had been bred,

like many other young sons
of a genteel family,

- to the profession of the law.
- One, two...

There is no doubt he would have
made an eminent figure in his profession.


Had he not been k*lled in a duel,

which arose over
the purchase of some horses.

Barry's mother, after her husband's death,

lived in such a way as to defy slander.

Many a man who had been smitten
by the charms of the spinster

now renewed his offers to the widow.

But she refused all proposals of marriage,

declaring that she lived now for her son only

and the memory of her departed saint.

First love.

What a change it makes in a lad.

What a magnificent secret it is
that he carries about with him.

The tender passion gushes instinctively
out of a man's heart.

He loves as a bird sings

or a rose blows from nature.


Now, what shall it be?

Turn around and face the wall.

The object of Barry's attention,

and the cause of all his early troubles,

was his cousin.

Nora Brady by name.

I have taken the ribbon
from around my neck

and hidden it somewhere on my person.

If you find it, you can have it.

You are free to look for it
anywhere you will,

and I will think very little of you
if you do not find it.

I cannot find it.

You haven't looked properly.

I cannot find it.

I'll give you a hint.

I feel the ribbon.

Why are you trembling?

At the pleasure of...
of finding the ribbon.

You're a liar.

Company, forward!


Company eyes!

About this time,

the United Kingdom
was in a state of great excitement

from the threat, generally accredited,
of a French invasion.

And the noblemen
and people of condition

showed their loyalty
by raising regiments of horse and foot

to resist the invaders.

Their scarlet coats and swaggering airs
filled Barry with envy.

Company eyes!

Brady Town sent a company
to join the Kilwangan regiment,

of which John Quin was the captain.

The whole country was alive
with w*r's alarms,

the three kingdoms
ringing with military music.

And ready!



Redmond, what is the matter?

Nora, were you obliged to dance
five times with Captain Quin?

I don't care a fig for Captain Quin.

He dances prettily, to be sure,
and is a pleasant rattle of a man.

And he looks well in his regimentals too.

If he chose to ask me to dance,
how could I refuse him?

But you refused me.

Oh, I can dance with you any day.

And to dance with your own cousin
looks as though you could find no other partner.

Besides, Redmond,
Captain Quin is a man.

And you're only a boy,
and you haven't a guinea in the world.

If ever I should meet him again,

you will find out
who is the best man of the two.

I'll fight him sword or p*stol,
captain as he is.

- Redmond, don't be so silly.
- I mean it, Nora.

But Captain Quin
is already known as a valiant soldier.

It is mighty well of you
to fight farmers' boys,

but to fight an Englishman
is a very different matter.

Best have your Englishman take you home.


Barry had resolved
never to see Nora again.

But such resolutions, though they may be
steadfastly held for a whole week,

are abandoned
in a few moments of bleak despair.

No, Nora, no.

Except for you and four others,

I vow before all the gods

my heart has...

has never felt the soft flame.

Ah, you men.

You men, John.

Your passion is not equal to ours.

We are like...
like some plant I've read of.

We bear but one flower and then we die.

But you... you...

you mean you never felt
such an inclination for another?

Never, my John, but for thee.

- How can you ask me such a question?
- Oh, Nora.

Nora was chaperoned
by her brothers, Mick and Ulick,

whose interests would be much affected

by the favorable outcome
of her affair with Captain Quin.

Redmond. So nice to see you.


How could you do this to me, Nora?

Redmond, in the name of heaven,
what's the matter?

What are you talking about?

I... I think this might be an opportune moment
to return something to you.

Thank you, Redmond.

I must have forgotten them somewhere.

Yes, you did, Nora.

Captain Quin, may I have the honor
of introducing my cousin, Redmond Barry?

Miss Brady, it would appear

you have something to discuss
in private with this young man.

Perhaps it would be best for me to withdraw.

Captain Quin, I have nothing
to discuss with my cousin in private.

Miss Brady, it would appear you have
a great deal to discuss in private.

Good heavens, Captain Quin.

He is but a boy and don't signify
any more than my parrot or lapdog.

Oh, indeed?
Are you then in the habit of giving...

intimate articles of your clothing
to your parrot or lapdog?

Mayn't I give a bit of ribbon to my own cousin?

You're perfectly welcome, miss.

As many yards as you like.

When ladies make presents to gentlemen,
it is time for other gentlemen to retire.

I have the honor to wish you both
a good day.

Jack Quin, what's the matter here?

I'll tell you what it is, sir.

I've had enough of Miss Brady here
and your Irish ways.

- Think you still, sir?
- Well, well, what is it?

We'll make you used to our Irish ways,
or we'll adopt English ones.

It is not the English way
for ladies to have two lovers.

And so, Mr. Brady, I'll thank you
to pay me the sum you owe me,

and I resign all claims to this young lady.

If she has a fancy for schoolboys,
let her take 'em, sir.

Quin, you're joking.

I never was more in earnest.

John, wait.

Hang ya for a meddlin' brat.

Your hand is in everybody's pie.

What business had you
to come quarreling here

with a gentleman who has 1,500 a year?

Redmond, me boy, take a seat.

Mrs. Brady and ladies, if you please.

This is the sort of toast that's drunk
a great deal too seldom in my family,

and you'll please to receive it
with all the honors.

Here's to Captain and Mrs. John Quin
and long life!

Go on.

Kiss her, Jack, you rogue,
for faith, you've got a treasure.

Come on, Jack, come on.

There's the man.


Here's to a long and happy life together.

A long and happy life together!

Thank you.
That was very kind, Mr. Brady.


Here is my toast to you,
Captain John Quin.

You wretch!

How dare you
behave like that in my house!

Mrs. Brady, take the children out.

Captain Quin, my dear fellow,
are you all right?

In heaven's name,
what does all the row mean?

The fact is, sir, the young monkey's
fallen in love with Nora.

He found herself and the captain
mighty sweet in the garden today,

and now he's for murdering Jack Quin.

And I'll tell you what, Mr. Brady.

I've been insulted grossly in this house.

I'm not at all satisfied
with these here ways of going on.

I'm an Englishman, I am,
and a man of property.

And as for this impudent young swine,

he should be horsewhipped.

Mr. Quin can have satisfaction
any time he pleases

by calling on Redmond Barry, Esq.,
of Barryville.

Oh, I see.

I'll see the boy home.

A pretty day's work of it you've made,
Master Redmond.

Knowing your uncle
to be distressed for money,

and try and break off a match
which will bring 1,500 a year into the family?

Quin has promised to pay off the £4,000
which is bothering your uncle so.

He takes a girl without a penny,

a girl that's flinging herself
at the head of every man in these parts

these five years past,

and missing them all.

And you,

a boy who ought to be attached
to your uncle as to your father...

And so I am.

And this is the return you make
for his kindness?

Didn't he harbor you in his house
when your father died?

Hasn't he given you and your mother,
rent free,

your fine house of Barryville yonder?

Mark this and come what will of it.

I will fight the man who pretends
the hand of Nora Brady.

I'll follow him if it's into the church
and fight him there.

I'll have his blood, or he'll have mine.

Faith, and I believe you.

I never saw a lad
more game in me life.

Give me a kiss, me dear boy.

You're after me own soul.

As long as Jack Grogan lives,

you shall never want
a friend or a second.

Will you take my message to him?

Will you arrange a meeting?

Well, if it must be, it must.

Now, look here, Redmond, me boy.

This is a silly business.

The girl will marry Quin, mark my words.

And as sure as she does,
you'll forget her.

You're but a boy.

And Quin is willing
to consider you as such.

Isn't that right, Quin?

Now, Dublin's a fine place.

And if you've a mind to take a ride there
and see the town for a month,

here's ten guineas at your service.

Will that satisfy you, Captain Quin?

Yes, if Mr. Barry will apologize
and go to Dublin,

I will consider the whole affair
honorably settled.

Say you're sorry, Redmond.

Go on. You can easily say that.

I'm not sorry.

And I'll not apologize.

And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell.

Well then, there's nothing else for it.

God bless you, me boy.

This isn't one of my pistols.

