24x04 - Presto Change-O

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x04 - Presto Change-O

Post by bunniefuu »

When Galvanax, cruel champion
of "Galaxy Warriors,"

claimed the mighty power stars,

earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Ten years later, a new
generation of warriors rises up

to protect the ninja
power stars.

It's Morphin Time!

They are Power Rangers
Ninja Steel.

Ladies and gentlemen...

time for a moment of amazement
from master magician,

Presto Change-o!

Yeah, Press!

More like Presto Lame-o.


Another magic show.
Let's hope
this one works.

Behold, an entirely empty hat!

Hold on there, Change-o.

Let me see that hat.

Hey, you can't--
Empty hat, eh?


A rabbit!


It's magic!


This guy's terrible!

(bell ringing)

That's not magic,
that's tragic.


This monster looks weak.

He looks dumber
than his brother,

and this one's a real

but it's just too ugly!


That's my mother!

Well, you've got to pick
someone to fight the rangers

or we don't
have a show.


Enough with the

It's time the rangers
faced a true heavyweight.

Like you, boss.

Ahh, my championship belt.

You're right, Ripcon.

I'll start by destroying that
Red Ranger twerp who stole

my nexus prism and prove once
again, there's only one true

"Galaxy Warriors" champion!



♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil with
all my might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up without
a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up for what
is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching your back
day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers
real danger ♪

♪ Go go Power rangers ♪

♪ Go go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go... go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go go Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go go
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪♪

(bell ringing)

Don't worry, Presto.

Just keep practicing.

Your magic tricks
will get better.

When I was about five, my
parents took me to a magic show.

He made this dragon bracelet
appear on my wrist.


Ever since then, all
I wanted to be was a magician.

I keep trying and trying.

My tricks never
fool anybody.

I trained to be a ninja
since I could walk.

It was a struggle, but then
one day, it started to click.


What's that?


There you go.

See, that trick
was flawless.

No, Brody,
you don't get it.

This is my rabbit.

I only have one.

Then where'd this
other one come from?


I have no idea where
they're coming from.

It's not a trick.

Magic must be starting
to click for me...

Like you said,
I can do real magic!

Well, maybe.

Why don't
I take your furry friends

to a pet store while you
go talk to Mick?

Because I think
the Ninja Steel

might have something
to do with this.

Yeah, uh,
talk to Mick, uh...

Oh... I always
knew magic was real.

Guys, I have
to show you some--

Brody isn't coming, is he?

Uh, no, he went to the...

Okay, great.
Check this out.

We are almost done
fixing up his dad's truck.

Brody will burst his batteries
when he sees this!

He'll love it.

Now, listen to what
I have to tell you.

The strangest thing
just happened.

Start it now, Hayles.

Uh, okay, can I just
share something?

One sec, Preston.

(engine failing to start)

Cal, that sounded better, no?


Presto, do you mind
passing me the wrench?


Oh, my!

How did that happen?

I did it.

That's what I've been
trying to tell you.

I stopped the drink.

I can do real magic.

Real magic?

Yeah, I seriously
doubt that.

Oh, you doubt it, huh?

(Sarah laughs)

Now do you doubt it?

Definitely not.

That's amazing.



Did these abilities
start recently?

Uh, well, no.

I mean, I've been practicing
these since I was a little kid.

But now, it's real!

Now it's real?

It's the Ninja Steel.


I guess that makes sense.

I knew it
wasn't just me.

Oh, but it is you.

You have a great
love of magic.

And legend has it that the Ninja
Steel can magnify your truest

desires, allowing you
to perform these great feats!


You need to be very careful
using this new power.

Oh, yeah,
yeah, of course.


Enjoy your new home...
bunny buds.


Hey, guys.

We've got trouble.

I just spotted a buzz cam.

We're on our way.

(students screaming)



You're Brody, right?

Ten years ago, I spared
your life, gave you a home

on my ship, and you repaid me
by stealing my nexus prism,

and all the ninja
power stars inside it!

Not quite.

Ten years ago,
you destroyed my father

and imprisoned me
on your ship.

But now... this ninja power star
is gonna help me destroy you.

You fool!

