24x05 - Drive to Survive

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x05 - Drive to Survive

Post by bunniefuu »

(narrator) When Galvanax,

cruel champion of galaxy warriors,

claimed the mighty power stars...

Earth's greatest ninja sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later,

a new generation of warriors rises up

to protect the Ninja power stars.

Hyah! Hyah!

It's morphing time!

(narrator) They are Power Rangers: Ninja Steel!


You built that?

Uh, yeah. Well, sort of.

I took three junker motorcycles

and salvaged enough to make one.

Not too bad, huh?

I always wanted to learn how to drive a motorcycle.

It looks so fast, I like it.

Calvin, can I please ride it after you?

Pretty please, please?

Uh, yeah, even better,

you can be the first to test drive it.

What? No, no way.

You should definitely ride it first.

You see how fast you can go, I beat your record.


No, really, really, it's fine.

Seriously, it's cool, it's cool.

Just, can you take it out for a test drive?

Cal, what's the matter?

It's okay. Just tell them.

I don't know how to drive.

Cars or motorcycles.

Hold on.

You drive your truck all the time, right?


Actually, I'm his personal chauffeur.

You just never noticed.

I don't get it.

You love to work on cars so much.

Why don't you like to drive them?

One time when I was little,

I was driving a go-kart on a track,

and the next thing I knew,

I was swimming out of a duck pond.

And ever since that crash, driving scares me to death.

Sarah, you're the speed expert.

How about you teach me and Calvin how to ride a motorcycle?

That way you'll see it's not so scary.

Okay, yeah. I'll make it my mission, boys.

I don't feel good!

Don't throw up on me!

I think I ate something bad!

What's wrong with Tangleweb?

Don't worry, champ.

He's got what it takes to destroy the rangers.


It's a-comin'!

Please! I just had this stage cleaned!

You ate a coodabot?

That's disgusting!

Now I'm hungry again!


Looks like today's chef's special is the Power Rangers!

Are you hungry?


♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with all our might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers, free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching out at day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers, free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪


♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪♪

I've got to find those rangers, but I can't be seen!

Spider mode!

How can one person eat so many beans?

I'm getting all beaned up so I can fart so much

they'll let us out of class earlier.

That idea stinks.

In a good way!

Give me some.

Oh, a spider!


Never fear.

Victor is here.


You can't hurt me!


But I can hurt you!

(sinister laugh)

Stay back, monster!

These hands are... they're lethal weapons.



Pretty lame.

Now, move aside!

I need to find those rangers!

(sinister laugh)

(sighs) That monster's gone.

At least things can't get any worse.

(stomach rumbling)


What was that?

(stomach rumbling)

Things are getting worse.

The beans.

(passes gas)


Monty! That one was a doozy!

My farts.

Victor, they're inflating the web!


Whoo! Whoo!

Yeah! Wow!

Nice, Brody. Go, Brody.

That's so cool! Wow!

This is so epic!

How did he learn so fast?

You got this, Calvin. You can do it.

Yeah. Right.


I thought I'd start him off small.

Go, Calvin!

Okay. Okay.

Aah! Aah!

What the heck?! Sorry!

Sorry! Sorry! Hey, watch out!


Uhh! Ah...

Oh, Cal. You okay?

That crazy motorcycle almost just k*lled me.

Oh, I think you might be exaggerating a bit.

I'm gonna go change my clothes.


Look, I want to learn to drive.

I just-- I just can't seem to get over my fear.

Look at me, Calvin Maxwell.

There's nothing you can't do.

Thanks, really.

But maybe driving just isn't for me.

He'll be okay.


Careful there, spider buddy.

You don't want to get squashed.

Finally! Four rangers!

Or as I like to call it, lunch!

Rangers aren't on the menu today.

It's Morphing Time!

Power Stars, lock in!

(all) Ready!

Ninja spin!

Hyah! Hyah!

Ninja Rangers fear no danger!

Oh, really? I think you'll fear this!

What's he doing?

He's creating some kind of vortex!

(all yelling)

Hold on!

The motorcycle! No!


That monster swallowed us whole!

I can't break free from his webs!

We're trapped!

Not for long! Ninja Blast!

Huh? Our weapons aren't strong enough!

What are we gonna do?

(sinister laugh)

Your friends were delicious, ranger!

Well, here comes the bitter aftertaste!

