24x18 - The Adventures Of Redbot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x18 - The Adventures Of Redbot

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax, cruel champion of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty Power Stars,

Earth's greatest Ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.


Ten years later, a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja Power Stars.

It's Morphin Time!

(narrator) They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel.



I remember it as if it was yesterday.

The rangers were fighting the fearsome monster Trapsaw...


Let's finish this chainsaw chump!

(all) Ninja blast!

Oh, no!

We all forgot our ninja blasters!

And I lost my rockstorm guitar!

We'll be destroyed!

Never fear! Redbot's here!

And I've got just the w*apon!

Let me take care of this.

Yeah! (laughs)

Blaster arms, fire up!

(cheering) Another one bites the dust.

Hold on... that's not what happened.

Levi! I didn't see you there.

It's my blog. Oh, I do love the Internet!

A blog, huh? It's called...

(both) "The Adventures of Redbot."

Whoa! Look at all those followers.

Thousands of people are reading your stories.

Don't worry, I've kept everyone's identity secret.


I'm not sure you got all the details right

on that Trapsaw story.

What I remember was...


Let's finish this chainsaw chump

and his little friends!

Now, where were we?

(all) Final attack!


Oh yeah! Good job!

Oh, well, I may have embellished the story

just a bit, you know, to make it more exciting.

To make yourself more heroic.


But my blog is just for fun.

Be careful, Redbot.

Telling fibs, even for fun,

usually ends up getting you in trouble.

Oh, dear...


Ah, there is a... strange man in the rec area.

He says he wants to talk to Redbot, the blogger?

That's me!

Oh my!


♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers real danger ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go Ninja Steel ♪♪

I'll walk casually, to blend in.

Mick has a robot? Cool!

Oh, ah, yes, this is my robot project.

It's, uh-- it's very technical.

Good cover, Mick. And, uh, this...

is the guy who was looking for you.


Back soon. Hey, uh...

(man) Redbot!

You're the Redbot!

I'm Dan Willoughby.

(crunching) Wowee!


It's an honor to meet you.

It is? You're even more...

robotic than I imagined!

How did you find me, Mr. Willoughby?

I tracked your Internet IP address

to Summer Cove High.

Lucky for me, Mick knew who you were.

Look, I've got an offer for you

that most robots could only dream of.

Come with me.

Tell me more!

I wanna turn "The Adventures of Redbot"

into a bestseller.

You'll be famous! Famous?

(both) Famous?

We've got to get in on this, Monty.

It's simple: Sign right here,

and the whole world can enjoy your stories.

What do ya say, Redbot?

Stop right there! Don't sign anything.


This contract needs some serious work.

For starters, Redburt here

will take free oil treatments for life.

Plus a bonus wax and polish.

That does sound nice.

Don't worry. As your new managers,

we'll get you every dime you deserve.

I, uh, made a few notes.

No, sorry.

This is my first and final offer.

Take it or leave it.

Well, I, uh...

(both) He'll take it.

Yippee! This is my lucky day!

Welcome to the big time, Redbot!

Thank you.

(crunching) Wow!

Thank you. Whoo!

The action! The spectacle!

The vivid details!

I love this blog!

That robot sure can tell a tale!

(door opening) Ahh!

Get back to work!

Everyone's reading that stupid blog

by that bucket of bolts, Redbot!

(growling) The website says they're turning it into a book,

and having a signing!

A book signing, huh? Meow, meow.

I've got an idea that might finally destroy those rangers!

Hold still... (pulsing)

Hey, hey! What are you...?

(laughing) It worked!

I already zapped Cosmo's cane this morning.

Then, just now, I pressed a button

and he froze in time! Meow, meow.

I'm gonna do that to Redbot's books

and then...

And when the rangers are on pause,

you'll steal their Power Stars!

Huh?! What happened?


Never mind.

Take Cat O'Clock on stage

and get this show started.

Uh, okay, Champ!

It's showtime!


Wow, there are so many people here.

(Preston) Are Redbot's stories really that good?

They are, because he stretches the truth a bit.

That's not good.

I hope it doesn't backfire on him.

(Levi) Yeah.

Hey, look, guys, it's Mary, my biggest fan.

Hmm. Hey, Mary.

Okay. Stay here, Cody.

No more chasing cats, okay, boy?



(woman) There he is! There's Redbot!

(man) No way! He really is a robot!

Hey, guys! Hey.

Thank you, thank you.

Hello, everyone.

I'm Redbot, and welcome to my book launch.

I'm so excited to give you all a free copy of-- huh?

I've just been told that the books haven't arrived yet.

