13x20 - Perspective

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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13x20 - Perspective

Post by bunniefuu »


This gold is just what Gruumm wanted.

- Some guard you are.
- [struggling]

- [alarm]
- [Cruger] Kat, report.

Sector G, sir. Looks like
the Kybots are at it again.

Rangers reporting, sir.

Rangers, Kybots have broken
into the gold depositoy.

- You've got to stop them.
- [all] Ready!

S.P.D. Emergency!

S.P.D. Pink.

S.P.D. Yellow.

S.P.D. Green.

S.P.D. Blue.

S.P.D. Red.

[Jack] Let's hit it!

- [Cruger] Satellite surveillance, Kat.
- l've lost transmission.

Keep tying. It's of utmost importance
that we keep an eye on the situation.

- [computer beeping]
- [sighing]

What is this?! Let me out!

- Hey, that was fun.
- Good job, team.

Oh, the guard!

Are you all right?

Yes. Thank you.

l will return the gold
to the depositoy.

Good job. Thank you.


Thanks again!

Congratulations on a job well done.

Unfortunately, we were unable

to maintain satellite surveillance
of the operation.

Solar flaring temporarily disrupted
our satellite.

l'll ty to fix the problem and
reconstruct the video transmission.

And while she does that,

why doesn't someone tell me
what happened?



Perhaps one at a time would be better.


Jack, why don't you go first?

No problem, sir.

[Jack] l'd love to tell you
exactly what happened.

So we arrive at the scene,

and the first thing we see
are Kybots stealing the gold.

[chuckling] This is
easier than l thought!

OK, follow me, guys.

Jack is so brave.

Who are you?

The one and only Red Ranger.

Nothing like a little Kybot
before breaMast.

l wish l had blasters
like the Red Ranger.

OK, that's five, seven, eight...

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?

OK... l'll just start over. One, mo!

l'm doing what Jack did.
He knows best.

l'm doing what Z did
because she's doing what Jack did.

[Guard] Well done!

- Can l do this, Jack?
- Go for it.

Oh, goody!
OK, how would Jack say it?

Uh... Yeah.

lt's all over. The gold stays,
and you, you green-eyed monster,

you'll be coming with us.

- Can l finish it off?
- Go for it.

- [laughing]
- Ready!


Whoa! [groans]

- Thank you.
- Don't thank me, thank the Red Ranger.

Stay back.

Red Ranger or not, it's not over!

[Syd] Look out!

[laughing] Later, suckers!

Come on, guys!

Here's a little present.


[Jack] Get him out of here.

- You stay here where it's safe.
- Thank you.

The only hope is to blast our way out.


[Z] Come on!

So then we called for the Megazord,

contained the Green Eyes' robot,
freed the guard.

- Another successful mission.
- Good job.

- Anything anyone else wants to add?
- [Syd] Yeah.

What is with the ''Jack is so brave''

and ''Don't thank me,
thank the Red Ranger''?

[Z] ''l want to be like Jack''?

''Jack knows best''? Please.

''l wish l had blasters
like the Red Ranger.''

Were you even there, Jack?

''Five, six? Or was it four, five?''

l can count just fine, thanks.

- Guys, that is exactly what happened.
- No, it was not.


Would someone else like a chance
to tell their stoy?

l will, sir.

You can put this down
as an official report.

- [sighs]
- When we arrived on the scene,

from a good advantage point
that yours truly chose...

- [laughing]
- [muffled screams]

l should handle this.

lt looks a little dangerous. Ha!

l'll get these bots.
Jack, use your blasters.

l wouldn't have to use these

if l could use a Delta Striker like Sky.

Five, seven, eight!

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?

OK, wait, l'll iust start over.
One, mo!

l'm glad Sky showed me
how to battle these things.

Come on. Sky will lead us to victoy.



Go ahead, Syd.
You've always wanted to do this.

Let's see if l can do it like Sky does.