You don't stand
a chance against me.


You don't stand
a chance against me.

Well, I won't be fighting you.

We will!


You said Galvanax was big,
but this is ridiculous.

How, um...

What are we supposed
to do, Brody?

A ninja never shows fear.

Hey, cool, yeah.

So, that's Galvanax, huh?

I know.

I thought he would look
a lot tougher than...

(laughs) that.


They call you the champ?

You look more like
the chump.

The chump?

(Cosmo Royale)
The chump?

What do you think of that?

Galvanax, a word.

There's five rangers now.

You're out of practice.

If they knock you down once,
you'll look weak.

Your fans
despise weakness.


You, Red Ranger.

You're the treasure
I'm after.

You stole from me,
not these other pipsqueaks.

When you're ready to fight, mano
a mano, then we'll settle this.

But for now,
meet Slogre!

Prepare to get
shell-shocked, Rangers!

Don't disappoint me!


Ninja Spin!


Let's do this!

And the fight begins!

Heads up, Hayley!

A ninja versus a turtle?

That's a wacky combination.


That's all the kudabots.

Come on, guys.
Brody needs help.

And they say you're tough!

Hey, shell brain,
when you pick on one of us...

You pick on all of us!
You pick on all of us!

Trying to pull
a fast one, are you?

No, I'm trying
to pull a slow one!

Whoa! (laughing)



What just happened?

He sprayed us with something.

I feel strange.


Time for a little magic.

Dragon's Ire,
full of fire!

Whoa, whoa!

Hey, how do you like
my magic, turtle face?

Ouch, ouch, ouch!


Ow, that's hot!


You guys all right?

Yeah, we'll survive.



Hey, wasn't that dragon
I made awesome?

Yeah, I must admit,
it was pretty cool.

I mean, hot.

You know, I think I'm ready to
show the world some real magic.

Ha ha!




Those rangers don't know
it's already too late.

Soon, my evil mist will
slow them down to a crawl

and their power stars
will be mine!


Ladies and gentlemen...

prepare yourself
for some fantastic magic.

But first,
I need a volunteer.

How about...


Victor Vincent.

Come on up.

Now, you see before you
a completely ordinary hat.

You guys don't
look so good.

Yeah, I don't know
what it is.

I just feel like
I'm catching something.

I think I'm gonna
have to head home.

I think you all should.

I'll let
Preston know.

Thanks, Brody.

It appears to be
an ordinary hat.

Herbal, gerbil,
woolen, mitten.

Let Victor find
a gentle kitten.


You call that
a gentle kitten?


Thank you, thank you.

How about another volunteer?

Monty will do it.

Guys, I feel so weird...

You're talking slow.

So are you...

(Slogre laughing)

Hello, Rangers.

Feeling a little sluggish?


(nervous laughter)

Oh, okay.

Nice-- nice work, now put me
back together.

No problemo.

(clearing throat)

Presto change-o!

It's done.


His legs!


Presto, what did you do?

Those are my legs!

Come back here, legs!

They're running away!

What did I do wrong?

(communicator beeps)


Preston, we gotta go.

Urgent business.

We can fix Monty later!

But what did I do wrong?

Please don't leave!

Why won't
anyone help me?

Eenie, meanie, mynie, moe!

Catch a ranger,
make them slow!

It's Morphin...

Nice try.

Yoink, yoink, yoink!

These stars are mine now!




Nice try.

Yoink, yoink, yoink!

These stars
are mine now!

I got three power stars!

I'd like to take this

to thank my friends,
my family,

my dog,
my therapist,

my therapist's dog...

Three stars?
I love that guy!


Now, to finish them off!

Hold it, fish face!


More rangers!

Hand over
the power stars, now!

Exactly what
I was going to say.

Hand over your
power stars now.

Use your magic.

It's not
working right!

You saw what
happened to Monty.

Just try it.


An ordinary scarf!


Completely ordinary.

Nothing special.

Until I do this!

I can't move!

Now, Brody!



He's sealing
the power stars back!


Let me go!

'Good job, Presto!

Yeah, it worked
great this time.

But why doesn't
it always work?

Well, maybe your
magic's not broken.