It's all right. It's one of mine.

Yours'll serve
if it's needed for the next round.

Good luck, Redmond.


cock your pistols.


aim your pistols.




Is he dead?

Quite dead.

This has been a sad day's work
for our family, Redmond Barry.

And you've robbed us of 1,500 a year.

Now, you'd better ride off
before the police are up.

They'd wind of this business
before we left Kilwangan.

Come on, Redmond.
I'll go home with you.

How different Barry's fate might have been

had he not fallen in love with Nora,

and had he not flung the wine
in Captain Quin's face.

Redmond, you're alive!

But he was destined to be a wanderer.

And the battle with Quin
set him on his travels at a very early age,

as you shall soon see.

The boy must go into hiding,
just for a short time anyway.

Dublin is the best place for him to go.

He can stay there
till matters have blown over.

But the poor child has never been
away from home in his life.

Wouldn't he be as safe here as in Dublin?

I wish that were true, Aunt Belle.
Now, you know I do.

But I'm afraid the bailiffs may be
already on their way from Kilwangan.

Now... Now, Dublin
is five days' ride away from here.

There's not a soul
who'll know him there.

I don't want to harp on unpleasant matters.
You know that.

But you do know
what can happen to him if he's taken.

I'll be all right.

I'll be all right in Dublin, Mother.

No lad who has liberty for the first time

and 20 guineas in his pocket

is very sad.

And Barry rode towards Dublin

thinking not so much
of the kind mother left alone

and of the home behind him,

but of tomorrow
and all the wonders it would bring.

Excuse me, miss. Would it be possible
to have a drink of water?

Yes, sir.

Good day to you, young sir.

Good day.

Will you join us in a drink?

No, thank you.

Would you like something to eat?

That's very kind of you,
but I have to be on my way.

Thank you.


Uh, excuse me, sir.

Good morning again, young sir.

Don't even think about it.

Get down off that horse.

Raise your hands
high above your head, please.

Come forward.


How do you do?

I'm Captain Feeney.

Captain Feeney?

Captain Feeney, at your service.

The Captain Feeney?

None other.

May I introduce you
to my son Seamus.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

To whom have I the honor of speaking?

My name's Redmond Barry.

How do you do, Mr. Barry?

And now I'm afraid we must get on
to the more regrettable stage

of our brief acquaintance.

Turn around and keep your hands
high above your head, please.

There must be
20 guineas in gold here, Father.

Well, well, well.

You seem to be a very well set-up
young gentleman, sir.

Captain Feeney, that's all the money
my mother had in the world.

Mightn't I be allowed to keep it?

I'm just one step ahead
of the law myself.

I k*lled an English officer in a duel,

and I'm on my way to Dublin
till things cool down.

Mr. Barry, in my profession
we hear many such stories.

Yours is one of the most intriguing
and touching I've heard in many weeks.

Nevertheless, I'm afraid
I cannot grant your request.

But I'll tell you what I will do.

I'll allow you to keep
those fine pair of boots,

which in normal circumstances
I would have for myself.

The next town is only five miles away,

and I suggest you now start walking.

Mightn't I be allowed to keep my horse?

I should like to oblige you,

but with people like us, we must be able
to travel faster than our clients.

Good day, young sir.

You can put down your hands now,
Mr. Barry.

Gale's regiment of foot,

commanded by
Lieutenant General Charles Gale,

which has so gloriously distinguished itself
during the recent troubles,

wants several men to supply
the places of those veterans

who have deserved to be
pensioned as lettermen

at one shilling a day
for the rest of their lives.

All clever young fellows
who are free and able

and are ambitious of becoming
gentlemen by bearing arms

are hereby invited to step up
and meet the recruiting officer,

who promises that they shall
meet with every encouragement

that merit and good behavior
can entitle them to.

Those meeting the qualifications

will immediately receive
His Majesty's royal bounty

of one and a half guineas,

with complete clothing,
arms and accoutrements.

King George and Old England forever.

Left! Left! Left, right, left!

- Left! Left!
- Arms! One, two!

Left, right, left!

For a young gentleman in difficulty

who had k*lled a man in a duel

and was anxious
to find refuge from the law,

the opportunity to earn distinction
in the European wars

seemed a great stroke of good fortune.

And King George was too much in want of men
to heed from whence they came.

Hey, lad. Lad!


Can I have a new beaker?
This one is full of grease.

Did you hear that?

Did you hear that?

Covered in grease!

Give the gentleman a towel
and a basin of turtle soup.

If you want to vex him,

ask him about his wife,
the washerwoman, who baits him.

Mr. Toole, is it a towel
of your wife's washing?

They say she wipes your face
often with one.

Ask him why he wouldn't see her yesterday
when she came to the camp.

Mr. Toole, why did you hide so yesterday
when Mrs. Toole came to visit you?

You afraid of getting your ears boxed?

Gentlemen, gentlemen!

You may fight it out with fists
if you choose.

We'll form a square for that purpose.

Gentlemen, step this way, please.

Both shake hands.

Shake hands.

Take your stance.

No biting, kicking or scratching.

The last man to remain standing
is the winner.

Gentlemen, commence fighting now!

You'll get him!

Left up! Left up!

Use your left!

Barry's training continued at Dunleary Camp,

and within a month he was transformed
into a tall and proper young soldier.

During this time,

the regiment's strength
was steadily increased

by the arrival of other troops

in preparation for joining
their gallant armies fighting in Germany.

One of these occasions
brought the welcome appearance

of no other than his second
in the fatal duel, Captain Grogan.

It would have been better for all of us
if we'd known what had become of you.

Didn't you think of writing to your mother?

Of course I did.

But the shame I felt
of losing all her money,

my father's sword and pistols,

I couldn't tell her.

Your mother wouldn't care a pin
about those things.

You were her only concern.

Now, you must sit down tonight
and write her a proper letter

and tell her that you're safe and well
and married to Brown Bess. (Musket)

I will.

Is Miss Brady well?

There are only six Miss Bradys now.

Has something happened to Nora?

She took on so about your going away

that she was obliged to console herself
with a husband.

She is now...

Mrs. John Quin.

Mrs. John Quin?

Was there another John Quin?


The very same one, me boy.

He recovered from his wound.

The shot you hit him with
was not likely to hurt him,

for it was only made of tow.


Do you think the Bradys would let you
k*ll 1,500 a year out of the family?

The plan of the duel was all arranged
in order to get you out of the way,

for the cowardly Quin
could never be brought to marry

from fear of you.

But hit him you certainly did, me lad,

with a fine, thick plugget of tow.

The fellow was so frightened
that he was an hour in coming to.

Are you in want of cash?

You may draw on me,

for I got a couple of hundred
out of your uncle for my share.

And while they last,
you shall never want.

It would require
a great philosopher and historian

to explain the causes
of the famous Seven Years w*r,

in which Europe was engaged

and in which Barry's regiment
was now on its way to take part.

Let it suffice to say that
England and Prussia were allies

and at w*r against the French, the Swedes,

the Russians and the Austrians.

Barry's first taste of battle
was only a skirmish

against a small rearguard of Frenchmen

who occupied an orchard beside a road

down which, a few hours later,
the English main force would wish to pass.

Though this encounter is not recorded
in any history books,

it was memorable enough
for those who took part.

- Company, arms!
- Company, arms!

Company, arms!









- Company, arms!
- Aim!




I've only a hundred guineas left
to give you,

for I lost the rest at cards last night.

Kiss me, me boy,

for we'll never meet again.

It is well to dream
of glorious w*r in a snug armchair at home.

But it is a different thing to see it firsthand.

And after the death of his friend,

Barry's thoughts turned
from those of military glory

to those of finding a way
to escape the service

to which he was now tied
for another six years.

Gentlemen may talk of the age of chivalry,

but remember the ploughmen,
poachers and pickpockets whom they lead.

It is with these sad instruments

that your great warriors and kings

have been doing
their murderous work in the world.

A young man could hardly have fallen
into worse circumstances

than those in which Barry found himself.

But fate did not intend he should
remain long an English soldier.

