24x02 - Forged in Steel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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24x02 - Forged in Steel

Post by bunniefuu »

When champion Galvanax
claimed the Ninja Nexus Star,

Earth's greatest ninja
sacrificed himself

to keep the universe safe.

Years later, a new team
has risen

to protect the power stars.

Where do we go first?
To my old house.

That's where
the Ninja Steel is.

But three stars have yet
to be pulled from the Prism.

Who will be chosen next?

(dog whimpering)

Hold on, Cody.

Shouldn't be much longer.


Okay, so...

Nitro's feeling much better,

so she's gonna run
just fine.

Aren't you, baby?
Yes, you--

You do know that
I'm your girlfriend

and that Nitro is
just a truck.

Hey, shh.

You're gonna hurt
her feelings.

Oh, gosh!

(metal clanging)
What in the world?

What is this stuff?


They don't look like parts
from an airplane.

Maybe a top-secret

Yeah, I guess.

Or maybe...

it's an alien!

Oh! Don't!
I'm creeped out.

Let's just clear the road
so we can get out of here.



What is this?


You kicked me.

Stay back!

Ah, sorry.

I didn't mean
to surprise anyone.

or what are you?

Uh, I'm Mick.

Uh, head mechanic
on the Warrior Dome.

You know, where they film
the intergalactic TV show
"Galaxy Warriors."

"Galaxy Warriors"?

"Galaxy Warriors."

Uh, hello?

It's only the number-one show
in the universe.

What galaxy have you
been hiding in?

Uh, the Milky Way

Milky Way.

Just between us,
you guys are a little, uh...

behind the times.

Anyway, I got separated
from my friend Brody.

He's from right here.

He's from
on Earth.

You know, Brody.



Brody, come in.


Oh, no.

Must have broken when
we jumped out of the ship.

Do you mean
a space ship?

Okay, what would make you
do that?

We were escaping

You mean
alien monsters?

You're kidding me?
What kind?

Well, uh, they were...

big, uh, ugly,
like, uh...

(dog barking)

...like them.



♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Crushing evil
with all our might together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Never give up
without a fight together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers,
free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Standing up
for what is right together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Watching out
at day or night together ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Ninja Rangers,
free from danger ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪


♪ Go, go ♪

♪ Power Rangers
Ninja Steel ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go,
Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go ♪

♪ Ninja Steel ♪♪

They're gonna take me
back to the ship.

Um, maybe we can
scare 'em off.

Yeah, yeah.
(clears throat)

If you want a piece of him,

then you're gonna
have to, uh...

Go through both of us.


Good luck.


Right here.


Come on!

Let's get out of here!

Come on, let's go.

You fools!

They got away!

But not for long.

For years, no monster could
pull out the Ninja Power Stars,

but three human teenagers
did it, no problem at all?


I'm sorry, champ.
I can't explain it.

(scoffs, growls)

My Kudabots found Mick,

but he escaped
with some human teenagers.

More teenagers!

The Earth is infested
with them.

Like cockroaches.


I know just how
I'm going to destroy

all these puny pests.


Out of the way, Cosmo.

(crowd cheering)

It's time for a new twist
to our show.

Any contestant that can destroy
the Power Rangers

and bring me
their Ninja Power Stars

becomes a "Galaxy Warriors"
champion just like me.

(menacing laugh)

Let's go 'round
to the back entrance.

This is shop class,

where we build
and fix things.


There's plenty of tools
in this class,

so hopefully we can fix
that wrist thing of yours.

Mick, just try to...
blend in.

I could change
into a tire.

No, no-no-no, no.

Uh, not that kind
of blend in,

just act normal

and no one will even notice
you're here, okay?

Let's go.


You must be
our new shop teacher.

I'm Principal Hastings.
Very nice to meet you.

I'm Mick.

Uh... very nice
to meet you, too.

Now, I was disappointed
to hear

you were not going
to take the job,

but who can blame you?

You know, I wouldn't want
to spend all day

in this...
grease pit.

But I suspect
you're right at home.

I'm glad you changed
your mind.

Good luck.

She thinks I'm you're...

(horn honks)

That'll do, Monty.

We're all finished
with the paint booth.

So... you're
our new instructor.

Well, I--

I'm Victor Vincent.