Maybe you were just using it
for the wrong reasons

with Victor
and Monty.

What do you mean?

My dad taught Aiden
and I great ninja skills,

but he told us never
to use them for personal gain.

You think my magic only works
when I'm helping others?

You were kind of showing off
at your big show.

Your magic went
crazy, right?


But it worked great against
the monitor when I was...

helping others.
Helping others.

Take that, devilish scarves!

I'm free!

Let's show fish face
a trick of our own.

It's Morphin' Time!

Power stars..

lock in!
Lock in!


Ninja Spin!
Ninja Spin!

Ninja Rangers
fear no danger!

Ninja Blast!

Ah! I'm outta here!

Let's get him!

Stay there,
we'll be right back!

Element Star,
Ninja Fire Attack!

Element Star,
Ninja Water Attack!


(Slogre screaming)

Great shot, Presto.

Let's make
some turtle soup!


Hey, Brody!

Nice try,
but this won't last long!

Oh! Ouch!

He's right.
Let's finish this!

Element Star,
Ninja Metal Attack!


Ow... ooh!

I didn't expect that.

Red and Blue Ninja Spirit,
Steel Slash, Ninja Spin!

Final Attack!

Slowly but surely
didn't win the race!


I think I'm speeding up!

Destroying Slogre
did the trick!

Hey, we're at normal
speed again!

Thanks, guys!

(Cosmo Royale)
Don't worry!

The show's not over yet!

Should we give Slogre
another chance?



I always knew
I'd make it big!

We'll use the magic
of teamwork of this one.

Time to call our zords.

Zord Stars!

Lock in!

Activate Ninja Spin!

Robo Red Zord!

Dragon Zord!

Nitro Zord!

Kodiak Zord!

Zoom Zord!

Ninja Steel Megazord, combine!

Ninja Steel Megazord, ready!

Ninja Master Mode!


Rangers ready!

Let's take him down!

You got it!



How about some mystery?

We gotta block his mist!

Dragon Shield!

I got more of my shell!


That freak can fly, too?

Oh, that's not good.

I'm going after him!

Robo Red, Solo Strike!

Let's get him, Robo Red!

Oh, no!

His mist is working!

We gotta do something.

Brody and Robo Red are falling.

He's not the only
one who can fly.

Dragon Zord,
Solo Strike.

Hey, slowpoke!

Let him go!


(Brody screaming)

I gotcha.

Thanks, Preston.

You okay, Brody?

Never better.
Pretty incredible, huh?

Sure is.

If only the Mega Zord
had wings.

That's a good idea.

I think I may have another
trick up my sleeve.

Let's try Dragon Formation


Check out this cockpit!

It worked!

Now we have wings!

All right!

Ninja Steel Megazord,
Dragon Formation!

Let's fry 'em!

That doesn't tickle!

Dragon Wing Whip!




Let's see how
he likes a tail whip!

My shell!

Ninja Master Blade,

(saw-like whirring)

Dragon Lightning,
Final Attack!

This isn't good!


Show's over!

Ninjas win.

This better work, Presto.

Two half-Montys
here and there,

combine them into one,

fair and square!

I-- I think you did it.

I think I'm fixed.

(students gasping)



I'm square.

You turned him
into a human chimney.

Uh... Let me try
a different spell.

Wait, wait, wait.
No, no, no, I--

I think I like this.

Maybe before it wears off,
I'll go square dancing

and I'll eat
three square meals a day.

I can even try boxing.


Hey, guys.

I'm sorry for showing off
my magic when I really

should have been
helping you.

Guess I got a little
carried away.

All is forgiven.

It happens to
the best of us.

What's important is that you
figured it out in the end.


Thanks, guys.


And there's one
more surprise, right?



... are gonna
come with us.

Oh, oh, okay.


Take a look.

No way.

My dad's old car, guys!

You fixed it!

It looks awesome!


This is so epic.

It was Calvin's idea.

But everyone helped.

Now, everywhere you go,

you'll have a little bit
of your dad with you.

I love you guys.

This is the best gift ever.

Thank you so much.


Let's go!

Let's go!

Oh! (chuckling)
Wait for me!

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