And an accident occurred
which took him out of the service

in a rather singular manner.

Freddie, I hope you won't be
too angry with me about this,

but I've got something to tell you which I don't
think you're going to be very happy about.

Oh? What is it?

Well, first, you've got to promise me
that you're going to keep your temper.

Look, Jonathan, don't be such a silly ass.

You're making a great big mystery about it.

Now, what on earth is going on?

Well, I'm afraid
I shall have to go away again.

Probably for about a fortnight.

Oh, my God.

- You're not serious.
- Yes, I'm afraid I am.

And there's nothing I can do about it.

Where are you going to this time?

I'm going to Bremen,

carrying important messages
and dispatches to Prince Henry.

But, Jonathan,
you promised me the last time

it would be once and for all
and never again.

Yes, I know, and I promise you
I kept my part of the bargain.

But Pontersby insists
that I'm the only one on his staff

who can be entrusted with the trip.

Here was the opportunity
to escape from the army

for which he had been searching.

It was only a few miles through the forest

to the area occupied
by their Prussian allies,

where this officer's uniform and papers
should allow him to travel without suspicion

and stay ahead of the news
of his desertion,

which would be sure to follow.

We shall have precious little time together.

Are you terribly cross with me?

Damn you.

Damn you. You know I can't
stay cross with you for long.

Oh, Jonathan.

It's times like this
that I realize how much I care for you

and how impossibly empty
life would be without you.

Oh, Frederick.

Barry was very glad
to see the blue-and-white uniforms

of a company of Prussian infantry,

which showed him that he was out of the land
occupied by his own country.

His intention was to make for Holland,

almost the only neutral country
of Europe in those times,

and thence to get
a passage home somehow.

As he rode away

Barry felt once more
that he was in his proper sphere

and determined never again
to fall from the rank of a gentleman.

Excuse me, miss.


- Good day.
- Good day.

Do you speak English?

I'm speaking little.

I have not eaten anything all day.
No food.

Is there an inn nearby
where I might receive a meal?

No, I don't think so.

There is nothing to eat something
since Grünberg.

Do you live near here?


Would you, uh, feed me
something to eat?

I'd be, uh... I'd be happy to pay you.

I think so.

Is that a little boy or a little girl?

A boy.

And what's his name?


And how old is Peter?

He is one years old.

And where might Peter's father be?

You mean where he is?


He is in the w*r.

And how long has he been gone?


I didn't understand.


How long has he been gone?

Oh. A long time.

Since springtime.

Must be hard for you to be alone.

It is.

It must be very danger for you
to be in the w*r.

I'm an officer
and I must do my duty.

You are sometimes lonely?


What did you say... What's your name?

Lieutenant Fakenham.

No, I mean...

what is the name before Fakenham?

- My first name?
- Yes.

It is Jonathan.


Would you like to stay with me?

For a few days, or sometimes?

That would be very nice.

Goodbye, my beautiful Lischen.

Goodbye, Redmond.

- I love you.
- I love you.

Look after yourself.

God be with you.

A lady who sets her heart
upon a lad in uniform

must prepare to change lovers
pretty quickly,

or her life will be but a sad one.

This heart of Lischen's
was like many a neighboring town

and had been stormed and occupied
several times

before Barry came to invest it.

During the five years
in which the w*r had now lasted,

the great and illustrious Frederick
had so exhausted the males of his kingdom

that he had to employ scores of recruiters

who would hesitate at no crime,
including kidnapping,

to keep supplied
those brilliant regiments of his

with food for powder.

Good evening, sir.

I'm Captain Potzdorf.

May I ask to whom I have
the honor of speaking?

Good evening, Captain.

I'm Lieutenant Fakenham,
Gale's regiment of foot.

Pleased to meet you.

Can we be of some assistance
to you, Lieutenant?

Thank you, Captain,
but I must continue on my way.

I'm carrying urgent dispatches.

May I ask your destination?

I'm traveling to Bremen.

To Bremen?

Well, then you're obviously lost, Lieutenant.

Bremen is in the opposite direction.

- Are you sure, Captain?
- Yes, I am.

Wouldn't you know it.

My departure was so hastily organized

that my orderly forgot
to prepare proper maps of the area.

Of course. I understand.

Please do not be offended, Lieutenant.

But may I ask whether
you are carrying your identity papers?

Yes, of course I am.

Would you allow me to see them?

Of course.

- Here you are.
- Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, Lieutenant.
I hope I haven't inconvenienced you in any way.

Not at all.

Now that we are riding
in the same direction,

I'd be very honored if you'd allow me
to offer you a meal and a bed for the night.

And a proper map
to be drawn up for the journey.

Well, that's extremely kind of you, Captain,

and I'd be honored to accept your invitation.

Barry was treated with great civility

and was asked a thousand questions
about England,

which he answered as best he could,

inventing a thousand stories.

He described the king and the ministers,

boasted that the British ambassador
in Berlin was his uncle

and even offered Captain Potzdorf
a letter of introduction.

His host seemed quite satisfied
with these stories.

But at the same time he led Barry on

with a skillful combination
of questions and flattery.

You will have to pardon me.
I know so little about your country of England.

Except that you are
the bravest nation in the world

and that we are really fortunate
to have such allies.

Lieutenant Fakenham,

let us drink to the friendship
of our two great nations.

To our two great nations.

♪ Up, Ansbach-Dragoons! ♪

♪ Up, Ansbach-Bayreuth! ♪

♪ Buckle on your sabre ♪

♪ and brace yourself for battle! ♪


♪ Prince Charles has appeared ♪

♪ on Friedberg's heights ♪

♪ to compare himself with us, ♪

♪ the Prussian Army ♪

Aren't you lucky.

Going to Bremen tomorrow.

I know one of the loveliest women
in Europe there.

May I ask you to take a letter to her?


By the way, to whom
are you carrying your dispatches?

General Williamson.

- General Williamson.
- Yes.

General Percival Williamson?

Yes, the same.

♪ to compare himself with us, ♪

♪ the Prussian Army ♪


♪ So, boys, be jolly ♪

♪ and all ready to go ♪

This man is under arrest!

Under arrest?

Captain Potzdorf, sir.

I'm a British officer.

You are a liar.

You're an impostor.

You're a deserter.

I suspected you this morning, and your lies
and folly have confirmed this to me.

You pretend to carry dispatches
to a general

who has been dead these ten months.

You say your uncle
is the British ambassador in Berlin

with the ridiculous name of O'Grady.

Now, will you join and take the bounty, sir,
or will you be given up?

I volunteer.

The Prussian service
was considerably worse than the English.

The life that the private soldier led
was a frightful one.

Punishment was incessant,

and every officer had the right to inflict it.

The gauntlet was the most common penalty
for minor offenses.

The more serious ones

were punishable by mutilation or death.

At the close of the Seven Years w*r,

the army,
so renowned for its disciplined valor,

was officered by native Prussians,

but it was composed, for the most part,

of men from the lowest levels of humanity,

hired or stolen from
almost every nation in Europe.

Thus, Barry fell into the very worst
of courses and company

and was soon very far advanced
in the science of every kind of misconduct.


Get me out of here!


Get me out of here!


Get me out of here.


The King of the Empire,

is satisfied with the conduct...

The colonel's speech declared

that the king had expressed
his satisfaction

with the conduct of the regiment
at the Battle of Audorf

and that the bravery of Corporal Redmond Barry
in rescuing Captain Potzdorf

was to be specially rewarded
with the sum of two friedrich d'or.

...has saved Captain Potzdorf!

Corporal Barry, eight paces forward...


Corporal Barry.

You're a gallant soldier
and have evidently come of good stock.

But you're idle, dissolute
and unprincipled.

You've done a great deal of harm
to the men,

and for all your talents and bravery
I'm sure you will come to no good.

I hope Colonel Bulow is mistaken
regarding my character.

I have fallen into bad company,
it is true,

but I've only done
as other soldiers have done,

and above all, I never had
a kind friend and protector before

to show that I was worthy
of better things.

The colonel may say I'm a ruined lad
and send me to the devil,

but be sure of this:

I would go to the devil
to serve the regiment.