The gold stays, and you,
you green-eyed monster,

you're coming with Sky...

Oh, yeah, and us.

OK, Syd, you finish him.

- [laughing]
- [all] Ready!



Blue Ranger saved you,
but he's letting me untie you.

- Oh, thank you.
- Stay back.

Here, a little present.


We're clearly outnumbered,

but l can take them.

Am l right, Rangers?

[all] Yes, Sky.

- [Sky] Good work.
- [Jack] Let's go, guys.

Captured old Green Eyes, confined him,

set the guard free, saved the gold.

[sighing] l know how many Kybots l got.

You taught me how
to battle Kybots? When?

[Syd] ''Sky will lead us to victoy''?

''l want to do it like Sky does''?
What fight were you at?

No, no way.

Someone is a victim
of their own imagination.

Sir, l'm making all that up?

- Yes!
- Yes!

Why doesn't someone tell me
what really happened?

- l will, sir.
- This should be a doozy.

lt started early.
l was gonna have oatmeal to eat.

But then l thought, ''No. Maybe
a cheese and avocado omelette.''

- Carson!
- Fine!

Well, when we first got to the scene

l was the only one to enter like
we learned in Special Entrance class.

OK, follow me. Like this.

- What's he doing?
- l don't know.

You're busted.


This could be tricky.

Come on!

OK, that's five, seven, eight...

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?

OK, wait, l'll just start over.

One, mo!

Fire! Can't believe
how many Bridge has gotten.

Must be by now.

Yeah, it's gotta be more
than all of us put together.

Note to self, ask Bridge
to teach me how he does it.

Bridge, Bridge...

Go for it, Syd!

Bridge, Bridge, thank you, Bridge!

OK, Bridge wants me to tell you
the gold stays,

and you, you green-eyed monster,
you'll be going with Bridge.

- That's right.
- Good luck.



Do you know Bridge?

When l get you untied,
will you put in a good word for me?

Here. A little present.

Don't be afraid. We can still take 'em.

[Bridge] Fire!

- Let's get out of here.
- [Jack] Let's go, guys.

rBridgeJ We fought the robot,
contained Green Eyes,

freed the guard and saved the gold.

And that's the truth,
the whole truth...

And nothing close to the truth.

Name one thing that l fabricated.

''Bridge, Bridge, Bridge,
Bridge, Bridge, Bridge.''

OK, name another.

lt'd be easier to name something
you didn't fabricate.

lf you want to know the truth...

- Oh, l do.
- l'll tell you how it went down.

When we arrived at the scene
we were vey careful not to be seen.

- What are you...?
- Shh.


- Hyah!
- Bridge. Shh.

[whispering] OK.

[laughing] This is so easy.

Let's bring them down.

You go, girl.

Who are you?

The one and only Yellow Ranger.

Come on, bag of bolts,
l'll take all of you on.

Z is so brave.

l knew her before any of you did.

Z, Z, Z, Z, Z.

Z, Z, Z, Z!

That's five, seven, eight...

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?
OK, wait, l'll just start over.

l'd trade in all my accomplishments
to be more like Z.

- Ha!
- OK, Pinky, let's see what you got.

Thanks, Z.

l only hope l can do this
half as good as you would.

Let's see, how would she say it?

OK. It's all over.

The gold stays, and you,
you green-eyed monster,

you'll be coming with us.

- Yes? No?
- Go for it, Syd.

[all] Ready!


- Stay back.
- Here, a little present.


- Run!
- Let's go!

All right, eveyone,
do as l taught you in drills.

lf you can't remember, imitate me.

[Z] Fire!

Let's get out of here.

- [Jack] Let's go, guys.
- rZJ Bada boom, bada bing.

We got the robot, confined Green Eyes,

freed the guard
and contained the prisoner.

l'd like to see someone
argue with that stoy.

Not a problem.