(chattering) I'm very sorry.

I can't imagine what the hold up is.


I've detected buzzcams in the city.

We better go check it out.

(Redbot) So, while we wait,

perhaps I could tell you a story.

One that's not in the book.

(audience) Ooh!

And if you're lucky,

I'll tell you a story, too.

Oh, and me!

(woman screaming)


Well there they are!

(both) Plasma Blast!


That's the truck that's carrying Redbot's books!

No way that's a coincidence!


(grunting throughout)

Uh-oh! The rangers are here to interfere!

I'd better hurry.

(grunting continues)

Time for step one of my plan!

Once they touch these books,

those rangers won't know what hit 'em!

(beeping, zapping)

Or should I say, what froze them?

(laughing) Meow, meow.

The rangers will soon be frozen in time.

(laughing) Meow, meow.


You know what to do, guys.

(all) Ninja Blast!

Rockstorm Blast!

(all) Final Attack!


Got 'em! Not bad.

You're safe now.

You better get to the book launch.

Oh, okay. (engine starting)

Why would they attack Redbot's books?

Uh, I have a bad feeling about this.

We better get back to that book launch.

Yeah. You got it.

(Mary) One copy of "The Adventures of Redbot," please.

There you go. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats.

I believe Redbot has time for one more story.

Maybe I should dazzle them with a story.

Oh, can it, Victor!

We want a Redbot story.

It's that pesky little girl again.


Let me think...

I see you found the books.

Everything okay?

Let's hope so.

You're just in time.

Thank you. Thanks.

A-ha! I know a good one!

It was the day of Levi Weston's big concert,

and the monsters were determined to ruin it.

I know this one!

There was a big earthquake.

That's right!

Skulldozer was trying to collapse the concert venue.

People were running for their lives!

Young Mary was lost and scared.


(Redbot) The roof started to collapse!


Blaster Arm, fire up!

Redbot, you saved me! You're my hero!

Aw, it was nothing, Mary!

And once again, I saved the day.

Thank you. Thank you.

See, that's what I was talking about.

Redbot's stories are a little exaggerated to say the least.

Oh, come on, Redbuddy.

You're playing a little fast and loose with the facts.


What do you mean?

I'll tell you what really happened.

I used my sharp superhero senses

to zero in on the trouble.


(Monty) Luckily the real heroes arrived.


That was my heroic moment!

You stole it!

No, I didn't.

What? We're heroes, fair and square.

You're all lying!

That isn't how it happened at all!

The Gold Ranger saved me.

You're all a bunch of phonies.

Phonies? But I...

(Levi) Mary!

(crowd murmuring)

What is the meaning of this, Redbot?

Are your stories true or not?

Well, uh...

(audience booing) Please, let me explain!

(man) I bet he's not even a real robot.

Hang on, hold on one moment.

I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation--


(laughing) Now!

Everybody, hold still!

(Cat O'Clock laughing)

Meow. Not that you have a choice!

(Cat O'Clock laughing) Meow.


You all just had to have a book,

and now the books have frozen you in time.

(laughing) Meow, Meow.

Not everybody!

Huh? What?

Your spell doesn't work on robots!

A pathetic robot isn't enough

to stop me from taking the six Power Stars.

(laughing) Meow...

No! How can I stop him?

When I have all six power stars,

Galvanax is gonna make me Champion!


(Cody barking) (screaming)

Oh no! (barking)

A dog? (hissing)

I hate dogs!

Go get 'em, Cody!

(barking continues) Noooo!

Good dog.

Now to save my friends!

What happened to that cat monster?

Don't worry, rangers.

Cody scared him off for now.

Whoa, why couldn't we move?

He put some kind of spell on my books.

Everyone who was holding one got frozen in time.

So, that's what they were doing at the truck.

Everyone seems okay. Come on, guys.

Let's show that sourpuss who's boss.

Wait, Mary has a book.

She left early. She may be in danger!

You're right. Redbot and I will find Mary.

You guys find that monster.

Can't have gone far. Let's go!

I'll unfreeze everyone here.

(Levi) Mary left on foot. She's gotta be nearby.


No! Now I gotta start from scratch!

There he is! Meow!

That lousy dog ruined my plan!

(Cat O'Clock hissing)

Now it's time for us to ruin your day.

(aggressive meowing)

It's Morphin Time! Power Stars!

(all) Lock in!


Ninja Spin!

Power of the ninja! Ninja Steel Red!

Stealth of the ninja! Ninja Steel Blue!

Strength of the ninja! Ninja Steel Yellow!