Corporal Barry, fall in!

The w*r was soon ended

and Barry's regiment
was garrisoned in the capital.

He had, for some time now,

ingratiated himself considerably
with Captain Potzdorf,

whose confidence in him
was about to bring its reward.

- Good morning, Redmond.
- Good morning, Captain Potzdorf.

I should like you to meet my uncle,
the minister of police, Herr Von Potzdorf.

Good morning, Herr Minister.

Redmond, I've spoken to the minister
regarding your services,

and your fortune is made.

We shall get you out of the army,

appoint you to the police bureau,

and in time we'll allow you
to move in a better sphere

than that which fortune
has hitherto placed you.

Thank you, Captain Potzdorf.

Redmond, your loyalty to me

and your service to the regiment

has pleased me very well.

And now there's another occasion on which
you may make yourself useful to us.

And if you succeed, depend on it...

your reward will be secure.

I'll do the best I can, sir.

There has lately come to Berlin

a gentleman in the service
of the empress queen of Austria

who calls himself
the Chevalier de Balibari.

He appears to follow
the profession of a gambler.

He's a libertine.

Fond of women, of good food.

Polished, obliging.

He speaks French and German indifferently.

But we have some reason to fancy
that this Monsieur de Balibari

is a native of your country of Ireland...

and that he has come here as a spy.

Naturally, your knowledge of English
makes you an ideal choice

to go into his service

and to find out for us
whether or not he is a spy.

Does this assignment interest you?

You may be certain, Herr Minister,
I'm interested in anything

that can be of service to yourself
and to Captain Potzdorf.

Of course you will not know
a word of English.

And if the chevalier answers
to the particularity of your accent,

say you are a Hungarian.

You served in the w*r.

You left the army
on account of weakness in the loins.

You then served Monsieur de Quellenburg
for two years.

He's now with the army in Silesia,
but you'll have a certificate signed by him.

Come in.

Good morning, Your Grace.

So you're the young man
recommended by Seebach.

Yes, Your Grace,
here are my credentials.

Your name is Lazlo Zilagy?

Yes, Your Grace.

You're very highly recommended
by Monsieur de Quellenberg.

Monsieur von Quellenberg
was a very good gentleman.

It was very imprudent of him,

but when Barry saw the splendor
of the chevalier's appearance,

the nobleness of his manner,

he felt it impossible
to keep disguise with him.

Those who have never been
out of their country

know little what it is
to hear a friendly voice in captivity,

and as many a man
who will not understand

the cause of the burst of feeling
which was now about to take place.

You seem the right one to me.

Thank you very much, Your Grace.

Are you not well?

Sir, I...

I have a confession to make to you.

I'm an Irishman,

and my name is Redmond Barry.

I was abducted into the Prussian army
two years ago

and now have been put into your service

by my Captain Potzdorf and his uncle,
the minister of police,

to serve as a watch upon your... actions...

and to give...

information to the same court.

The chevalier
was as much affected as Barry

at thus finding one of his countrymen.

You'll be all right.

For he too was an exile from home.

You'll be all right.

And a friendly voice, a look,

brought the old country
back to his memory again.

He goes to church regularly.
He's very religious.

And after hearing mass,
he comes home for breakfast.

He then takes an airing in his carriage.

Barry presented his reports
regularly at the minister's office.

The details were arranged
between him and the chevalier beforehand.

After dinner he writes his letters.

He was instructed,
and it is always far the best way,

to tell as much truth
as his story would possibly bear.

It will be seen that the information he gave
was very minute and accurate,

though not very important.

...but who does not acknowledge him.

Wine or punch, Your Grace?


It was agreed that Barry
should keep his character of valet,

that in the presence of strangers
he should not know a word of English

and that he should keep a good lookout
on the trumps

when serving the champagne
and punch about.

And having a remarkably fine eyesight

and a great natural aptitude,

he was speedily able
to give his dear patron much assistance

against his opponents
at the green table.

If, for instance,
he wiped the table with a napkin,

it was to show
the enemy was strong in diamonds.

If he adjusted a chair,
it meant ace king.

If he said, "Punch or wine, my lord?"
hearts was meant, and so forth.

The prince of Tübingen
was a nobleman

who had intimate connections
with the great Frederick.

He was passionately fond of play,

as, indeed, were the gentlemen
of almost all the courts of Europe.

You owe 15,500 frederick d'or.


though I cannot say how,

I believe you have cheated me.

I deny Your Grace's accusation

and beg you to say
how you have been cheated.

I don't know, but I believe I have been.

Your Grace owes me
15,500 friedrich d'or,

which I have honorably won.


if you will have your money now,
you must fight for it.

If you will be patient,

maybe I will pay you something
another time.

Your Grace,

if I am to be so tame as to take this,

then I must give up
an honorable and lucrative occupation.

I have said all there is to be said.

I am at your disposal
for whatever purposes you wish.

Good night.

Was the prince cheated?

In as far as I am able to tell of such things,
Herr Minister, no.

I believe the chevalier won the money fairly.


What are the chevalier's intentions?

I'm not sure.

The prince told him quite clearly
that if he wished to have his money

he'd have to fight for it.

A meeting with
the prince of Tübingen is impossible.

The prince has left him only that choice.

Now, will you be able
to return here tomorrow

without arousing suspicion?

I know they won't allow
a meeting with the prince.

But if I say that, do you know any reason
why he'll pay me what he owes me?

You must tell them
I intend to demand satisfaction.

Don't look so downcast, my boy.

There's no harm they can do to me.

My friends in the Austrian embassy
will see to that.

The worst they can do is send me
out of this dreary country of theirs.

And if they should, make your mind easy.

You shall not be left behind.

Have no fear of that.

The king has determined
to send the chevalier out of the country.

Has he already demanded satisfaction?

Not yet, Herr Minister,

but I believe he intends to.

Possibly today.

Then this must be done tomorrow.

All the arrangements are made.


You said that he takes a drive in his carriage
after breakfast every day.

Yes, sir.

Is there any reason to believe
that he'll do any different tomorrow?

No, sir.


When the chevalier comes out
to his carriage tomorrow morning,

two officers will meet him
and escort him to the frontier.

His baggage will be sent after him.


At ten o'clock the next morning,

the Chevalier de Balibari

went out for his regular morning drive.

Where's my servant Lazlo?

I will let down the steps for Your Honor.

- What is the meaning of this?
- Please get inside, Your Honor.

Am I under arrest?

We're going to drive to the frontier.

To the frontier?

But I'm on my way
to the Austrian ambassador's house.

I'm sorry, Your Honor, but my orders
are to escort you to the frontier

and see you safely across the border.

But I'm not going to the frontier.

I'm going to the Austrian ambassador's house.
I have very important business there.

My orders are to take Your Honor to the frontier
by any means which may be necessary.

But if you come along willingly,

I am to give you this purse
on behalf of the prince of Tübingen

containing 2,000 friedrich d'or.

All Europe shall hear of this.

And so, without papers or passport,

and under the eyes
of two Prussian officers,

Barry was escorted across the frontier
into Saxony and freedom.

The chevalier himself had uneventfully
crossed the frontier the night before.

And by these wonderful circumstances,

Barry was once more free again

and began his professional work
as a gamester,

resolving thenceforward and forever
to live the life of a gentleman.

The four wins.

Soon there was no court in Europe
where he and the chevalier were not received.

And they were speedily
in the very best society,

where play was patronized

and professors of that science
always welcome.

♪ now, listen ♪

The seven.

Why not the seven?

All, all, yes.


No more bets.

Number seven loses.

♪ now, listen... ♪

Place your bets.

♪ ...O beauty, to my name... ♪

Chevalier, will you give me credit
for 5,000 Louis d'or, please?

Of course, Lord Ludd.

♪ ...and I will tell you ♪

Five thousand.

Now, everything on the four.

Yes. Shh.

I know, everything on the four.

- ♪ I am Lindoro ♪
- Everything on the four. Yes, eh?

♪ of lowly estate ♪

No more bets.

♪ no treasure ♪

Four loses.

