13x28 - Robotpalooza

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x28 - Robotpalooza

Post by bunniefuu »

# SPD Emergency!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, go, go

# Her_s on your side
Heroes for all time

# Out to save the universe

# Wo matter where you are
If it's near or far

# You can always call out

# Space Patrol! Space Patrol!

# Space Patrol!
Space Patrol Delta!

# Go, go, go, go

# Go, go

# Power Rangers, go!

# Power Rangers SPD
Power Rangers to the rescue

# Go, go, SPD! #

[indistinct chattering]

Why'd he want to meet us here?
l invited him to the county club

for a round of golf,
but he said he wouldn't fit in.

- Ah.
- Hello, gentlemen.

Huh! He's right, he wouldn't fit in.

l want to propose
a little business deal to you.

You? You're a low-life robot dealer.

We don't do business
with the likes of you.

Don't throw your upper-class
existence at me!

l am the one who made it possible

for the three of you
to enjoy the good life.

l supplied you with the soldiers
and robots to gain your vast fortunes.

- And you were paid for that.
- Your gratitude overwhelms me.

When l say so,
you will use the robots l provided

and you will defeat the Power Rangers.

- And what if we refuse?
- You won't.

- But...? Oh, never mind.
- [cackling]

Here you go, Cindy Sunshine.

- Oh, good morning, Lord Gruumm.
- It is not good.

lf you say so. Tea?

l did not sleep. l haven't slept since
we arrived at this miserable planet.

- Decaffeinated tea?
- No!

l want you to draw a monster.

One like the Rangers
have never before seen.

And, if we defeat Earth today,

- can l go back to being Mora?
- [grunts] Yes.

Oh, goody!

This should be what you're looking for.

What is that?

A monster. One like the Rangers
have never seen before.

Nor have l.

[Jack] SPD. We order you to halt.

How'd he do that?

[all yelling]

They're too strong.

Why did they leave? This is not good.

- Good morning.
- Hey...

- You look terrible.
- Thanks.

Hey, did we happen to fight
three robots last night,

and they were beating us
and had our Zord on the ground,

and then they didn't blast us
and disappeared?

l thought l was dreaming,
but l was asleep.

- l wasn't awake to know l was dreaming.
- Bridge.

Maybe... it was a premonition dream.

You know? A dream of something yet
to happen that hasn't happened yet?

OK, OK, Bridge. Bridge.

Your brain may work like this,
early in the morning, but mine doesn't.

- Me, neither.
- [alarm ringing]

[woman] Unknown energy in Quadrant
C. Power Rangers report to location.

There he is! Look out!

Kat, send help!

Delta and Omega are on their way.

Judgement Mode!

[all] Guilty!

- You're going down!
- We got him.

But that wasn't the robot
from my dream.

Bravo. [chuckling]

You saw how Gruumm's warrior
Iost that battle.

- You want us to attack now?
- No. Wait for the right opportunity.

l asked you to draw me a warrior
like l've never seen before.

l've seen his kind before.

The type of warrior
that loses to the Power Rangers!


- Maybe he'll have better luck tomorrow.
- No!

l want you to draw me
another warrior now!

Do you think it's strange that l had
a dream that we'd fight three robots,

and then we fight a robot
the vey next day?

Hello. We're SPD.

Fighting robots is what we do.
We fight robots all the time.

We might fight one later on today.

- [alarm ringing]
- rwomanJ Robot amack in sector .

Or right now. Ready?

[all] Ready! SPD Emergency!

- Yeah!
- [grunts]

- Let's do it!
- Yeah!

You may have beaten the others,
but no one can defeat old One-Eye!

We're going in.


Come on!

l wonder what time it is?

Oh, yeah. Judgement time!

Hey! Wait!

l can't look.

Guilty. Prepare for confinement.


Thank you for doing
all the hard work, Gruumm.

- Now?
- No. Be patient. l'll tell you when.

Morgana! [grunts]

[Cruger] Ahem!

Cadet Carson?

- Bridge...
- Five more minutes, Sky.

All right.
You just sleep as long as you want.

- Thanks.
- You've got to be kidding me.

Cadet Carson, on your feet now!

You think the command centre
is a place for you to take a nap?

No, sir!

You think fighting mo robots is tiring?

No, sir... But five is.

How is it you fought five
and eveyone else fought mo?

Don't answer, Bridge.

- Dream fighting, sir.
- [both] He answered.

There was this Cyclops robot,
and one with a satellite on its head,

and another with mo horns.
And they were beating us.

l see.

Wait a minute, sir. l received
a report from SPD command.

Robots with that exact description
just decimated Alpha .

What if Bridge somehow
picked up on their energy?


Cadets, Gruumm is undoubtedly
staging an all-out as*ault.

We must be prepared for anything. l
suggest you get some rest while you can.


- [alarm ringing]
- Oh, no...

None of that. You're Rangers.

- Ready!
- [all] Ready. SPD Emergency!

l hope they'll be all right...