Today's menu starts with a kick to the face!

Our main course is me flipping over you!

And for dessert, you're gonna let my friends go!

Or you can join them!

Uhh! Oh, no! He's too strong!


Aah! Calvin! Help!


Oh, no!


Where are we? Inside that monster?

I can't believe he got you, too, Brody!

Only Calvin can save us now!

I'm so full, I need a catnap!


Sarah! Preston!

He got them all.

He got them all.

Hold on to your hard drive, Mick,

'cause I've got more throwing stars coming your way!


We are getting better at making these stars, Redbot.

Mick! Brody and the others are gone!

I-I saw a monster eat them.

I saw, it was-- it was a spider...

Cal! Rick!


Are you guys okay? We can't move.

We were all sucked inside that spider's canister,

along with your motorcycle.

And Hayley? Is she okay?

She's fine, but our weapons can't break us out.

We need something more powerful.

We're counting on you, Calvin.

They are trapped inside a spider.

We need to get them out of there, fast!

(Mick) Redbot, start scanning for their location.


That's my motorcycle.

Why would the Prism show me that?

Uh, the Prism never shows a vision without a reason.

That's it.

My motorcycle is in the spider.

The Prism is giving me a clue on how to save the others.

Have you forged any new throwing stars?

Uh, yes!

Here you go. Ah!

What exactly are you planning?

You'll see.

How do I activate this into a Ninja Star?

You throw it!

Into the prism.

As hard as you can.

Your Ninja Steel will be energized

with new powers,

transforming it into a Ninja Star.


You didn't mention that part.

Oh. Uh... sorry.


I think I know what I'm supposed to do with this star,

but it means that I have to ride that motorcycle,

and I don't know if I have the courage to do that.

The Prism thinks you can do it

and-and so do I.

Me, too.

I know you can do it.

See? You are the only one with doubts.

Are you gonna let your fear

stop you from saving your friends?

Of course not.

I have to try.

No matter how afraid I am.

Thanks, guys.

(Victor) How are we gonna get this thing out of here?



Look out! Coming through!


Keep tooting, Monty!

We've gotta pop this thing!


(grunting and bouncing)


(farting continues) Monty, what-- What's happening?

Oh, no... We're floating away!

(farting and screaming)

Ahh! Ahh!


Come on, Spidey-spidey...


Show me your--

I'm all rested up and ready to finish my Ranger supper!

Let go of my friends, you eight-legged freak!

Well, since you asked so nicely!



Look at that.


He got the fifth ranger.

I think I'm gonna faint!


Their Power Stars are all mine.

You finally came through for me, Ripcon.

I told you Tangleweb could do it, champ.

The universe is within my grasp.


Whoa! Calvin!

Calvin! It got you!

Look out for the web!

Where's the motorcycle?

It's over there.

What's the plan?

What are you doing?

I'm gonna drive us out of here.

You are gonna drive?

I'm gonna try. Okay.

All right. Yeah!

(all) Whoa!

You made a Ninja Star!

Fantastic ride!


(engine revving)

I can do this...

I can do this.

Come on, Cal, you got this.

I can do this... I can do this.

Look at me, Calvin Maxwell.

There's nothing you can't do.

There's nothing I can't do.

Ninja Spin!

Okay, yeah. (engine revving)

(laughing) Yeah! Go, bro!

One of those rangers must've been rotten!

(tires screeching)

I did it. That felt awesome!



Hayley! Are you okay?

Yeah, thanks to you.

We're fine.

Me... and our new mega motorcycle.

(all) Wow.

(Tangleweb growling)

You'll pay for that!

Someone's gonna pay, but it won't be us.

You may have escaped, but not for long!

How do we stop him from sucking us back up?

Don't worry.

I have an idea.

(growling) Element Star!

Ninja Water Attack!

Ninja Spin!



Hey, where did everybody go?!

Show yourselves!

Soon you'll be cocooned forever!

Hey, he can't see us!

Arrow Blast!

Whoa, that was close! A-ha!

You've given away your position!

Maybe not!


Oh, wait! You're over here!

You sure?

(both) Blade Slash!

Okay, stop it! Where are you?

We're right here.

All I wanted was a meal!

Well, now you're getting your just desserts.

(clicking) Claw Mode!

(clicking) Blade Mode!

(clicking) Bow Mode!