♪ no treasure ♪

♪ no treasure could I give you ♪

Place your bets.

It is not important.

Now, I'm weary.

I'd like to dine.

Shall we?

Excuse me, Lord Ludd.

If you don't mind.

Not at all.

They always played on credit

with any person of honor or noble lineage.

They never pressed for their winnings

or declined to receive promissory notes
in lieu of gold.

But woe to the man who did not pay
when the note became due.

Redmond Barry was sure
to wait upon him with his bill.

And there were very few bad debts.


It was his great skill with the sword
and readiness to use it

that maintained the reputation
of the firm, so to speak.

En garde.

I will pay you today, sir.

Thus it will be seen

that their life, for all its splendor,

was not without some danger and difficulty,

requiring talent and determination
for success,

and one which required them to live
a wandering and disconnected life.

And if the truth be told,

though they were swimming
upon the high tide of fortune

and prospering with the cards,

they had little to show for their labor
but some fine clothes and a few trinkets.

Five years in the army

and some considerable experience
of the world

had by now dispelled any of those
romantic notions regarding love

with which Barry commenced life.

And he began to have it in mind,

as so many gentlemen had done before him,

to marry a woman
of fortune and condition.

And as such things so often happen,

these thoughts closely coincided

with his setting first sight upon a lady

who will henceforth play
a considerable part in the drama of his life.

The countess of Lyndon,

Viscountess Bullingdon of England,

Baroness Castle Lyndon
of the kingdom of Ireland.

A woman of vast wealth and great beauty.

She was the wife of the right honorable
Sir Charles Reginald Lyndon,

knight of the Bath

and minister to George Ill
at several of the smaller courts of Europe.

A cr*pple wheeled about in a chair,

worn out by gout and a myriad of diseases.

Her Ladyship's chaplain, Mr. Runt,

acted in the capacity of tutor to her son,

the little Viscount Bullingdon,

a melancholy little boy
much attached to his mother.

No more bets.

- Ah!
- Five wins.

Place your bets.

No more bets.

Three loses.

Place your bets.

No more bets.

Six wins.

Place your bets.

No more bets.

Place your bets.

No more bets.

Place your bets.

Samuel, I'm going outside
for a breath of air.

Yes, my lady. Of course.

To make a long story short,

six hours after they met,

Her Ladyship was in love.

And once Barry got into her company,

he found innumerable occasions
to improve his intimacy

and was scarcely
out of Her Ladyship's sight.

- Good evening, gentlemen.
- Good evening.

Sir Charles.

Good evening, Mr. Barry.

Have you done with my lady?

I beg your pardon.

Come, come, sir.

I'm a man who would rather be known
as a cuckold than a fool.

I think, Sir Charles Lyndon,
that you've had too much to drink.


As it happens, your chaplain, Mr. Runt,

introduced me into the company
of your lady

to advise me on a religious matter,
of which she is a considerable expert.

The cheek!
He wants to step into my shoes.

He wants to step into my shoes!

Is it not a pleasure, gentlemen, for me,
as I am drawing near the goal,

to find my home such a happy one?

My wife's so fond of me that she is even now
thinking of appointing a successor.

Isn't it a comfort to see her,
like a prudent housewife,

getting everything ready
for her husband's departure?

I hope you're not thinking
of leaving us soon, Sir Charles.

Not so soon, my dear,
as you may fancy, perhaps.

Why, man, I've been given over
many times these four years.

And there was always a candidate or two
waiting to apply for the situation.

I am sorry for you, Mr. Barry.

It grieves me to keep you
or any gentleman waiting.

Had you not better arrange
with my doctor,

or have the cook flavor my omelet
with arsenic, eh?

What are the odds, gentlemen,
that I live to see Mr. Barry hang yet?

Sir, let those laugh that win.



- Oh!
- I'll get a surgeon.

Have some brandy, Sir Charles.

From a report in the St. James Chronicle:

"Died at spa in the kingdom of Belgium,

"the right honorable
Sir Charles Reginald Lyndon,

"knight of the Bath, member of Parliament

"and for many years His Majesty's
representative at various European courts.

"He has left behind him a name
which is endeared to all his friends."

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered together here
in the sight of God

and in the face of this congregation

to join together this man and this woman...

A year later, on the 15th of June

in the year 1773,

Redmond Barry had the honor
to lead to the altar

the countess of Lyndon.

The ceremony was performed
by the Reverend Samuel Runt,

Her Ladyship's chaplain. not in any way to be enterprised

nor taken in hand unadvisedly,

lightly or wantonly...

to satisfy men's carnal lusts
and appetites

like brute beasts
that have no understanding.

But reverently,




and in the fear of God,

duly considering the causes
for which matrimony was ordained.


it was ordained for the procreation
of children

to be brought up
in the fear and nurture of the Lord

and to the praise of his holy name.


it was ordained for a remedy against sin

and to avoid fornication,

that such persons...

Barry had now arrived
at the pitch of prosperity

and, by his own energy,

had raised himself
to a higher sphere of society,

having procured
His Majesty's gracious permission

to add the name of his lovely lady
to his own.

Thenceforth, Redmond Barry assumed
the style and title of Barry Lyndon.

Redmond, would you mind
not smoking for a while?


Lady Lyndon was soon destined

to occupy a place in Barry's life

not very much more important

than the elegant carpets and pictures

which would form the pleasant
background of his existence.

My Lord Bullingdon,
you seem particularly glum today.

You should be happy
that your mother has remarried.

Not in this way.

And not in such haste.

And certainly not to this man.

I think you judge your mother too harshly.

Do you not like your new father?

Not very much.

He seems to me little more
than a common opportunist.

I don't think he loves my mother at all.

And it hurts me very much to see her
make such a fool of herself.

At the end of a year,

Her Ladyship presented Barry with a son.

Bryan Patrick Lyndon, they called him.

♪ None of those ancient heroes
ere saw a cannonball ♪

♪ Or knew the force of powder
to slay their foes withal ♪

♪ But our brave boys do know it
and banish all their fears ♪

♪ With a tow, row, row, row, row
to the British grenadiers ♪

Her Ladyship and Barry
lived after a while pretty separate.

She preferred quiet, or to say the truth,
he preferred it for her,

being a great friend to a modest
and tranquil behavior in women.

Besides, she was a mother

and would have great comfort
in the dressing, educating

and dandling of their little Bryan,

for whose sake it was fit, Barry believed,

that she should give up the pleasures
and frivolities of the world,

leaving that part of the duty
of every family of distinction

to be performed by him.

Lady Lyndon tended
to a melancholy and maudlin temper,

and left alone by her husband

was rarely happy or in good humor.

Now she must add jealousy
to her other complaints

and find rivals even among her maids.

Samuel, what would the time be?

Twenty-five minutes past 11:00, my lady.

Shall we make this the last game, ladies?


"Hearts, one to the other attracted,
communicate their substance.

"As two burning mirrors,
one facing the other.

"Concentrate light,
and reflect it back.

"The rays by turns gathered,

"by multiplying, grow larger,
more beautiful.

"And more active,
the more they intersect

"at the same point united.

"What a spectacle I see,
on a verdant bed.

"Enriched by and flowers without."

Good morning, ladies.

Good morning, sir.

Would you mind excusing us?
I'd like a word alone with Lady Lyndon.


I'm sorry.

This coat is made
of the finest Littlefield velvet,

all cunningly worked, as you see,
with silver thread.

No finer velvet has ever been woven,
and you will see none better anywhere.

Pardon me, gentlemen.

- Good morning, dearest.
- Good morning.

We're taking the children
for a ride to the village.

We'll be back in time for tea.

Well, have a nice time. I'll see you then.

Good-bye, little Bryan, yes.


Lord Bullingdon.

Take good care of your mother.

Come now.
Give your father a proper kiss.

Lord Bullingdon,
is that the way to behave to your father?

Lord Bullingdon,
have you lost your tongue?

My father was Sir Charles Lyndon.

I have not forgotten him, if others have.

Lord Bullingdon,
you have insulted your father!

Madam, you have insulted my father.