Six-pack abs,
impeccable teeth.

Clearly... your top student.

And I have just created
a paint job

almost as perfect-o
as I am.

I said "almost."

Just look
at the sleek lines.

Check out
the sweeping curves. Mmm.


(engine struggling)

Truly one of a kind.



Now you're three
of a kind.

Where could my brother be?




My sensors detect
no signs of life.

He's gotta be here,
I'm telling you.

He wouldn't leave.

It's been years.

Aiden could be
anywhere by now.



You said your dad trained him
to be a ninja too, right?


If he's half as resourceful
as you,

I'm sure wherever he is,
he's just fine.

Uh, guys, Galvanax could be
here at any time.

We really need to find
that Ninja Steel.

You're right.

I think I know where Aiden
would have put it.

I bet it's in
my dad's workshop.

This way.
Let's go.

My dad buried this box
as part of our ninja training.

We had to find it...


That's my dad's truck.

So this is where your dad
trained you and Aiden?


You know, people said my dad
was the greatest ninja

that ever lived.

We wanted to grow up
to be just like him.

Then how did your dad
find the Ninja Steel?

Thanks, RedBot.

No problem, Brody.

One day, the prison fell
like a meteorite.

Right in our yard.

It was encased in Ninja Steel.

My dad chipped off
the steel

and discovered the Prism

He was melting the Ninja Steel

and forging it
into special throwing stars.

Then Galvanax showed up.


My dad destroyed
the Nexus Star...

and disappeared.

That was the last day
I saw him...

or my brother.

I'm sorry, Brody.

Oh, my motherboard,
I found something!

That's it.
I knew it was here.

Quick, give me a hand.


Where's the Ninja Steel?

Where's the Ninja Steel?

Where else would your brother
have put it?

What's this?

I remember this.

Dad was so proud
of that trophy.

This must be a clue
from Aiden.

Ah, piece of space cake.

everyone's gone home.

We're gonna have
to leave soon.

Let's hope it'll power up.

Hold on.
Let me see that.

This trophy looks
so familiar.

Brody, what's
your dad's name?

Dane Romero.

Dane Romero?

It's in the school
trophy cabinet.

I saw it this morning.

That's it.

Aiden must have hid the Ninja
Steel inside the trophy.


What is it, RedBot?

It's a buzzcam.

(Galvanax laughing)


Send down a monster
to get the Ninja Steel

from that trophy.

Yes, sir.

Now let's see if Ripperrat can
destroy the Rangers

and get the Ninja Steel.

I'm ready to rip!


This isn't good.

Galvanax knows where
the Ninja Steel is.


It's Mick.

Brody, are you okay?

I'm fine,
but we're in trouble.

We know where the Ninja Steel
is, but so does Galvanax.

And we need to get
to the high school.

All right,
we're on our way.


I'm at the high school.

What? That's great.

The Ninja Steel is
in my dad's trophy.

It's front and center
in the school trophy cabinet.

Look for the name Dane Romero.

Grab it and we'll
come meet you.

See you soon.

Let's go.

The show's about to begin!

There it is.

The Ninja Steel.

Let's go meet Brody.

Oh, which way?

Ha ha!

Give me the Ninja Steel,
or else.

Ha ha!


You're next.

Grab something.

Yah, ha ha ha!

Batter up.

You're out.


Good catch.

I gave you a sporting chance.

Now the game's over!

This bat's made of metal.

Ha ha!
First the bat

and now... your bones.

(crowd cheering)

Ha ha ha ha.

Now hand over that trophy.


I see you want to do this
the hard way.

My datacom.

That's not all
I'll destroy.

That's not all
I'll destroy.



The Prism!
Get it, you fool!

Oh, my.

It's the yellow and white
Power Stars.

They're glowing.

Grab the Power Stars.


Is this really happening?

I can't believe it.

Well, how
in the world...

This is crazy.

Uh... ha.

You pulled out
the Ninja Power Stars.

Well, do you know
what that means?


I know.


Means you're Power Rangers.

Just like us.

Power what?

What are you doing here?

Calvin and Hayley?

Hi, I'm Sarah.
I'm from out of town.

I'm Brody from...
out of space.

I'm RedBot.

And I'm Ripperrat.