They have to be all right.
They're all that we have.


- [chuckling]
- Delta blaster!

You all right, Jack?

l can't wait for this day to be over.

- Hi-yah!
- Huh?


- You're a feisty one, aren't you?
- You haven't seen anything yet!

- Can l take a break?
- Let's finish this!

[all] Yeah.

- Ladies...
- [both] Hi-yah!

Nice ty, but you're not
going to catch me that easily.

Yes! Now it's on.

- Not another robot?
- That makes three... or six.

- Kat, we n_...
- l know. l know. Send the runners.

- Let's see you stop me now!
- You asked for it!

Hello? Judgement time!

- What did l do?
- For starters...

as*ault on SPD Officers, and operating
a robot without a license. Judgement!

Hey, what's this all about?

[all] Guilty!



- [all] Justice served!
- Glad that's over. l'm exhausted.

- No!
- Does this mean no Mora?


Now we begin.
Go get your robots and attack.


Now we'll see who will
get control of Earth, Gruumm.

[all laughing]


- Where are you going?
- Don't know. Just out.

Sir, l think Bridge had another
dream and he's gone off somewhere.

l don't like this.
Kat, sound the alarm.

- l want all the Rangers.
- [alarm ringing]

This is no time for one Ranger
to be out there alone.

Yes, but this is different.

- Yes, yes it is. Gineka?
- Yes?

Destroying the Alpha star system
was one thing,

- but taking on the Power Rangers?
- Broodwing is smart.

They've been engaged in battle all day.

They're tired. They're worn.

They're ready to be defeated.

- Nice plan.
- Hey!

There's only one problem with it...
l'm on to you.

Let's get out of here.

SPD. Emergency!


- SPD!
- l don't know how you found us,

- but it doesn't matter.
- Au contraire, my three amigos.

That's where you're mistaken.

- Oh, am l?
- Judgement!

You are charged with purchasing and
commanding three dangerous robots,

and trespassing in my dreams.

- And you're guilty!
- Don't make me laugh.

OK, somehow you caught us.

But there's three of us.
What can you do?

- l'm taking you in!
- What a fool you are.

- Make your move.
- He thinks he can beat all of us.

[all chortling]

- OK, that's it!
- Get him!

[all grunting]

- Do something!
- Hi-yah!

Knowing Broodwing sure comes in handy.

Now take care of him
while we make a getaway.

- Uh-oh!
- [all grunting]


- We got your back.
- Good.

These are the guys
with the dream robots.

Three criminals ran out of here.
Ty to stop them while we finish.

You got it.

All right, guys, let's go heavy metal.


[all] SWAT Mode. Delta enforcers.

- Let's pam!
- [all shouting]



- To our robots!
- l'm in.

Me, too.

Let's rock this town.

Rangers, the three wanted robots
are attacking the city.

Report to Delta Base.

Since you are in SWAT Mode,
l thought you could use

- some new SWAT equipment.
- [all] Roger that!

[Kat] You'll find your
SWAT flyers in Bay Four.

[Jack] All right!

SWAT Flyers operational.
Exit ports in transition.

- You like my presents?
- [all] You rock, Kat!

[all] All right!

- Nice.
- Vey nice.

Vey, vey, vey nice.

- Sweet.
- l love it.

- Rangers!
- We're done for!

Not yet, my friends.

l have equipped my robot
with anti-flyer technology,

and l can knock them
right out of the sky.

- [both] Yes!
- Fire!

- Did we get them?
- Not sure.

- No. We have five on our tails.
- [both] Uh-oh!

Follow my coordinates.
l have a plan. Let's go!

No! l don't believe it.

That was nothing. Now we'll really
give them something to wory about.

[all] Right! SWAT Megazord!

- We won't surrender.
- You won't take us!

Oh, yeah?

[all screaming]


- Don't just stand there. Get it!
- [both] Right!

[all shouting]

Chiaggo, Delapoo?!

You may have them,
but you'll never catch me.

That's what you think!

Eat my dust, Rangers.

You may have won in my dream,
but this is the real deal.

So you want to play rough, eh? Fire!


- Now you're ours!
- Wait!

My scanners say he has
magnum lasers on board.

- If he explodes, the city's done for.
- l have an idea. Follow me.

[all] Right!

No! Let me go!

Delta Enforcer.

Confinement Mode.

[all] Ready!


[all] You're going down.

[Kat] That was quite a day, sir.

Yes, but it is only just beginning.
Gruumm will never give up.

Not until he gets what he wants.

We can't let that happen, Kat.

Today was not a vey good day.

l lost three robots
fighting against the Rangers.

Yes, but tomorrow
is another day, my Lord.

Yes, but that's not what's troubling me.

Today the Rangers defeated six robots.

Someone else sent the others.

Someone else wants to take over Earth.

Do you know who that someone else is?

Of course not. It would be foolish
to go up against you.


...it would be.
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