Dearest, would you excuse
Lord Bullingdon and me for a few minutes?

We have something to discuss in private.








Lord Bullingdon.

I have always been willing to live with you
on terms of friendship.

But be clear about one thing.

As men serve me, I serve them.

I've never laid a cane
on the back of a lord before,

but if you force me to, I shall speedily
become used to the practice.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?


You may go.

Barry believed,
and not without some reason,

that it had been
a declaration of w*r against him

by Bullingdon from the start

and that the evil consequences which ensued
were entirely of Bullingdon's creating.

I shall make you into
a real magician now, Bryan.

I shall show you the knot that never was.

As Bullingdon grew up to be a man,

his hatred for Barry
assumed an intensity

equaled only by his increased
devotion to his mother.

Very good, Bryan. A little bow.
That's good.

Will you put it on this table for me?
Thank you very much indeed.

- For Bryan's eighth birthday...
- Where's my magic bag?

the local nobility, gentry and their children

came to pay their respects.

The inside is quite empty.
The outside is quite empty.

Wave your hand over the top, Bryan.
Is there anything there?

Yes! Oh!

Wonderful colorful silk handkerchiefs.

Take a bow, Bryan.
You did that beautifully.

Very good indeed.

Let's see if you have something
behind your ear.

Yes, you have.

A little ball.
Let's make it vanish. It's gone, Bryan.

Here it is. Here it is, behind my elbow.

I want you to wave your hand
over my green silk handkerchief

and see whether we can produce
a magic flower.

I wonder if we can.

There it comes. Look at that.

We have the colors of the rainbow.
There they are.

You know all the colors of the rainbow
produce but one color, Bryan.

Nothing in my magic cabinet.
They produce the color white.

And there is my own...
beautiful white rabbit.

Bryan, you did that very well.
A little bow. That's right.

We crept up on their fort,
and I jumped over the wall first.

My fellows jumped after me.

Oh, you should have seen the look
on the Frenchmen's faces

when 23 rampaging he-devils,

sword and p*stol, cut and thrust,

pell-mell came tumbling into their fort.

In three minutes,
we left as many a*tillery men's heads

as there were cannonballs.

Later that day we were visited
by our noble Prince Henry.

"Who is the man who has done this?"

I stepped forward.

"How many heads was it," says he,
"that you cut off?"

"Nineteen," says I,
"besides wounding several."

Well, when he heard it,

I'll be blessed
if he didn't burst into tears.

"Noble, noble fellow," he said.

"Here is 19 golden guineas for you,
one for each head that you cut off."

Now, what do you think of that?

Were you allowed to keep the heads?

No, the heads always become
the property of the king.

Will you tell me another story?

I'll tell you another story tomorrow.

Will you play cards with me tomorrow?

Of course I will. Now go to sleep.

Will you keep the candles lit?

Oh, now, Bryan, big boys don't sleep
with the candles lit.

But I'm afraid of the dark.

But, my darling,
there's nothing to be afraid of.

But I like it with the candles lit.

It's all right.
You can sleep with the candles lit.

Thank you, Papa.

Good night.


It's a blessing to see my darling boy

has attained a position
I always knew was his due...

and for which I pinched myself
to educate him.

Little Bryan is a darling boy.

And you live in great splendor.

Your lady wife knows she has
a treasure she couldn't have had

had she taken a duke to marry her.

But if one day she should tire
of my wild Redmond

and his old-fashioned Irish ways...

or if she should die,

what future would there be
for my son and my grandson?

You have not a penny of your own.

And cannot transact any business
without the countess's signature.

Upon her death, the entire estate
would go to young Bullingdon...

who bears you little affection.

You could be penniless tomorrow.

And darling Bryan
at the mercy of his stepbrother.

Shall I tell you something?

There is only one way for you
and your son to have real security.

You must obtain a title.

I shall not rest until I see you Lord Lyndon.

You have important friends.

They can tell you
how these things are done.

For money,
well timed and properly applied,

can accomplish anything.

And to be sure,
Barry was acquainted with someone

who knew how these things were done.

And this was none other
than the distinguished barrister

and former government minister Lord Hallam,

whose acquaintance he had made,
as he had so many others,

at the gaming table.

Do you happen to know Gustavus Adolphus,
the 13th earl of Wendover?

I don't believe I do.

Well, sir, this nobleman is one of
the gentlemen of His Majesty's closet

and one with whom our revered monarch
is on terms of considerable intimacy.

In my opinion,
you would be wise to fix upon him

your chief reliance for the advancement
of your claim to the peerage

which you propose to get.

When I take up a person, Mr. Lyndon,
he, or she, is safe.

There is no question about them anymore.

My friends are the best people.

Oh, I don't mean
that they're the most virtuous

or, indeed, the least virtuous,

or the cleverest or the stupidest,
or the richest or the best born.

But the best.

In a word, people about whom
there is no question.

I cannot promise you how long it will take.

You can appreciate
it is not an easy matter.

But any gentleman with an estate
and 30,000 a year

should have a peerage.

So I look around, and there
standing behind me was a total stranger.

So I looked at him, and he said to me,

"Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me,
is Lord Wendover alive or dead?"

I was so astonished,
I couldn't think of what to say.

Then I became a bit angry,
so said to him, "He's dead."

The striving after this peerage

was one of Barry's most unlucky dealings
at this time.

He made great sacrifices to bring it about.

He lavished money here
and diamonds there.

He bought lands at ten times their value

and purchased pictures
and articles of virtue at ruinous prices.

He gave repeated entertainments
to those friends to his claim

who, being about the royal person,

were likely to advance it.

And I can tell you,
bribes were administered.

And in high places too.

So near the royal person of His Majesty

that you would be astonished to know

what great nobleman condescended
to receive his loans.

This is by Ludovico Cardi,

a disciple of Alessandro Allori.

It's dated 1605

and shows the adoration of the magi.

- It's beautiful.
- Yes.

I love the use of the color blue
by the artist.

Yes, indeed. That is very beautiful.

What, may I ask, is the price of this one?

Well, this is one of my best pictures.

But if you really like it,

I'm sure we can come
to some arrangement.

Count Andreshu.

Count Andreshu.

- Mr. Henry Drummond.
- Mr. Drummond.

- Sir Gilbert Elliott, Your Majesty.
- Sir Gilbert.

Lord Wendover, Your Majesty.

I'm glad to see you here today,
Lord Wendover.

And tell me, what news of Lady Wendover?

Thank you, Your Majesty.
Lady Wendover is much better.

Good, good!
Present my compliments to her.

- Say we miss her company here.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.

- And what of those excellent boys of yours?
- Oh, they're very well.

Charles has gone to sea under the protection
of Captain Geary on the Ramillies.

And John has gone to Oxford
to be taught how to preach and pray.

Good, good.

Your Majesty,
may I present Mr. Barry Lyndon.

- Your Majesty.
- Mr. Lyndon.

We were very fond of Sir Charles Lyndon.
And how is Lady Lyndon?

She's very well, Your Majesty.

Mr. Lyndon has raised a company of troops
and sent them to America

to fight the rebels
against Your Majesty's crown.

Good. That's right, Mr. Lyndon.

Raise another company
and go with them too.

Sir Christopher Neville, Your Majesty.

- Sir Christopher.
- Your Majesty.

- Sir Peregrine Cavendish.
- Sir Peregrine.

Barry was one of those
born clever enough at gaining a fortune,

but incapable of keeping one.

For the qualities and energies
which lead a man to achieve the first

are often the very cause
of his ruin in the latter case.

Now he was burdened with
the harassing cares and responsibilities

which are the dismal adjuncts
of great rank and property.

And his life at this period

seemed to consist of little more
than drafts of letters

to lawyers and money brokers

and endless correspondence
with decorators and cooks.

Gentlemen, I'm going to leave you
on your own for a few minutes.

- You may carry on with your work.
- Yes, sir.



What does... "strenuous" mean?

Bryan, I'm trying to work.

But what does it mean?

It means an effort requiring strength.

What does "quadrangle" mean?

A quadrangle is a four-sided figure
like a square or a rectangle.