I'm gonna make you all pay

for stealing
from champion Galvanax.

Just follow my lead.

What's gonna happen?

Even if he tells you,
you won't believe it.

Hold on to your hard drive.
Wait till you see this.

It's morphing time.

Lock your stars in.

Ninja spin!



You're right, Preston.
I don't believe it.

It's like I'm on nitro power.

What just happened to us?
This feels wild.

(grunts, growls)

Altogether now.

Five Power Rangers.

Destroy those teenage pests!

Well, maybe our morphers
have an attack mode.

You're right.

Let's see what
they can do.

Great idea.

Battle Morpher. Bow mode.



Arrow blast.

You're gonna pay for that.

In pain!

Battle Morpher,
blade mode.

Blades Slash.

That won't stop me!

I bet Claw Mode will.

Claw strike!

Red Ninja strike.
Steel Slash.

Ninja Spin.

Final attack!


I struck out!


Ha ha.

Show's over.
Ninjas win.

The show's
not over yet.

Should we give Ripperrat
one more chance?

(crowd cheering)



Nice move, Brody.

Yeah, impressive.


He's being

Thought you'd seen
the last of me, huh?

Oh, it's massive.

Wait, my chain arms
aren't working.

His weapons are jammed.


Wow, the Prism.

It's showing us...
a vision.

What are those things?

If the legends are true...

those are your Zords.


Throwing Stars?

Those are the ones
my dad made.


What's happening?

We're about to find out.


I think you're about
to meet your Zords.

Zord Stars, lock in.


Lock in. Activate.

Ninja Spin!

Ninja Steel Zords,
out of the shadows.


look at that!

Those are our Zords.

Wait for me.

You look like RedBot.

I'll call you
Robo Red Zord.

A Dragon Zord?
It's like magic.

This train is so fast.
It's definitely a Zoom Zord.

Nothing's gonna mess
with my Nitro Zord.

It's like my dog Cody.
A Codiac Zord.

My chains are working!

Look out!

Nice moves.

Get back here!

Stop moving!

Too slow.


This'll stop you
from darting away.

Think again.


You wanna play?

Ha ha.
Watch your feet.

Ow! Ow!
Ow! Ow!

Hey, you rotten rodent.

Oh, no!
Don't say fetch.


Good dog.

My bad.

Good one, Sarah.


Nice trip?

Who's laughing now?

Me, fire breath.


Thanks, Preston.

Now let's finish him off.

Ninja Blaster, final attack!

Not again!

(all cheering)

Ninjas win.

Looks like Summer Cove
is now rat-free.

See you next week.

Park the Prism
over here, RedBot.

That's the last of it.

We have got to find a place
to hide this stuff

before school starts
tomorrow morning.

Guys, it's perfect.

Let's use the paint booth
as our hideout.

That's great, but what happens
when people want to...

you know, paint?

They can't.
The spray system broke today.

It's officially...
out of order.

Yeah, and Principal Hastings
made Mick our new shop teacher,

so no one's gonna
question a thing.

It's genius.

Looks like I finally get
to go to high school.

Me too.


Hey, I need to say thanks
for saving us today.

I only wanted
to hide the Prism

and find my brother.

At least I got half
of that done.

But, uh, anyways,
I'm sorry.

Getting you all involved,
that was an accident.

I don't think it was
an accident.

For years, I've heard legends
of the Ninja Nexus Prism,

that it holds
great mysteries...

fantastic power.

I'd say that it knew
that Galvanax

was a threat to the universe

and it chose
the five of you

to be Power Rangers.

So it's our job
to save the Earth?

I guess so.

Well, great.

Then let's get to work.


If that is our secret base...

...we're gonna need
secret entrances!



Oh, this is gonna take
some building.

Didn't you say that there
were six Ninja Power Stars?

'Cause we only
pulled out five.

You're right.

The gold star's gone.

Before the Prism
came back to us,

someone must have
pulled it out.

But who?

What a show! What a show!

Hey there,
looking good.

What a show!

Champ, the audience loves
the Power Rangers.

Our ratings
are sky high.

I don't care about ratings.

Those Power Stars
will be mine.

Of course
they will be, champ.

How silly of me.

We'll see.

The gold Power Star
is already mine.

(menacing laugh)

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