(all) Hyper Mode!

(both) Hyper Arrow Blast!

(both) Hyper Blade Slash!

Hyper Claw... Shred!

(all) Final Attack!


Don't I get a last meal?


Ha ha! Easy! Yes!

We did it! Ha ha!


Well, shock my software! Another vision!

(elephant bugling) Whoa!


What are those wrinkly beasts?

Perhaps the prism wants to make another Ninja Star?


It's working!


(angry ruckus)

Looks like Tangleweb got a bit tangled in his own web.

Do we give him a second chance?

(crowd shouting)


Whoa! Whoa!

Eight legs and eight stories tall!

Zord Stars!

(all) Ninja Spin!

(Brody) Ninja Steel Zords!

Let's squish this spider!

Dragon Zord, fire breath!


Zoom Zord, Star strike!

Nitro Zord, spike launch!

Curse you!

What up, arach-nerd?

(grunting throughout)

Eat this!

Get back here!

I am back here!


Hungry, Rangers?

Eat some web!

I can't move!

Neither can I!


This isn't good!

I can't reach my blade!

Mick, we're in trouble!

Don't worry.

The Prism's activated a new Zord Star.

I think it'll help you summon the legendary Rumble Tusk Zord.

Got it! Thanks, Mick.

Rumble Tusk Zord Star, lock in.

Activate Ninja Spin!

(Brody) Rumble Tusk Zord, out of the shadows!

Hold on, Robo Red.

Here it comes!

(Tusk Zord bugling)


It's an elephant!

That's perfect!

But we're still webbed!


I think I can cut myself free.

It's almost here! Go for it, Brody!

(grunting throughout)

Ready to have some "elefun!"

Bon appétit!

Suction Mode!

My webs!

Hey, I wonder if Suction Mode can be reversed.


Gust attack!


You blowhard!

(all grunting)

A little help here?

Suction mode!

Oh, finally!

It's so good to move again!

I've had enough of that eight-legged loser.


Your new Zord really sucks!

Ninja Zord mode activate!

(Brody) Rumble Tusk Ninja Zord, ready!


This is epic!

Cannon Blast!


Great job, Rumble Tusk!

Everything's spinning out of control!

(Brody) Let's wrap this up!

Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Mega Zord combine!

Ninja spin!

Robo Red Zord!

(Preston) Dragon Zord!

(Haley) Kodiak Zord!

(Sarah) Zoom Zord!

(Calvin) Nitro Zord!

(Brody) Rumble Tusk Zord!

Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Mega Zord Ready!

(all) Ninja Spin!

Ninja Master Mode, ready!

Looks like this new Mega Zord formation is packing some power.

Let's take 'em out.

(grunting throughout)

How'd you like that, webhead?


Rumble Tusk Mega Blast!



All right, team, all together now.

Ninja Master Blade Energize!

(saw blades whirring)

(all) Rumble Tusk Ninja Steel Mega Zord

XX Final Attack!

Hyah! Hyah!

Down came the Rangers and washed the spider out!

Woo-hoo! Yes!

Show's over!

Ninjas win!

Using Tangleweb was your stupid idea, Ripcon!

Please, no!

I'll do anything. Anything?

There's one thing even he could do right.

Clean every toilet on the ship.

The toilets?

Mine better smell pine fresh!

By the way, we're having beans for dinner tonight.

Extra spicy.

(giggling) Oh, no!

(Sarah) Oh, yes, Calvin.

Oh, no!


Thank you, thank you. Yeah.


I got my driver's license!

Nice! So proud of you.

Thank you. Congrats, Cal.

He didn't just pass.

He totally nailed it.

Perfect score.

Now I have a chauffeur.

Trust me, I was a little nervous, but I overcame my fear.

Just like how you overcame your fear and saved us.

(Sarah) Yeah. Yeah.

We really owe you, Cal. Thank you.

It's amazing the things you can do

when the people you love are in trouble.

Now, that's magic!



We have a rockin' new Ranger ride.


Whenever you need them.

These stars will transform into Mega Morph cycles!

Yes! Like...

(imitating engine revving)

That is fantastic. Right?

(Victor screaming)

Whoa! Is that...

Victor and Monty? (Victor) Monty!

(farting) Watch out for that flagpole!


(loud popping and wheezing)

(laughing) Oh, my God!

(wheezing continues)
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