Now, please be quiet, Bryan,
and let me get on with my own work.

Bryan, please be quiet.

Have you seen my pencil?

No, Bryan, I haven't.

Bryan, please stop making
so much noise.

- That's my pencil! Give it!
- No, it isn't!

- Yes, it is.
- It is not your pencil!

- It's my pencil!
- Listen, I've had this all morning.

- It's my pencil!
- Bryan, go sit down!

- It's my pencil!
- Listen, will you be quiet!

It's my pencil!

I'll teach you a lesson.

What the devil is going on in here?

I told you never to lay a hand on this child!







Will that be all, Mr. Redmond Barry?

Yes, that will be all.

Well, then look you now.

From this moment, I will submit
to no further chastisement from you.

I will k*ll you
if you lay hands on me ever again.

Is that entirely clear to you, sir?

Get out of here.

Don't you think he fits my shoes
very well, Your Ladyship?

Dear child.

What a pity it is I am not dead,
for your sake.

The Lyndons would then have
a worthy representative

and enjoy all the benefits of the illustrious
blood of the Barrys of Barryville.

Would they not,

Mr. Redmond Barry?

From the way I love this child, my lord,

you ought to know how I would
have loved his elder brother

had he proved worthy
of any mother's affection.


I have borne as long as mortal could endure

the ill-treatment of the insolent Irish upstart
whom you've taken into your bed.

It is not only the lowness of his birth

and the general brutality of his manners
which disgusts me,

but the shameful nature of his conduct
toward Your Ladyship,

his brutal and un gentlemanlike behavior,

his open infidelity,

his shameless robberies
and swindling of my property, and yours.

And as I cannot personally chastise
this low-bred ruffian,

and as I cannot bear to witness
his treatment of you

and loathe his horrible society
as if it were the plague...

I have decided to leave my home
and never return.

At least, during his detested life,

or during my own.

Oh! No!

- Good day, my lord.
- Good day, Barker.

- Will anyone be joining Your Lordship?
- No, I shall be alone.

Thank you.

The roast beef's very good, my lord.

Hello, Neville.

- How are you?
- Ah, Barry. Hello.

I see you're alone.
Why don't you come over and join me?

Uh, well, thank you, Barry.
You're very kind.

But I'm expecting someone to join me soon.

Ah. What a shame.

Lady Lyndon and I
have missed your company lately.

Please give my respects to Lady Lyndon

and say I've been very busy of late
and not been able to go about much.

I shall.

By the way, on the eighth of next month
we're having some guests over for cards.

We'd love to have you
and Lady Wendover join us.

I'll check my diary,
but I think I'm engaged on that evening.

Well, I hope you're not engaged.
We'd love to see you again.

If I may, I'll write and say
if I'm free or not.

I look forward to hearing from you.
It's nice to see you again, Neville.

If he had m*rder*d Lord Bullingdon,

Barry could scarcely have been received
with more coldness and resentment

than now followed him in town and country.

His friends fell away from him

and a legend arose of his cruelty
to his stepson.

Now all the bills
came down on him together.

All the bills he had been contracting
for the years of his marriage

and which the creditors sent in
with a hasty unanimity.

Their amount was frightful.

Barry was now bound up
in an inextricable toil of bills and debts,

of mortgages and insurances
and in all the evils attendant upon them.

And Lady Lyndon's income
was hampered almost irretrievably

to satisfy these claims.

- Do you think that's good?
- Excellent.

Who's this?

A peacock on the wall.

What's it say?

I saw this bird yesterday.

Who's that?

Mama in her coach.

Is she going to London?

I don't know.



Attaque. Very good. Septime.

- Barry had his faults.
- Faster. Septime. Parry.

But no man could say of him
that he was not a good and tender father.

He loved his son with a blind partiality.

He denied him nothing.

It is impossible to convey
what high hopes he had for the boy...

and how he indulged
in a thousand fond anticipations

as to his future success
and figure in the world.

But fate had determined that he should
leave none of his race behind him...

- and that he should finish his life...
- Very good.

poor, lonely and childless.

- Papa.
- Yes, Bryan?

Will you buy me a horse?

Will I buy you a horse?

Yes, Papa.

But you already have little Julia.

But Julia's only a pony.
I want a real horse.

Then I can ride with you on the hunt.

You think you're big enough
for the hunt, do you?

Oh, yes, Papa. Jonathan Plunkett
is only a year older than I am.

And he rides with his papa.

Well, I'll have to think about it.

Oh, please say yes, Papa.

There's nothing I want in the whole world
more than a horse.

I'll think about it.

Oh, thank you, Papa. Thank you.

How much are you asking for him?

100 guineas.

He's a nice little horse,
but I don't think he's worth a hundred guineas.

Seventy-five seems
more like the right price.

I'll accept 80 guineas
and not a shilling less.

Five guineas should never keep
two gentlemen from their drink.

- Eighty it'll be.
- Done, sir.

Timmy, take the horse over to Doolan's farm.
Tell him he needs a bit of breaking in.

And say it's for Master Bryan's birthday
next week, and I want it to be a surprise.

- And remember that yourself.
- Yes, sir.


What is it, lad?

Did you buy the horse?

Horse? What horse is that?

The horse you were going to buy me
for my birthday.

I know nothing about any horse.

But one of the boys in the stable
told Nelly that you'd already bought it

and it was at Doolan's farm
where Mick the groom was breaking it in.

Is that true?

Bryan, when is your birthday?

Next Tuesday.

Well, you'll have to wait till then
to find out.

Then it's true. Oh, thank you, Papa.


Bryan? Bryan.

Yes, Mama?

Promise me you will not ride that horse
except in the company of your father.

Yes, Mama, I promise.

And I promise Your Lordship a good flogging
if you even so much as go to Doolan's farm

to see him before your birthday.

- Yes, Papa.
- You understand that?

Yes, Papa.

- You promise me?
- Yes, Papa, I promise.

All right, eat your food.

Come in.

- Good morning, sir.
- Good morning, Reverend.

I'm sorry to trouble you with this,
Mr. Lyndon,

but I believe Master Bryan may have disobeyed
your orders and stolen away to Doolan's farm.

On going to the boy's room this morning,
I found his bed empty.

One of the cooks said she saw him
cross the kitchen yard at daybreak.

Didn't you see him go?

He must have passed through my room
while I was asleep.

Oh, my God.

What has happened here?

I... I noticed the lad
riding across the field, sir...

and having trouble with the horse,

which was playing up a bit.

Suddenly the animal plunged and reared,

and the poor lad was thrown.

Oh, Bryan, why did you disobey me?

I'm sorry, Papa.

You won't whip me, will you?

No, my darling.

I won't whip you.

William. You take my horse
and you ride like the devil for Dr. Broughton.

You tell him whatever he's doing,
he must come at once.

- You understand?
- Yes, sir.

The doctors were called.

But what does a doctor avail in a contest
with the grim invincible enemy?

Such as came could only confirm
the hopelessness of the poor child's case.

He remained yet with his parents
for two days,

and a sad comfort it was
to know he was in no pain.



Am I going to die?

No, my darling, you're not going to die.

You're going to get better.

But I can't feel anything

except in my hands.

Does that mean I'm already dead
in parts of my body?

No, my darling, that's where
you were hurt by the horse.

But you're going to be all right now.

Papa, if I die, will I go to heaven?

Of course you will, my darling,

but you're not going to die.

Mama, give me your hand.

Papa, give me your hand.

Will you both promise me something?


Promise me never to quarrel so,

but to love each other

so that we may meet again in heaven...

where Bullingdon said
quarrelsome people would never go.

We promise.

Will you tell me the story about the fort?

Of course.

We crept up on the fort.

And I jumped over the wall first,

and my fellows jumped after me.

And you should have seen the look...

on the Frenchmen's faces
when 23 rampaging he-devils,

sword and p*stol, cut and thrust,

pell-mell came tumbling into the fort.

In three minutes' time...

we left.

"I am the resurrection and the life,"
saith the Lord.

"He that believeth in me,
though he were dead,

"yet shall he live.