Spirit of the ninja! Ninja Steel White!

Speed of the ninja! Ninja Steel Pink!

(all) Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Kudabots! Make them "hiss-tory!"

(grunting throughout)


Mary must be around here somewhere.

Over there!

On the train tracks!

Whoa! What is it?

Let me see...

(whirring and beeping)

It's Mary! She's frozen!

(bell ringing)

And a train is coming! Let's move!

(train horn blaring)

We're not going to make it!

Jet Boots, fire up!

(horn blaring continues)

(Mary) Whoa, what happened?

Redbot, you saved me!

You are a hero.

I'm just glad you're all right.

(grunting continues)

Ninja Fire Attack!

(grunting continues)

Your defeat is just a matter of time!

Don't talk to me about time!

I'm part clock!

Yeah, what's up with that?

Meow! Ugh!

So, you're curious about the watch on my chest.

(laughs) I'll never tell you

about the source of all my evil power!

Ha-ha! Meow.

His power? All his power?


That's it! If we can destroy his clock,

then we can beat him!

Oh, forget I said anything.

Meow. No chance!

We can use our element stars

and battle morphers. Great.

All right! Let's do this!

(Preston) Element star, Ninja Spin!

Ninja Force Attack!


(both) Claw Shred!

My claws! I can't move!

Battle morpher, Bow Mode!

Time's up for your clock!

Oh, no!

Arrow Blast!


I'll get you!

Hey, Brody, looks like your curiosity--

Is about to destroy the cat.

(both) Red and White Ninja Strike, Steel Slash!

Ninja Spin!


(both) Final Attack!

Look's like this kitty's litter.


I was a whisker away from beating you!

If only I... Ahh, meow!

(cheering) Epic!

(Cosmo) Oh, yes!

Time to make this tiny into a tiger!



Look, guys! Uh-oh.

Zord Stars...

(all) Lock in! Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord!

Dragon Zord!

Nitro Zord!

Kodiak Zord!

Zoom Zord!

(Brody) Out of the shadows!

Let's get him, Kodiak!


Not another dog! Meow!

You can't get away that easily!


Rumble Tusk Zord Star, Ninja Spin!

(elephant bellowing) Out of the shadows!


All right! Ninja Zord Mode, activate!


What? An elephant?!

(Brody) Cannon Blast!


I'll destroy you!

Not gonna happen!

Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord,



(Brody) Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

Oh, wow!

Hey, guys! I'm back to help!


Ninja Master Mode, ready!

Did you guys find Mary?

She's safe and sound, thanks to Redbot.

But this cat's in all sorts of trouble.

It's not over yet! Meow!!

(all) Hyah!

(Brody) Mega Gust!

(elephant bellowing)

Gross! It's sneezing on me!


Ninja Master Blade, activate!


(saw whirring)

That doesn't sound good!

(all) Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Megazord,

Double Axe! Final Attack!



My whole plan has been an utter cat-astrophe!

(laughing and cheering)

Show's over! Ninjas win!

And then I, Champion Cosmo,

took over the Warrior Dome

and the universe!


My brand new blog about how great I am

at running the Warrior Dome is going to be a huge hit!


A blog about what?!



I-- I'll give you a huge hit!


My fanbase!

No more blogs! Or you'll join Cat O'Clock--



Every one is back to normal.

(Sarah) Great job, Mick.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am so glad that you're all okay.

About Redbot...

I am as shocked as you are

to learn that he is not the hero that we thought he was.

If you'll all kindly return your books,

I'll make sure they're promptly recycled.

Excuse me!

I have something to say.

I owe you all an apology.

I didn't tell the truth in my stories.

I'm just a robot.

The Power Rangers are the real heroes.

Not me.

(Mary) Hey, everyone!

You won't believe what happened!

Hurry! Turn on the TV!

(reporter) Witnesses were shocked when a small girl was saved

by Internet sensation, Redbot.

Cellphone footage shows the train was about to hit her

when the brave robot rushed to her aid.

If it weren't for Redbot, I wouldn't be here.

Well, I...

(man) Yeah! Redbot!

(old man) Attaboy, Redbot!

Go, Redbot!

Here you go.

Redbot, you may not be a hero all of the time,

but you're a hero when it counts.

Oh, thank you, Mary.

Yo, Redbot! Can I have your autograph?

Really? Okay! Sign mine, please?

Oh! Uh...

You're all too kind.

Hey, Mick?

What happened to Victor and Monty?

Well, I decided not to unfreeze them just yet.

I figured they weren't useful as managers,

so I found something they could do perfectly.

(all laughing)

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