[all laugh]

And you have a different version,
Miss Drew?

l certainly do,
and this one's the truth.

The first thing we saw was the Kybots
tying to steal all this shiny gold.

This is easier than l thought.

They're stealing the gold.
Let's get them!

Age before beauty.

You go first, Jack.

- Hey.
- Who are you?


l hope l make this look good
so Syd will be impressed.

l hope l make this look good
so Syd will be impressed.

OK, that's five, seven, eight...

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?
OK, wait, l'll just start over.

One, mo!

That's got to impress Syd, l hope.

l hope l make this look good
so the others are impressed.

OK, gold thief, it's all over.

The gold stays, and you,
you green-eyed monster,

you'll be coming with me...

Oh, yeah, them too.

Help me out, guys.

[all] Ready!


Don't thank me...
Wait, yeah, thank me.

- l did a lot of good work.
- [Sky] You're amazing.

- [Z] Thanks, Syd.
- Here, a little present.


You're supposed to buy gold,
not steal it. Fire!

Let's get out of here.

[Jack] Let's go, guys.

And then we beat the robot, freed
the guard, contained Green Eyes,

and l... l mean, we saved the gold.

- [Sky] You're gonna believe her?
- No way.

Well, it's quite clear
that it will never be quite clear.

Sir, l fixed the transmission problem.

l can show you an accurate replay
of exactly how the event went down.

This should be interesting.


Where's the gold?

Guys, this way.

- [Syd] Come on, guys.
- [Jack] Ah.

Whoa! Thanks.

- [laughing]
- [muffled cries]

This is easier than l thought.

- Who are you?
- [muffled cries]

Freeze! S.P.D.

Nothing like a little Kybot
before breaMast.

l'll get these bots.

OK, that's five, seven, eight...

Whoa, wait, did l miss one?

OK, wait, l'll iust start over.
One, mo!

lt's robots like you that give
good robots a bad name.

Did l mention l was world fencing
champion three years in a row?

- [muffled cries]
- Ah!

lt's all over, green-eyed monster.
You're coming with us.

Are you ready for us?
Let's do it, guys!

[all] Yeah!

[all] Ready!



Evemhing's OK. Let me help you.

Stay back.

Here, a little present.


[Z] Let's go!

l'll blast our way out of here. Fire!

Don't wory, guys, we'll handle this.

Follow me.

Give me some of that.

Here l come.


Whoa! There's so many of them.

Let me go! [gasps]

[Syd] Let's get in there. On three.

- [Jack] This doesn't make sense.
- [Sky] What's happening?

[Syd] What?


Good iob, eveyone.
Let's go get Green Eyes.

[Jack] Come on!

[Z] Come on!

Come on. Look.

[Syd] Oh, no! Stay back.

No one can stop me now.

l'll make the call.

We need the runners, Kat.

On their way.

[alarms ringing]

[all] Delta Squad Megazord.

l'll teach you to disrupt my plans.

Delta Strike!



You are charged with tying to steal
the world's gold supply.

Also tying up the guard
against his will.

And also driving a robot
without a license.




But it's my gold! Mine!

- No!
- [all] Guilty!

[all] Five, four, three, mo, one, fire!



Hmm... Interesting.

Different, but interesting.

Does anyone have anything else to say?

Yes, sir.

What was that white sparky thing
that took out all the Kybots?

l don't know,

but l'm sure that Kat will do a detailed
analysis of the footage immediately.

Whatever it was,
its power was amazing.

Good work, Rangers.

And as any event happens,
which is observed by participants,

it is always a matter
of personal perspective.

Yes, but clearly there were
some exaggerations here.

Well, maybe over there, not here.

We were the ones
with the exaggerations?

- Let's go.
- [Z] Remember your faiy tale, Sky.

- And Bridge's.
- Wait, l'm telling you,

- l do not count Kybots.
- You always count them.

[all] You're like,
''One, mo, three, four...''
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