"And whosoever liveth
and believeth in me...

"shall never die."

I know that my redeemer liveth

and that he shall stand
at the latter day upon the earth,

and though after my skin
worms destroy this body,

yet in my flesh shall I see God...

whom I shall see for myself

and mine eyes shall behold

and not another.

We brought nothing into this world,

and it is certain
we can carry nothing out.

The Lord gave,

and the Lord hath taken away.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.

Barry's grief was inconsolable.

And such solace as he could find
came only from drink.

His mother was the only person
in his misfortune

who would remain faithful to him

and many a night,
when he was unconscious of her attention,

saw him carried off to bed.

"O blessed Lord,

"the father of mercies
and the God of all comforts,

"we beseech thee,
look down in pity and compassion

"upon this, thy afflicted servant.

"Thou writest bitter things against her

"and makest her to possess
her former iniquities."

Her Ladyship,
always vaporish and nervous,

plunged into devotion
with so much fervor

that you would have imagined her
almost distracted at times.

In the doleful conditions
which now prevailed at Castle Hackton,

the entire management of the house
and of the Lyndon estate

fell to Mrs. Barry,

whose spirit of order attended to all
the 10,000 details of a great establishment.

Come in.

You wish to see me, madam?

Yes, Reverend. Please sit down.

I have some other matters I would like
to discuss with you later, Graham,

but just now perhaps
you would go to Her Ladyship

and have these papers signed by her.

Yes, madam.

Reverend Runt,

I need not tell you
that the recent tragedy to this family

has made the services of a tutor
no longer required at Castle Hackton.

And as we are in some
considerable difficulty about money,

I'm afraid I must ask you,
with the greatest reluctance,

to resign your post.

Madam, I'm sensible of your predicament,

and you need have no concern
about my wages

with which I can willingly do without.

But it is out of the question for me to consider
leaving Her Ladyship in her present state.

I'm very sorry to say this to you,

but I truly believe you are largely responsible
for the state of mind she is in.

And the sooner you leave,
the better she will be.

Madam, with the greatest respect,

I take my instructions
only from Her Ladyship.

Reverend Runt,

Her Ladyship is in no fit mind
to give instructions to anyone.

My son has charged me
with managing the affairs at Castle Hackton

until he recovers from his grief
and resumes his interest in worldly matters.

And while I am in charge,
you will take your instructions from me.

My only concern is for Lady Lyndon.


your only concern
is for Her Ladyship's signature.

You and your son have almost succeeded
in destroying a fine family fortune.

And what little remains for you

depends on keeping Her Ladyship
prisoner in her own house.

Reverend Runt,

this matter bears no further discussion.

You will pack your bags
and leave by tomorrow morning!

God, help. Help!


In midst of these great perplexities,

Her Ladyship made an attempt
to k*ll herself by taking poison.

Though she succeeded only
in making herself dangerously ill

due to the very small amount
which she swallowed,

this, nevertheless, caused
an intervention from a certain quarter

which was long overdue.

Oh, my God.

If my mother had died,

it would have been
as much my responsibility

as if I had poured the strychnine
for her myself.

For to the everlasting disgrace
of my family name,

I have, by my cowardice
and my weakness,

allowed the Barrys to establish
a brutal and ignorant tyranny

over our lives

which has left my mother
a broken woman...

and to squander and ruin
a fine family fortune.

My friends profess sympathy,

but behind my back, I know I am despised.

And quite justifiably so.


I know now what I must do...

and what I shall do...

whatever be the cost.

Good morning, my lord.

Good morning.

- Is Mr. Barry Lyndon here?
- Yes, my lord. He's inside.

Thank you.

Mr. Redmond Barry.

The last occasion on which we met,

you wantonly caused me
injury and dishonor

in such a manner and to such an extent
as to which no gentleman can willingly suffer...

without demanding satisfaction,

however much time intervenes.

I have now come to claim
that satisfaction.

Mr. Lyndon,
these are a matched pair of pistols,

and as you have seen,

your second has loaded one,
and I have loaded the other.

But as they belong to Lord Bullingdon,
you may have whichever one you wish.

Lord Bullingdon.

Now, gentlemen,
to determine who will have first fire,

I will toss a coin in the air.

Again, as the offended party,
it is Lord Bullingdon's choice to call the toss.

Is that agreeable to both of you?


If Lord Bullingdon calls correctly,
he will have the first fire.

If incorrectly,
Mr. Lyndon will have the first fire.

Is that clearly understood?

What is your call, Lord Bullingdon?


It is heads.

Lord Bullingdon will have the first fire.

Lord Bullingdon, will you take your ground?

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten.

Mr. Lyndon,

will you take your ground?

Mr. Lyndon,

are you ready to receive
Lord Bullingdon's fire?


Lord Bullingdon,

cock your p*stol and prepare to fire.

Sir Richard, this p*stol must be faulty.

I must have another one.

I'm sorry, Lord Bullingdon,
but you must first stand your ground

and allow Mr. Lyndon his turn to fire.

That is correct, Lord Bullingdon.

Your p*stol has fired,
and that counts as your shot.

Mr. Lyndon.

Are the rules of firing clear to you?


Lord Bullingdon.

Are you ready to receive Mr. Lyndon's fire?


Very well then.

Mr. Lyndon.

Cock your p*stol and prepare to fire.

Are you ready, Lord Bullingdon?

Is your p*stol cocked, Mr. Lyndon?


Then prepare to fire.



Lord Bullingdon, in view of Mr. Lyndon
having fired into the ground,

do you now consider
that you have received satisfaction?

I have not received satisfaction.

Mr. Lyndon, are you ready?


Lord Bullingdon,

cock your p*stol and get ready to fire.



Barry was carried to an inn nearby

and a surgeon was called.

Right. I'm nearly finished.

I'm very sorry to have to tell you this,
Mr. Lyndon.

I'm afraid you'll have to lose the leg.

Most likely below the knee.

Lo... Lose the leg?

What for?

The simple answer to that
is to save your life.

The ball has completely shattered the bone
below the knee and severed the artery.

Unless I can amputate, there's no way
that I can repair the artery

and prevent further hemorrhaging.


Yes, my lord?

As soon as we arrive at Castle Hackton,

I want you to inform Mrs. Barry
of what has happened.

Don't go into any unnecessary detail.

Just tell her where he is
and that he has been wounded in the leg.

She will naturally want to go to him.

See to it that she is out of the house and
on her way to London as quickly as possible

and that in no event is she to be allowed
the opportunity to see my mother

or create any disturbance at the house
before she leaves.

Yes, my lord.

Ah. Mrs. Barry. How do you do?

How nice to see you, Graham.
Please come in.

Oh, thank you.

You, uh... You received my note?

- Yes, we were expecting you.
- Oh, good, good.

I didn't want to call unannounced.

Mr. Lyndon, how are you feeling?

I'm feeling much better,
thank you, Graham.

Won't you sit down?

Thank you, Mrs. Barry.

- Would you like some tea?
- Oh, no.

No, thank you, Mrs. Barry.

Not just now.

How's the world been treating you, Graham?

Oh, not too bad.

And, uh, are you comfortable here?

Most comfortable.

Good, good.

Um... uh...

Well, uh, shall, um...

Shall we get down to the matter at hand?

By all means.



Mr. Lyndon...

Lord Bullingdon has instructed me

to offer you an annuity

of 500 guineas a year for life...

specifically on the condition of your...

leaving England

and to be stopped
the instant of your return.

Lord Bullingdon has also asked me
to point out to you...

that should you decide to remain here,

your stay would infallibly plunge you

into jail,

as in view of the present circumstances,

there will soon be innumerable writs

taken out against you
for debts long outstanding,

and your credit is so blown

that you could not hope

to raise a shilling.

Utterly baffled and beaten...

what was the lonely
and brokenhearted man to do?

He took the annuity
and returned to Ireland with his mother

to complete his recovery.

Sometime later he traveled to the continent.

His life there we have not the means
of following accurately.

But he appears to have resumed
his former profession of a gambler

without his former success.

He never saw Lady Lyndon again.
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